How to fill out the category of benefits for kindergarten. List of categories of citizens entitled to preferential enrollment in kindergarten. Benefits for paying for kindergarten

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Registration procedure for kindergarten

In modern kindergartens there is a catastrophic lack of free places. You have to get in line almost immediately after the baby is born. Meanwhile some children have benefits, giving them the right to extraordinary and priority admission to kindergarten. In addition, a number of children have the advantage of being enrolled in kindergartens.

Once upon a time, the directors signed up for kindergarten. Now they're doing it special commissions. It is the commission for staffing preschool institutions in the district that needs to present a document confirming your child’s right to benefits, as well as his birth certificate and the passport of one of the parents. In this case, the personal presence of a parent in the commission is not necessary; a relative or friend can go with your passport.

To avoid unnecessary questions, it is advisable to provide parents’ passports with registration in the same area where the kindergarten is needed. Children are enrolled in kindergartens at their place of residence, but you may be asked a number of questions if the parent is registered in another area.

As for our capital, as a result of the order of the Moscow Department of Education “On approval of the Procedure for staffing state educational institutions that implement the basic general education program of preschool education, the system of the Moscow Department of Education” many categories from October 1, 2012 lost the right to benefits when entering kindergarten(children of students, refugees, unemployed, twins). Also, first of all, children of parents who have permanent Moscow registration began to be accepted into kindergartens. It was then that the division into groups of rights for preferential admission to kindergartens was adopted.

If there are no free places in kindergartens in your area, then you should be given a referral to a kindergarten in another area.

List of beneficiaries

Extraordinary right

  • orphans (adopted, taken into custody or into a foster family). An extract from the decision of the guardianship and guardianship authority is a confirming document of the benefit. This also includes children of young, under 23 years old, orphans who lost their parents before they came of age;
  • children of parents, victims of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The benefit will be confirmed by a certificate of death of a parent as a result of an illness caused by radiation during the Chernobyl accident, or a certificate of a disabled person or a participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, as well as a certificate of evacuation from the exclusion site;
  • children judges, investigators and prosecutors. The benefit will be confirmed by a certificate from your place of employment;
  • children of parents from disadvantaged families and children, registered with the juvenile affairs commission. A referral from this commission is a document confirming the benefit.

Priority right admission to kindergarten have:

  • children from large families. Document confirming the benefit: birth certificate of three or more children, certificate of a large family;
  • children military personnel serving under conscription or contract. You need a certificate from the military unit at your place of residence or a certificate from the military commissariat;
  • children police officers. You need a parent's certificate from your place of work. This also includes children of parents who died while serving in the police, were injured in the service and left it as a result, or died from an injury received at work within a year after dismissal. In this case, it is necessary to obtain a certificate from the social security authorities;
  • disabled children and children of disabled parents. Certificate of disability from the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise.

Preemptive right admission to kindergarten have:

  • children single mothers. A birth certificate without a record of the father or a certificate from the civil registry office certifying the record of the father according to the mother;
  • children employees of preschool educational institutions. Need a certificate from work;
  • children whose brothers or sisters attend this kindergarten, provided that it corresponds to the health status of the incoming child. We need a certificate from the kindergarten about the visit of his brother/sister.

Please note that in some areas our vast Motherland right of priority admission The following children are admitted to kindergarten:

  • for children whose parents or single mother are students;
  • children of the unemployed;
  • children forced migrants;
  • children whose single parent working;
  • children of veterans.

Some children have priority rights to enter kindergarten. You should know these categories

About the queues for providing benefits when entering kindergarten

First of all, institutions accept children whose parents (legal representatives) are permanently registered in the city.

However, there are certain requirements for enrolling a child. According to the law, there are:


First priority;

Preferential right to enroll children.

Provided to applicants on the basis of a document confirming the existence of such a right.

The right of priority admission is established by current legislation. AND m used by children from families:

Judges (Article 19, paragraph 3, Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated June 26, 1992 No. 3132-1 “On the status of judges in the Russian Federation” (as amended on August 22, 2004),

Prosecutor workers (Article 44, paragraph 5, Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated January 17, 1992 No. 2202-1 “On the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation” (as amended on November 4, 2005),

Citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (Article 14, 17, 18, 19 Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 1991 No. 1244-1 “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant” (as amended on 05.12 .2006), Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 25, 2006 No. 246);

By resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, this right is granted to the children of deceased (missing), deceased, disabled military personnel and employees of federal executive authorities who participated in:

In the fight against terrorism on the territory of the Republic of Dagestan (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 25, 1999 No. 936 “On additional measures for the social protection of family members of military personnel and employees of internal affairs bodies, the state fire service, directly involved in the fight against terrorism on the territory of the Republic of Dagestan and those killed (missing) in the performance of official duties");

In counter-terrorism operations and ensuring law and order and public safety in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation

(Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02/09/2004 No. 65 “On additional guarantees and compensation for military personnel and employees of federal executive authorities participating in counter-terrorism operations and ensuring law and order and public safety in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation”);

In carrying out tasks to ensure the security and protection of citizens of the Russian Federation living in the territories of South Ossetia and Abkhazia (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 12, 2008 No. 587 “On additional measures to strengthen the social protection of military personnel and employees of federal executive bodies involved in the implementation of tasks to ensure security and protection of Russian citizens living in the territories of South Ossetia and Abkhazia");

The right of priority admission to preschool institutions is granted by federal laws to children:

From large families (Article 52.2 Law of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 “On Education” (as amended on January 6, 2007 No. 1-FZ);

For disabled children (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 2, 1992 No. 1157 (“On additional measures of state support for disabled people” as amended on September 9, 1999);

Children, one of whose parents is disabled (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 10/02/1992 No. 1157 “On additional measures of state support for disabled people” (as amended on 09/09/1999);

Children of police officers, as well as police officers who died (died) as a result of injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties, children of police officers who died as a result of a disease received during their service in the police, children of citizens of the Russian Federation, dismissed from police service due to injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties and excluding the possibility of further service in the police, children of a citizen of the Russian Federation who died within one year after dismissal from police service due to injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties, or as a result of an illness received during the period of service in the police, which excluded the possibility of further service in the police, children who are (were) dependent on a police officer, a citizen of the Russian Federation, specified in the above categories of this parts (parts) 6 Article 46 Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated 02/07/2011 No. 3-FZ “On the Police”);

Military personnel (Article 19, 23 Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ “On the status of military personnel” (as amended on December 4, 2006);

Children of drug control officers (Regulations on law enforcement service in agencies for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 5, 2003 No. 613). State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, within their competence and with appropriate compensation from the funds of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia, provide children of employees with places in preschool institutions and boarding schools at the place of residence, regardless of the departmental affiliation of these institutions and boarding schools, within three months from the date of employees’ request.

Children of working single parents, student mothers, children under guardianship, children whose parents (one parent) are in military service, children of the unemployed and internally displaced persons, students, children whose parents (one parent) are employees of this preschool educational institution institutions are employees of educational and general education institutions located on the territory of the municipal district, are employees of organizations financed from the local budget.

The following have priority rights to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Department of Education system;

Additional categories of citizens who have the right to extraordinary (priority) admission to preschool educational institutions may be established by local government bodies and secured by relevant resolutions.

Required documents:

1. Extract from the decision of the guardianship and trusteeship authority for orphans, children left without parental care, transferred to families of citizens for adoption, guardianship, foster care, children whose parents are persons from among orphans and children left without parental care (persons aged 18 to 23 years who, when they were under 18 years of age, both or only one parent died, or who were left without the care of one or both parents);

2. Certificate of participation in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant for children of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;

3. Certificate of employment for children of prosecutors and investigators of the Investigative Committee at the Prosecutor's Office, children of judges, children of police officers, children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Department of Education of your city;

4. Certificate of a large family or birth certificate of three or more children in a family for children from large families;

5. Certificate from a military unit or from a military commissariat at the family’s place of residence for children of military personnel serving under contract or conscription;

A certificate from the social protection authorities for children of police officers who died (died) in connection with the performance of official activities or who died before the expiration of one year after dismissal from service due to injury (concussion), illness received during the period of service, as well as children of employees under Preferential The following have the right to be admitted to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

6. The following have priority rights to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

7. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

8. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

9. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

10. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

11. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

12. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

13. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

14. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

15. The following have priority rights to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

16. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

17. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

18. The following have priority rights to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

19. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

20. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

21. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

22. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

23. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

24. The following have the priority right of admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

25. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

26. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

27. The following have the priority right of admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

28. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

29. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

30. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

31. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

32. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

33. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

34. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

35. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

36. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

37. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

38. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

39. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

40. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

41. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

42. The priority right of admission to the institution has:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

43. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

44. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

45. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

46. ​​The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

47. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

48. The following have the priority right of admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

49. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

50. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

51. The following have the priority right of admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

52. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

53. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application to register the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

54. The following have the priority right of admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

55. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

56. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

57. The following have the priority right of admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

58. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

59. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

60. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

61. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

62. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

63. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

64. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

65. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

66. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

67. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

68. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

69. The priority right of admission to the institution has:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

70. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

71. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

72. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

73. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

74. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

75. The following have the priority right of admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

76. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

77. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

78. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

79. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

80. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

81. The following have the priority right of admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

82. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

83. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

84. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

85. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

86. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

87. The priority right of admission to the institution has:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

88. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

89. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

90. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

91. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

92. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application to register the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

93. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

94. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

95. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

96. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

97. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

98. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application to register the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

99. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

100. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

101. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

102. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

103. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

104. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

105. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

106. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

107. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

108. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

109. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

110. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

111. The priority right of admission to the institution has:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

112. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

113. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

114. The priority right of admission to the institution has:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

115. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

116. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

117. The priority right of admission to the institution has:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

118. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

119. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

120. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

121. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

122. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

123. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

124. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

125. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

126. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

127. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

128. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

129. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

130. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

131. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

132. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

133. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

134. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

135. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

136. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

137. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

138. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

139. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

140. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

141. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

142. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

143. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

Next entry

In Russia, certain categories of citizens are entitled to priority enrollment of children in preschool institutions. But not everyone knows who can do this. There are also other benefits when entering kindergarten. What legal provisions do you need to know? This will be discussed in more detail below.


Benefits for admission to kindergarten are secured by various documents:

  1. Regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation, which indicate the standards for staffing institutions with children from preferential categories.
  2. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 2562, supplementing the first document.
  3. Federal Law No. 124 includes categories of citizens with preferential enrollment, as well as the registration procedure.
  4. Federal Law “On Education”, which provides for exemption or partial payment for kindergarten by some citizens.

It is necessary to take into account that local authorities may formulate their own bills, which will provide for compensation for not providing a place in a preschool institution. Therefore, benefits for entering kindergarten may differ in each region. The law provides for such a phenomenon.

Queue at the preschool educational institution

What benefits apply for entering kindergarten? Some citizens are given the right to send their children to preschool educational institutions on preferential terms. This applies to:

  1. Orphans 18-23 years old, as well as persons raising a child on their own (18-23 years old). This right is confirmed by an extract from the guardianship organization.
  2. Victims of the Chernobyl disaster. A certificate of evacuation or a document on disability will help confirm your status.
  3. Dysfunctional families. To do this, you need to take a referral from the commission on juvenile affairs.
  4. Children of judges and prosecutors.

In addition to these citizens, families raising adopted children have the right to priority enrollment.

Queue entry

You can enroll in preschool education in the standard manner or with benefits, if they are provided. Previously, to register a child, you had to contact the head of the institution to resolve this issue. But after abuse of official position, this duty is fulfilled by special commissions that deal with the distribution of children to kindergartens.

Parents who have had to deal with a similar issue are advised to contact them as early as possible. Some do this after receiving a birth certificate. This gives hope that the child will enter kindergarten on time.

Documents must be submitted to the department that is located in each administration. This is where placement into kindergartens takes place. The list of documents is standard.

Electronic queues

Since 2015, a simplified registration process for kindergarten has been in effect. These are electronic queues. The program is distributed throughout the country, but not everyone uses it. Online registration can be found on the official website of the administration. It's convenient and effective.

It's easy to sign up online. You must register on the site. It is necessary to indicate the full name of the child and parents, birth certificate number, and residential address of the applicant. You need to enter information about benefits. Contact information must be provided. When filling out the application, you must indicate the desired institution.

After this, the child will receive his/her number in the queue. But this is only leaving an application, which does not exempt you from visiting the administration. There you need to submit documents, without which your place in the queue will be invalid. If this is not done a month in advance, the records will be archived and the number will not be valid.

Securing a place

If the family has benefits, then the voucher can be received in a timely manner. It is necessary to contact kindergarten as early as possible. Only then will it be possible not to lose your place, officially assigning it to the baby. To do this, you need to fill out an application and attach documents to it.

You must provide a permit issued by the administration. Previously, vaccinations were mandatory for enrollment in kindergarten, but this norm has now been changed. If parents do not want to carry out these procedures for their child, no one can refuse him a place in kindergarten.

Then the preschool educational institution and the parents enter into an agreement. Payment details will be stated there. If the family has the right to receive payment benefits, they must provide documentary evidence of this. During this procedure, a seat will be assigned to the child.

Who will be the first to enroll?

Benefits for admission to kindergarten provide for priority enrollment for children of certain categories of citizens:

  1. Families of police officers or former employees of this structure who cannot serve due to injuries received in the service. This also applies to those killed while on duty.
  2. Families of contract military personnel. A certificate from the military registration and enlistment office will be required.
  3. Families of disabled people.
  4. Large families.

First, children from these categories are registered, and then the rest. This is fixed by law, so no one can circumvent such rules.

Who benefits?

When first-priority and out-of-priority children are enrolled, a new queue is created, which also receive benefits when entering kindergarten. These categories of citizens include:

  • single mothers;
  • kindergarten workers who work in government agencies.

State assistance with payments

There are other benefits when a child enrolls in kindergarten. The state exempts the following citizens from paying for a preschool institution:

  • families where children have tuberculosis intoxication;
  • families in which parents are recognized as orphans or have children with disabilities;
  • low-income families.

Benefits are provided not only to the civilian population of the country, but also to military personnel when entering kindergarten. 50% discount applies to:

  • large families raising 3 or more children;
  • families where parents are disabled people of group 1 or 2;
  • families in which parents are recognized as participants in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident;
  • families where parents are contract military personnel.


There are long queues in kindergartens, which is why many mothers cannot return from maternity leave for a long time. According to Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, education, including preschool, is publicly available. What to do if there are no places even for beneficiaries? Then you can expect to receive compensation. It is paid in amounts depending on the age of the child:

  • 1.5-3 years - about 6 thousand rubles;
  • 3-6 years - 4 thousand rubles per month.

But this rule does not apply at the legislative level; it can only be provided for at the regional level. The list of benefits for entering kindergarten is different in each region. And the payment amounts may also differ depending on the budget.


It is necessary to collect some papers to apply for benefits when entering kindergarten. In St. Petersburg, as in other regions, the collection of the following documents is provided:

  • statement;
  • confirmation of benefits;
  • copy of the passport;
  • a copy of the birth certificate;
  • Marriage registration;
  • confirmation of residential address.

Additionally they may require:

  • certificate from work;
  • birth certificates of children, if the family has many children;
  • salary certificate;
  • confirmation of the preferential category;
  • disability document.

The listed papers must be submitted in original and copies. Only with a complete set of documents will an application for benefits be considered.

Where to contact?

To obtain a place in kindergarten on the basis of benefits, you need to contact social protection. The necessary documents should be prepared. If you need to quickly resolve the issue, you need to visit the MFC at your place of residence. The sooner you sign up for the queue, the faster your child will be registered.

Regional benefits

Regional benefits may be provided for admission to kindergarten. The amounts of compensation for not providing a place in a preschool institution differ. The reason for this is that the issue of compensation is decided at the regional level, and not at the state level. Therefore, local authorities solve such problems themselves.

In the regions, the discount on payment for services may be increased. Therefore, it is necessary to find out accurate information from the social protection departments. But the principles of enrollment in the regions are similar. Almost the same rules for operating kindergartens also apply.

Features of state kindergartens

Such kindergartens operate under government programs that allow children to obtain the necessary level of knowledge. The guys won't be overloaded with it. The institutions are located over a wide area of ​​cities, so you can sign up at the nearest institution. It is possible to choose a specialized kindergarten taking into account health problems.

Children stay in such an institution all day, but there are short-stay groups. There is the possibility of additional activities with the child, but for a fee. Children in state kindergartens receive a balanced diet. The activities of the institution are controlled by higher authorities. It is in such a garden that you can take advantage of benefits that are not available in private institutions.

But the establishments also have disadvantages, for example, large groups (up to 30 people). It is difficult for the teacher to keep track of everyone. The high quality of child care does not always lead to complaints from parents. But the manager cannot fire the employee, since there are already not enough of them. Many people are not happy that the food there is ordinary. If the child is not accustomed to such food, he will be hungry.

Choosing a kindergarten

You must register at the institution in advance, preferably after the birth of the baby. It is better to choose several gardens located near your home. Then it will be possible to determine the appropriate option.

Gardens have different operating modes. Usually they are open 12 hours, 14 hours, but there are 24-hour, five-day and short-term establishments. If there are any benefits, you should definitely take advantage of them. It is important to provide supporting documents in a timely manner, and there will be no difficulties with enrolling in kindergarten.

The procedure for allocating places in kindergartens is strictly regulated. Responsibility for the distribution of places lies with the commission for staffing kindergartens.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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Representatives of preferential categories have the right to receive a place in the queue without waiting for a free place.

The legislation provides for the possibility of enrolling a certain category of children on preferential terms, and, depending on the category of benefits, the child may be allocated a place completely out of turn, as well as on a priority or preferential basis. Next, we’ll take a closer look at what benefits are when enrolling in a kindergarten.

What it is?

The list of preferential categories of preschool children to whom the state gives the right to enroll in kindergarten without a general waiting list is regulated by Articles 55 and 65, which are spelled out in the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation.” This law was adopted on December 29, 2012.

It is worth noting that the list of preferential categories of children is national.

Regional authorities do not have the right to reduce the list of beneficiaries, but in the local legislation of the regions of the Russian Federation, this list can be supplemented with certain items, depending on the characteristics of the population structure of the region.

For supervision and care of children in kindergarten, parents must pay a certain monthly fee, the amount of which depends on the region and type of preschool institution.

The cost of public kindergarten services is quite affordable, but can significantly hit the budget of some families.

There is also a list of categories of the population who can take advantage of benefits for paying for kindergarten services. This will help reduce the cost of child care in an institution by 50%, and some beneficiaries are entitled to compensation for the entire cost of kindergarten services. Half of the amount will be compensated from the state budget.

This list of preferential categories is regulated by paragraph three of Article 65 of the law under number 273-FZ, as well as by the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation “On the fee charged to parents for supervision and care” under number 862, which was issued on November 24, 2020.

Preferential queue for kindergarten

Benefits do not entitle representatives of preferential categories of children to receive a place in kindergarten out of turn.

Since the number of preferential places in preschool educational institutions is also limited, representatives of preferential categories also form a separate queue. Next, we’ll take a closer look at who has the right to a preferential queue for kindergarten.

Who is eligible?

To find out who is entitled to a preferential queue for kindergarten, it is advisable to study in detail the above-mentioned legislative acts.

Beneficiaries can be divided into several subcategories:

  • the right to enroll outside the general queue;
  • right of priority enrollment;
  • right to preferential enrollment.

The right to enroll without waiting lists is given to:

  • children of military personnel, law enforcement officers or firefighters who died or became incapacitated due to their professional activities, as well as children of liquidators of the Chernobyl accident;
  • children of prosecutors, judges and investigative committee employees;
  • children from low-income and disadvantaged families, as well as foster families.

The following are eligible for priority enrollment:

  • children who have 1, 2 or 3 categories of disability, as well as those children of parents with the corresponding category of disability;
  • children from families with three or more minor children;
  • children of military personnel and law enforcement officers.

The right of preferential enrollment is given to:

  • children raised by single parents;
  • children of education and public utility workers in kindergartens at their place of residence.

It turns out that preferential queues for kindergarten for military personnel, as well as benefits for single mothers in queues for kindergarten are provided differently.

How to get up?

It is also worth considering the registration process for a kindergarten place. Now there are several ways to put your child on a waiting list for kindergarten.

A place in the queue is given on the basis of an application that parents need to submit to government agencies.

The statement states:

  • information about the baby's health;
  • priority institutions for enrollment (up to three);
  • desired date for starting kindergarten;
  • passport details of one of the parents;
  • details of the child’s certificate issued to the parents after his birth;
  • contact phone number and email address of parents.

If the child belongs to a certain preferential category, this must also be indicated in the application.

You can submit an application in the following ways:

  • through MFC or OSIP;
  • via the Internet on the State Services website.

To fill out an application through the MFC or OSIP, it is enough to contact the institution with the necessary documents, a list of which we will consider below. It is enough to contact an employee of the institution, after which he will help you draw up an application in the correct form.

Once it is processed, parents will receive a message with the registration number in the message via phone and email.

If you submit an application through the State Services website, you can do everything without leaving your home.

Only registered users can use the services of this service, which gives the public access to administrative services online. Registration will not take much time, but it is very important to enter correct data, as it is thoroughly checked.

After registration, you need to select the appropriate section in the list of site services, after which the system will redirect the user to a page with an application form. Once completed, parents will have the opportunity to select up to three priority kindergartens and sign the application using a digital signature. The whole procedure will take no more than 10 minutes.

If any discrepancies arise during the processing of registration data, the system will ask parents to bring certified copies of the original documents to the MFC.

As soon as a place in a kindergarten is found for a child, parents will receive a notification by phone and email with characteristics of the institution and rules for enrolling children.

It is worth noting that if parents do not submit documents to the kindergarten on time, the right to a place will be transferred to the next child in line.

When receiving notification of a vacancy, it is very important to carefully study the rules for enrolling children in the institution.

Required documents

The following documents are required to complete the application:

  • passport of one of the parents;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • a document confirming the right to preferential enrollment (if any).

Many Russian families do not have the opportunity to send their child to kindergarten, despite the fact that they registered him with the Department of Education immediately after his birth. This happens due to an acute shortage of places in kindergartens. It is much easier to get the opportunity to teach children in a preschool educational institution for those categories of citizens who are entitled to benefits when entering kindergarten, but many do not even know that they can qualify for priority, priority or preferential enrollment in a preschool educational institution.

Who has the right to enroll in kindergarten without a queue?

Children of radiation victims and liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, as well as persons from special risk units. Children from families left without a breadwinner due to the above incidents.

Death certificate of the family breadwinner who died due to the Chernobyl accident or died due to radiation effects on the body

Certificate of a person affected by radiation due to being near the accident at Mayak PA

Certificate of a disabled person or liquidator of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident

Orphans. Children who were left without parental care. Children under guardianship or foster care. Adopted children.

Children of disabled people and military personnel killed or declared missing (Abkhazia, South Ossetia, North Caucasus, Dagestan)

A certificate from the place of service of the citizen, proving death, disappearance or assignment of a disabled group and direct participation in counter-terrorism operations and the fight against terrorists, as well as in helping to ensure the safety of people

Children whose parents were orphans or left without parents or a single parent before reaching the age of 18 (at the time of submitting an application for enrollment of a child in kindergarten, they must be 18-23 years old)

Extract from the decision of the guardianship authorities
Children of prosecutors

Certificate from the parent from the place of work indicating the position

Children from disadvantaged families

Referral from the juvenile affairs commission investigating the family's case
Children of judges

Children of Investigative Committee employees

Certificate of employment indicating the position

Who has the priority right to enroll in kindergarten?

After children from families who have the right to be enrolled without a waiting list are enrolled in kindergarten, the queue will come to enroll children with priority rights to study at a preschool educational institution:

Proof of entitlement to benefits

Children of single mothers (from single-parent families). Depending on the region of Russia, the benefit will be provided either only to single mothers, or to single mothers, widows, divorced women who do not receive alimony from their ex-spouse, etc.

Birth certificate of the baby without information about the father or a certificate from the registry office about entering information about the baby’s father according to the mother

Certificate of family composition

Certificate from the Employment Service regarding registration as unemployed

Children of military personnel serving under contract or conscription. Sons and daughters of military personnel who were dismissed due to age, due to deteriorating health, or due to organizational and staffing measures.

Certificate from the military commissariat of the region of family registration or certificate from a military unit

Children of police officers who are not police officers, as well as children of police officers:

  • deceased or killed due to deterioration of health or injury received while serving;
  • died due to illness while on duty or dismissed due to injury (other injuries, diseases) acquired during service, which made it impossible to return to service as a police officer;
  • died within 1 year after registration of dismissal from the police due to injuries, illness, injury received during work and which caused the impossibility of returning to service;
  • dependents of a police officer.

Certificate from the place of service indicating the position

Children whose father or mother has a disability. Disabled children.

Certificate from the ITU Bureau on assignment of a disabled group

Children from large families

Birth certificates for all children

Large family certificate

Who has a priority right to enter kindergarten?

When there are few free places left in a preschool institution, and the question arises of which of the two children to accept, the one who has the priority right to enroll will be chosen. However, in general, these children will receive places only after the enrollment of children in preferential categories who have the right to be taken without a queue and in the first place. Preferential rights went to the following young children:

Benefits for paying for kindergarten services and meals in them

Discount amount for preschool education (%)

Children whose parents have two children attending kindergarten

Children who are with their mother after their parents’ divorce, and whose father (information about whom is on the birth certificate) does not live with the child admitted to kindergarten by a court decision or by consent of the spouses.

Children of employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Department system (educators and other employees)

Children of teachers who have passed the state. accreditation from the state educational institutions, as well as private educational institutions

Children whose mother and/or father suffered from radiation due to the Chernobyl accident

Children whose parents separated

Children of widows

Children of single parents

Children of military conscripts (not officers)


Children studying in specialized short-stay groups in the state. Preschool educational institutions of “compensatory or combined type” due to poor hearing and deafness, poor vision and blindness, tuberculosis intoxication, intellectual development disorders, severe speech disorders.

Children of students and pupils (if both parents are studying, or a single parent) of full-time primary, secondary vocational and higher education institutions.

Children taken into care by a family of guardians

Children whose parent died while serving as a military or police officer.

Children whose parents or only mother or father have group I or II disability.

Children from large families, where 3 or more children have not reached the age of 18

Where to apply for benefits

To receive regional benefits when entering kindergarten, you should contact the regional office social protection of the population or in Multifunctional Center. If we are talking about compensation for paying for a child’s education at a preschool educational institution, you need to contact Department of Education region of residence of the family.

What documents are needed to apply for benefits?

Additional documents for each specific case can be found in the tables given above in the article. In addition to the above papers, you will need to prepare:


Where to get it

Application for registration of a child to enroll him in kindergarten

Filled out according to the sample at the place of submission of documents

Passport with a photocopy of the child’s parent or legal representative

Birth certificate of a child who requires a place in kindergarten

Civil registry offices
Birth certificates of all other children raised in the family

Civil registry offices

Certificate of marriage between the child’s parents (in the case of raising the child in a complete family)

Civil registry offices
Certificate of cohabitation of mother and child

Passport office, Settlement Administration, Housing Department

Benefits for entering kindergarten in the regions

Local authorities have the right to establish their own benefits valid within the region. Families that may qualify as beneficiaries may include:

Proof of entitlement to benefits
Children of combat veterans and deceased combat veterans

Death certificate of a parent

Children of students or a single mother studying at a university or secondary vocational institution

Certificate from the educational institution confirming completion of training
Children of internally displaced persons

Refugee ID

Children of unemployed parents

Certificate of registration as unemployed from the Employment Service
Children of single employed parents, adoptive parents, trustees, guardians

Extract from the decision of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities and a certificate from the parent’s place of work

Legislative acts on the topic

Benefits for children of parents affected by the Chernobyl accident
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08.25.1999 No. 936, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 02.09.2004 No. 65, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 12.08.2008 No. 587

On preferential enrollment in kindergarten for children of the deceased and disabled

On skip-the-line enrollment of children of prosecutors in kindergarten
Federal Law of December 28, 2010 No. 403-FZ

On the admission to kindergarten without a waiting list for children of Investigative Committee employees

On the extraordinary enrollment of children of judges in kindergarten
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 05.05.1992 No. 431

On priority enrollment of children from large families in kindergarten

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 2, 1992 No. 1157

On priority enrollment in kindergarten for disabled children and children one of whose parents has a disability
Federal Law of 02/07/2011 No. 3-FZ

On priority enrollment in kindergarten for children of police officers and police officers who are not police officers

On priority enrollment of military children in kindergarten
Order of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 4, 2011 No. Pr-1227

On priority admission to kindergarten for children of single mothers

Common mistakes

Error: The child's parents demand a place in kindergarten on the basis that they have a priority right to enrollment.