Who is Anton Blagin? Russophobe Anton Blagin - lovelyman111 — LiveJournal. Light eyes and brown hair are not so much a racial mark as a geographical one

While I haven’t been killed for telling the truth yet, I simply have to convey this information to as many people as possible!

It doesn’t matter what your profession is: you are a teacher, worker or military man, it doesn’t matter what education you have: primary, secondary or the highest, it doesn’t matter what your worldview is: you can be an atheist or a believer, something else is important: if you will not possess this knowledge, you will remain, together with other “brothers in mind”, nothing more than a flock of sheep, the so-called “goyim”, controlled by “shepherds” and their “dogs”.

Yes Yes! You and your other “brothers in mind” will continue to be seen as nothing more than a flock of sheep, literally like in this satirical picture (on the left), which ridicules those who claim that “all conspiracy theories are paranoia.” By the way, the pectoral cross of Pope Francis (on the right) with the image of the same flock of sheep instead of people is clear evidence that someone thinks about all of you this way!

Below I will give you three facts that not only prove that the “conspiracy theory” should not be treated as some kind of stupidity or “schizophrenic delirium”, these three facts prove and at the same time explain that Russia and the peoples inhabiting it are being purposefully destroyed from the outside and from the inside (on both sides at once!) for at least 400 years in a row!

In fact, we see such a desire now thanks to the position that, first of all, the European Union, Ukraine, the USA and England have taken towards Russia.

We see this desire with our own eyes! But the overwhelming majority of people do not understand, due to the absence of an important layer of information in their minds, why in the mouths of Western politicians Russia always turns out to be “to blame” for everything. Why do they want to destroy us?!

So, below are three facts that every Slav today must know and always remember! They are connected to each other by strict cause-and-effect relationships and they explain why Russia and the peoples inhabiting it are for some like a bone in the throat that you want to bite in half.

Did you know that the Slavs once inhabited Palestine long ago?

Once upon a time, I didn’t know this either, however, a fact is a fact: below is a fragment of the book “On the language of the Jews who lived in ancient times in Rus' and on Slavic words found among Jewish writers” (St. Petersburg, 1866). This book was written in the Russian Empire more than 150 years ago by Abraham Yakovlevich Garkavi, a Russian orientalist and Hebraist, actual state councilor of the Russian Empire, author of articles in the Jewish Encyclopedia and the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary.

From this literary monument, the publication of which turned exactly 150 years old this year, we should take into account, literally notch into our heads, that the Jews from ancient times called us Slavs Canaanites, and our Slavic language - the Canaanite language!

This is the key to understanding our history over the last 400 years!!!
The truth of this information is confirmed by the text of another ancient book, “Itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela,” published in London in 1841. It also says that the Slavs for the Jews are Canaanites or Canaanites.

Fact 2.

Indeed, if we consider the Jewish Torah from this point of view, everything not only falls into place, but you also come to understand why, for example, the famous Austrian musician Franz Liszt, who had Slavic roots, once made the following conclusion:

What made the greatest musician and composer of the 19th century come to such a conclusion one day?!

Only one! Careful, thoughtful and conscious reading of the Christian Bible, which consists of 2/3 of the Jewish Torah, and he was also helped by the knowledge, available to everyone in the 19th century, that in the Jewish scriptures “the words “Canaan” and “Canaanite language” mean Slavs and their language."

The Bible eloquently tells how the “predominant tribe” on the land of Canaan was destroyed by the Jews.

“And David took the crown of their king from his head, and in it was a gold talent and a precious stone, and David put it on his own head, and he carried away much spoil from the city.

And he brought out the people who were in it and put them under saws, under iron threshers, under iron axes, and threw them into kilns. This is what he did to all the cities of the Ammonites. And after that David and all the people returned to Jerusalem..." (2 Sam. 12: 30-31).

Ask yourself, “saws and iron threshers” - what kind of monstrous way of executing a peaceful, captured urban population is this?

What about “kilns”?

Is it because the Jewish Jews have been imagining the HOLOCAUST ever since, because they themselves burned many thousands of people alive, and since then the fear of receiving retribution for what they did has haunted them?

And how many, not even cities, but peoples (!) they wiped off the face of the earth, fulfilling the covenants of their “divine” Torah with Jehovah God at their head!!!

These are just some of the "divine commandments" that were given to the Jews, as Rabbi Chaim Ackerman says, "to correct the world."

If anyone is still naively convinced that Adolf Hitler was an “anti-Semite,” I recommend reading my separate work: “The Devil’s Den: the truth about Switzerland, Zionism and the Jews” http://blagin-anton.livejournal.com/ 345446.html. Everything will immediately fall into place and misconceptions will be dispelled!

Fact 3.

And finally, one more fact, which actually influenced the fact that over time I became a famous writer not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders.

I hope that everyone has heard about such a pro-Jewish sect “Jehovah’s Witnesses”, whose headquarters are located in the USA, in Brooklyn?!

This sect, which is now, by the way, banned in Russia, during the era of “Gorbachev’s perestroika” had hundreds of thousands of its adherents in Russia, who went to all Russian cities, to the houses and apartments of Russians and distributed propaganda literature in the form of magazines “The Watchtower” and “ Wake up!"

These “Jehovah's Witnesses” caught my eye more than once, and even handed me their magazines. One of the issues of The Watchtower shocked me so much with its content that I myself became a writer, a writer-warrior, a fighter on the information front.

In the April 1997 Watchtower magazine, with a circulation of over 20 million copies, the cover asked me and all Russians the question: “Is it true that these are the last days?”

There, on the cover, the answer was given to him: “True! Only those who are selflessly devoted to Jehovah God will survive!”

Such a formulation of the question and such an answer to it, naturally, outraged me to the depths of my soul. I opened this magazine to see a commentary on such a shocking statement. I wanted to know why people who do not believe in the Jewish god Jehovah should be destroyed?

And this is what I read there: “Jehovah told Abraham that his descendants would inherit the land of Canaan, but not until four centuries later, “for the measure of the iniquities of the Amorites had not yet been filled.” Here, the word “Amorites,” which is translated “predominant tribe,” refers to the Canaanite people as a whole. So Jehovah was going to give his people the opportunity to conquer Canaan only after four centuries. Jehovah allowed this period so that the Canaanites could develop civilization. What have the Canaanites come to?”

Just imagine the situation! At that time, a whole army of sectarians was marching around Russia, who did not explain to anyone who the “Canaanites” or “Canaanites” were, and did not say a word about which “Canaan” they were talking about, but they told everyone that Jews or Jews, who worship Jehovah (Yahweh) must very soon, in the near future (!), “conquer Canaan” and defeat the “predominant tribe”!

By the way, regarding the hint (remez) of the “Jehovah’s Witnesses” that the Jews “will have the opportunity to conquer Canaan only after 4 centuries”... It is very similar to the fact that the countdown of time does not start from some “prehistoric times”, and not from the moment of the “baptism of Russia”, and from 1613, when the Romanov (Roman) dynasty came to power in Russia. I shared my thoughts on this matter in my article “Confession of a “clairvoyant”, what happened and what will happen...”

I was prompted to link the “four hundred year period of the conquest of Canaan” to 1613 by Peter Lastman’s painting “Abraham on the Road to the Land of Canaan,” painted in 1614. Well, it was not out of the blue that the artist Lastman had the idea to paint this picture! Most likely, this idea was then discussed in the Jewish community!

Also in this chronology, like a ball in a billiard pocket, fall the prophecies “about the Jewish revolution” of the Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky, which he published in the “Diary of a Writer” for 1877:

“...The Jewish revolution must begin with atheism, since the Jews need to overthrow that faith, that religion, from which came the moral foundations that made Russia both holy and great!” “Godless anarchism is close: our children will see it... The International ordered that the Jewish revolution begin in Russia... It is beginning, because we have no reliable resistance against it - neither in government nor in society. The revolt will begin with atheism and the robbery of all wealth, they will begin to corrupt religion, destroy temples and turn them into barracks, into stalls, they will flood the world with blood and then they themselves will get scared. The Jews will destroy Russia and become the leaders of anarchy. Jew and his kahal are a conspiracy against the Russians. A terrible, colossal, spontaneous revolution is foreseen, which will shake all the kingdoms of the world with a change in the face of this world. But this will require a hundred million heads. The whole world will be flooded with rivers of blood.” Source. (Dostoevsky F. M. Diary of a Writer. / Compiled, comments by A. V. Belov / Editor-in-chief O. A. Platonov. - M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2010. - 880 p.).

Everything that Dostoevsky described 138 years ago was fulfilled exactly a few decades later. Dostoevsky was not mistaken even in the figure - during the period of the Jews’ transformation of “the face of this world,” the Russian people lost, according to historians’ calculations, exactly “100 million heads.”

Today there is no reason to doubt that the so-called “Great October Socialist Revolution,” the course of which was controlled by Trotsky and Lenin, was conceived and carried out solely so that the Jews would be at the head of the Russian and other peoples living in Russia!

In support of these thoughts and this historical vision, Russian President Vladimir Putin recently said that “the first Soviet government was 80-85% Jewish.” By the way, this is also a historical fact!

Well, after this chain of facts, who can say that the revolution of 1917 was not an attempt at the final conquest of Canaan by the Jewish Jews?

Joseph Stalin did not allow the Jewish dream to come true. But that's a different story.

* * *
Brothers and sisters! If you and I are not yet completely rams or sheep, we should all now connect the facts presented here together, including the revelations of Jehovah's Witnesses, and conclude that the Jewish tribe with the God Jehovah at their head now wants to finally conquer not some then there is abstract Canaan, and Rus', Russia! And we, the Slavs, the Russian people, who are the state-forming people of Russia, are called by this Jewish tribe the “predominant tribe” because we really are the “predominant tribe” in relation to them.

Moreover, they are not going to spare any of us in the future battle “for Canaan”!

Remember the words of Chaim Ackerman, who answered the question of a Jew from Russia who asked: “How to justify the extermination of women, children, and old people during the conquest of Canaan?”

The rabbi’s answer is unprecedented: “Only the Almighty knows what each specific child will become when he grows up. Therefore, if you act according to His command, you will not go wrong. And if the Creator of the world said, that everyone must be destroyed, including even infants - this means that He saw that they would later follow in the footsteps of their fathers" . (C) Chaim Ackerman

Here is the goal to which even today this “chosen tribe” is striving, in relation to which the legendary Christ said: “ your father is the devil, and you want to do the lusts of your father... "(John 8:44)!

This goal determines the entire policy of the current leaders of the European Union, the USA, England and a number of other countries, which all naturally belong to the “chosen ones” of God.

And I’ll tell you something else so that you understand that The Second World War was prepared and carried out for the same purpose - to conquer "Canaan", which the Russians call Russia, and to exterminate the "predominant tribe of the Canaanites" through the hands of the fooled Germans.

Here is the fourth fact, in addition to the three above.

It turns out that just two days after the attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR, on June 24, 1941, US Senator Harry Truman (a representative of the highest caste of murderers, later the 33rd President of the United States) announced to the correspondent of the New York Times the position of the ruling elite in this war America: " If we see that Germany is winning, then we should help Russia, and if Russia is winning, then we should help Germany, and THUS, let them KILL as many as possible ... "

I personally learned about this fact thanks to a rare book published in the USSR “SOVIET-AMERICAN RELATIONS DURING THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR 1941-1945” (MFA, volume 2, Moscow, Political Literature Publishing House, 1984).

This photograph of a note with Harry Truman's speech published in the New York Times was published in the same book, SOVIET-AMERICAN RELATIONS DURING THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR, 1941-1945.

This is what “Soviet-American relations” were like at that time.

They remain like this to this day!

Without knowledge of this strategic information, of course, it is impossible to understand what is happening in the world today.

At the end of the article, I would like to say one more thing.

Over the past three days, I have already been warned from three different sides that the Jewish mafia will destroy me. There were also threats from the “Jewish mafia” itself.

Over the past 20 years, I was afraid of only one thing: not having time to convey to people the truth that Heaven was revealing to me. Now, it seems to me that I have fulfilled my mission completely... or almost completely...

So, fellow Jews, enemies of the human race, you can now do whatever you want with me! As Russian soldiers say in such cases, “I call fire on myself!”


“Putin will have to open Pandora’s box, and this will happen very soon!”

Today the question is "What are the Rus?" Alexey Zagoskin asked on the Internet. Two years ago, Russian journalist and TV presenter Tina Kandelaki asked a similar question live. In this combined article I answer immediately everyone who asks such questions, Who are the Russians or Russes?.

It’s one thing to write on KONT about "fifth column" of Russia's enemies, tell about intrigues the notorious “ZHYDoff”, as I, for example, do, is one level, and quite low (average!), and it’s a completely different matter to tell and show on TV to millions of people at once (!) how some moral monsters hate Russia and Russians, - this is a different level, agree!

This is the highest level, above which there is, perhaps, nothing in the media so far.

And for what Nikita Mikhalkov was able to show in all his Russophobic “glory” in one of his television programs Alexey Andronov, sports commentator for the new TV channel "Match-TV", Tina Kandelaki, Russian journalist, TV presenter, co-owner of the Apostol media company, Matvey Ganapolsky, Russian and Ukrainian journalist, presenter of the radio station “Echo of Moscow”, Georgian TV channel “PIK”, Crimean Tatar TV channel “ATR”, Ukrainian “Radio Vesti”, and others, The 38th "Besogon" by Nikita Mikhalkov was removed from showing on Russian television!

What does this mean?

This suggests, first of all, that Nikita Mikhalkov, without expecting it, revealed the existence of a “FIFTH COLUMN” on Russian television, which showed that, firstly, it is the POWER (it can prohibit something), and secondly, she showed that she will not allow any criticism of her members on TV!

Tina Kandelaki: "I always have the feeling that when we talk, we're like as if we are talking about Russia as a country of Russians! Russians, raise your hand, who are you here? Where are you here? It has long been proven by everyone that The Russian ethnic group has changed, and it does not consist of Russians! It's multinational just like it's American!"

This glamorous fool, without realizing it, blurted out what she dreams of and what she achieves Jewish environment!

Her entourage dreams of exactly that, so that there are no Russians in Russia!

To state-forming people it wasn’t in Russia!

To hear this from a TV presenter, and even said to the whole country, is stronger than a spit in the soul. It looks like to the witch's dance on Russian coffins!

- well said, bitch!

And the fact that there was a Great Patriotic War due to the treacherous attack of Hitler Germany on the USSR, and our multinational people suffered terrible losses - about 27 million people, - remind me about that?! And what most of the dead were Russians— is it like, nothing?

We don’t particularly remember this, but instead we talk about it from TV screens. "The Holocaust of Six Million Jews" That Never Happened?! Are we shedding our “crocodile tears” only for Jews?

This is "God's chosen people", your mother!!! So?

And take the recent “Cold War” that they gave us American Jews in alliance with Soviet Jews, as a result of which the USSR collapsed?!

It would seem that the USSR collapsed under the pressure of the Jews, but Russia arose! One country name has been replaced by another! Is it anything scary? Is it true?

No it is not true! The truth is that the Cold War ultimately led Russia to terrible human losses, which were comparable in scale to the human losses suffered by the USSR during the Great Patriotic War!

The overall demographic picture can be seen in these two graphs:

If you pay attention to the trends, then 15 years after the Great Patriotic War, the population of the USSR returned to the pre-war figure. And Russia has not yet recovered from the consequences of the Cold War! Only 2 years ago the birth rate in Russia exceeded the death rate!!!

And after such a nightmare that Russians experienced while living in Russia, to hear from TV presenter Tina Kandelaki: "Russians raise your hand, who are you here? Where are you here?", is clearly perceived as blasphemy!!!

In a normal society, after such statements, you are out of work! And here is a turn-around for those who talk about it TV lewdness told Nikita Mikhalkov!

VGTRK response: “The latest episode of the Besogon TV program, indeed, was not aired. It was not shown for ethical reasons. The holding’s channels do not allow the appearance of materials that our colleagues in the television workshop may regard as unfriendly and, even more so, offensive.”

So, “Besogon” turned out to be powerless against real demons?

No way! Nikita Mikhalkov exposed these demons on Russian television with his “Besogon”!

And this is already Victory!

After all, it is possible to fight the invisible, hidden enemy, which we call the “fifth column,” only when this enemy has identified itself.

And now is just such a case!

And as for "Where are you Russians in Russia?" I would like to remind all representatives of the “fifth column” of the words of our literary classic, writer Nikolai Gogol: “If only one farm remains for Russians, then Russia will be reborn” .

And now almost 2 years have passed since this note was published on the Internet... During this time, absolutely monstrous information managed to surface:

“According to declassified data from the USSR State Planning Committee, the losses of the Soviet Union in World War II amounted to 41 million 979 thousand, and not 27 million, as previously thought. This is almost one third of the modern population of the Russian Federation!” .

I don’t know about you, reader, but I personally was shocked by the new figure of losses of the USSR, announced by State Duma deputy Nikolai Zemtsov, in which I was lucky enough to live for 31 years.

At the same time, here and there again, against this background, someone asks a question: "What are Rus?"

Let me finally answer it in full!

Rus - descendants of the legendary Hyperboreans

Words "Rus", "Russians"- adjectives, they are derived from the word "Rus". A "Rus" - Means "light" . Hence the expression: "brown braids"(blonde braids) and definition "Russian Slavs"(light Slavs), which was in use 100-150 years ago. When applied to a person, the term "Rus" applied to both skin color and hair color...

And to be fair-haired or Russian- does not at all mean being a natural blonde or a blonde with blue eyes.

Two photos and a quote from the "She Knows" website: “It doesn’t matter whether you were RUSSIAN from birth or became one after visiting a beauty salon. We will help you always remain radiant and bright. In general, a real fair-haired girl!”


What means "to be fair-haired from birth?" Think about it!

Obviously this means have certain genetics.

The next step in this logical chain, since we got to genetics, is the question: From whom did we, Russians, come? The blood of which ancestors flows in our veins?

The answer is given by racology: people with black skin, black hair and black eyes - blacks - were undoubtedly born in the equatorial region of the planet, where the level of solar radiation is highest, and their antipodes are people with white skin, with blond hair and light eyes without any doubt, be born in that area of ​​the planet that is poor in solar radiation - in the Arctic.

Modern word "Arctic"- means an area, region, territory located beyond the Arctic Circle line (66°33′44″), where there is a Polar day in summer and Polar night in winter, the duration of which depends on the latitude of the place and proximity to the planet’s Pole. An ancient, and exact analogue of the word "Arctic"Hyperborea.

To now understand what kind of people, nation or community the RUSSIANS are, it is enough to pay attention to the ancient title of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church. Since the existence of the Byzantine Empire (Eastern Rome), this priestly title sounds like this: "patriarch of the Hyperborean countries"!

"Hyperborea is everything north of Byzantium" , Patriarch Kirill told the camera not long ago. https://youtu.be/AVtoIlMiKDM

Patriarch of the Hyperborean countries.

Such recognition of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church on camera is worth a lot! It means that the state-forming people of Russia are Russiansare the descendants of those famous Hyperboreans who once, thousands of years ago, taught the sciences and arts of the ancient Greeks, Egyptians and other peoples...

As they say, if Patriarch Kirill said “A”, then “B” must also be recognized!

Light eyes and brown hair are not so much a racial mark as a geographical one!

I now invite the reader to take an excursion from zoology to anthropology and racial studies in order to understand who we are.

Zoology(from ancient Greek ζῷον - animal + λόγος - teaching) - the science of representatives of the animal kingdom, including humans. Anthropology(from ancient Greek ἄνθρωπος - man; λόγος - science) - a set of scientific disciplines involved in the study of man, his origin, development, existence in the natural (natural) and cultural (artificial) environments. Anthropology studies the physical differences between people that have historically developed during their development in different natural and geographical environments. Race studies- one of the main branches of anthropology devoted to the study of human races (problems of classification of modern races, their geographical distribution, history of formation, etc.).

Today, there are constant debates between historians on the topic of who were, by their racial and tribal origin, those people whom we call the ancient Romans, ancient Greeks (Hellenes), Etruscans, Galileans..., whose images have come to us in the form of sculptures and mosaic floors paintings?

Look at this portrait of a woman with makeup like today's Russian beauties, dating back to the 3rd century. It is the main attraction of the ancient Galilean city of Tzipori. According to historians, the population of ancient Galilee consisted mainly of Hellenes (Greeks) with a small inclusion of Syrian Arameans...

So, the Hellenes are Greeks? Most of them lived in ancient Galilee. And therefore, the Greek woman is looking at us from the portrait?

Who were those people, very similar to modern Russians, who posed for the ancient sculptor?

It really was Greeks?

It is known for sure that they called themselves Hellenes, which can be translated into modern Russian as "children of the gods". The root "ell" is well known to us from the Hebrew word "elohim" - gods, and the Arabic word "Allah" - the Most High. Here the roots "all" and "ell" are synonyms. From this follows a simple conclusion that self-name "Hellenes" did not mean nationality, but reflected only the worldview of the so-called “ancient Greeks”: they considered themselves “children of the gods.” Like this!

What do scientists say about this?

Modern science relies on two hypotheses of the origin of human races - polycentric and monocentric.

From the standpoint of monocentrism, modern races emerged from one area of ​​the globe in the process of settlement of neoanthropes, which subsequently spread across the planet, displacing more primitive paleoanthropes.

The traditional version of the settlement of primitive people insists that the human ancestor came out of Southeast Africa. However, the Soviet scientist Yakov Roginsky expanded the concept of monocentrism, suggesting that the habitat of the ancestors of Homo sapiens extended beyond the African continent.

Recent research by scientists from the Australian National University in Canberra has completely cast doubt on the theory of a common African ancestor of humans.

Thus, DNA tests on an ancient fossilized skeleton, about 60 thousand years old, found near Lake Mungo in New South Wales, showed that the Australian aborigine has no relation to the African hominid.

The theory of multiregional origin of races, according to Australian scientists, is much closer to the truth."

According to the theory of polycentrism, humanity is the result of a long and independent evolution of several phyletic lineages.

Polycentrism involves the crossing of representatives of proto-races at the borders of their areas, which led to the emergence of small or intermediate races: for example, such as the South Siberian (a mixture of Caucasoid and Mongoloid races) or the Ethiopian (a mixture of Caucasoid and Negroid races).

I now invite the reader to think in the direction of “polycentrism.” But I propose to approach this topic from an unusual angle - moving from zoology, studying the life of all animals, including humans.

Imagine that a brown bear is like a Negro or a Mongoloid, then its closest relative, the polar bear, will be like a European.

In this interpretation of zoology, it is interesting to look at the distribution area of ​​the brown bear, at least within the Russian Federation. Here's the map. Everything shaded brown is the habitat of the brown bear.

And here is the polar bear's distribution area. He is rightly called the ruler of the Arctic. It is perfectly adapted to life in the harshest conditions of the Far North. The red dots indicate the “maternity hospitals” of polar bears:

With such a zoological comparison and with such a distribution area of ​​the polar bear, he turns out to be not just a “European”, he is a “Hyperborean”, since his main habitat is the Arctic, the Far North.

The color of its fur coat (white) is adapted to the color of the snow, and the color of the fur coat of its southern relative (brown) is adapted to the color of the soil.

A person does not have a fur coat, he has smooth skin, but it also comes in different colors and shades. What is it adapted for?

Why are there people with white skin, people with black skin, and there are several intermediate color options - people with yellow and red skin?

Scientists say that human skin is adapted to the intensity of solar radiation, which can be considered as thermal radiation in the infrared range, as light radiation in the visible range and as ultraviolet radiation beyond the visible range.

In terms of energy indicators, the most powerful solar radiation is ultraviolet radiation.

If thermal radiation and visible light can be considered as wave phenomena, then ultraviolet, due to the effect that this type of solar radiation has on various objects (photoelectric effect), is more like the movement of micro-hailstones or a swarm of small bullets. As it turned out, due to its special qualities, ultraviolet light is not only the main driver of photosynthesis occurring in plants, but also the main producer of vitamin D in the subcutaneous layer of the human body. This vitamin D is responsible for human immunity. Therefore, Nature (or God, as one likes) decreed that people born in the equatorial region should be black, and those born in the Arctic would have transparent skin (transparent skin) - be white.

Here's an explanation from scientists:

“For example, dark pigmentation of the skin protects people living in the equatorial belt from excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays, and the elongated proportions of their body increase the ratio of body surface to its volume, thereby facilitating thermoregulation in hot conditions. In contrast to the inhabitants of low latitudes, the population of the northern regions of the planet has predominantly light skin and hair color, which allows them to receive more sunlight through the skin and meet the body's need for vitamin D." .

The situation is similar with human eyes!

Today, the brightest eyes are those whose ancestors were Hyperboreans - natives of the Far North. This is almost 65% of all modern Slavs.

The darkest eyes, respectively, are those whose first ancestors were born near the equatorial zone of the planet.

"Eye color indicates geographic heredity. People with blue eyes are most often found in the northern regions, with brown eyes - in places with a temperate climate, people with black eyes live in the equator region. Most people with blue eyes live in the Baltic countries. Interesting fact: in Estonia, almost 99% of the inhabitants have blue eyes.".

What conclusion is asked from this?

If you look now at the world map and find Greece (Hellas) on it, it will be clear why today the white-skinned and light-eyed inhabitants of the Arctic (Hyperborea) love to fly like migratory birds to the places of military and cultural glory of their ancestors!

And if we now look into the works of the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, we will find that Herodotus mentions a certain northern country Hyperborea and emphasizes that "the sages who taught the Greeks the sciences and arts were considered to have come from the country of the Hyperboreans" . (Herodot. IV 13-15; Himer. Orat. XXV 5).

And where this very “country of the Hyperboreans” was located can be clearly seen if we look at the map of Ptolemy, a late Hellenistic astronomer, astrologer, mathematician, mechanic, optician, music theorist and geographer. He lived and worked in Alexandria, Egypt, where he conducted astronomical observations.

Ptolemy drew up this map of the world around 140 AD: ancient Hyperborea was located exactly in the Arctic, and on the territory of modern Russia.

This map directly indicates that the ancestral home of white-skinned and blue-eyed Hyperboreans there was a region between 60 and 70 degrees north latitude that was truly deprived of solar radiation.

Today we can say with 100% certainty that the Hyperborean genes are carried by all people without exception who have light-colored eyes (not necessarily blue). And this is at least half of all Slavs living on the planet today! Moreover, light eye color is not just a “racial mark”, it is also a geographical mark indicating the origin of the first ancestor of the Slavs in the Arctic region (Hyperborea).

This is who we are, Russian Slavs, in reality! And this is what our pedigree really is. And the fact that our history is very confusing is because someone really wanted to confuse it, as well as cut it off and falsify it, in order to deceive it in the eyes of all mankind to obtain a kind of “biblical birthright”.

Who are the people who, from century to century, strive, with the help of lies, revolutions and wars, to become “kings of all nations” on the planet and replace the Hyperboreans, who for a long time played the role of a missionary people?

It is known who - these are the so-called Jews and their masters.

Part 3:

If the Hyperboreans considered themselves godlike in spirit and by birth, then the Jews were “God’s chosen ones” in concept!

The Hyperboreans really considered themselves literally god-like people, as evidenced by the fact that they sculpted the images of their gods from themselves!

God Apollo of Hyperborean and goddess of hunting Diana (Artemis).

And here’s what “God’s chosen” Jews looked like in all centuries:

Vladimir Budantsev:

“Judaism is a purely nationalistic religion - racist and chauvinistic, setting up Jews for victory under any conditions and at any cost - up to the total destruction by Jews of all non-Jews, of all humanity.

It is time to name the true reason for the emergence of anti-Semitic sentiments in all non-Jewish nations soon after Jews come to live on their territory.

All this has happened and has been happening for thousands of years, and it all always happens according to the same scenario. It is based on the strategy of existence of non-Jewish nations and Jews: non-Jews live in a certain territory, creating their own society, and Jews live in certain nations, i.e. settle inside societies already created by other peoples and live off them, destroying them.

A striking example is the 1917 revolution in Russia. When the Jews came to power, they did not simply take the place of the old elite and take control into their own hands. They began the physical destruction of the entire pre-revolutionary Russian elite. The imperial family was shot, the nobles were killed, the middle class (kulaks) were destroyed, representatives of the Russian elite were expelled from their state and turned into refugees in other countries. Those. this very clearly shows that the strategy of the Jewish people is aimed at destroying the national elites of non-Jewish nations and taking their place.

Look carefully who was in the leadership of Russia during the Yeltsin period, who actually controls our state under Putin, who is in the leadership of Ukraine, who lobbies all the interests of the Rothschild clan in the USA and Europe, why the UN so jealously controls the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons in all countries of the world with the exception of Israel. This question, i.e. The relationship between Jews and Homo Sapiens represents an unplowed field for researchers.

Living within other peoples and the inability to establish their own settlement, non-crossbreeding with the owner, external mimicry of the owner, but not assimilation, manipulation of the owner, systematic persistent work to seize power - all this allows us to conclude that this species of Homo Sapiens has evolved a completely different way of being, different from other nations and due to the huge gap between Jews and other nations (Chinese, Slavs, blacks, Germans, etc.).

It makes sense to separate them into a separate biological species" .

God's chosen Jews of Ukraine.

Riddle for adults from a blogger Iprit:

1 Adam came to know Eve, his wife; and she conceived and gave birth Caina, and said: I have acquired a man from the Lord.
2 And she gave birth to his brother, Abel. And Abel was a shepherd of sheep, and Cain was a farmer.
3 After a while, Cain brought an offering to the Lord from the fruits of the ground,
4 And Abel also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of their fat. And the Lord looked upon Abel and his gift,
5 But he did not respect Cain or his gift. Cain became very upset and his face fell.
6 And the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you upset?” and why did your face droop?
7 If you do good, don’t you lift up your face? and if you do not do good, then sin lies at the door; he attracts you to himself, but you dominate him.
8 And Cain spoke to Abel his brother. And when they were in the field, Cain rebelled against his brother Abel and killed him.
9 And the Lord said to Cain, Where is Abel your brother? He said: I don’t know; Am I my brother's keeper?
10 And he said, What have you done? the voice of your brother's blood cries to Me from the earth;
11 And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened its mouth to receive the blood of thy brother at thy hand;
12 When you till the land, it will no longer yield its strength for you; you will be an exile and a wanderer on earth.
13 And Cain said to the Lord: My punishment is more than can be endured;
14 Behold, now You are driving me from the face of the earth, and I will hide from Your presence, and I will be an exile and a wanderer on the earth; and whoever meets me will kill me.
15 And the Lord said to him: for that, anyone who kills Cain will have sevenfold revenge. And the Lord made a sign to Cain, so that no one who meets him will kill him...

The question is, who could have killed Cain, if, according to the logic of the biblical narrative, at that time on the planet was only three Jews: Adam, Eve and Cain himself?

Explanatory information from the Jewish site: “The land of Canaan (in Hebrew), in the Russian version - Canaan, from the word akhnaa - “bow,” “submission” (to the Almighty). This is in the essential translation. “Technically” - this was the name of the strongest tribe of all the tribes that inhabited this territory". .

How did it happen that the position of the god-like Hyperboreans on the world stage was once shaken and their place under the Sun was taken by the “God-chosen” biblical Jews?

The answer to this question is hidden in the Jewish myth about Sodom And Gomorrah. The Jews depicted the inhabitants of these two in the Bible Canaanite cities(read Hyperboreans) as terrible libertines and homosexuals, with whom God was supposedly so angry that He destroyed them with fire from heaven!

Moreover, to understand our real history through “Jewish tales”, it is important to know that according to the Jewish Torah, the “God of Scripture” made them, the Jews, God’s chosen ones, and commanded them, the Jews, finish off the remnants of the Canaanites(read - Hyperboreans) so that they completely disappear from the face of the earth!

I revealed the details of this story in two separate articles:

As a rule, when I tell something about the “biblical people,” my opponents say in defiance: how many of those Jews are there in the world? So, were they able to defeat such a strong people as the Russians? It turns out that Russians are weaklings?

I say in such cases: aren’t you surprised that just one fly in the ointment can turn a whole barrel of honey into an inedible product?! There is another good example - look how strong rust is, corroding iron! So are people "8th day of creation" capable, like rust, of destroying little by little the people of the “6th day of creation”.

Now, obviously, the time has come to reveal the signature technique of the Jews, with which they destroyed the cities of the “Canaanites” one after another in ancient times, and in modern history they destroyed entire countries and even empires.

This signature technique of the Jews is called "Divide and rule".

Many people have heard this expression before, and I have heard it too, but I was able to understand and fully comprehend it only relatively recently.

Why couldn't I figure this out earlier?

Because I was confused by this information given in various encyclopedias:

"It is generally accepted that this was the motto of ancient Rome's foreign policy, but no evidence on this matter was found among ancient authors. The German poet Heinrich Heine (letter from Paris dated January 12, 1842) believed that the author of this motto was the Macedonian king (359-336 BC) Philip, (382-336 BC), father of Alexander the Great .

It is believed that the first ruler to officially use this phrase was the French king Louis XI (1423-1483), who said: “Diviser pour regner” - “Divide to reign.”

The expression became widely known thanks to the French economist and philosopher Pierre Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865), who ironically said: “Divide et impera, divide and conquer, divide and you will reign, divide and you will become rich; divide, and you will deceive people, and you will blind their reason, and you will mock justice.”

Regardless of the source of origin, its meaning does not require explanation. It is a strategy of gaining and maintaining power by dividing a greater concentration of power into groups that individually have less power, in order to prevent smaller groups from uniting. In the history of mankind, this strategy has been tested more than once on conquered and subjugated peoples out of fear that they might rebel (racial oppression)."

In fact (and this, of course, is not written anywhere, you have to guess about it), the principle of “divide and conquer!” - and there is a signature technique of the Jews, which they use to destroy civilizations alien to them.

It is possible that the tribe of biblical priests - Jews with a capital J, who studied in Ancient Egypt - first applied this principle (technique) against ancient Rome, which eventually broke up into the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium) and the Western Roman Empire, which was subsequently transformed into "The Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation."

"The Roman Empire (Latin Imperium Romanum, ancient Greek Βασιλεία Ῥωμαίων) is a post-republican phase in the development of ancient Roman statehood, the characteristic feature of which was an autocratic form of government and large territorial possessions in Europe and the Mediterranean. The only state in history that owned everything Mediterranean coast The chronological framework of the existence of the Roman Empire covers the period of time from the reign of the first emperor Octavian Augustus to the division of the empire to Western and Eastern and the subsequent fall of the Western Roman Empire, that is, from 27 BC. e. to 476. The eastern part of the Roman Empire, with its center in Constantinople, existed for another 977 years - until 1453.". .

How it was done then, we can only guess. However, we know absolutely exactly how it was done in the Middle Ages and how it is done now.

In the victim people, vicious people are looked for first of all. They are “fed” with money, various benefits, an ideology is imposed on them that is diametrically opposed to the moral principles of the morally healthy majority of society... Then, with the help of special psychotechnics, they are turned into opposition activists who actively destroy the moral core of their own people... Ultimately As a result, it turns out that in a people divided into two parts, a Civil War breaks out, in which more and more people begin to accept... After this, it remains to maintain the fire of the civil war until the complete victory of one of the sides. The winner, as a rule, is the side controlled by the descendants of the biblical Jews...

Let me remind everyone that the founder of “Marxism”, on which the idea of ​​Lenin-Stalin socialism eventually sprouted, was the grandson of two rabbis. Karl Marx is his literary pseudonym. And his real full name. — Mordecai Marx Levy.

The most obvious example of the implementation of this signature technique of the Jews “divide and conquer” is the October Revolution in the Russian Empire of 1917 and the subsequent Civil War of 1918-1922, during which the people were divided into “red” and “white”. True, then the focus was not on the most vicious people in Russia, but on the poorest. They were offered the sweet idea of ​​Jewish socialism in a Jewish version.

What came of this is well known to everyone... What price the Russian people paid for this socialism is also known - millions killed purely because of ideological differences...

I’ll write a continuation later... There’s still a lot to say...

However, when asked "Russians, who are you? And where are you?!", I believe I have already answered.

Original taken from sofya1444 in Russophobe Anton Blagin

I made a rather unpleasant discovery for myself. It turns out that Anton Blagin, who fiercely defends the Russian people from Jewish machinations, is at the same time a Russophobe! And generally a complete idiot.
However, judge for yourself.

BELIEVERS - a new species of homo sapiens? Or is this a type of schizophrenia?
May 29, 2014 at 12:55 pm

Believers were burned alive at Donetsk airport

Deputy Prime Minister of the DPR Andrei Purgin said that on the territory of the Donetsk airport lie the corpses of believers who came to try to reconcile the fighting,— Izvestia reports.

Why do I pose the question this way: “Are Believers a new species of homo sapiens? Or is this a type of schizophrenia?”
BECAUSE, in this case, we really faced SCHIZOPHRENIA, which developed due to the departure of people from the world of reality to the world of dreams and religious fantasies.

With the same success, these BELIEVERS could try to stop a railway train moving at full speed. I suppose the outcome would have been the same.
On their part there was complete disregard for the voice of reason, thanks to the presence of which in humans our species is called homo sapiens!
A normal, sane person, when going fishing, takes fishing rods with him, and when he goes hunting, he takes a gun.
These same people, gathering for the so-called “procession of the cross,” completely turned a blind eye to the terrible crimes that the new Kiev government had already committed, in particular the deliberate
burning alive civilians in Odessa on May 2, 2014. When this has already happened, taking up banners (church banners) instead of weapons is idiocy in its highest sense.


The death of some is often given as an edification to others! In the army, for example, almost every line of the Regulations is written in someone’s blood. Often death comes not in a heroic battle, but due to an absurd accident, negligence, or brainlessness of one or another soldier or officer. There are thousands of such tragic cases in our history. Here, at the Donetsk airport, another incident from the category of “ridiculous death” occurred. I wrote a note for the edification of others. Don't be idiots!!! Don't go with icons on tanks! Go with grenade launchers. You are dealing with a fascist junta, which has already announced that it will kill you without mercy!

I completely agree that there is no need to go against armed scoundrels with icons, but why call all believers schizophrenics? Today I spoke with a priest of the Russian Orthodox Church, who, unlike many armchair fighters and patriots, is specifically involved in helping the residents of the South East. Is he schizophrenic?
Guys, until we learn to be together and respect the beliefs of our neighbors, there will be no point.

there seems to be one more nuance here, just incredible
those. the day before they shot the prisoners, this is bad, but when they burned the believers (I admit, I still can’t understand, apparently they didn’t burn them, but shot them, no one saw the flamethrowers working) then what a hellish crime it was!

What a creature!

Anton, you're crazy!

You don’t even dance on bones, you dance on bodies, on the unburied bodies of Russian Orthodox people. The anger with which you attack them is terrifying. Like a chain dog!
Leave the Russians alone, do what you love - denounce the Jews, and don’t dare touch the Russians with their religion!!!
Your actions are a manifestation of extreme meanness! You are more terrible than all the Jews combined: you got into the Russian world, won its trust with your texts about Zionism and started doing shit? Damn you!


Especially for you, Sofia:
maidan_banan: What is the point of this anti-religious stupid nonsense?
Author, have respect for the dead, have respect for millions of believing compatriots.
If you do not understand anything about theology, faith and religion, there is no need to show your stupidity.

blagin_anton: The death of some is often given as an edification to others! In the army, for example, almost every line of the Regulations is written in someone’s blood. Often death comes not in a heroic battle, but due to an absurd accident, negligence, or brainlessness of one or another soldier or officer. There are thousands of such tragic cases in our history. Here, at the Donetsk airport, another incident from the category of “ridiculous death” occurred. I wrote a note for the edification of others. Don't be idiots!!! Don't go with icons on tanks! Go with grenade launchers. You are dealing with a fascist junta, which has already announced that it will kill you without mercy!

maidan_banan: I completely agree that there is no need to go against armed scoundrels with icons, but why call all believers schizophrenics? Today I spoke with a priest of the Russian Orthodox Church, who, unlike many armchair fighters and patriots, is specifically involved in helping the residents of the South East. Is he schizophrenic? Guys, until we learn to be together and respect the beliefs of our neighbors, there will be no point.
We are all worried about Donbass, but the majority of people there are believers and Orthodox, so they read your post, so what? They will say why the hell we need Russia.

blagin_anton: Firstly, I don’t call all believers schizophrenics! It is fundamentally. To clarify the situation, I even inserted into the text of the publication a short note by Vleriy Skurlatov, “Who is a believer and who is not.” Secondly, I think it is right for sane believers to separate themselves from those who have schizophrenia. As the Russian proverb correctly says, it is better to lose with a smart person than to find with a fool. In addition, as medical experts have established, schizophrenia is a contagious disease.


You don’t know or don’t want to know the history of the Russian people.
Whether anyone likes it or not, for a millennium Russians, all Russian people without exception, have been in the bosom of the Orthodox Church. If you are a Russian person, then so are all your ancestors.
The Orthodox faith in the form in which it exists now is Christianity far from the form in which it came to Rus' at one time.
Under the influence of the bright Russian soul, she underwent significant changes. This Faith was hard-won by the people, it became an integral part of it, and it was with this Faith that Russian people lived from birth to death. It was with this Faith that he worked, fought and died for his Fatherland. In difficult times, Russian people, both before and now, turn to God and only from him find strength and consolation.
Yesterday, with the name God on their lips, the believing Russian people went unarmed to meet the enemy in the hope of exhorting him, as has long been the custom of our people. Now they lie dead and still alive, but dying because help cannot come to them. Isn't this a feat in the name of your people?
What a soulless villain one must be to rant about the correctness of their Faith right now, when they are dying! And calling them, dying from their wounds right now, right at this moment for a holy cause, schizophrenics!
I have no words. I am amazed, disappointed, I see in front of me in your face - Satan! I deny you the right to call yourself a Russian person. A traitor is worse than an enemy!


When I spoke unflatteringly about the grimacing young ladies portraying witches, whom you photographed http://blagin-anton.livejournal.com/456716.html, how indignant you were!

At the same time, you do not understand my indignation in response to your satanic malice about people who came to the enemy not with weapons, but with a word in the hope of stopping the monstrous bloodshed and who today, now are dying in agony for the Russian people. How are you better than the Banderaites? They torture and kill physically, you insult and strive to kill with words. How you must hate your people, what a blind and evil heart you must have in order to mock, ironize and moralize at such a tragic moment!
Indeed, the secret always becomes clear. You are not only an anti-Semite, but also a notorious Russophobe, a kind of player in the field of denying everything and everyone, purer than any liberal. The main thing that distinguishes you, that takes you beyond the framework of a Russian person, beyond the framework of a person in general, is that you DO NOT HURT! Games of bitches with spread fingers, pretending to be witches, are more interesting for you; you post their photos in the magazine precisely when Russian Orthodox people are bleeding to death on the streets of Ukrainian cities. Bravo, maestro! The demons applaud you!


Let it be known to you, Sofia, in a tragic moment, it is even customary to shoot traitors (from among one’s own), and to reason with fools with blows of fists and kicks. For there is no escape from fools either, they are omnipresent. According to Christ’s commandment from the Sermon on the Mount, the pastor’s word should also be caustic and very salty, if circumstances require it. In a war, since it is already underway, sometimes you need to hit hard with words in order to set your brains in place. And if I did this, it means it was necessary for educational purposes. The angry soldier fights harder! So you can take personal grievances out on me, but I don't think I did anything wrong.


It was necessary for educational purposes =

Who are you, excuse me?
Where did you get the idea that you can educate the PEOPLE?
What can you teach him, you indifferent person?
I read in your magazine that you claim to be the ideologist of all Rus' and even wrote to Putin about this. Are the shores completely lost?
You didn’t even understand that with your vilification against Orthodox Russian people you devalued all your work? You are bankrupt in public opinion. So it’s time for you to change your field of activity and finally switch to photographing young ladies.

If something doesn’t suit you, much less angers you, it’s better to quickly and silently go your separate ways and forget the way to each other. I think so. Or do you want a scandal? I have already seen your note about me. Your right. Farewell! sofya1444

You haven't given a direct answer to a direct question. What in return? What faith, what ideology do you intend to offer the people, denying them Orthodoxy?


Silently go your separate ways and forget the way to each other =
Something I didn’t notice is that you follow this advice in matters of fighting the Zionists. I don't think they are delighted with your writing, but you address this topic again and again. You can fight your opponent, but you deny this to others? For me, in this case, you are an opponent no less, but to a greater extent, than they are for you.
By the way, no ideology can be built on denial; the crests tried it and it ended in blood. What are you counting on: that the entire Soviet people will unite in hatred of the Zionists and this will be their only bond? Where is the positive moment? Whose commandments do you think the Russian cattle should follow by abandoning Orthodoxy?
Don’t you think that, taking advantage of the fact that Orthodox people do not get into arguments, but simply go their own way, don’t you think that you have gone unnecessarily wild in an atmosphere of impunity?

Whether anyone likes it or not

Explain why hold on to something that doesn’t help?
Well, here is our favorite rake, we are used to it, and therefore we will step on it again and again, for generations, adhering to someone’s mistakes, step on the rake again and get hit in the forehead? And have we gotten used to bumps on our heads from our favorite rakes?
Explain, if we pray to God, ask for help, for centuries, but there is no help, and we die for centuries, why follow the old path, repeating the mistakes of our ancestors? Did these religious processions help anyone in history? A gun is much more effective. You won’t get tired of putting your cheeks under blow? Fanatics. That is why the disease is called Orthodoxy of the brain, as well as Christosis of the brain.
Yes, at least call them creatures, since such believers are marching in procession to the next world, they have been missing you there for a long time. The apostles Petrusha and Pavlusha will meet you at the gates of heaven. Ask for the priest’s blessing, receive a cross on the forehead and stomp.

As far as I understand, you are a non-believer. No one reproaches you for this, no one bothers you, so just stomp on by for your health. Why are you looking over the fence? Why do you strive to preach among believers? They themselves will figure out how to live and what to die for without you. You better take care of your soul. However, what am I talking about, you deny its existence!

March in procession to the next world, they have been missing you there for a long time =
Did you understand what you said? You wished death on one hundred million Orthodox Russian people. And who are you after that?


http://blagin-anton.livejournal.com/456 716.html
Do you consider these witching bitches that you personally photographed to be an alternative to Orthodoxy?
Are you a sectarian? Satanist?
What squalor!


Sofia, calm down! You are obviously one of those “Orthodox” people who are ready to tear to shreds another person who does not share your beliefs! When a person is overwhelmed by anger, the devil takes over his mind! Now he speaks your language.
You suddenly call people you don't know "witchy bitches." How is that?!

Are they an alternative to Orthodoxy? - you are asking. Of course not. It was outdoor theater. THEATER! Will you now attack all the artists who play something wrong?

Once again about the alternative to Orthodoxy. Try to reason. The alternative to Truth is a lie. Moreover, if the Truth on each issue is ONE, always ONE, then a lie has many options.

Today in Kyiv the Church is on opposite sides of the barricades. How is this possible if there is only one Truth???

This is possible solely because there is no Truth in any church now. Everywhere lies to a greater or lesser extent!


You are obviously one of those “Orthodox” people who are ready to tear to shreds another person who does not share your beliefs!=
Don't overdo it! Naturally, I don’t give a damn what beliefs you hold. BUT! I don’t care at all when they defame the Orthodox religion, which even today is professed by more than 80% of Russian people.
Having caught on to the Kyiv schismatics, you are attacking all of Orthodoxy. For what? What can you offer in return? These glamorous young ladies of yours are witches? Non-paganism, formulated in the State Department of Deputies offices and, with his money, introduced by the Leftists and Co.? Or Darwinism, which generally denies that humans have a soul?
Don’t you understand that with these vilifications about the religion of your people, you are playing into the hands of the Zionists you so hate? It is to their advantage to have a divided herd and you help them with this. For what reason are you doing this? By thoughtlessness or malicious intent?


Sofia, you are a naive person!

All the Jews of the Internet hang out here: they compete in trashing Moscow's stupid goyim. The same Jewish project as “Zarubezhom”
... Jews are like sports fishermen, they catch goyim with almost any bait, and they, like fish, bite on everything, from ordinary bread to modern synthetic baits (“There will be no rehabilitation or Anti-Archipelago”)
Major Petrov

Sophia, why are you so worried? Anton quite rightly said that against the mercenaries and bastards who have already burned and poisoned people alive, who cut off the hands of the priest, who cut off the water to Crimea, who did not allow the children of SE into Artek, who refused humanitarian aid from Russia, who are bombing residential areas blocks, it’s already LATE to come out with banners. It’s time to take up the sword, or bless your fighters for battle, or go to church and pray, pray, pray. And do not climb under 100% death to the delight of your enemies.

It seems to me that your energy would be more appropriate in your statements about Gundyaev, who hastened to congratulate the bastard on his “victory,” thereby betraying the martyrs of Odessa. And all for the sake of preserving parishes. Or is there at least one reasonable version for such an act?

It’s not for him to decide whether it’s too late or not to come out with the banners. Let him mind his own business and not try to teach people. And under no circumstances should he insult him. Moreover, at such a tragic moment.
This person is outside the Church and it is not his place to act as a shepherd in it. He's a stranger there. A stranger passerby who deliberately chose this path. So let it pass by.
And, as I understand it, you, who have nothing to do with Orthodoxy, also do not need to explain what Russian Orthodox people should do and when. It’s better to formulate something for yourself on your own occasion. No one is stopping you from doing this. Do whatever you want, but a strange house for you Don’t interfere with your charter.
=Your energy would be more appropriate=
I am an old enough girl to decide for myself where to direct my energy. Why did you start teaching me this? Who are you that you keep coming up with advice on how people should think and how they should act? You are nothing to others. All you can do is crap on others. This is wrong, take care of yourself better and judge yourself, your loved one. Leave Orthodoxy alone, you are nothing to it!
By the way, when you once again want to talk about this topic, remember that this is the Faith of one hundred million people in our country alone. Are you tired of playing the role of a pug barking at an elephant? sofya1444

I am a soldier of Christ, a warrior of Christ's army!=
Well, soldier and soldier, well, warrior and warrior. There are many such warriors: Jehovah's Witnesses, the white brotherhood, Vissarion, every second gypsy, Mormons, Pentecostals, Baptists, Khlystists, etc., etc..
Here you are: create your own church, voice your doctrine, acquire adherents, at least those same young ladies whose claws we saw in your photos. Again, regular visitors to your magazine. So preach among them. All schismatics do this, you are not the first. Who knows, suddenly a hundred million Russian Orthodox people, shocked by the truth you have discovered, will really rush to your sect?
BUT! You didn't go this route! With nothing to offer the suffering public, you simply run around the Colossus and nibble on its tendons. Moreover, you call believers fools, schizophrenics and idiots. This is not a method! This way you won't succeed.
I sympathize with you.


I answer your question: “Whose commandments do you think the Russian cattle should follow by abandoning Orthodoxy?”

In order not to be a CANNOT, you must return to the faith of your ANCESTORS. The ancient Slavic faith is a Pagan faith with its own rituals, traditions and holidays. You have accepted Jew's traditions, rituals and holidays, which you call ORTHODOXY, and say that they are from Christ! Let it be known to you. Only one prayer came to us from Christ: OUR FATHER, everything else is from the Jews!

Rejoice and have fun that you live according to the Jewish canons, composed for you just a couple of centuries ago!

The best slave is the one who rejoices in his chains and cannot live without them.

Christ brought into the Jewish world the struggle against the powerful Jews. And the one who follows this path can only call himself a Christian. All the others who call themselves that are scoundrels!

11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil,
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in high places.
13 For this purpose take on the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to withstand on the evil day and, having done everything, to stand.
14 Stand therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
15 And having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16 And above all, take up the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the fiery arrows of the evil one;
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.


Ancient Slavic faith - Pagan faith with its rituals, traditions and holidays =
Is this the faith that was invented at Arnautskaya, stamped by the State Department and introduced with its money by the Levashovites? I have a photo of Levashov in an embrace with Rockefeller Sr. somewhere in my magazine. If anything, I can send it as a keepsake.
And how does this faith of yours in PAGAN fit in with your assertion that you are a warrior of Christ? Some kind of problem! I’ll ask again: What do you want? So that the Orthodox Church no longer ministers to the Russian people? Will not work! Over the course of a thousand years, it has grown too much into the people’s body; its rituals have become mandatory for almost everyone, regardless of whether a person is a church member or not. In difficult times, everyone turns their thoughts and soul to Jesus Christ and draws from him the strength to survive trouble and the will to act.
=Christ brought to the Jewish world the fight against the powerful Jews=
The fight for workers' rights was far from the main thing in the doctrine of Christ, don't make things up. He was talking about something else then.
I must note that you are quite mature for the head of a sect: the necessary rhetoric and passion are present, so act! Just first decide on your preferences: neo-paganism or neo-Christianity?

Blagin Anton Pavlovich, writer-philosopher, member of the Russian Writers' Union. Born in Murmansk in 1960. He graduated from the secondary nautical school named after. I.I. Mesyatseva. He worked on sea rescue ships, fishing and transport vessels as a radio electronics captain's mate (radio operator). Author of a number of books of religious, philosophical and political orientation: “The Geometry of Life”, “The Crucified Sun”, “The Light of Heaven and Earth”, “The Fire Bible”, “The Enemy of the Human Race”, “The Apocalypse Will Come Tomorrow”. With his works, the facts collected in them and impeccable logic, he proves that the main source of evil on the planet is Judaism and its followers. The author is sure that God is not in power, but in truth!

My books and articles are so action-packed that they want to ban them

I was once a sailor, but life forced me to become a writer-philosopher, the author of hundreds of action-packed publications and a number of books “The Geometry of Life”, “The Crucified Sun”, “How to Defeat Terrorism on a Planetary Scale”, “Apocalypse”, “The Enemy of the Human Race” ", "Fire Bible".

I was once a sailor, but life forced me to become a writer-philosopher

My books and articles are so “action-packed” that some, after reading them, considered it their duty to contact the O6EP, the Prosecutor’s Office, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation with one single demand: to ban the books, and to imprison the author for “incitement”, for “anti-Semitism” and other under Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation...

times have now come such that the demand for philosophers in the state has increased sharply

Fortunately, times have now come such that the demand for philosophers in the state has sharply increased, and for informers - has fallen sharply. Both ordinary citizens and civil servants are already tired of political lies, completely unscrupulous propaganda, and the suppression of historical truth...

I became almost enemy number 1 for some Jews. Fortunately, I am an enemy only to some Jews, but not to all. These some (I call them Jews) disliked me because I write the truth, in spite of everything and no one! With this truth of mine, I expose various lies, sometimes even those that have been successfully presented as the truth for centuries!

And what lie takes the longest to pass off as the truth and brings huge profits to the liars? - Have you ever thought about this question? Think about it and try to answer it.

Don't know the answer?

Well then I'll tell it to you: The lie about God takes the longest to pass off as truth!

I will say moreover, we have been living for many centuries in the Jewish conceptual space! In 1928, the personal biographer of the richest Jewish Rothschild family, Mark Eli Ravage, honestly said this. He said exactly that: "You make a lot of noise about the overwhelming Jewish predominance in your theaters and cinemas. It is very good if this is so. But what about what is under OUR control there are your churches, and your schools, and your laws, and your governments, and your very thoughts and the concepts with which you think. You generally exist in the Jewish conceptual space. How can you get rid of your own shadow?"(The Century Magazine January 1928 Volume 115, Number 3 Pages 346-350).

A serious accusation has been brought against us, the “goyim,” isn’t it?

And after all, for almost a century (!) none of the Russians have been able to accept this CHALLENGE and adequately respond to it.

I invite Russians to think about what Marc Eli Ravage said. That's why we live in Jewish conceptual space, that even today we allow everyone who is not too lazy to deceive your children with Jewish fairy tales about God, about Holocaust 6 million Jews, and all sorts of other Jewish inventions, and they, our children, not yet having discrimination and not seeing resistance to evil on our, parental side, accept everything as truth with their pure childish consciousness!

Think about it, Leo Tolstoy wrote this more than a century ago!

“What are we teaching? It's terrible to think about. We teach now, at the end of the nineteenth century, that God created the world in six days, then made a flood, planted all the animals there, and all the nonsense, abominations of the Old Testament, and then that Christ ordered everyone to baptize with water, or to believe in absurdity and the abomination of atonement, without which it is impossible to be saved, and then he flew into heaven and sat down there, in heaven, which does not exist, at the right hand of the Father. We're used to it, but it's terrible. A child, fresh, open to goodness and truth, asks what the world is, what its law is, and we, instead of revealing to him the simple teaching of love and truth handed down to us, diligently begin to hammer into his head all sorts of terrifying absurdities and abominations, attributing them to God. After all, this is horror. After all, this is a crime worse than which there is nothing in the world ».
(L.N. Tolstoy. Collected works in 22 volumes, volume 11, dramatic works, “And the light shines in the darkness”, Moscow, “Fiction”, 1982).

Fortunately, the Jewish myth “about the Holocaust of 6 million Jews” has already been virtually exposed by the efforts of thousands of people, despite the furious resistance of the entire Jewish-Jewish international system of mutual responsibility. Details in my article “Perm Jews are in shock: it has always been their way, but now suddenly it’s not their way!”. This information today needs to be disseminated as widely as possible so that millions of people are aware of what happened.

I consider the next most important step in the liberation of Russia from the mental and literal “yoke of the Jews” to be the exposure of the Judeo-Jewish lie about God. I believe that exposing this lie would be tantamount to tearing out the poisonous teeth of the largest venomous echidna snake.

Sooner or later, such an exposure will lead to a change in the entire current world order, a change in all world politics, as well as all modern world philosophy, and all modern science about nature, too, since it was built at the beginning of the twentieth century on a false foundation!

Let me explain what kind of false foundation I mean, because many people don’t know this and don’t even have an idea about it.

Initially, since ancient, Aryan times, the philosophical idea of ​​the Universe was built on the understanding that nature with its macro and micro world is described by a natural series of numbers, which begins with 1 and looks like this: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10... This series of numbers was called "natural" by mathematicians (from the Latin natura- nature, birth) precisely for the reason that the sages even then, in ancient times, had a clear and clear understanding: "everything big comes from the small, and everything small comes from the smallest" .

The smallest is “one” in the language of mathematics. So, in the Gospels there is evidence of Christ himself that in ancient times the most smallest particles nature, particles were considered to form the boundless “Kingdom of Heaven,” that is, the “Kingdom of the omnipresent God.”

" Kingdom of heaven like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field, which, although least of all seeds but when it grows, it grows larger than all the grains and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air fly and take refuge in its branches. He told them another parable: The Kingdom of Heaven is like leaven which the woman took and put in three measures of flour until it was all leavened..."(Matthew 13:31-33). It is not difficult to understand that Christ spoke about both the “mustard seed” and the “leaven” solely to give man the idea that at the basis of absolutely everything is that which is the smallest and already indivisible.

This view of nature existed for many centuries and changed dramatically only at the beginning of the twentieth century!

With an introduction to science "physical vacuum"(“physical vacuum”), which literally means “natural emptiness”, “absolute vacuum”, nature with its macro and microcosm began to be described by a different mathematical series of numbers, which now starts from zero (from emptiness): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10... Zero in this series was the “physical vacuum”, which replaced in the ancient model of the Universe the “Kingdom of Heaven”, which stands at the beginning of everything, formed from proto-particles, the smallest of all existing ones.

That is, the material “Kingdom of God” (precisely material!), which Christ spoke about, consisting of particles, which "least of all seeds" was literally hidden behind the concept of "physical vacuum"!

I would like to illustrate the above with a drawing. "pyramid of sizes" from my book “Everything secret becomes clear...”:

The most active participation in this substitution of meanings adopted by the later widely publicized patent physicist Albert Einstein.

Well, since any idea of ​​a natural God (the true God!) completely disappeared from natural science, it was possible to continue to compose all sorts of stories and fables about Him with triple energy (even in the era of general enlightenment!). This is what thousands of theologians have been doing up to now.

Listen to what Stanislav Belkovsky, host of the radio station “99.6”, answered to a radio listener’s question: "When will the Jews stop teaching the Russian people how to live?"

How can one characterize in one word the logic of this S. Belkovsky and the logic of the biographer of the Rothschild family M.E. Ravage? - Jewish!

Since tons of all sorts of books have already been written about God by various theologians, I suggest that my like-minded patriots begin to expose the recipients of all sorts of benefits from lies about God and do it in exactly the same way as the legendary Christ did - first convict the liars of the lies they told, and then speak them: "In this way you are testifying against yourself..."(Matt. 23:31).

For my part, I will also try to do this. First of all, I will try to give a scientifically based answer to the question: "Who is God?", because for me there is no dilemma: “God exists or does not exist?!” God definitely exists! But He is not at all the way the masters of great deception portray Him in religious literature.

This is the most important direction of scientific research and struggle for the most intellectually advanced patriots of Russia. Yes, this is extremely difficult work and an equally difficult struggle, but we must win in it over a crowd of liars if we want to stop living in the “Jewish conceptual space” and if we want to one day free Russia and the consciousness of millions of people from the “Jewish yoke” .

Very revealing video for 3 minutes: "Who is God?":