A message about why discipline is needed. What is discipline? Condition for any achievement

Publisher: Enlightenment 2015.

Type: Textbook

At the age of fourteen, a student receives a passport, which means that he becomes an adult, able-bodied resident of his state. Consequently, at this age a student can independently sign various contracts. But before you take any action, you still need to know your powers and responsibilities well. During this period, a person already bears full responsibility for his actions, so it is very important to comply with the laws, know and respect them, and be able to protect one’s rights. Bogolyubov's textbook "Social studies for 7th grade" will provide the main topics; after studying them, the student will become a full-fledged and sought-after citizen of his society. He will have to make rational decisions, learn the secrets of professional success, have the ability to predict the prosperity of his business, only then can he create his own business. The child will understand that to preserve and protect nature means to save his life. This is exactly what will be discussed in the lessons of this direction in the seventh year of study.

When faced with difficulties while doing homework, a student can use GDZ in social studies author Bogolyubov L.N. 7th grade. Ready answers, which are in the collection, will allow the seventh grader to understand all the intricacies of self-organization and legal consciousness, manage his mood, and teach him to perceive the behavior of other people around him accordingly. By using online solver Parents will be able to help their child understand more complex tasks without wasting time searching for information.


To understand the specifics of discipline in the moral system, it is necessary to keep in mind that the same rule of behavior in one case acts as a requirement of discipline, in another - as an ordinary norm of morality. If, for example, a student is late for class, this is a violation of discipline, but if he is late for a meeting with a friend, this qualifies as a deviation from moral rules, as a manifestation of disrespect or lack of precision.

The fact that discipline as an ethical category is associated primarily with the implementation of mandatory norms and rules of behavior dictated by the official duties of an individual is also evidenced by the features that it has in various social spheres. There is, for example, military discipline, labor discipline, etc. Naturally, there is also school discipline. It includes a whole system of mandatory rules and requirements for the behavior and activities of students. These rules are developed by the students themselves and are called “Rules of Behavior at School.” In addition, the rules are part of the internal labor regulations. They are also stated in the school charter.

In this sense, the essence of conscious discipline of students consists in their knowledge of the rules of behavior and the order established in school, understanding of their necessity and an established, stable habit of observing them. If these rules are fixed in the behavior of students, they turn into a personal quality, which is usually called discipline.

Discipline is the most important moral quality. Every person needs it. No matter who schoolchildren become in the future, no matter where their life path leads, everywhere they will have to face the demands of discipline. It is needed in educational institutions and in production, in any institution and in everyday life, at home. At school, as in all areas of life, organization, clear order, and accurate and conscientious fulfillment of teachers’ requirements are necessary. School discipline must be conscious, based on an understanding of the meaning and significance of the requirements of educators and children's collective bodies. Students must not only comply with school requirements themselves, but also help teachers and school leaders deal with discipline violators.

Discipline at school is firm discipline. It requires mandatory compliance with the orders of elders and the requirements of the children’s collective bodies. It is characterized by children’s recognition of the authority of teachers and parents, and a clear organization of individual and collective work of schoolchildren.

Violation of discipline at school makes it difficult to study and interferes with the preparation of schoolchildren to comply with the rules of socialist life. Undisciplined students often violate labor discipline even after graduating from school and take the path of hooliganism and offenses that harm society. Therefore, during school years, a lot of educational work is carried out aimed at preventing violations of discipline and order.

There is no legal norm in domestic legislation regarding student labor discipline yet. When considering problems of student compliance with discipline, they rely on local regulations of the educational institution.

Students' responsibility for maintaining discipline arises when they commit disciplinary offenses. These include: violation of the charter of an educational institution, hooliganism, cheating, disrespectful attitude towards adults, leading to non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements for students.

It is necessary to distinguish undisciplinary actions from disciplinary offenses. The latter are qualified as offenses and are subject to legal regulation. In accordance with the legislation on education, students are subject to legal liability in the event of illegal actions, gross and repeated violations of the institution’s Charter.

Actions that give rise to disciplinary liability of students, as well as types of disciplinary sanctions, must be included in the charter of the institution.

Note that a number of disciplinary actions are manifested in the indiscipline of students. Indiscipline can be of two types: malicious (not situational and has a stereotypical character) and non-malicious (manifests itself in mischief, pranks). Indiscipline can be presented in such forms as rudeness, insolence, and lack of restraint.

Federal legislation provides for only one penalty for a student’s disciplinary offense: expulsion from the educational institution for committing illegal actions. For offenders in this situation, the following expulsion procedure applies: if the student has reached 14 years of age, then expulsion for committing a disciplinary offense is carried out with the consent of the education management body to which the educational institution is subordinate. If a student is under 14 years of age, expulsion is possible only with the consent of his parents. The level of conscious discipline and general education of the individual is reflected in the concept of culture of behavior. As a specific term, this concept denotes a high degree of refinement, polishing of a person’s actions and actions, the perfection of his activities in various spheres of life. The content of school discipline and student behavior culture includes the following rules: do not be late or miss classes; conscientiously complete educational tasks and diligently acquire knowledge; treat textbooks, notebooks and teaching aids with care; maintain order and silence in lessons; do not allow hints and cheating; take care of school property and personal belongings; show courtesy in relationships with teachers, adults and friends; take part in socially useful work, labor and various extracurricular activities; avoid rudeness and offensive words; be demanding of your appearance; maintain the honor of your class and school, etc.

Compliance with the norms and rules of disciplined behavior should become a habit for students and become their internal need. Therefore, already in the elementary grades, practical training of schoolchildren in disciplined behavior occupies a large place. Particularly a lot of effort and energy has to be spent on teaching students to disciplined behavior at the beginning of the year. During the summer holidays, some students lose the skills of organized behavior. To restore them, you need time in class, during breaks.

Ample opportunities for teaching schoolchildren to disciplined behavior are provided by their joint socially useful activities and work for the common benefit. In such work, schoolchildren acquire and consolidate the skills of organized behavior, learn to accurately carry out the orders of teachers and student bodies, and become accustomed to mutual responsibility and diligence. Therefore, the correct organization of the varied activities of students is a necessary condition for educating them in the spirit of conscious discipline. The teacher usually monitors how individual students behave in the process of work, gives advice, and shows how to act in a particular case. Gradually, the active members of the class are involved in monitoring the behavior of students. This allows students to overcome disobedience and teach them disciplined behavior. But modern education denies the physical labor of students. And some parents protect their children from work, forgetting that it was work that turned a monkey into a man

The design of a classroom, school, or school site also helps instill discipline. External order disciplines students. From the first days of schooling, it is necessary to accustom children to order and cleanliness in the classroom, to careful handling of school property. Student duty plays a major role in solving these problems. The attendants monitor the order and cleanliness of the classroom, ensure that the classroom is ventilated during breaks, and ensure that all leftover food and papers are thrown into a special box. The attendants also monitor whether children handle school property carefully, whether they damage desks, walls and school equipment, whether they take care of their belongings, and whether their books are clean. Thus, duty becomes an important means of teaching the observance of discipline and order at school. It was. What now? Children are not allowed to sweep, dust, or work. What kind of helpers do we want to raise? What kind of labor discipline can we talk about?

We must not forget that compliance with the norms and rules of discipline, culture, and behavior ensures success in all areas of human activity. If he clearly follows the norms, rules and requirements necessary to carry out the duties assigned to him, if he shows punctuality, accuracy and a conscientious attitude to work, this creates the prerequisites for achieving high results in this activity and improving its quality, which is certainly important both for society and for the individual himself. At the same time, discipline and culture of behavior have great educational potential. Here we should also say something about school uniforms. They make a person fit, restrained, contribute to the formation of the ability to subordinate one’s actions and actions to achieving set goals, encourage self-control and self-education and overcoming existing shortcomings. All this makes the education of conscious discipline a very significant task in the moral formation of the individual.

From a conversation between the class teacher and the mother of one student:

“Why, he couldn’t. My son is a very calm boy. He is never rude to adults.” Do parents know what their beloved children, deprived of parental control, are capable of? Why are the actions of children at school so unexpected for fathers and mothers? ? Confusion, amazement and distrust of the words of teachers are sometimes combined with aggressiveness and a desire to defend the “innocently accused.” Notes in the diary, calls to school... The most common reason is violations of school discipline by children.

How are things going with discipline in our school?

1st place in terms of prevalence among all forms of discipline violations was taken by schoolchildren's conversations in class;

2nd place - late for lessons;

3rd place - games with the phone;


Running up the stairs and along the school corridor;


Damage to school property and equipment.

The latter type of violation seems like petty fun compared to such forms as verbal abuse of a teacher; ignoring his questions; “throwing” various objects (pieces of paper, buttons).

These facts make an extremely unfavorable impression. It is noteworthy that the range of discipline violations by schoolchildren is quite wide.

It should be noted that the most difficult situation is observed in classes where teenage children study (“they experience a sharp change in mood and behavior”).

Analysis of the responses showed that older teachers work very hard at school. The practice of “testing the strength” of new (young) teachers is widespread.

The reasons for violations of school discipline also included the negative influence of television programs, the preaching of violence, and the topic of crime.

There is no doubt that in many cases the herd effect operates. Especially in adolescence, there is a strong desire to become “one of the people” in a certain group, to gain recognition from classmates, which often pushes children to the most extravagant disciplinary violations. Not everyone can resist the pressure of a group in which certain norms of behavior are accepted.

School discipline

Fostering conscious discipline, a sense of duty and responsibility. Life requires a person to have high discipline and executive precision - traits that are too weakly represented in our character. In their formation, a significant role belongs to the educational process of the school, in particular school discipline. School discipline is the observance by students of the rules of behavior at school and outside it, the clear and organized performance of their duties, and their obedience to public duty. Indicators of a high level of discipline are students’ understanding of the need to comply with it at school, in public places, and in personal behavior; readiness and need to comply with generally accepted norms and rules of labor discipline, training, and free time; self-control in behavior; fight against discipline violators at school and beyond. Conscious discipline is manifested in the conscious, strict, unswerving implementation of social principles and norms of behavior and is based on the formation in students of such traits as discipline and a sense of duty and responsibility. The basis of discipline is the desire and ability of the individual to manage his behavior in accordance with social norms and the requirements of the rules of conduct. Responsibility is a person-conscious system of social and moral requirements dictated by social needs and specific goals and objectives of a certain historical stage of development. Responsibility is a personality quality characterized by the desire and ability to evaluate one’s behavior from the point of view of its expediency or damage to society, to measure one’s actions with the prevailing requirements, norms, and laws in society, and to be guided by the interests of social progress. School discipline is a condition for normal educational activities of the school. It is quite obvious that in the absence of discipline, neither a lesson, nor an educational event, nor any other activity can be carried out at the proper level. It is also a means of educating schoolchildren. Discipline helps to increase the educational effectiveness of students' activities and allows them to limit and inhibit the reckless actions and actions of individual schoolchildren. An important role in instilling a sense of duty and responsibility is played by the work of teachers regarding students’ assimilation of the rules of behavior at school. It is necessary to accustom them to comply with these rules, to formulate in them the need for constant observance of them, to remind them of their content and requirements. It is inappropriate to divide the rules of conduct into primary and secondary ones, when violation of some teachings is responsible, while non-compliance with others goes unnoticed. Corresponding work should also be carried out with the parents of students. After all, the rules cover the basic responsibilities of schoolchildren, the conscientious fulfillment of which indicates their general good manners. To help the school develop in students the qualities provided for by these rules, parents must know them and master basic pedagogical techniques for developing these qualities. Cultivating the habit of following the rules of behavior and discipline begins from the first days of a student’s stay at school.

A primary school teacher must clearly know what methods to achieve it, remembering that even the youngest first-grader student is already a citizen, endowed with certain rights and responsibilities. Unfortunately, elementary school teachers very often see him only as a child. Some of them influence schoolchildren only through harshness and strive to achieve obedience by breaking the child’s will. In this case, students develop mindless obedience or defiant disobedience. In middle and high schools, individual teachers, through excessive severity and straightforwardness of judgment, often suppress the interests of schoolchildren and create reluctance to go to school. Vigilant control, constant restrictions lead to the opposite results, comments cause irritation, rudeness, and disobedience. The exactingness and severity of the teacher should be benevolent. He must understand that a student can make mistakes not only in class when answering questions, but also make mistakes in behavior due to a lack of life experience. A stern and kind teacher knows how to forgive such mistakes and teaches minors how to behave in a difficult life situation. A. Makarenko assigned a large role in disciplining students to the school regime, believing that it fulfills its educational role only when it is appropriate, precise, general and specific. The expediency of the regime lies in the fact that all elements of students’ life activities at school and at home are thoughtful and pedagogically justified. The accuracy of the regime is manifested in the fact that it does not allow any deviations in the time and location of the planned events. Precision must first of all be inherent in teachers, then it is passed on to children. The universality of the regime means that it is binding on all members of the school community. Regarding the teaching staff, this trait is manifested in the unity of demands that teachers make of students. Each student must clearly understand how he should act when performing certain duties. This regime contributes to the development in students of the ability to manage themselves, useful skills and habits, positive moral and legal qualities. An important place in teaching students appropriate behavior at school and outside of it belongs to clear control over their behavior, which includes recording their attendance at lessons and taking appropriate measures against those who are systematically late or do not show up for lessons without good reason. Some schools keep special journals of student behavior, in which the director or his deputy for educational work regularly records all cases of gross violation of order by students at school, on the street, in public places, as well as educational influences applied to them, and the results of these influences. This helps teachers timely analyze the state of discipline in the student body, outline and take measures to improve it, study the living conditions of students in more detail and more fully, get to know their families better, delve deeper into the inner world of individual students and thus identify shortcomings in the educational work of the school and improve her. Such a behavior log makes it possible to specify individual educational work with students prone to violations of moral and legal norms and contributes to their prevention. In some schools, instead of a behavior log, they keep a special file for student offenders. The attempts of individual teachers and parents to hide cases of violation of discipline so as not to compromise the class hinder the development of discipline in students. By not reacting to such actions, they instill in minors a sense of irresponsibility. If at a certain stage of education a student begins to be reproached for bad behavior, he cannot understand why his latest act is worse than the previous ones, which no one remembered, that his sense of responsibility has become dulled, and insolence has developed. Taking this into account, each case of violation of the rules of conduct should be analyzed in detail and given an appropriate assessment.

A diary plays an important role in disciplining students. The teacher should require them to keep a diary carefully. When assessing a student’s behavior for the week, one should also take into account his appearance and participation in cleaning the classroom, duty in the cafeteria, attitude towards friends and adults. Systematic control over the behavior of students in school and outside of it accustoms them to daily discipline. Such control is especially necessary for children who have formed negative habits. It creates conditions for them to develop positive habits and blocks the emergence and consolidation of negative ones. However, this does not mean that it is necessary to control students all the time if they accidentally violated the rules of conduct. When they are “educated” in many instances, often reminded of the slightest offenses, this does not contribute to their compliance with the rules of behavior, but encourages them to think that they are “Incorrigible”. Control must be tactful so that the student feels respect for himself as an individual. External control to a certain extent is coercion towards positive behavior. Together, internal control operates when certain norms of behavior have been internalized to such an extent that they have become a person’s internal beliefs, and she carries them out, often without even thinking about why she acts this way and not otherwise. If you can avoid fulfilling the requirements of the school regime, control on the part of teachers or a group of students can be avoided, then it is difficult to hide from your own conscience. Therefore, in education, one should achieve a reasonable combination of external and internal control over the behavior of pupils, teach them “To do the right thing when no one hears, sees and no one knows.”

In education in general and in strengthening discipline in particular, establishing the correct tone and style in the activities of the student body is of particular importance. If a cheerful tone prevails, based on conscious discipline, unity and friendship, self-esteem of each member of the team, it is easier to resolve issues of student education. Prevention of conflictual relationships and negative behavior is effective. Violations of discipline and the requirements of the school regime more often occur where student activities are not well organized. If a pet has nothing to do in a lesson or in a workshop, if his leisure time is not organized, then there is a desire to fill his free time with something, to organize it in his own way, which is not always reasonable. Violations of the school regime by individual students are also caused by the inability of some teachers to work with pedagogically neglected children, mistakes and mistakes in working with them caused by the fact that teachers do not reveal the motives for their negative behavior, knowledge of which makes it possible to effectively build educational work with them. So, if a pet is treated poorly for lack of prospects, for indifference to his future, then all the work of the teacher is aimed at developing his faith in this future, in the ability to achieve it on his own. The school loses a lot in instilling conscious discipline because it does not always adhere to strict regulation of the life and activities of students. A. Makarenko wrote on this occasion that it is “the school that must, from the very first day, set before the student the firm, undeniable demands of society, equip the child with standards of behavior, so that she knows what is and what is not possible, what is commendable and what will not be praised.” This regulation is determined by the rights and responsibilities of schoolchildren provided for by the Charter of the educational institution. All conditions for studying and working at school have been created for students, so each of them must conscientiously and consciously fulfill their duties. Students' respect for the law lies in consciously observing the rules of behavior, discipline, combating violations of the requirements of the school regime, and helping the teaching staff in organizing the educational process. In short, the student must deeply understand that behavior and attitude towards learning are not only his personal business, that his duty as a citizen is to study conscientiously, behave exemplarily and restrain others from unworthy actions.

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An undisciplined student, an undisciplined patient. Undisciplined worker. Undisciplined athlete. How difficult it is for a teacher, doctor, leader, coach to deal with them.

Let's look at the problem from the other side. To what extent does indiscipline affect the person himself? Does she make his life easier or more difficult?

Let's figure it out.

Pseudo-ease of life

The driving force behind violations of discipline is the desire to evade difficulties, bypass them, and avoid tension.

  • It’s hard, for example, for a person to get up early - he allowed himself to soak in bed longer.
  • It seemed that he was tired, he quit work and went to rest.
  • I got tired of following the regime - I started doing what and when I wanted...

Yes, these are not those cases when violation of discipline, neglect of rules and instructions result in an industrial injury, accident, car accident, or cause direct damage to health. The situations seem harmless. But even they, if we trace the entire chain of events, have a detrimental effect on the quality of life.

By being late somewhere, not completing tasks and obligations on time, violating established rules and instructions, a person inevitably creates inconvenience for others and difficulties for production as a whole.

Behavior according to the principle “what I want” cannot be conflict-free and cannot help but create a zone of certain alienation around the individual.

Even if it seems that the opinions of others are indifferent to him, this is not so. No matter how much he tries to seem indifferent to complaints and comments, to the dissatisfaction of his fellow workers, all this stings, deprives him of inner peace and creates a feeling of insecurity.

The Importance of Discipline

Discipline as a certain order of behavior that corresponds to the established norms of law and morality in society is necessary not only in the interests of society. It becomes an important condition for human well-being. Coordination of actions and their orderliness make it possible to achieve the highest results of work and obtain those material values ​​that each member of the team uses. By following a generally accepted routine, a person feels more comfortable.

Discipline is the law of life, existing at all levels. Nature itself teaches us a lesson in orderliness:

  • day and night;
  • sunrise and sunset;
  • ebb and flow;
  • The changing phases of the moon and the changing seasons are strictly cyclical.

What is the vital activity of an organism if not constantly bringing disorder to order?

The body steadfastly guards the constancy of its internal environment, every hour and every minute it puts into motion dozens of its regulatory mechanisms, adjusting individual processes to the needs of a single system.

The internal rhythms of the body, of course, do not always correspond to the rhythms that life requires of us. But man has a unique ability of self-regulation. He can develop the necessary stereotype of behavior, adapting natural, involuntary rhythms to the necessary, voluntary ones.

This concerns, for example, the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness, speed of reactions, and the ability to concentrate attention.

Self-discipline allows a person to achieve optimal capabilities and compensate for his natural shortcomings.

She is a great teacher and educator.

What is conscious discipline

The more significant his activity is for a person, the better he understands the need to solve a particular problem, the easier it is for him to discipline himself. This is where the great creative power of conscious discipline lies. It is then that from a necessity it turns into a need, into the lever with the help of which a person improves himself.

The psychological effect of conscious discipline is that it removes the contradiction between “want” and “should.” A person wants to do what he has to do.

What should be turns into what is desired for him. This is the most important condition for internal balance and mental well-being.

Discipline as a moral factor

The talented teacher A. S. Makarenko, the organizer and head of a colony for street children, conducted a psychological experiment. From teenagers crippled by years of homeless life, he created a commune - a friendly, close-knit team, the distinguishing feature of which was the highest level of organization. The influence of the team, responsibility for each other, the conscious desire for the success of the commune created a miracle: the guys, seemingly embodying anarchy, began to consider being five minutes late to the line a serious offense.

Direct observations of the life of the commune, of each of its members, convinced Makarenko that discipline is necessary not only for the team so that it achieves goals better and faster, but also so that each person develops and cultivates the ability to overcome any obstacles.

Discipline has a protective effect. A person feels united with his team. If he does not violate the accepted rules, if he is with everyone and for everyone, then everyone is for him, which means he can count on support.

Numerous socio-psychological studies conducted at large enterprises have shown that the opinion of fellow workers can greatly influence a person’s well-being and behavior.

To the question: “What significance does your comrades’ assessment of your work have for you?”, the majority of workers answered: “great”, “important”, “most important”.

The desire not to let you down is one of the strongest incentives for developing self-discipline. Once in the atmosphere of a friendly, close-knit team, a person perceives the values ​​that exist here and strives not to violate the accepted rules. This is especially true for young workers.

The period of adaptation to new conditions and new requirements occurs faster if they find themselves in a disciplined team.

Why look for authority?

They often say about a young man, a teenager: “He doesn’t listen to anyone! For him there are no authorities at all!”... It cannot be that there are no authorities for the individual. If a teenager does not consider his parents and teachers, his mentor or master, then he considers someone else. Try to find out who constitutes an “authoritative group” for him. Then, focusing on the circumstances, either take it under control, trying to change undesirable tendencies, or debunk it in the eyes of the teenager, find other guidelines for him.

Fostering discipline in a person is an important task for the family. But her decision should not be reduced to drilling, to the desire to make the child passively obedient. Conscious discipline is born as a result of activities aimed, first of all, at developing a sense of duty and responsibility, willpower and restraint, determination and diligence, self-exactingness and goodwill towards people.

The relationship between discipline and regime

Everyone knows the hygienic importance of the regime. Its strict adherence becomes both a universal method of prevention, and an essential condition for the successful treatment of almost all diseases, and an effective method of promoting health.

If a person, say, always eats at the same time, the digestive organs are reflexively activated to their usual mode, and this regulates appetite and promotes better absorption of food.

By going to bed and waking up according to a schedule, you can adjust your nervous system accordingly, and then you will be able to quickly fall asleep without sleeping pills and wake up without an alarm clock.

When a person gets to work exactly at a certain time, then there is no need to “build up”, things go well from the first minutes.

The regime also has an important psychological and educational aspect. Its accuracy, certainty, and the prevention of deviations without serious reasons in themselves organize the behavior of not only children, but also all family members.

It is also important what instructions you give to others, how you give them and how you monitor their execution. Orders should not be given with anger and irritation, but also not in a way that looks like begging. Requirements must be reasonable and feasible for the child. Must not conflict with your other orders. Having assigned something, you must check whether it was done and how it was done: on time or late, carefully or somehow.



If the work is interesting, there is no need for self-force. However, you need to accustom yourself to do things that are not interesting, but necessary. The joy of overcoming, the consciousness of duty fulfilled, the effect of achieving a goal, everything that makes up a pleasant feeling of moral satisfaction will become compensation for stress and volitional effort.

One’s own lack of performance depresses a person. From a young age, it is necessary to cultivate intolerance to the lack of performance of other people, to manifestations of sloppiness, sloppiness, and violations of social norms.

Friendly discipline belongs to the moral category. Without discipline, there is no creative development of personality, no harmony, no complete agreement either with others or with oneself.

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DISCIPLINE (lat. disciplina) is a certain order of people’s behavior that meets the established norms of law and morality in society, as well as the requirements of a particular organization.

I think the theme of discipline is very close to the theme of authority. The final solution to both questions depends on the solution to the topic of freedom in education. Freedom is a factor that connects and deepens these two themes. The topic of discipline is, of course, much easier compared to the topic of authority. However, this view is correct only with a narrow understanding of the term “discipline”. If the topic of discipline is expanded to the question of coercion in education in general, then the topic, of course, deepens significantly.

Discipline, in essence, is organized coercion. Organized in the sense that not all coercion (for example, random) is discipline. Discipline, being organized coercion, is at the same time an organizing principle, a principle that organizes an order established in advance. Of course, any discipline in itself is not an end, but only a means to achieve a certain goal.


As for school discipline, which serves to solve the internal problems of the school. At school, however, there is external and internal coercion; the presence of external coercion of children at school gives rise to the question of school discipline, because Discipline has always been considered the main rule of the internal structure of the school.

School discipline is a certain order of behavior of schoolchildren, determined by the need for successful organization of the educational process. Usually there are external and internal discipline.

External discipline is obedience, obedience and submission, which are based on external positive and negative sanctions - encouragement and punishment.

Internal discipline is the ability of a student to inhibit unwanted impulses and independently manage his behavior. It is based on the assimilation of rules and norms, which acts as an internal need.

The main condition that ensures disciplinary behavior of schoolchildren in the classroom is a carefully designed lesson. When the lesson is well structured, all its moments are clearly planned, if all the children are busy with activities, they will not violate discipline. The child regulates his behavior unconsciously: he is attracted by a situation of interest. Therefore, as soon as the lesson becomes uninteresting, disciplined behavior disappears.

But a teacher cannot make every lesson interesting, and the secrets of pedagogical skill are not learned immediately. Discipline is needed in every lesson, from the very first day of a child’s stay at school. Is there a way out?

An important factor influencing the disciplined behavior of schoolchildren in the classroom is the type of relationship between the teacher and children.

The main criterion of the type is the position that the teacher takes in relation to the class, organizing and regulating the disciplined behavior of students in the lesson.

In a democratic style, the teacher organizes joint activities with children to manage their behavior; he is “inside the class”

With a liberal-permissive style of relations, the teacher does not control the behavior of children and is aloof from them. Doesn't set goals for children.

The teacher’s position is expressed, first of all, in what methods of behavior management the teacher uses. In my practice I use 3 methods: persuasion, demand, suggestion.

The method of persuasion brings to the consciousness of schoolchildren the norms and rules of behavior. The child must feel and realize the value and significance of discipline for himself and others.

Look, when you are not distracted and the letters come out beautiful, and when you are spinning and the letters are jumping.

If anyone wants to ask anything, raise your hand. You cannot shout from your seat and disturb your comrades. They are busy working, they are thinking.

The requirement to comply with the rules of behavior in the classroom is usually expressed in categorical forms:

orders: “Everyone sit down!”, “Hands on your desks!”;

prohibitions: “Don’t leaf through textbooks”, “Don’t swing your legs”;

orders: “Touch the backs of the desks”, “We work in silence!” "Absolute silence in the classroom."

A benevolent suggestion can take the confidential instructions “Sasha, you are talking and disturbing us”, “Seryozha, I am afraid that because of you we will not be able to solve the problem”, “Kolya, you will spin around, you will not understand anything.”

I like teachers who use a mixed authoritarian-democratic leadership style to instill discipline. In this style, everything is subordinated to work, the teacher convinces students that discipline is the key to successful studies. Children's disciplined behavior is stable. The skill of self-regulation of behavior and the skill of subordination to the teacher are developed.

Fostering conscious discipline, a sense of duty and responsibility. Life requires a person to have high discipline and executive precision - traits that are too weakly represented in our character. In their formation, a significant role belongs to the educational process of the school, in particular school discipline. School discipline is the observance by students of the rules of behavior at school and outside it, the clear and organized performance of their duties, and their obedience to public duty. Indicators of a high level of discipline are students’ understanding of the need to comply with it at school, in public places, and in personal behavior; readiness and need to comply with generally accepted norms and rules of labor discipline, training, and free time; self-control in behavior; fight against discipline violators at school and beyond. Conscious discipline is manifested in the conscious, strict, unswerving implementation of social principles and norms of behavior and is based on the formation in students of such traits as discipline and a sense of duty and responsibility. The basis of discipline is the desire and ability of the individual to manage his behavior in accordance with social norms and the requirements of the rules of conduct. Responsibility is a person-conscious system of social and moral requirements dictated by social needs and specific goals and objectives of a certain historical stage of development. Responsibility is a personality quality characterized by the desire and ability to evaluate one’s behavior from the point of view of its expediency or damage to society, to measure one’s actions with the prevailing requirements, norms, and laws in society, and to be guided by the interests of social progress. School discipline is a condition for normal educational activities of the school. It is quite obvious that in the absence of discipline, neither a lesson, nor an educational event, nor any other activity can be carried out at the proper level. It is also a means of educating schoolchildren. Discipline helps to increase the educational effectiveness of students' activities and allows them to limit and inhibit the reckless actions and actions of individual schoolchildren. An important role in instilling a sense of duty and responsibility is played by the work of teachers regarding students’ assimilation of the rules of behavior at school. It is necessary to accustom them to comply with these rules, to formulate in them the need for constant observance of them, to remind them of their content and requirements. It is inappropriate to divide the rules of conduct into primary and secondary ones, when violation of some teachings is responsible, while non-compliance with others goes unnoticed. Corresponding work should also be carried out with the parents of students. After all, the rules cover the basic responsibilities of schoolchildren, the conscientious fulfillment of which indicates their general good manners. To help the school develop in students the qualities provided for by these rules, parents must know them and master basic pedagogical techniques for developing these qualities. Cultivating the habit of following the rules of behavior and discipline begins from the first days of a student’s stay at school.

A primary school teacher must clearly know what methods to achieve it, remembering that even the youngest first-grader student is already a citizen, endowed with certain rights and responsibilities. Unfortunately, elementary school teachers very often see him only as a child. Some of them influence schoolchildren only through harshness and strive to achieve obedience by breaking the child’s will. In this case, students develop mindless obedience or defiant disobedience. In middle and high schools, individual teachers, through excessive severity and straightforwardness of judgment, often suppress the interests of schoolchildren and create reluctance to go to school. Vigilant control, constant restrictions lead to the opposite results, comments cause irritation, rudeness, and disobedience. The exactingness and severity of the teacher should be benevolent. He must understand that a student can make mistakes not only in class when answering questions, but also make mistakes in behavior due to a lack of life experience. A stern and kind teacher knows how to forgive such mistakes and teaches minors how to behave in a difficult life situation. A. Makarenko assigned a large role in disciplining students to the school regime, believing that it fulfills its educational role only when it is appropriate, precise, general and specific. The expediency of the regime lies in the fact that all elements of students’ life activities at school and at home are thoughtful and pedagogically justified. The accuracy of the regime is manifested in the fact that it does not allow any deviations in the time and location of the planned events. Precision must first of all be inherent in teachers, then it is passed on to children. The universality of the regime means that it is binding on all members of the school community. Regarding the teaching staff, this trait is manifested in the unity of demands that teachers make of students. Each student must clearly understand how he should act when performing certain duties. This regime contributes to the development in students of the ability to manage themselves, useful skills and habits, positive moral and legal qualities. An important place in teaching students appropriate behavior at school and outside of it belongs to clear control over their behavior, which includes recording their attendance at lessons and taking appropriate measures against those who are systematically late or do not show up for lessons without good reason. Some schools keep special journals of student behavior, in which the director or his deputy for educational work regularly records all cases of gross violation of order by students at school, on the street, in public places, as well as educational influences applied to them, and the results of these influences. This helps teachers timely analyze the state of discipline in the student body, outline and take measures to improve it, study the living conditions of students in more detail and more fully, get to know their families better, delve deeper into the inner world of individual students and thus identify shortcomings in the educational work of the school and improve her. Such a behavior log makes it possible to specify individual educational work with students prone to violations of moral and legal norms and contributes to their prevention. In some schools, instead of a behavior log, they keep a special file for student offenders. The attempts of individual teachers and parents to hide cases of violation of discipline so as not to compromise the class hinder the development of discipline in students. By not reacting to such actions, they instill in minors a sense of irresponsibility. If at a certain stage of education a student begins to be reproached for bad behavior, he cannot understand why his latest act is worse than the previous ones, which no one remembered, that his sense of responsibility has become dulled, and insolence has developed. Taking this into account, each case of violation of the rules of conduct should be analyzed in detail and given an appropriate assessment.

A diary plays an important role in disciplining students. The teacher should require them to keep a diary carefully. When assessing a student’s behavior for the week, one should also take into account his appearance and participation in cleaning the classroom, duty in the cafeteria, attitude towards friends and adults. Systematic control over the behavior of students in school and outside of it accustoms them to daily discipline. Such control is especially necessary for children who have formed negative habits. It creates conditions for them to develop positive habits and blocks the emergence and consolidation of negative ones. However, this does not mean that it is necessary to control students all the time if they accidentally violated the rules of conduct. When they are “educated” in many instances, often reminded of the slightest offenses, this does not contribute to their compliance with the rules of behavior, but encourages them to think that they are “Incorrigible”. Control must be tactful so that the student feels respect for himself as an individual. External control to a certain extent is coercion towards positive behavior. Together, internal control operates when certain norms of behavior have been internalized to such an extent that they have become a person’s internal beliefs, and she carries them out, often without even thinking about why she acts this way and not otherwise. If you can avoid fulfilling the requirements of the school regime, control on the part of teachers or a group of students can be avoided, then it is difficult to hide from your own conscience. Therefore, in education, one should achieve a reasonable combination of external and internal control over the behavior of pupils, teach them “To do the right thing when no one hears, sees and no one knows.”

In education in general and in strengthening discipline in particular, establishing the correct tone and style in the activities of the student body is of particular importance. If a cheerful tone prevails, based on conscious discipline, unity and friendship, self-esteem of each member of the team, it is easier to resolve issues of student education. Prevention of conflictual relationships and negative behavior is effective. Violations of discipline and the requirements of the school regime more often occur where student activities are not well organized. If a pet has nothing to do in a lesson or in a workshop, if his leisure time is not organized, then there is a desire to fill his free time with something, to organize it in his own way, which is not always reasonable. Violations of the school regime by individual students are also caused by the inability of some teachers to work with pedagogically neglected children, mistakes and mistakes in working with them caused by the fact that teachers do not reveal the motives for their negative behavior, knowledge of which makes it possible to effectively build educational work with them. So, if a pet is treated poorly for lack of prospects, for indifference to his future, then all the work of the teacher is aimed at developing his faith in this future, in the ability to achieve it on his own. The school loses a lot in instilling conscious discipline because it does not always adhere to strict regulation of the life and activities of students. A. Makarenko wrote on this occasion that it is “the school that, from the very first day, must set before the student firm, undeniable demands of society, equip the child with standards of behavior, so that she knows what is possible and what is not possible, what is commendable and what will not be praised.” This regulation is determined by the rights and responsibilities of schoolchildren provided for by the Law of Ukraine “On Education”. All conditions for studying and working at school have been created for students, so each of them must conscientiously and consciously fulfill their duties. Students' respect for the law lies in consciously observing the rules of behavior, discipline, combating violations of the requirements of the school regime, and helping the teaching staff in organizing the educational process. In short, the student must deeply understand that behavior and attitude towards learning are not only his personal business, that his duty as a citizen is to study conscientiously, behave exemplarily and restrain others from unworthy actions.

behavior education schoolchild lesson

Children and the problem of school discipline

To understand the specifics of discipline in the moral system, it is necessary to keep in mind that the same rule of behavior in one case acts as a requirement of discipline, in another - as an ordinary norm of morality. If, for example, a student is late for class, this is a violation of discipline, but if he is late for a meeting with a friend, this qualifies as a deviation from moral rules, as a manifestation of disrespect or lack of precision.

The fact that discipline as an ethical category is associated primarily with the implementation of mandatory norms and rules of behavior dictated by the official duties of an individual is also evidenced by the features that it has in various social spheres. There is, for example, military discipline, labor discipline, etc. Naturally, there is also school discipline. It includes a whole system of mandatory rules and requirements for the behavior and activities of students. These rules are developed by the students themselves and are called “Rules of Behavior at School.” In addition, the rules are part of the internal labor regulations. They are also stated in the school charter.

In this sense, the essence of conscious discipline of students consists in their knowledge of the rules of behavior and the order established in school, understanding of their necessity and an established, stable habit of observing them. If these rules are fixed in the behavior of students, they turn into a personal quality, which is usually called discipline.

Discipline is the most important moral quality. Every person needs it. No matter who schoolchildren become in the future, no matter where their life path leads, everywhere they will have to face the demands of discipline. It is needed in educational institutions and in production, in any institution and in everyday life, at home. At school, as in all areas of life, organization, clear order, and accurate and conscientious fulfillment of teachers’ requirements are necessary. School discipline must be conscious, based on an understanding of the meaning and significance of the requirements of educators and children's collective bodies. Students must not only comply with school requirements themselves, but also help teachers and school leaders deal with discipline violators.

Discipline at school is firm discipline. It requires mandatory compliance with the orders of elders and the requirements of the children’s collective bodies. It is characterized by children’s recognition of the authority of teachers and parents, and a clear organization of individual and collective work of schoolchildren.

Violation of discipline at school makes it difficult to study and interferes with the preparation of schoolchildren to comply with the rules of socialist life. Undisciplined students often violate labor discipline even after graduating from school and take the path of hooliganism and offenses that harm society. Therefore, during school years, a lot of educational work is carried out aimed at preventing violations of discipline and order.

There is no legal norm in domestic legislation regarding student labor discipline yet. When considering problems of student compliance with discipline, they rely on local regulations of the educational institution.

Students' responsibility for maintaining discipline arises when they commit disciplinary offenses. These include: violation of the charter of an educational institution, hooliganism, cheating, disrespectful attitude towards adults, leading to non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements for students.

It is necessary to distinguish undisciplinary actions from disciplinary offenses. The latter are qualified as offenses and are subject to legal regulation. In accordance with the legislation on education, students are subject to legal liability in the event of illegal actions, gross and repeated violations of the institution’s Charter.

Actions that give rise to disciplinary liability of students, as well as types of disciplinary sanctions, must be included in the charter of the institution.

Note that a number of disciplinary actions are manifested in the indiscipline of students. Indiscipline can be of two types: malicious (not situational and has a stereotypical character) and non-malicious (manifests itself in mischief, pranks). Indiscipline can be presented in such forms as rudeness, insolence, and lack of restraint.

Federal legislation provides for only one penalty for a student’s disciplinary offense: expulsion from the educational institution for committing illegal actions. For offenders in this situation, the following expulsion procedure applies: if the student has reached 14 years of age, then expulsion for committing a disciplinary offense is carried out with the consent of the education management body to which the educational institution is subordinate. If a student is under 14 years of age, expulsion is possible only with the consent of his parents. The level of conscious discipline and general education of the individual is reflected in the concept of culture of behavior. As a specific term, this concept denotes a high degree of refinement, polishing of a person’s actions and actions, the perfection of his activities in various spheres of life. The content of school discipline and student behavior culture includes the following rules: do not be late or miss classes; conscientiously complete educational tasks and diligently acquire knowledge; treat textbooks, notebooks and teaching aids with care; maintain order and silence in lessons; do not allow hints and cheating; take care of school property and personal belongings; show courtesy in relationships with teachers, adults and friends; take part in socially useful work, labor and various extracurricular activities; avoid rudeness and offensive words; be demanding of your appearance; maintain the honor of your class and school, etc.

Compliance with the norms and rules of disciplined behavior should become a habit for students and become their internal need. Therefore, already in the elementary grades, practical training of schoolchildren in disciplined behavior occupies a large place. Particularly a lot of effort and energy has to be spent on teaching students to disciplined behavior at the beginning of the year. During the summer holidays, some students lose the skills of organized behavior. To restore them, you need time in class, during breaks.

Ample opportunities for teaching schoolchildren to disciplined behavior are provided by their joint socially useful activities and work for the common benefit. In such work, schoolchildren acquire and consolidate the skills of organized behavior, learn to accurately carry out the orders of teachers and student bodies, and become accustomed to mutual responsibility and diligence. Therefore, the correct organization of the varied activities of students is a necessary condition for educating them in the spirit of conscious discipline. The teacher usually monitors how individual students behave in the process of work, gives advice, and shows how to act in a particular case. Gradually, the active members of the class are involved in monitoring the behavior of students. This allows students to overcome disobedience and teach them disciplined behavior. But modern education denies the physical labor of students. And some parents protect their children from work, forgetting that it was work that turned a monkey into a man

The design of a classroom, school, or school site also helps instill discipline. External order disciplines students. From the first days of schooling, it is necessary to accustom children to order and cleanliness in the classroom, to careful handling of school property. Student duty plays a major role in solving these problems. The attendants monitor the order and cleanliness of the classroom, ensure that the classroom is ventilated during breaks, and ensure that all leftover food and papers are thrown into a special box. The attendants also monitor whether children handle school property carefully, whether they damage desks, walls and school equipment, whether they take care of their belongings, and whether their books are clean. Thus, duty becomes an important means of teaching the observance of discipline and order at school. It was. What now? Children are not allowed to sweep, dust, or work. What kind of helpers do we want to raise? What kind of labor discipline can we talk about?

We must not forget that compliance with the norms and rules of discipline, culture, and behavior ensures success in all areas of human activity. If he clearly follows the norms, rules and requirements necessary to carry out the duties assigned to him, if he shows punctuality, accuracy and a conscientious attitude to work, this creates the prerequisites for achieving high results in this activity and improving its quality, which is certainly important both for society and for the individual himself. At the same time, discipline and culture of behavior have great educational potential. Here we should also say something about school uniforms. They make a person fit, restrained, contribute to the formation of the ability to subordinate one’s actions and actions to achieving set goals, encourage self-control and self-education and overcoming existing shortcomings. All this makes the education of conscious discipline a very significant task in the moral formation of the individual.

From a conversation between the class teacher and the mother of one student:

“Why, he couldn’t. My son is a very calm boy. He is never rude to adults.” Do parents know what their beloved children, deprived of parental control, are capable of? Why are the actions of children at school so unexpected for fathers and mothers? ? Confusion, amazement and distrust of the teachers’ words are sometimes combined with aggressiveness and a desire to defend the “innocently accused.” Notes in the diary, calls to school... The most common reason is violations of school discipline by children. How are things going with discipline in our country? school?

As the study of this issue showed, the following forms of violation of school discipline were mainly identified.

1st place in terms of prevalence among all forms of discipline violations was taken by schoolchildren's conversations in class;

2nd place - late for lessons;

3rd place - games with the phone; Also mentioned:


Damage to school property and equipment;

The latter type of violation seems like petty fun compared to such forms as verbal abuse of a teacher; ignoring his questions; “throwing” various objects (pieces of paper, buttons). These facts make an extremely unfavorable impression. It is noteworthy that the range of discipline violations by schoolchildren is quite wide. It should be noted that the most difficult situation is observed in classes where teenage children study (“they experience a sharp change in mood and behavior”). Analysis of the responses showed that older teachers work very hard at school. The practice of “testing the strength” of new teachers is widespread. The reasons for violations of school discipline also included the negative influence of television programs, the preaching of violence, and the topic of crime. This is what often happens behind the closed doors of school. How is it that children who are polite and calm at home do such things?

There is no doubt that in many cases the herd effect operates. Especially in adolescence, there is a strong desire to become “one of the people” in a certain group, to gain recognition from classmates, which often pushes children to the most extravagant disciplinary violations. Not everyone can resist the pressure of a group in which certain norms of behavior are accepted.

Ways to solve the problem of discipline

I believe that discipline is not a means of education, but the result of education. To think that discipline can be achieved with the help of some special methods aimed at creating discipline is a mistake. Discipline is the product of the entire sum of educational influence, including the educational process, the process of character organization, and the process of collision, conflict, and conflict resolution in a team, in the process of friendship, and trust. To expect that discipline can be created by preaching alone, by explanations alone, means counting on an extremely weak result.

It is precisely in the area of ​​reasoning that I have encountered very stubborn opponents of discipline among students, and if you prove to them the need for discipline verbally, you can encounter the same vivid words and objections. Thus, instilling discipline through reasoning and persuasion can only lead to endless debate. How can this conscious discipline be achieved? In our school there is no theory of morality, there is no such subject. And the task for the next year will be to develop and search for such a program.

The primary conditions for good education for students are a healthy lifestyle in the family and at school. The correct daily routine, normal conditions of study, nutrition and rest, the absence of conflicts with parents and teachers create the necessary basis for a healthy mood, a balanced mental state of students, and therefore even behavior. The starting point for the formation of education is the students’ conviction that it is necessary to ensure the success of the overall work and to ensure the physical and moral security of everyone. The behavioral attitudes of students should be based on norms of universal morality, based on respect for another person. It is from these principles that the feelings of dignity, conscience, honor and duty grow, as well as such strong-willed qualities as self-control, restraint, and organization.

Explaining the rules of behavior as the best ways to achieve common goals, using vivid examples from works of art, ethical conversations and debates, discussing with students the consequences of certain incidents in the life of the class, acting out and analyzing situations that present the possibility of moral choice - all this helps pupils to master socially approved norms of behavior, to become convinced of their reasonableness, fairness and necessity. An important means of developing self-esteem is the moral and legal assessment of actions (by teachers, parents, and a group of peers), which also stimulates self-esteem. The effectiveness of an assessment depends on the credibility of its source. The teacher and educator work to develop habits and behavioral skills, relying on the student’s family and student body.

An indispensable condition for the emergence of individual and public self-discipline is the joint collective development of a code of rules, the laws of life of the class, school and the conclusion of a kind of society, an agreement between students and teachers for their implementation. “Discipline cannot be prescribed, it can only be developed by the entire school community, i.e., the teacher and students; otherwise it will be incomprehensible to students, completely inexpensive for them and morally optional.” The routine and standards of life of an educational institution are established not only by the state, but also by public organizations: school, etc. councils, student government bodies. They take upon themselves the development of rules for students and the organization of school activities in accordance with them. Collective introspection of the life of the team, the actions of its members, the development of societies, opinions on events that destroy the contractual order, help consolidate the positive experience of relationships, and understand the causes of disciplinary violations.

What exactly is school discipline? First of all, it requires students to carefully attend classes, conscientiously complete homework, maintain order in lessons and during breaks, and strictly carry out all educational assignments. School discipline also provides for the student’s conscientious fulfillment of the requirements and instructions of teachers, school administration and student organizations. It obliges everyone to strictly observe the rules concerning his attitude towards other people, as well as those expressing requirements for himself.

Why is discipline needed?

    Discipline is honestly not very useful. But it has both pros and cons. Which is not so hard to say anymore. For me, the word discipline evokes associations with school or very strict parents. Which require unquestioning obedience and in case of disobedience they put them in a corner on peas.

    Although discipline does not oblige a person to obey unquestioningly... First of all, it is a regulator of life. And here discipline is really useful so that a person weights himself correctly.

    So what is it needed for?

    1). Discipline calls people to order.

    2). Suitable for small children as education. But only for little ones, older ones don’t need to be so controlled.

    3). A person can avoid making serious mistakes and not breaking the rules of life. And what is unacceptable in life. For example, do not violate the criminal code and do not go to prison. And also follow the rules that exist in modern society, so as not to be ignorant or an outcast.

    As you can see, discipline is not so bad, but it must be wise.

    Therefore, discipline within reasonable limits is even useful and necessary for many people. And I have already proven this in the examples above. But everyone decides for themselves to be disciplined or not.

    Discipline organizes people, both in society and in everyday life. Without her there would be chaos, everyone would do what they want rather than what they need. And then we live in a society where there are laws and order, which we want or don’t want, but must obey.

    What is discipline? These are certain rules that a person follows and which either help him live or hinder him. It is impossible to say that discipline only helps a person, because the very concept of discipline is very vague. If a person is disciplined in one thing, he may be completely undisciplined in another. That is, a person can, for example, comply with the norms accepted in society, but at home, alone with himself, turn out to be a complete idiot. And this does not at all prevent a person from being a brilliant artist or musician at the same time. On the contrary, if a person thinks only about discipline, he will turn out to be an ideal performer, but hardly a creative person. Because creativity implies a certain confusion both in behavior and in thoughts.

    So why do we need discipline?

    It turns out that in order to be a worthy member of society, in order not to stand out from the general population, in order to be like everyone else.

    Discipline is necessary so that a person can grow personally and professionally, because lack of commitment and laxity deprives a person of strategy and efficiency, and this is detrimental to any business; disciplined people achieve more in life because they calculate everything and achieve their goals.

    Discipline plays an important role in the life of every person. It would seem, why does she need it at all? But the fact is that discipline directly contributes to the development of mental and professional skills in a person, along with organization. After all, any process requires some kind of consistency - discipline is the first teacher in this.

    Discipline is needed everywhere. Be it a school where there are small children or a government system, or even just being at home or in the company of people, if there is no discipline it will certainly be replaced by chaos. Therefore, discipline is first and foremost order. This is the self-control of each individual person who behaves appropriately in a crowd, thereby forming a general disciplined background, a style of behavior where you do not allow yourself too much.

    Discipline is the ability to force yourself to act or work all the time according to a certain plan. This is willpower. The components of discipline are rigor, training and self-control. Discipline is when you do what you really need to do when you don't really want to do it.

    Discipline is needed, without it there is no way, because the more people there are, the more chaos there is naturally, a kind of confusion that is fraught with uncontrollability (rebellion, diligence, revolution, coups.....). So, to prevent this from happening, there is discipline, as if to maintain law and order in the family, society, and so on.

    Discipline is important in any business. Without it, the business or process simply may not work out, will not take place. Because he will limp, he will be led left and right. Without there will be no SYSTEM that discipline supports. And without a system, there will be no result for any process, activity, undertaking, etc. You can give any number of examples. Simply write them up to the required number of characters. Let's say SPORTS. Need discipline? But what? Discipline that includes daily routine, rest and training regimen, sleep pattern. If an athlete wanted to go to training, but then didn’t want something, he didn’t go. This is no longer playing sports, in which discipline occupies an important place. This is already... God knows what. And it’s simply ridiculous to even count on results without discipline. Trading, for example, in financial markets. Here, too, there must be order in thoughts and clarity in actions. This is called TRADING discipline. Compliance with lots (money management, entering the market at the right moments, when it SHOULD be done, and not when you wanted to trade). Take any production. The workers took over and stopped listening to the masters, for example. Instead of the necessary products using proven technology, they began to produce just anything. And what will come of this with the enterprise? Collapse and bankruptcy. Take the army. Imagine: the soldiers stopped following orders. In general, take any sphere, and there you need discipline, without it you can’t go anywhere. Otherwise there will be: Chaos, Mess, Degradation and other similar things.

    So I, too, questioned the education of discipline, and raised a daughter who cannot organize herself independently. She is ten years old and the child does not know what discipline is. This is terrible for me because:

    Firstly, to force her to do something, you need patience and nerves, and this is health, which decreases every year.

    Secondly, a lot of time is wasted arguing. And this despite the fact that I work from home, and I simply don’t have any extra. Everything is detrimental to work, and therefore to financial well-being.

    So discipline is needed if only because everyone minds their own business, does not interfere with the lives of loved ones, is able to set goals for themselves and, most importantly, achieve them. You can't do this without discipline.