All about the programmer's day. IT holidays: official and unofficial. How much does it cost

Programmer's Day in 2016, what date to give, cool congratulations to the programmer. The long-awaited 256th day of the year has arrived. It is on this day that a relatively young, but such a popular holiday is celebrated in Russia and throughout the world - Programmer’s Day. The 256th day of the year was not chosen by chance - the value is obtained from 2 to the power of "eight", the maximum power of the number "2", which will be less than the annual number of days - 366 or 365.

As you know, 2016 is a leap year, so the holiday falls not on September 13, as in a normal year, but on the 12th. This year September 12 is Monday. The profession of a programmer includes a very wide range of specialties. Nowadays, programs are written in many languages. The “workhorse” of any programmer is the computer. With its help, various applications for smartphones, games are created, programs are written for specialized equipment - medical devices, industrial machines and much more.

Programmer's Day 2016: what date, what to give, cool congratulations to the programmer. An interesting gadget, an ergonomic mouse, a comfortable chair, a laptop bag, or a GoPro camera are suitable as a present for a programmer. Maybe a specialist wants to update the hardware on a computer - then a certificate for the purchase of equipment would be an excellent gift. As a small gift, you can choose a lunch box, a T-shirt or a mug with a print. A desired gift could be a membership to a gym, a climbing wall, a swimming pool, or a certificate to a tattoo parlor.

Programmer's Day 2016: what date, what to give, cool congratulations to the programmer. In the programming environment they love to make fun of each other. Therefore, you can congratulate a programmer on his professional holiday with a funny SMS or picture.

A holiday every day - this expression hardly applies to the IT community. However, people who associate themselves with high technologies also have days a year when they can proudly say - “I am a programmer, system administrator, tester, etc.”

By the way, as it turned out, there are not so few holidays related to IT in one way or another. Among them are summer, spring, winter, and, of course, autumn. The latter also includes Programmer’s Day, which was recently recognized as official in Russia. So, in order.

International day without internet.
This holiday was invented in 2002 by the organizers of the British non-profit online project, who declared the last Sunday of January International Day Without the Internet. This year it was celebrated on January 25th. According to their plan, people should spend this day offline, that is, without access to the World Wide Web and without a computer. Network users, instead of online communication, should go for a walk, go out of town, visit relatives and friends. To choose a way to spend time without the Internet, suggests writing down six leisure options on a piece of paper and then rolling a dice to determine which one to do first.

Safe Internet Day.
This holiday was established at the initiative of the European Commission in 2004. It is celebrated on the first Tuesday of February. In 2009, the celebration took place on the 2nd of the month. The purpose of Internet Safety Day is to inform network users about the risks and dangers associated with the World Wide Web. The holiday is celebrated all over the world.

Geek Day.
The holiday is celebrated on February 14th. This is the day of all people who love computers. But seriously, on February 14, 1946, the first electronic digital computer ENIAC was launched, which actually worked and even performed calculations (calculating US Army ballistic tables). In honor of this event, a holiday was conceived, which can now be celebrated by millions of computer users around the world.

Overclocker's Day.

This is a holiday for computer enthusiasts who “overclock” the processors of their computers to unknown speeds. According to legend, the first mention of this holiday was recorded in the forum of a Russian overclocking portal in 2004. Someone under the nickname “ZYOMA s Chernozem” suggested: “... let’s set a date for ourselves - Overclockers Day (otherwise there is a tankman’s day, the timber industry also has... it’s a shame to live without a holiday).” Since then, “Overclocker’s Day” is celebrated on February 28th in a normal year, and on February 29th in a leap year – “overclocked year”. Moreover, this holiday, which originated in Russia, is now celebrated all over the world.

IT Specialists Day.

It is an unofficial holiday. Celebrated on February 28, the day of the invention of the network cable. Basically, this is another reason to drink with colleagues.

Internet Freedom of Speech Day.
This holiday was created on the initiative of the international organization "Reporters Without Borders" and is held under the patronage of UNESCO. Internet Freedom of Speech Day is a relatively young event - it was first celebrated on March 12, 2008. Its goal is to support Internet dissidents who are serving prison sentences around the world. Last year there were 63 people in prison whose freedom of speech the authorities did not like.

The organizers of the event call on this day to protest in the virtual space against censorship, which is abused by the governments of some countries. These include Burma, China, North Korea, Cuba, Egypt, Eritrea, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Vietnam and others.

Shutdown Day.
This holiday was celebrated for the first time on March 24, 2007. Then a call appeared on the Internet to turn off as many computers as possible around the world in one day. The purpose of the action is to find out how many people can last a day without a computer, and what can happen as a result of such a flash mob. The authors of the idea were programmers living in Montreal (Canada), Denis Bystrov (born in Belarus) and Ashutosh Rajekar (born in India).

RuNet's birthday.

Celebrated on April 7. It was on this day in 1994 that the international organization ICANN (The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), which deals with regulating relations in the global domain space, registered the .Ru domain for Russia. In addition, on April 7, the Agreement “On the procedure for administering the RU zone” was signed. In 2009, Runet turned 15 years old.

Day of the Russian Cryptographic Service.

Domestic cryptographers celebrate their professional holiday on May 5th. According to the FSB Center for Public Relations, the service, created by a resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR dated May 5, 1921, ensures, using encryption (cryptographic) means, the protection of information in information and telecommunication systems and special communication systems in the Russian Federation and its institutions abroad, including including in systems using modern information technologies.

World Information Society Day.

The UN considers this day a holiday for all representatives of the IT community. In 2006, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution declaring May 17 a professional holiday for all programmers, system administrators, Internet providers, web designers, editors of online publications and all other people working in the field of information technology. Until 2006, this holiday was celebrated as International Telecommunication Day or World Telecommunications Day. The fact is that on May 17, 1865, the International Telegraph Union was founded in Paris.

System Administrator Day.
The idea for the holiday came to the mind of a system administrator from Chicago, Ted Kekatos. It was first celebrated on July 28, 2000. By the way, in 2000, Pope John Paul II officially named Saint Isidore the patron saint of computer and Internet users. Sysadmin Day is celebrated on the last Friday of July. This year it was celebrated on the 30th. For example, in Russia, since 2006, the All-Russian Meeting of System Administrators has been held annually near Kaluga, gathering more and more participants every year. So, if the first gathering was attended by about 350 people, then in 2009 more than 4,000 people from 174 cities of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan became its participants.

Tester's day.
Celebrated on September 9. On this day in 1945, Harvard University scientists testing the Mark II Aiken Relay Calculator found a moth stuck between the contacts of an electromechanical relay. Since then, this particular date has been considered a professional holiday for people who spend all their time looking for bugs, vulnerabilities, glitches and other problems in software.

Programmer's Day.
A professional holiday for programmers, celebrated on the 256th day of the year (for a programmer this is the 255th day of the year or 0xFF in the hexadecimal number system, since counting starts from zero). The number 256 (28) was chosen because it is the number of numbers that can be expressed using an eight-bit byte. The holiday is celebrated at the suggestion of Russian programmer Valentin Balt, an employee of the Parallel Technologies web studio, who back in 2002 collected signatures for an appeal to the Russian government in support of recognizing this day as an official holiday.

In Russia, the holiday became official only this year. The fact is that on September 11, 2009, President Dmitry Medvedev signed a Decree prepared by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, which establishes a new official holiday in the country - Programmer's Day. This year the holiday was celebrated on September 13.

Smiley's birthday.

It was September 19, 1982, when Carnegie Mellon University professor Scott E. Fahlman first proposed the use of three characters, a colon, a hyphen, and a closing parenthesis, to represent a "smiling face." Now this combination of symbols is used in online communication all over the world, and not only friends or acquaintances, but also colleagues can “send an emoticon” to each other, and sometimes a smiling face can be seen in dialogues between a subordinate and a boss.

International Internet Day.
It was proposed to make this holiday official several times at different times. However, none of the proposed dates became traditional. As for Russia, at an unofficial level September 30 is considered Internet Day. The fact is that such an initiative was put forward by a company from Moscow "IT Infoart Stars", which sent out an offer to firms and organizations to support their initiative, consisting of two points: to designate September 30 as "Internet Day", to celebrate it annually and to conduct a "census of the Russian-speaking population" Internet". At that time, the number of Runet users reached 1 million people.

World Information Day.
Celebrated on November 26 at the initiative of the International Academy of Informatization (IAI), which has general consultative status in the UN Economic and Social Councils. Any person constantly deals with information, so this day can rightfully be considered a professional holiday for all IT specialists.

International Data Protection Day.
This holiday has been celebrated since November 30, 1988 at the initiative of the American Computer Equipment Association. The purpose of the holiday is to remind everyone of the need to protect computer information, drawing the attention of manufacturers and users of hardware and software to the problem of security. It was in 1988 that the first mass epidemic of a computer virus was recorded. It was a worm named after its author, Morris.

Birthday of Russian computer science.
In August 1948, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences Isaac Brook, together with engineer Bashir Rameev, presented a project for an automatic computer. And on December 4, 1948, the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for the introduction of advanced technology into the national economy registered this invention under number 10475 under the name “Digital Electronic Computer”.

That's probably the whole list. Although next year some IT specialist may come up with another unusual holiday, which may even be made official. For example, blogger's day. Until this happens, you can choose the most suitable one from those presented above and mark it in full.

In it is customary not only to work in a team, but also to spend free time together and celebrate holidays. At the same time, the company tries to do everything with its own hands and its own mind. Employees themselves come up with holiday ideas, organize and conduct events. Perhaps this is why every holiday in is different from the previous one.

What's the reason?

At the beginning of October, the travel service celebrated a special holiday - IT Day, which combined System Administrator Day (July 28), Tester Day (September 6), Programmer Day (September 13), Internet Day (September 30) and several others.

Why is this necessary?

The event is a great way to increase team motivation, conduct training workshops and just have fun.

During the holiday, you can introduce parts of the team to each other, understand what colleagues are working on, and get ideas regarding the development of the company and product.

How to prepare a holiday?

About two weeks before IT Day, we sent out letters in which we invited everyone to take part in preparing the holiday. The newsletter allowed us to gather a team for the first brainstorming session, during which we formed an understanding of the holiday scenario and the first ideas for competitions and other activities appeared. The final list of entertainment was chosen by voting.

Employees from 4 departments, including managers of front-end and back-end development, took part in the preparation of IT Specialist Day.

From among those who were ready not only to generate ideas, but also to undertake their implementation, a person was appointed responsible for each activity. At the same time, the script and competition mechanics were worked out together. For example, the head of our front-end prepared the quiz, but we tested the questions all together.

A cool technical quest was invented by the head of the system analysts department, Anton Ganyushkin. He had a completely ready idea, he was also working on it and creating a special video.

Although this time we managed to do everything on time, next time it makes sense to increase the preparation time for the holiday in order to do everything at a relaxed pace.

What did we get?

1. In the morning, a festive card and a delicious decorated gingerbread were waiting on the employees’ desks.

2. Vintage consoles were installed in the meeting rooms.

3. A link to a video from Doctor Bad Code was sent to all local employees via corporate email. In the video, the villain threatened defenseless cats*. To save them, they had to go through a quest - find 6 pieces of code scattered around the office, put them in the correct order, compile and run them. The resulting key had to be entered on a special page.

Like any decent villain, Doctor Bad Code wrote his code in Pascal. The one who completed the task the fastest was accepted with honors into the department of bugs and crutches.

The quest turned out to be quite hardcore, but the winner appeared within half an hour.

One of the tips in the office

4. Competition for coloring white T-shirts - you had to create the most IT drawing. Zhdun, Bill Gates, cup holders from railway cars, error 404, crutches and bugs and other heroes of our everyday working life appeared on them.

The winners, whom we determined by voting among employees, received valuable prizes. For winning competitions throughout the day, we awarded Lego Technics sets, Marble Mania construction sets (balls rolling down chutes) and Star Wars droids.

5. Evening quiz from Doctor Funtastic. After the end of the working day, the team gathered in the stand-up room - a space for general meetings.

The quiz required ingenuity and dexterity; it was necessary to quickly guess the decoding of abbreviations from the world of web technologies, solve historical riddles, and navigate the history of the Internet. The winners left with gifts.

6. Final pizza party with board and video games

How much does it cost?

Budget for gifts: 61 thousand rubles. These are carrots for all employees, 3 Marble Mania sets, 2 Lego Technic sets, 2 Star Wars droids.

Budget for food and drinks: 69 thousand rubles.

Budget for board games: 0 rubles. has a collection of board games that we sometimes play after work.
Budget for video games: 0 rubles. The consoles were found at our employees' homes.
Entertainment budget: photographer - 12 thousand rubles, T-shirts with markers - 27 thousand rubles.

Total: ≈ 170 thousand rubles or< 500 рублей на каждого тутушника.

Who took part

During the day, almost all employees working from the office took part in various activities in one way or another. Most of the people gathered during the evening part of the holiday, when we held a quiz and had a pizza party.

How did it affect the work process?

We tried to ensure that all our activities did not greatly distract employees from work. All tasks could be completed, for example, during a lunch break, and it did not take very much time to complete any of them.

The biggest distraction from work was the T-shirt contest. However, it was, of course, no more distracting than a regular trip to the kitchen for tea.

How did company employees react?

After the holiday, we asked employees to rate the event: 90% gave IT Professional Day 5 points, another 10% - 4 points, no one gave ratings of 3, 2 or 1.

“From 9 am until the moment we left the office towards home - everything was completely unforgettable, I would repeat it”

“It was cool to remember my student years and Pascal’s syntax”

“It would be great to make T-shirts like this somewhere in production. To be able to buy such a T-shirt of high quality and branded. They turned out really cool!”

* - development and development support team or “seals”, as they are affectionately called in the company.

The date - the 256th day of the year - was chosen by the programmers themselves. 256 (two to the eighth power) is the number of numbers that can be expressed using an eight-bit byte and the maximum power of two that is less than 365 (days in a year).

The initiative to establish Programmer Day in Russia belongs to an employee of the Parallel Technologies company, Valentin Balt.

Before the official holiday appeared, Programmer's Day was celebrated on different days: July 19 - when the first programmer Ada Augusta Lovelace wrote the world's first program for a computer, December 10 - on Ada's birthday, April 4 (4.04), by analogy with the error "404" " ("this page was not found"). Another date was proposed for July 26, in honor of the first ever indictment of the creator of a computer virus.

In Russia, programmers also celebrate their professional holiday. The emergence of this date is associated with the coding of specialty 220400 - “Computer software and automated systems.”

The first programmer is considered to be the mathematician Ada Augusta Lovelace, the daughter of the English poet George Byron. On July 19, 1843, she created the first program for her colleague Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine. In the same year, she translated and annotated the article “Elements of Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine” by the Italian mathematician and engineer Luigi Federico Menabria. She also proposed using the Analytical Engine to solve the Bernoulli equation, which expresses the law of conservation of energy of a moving fluid.

None of the programs written by Ada Lovelace are like this, but among programmers her name is immortalized - the universal programming language is called “Ada”.

Among the world's famous programmers are the creator of the largest IT project of the 20th century - the Internet Tim Berners-Lee, one of the founders of Microsoft Bill Gates, creator of the C programming language and key developer of the UNIX operating system Dennis Ritchie, creator of the GNU operating system kernel /Linux Linus Torvalds, developer and co-founder of the Google search engine Sergey Brin, one of the world's leading experts in the field of information security Evgeny Kaspersky, creator of the popular social network Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, co-founder of Yandex Ilya Segalovich, etc.

The Russian school of programmers today remains one of the best in the world. Russian programmers have always been highly valued abroad - the massive “brain drain” started back in the 1990s. Western companies owe much of their success and dominance in world markets to talented specialists from Russia.

In 2017, Russian students took four prizes out of 12 possible at the World Championship in Sports Programming (ACM-ICPC), held in Rapid City (South Dakota, USA).

ITMO University (St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics) became the absolute champion; its students solved it the fastest. The team from St. Petersburg State University also won the gold medal, taking fourth place. The silver medal for fifth place was won by the team from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, and the bronze medal was won by the team from the Ural Federal University, taking 10th place.

ITMO University has already been the absolute champion of ACM ICPC in 2004, 2008, 2009, 2012, 2013 and 2015. St Petersburg University students won in 2000, 2001, 2014 and 2016.

ACM ICPC is one of the major global student programming championships, which has been held under the auspices of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) since 1977. Winning it is considered one of the most honorable computer awards.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

In September, on the 12th or 13th, it is celebrated in Russia and many countries around the world. This is a professional holiday for people whose profession is related to the development of computer programs. Currently, this industry employs a large number of people engaged in creating computer software and processors for numerous electronic devices.

When is Programmer's Day celebrated in 2018?

The 256th day of the year was chosen as the date of celebration, so it is different for leap and non-leap years. So, Programmer's Day 2018 will be celebrated on September 13th. The number 256 was chosen as a symbol that is closely associated with programming technologies:

  • the value is equal to the greatest power of 2, the greater number of days in a year;
  • exactly 256 different numbers can be represented using one byte consisting of 8 bits;
  • in binary, 8 and hexadecimal systems, the number 256 is written as a round number - 100000000 2, 400 8, 100 16.

History of Programmer Day in Russia

Programmer's Day in Russia has been an official holiday since 2009. The initiative to celebrate this day was officially put forward by V. Balt, an employee of the Parallel Technologies web studio. He first sent an email with a corresponding proposal to the official website of the Russian Government in 2000. Then, in 2002, together with his colleague M. Chervyakov, he organized an Internet vote on this proposal, and again an appeal was sent to the Government of the Russian Federation. An online survey gathered a large number of supporters of this initiative; within 5 days, about 10 thousand people supported the proposal.

The very idea of ​​this professional holiday was born earlier, and it was put forward by the editor and owner of the Computerra magazine D. Mendelyuk on July 15, 1996. He proposed the name “Computer Day” for Programmer’s Day and proposed celebrating it annually on the first Friday of September, calling it “Clean Friday.” According to his proposal, traditionally on this day all specialists in this industry would delete unnecessary information from their devices. This tradition would become a ritual corresponding to throwing old furniture out of house windows or making Christmas pudding.

What date do programmers celebrate their professional holiday in other countries of the world?

In other countries of the world, the programmer's holiday on the 256th day of the year is also popular, but is unofficial. When choosing what date to celebrate Programmer’s Day, other proposals were received:

  • 4.04 - by a combination of numbers corresponding to error code 404 - on St. Day celebrated by Catholics. Isidore of Seville;
  • December 10 is the birthday of the first programmer who lived in the 19th century;
  • 04/22 or 01/23 - according to outdated or new specialty coding.

However, the accepted proposal is the most universal.