Souvenirs for children up to 100 rubles. Budget gifts - choose the best! Necessary additional accessories

15 gifts no more than 100 rubles natalytarn wrote in December 29th, 2009

After those closest to us have been given decent gifts, it is the turn of those whose merits in our lives also require gifts, but more rationally chosen ones. Here you need to know when to stop and maintain a balance between the usefulness of the gift, unusualness and budget: the task of “fast, cheap, high quality”, without excluding one of the conditions, is known to be difficult to achieve in our lives.

Empirically, we have determined a budget that allows us to purchase “mass” gifts without going broke and while maintaining the image of a responsible giver: this is 100 rubles for each gift. In a world where you can only ride the metro 4 times with this money, we found 15 items no more expensive than 100 rubles that are nice to receive as a gift and that you wouldn’t be ashamed to give to a friend for the New Year.

1. Cord holder "Mr. P", 59 rubles

If the cords cannot be hidden, then they must be creatively tangled. A gift for gadget lovers and neat freaks.

2. Anti-stress Christmas tree, 99 rubles

The Christmas tree can be crushed and thrown at enemies, but who would raise their hand to throw a New Year's fetish? Ideally calms after the New Year's rush.

3. Postcard "December 31st", 50 rubles

A postcard may well be an independent gift if it is an art object.

4. Green star, 95 rubles

In general, I personally think that giving New Year’s toys one at a time is bad manners; the recipient will have to hang your creative red ball on the orange tree and wait until you finally leave. But if the toy looks like a Pixar cartoon character, then there will be a personal place for it.

5. Antibuki, 99 rubles

Inside is a textbook, outside - “How to increase your boobs to size 4 with toothpaste.” And just think about what's going on. A gift for the strong in spirit and young at heart.

6. Toilet paper "Sudoku", 95 rubles

Of all the works of toilet humor, this is the most practical. A wonderful gift for relatives over 60.

7. Air mattress, 90 rubles

Screw winter, give it summer! Giving a summer gift in winter is the choice of a free person. And in the absence of the sea, you can lie on the mattress during the New Year holidays with a bowl of Olivier.

8. Ice cream, 59 rubles

Ice sleds, more popularly known as “ass sleds,” are suitable for both young people and adults - the latter much more so, because during the holidays the desire to slide down the hill on your butt and lose your glasses in a snowdrift becomes impatient.

9. “Clouds” stickers, 90 rubles

A gift for romantic natures: five stickers - and you are no longer Lena from the second polygraph course, but Alice in Wonderland.

10. DVD "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind", 99 rubles

The best film in the world. And if you have any objections, you can look for other DVDs.

11. Textile marker, 36 rubles

A gift for lovers of handmade art and creativity: with this marker you can turn a T-shirt from the “Your” store into a trendy T-short and flaunt it at New Year’s parties, the picture does not erase or fade.

If you want to please someone with a good surprise, but don’t know what to give for 500 rubles, and don’t have a larger amount, don’t despair. Believe me, even 100 or 300 rubles is enough to make an excellent birthday gift - to your mother, your beloved boyfriend, man or girlfriend. Inexpensive gifts can be very creative and original, the main thing is to know what and where to look, use your imagination and not buy just anything. There are many tricks, knowing which, you will learn to select excellent gifts under 500 rubles, and will be able to congratulate your loved ones inexpensively, but in a very original and pleasant way!

It is important, when choosing a budget gift for your mother, friend or loved one, to immediately determine its exact cost in advance. Even if you have only 100 or 300 rubles at your disposal, but you want a gift for 1000 or more, you can always find a cheaper analogue or a better idea. Remember that whoever said attention is key was right. And it's easy to prove! An expensive thing, given without attention and bought for show, will not cause as much joy as a souvenir for 100 rubles, made with sincere love and soul. Show attention to the birthday person on this day, try and take your time, and you can find something very worthwhile!

Women's gifts

If you are preparing a birthday gift for your mother, sister, or friend, you probably want to give something very beautiful and elegant. This can be done inexpensively, knowing the tastes of the birthday girl, her preferences, and having your own taste. Many handmade items are very inexpensive, but at the same time beautiful and exclusive - look for them in online stores and designer workshops. Don’t look for gifts in ordinary stores and salons; there you won’t find a gift for 100 or 300 rubles, and even for 100 you won’t buy anything worthy. It may take you days to find the item you need, so prepare in advance!

For men

It’s easy to give your beloved dad, boyfriend or man a budget gift for his birthday. He wants to receive love and care from you, so show these feelings in full! There are many creative, stylish and inexpensive accessories and little things for men that will help you show your attention and leave a pleasant and valuable memory.

Handmade is the best choice

If you are looking for gifts on a limited budget, then handmade is your ideal choice. It is better to spend a little time and effort than to give a cheap thing; you will be able to create an exclusive gift for a loved one with your own hands, and believe me, it will be appreciated. Gifts that are made by hand always have a soul and a special hidden meaning; these things are valuable and dear to the heart, and remain as a keepsake forever. It's worth trying!

As you can see, gifts can be very inexpensive, but at the same time creative, sincere and stylish. All you need for the perfect gift is imagination, a little time, attention and love for the person. Give with pleasure, do not spare your feelings - and the holidays will always be unforgettable!

There is very little left until the New Year, which means that the question is becoming more and more pressing: how to buy gifts for everyone, everyone, and not go broke? After all, you need to congratulate relatives, friends, colleagues, acquaintances - a decent crowd is gathering. Let’s do it simply - look at a selection of products from Aliexpress costing less than 100 rubles and decide which of what you’ve looked at will be a gift for the New Year :)

!ATTENTION! Many of the products reviewed were discounted at the time the review was published. Don’t be upset if the price suddenly differs from that shown in the picture - this happens on Aliexpress :) In any case, even after the discounts expire, all the goods reviewed will be affordable, although it may be a little more than 100 rubles. And be sure to read about it if you are using Aliexpress for the first time!

Let's start, of course, with themed gifts that convey the spirit of the New Year and Christmas in their entire appearance. Let's start with the festive mood: a simple and at the same time bright and cheerful accessory - a New Year's frame for glasses, decorated with a good-natured snowman or Santa Claus, is perfect for as a New Year's present.

Or you can use this frame yourself, say, at a party in a cheerful, friendly company: smiles and attention are guaranteed to you :)

Speaking of the party: to be even brighter and “New Year’s”, you can decorate your hair with bright “touches”:

Definitely, this is for those who want to be the brightest in the literal sense of the word at the New Year's holiday!

Since the girls got a “garland for their hair” for a bright look, then their gentlemen also need to somehow stand out! The New Year's mood can be conveyed with the help of a small touch - a New Year's “butterfly”:

All you have to do is get a red sweater with deer somewhere, a shirt with a white collar - and the perfect holiday look is complete!

You can add additional mischief to your appearance with one more attribute - a headband with smiling snowmen or funny horns:

It has long been a well-known holiday item, sold on every corner before the New Year :) If you don't have one yet, now is the time to buy one!

So, you, having put on New Year's glasses and a headband, with shining hair, got ready to visit - but not empty-handed. For this occasion, you have excellent wine (or another drink for a festive feast), which you are going to present to your hospitable hosts. But handing over a bottle just like that is somehow banal... I have an idea! Dress up your present in a New Year's costume!

In this presentation, your gift will be appreciated not only for its content, but also for its appearance.

If your gift does not match the dimensions and shape of the bottle, then you can still dress it up in a festive way - for example, in these bright Santa pants:

Very cute and fun, isn't it? Your gift will bring joy even before it is even printed! And he will clearly be remembered for a long time.

There are, of course, more classic ways to wrap your gift without using banal wrapping paper and all sorts of tying bows. For example, you can put a box with a gift in a bag, from which the snowman will happily wave and smile at the recipient:

Cute bags, looking at which you begin to smile and feel more strongly the warm, soft mood of the approaching holiday.

If you can “dress up” a gift, then why not do the same with something else?! For example, with furniture. What do you think of this “Santa hat” for your home chairs?

They will definitely add even more festive mood to your home interior, and the family New Year's feast will become doubly pleasant, warmer and more fun!

If you are wondering how you can make, for example, your colleagues happy, then you should pay attention to such a gift for a modest amount:

A small Christmas tree shimmering with different colors will be a wonderful decoration for your desktop - such a themed gift will definitely not go unnoticed!

There are many variations on the theme of luminous souvenirs on Aliexpress - the Chinese simply cannot live if something does not glow and shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow! Another option for a beautiful souvenir Christmas tree as a gift for the New Year is in front of you:

In our opinion, it is very beautiful. What about yours?

Those who don’t like all sorts of “glowing lights” may well like the more laconic “snow-covered Christmas trees” - also an excellent gift that conveys the winter spirit of the New Year, and for even more modest money!

Christmas trees in the snow with a snowdrift base - all you have to do is find miniature tinsel, garland and toys, and everyone will have their own little holiday on the table :)

As a memorable souvenir that will cost you 100 rubles, you can choose these deer shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow:

Turning off the light to admire them, the recipient of such a gift will certainly remember with warmth the one who gave such beauty.

Or a smiling snowman can become a bright gift souvenir:

This figurine will appeal to both adults and children - after all, we all want bright and joyful emotions, and this snowman gives them just that :)

We consider this interesting little thing to be a good option for a New Year’s gift:

Ladies simply must appreciate all the shine of the stones and the beauty of the brooch in general! And they don’t necessarily need to know that such a gift costs 100 rubles :)

There are things that are always associated with the holiday. For example, balloons. We invite you to familiarize yourself with what Chinese craftsmen have created in this area.

If you don’t mind playing a prank on one of your friends, you can puzzle someone by saying that he will receive a decorated Christmas tree as a gift from you!

Well, by giving your friend such a ball, you will definitely make a surprise :) The main thing is that the recipient of such a gift does not take your warning at face value and does not end up without a normal Christmas tree, since he did not buy or decorate anything while waiting for your gift.

Of course, the matter is not limited to just one Christmas tree. For example, you can decorate your office or room with different characters associated with the New Year:

Santa, however, has a very provocative appearance (readers with a “spoiled” mind will understand 🙂), and the head of Santa Claus in the form of a star looks quite strange... However, as they say: “Every product has its buyer,” so who... then maybe these balloons will be to your liking :)

A festive ball does not have to be visually associated with the New Year - there are other options for conveying the festive mood. What do Russians associate with the chiming clock? Of course with champagne! And therefore, such balls will be a relevant New Year’s decoration or gift:

When you see these balls, you can hear the hiss of “sparkling”, and at the same time your mood improves :)

You can take a creative approach to decorating your office or apartment by indicating the coming year with numbers. Collect “2018” from balloons, and a sea of ​​happiness awaits you in the coming year!

By the way, who said that only people need to give gifts for the New Year? After all, our pets also have the right to a New Year's mood! Therefore, we present to your attention cute New Year's socks for four-legged friends:

These are the special “anti-slip” socks to keep your dog warm and not slippery. And of course, if you give such a gift to someone who loves his four-legged friend, it will be appreciated.

Socks are generally a universal gift. And useful, and most importantly, very necessary in winter, when you absolutely want to protect your feet from the winter cold. So, not only animals can show off in New Year's socks - you can also please your beloved ladies with such a gift!

Indeed, since men can be given socks on February 23, why not do the same for girls, only for the New Year? 🙂

An excellent holiday souvenir can also be an accessory for something that we never part with for almost a minute. Of course, we mean our faithful “life companions” - cell phones. An example of how to dress up your iPhone in a New Year's outfit is below:

With such a case you will always take the New Year with you!

In fact, there are a lot of variations of covers with New Year’s designs - here’s another example, in a slightly different style:

There are some really touching ones for lovers of cuteness and the color pink:

There are other colors in the ad as well.

If you don’t want to get attached to the New Year’s theme, there is an excellent example of a cover as a gift for all occasions:

Such a case will remind its owner that in life it is necessary to find time for relaxation, fun and vino :)

Well, since we switched to universal gifts from Aliexpress, let's see what other gifts for 100 rubles we managed to find in the vastness of this online store.

If you want to give something to a person whose childhood was spent in the 90s and early 2000s, then there is a 100% way to immerse him headlong in nostalgia for a happy childhood:

Yes, those same Tamagotchis that every schoolchild had, squeaking during lessons, keeping them awake at night, etc. Give such a gift and see in the eyes of the recipient how his childhood comes back to him!

We have something to surprise winter sports lovers too. Do you have a snowboarding friend? Give him these glasses and see his reaction!

Futuristic X-men, the ad says, and we 100% agree. A very unusual gift for a ridiculous amount - what can you think, you have to take it!

Well, if you have prankster friends, then we have found a funny present for them:

Of course, these souvenirs are in no way thematically related to the New Year, but looking at them, it’s impossible not to smile! You can give such a gift just like that, for the sake of a good mood :)

There is something even more extreme. Suitable for crazy people who like to make fun of themselves and scare others. Look at this mask for yourself!

Such a spectacle is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. But a lot of photos with the owner of such a face and fun for all holidays is guaranteed!

If you are a serious person (but not entirely), then you can give a set of dishes for the New Year. Yes, yes, for 100 rubles. Here he is:

Are you already figuring out in your head how you can “pin” the recipient of such a set? In general, another fun moment that will be reflected in the memory will be guaranteed.

Let's move on from jokes to cute but functional inexpensive gifts. Do you have a friend/colleague/relative who wears contacts? Then the following gift will be very useful:

Very nice and helpful. And it doesn’t even cost 100 rubles!

Here's another from the same series - a small gift for the owner of the lenses:

Mi-mi-cuteness is complete. We are buying urgently!

And a variation on the theme of lenses is more serious, for musical people, for example. How do you like this piano?

Practical, useful, stylish, inexpensive. This is how a gift should be :)

Of course, on New Year’s Day we must not forget about giving gifts to children, because they are the ones who are waiting for a miracle the most. And it is desirable that there be as many gifts as possible! How can you make your child shine with happiness without parting with an amount equal to the annual bonus? The answer is below.

First, give your child a balloon the size of himself:

If a child is not happy with such a ball, then he either does not like Hello Kitty, or the little picky child has been spoiled too much.

There are cartoon characters that will delight everyone, even the most fastidious ones. Who is this? Minions of course!

The huge minion will definitely bring a lot of fun to your child. And not only for the child - adults will also involuntarily smile and remember their signature “Banana”, looking at this ball :)

Imagine a situation in which a whole crowd of restless tomboys gathered in an apartment to celebrate the New Year! What to do with them? You can give them a toy that will occupy them for a long time and the potential breakdown of which will result in minimal financial losses:

These simple and at the same time fascinating “Dragonfly Propellers” will appeal to children, we are absolutely sure of that! And at the same time, they will have something to do with their irrepressible energy.

A more sophisticated version of these “dragonflies” that will leave a lot of impressions on both children and adults! The toy is intended for the street, and is perfect for New Year's walks with the whole family:

There is a possibility that children may not get their hands on this toy, but happy guys will compete to see who can shoot this glowing “helicopter” the highest :)

There are great toys for little ones. A whole family of dolls with which you can play with your child, tell stories and entertain in every possible way!

Such a cute, slightly Asian family :)

And finally, a gift that will stay with your child for a long time and will bring joy every day. And at the same time, perhaps, it will instill a love for the stars and a thirst for astronomical knowledge!

A great way to spend time with children, decorate a children's room and bring a piece of a fairy tale into everyday life :-).

Dear readers, this concludes our review. We really hope that it will help someone with choosing a gift that will give a lot of positive emotions. I wish you happiness and a great New Year holidays!

Article For the New Year for 100 rubles - we are looking for gifts on Aliexpress was modified: March 5th, 2018 by Netobserver

On March 8, most men want to please women with original and beautiful gifts. But it’s not always possible to buy a chic or expensive gift. And in some cases, giving luxury gifts is simply inappropriate. We have to rack our brains about what to give inexpensively on March 8, so that the gifts are interesting and there is enough money to purchase. We have collected ideas for inexpensive gifts for March 8th for all occasions, on which you will not spend more than 200 rubles.

You can buy gifts for March 8 inexpensively and in an original way, even with only 100 rubles in your wallet. Choose interesting gift options within a modest budget that can lift a woman’s spirits and bring pleasure.

Such a gift costs no more than 50 rubles, but can set the desired flavor for the holiday. You can give it to colleagues, relatives, or a girlfriend.

Another fragrant, inexpensive gift for March 8, which a woman can use at work, put in her purse, or use to quickly fall asleep.

A bright, comfortable stand is a universal gift for smartphone owners.

Now the phone will not slip out of your hands, you will not need to look for it among a pile of papers.

In addition, placing the gadget on the stand makes it convenient to watch videos.

A transparent silicone sponge can replace brushes and regular sponges. They are convenient for applying creams, blush, masks, and foundation. Moreover, the products are not absorbed into the sponge, and to clean it, it is enough to rinse the sponge with soapy water.

Girls who are familiar with the problem of applying neat and, most importantly, identical arrows will appreciate such a stencil.

Now suffering about perfectly applied arrows without blemishes will remain only in nightmares.

If desired, this gift can be supplemented with gel eyeliner.

Silicone cases for smartphones

Definitely, a leather phone case is solid and reliable, but incredibly boring. With silicone cases featuring fun embossed prints, you can change the look of your phone every day, depending on your mood. And such pleasure costs about 80 rubles.

A universal, inexpensive product that both girls and grandmothers will like. After all, gel with aloe extract can be used not only as a moisturizer, but also as a soothing agent. In addition, it is suitable for nourishing masks for hair and face.

How many cups of coffee and tea are poured down the sink because the drink gets cold?

How many times have you had to drink iced tea, because urgent matters or a call from the boss distracted you at the very moment when you just made a cup of hot drink?

You can save the situation with the help of a USB warmer, which will keep the cup and drink warm, no matter how busy the woman or girl is.

One of the most wonderful romantic gifts for March 8, which you won’t have to spend a lot of money on.

Your girlfriend will be delighted when you launch a mesmerizing flying lantern with a light inside into the sky together.

The contemplation of a light receding into endless space unites the hearts of lovers.

Unlike men, who have a negative attitude towards gifts in the form of socks, girls accept them with delight. They love cozy and cute things so much.

But this does not mean that you can give the cheapest, almost disposable socks.

It is better to give a girl, friend or sister beautiful socks with bright patterns, made of thick cotton.

Very comfortable pillows that, when folded, fit even into a woman’s handbag. They are convenient to take with you on the road.

But besides this, such pillows can be used at a picnic, in the pool, on the home lawn, and even at home when organizing parties.

Therefore, such pillows can be given not only to travelers and motorists.

A very necessary and useful gift for those who like to combine daily planning of important tasks with complete relaxation. A girl or woman, having such a relaxation notebook, will be able, during a break between important things, not only to write down her plans, but to relax by coloring funny pictures.

Girls love beautiful cute things. A keychain can be a wonderful decoration for a woman's handbag. Moreover, it will not only be a stylish accessory, but also a thing that conveys the character of the owner and her habits.

Despite its simplicity, a photo frame is a wonderful romantic gift. Don’t give the frame empty - be sure to insert your best photo together into it.

Even for less than 100 rubles you can pick up an original hair clip or hair tie. This would be a perfect gift for a girl with long hair.

A full night's rest is only possible in complete darkness. For some, even the usual glare of a night lamp prevents them from falling asleep and sleeping soundly.

Thanks to a comfortable blindfold, not only will you sleep soundly, but also the morning bags under your eyes will disappear.

A friend, a mother, and a grandmother will be incredibly grateful for such a gift.

The cheap gadget greatly simplifies the life of those who love to read. With backlighting, you can enjoy reading in bed, on the road, or on vacation. In this case, neither overhead light nor special table lamps or sconces are needed.

Miniature tweezers have pads made of microfiber. This material perfectly cleans glass without leaving scratches. You can store the device in your pocket, purse, or cosmetic bag.

Therefore, any girl, woman, or grandmother who wears glasses will be incredibly happy to receive such an original gift.

By the way, tweezers also perfectly clean sunglasses.

A set of bright plastic tags helps flower lovers solve many problems.

This is a kind of diary of each plant, on which you can indicate both the name of the flower and the timing of fertilization, replanting, and other important details related to care.

You can give labels to both lovers of growing flowers and those women who grow greenery on the windowsill and seedlings at home in winter.

This simple accessory has several purposes. Some girls wear a bandana with an elastic band as decoration. For others, it's a comfortable headband that holds hair and absorbs sweat during daily physical activity or workouts.

Notepad with stickers

A notebook can add variety to boring office, student or school life. After all, it not only has tear-off leaves with a sticky edge, but also a cute design. Give cute notebooks to colleagues, students, classmates, and friends.

The living light of candles is so mysterious and romantic. But you can create a romantic atmosphere with an interesting new product - LED candles. They will never burn to the ground, and you won’t have to worry about safety or be distracted from each other in order to put out the fires in time.

The dream of having a personal air conditioner has become a reality.

With a miniature fan on a flexible leg, you can feel pleasant coolness anywhere there is a power source.

If your girlfriend or wife has a computer, laptop and an external battery, feel free to give her a USB fan.

The miniature flashlight is placed in a regular plastic card. It is enough to turn the insert for the light to light up. There is not a lot of light from such a lamp, but it is enough to find the right thing in the dark, or get the key into the keyhole, or count the small change. This gift is suitable for both girls and grandmothers.

High-quality perfumes are usually sold in voluminous, and sometimes in bulky, heavy bottles.

Therefore, women have to use other eau de toilette outside the home or even resort to using samplers.

And I really want my favorite scent to always be at hand. Give your loved one a compact, convenient bottle that can easily be filled with her favorite perfume.

Gifts worth up to 200 rubles on March 8 are not much different from gifts in the previous category. After all, the cost of many little things can vary significantly in different stores. But with such a sum in your wallet, you can already look for decent options and useful gifts.

Give your wife a hardware manicure set. A large kit is not cheap, but a battery-powered device with a couple of attachments can be purchased at an affordable price. This option, of course, will not replace a full kit or a visit to the salon, but it is quite suitable for travel.

When traveling, you can’t do without a convenient organizer. A compact handbag with compartments for underwear, cosmetics and various small items will appeal to girls and women who not only love to travel, but also have to go on business trips.

A miniature microphone that can be easily attached to clothing is used to improve the sound perception of a smartphone. This device will be useful for girls who like to chat with their interlocutor without taking their phone out of their purse or pocket.

A girl will absolutely love an inexpensive photo album given to her on March 8 if you put interesting pictures in it. But you can be a little creative and make an original album with your own hands.

Some people consider such a gift banal. But, believe me, your mother or grandmother will definitely appreciate good quality oven mitts. You can give oven mitts to wives if they are interested in cooking, aunts, or godmothers.

Women who spend a long time in the kitchen know very well how important the quality and convenience of an apron is. But you can choose for your wife or mother not just a comfortable apron, but a really beautiful one that she will want to wear when preparing the festive table.

This gift will be appreciated by wives, mothers and grandmothers who simply adore baking. Even if she already has a whole collection of molds, look for options with an unusual shape.

A rolling pin for creating structural patterns on dough or mastic is simply an irreplaceable thing for those who like to create confectionery masterpieces. There are rolling pins with roses, figures, relief designs, and patterns. So there is plenty to choose from for an original gift.

Every person has a place where he keeps money for current expenses. And this is not a wallet or a piggy bank. Give your grandmother or mother or wife a beautiful wicker box for the holiday, in which it is much more pleasant to put money than just in a dresser drawer or a candy box.

Do you think a flower pot is a banal gift? You will be surprised when you see how the eyes of a woman who is interested in growing indoor or garden flowers light up.

If you want to amaze your counterpart even more, plant a flower, for example, a tulip, in such a pot, or sow green grass in advance.

You can get by with a houseplant, taking a cutting from a friend.

A unique device that will appeal to any woman who is interested in needlework, especially embroidery or making miniature jewelry. You can hang the magnifying glass on your neck and easily work with your hands. This gift is especially interesting for older people who need a magnifying glass to perform any small work.

A set of a small spatula, baking powder and other tools for working in the garden will be useful for summer residents who spend their time growing beautiful flowers and seedlings. Due to their miniature size, such tools can also be used when caring for house flowers.

Keys get lost at the most inopportune moments, even if they have a permanent place.

And older people often simply forget where they were placed. A keychain that helps you find a loss is simply a salvation.

Feel free to give this set to your grandmother, wife, or mother. The main thing is that she does not forget where the keychain itself is.

All girls and women are familiar with the problem when in a cafe, at work, at the institute there is no place to put a woman’s handbag.

Holding it on your lap is inconvenient, on the table - indecent, on the floor - unhygienic, on the back of a chair - dangerous. It is best to place it next to you on a hook attached to the table. But have you seen many tables equipped with such hooks?

Give a woman a special holder for the holiday. She can attach it to the table anywhere to conveniently place her purse.

A pillow in the shape of a smiley face or your favorite soft transformable toy will delight a romantic person. Now, during her holidays, she will always have a cheerful pillow nearby, reminding her of the donor.

This is a gift with real care. In the lunch box, your loved one will be able to take healthy homemade food with her to work, to class, or for a walk. Choose dishes that have several compartments - this way the dishes will not mix in the box. Better yet, give them a heated lunch box so you can warm up your lunch.

This alarm clock will create a cozy atmosphere in the room, as it can project a real starry sky onto the ceiling.

He will wake up a woman with a pleasant melody or sounds of nature. And such a watch can show the current date and determine the temperature in the room.

Such a gift will appeal to a creative person who draws strength and relaxes from drawing. An interesting picture can be colored with pencils or painted with paints. And the colors that need to be used for this will be indicated by the numbers. Painting with numbers is not just a coloring book for adults. The result can be a real masterpiece that will decorate any room.

Ultrasonic insect repeller

If your mother or grandmother is disgusted with various annoying insects, feel free to give her an ultrasonic repeller. With such a device, there will be no spiders, no flies, or annoying mosquitoes in her house.

A container for storing lenses, tweezers, a bottle for liquid - everything is placed in a beautiful box with a mirror on the lid. This set can be given to a friend who is forced to use lenses.

If your girlfriend or wife constantly has cold feet, give her a soft rug.

She will be able to put her feet on it while working at the computer or while cooking.

The rug can be placed next to the bed or under the dining table.

You can not just buy the first oils you come across at the pharmacy, but also learn how to prepare face cream or massage oil. And create a set of oils according to the chosen recipe. Just don't forget to print out the recipe itself. Your wife or girlfriend will be able to decide for herself whether to apply the oils as intended or use them at their own discretion.

A very useful gift for any woman on March 8, regardless of her age. After all, everyone’s legs get tired, and not everyone can afford a hydromassage bath. It takes up a lot of space and requires special care. But the inflatable bath can be used in any conditions, even on a trip, in a hostel, or on a business trip.

Cool sweet gift. It will be useful not only for those with a sweet tooth, but also for ladies who care about their health. After all, the set includes jars with incredibly tasty and healthy linden, flower and buckwheat honey.

A cool toy that, with proper care, sprouts green grass, will delight both a child and an adult woman.

Such herbal teas are hypoallergenic, create a special atmosphere in the room and evoke a sea of ​​positive emotions.

In addition, toys help get rid of stress and feelings of loneliness.

Video: interesting inexpensive gifts for March 8

Still puzzling over what to give as an inexpensive gift for March 8th? Choose interesting gifts in the video:

You need to congratulate your loved ones, friends, and colleagues at work on the New Year. But what if you have very little money? Ideas for original gifts under 100 rubles, including your own, are in our review. And also expert advice on what is appropriate to give to friends and strangers.

Despite the fact that there are less than two weeks left until the New Year, there are many who choose gifts at the last minute. Many are also faced with the fact that there are too many people to please on holiday, and not so much money.

Let's assume that you have 100 rubles left for each of these people. It seems that nothing good can be bought with such funds, but if you try, it turns out that there are options.

During the pre-holiday period, the shelves of most stores are filled with goods that are in one way or another tied to the New Year theme. And along the way, other “promotional” products appear. As you know, everything comes true on New Year...

Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at the shelves and baskets with various useful little things. For 100 rubles or less, here you can choose a festive mug or other piece of tableware.

Continuing the theme of home, oven mittens with a New Year's theme print are not the worst option. This is an almost universal gift for women of any age.

For men, as well as for women, again within 100 rubles you can pick up such cozy little things as warm socks or slippers for the house.

In addition, at any time, mass-market cosmetics companies and department stores offer budget products: standard shower gel, hand cream, attractively packaged soap or fragrance (for the home or car). You can easily buy them for that amount.

If a child needs to choose a gift, everything is even simpler: various small toys, piggy banks, and creative items will come to the rescue. Also, within 100 rubles it is easy to find truly festive items: large firecrackers, toys for home decoration.

You can also find modest gifts in the assortment of grocery stores. If experts do not recommend buying real sparkling wine for 100 rubles, then you can buy children’s “champagne”.

According to etiquette

Ekaterina Sartakova, an etiquette specialist from Novosibirsk, spoke about which of these and other options would be an appropriate gift and for whom.

“The better I know a person, the greater the choice of what I can afford to buy. It’s better not to buy cosmetics and souvenirs for people you don’t know well - perhaps they don’t suit them, and the money will simply be thrown away,” the expert warns.

If you need to choose a gift for a close friend or relative, a good option would be, for example, a face mask, advises Sartakova. For 100 rubles this disposable product can be bought even from an expensive brand. It can be beautifully packaged in craft paper and tied with a ribbon.

But under no circumstances should you give personal hygiene products to those you don’t know very well, the interlocutor notes.

“You can also make a postcard with your own hands. Now these traditions are returning, like in pre-revolutionary Russia,” says the etiquette expert.

Special blanks for postcards, which can be decorated with improvised materials, are sold in craft supply stores.

A good gift, according to the expert, would be a figurine in the form of an angel, a Nutcracker or a ballerina - many people associate these symbols with the New Year, but they are not tired of them, like the banal Santa Clauses and animals - symbols of the coming year.

“You can tell from a figurine whether it is good or completely useless. It’s just that the figurine can gather dust. But the better and more unusual I find, the greater the guarantee that it will take its rightful place on the shelf,” the interlocutor is sure.

With your own hands

You can also give a homemade or “modified” Christmas tree toy to a person you know well, which will always evoke memories of the person who presented it. According to Sartakova, a handmade decoration, for example, a wreath made of fir branches, can also be a good gift on a limited budget.

If you have culinary talent, New Year's gingerbread would be a good gift option. But there is a way out for those who don’t know how to bake: if you order a lot of gingerbread cookies, each of them is unlikely to cost more than 100 rubles.

But what if you need to choose an economical “duty” gift for someone you hardly know? According to Ekaterina Sartakova, the way out of the situation will be sweets, but with a creative approach.

“You can probably make a box of chocolates yourself. Buy those that you think are good and form the boxes yourself - pack them in nice paper, put small cards,” the interlocutor advises.