How to make a womanizer fall in love with you: tricky tips. If he is a womanizer-collector

It is believed that a womanizer is a man or guy who is obsessed with women. Womanizers know how to look after beautifully, but at the same time they are not capable of long-term relationships. Can a womanizer love? Thousands of women ask this question, and among these thousands were several of my friends. Since I am against generalization, even when it concerns men, I decided to look into this issue in more detail.

And so, the starting point, the label is a womanizer! I asked my friends about what thoughts, questions, associations, etc. they had. at a time when they hear that some man is a womanizer or someone's boyfriend is a womanizer. And this is what I heard in response.

A womanizer is a man who jumps from one woman to another at the speed of a flea.

  • Womanizer man
  • When I hear that some man is a womanizer, I most likely won’t believe it. Yes, they occur, perhaps more often than someone would like, but I came across them a couple of times, no more. But women who could not keep a man next to them often hid it by saying that their man was a womanizer. - Veronica
  • It seems to me that women adore men who are womanizers and lose their heads in wanting to get him, but at the same time, this is most likely something similar to a sporting interest, since the love of a womanizer is something like spilled ether, it is fleeting. - Milana
  • A man loves women, what else can be said. Just like a womanizer, don’t feed him, he will always “love” all the women around him. To love is a strong word, but rather to simply use it. Not to use, but rather to use, but he will do it beautifully, he will show increased interest in a woman, it’s not for nothing that womanizers are also called ladies’ men, ladies’ men. - Alice

The psychology of a womanizer is to get under the skirt of the maximum number of individuals of the opposite sex.

  • The guy is a womanizer
  • When I was still very young, I had a guy I knew who was a womanizer. I don’t know how his future life turned out, but in those days he had his own small harem and he didn’t even hide it. I won’t hide it, but sometimes I wanted him to turn his attention to me. - Elena
  • It seems to me that it is impossible to see a womanizer in a still young guy. How can one recognize a womanizer in a young man if his reaction to women is dictated by a hormonal explosion? Rather, it is a process of self-knowledge, self-study. Due to the fact that the guy is very sociable and has a lot of girlfriends, he cannot be called a womanizer. - Zarina
  • The guy is a womanizer, not a man, but a young guy - he’s more of a pick-up artist, and if there were a hierarchy among pick-up artists, then this is the most pathetic kind of womanizer. Guys become such womanizers out of fear of their wretchedness. These failed Don Juans, womanizers, Casanovas proudly call themselves pick-up artists, but at the same time remain faithful to their cam at best. - Alisa

Womanizers lose interest in a woman as soon as they get what they want, and therefore they do not want to linger on one woman, but immediately move on to the next, previously prepared one.

  • Former womanizers
  • I think I won’t be wrong if I assume that there are no former womanizers. Such men can be easily noticed, they feel at ease in any environment, they always know what to say, they are very courteous and polite, but at the same time they treat all women at once. - Alisa
  • If a man is a former womanizer, then either the grave will correct him, or he must meet the strongest love. Although I personally don’t believe that a womanizer can change. Well, he fell in love, so what? How long? As soon as you shake a fresh skirt in front of him, a new interest will awaken - Milana
  • With a woman, a womanizer behaves as if she were the queen of the world. A few precise compliments, a couple of guessed wishes, and the lady begins to fall in love. Very soon, the former womanizer seduces another queen in order to become an ex again, leaving behind a crowd of girls with broken hearts. - Irina

A womanizer is afraid of the truth about himself like fire and hides it behind self-confidence, arrogance, and rudeness. As soon as a womanizer senses danger, he is already on his way to another woman.

It should be noted that a womanizer is not a lifelong status for one man; in most cases, this is his temporary condition. At some point, the womanizer gets tired of his “travels” and finds a “safe haven”, with which, as a rule, he lives for a long time.

I am a man! There is nothing wrong with the fact that I am a man and have a desire to conquer and seduce women. I'm not going to make excuses or apologize for this. I do what I want and I have every right to do it.
- the most popular statement of womanizers.

Why is it so easy for a womanizer to charm any woman?

The answer to this question is very simple. A womanizer has experience communicating with different types of women. When meeting a particular woman, a womanizer easily identifies her as one of his “types” and behaves according to certain tactics. He knows how to hook this or that woman: what to say to her and how to behave with her. And the woman, in turn, falls into this game and begins to think that he is her destiny, that he is the best man in the world and that they are made for each other. And the womanizer undoubtedly likes that he is considered the best.

  • Psychologists about womanizers:
  • "Womanizer-athlete" - suffer from Casanova syndrome, the most important thing for them is to beat their previous record for the number of beautiful ladies. The most popular type of womanizer. Often such womanizers keep special notebooks where they keep lists of “victories.”
  • "Womanizer whiner"- such a man is used to constantly telling everyone about his unhappy life, that his wife does not understand him and therefore he is simply forced to satisfy his needs on the side. To enhance the effect, such a womanizer often says that as soon as he finds his woman, he will immediately will leave his wife.
  • "Lover of women"- such womanizers most often truly love each of their women, treat them with respect and do not do things that could somehow upset them. They are rare.

How to recognize a womanizer

Not only actions, but also demeanor says a lot about a man. By carefully observing a man the first time you meet, you can understand who is in front of you.

So, you can recognize a womanizer by the following signs:
when meeting a girl, he behaves too confidently, although he has no reason for this;
in conversation uses prepared phrases that are suitable for any woman and in any situation - clichés and banal compliments;
immediately gives a verbal portrait of himself (a way to save time on dating is to artificially get closer to the lady);
dressed too flashily, with the intention of giving the impression of a successful and popular man;
when communicating with a new acquaintance, he does not miss the opportunity to get to know each other further - such a man can pay attention to other women right during a conversation, letting them know that he is not busy at the moment;
bombards the girl with compliments, which can confuse her and therefore disarm her companion;
makes appointments only late in the evening, while during the day he is completely unavailable - a sure sign that a man does not want to mix romantic relationships with his everyday life.

The womanizer continues his acquaintance not at all in order to get closer to the girl, her interests, concerns and personal qualities. On the contrary, all he strives for is to quickly attract her to him and into his bed. Thus, this type of man does not rise to a relationship, but pulls a woman down to his level - sex. The psychological discomfort that a woman experiences in this case is complemented by the fact that after intimacy one cannot count on any obligations on his part. Often, a womanizer loses interest in his partner and disappears from her field of vision, returning to his favorite pastime - searching for a new victim.


The main womanizer of all times was the incomparable Giacomo Giovanni Casanova. According to history, when the count was about twenty, his bride died of pneumonia. Casanova wanted to commit suicide, but after thinking he limited himself to the decision - never to marry. And from that moment on, he warned all the women with whom he had intimate relationships that he had no intentions other than sex and that no obligations to each other would arise from their relationship.

His affairs lasted no more than one month, but at the age of 40 he met a woman who resembled his dead bride, and fell in love with her very much. The story of Casanova once again confirms that a womanizer is a temporary phenomenon, how long it will last is known only to providence. In the end, even the most desperate womanizer will fall head over heels in love and forget about all other women. A womanizer lets a woman know that he won't be with her for long, but women have a terrible habit of hoping.

Can Casanova conquer everyone? What childishness! In fact, he is simply not able to refuse a single one.

  • Womanizer and sex
  • I don’t know who can think that a womanizer who doesn’t let a single girl pass him by, changing them as if with the wave of a magic wand, can imagine something enticing in bed. You won’t get to orgasm with beautiful words alone. - Tom
  • A long time ago, I watched a wonderful program, and so, it was about the fact that womanizers eventually go into a state where it doesn’t matter to them who they have sex with and when, as long as this moment is there. And this is a disease that will require treatment, unfortunately I don’t remember what it’s called. - Alina
  • Womanizer - intimate phobe. Intimophobia is the fear of long-term intimate relationships with the opposite sex. And what can we add here? That says it all. - Oksana
  • Don't believe those who say that sex with a womanizer is pure pleasure. Like he has a lot of experience, and he knows a lot, and puts it into practice very well. In reality, this is complete squalor in bed. Before sex with a womanizer, everything is pleasant, beautiful and interesting, but in bed there is nothing but regret, and even the time before sex with a womanizer is not able to compensate for the result. I inform you with knowledge of the matter, since I attract womanizers in myself like a magnet. - Victoria

If you fell in love with a womanizer...

It is advisable, of course, not to fall in love with womanizers. But if this has already happened, then you have no choice but to prove to him that you are the one whom it’s time for him to stop at. There are 2 ways to tie a womanizer to you. It all depends on the situation. But both of them boil down to a simple rule: you must be different from the rest of his women.

So, the first way is that you should behave the same way as him, however, without forgetting that you are still a woman. As said earlier, a womanizer always wants to be number one. However, if he sees that a woman puts him on the same level as her other gentlemen, then this hurts him and he tries to do everything possible so that the woman is only with him. But if a woman behaves in the same way as a “womanizer,” then she will not agree to love him alone, while he has other women. Then the womanizer understands that if he wants to be number one for this woman, then he will have to make sure that she is number one for him. As a result, we get absolutely equal relationships in which the womanizer is not afraid to be on the sidelines.

  • Womanizer in love
  • I think that womanizers are in a constant state of “searching”, they, like no one else, know how to casually make acquaintances and look after beautifully, and even imitate falling in love, but they are afraid to think about serious feelings. - Diana
  • I once read this description of a womanizer - he is an egoist, a narcissistic asshole, a well-read redneck and in some places a good person. I agree completely, so let fairy tales about a womanizer falling in love with someone remain fairy tales. You need to understand that a womanizer, or if you wish, a womanizer in love, is a good-for-nothing man, and it’s better not to mess with him. - Elena
  • The first thing that comes to mind when you mention a womanizer in love in a conversation is that you are literally “licked” from all sides, something bright, eccentric and charming. For me it was a pleasant experience, since I understood that in front of me was a womanizer “in love” and I was simply tormenting him with my promises, just teasing him with what he wanted. It was the longest courtship of my life - Inara

The second method is radically opposite to the first. One former womanizer told me about this method. Let's call him Dmitry. So, until the age of 31, Dmitry was a real womanizer. He didn't have any women. Moreover, none of them stayed for more than a month. And among his endless women, there was one who fell madly in love with him. He could come to her at one in the morning, and she was always glad to see him. If he got into trouble, she was always ready to come to his aid. She endured his endless adventures, was ready to do anything if only he was nearby. And, in the end, he was simply tired of changing women like gloves. Dmitry understood perfectly well that no one would love him as much as she did. And one fine day he just came to her with a huge bouquet of white chrysanthemums and an engagement ring. They have been married for five years and live quite happily.

A womanizer is like a library book, a common property, read it, return it, let others use it.

And in conclusion, just enter into a search engine “can a womanizer fall in love and how to keep him”, you will plunge into a bunch of publications with tearful women’s stories, where in all the details it will sound - why! Someone will talk about how to hook a womanizer, keep the womanizer and make him fall in love with you. Forget it. A womanizer will never fall in love - this is the truth, it’s easier to leave him and forget him, like a bad dream.

A short instruction manual for womanizers

Never fall in love with a womanizer

A minute of happiness is not worth a year of tears. Give yourself a clear “no, you can’t” attitude. You can be good friends with a womanizer if you succeed. After all, it is very difficult to get rid of the inspiring feeling of falling in love, and individuals of this species will be of no use. Tears, suffering, experiences are possible, but not a “till death do us part” relationship.

Try not to see him as a man

He may, I repeat, be an excellent friend, brother, a primitive individual of the opposite sex, but not a man in the usual sense of the word for us. Don’t, so as not to give him hope, don’t admire, and many more verbs with the particle “not.” The main thing is don’t drag him down the aisle! The ideal option is that you are friends, “your own”. It is possible that you will have to listen to all the “conquered, conquered and abandoned peaks” of your womanizing friend.

Womanizer = pick-up artist

A pickup artist is a person who devotes most of his time to wandering the streets, bars, clubs, etc. in search of women to realize his Napoleonic plans in the field of love victories!

The purpose of the pickup: to quickly persuade a girl to have sex, while spending less money, time, and effort.

Pick-up artists say that they are not afraid of anything, they are looking for new experiences, the main thing for them is quantity. The quality doesn't even smell there. The more girls you managed to seduce, the better. They act exclusively according to a template that has “triggered” once.

The image of a womanizer is much more attractive to me personally. A womanizer does not hide his essence from a woman. And for him, seducing women is not a sport, he would have stayed with one, but he’s afraid of losing his independence.

The pick-up artist is thinking about how to save money and spend less effort to seduce a girl. The womanizer, in turn, is ready for exploits. It doesn’t matter to the pick-up artist what kind of woman will be in his bed next time, the main thing is that this happens as quickly as possible and without much effort. The womanizer is more picky in this regard. He only approaches the one that really attracted him and interested him. Conclusion.

All men are terrible womanizers!
- Is that all?
- Yes. Can the rest be called men?..

That's what these womanizers are like. People are funny, interesting, and mostly kind. And of course, we women really like it. Although we scold womanizers, and in women’s circles a man is a womanizer - this is by no means a flattering definition, but we still fall in love with them. Let's not deny it, we love womanizers. Of course, it is often offensive, and sometimes we hate them. But the main thing to remember: the fate of the womanizer you like is in your hands! Go for it!

Faced with yet another womanizer, every girl unwittingly finds herself in a situation where “you both want and inject.” The mind says: “Are you crazy? What kind of relationship can you have with him? He has half a dozen people like you!” And pride and passion whisper: “What if I am the woman for whose sake he will change himself forever and change his whole life?”

Of course, to paint all womanizers with the same brush is stupid, to say the least. After all, there are different types of womanizers. Conventionally, all polygamous males can be divided into two large groups: hunters and gatherers. Hunters are after quality, while gatherers only care about quantity.

Womanizers gatherers are ready to have sex with everything that moves.

They strengthen their reputation with a huge number of connections. At the same time, it doesn’t matter to them who agreed to become their partner, the main thing is to put a mental tick: “Two hundredth! Anniversary!” At the same time, collectors often and with pleasure embellish the truth, or even outright lie about their love victories. Needless to say, usually women are not too coveted by such “handsome men,” and therefore even if such a womanizer-gatherer wants to start a serious relationship, it will be problematic, because few people will agree to tame such a miracle. The question arises: why does the “womanizer-gatherer” lead such a lifestyle? It's simple: he proves to himself and everyone around him his masculinity, coolness and brutality.

Another type of womanizer is hunters.

These are sophisticated heartthrobs who are interested in the process of conquest itself. Unlike gatherers, who prefer simple targets, hunters are given inaccessible and high-quality prey. The more complex the object, the more desirable it is. For example, a married girl who remains faithful to her husband or simply a picky and unapproachable lady. Hunters recklessly seduce women. But having achieved their goal, they instantly lose interest in them. After all, the object has already been conquered, which means there is no incentive for further action. For them, happiness is in the pursuit of happiness, and then in sweet memories. For hunters, continuing to court an already conquered woman is as pointless as breaking into an open door.

Can womanizers change?

When a guy is a womanizer, changing his girlfriends like gloves, this is truly a punishment for the female sex. Nowadays, many women are burned by such an absurd phenomenon as a man who is a womanizer. But if you think your case is “different” or you have some kind of power, then remember a few general recommendations.

You should not try to openly remake the ladies' man. This mission is almost impossible. When communicating with a loved one, he wants to feel emotional comfort, so the boundaries of his territory cannot be clearly violated; he needs warmth and unobtrusiveness.

Don't make him an object of adoration. Try not to answer the phone when it rings, sign up for fitness or dancing, don’t run at the first call. Let him feel that you need to be captivated correctly and be able to capture him.

Womanizers are terrified of an attack on their space, so they perceive it very painfully and can drop everything and run away.

Try to be loyal in relationships, show feminine cunning. It has been proven that love is the most effective therapy. Try to become the only one he could only dream of and then he will reciprocate.

The most, the most, the most important, the most important advice! Try to delay the moment of rapprochement as far as possible. Walk towards this important event with incredibly small steps, a beautiful, flirtatious cat walk. If you can really interest him, you may see a completely different person.

Often, even very smart women fall for the bait of pretty womanizers. The female sex at the subconscious level is drawn to confident and relaxed men.

However, in most cases, communication with an alpha male ends sadly for them. A broken heart, an upside-down life...

Many girls are interested in the question of how to recognize a womanizing man by his behavior. By what signs can you “see through” a typical Casanova?

Womanizers rarely think about a whole woman at once.

1. Bright appearance

A womanizer wears beautiful things and keeps up with fashion. His wardrobe is often shocking and provocative. Of course, looking stylish and neat is a normal human desire.

But a real man will not pay much attention to his appearance, while a pampered womanizer always shines in new clothes and adorns himself with expensive accessories in every possible way.

2. Demonstrative behavior

Casanova will not behave like a gray mouse. He needs to constantly be the center of attention, entertain the audience, joke and be smart. He will not let any company get bored.

Often womanizers are real speakers, but if they lack eloquence, they try to compensate for this with banal talkativeness.

3. Bold introduction

He meets women easily and quickly. He may come up and immediately offer you a drink or immediately go to him. This is not love at first sight, but typical Casanova behavior.

A decent man does not immediately decide to meet the girl he likes. He looks around for a while, planning what he should say. But all this is of no use to the ladies' man.

4. Lots of compliments

Womanizers make the most of the fact that women love with their ears. They simply bombard the girls with compliments and sweet speeches.

And the womanizer, declaring his love, declares to his beloved that he is a womanizer:
“I have never seen anyone as beautiful as you. You are extraordinary!
Mikhail Efimovich Litvak

Usually their praise is not true, in other words, they are simply flattering. You can often hear from them - “ You are a goddess!», « You are the most beautiful in the world!»

5. Phrases with indecent hints

Casanovas are very fond of conversations with a sexual slant. These can be jokes with subtext or quite serious conversations.

A sensitive topic seeps into almost every sentence of a womanizer.

6. Intimate distance

There is a concept of a friendly distance (about 50 cm), which a decent man does not cross. But a typical womanizer tries to move as close to the girl as possible, and also touch her erogenous zones - neck, shoulders, hands, thighs.

These signs indicate a desire to get a woman into bed that same evening.

Types of womanizers

But do all womanizers behave the same? Not at all. There are several types of womanizers and, knowing the characteristics of each of them, you can develop the right tactics for dealing with them.

He admires beautiful women and glorifies the fair sex in general. Such a man tries to surround himself with nice girls everywhere; he cannot live without female company.

He has many girlfriends whom he understands perfectly. This doesn't mean he sleeps with everyone. The esthete womanizer chooses his mistresses carefully, but he can simply be friends with the rest of the “muses.”

2. Womanizer-athlete

Such a womanizer has only one goal - technical sex. He is little interested in the lady's appearance or even her name. Often he “hunts” just on the street.

His actions are polished and quick, he does not need relationships, but only collecting defeated females. These people are called machos. They “trade” in big cities, where the number of their victims can be endless.

3. An amorous womanizer

Most representatives of this type are creative individuals. Every time they fall in love, it seems to them that it will be forever.

They suffer and suffer, write songs and poems. But their feelings are like the spring wind - they suddenly appear and disappear just as quickly. These handsome guys don’t want to offend anyone, but they need more and more new sources of inspiration.

4. Womanizer-heartthrob

This species is the most dangerous. Such a Casanova not only wants to conquer women physically, but also to take possession of their souls and destinies.

The heartthrob very skillfully ingratiates himself into a woman’s trust, surrounds her with understanding and love, and then throws her from the seventh heaven of happiness to the sinful earth. It seems that he is taking revenge on the entire female race for some grievances of his youth.

To the question why if a man is single, then he is immediately a womanizer, psychology does not give an answer. Apparently, many women have developed this stereotype about the image of a lonely man, Don Juan, and continues to follow the poor man through time...

5. Hidden womanizer

Sometimes there are very discreet womanizers who for some reason do not want publicity.

Usually they are officially single, but secretly they start affairs one after another. In public, such a man avoids women, as if he is not interested in them at all.

Thanks to his secrecy and isolation, he develops a mysterious and attractive image. This is what makes it interesting for the fairer sex.

Making a womanizer fall in love with you is the victory of the best woman.

Video: How to understand on the first date that a man is a womanizer


As we see, not all womanizers are as insidious and dangerous as they might seem at first glance.

It’s even useful to communicate with some of them, because they charge you with positive energy and lift your spirits.

The main thing is to keep your distance and not let such men get too close to you.

Before building any relationship, you need to understand what your chosen one is like. There are several points like recognize a womanizer.

1. What he says. If a man quickly starts talking about relationships, especially serious ones, about family, about children and his dreams of home comfort - voila, most likely this is a lover of women who knows how quickly they are seduced by such conversations. Of course, a man can do all this want, but no adequate man will talk about it on the first dates, especially if you haven’t had sex yet.

2. He makes eye contact. One of the indicators of a strong feeling is the fear of looking into the eyes of the object of one’s adoration. This doesn't apply to everyone - confident people tend to maintain eye contact. Just think about where this confidence comes from. Typically, confidence in communicating with the opposite sex comes from long-term positive experience.

3. Communication is easy and quick. You can't drink experience away!

Types of womanizers

That's all?! - you ask. - only 3 points? But what about compliments, good manners, a learned style of communication? If everything were so simple, much fewer girls would fall for the bait. Therefore, I have listed universal points, and everything else depends on what type of womanizer in front of you.

There are several types of womanizers:
1. Obvious womanizer. These also include pickup artists. For such a man, only the number of sexual partners is important. With minimal experience or at least the ability to think sensibly, this type of womanizer is not difficult to recognize. Moreover, women rarely like him, except for very simpletons.

2. Lover of women. Usually this is a charming man, sincerely passionate about his chosen one. It is very easy to fall for his bait - because he himself experiences feelings. The only downside is that they don't last long. But if you don’t set yourself the goal of a serious relationship, then you can have a completely fun and exciting time with him, because he is cheerful, smart, easy to talk to and has a lot of interesting acquaintances.

3. Infantile. This type of womanizer includes men who are afraid of a serious relationship or do not know how to build one. But here it is important not to fall into the trap of the illusion that you will calm him down, teach him, etc. Everything suits him and he doesn’t need anything more. Because the main thing that interests him in a relationship is the thrill of falling in love. As soon as he calms down a little, he disappears.

4. Seeker. These men themselves do not consider themselves womanizers, except perhaps as self-consolation or a little boasting. In fact, they are simply looking for the right woman and want to find her so badly that they constantly date different women. Every time they think - here it is! Therefore, they immediately take the chosen one into consideration, show the seriousness of their intentions, and after a few months they bring the relationship to naught. Because they understand - no, that’s not it again. Moreover, they themselves may suffer from this state of affairs.

5. “Serious” womanizer. These include men who are decent in their own way, not stupid, who have different hobbies and who treat women well. There is only one problem - they relate too well. Long-term relationships are possible with such men, you can even build a family. You can even rely on his loyalty! For a while, he really won’t cheat – until someone inspires him again.

6. Macho. A man who treats women as a means of satisfying his needs. Outwardly, of course, he doesn’t show it. At least not right away. Only when he realizes that she fell into his trap and began to become attached. Then, under a plausible (or not so plausible) pretext, he ends the relationship.

There is a lot of information about womanizers, starting with classical literature, which made the names of its characters household names. Don Juan is an archetypal image of world literature, which is present both in folklore and in original works. His prototype is considered to be Don Juan Tenorio, who actually lived in Spain in the 14th century, a famous libertine, kidnapper of women, who remained unpunished thanks to his friendship with King Pedro the Cruel.

Casanova is his prototype, the Italian adventurer Giacomo Casanova who lived in the 18th century. By the way, compared to others, he is not yet the most negative type.

Lovelace - this term comes from a novel by Samuel Richardson about a handsome aristocrat who kidnapped and seduced 16-year-old Clarissa. Initially, the name sounded in the English manner - Lovelace. There is also a film starring a young Sean Bean.

Alphonse - comes from the novel of the same name by Alexandre Dumas about an opportunistic lover, Monsieur Alphonse.

Gigolo was originally the name given to a hired dancer. Then a lover supported by a rich woman. Until recently, a man who provided sexual services for money.

How to recognize a womanizer by correspondence

How to recognize a womanizer by his behavior we already discussed at the beginning of the article. But you also need to know how to recognize a womanizer by correspondence. Often this is easier - because you have time to think about his words and see them, and not painfully remember how it was said. The main sign of a womanizer in correspondence is usually a large number of emoticons. Apparently, men believe that this will win the girl over to them faster. So the style of communication will also be the same - easy, with an offer to meet, a quick transition to “you”. Although some types of womanizers (see above), on the contrary, are “interesting” and deliberately address the girl as “you”.

The womanizer talks about himself easily and willingly, without unnecessary reminders. But little and rarely in essence. He can write in detail where he was last weekend or tell a funny story, but he is unlikely to write anything deeply personal. Unless he needs to press for pity or use some other technique.

When a relationship has already begun, or at least there have been a couple of meetings, a womanizer can begin to intentionally provoke a woman’s emotions. For example, you agreed that you will go to the cinema on Saturday at 3 o’clock. Have you prepared, are sitting on social networks, waiting for his message “I’m on my way” or “are you ready?” or something else, but he doesn’t write - although online. And now it’s already 14.30, 14.45 - he’s still online and still hasn’t unsubscribed. So he “marinates” you so that you do it first and become dependent on him. I’ll tell you a secret - the meeting will still take place, so don’t write.

The next stage of your online communication will be to disappear. Either he won’t be online for several days, or he will be, but won’t write. May make an appointment and cancel or not confirm. This is no longer “marinating”, but a sign that he is beginning to share his time with someone else.

Psychology of a womanizer

In order to enjoy a relationship with a womanizer - no matter what it leads to - you need to be able to understand his personality. Psychology of a womanizer is not as simple as it seems. Conventionally, womanizers can be divided into 2 categories:

1. Men who love women and have non-committal relationships.

2. Men who constantly change women because they haven’t found the right one yet.

The first are men who are adrenaline junkies. It is believed that early, unhappy love brought them to this life - maybe, but in this case it is no longer important. These men are completely satisfied with their lives. They've gotten the hang of it and don't want to change anything. Then, perhaps, they will want to, but they will do it at their own discretion.

By the way, Casanova himself belongs to the men of the second group. At least judging by what his biographers say. In his youth he loved a girl, they could not be together, and since then he has led a dissolute lifestyle. Until, in adulthood, he met a woman who was very similar to his first love - he married her and sort of settled down. Womanizers of this type may even themselves suffer from the fact that they are unable to create a normal relationship, but they need a certain woman and others have no chance. As far as my experience shows, the woman they sooner or later choose usually causes a shock among those around them. No one could have imagined that this particular one would be interesting to him.

Beware of flattery. Sincere compliments are always pleasant, but you are unlikely to trust a person who praises you every minute. Lovelaces often try to win a girl with excessive amounts of flattery and praise.

  • Pay attention to the type of compliments. General phrases that are heard at every step or applicable to any girl (beautiful hair, great smile) will always show that he does not really think about your individuality and personal qualities. Also be wary of men who compliment your weaknesses.
  • Often the womanizer almost immediately begins to call the girl one or more endearing names like “sunshine”, “bunny” or “fish”. Such behavior is appropriate some time after the start of a relationship, but not on the first day.
  • Notice the deception. Lovelaces are known liars. It is not easy to catch him in a lie, but if this happens, then it is better to pay attention to it. Be especially careful with those you have repeatedly caught lying.

    • Most often, a womanizer tells lies about his past, recent pastimes and the people in whose company he was.
    • If you have suspicions and you tell a guy about it, then pay attention to his reaction. As a rule, the ladies' man will try to laugh it off and change the topic of conversation. If this number does not work, then he can admit the truth, but at the same time shift it to you blame for my lie.
  • Consider the details of a womanizer's life. Most womanizers are selfish, so they will immediately start talking about themselves even before your questions. If a guy is in no hurry to share information about his life, then ask him questions and notice inconsistencies in his words.

    • Everyone wants to show themselves to the person they like in a favorable light, but a womanizer will usually too much good. If his story sounds like a script and is hard to believe, then your guess may well be true.
    • Notice the details. If the facts don't add up, the whole story may not be true.
  • Tell us about yourself. Since many womanizers are only interested in themselves, such a person will not waste time on your stories. If a man is really interested in you, he will always want to know more about you, but the ladies' man doesn't care about that.

    • An experienced womanizer will definitely take an interest in your life, but is unlikely to remember the details. Bring up the topic you discussed last time. It is quite natural if a man forgot some little thing, but constant inattention is a bad sign.
  • Discuss past relationships. Ask him about past relationships and also tell him about yourself. Such conversations give the ladies' man the opportunity to manipulate your feelings.

    • He may ask about your past relationships and dwell on the insecurities you felt at the time. Knowing your weak points, he will be able to use such information to his advantage.
    • When talking about his last relationship, he may omit many details, but at the same time emphasize that he was hurt. Mentioning the offense once is completely normal, but attempts to evoke pity betray the tactics of a manipulator.
  • He is sweet and attentive, caring and courteous. But is it only with you? How many more such loved ones, acquaintances, girlfriends are in his arsenal? It's very easy to fall for a womanizer. After all, they sense female psychology very subtly and skillfully manipulate it. And all because such womanizers have more than enough experience in matters of the heart. If you don’t want to become “another temporary” and won’t tolerate a man walking next to you craning his neck and looking at others, immediately dismiss such an acquaintance. And we will tell you how to recognize a womanizer in a man from the first minutes of meeting him.

    6 signs of an inveterate womanizer

    1. Constantly looking at you “just below the eyes”

    If, during the first acquaintance, a man continually tries to discern all your charms, and clearly ignores all the important information about you - most likely he is a womanizer. An exception may be a too revealing neckline on your blouse. Then the eyes of any man will involuntarily fall to the level “just below your eyes.”

    2. While communicating with you, he has time to look at others

    If this is so, such a man is not worth your attention. Imagine, if he behaves this way only at the beginning of your acquaintance, then what will happen later when the passion for you fades away?

    3. Suspended tongue and an abundance of compliments

    He knows exactly how to “take” a girl. He even has a dozen blank phrases in stock for this. While showering you with compliments, even at the first meeting he may try to hug you around the waist, stroke your back, or, in any case, touch you in some way.

    4. Prolonged loneliness

    Be wary if a guy hasn't dated a girl for years and says he doesn't want a serious relationship.

    5. Tries to sell himself for more

    At the first meeting, he will definitely boast of an expensive phone, car, or connections. It doesn't matter how much money he actually has. Sometimes experienced alpha males are found with fake gold watches and phones. And all this just to make an indelible impression on all the women around him.

    6. Almost calls you down the aisle right away

    Womanizers are also manipulators. First, such a guy will find out what kind of men you like and what you want from life. Having quickly analyzed everything, he will begin to act. He will take pity on someone by telling about unhappy love, he will tell someone that he is also interested in sports/dancing/languages, and someone will even be assured that he has long wanted a wife and children. Oh, yes, and what exactly today is for the first time in his life - love at first sight.

    If you yourself are not averse to an easy temporary relationship, a womanizer may be a good option for you. After all, many of them are excellent lovers with enormous experience.