Positive attitude towards life. How positive emotions affect a person The most correct definition: realistic thinking

Everyone says that positive thinking is useful. Is this really true? Read carefully and you will find out whether it is worth using positive thinking, and if so, how?

Why do people use positive thinking?

In light of recent world events, life has become difficult and bleak for many people. The changes that have taken place throughout the world and human society are forcing people to become more aware. Everyone involuntarily thinks about their fate and their purpose¹. The economic crisis was a blow for many; some people found themselves below the poverty line.

Positive thinking is useful when you...

The interest of society and individuals is aimed at finding methods that help improve the internal state and material level. Among these methods were religion, various types of martial arts, yoga and NLP.

On the territory of the Slavic states, the method of positive thinking or a positive attitude towards life has become in demand. His idea is that troubles and difficulties should be perceived positively by a person, serving as an incentive and call for further action.

The use of the method is quite effective and helps resolve conflict situations, improve relationships, and increases the chances of success in any area of ​​activity.

What is the danger of positive thinking?

Using the method of positive thinking, it is important to soberly assess the situation and not reach the point of fanaticism. Some people become super-optimists and no longer perceive reality quite adequately. But the worst thing is that over time this extreme depletes the psyche and threatens with another extreme state - deep depression.

Today it is fashionable to talk, write books and articles about positive thinking, but alas, not every author is a professional.

Many psychologists and authors insist that a person should be positive based on personal internal attitudes. But it's dangerous! A person is quite capable of being positive for a while (a few days or weeks), but the longer he forces himself to be positive, the more exhausted his nervous system will be.

How to use positive thinking correctly?

You need to treat positive thinking correctly and understand that it is like a medicine. No person can be happy and optimistic all the time. This is wrong and abnormal.

Any emotion, both good and bad, is necessary and important for a person. Negative emotions help develop the correct reaction to future similar situations.

It is important to fuel your positive attitude! How to do it?

To successfully learn and practice the positive thinking method, you will need inspiration and energy. Any sources of positivity can become sources of your inspiration. It could be a favorite activity, books, friends or loved ones, music, sports, a pet... Anything you like can be a source of positivity.

But this is not enough. You must understand that after some time, any external source will cease to inspire you. In this case, your goal will come to the rescue. In your quest to achieve goals and success, you are able to overcome many obstacles and solve seemingly impossible problems.

  • Do you know your goal?
  • What is it?
  • How does she inspire you?
  • Perhaps it is large, relevant to your entire life, or small and can be achieved within a month or two?

Positive thinking is only safe and effective when you go towards your goal² and feed yourself with various sources of inspiration. Only in this case will you be successful.

It will be a great success if you manage to combine both components - a source of inspiration and a goal, then you will have the desire to live to the fullest and act. You yourself will become a source of inspiration and energy for others, and positive thinking will be a natural way of your life.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

² You can learn how to effectively achieve your goals

Positive attitude

What is a positive attitude? First of all, a person has positive thinking. Thinking with a plus sign is the foundation on which our positive attitude towards the entire world around us is built - towards life, towards people and towards ourselves.

What is a positive attitude?

  • Optimism and motivation
  • Positive and creative thinking
  • Self-esteem and self-belief
  • Inspiration and expectation of success
  • Accepting problems and failures
  • Search for solutions and opportunities

A POSITIVE ATTITUDE towards the world around you has one interesting ability - it CHANGES YOUR LIFE! And for the better! A positive outlook on things certainly leads to Happiness and Success!

Be careful - it's contagious!))) A positive charge affects not only you, it affects everything around you - people and even circumstances.

What are the benefits of positive thinking?

  • Brings more positive emotions into life
  • Gives self-confidence and fills with energy
  • Helps you achieve goals quickly
  • Gives inspiration to motivate yourself and others
  • Problems disappear or are easier to bear
  • You grow in the eyes of others
  • Life smiles back at you

Positive attitude towards life

What does it mean to “have a positive attitude towards life”?

“Why explain it here,” many will say. It’s all very simple – look at life more joyfully, be cheerful, always in the mood – and that’s it.

At first glance it's really simple. But why then doesn’t everyone succeed? Why don't all people have a positive attitude towards life?

It's all about the obstacles. In the obstacles and barriers on our way. Or rather, not in them, but in our reaction to them.

Everyone has problems

It’s just that many people perceive them as some kind of punishment, as something fatal, almost as “God’s punishment.” And they begin to behave accordingly - to lose heart, to lose heart, to become despondent - making their life and the lives of those around them simply unbearable. “Why should I do this?” “When will this all end?”, “Why me?” - we often hear from them. And such people are the majority of us. They are easily recognized by their gloomy and gray faces, dull glances, lowered heads and lack of a smile. Is this a familiar picture?

And there is another category. They also have problems and troubles in their lives, but they treat them differently. These people are accustomed to viewing OBSTACLES on the path to their dreams as a new OPPORTUNITY. Opportunity for growth! Overcoming a barrier means becoming stronger and moving to another level. Such people believe in themselves and go towards their goals, no matter what!

This is a positive attitude towards life - to cope with life's difficulties with ease. By accepting it into your life and making this attitude your habit, you avoid worries, fears, negative reactions and attract positive changes, happiness and success.

You make a transition to the bright side of life, look at life more optimistically and believe in the successful completion of any situation. Agree, such an attitude towards life deserves to be developed and consolidated in the mind!

Remember that any problem can be looked at in two ways - as an opportunity or as a dead end. And the choice is always yours.

People who have a positive approach to life will always view any problem only as an opportunity.

“How can I use this?”

“What lesson can I learn from this?”

“What does the Universe mean by this?” - these are the questions they ask themselves first.

A positive attitude towards life is the main core of these people. Nothing is impossible or fatal. There are no bad or good events. There is only our ATTITUDE towards them. Positive or negative.

Make your choice! Get on the positive side of life!

If you get a lemon, make lemonade out of it

- Dale Carnegie

What do you need to do so that a positive attitude towards life is fixed at your “deep level”, passes into the subconscious and becomes a daily habit? There are several rules and recommendations, the regular implementation of which can make you a positive person.

7 rules for a positive attitude towards life

  • Every night before going to bed, remember what good things happened to you during the day.
  • Share all your successes (even the smallest ones) with other people
  • Laugh at yourself more often, don't be afraid of it
  • If you are sad or in a difficult situation, remember a funny event, a funny story, read jokes or watch a comedy.
  • Charge yourself with positivity and pass it on to others. To do this, start every morning with positive affirmations.
  • Smile! As often as possible and from the heart, to acquaintances and strangers. Smile to yourself. Start every morning with a smile.
  • Evaluate any problem from the perspective of potential opportunity. Always ask yourself the following questions: “Why am I given this situation?”, “How and where can I use this?” Make it your rewarding experience.

Positive attitude towards people

What is a positive attitude towards people?

Those who have a positive attitude towards others see, first of all, only the good in a person. They are sociable and friendly, with a friendly smile always on their faces. All this allows them to easily get close to people and receive the same positive attitude in return.

"You reap what you sow"

Thinking about this topic has led me to the conclusion that people who have a positive attitude towards others have at least five vital advantages over others. This gives them a big head start in the competition among their own kind and makes them more adapted to life in society.

5 benefits of having a positive attitude towards people

1. Positively minded people are happier in life.

The fact that Positivity and Happiness are twin brothers has been known for a very long time. A good attitude towards others makes a person happier, if only because he has practically no conflicts or any negative situations in life, which can already be called happiness in our time of total stress.

2. A positive attitude is good for your health.

It is a fact proven by medical science that a positive attitude and health are deeply interconnected. People who think positively recover many times faster, respond better to treatment and recover much faster.

3. Positive attitude towards people is a divine manifestation.

“Love your neighbor as yourself

These words from the Bible perfectly show how we should treat others. People who constantly mock, mock, humiliate or insult their own kind are clearly going against God. And sooner or later this will end for them.

4. People who have a positive attitude towards others also have a positive attitude towards themselves.

They are in complete harmony and agreement with themselves, they respect themselves. Personally, it would be difficult for me to respect myself if I treated the majority of people poorly. All in all, A positive attitude towards yourself begins with a positive attitude towards others.

5. Positive people are role models.

They are drawn to them as if they were a light, they follow them, they want to be in their company. Such people spread their attitude towards the world around, they radiate it. This means they make our world a better, kinder and more positive place!

Forming a Positive Attitude

If in the past you have been a skeptic and had a negative attitude towards life, towards people and towards yourself, then it is time to change your attitude and move to the bright side of life - to the path of positivity, joy and happiness!

Of course, developing a positive attitude is not an overnight process, it takes time and should ideally become a good habit.

The tips below will help you develop a positive outlook on the world, become an optimist in life, and learn to notice only the good around you.

  • Make sure you want to be happy.
  • Look for more reasons to be happy.
  • Look up to positive and happy people.
  • Make sure that a negative attitude is unprofitable and completely useless.
  • Believe in yourself and in the support of the Universe.
  • Stay optimistic in all situations (make lemonade out of lemons).
  • Read positive literature.
  • Control your thoughts.
  • Repeat positive and uplifting statements.

Friends, take care of yourself more often, find and devote time to it, and you yourself will not notice how a positive attitude towards everything in the world will enter your life and become its daily norm.

Optimists are not born - they are made!

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Positive thinking is the path to a better life

What is positive thinking

Positive thinking is the tendency to see the positive in any situation. Positive thinkers don't bury their heads in the sand and run away from problems; They acknowledge the negative aspects of a situation, but prefer to focus on the positive aspects and possibilities for getting out of a particular unpleasant situation.

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1) The “test” for a positive attitude will be as follows: For 7 days you will try to think only in a positive way.

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Today, our language uses many words that are borrowed from other countries and cultures. However, despite this, many of them are very rooted and have taken root on our territory. That is why now I would like to tell you what “positive” is: the meaning of the word and all the most interesting things about its use.

Meaning of the word

It must be said that in each category of sciences the word “positive” has almost the same meaning.

  • Philosophy. Positive - affirmative, positive. That is, the one that is available is the actual one.
  • Policy. Also denotes something positive that was based on previously acquired experience.
  • Psychology, psychoanalysis. Positive is good. The antonym of the word is “negative”, that is, bad. They are often used inseparably from the terms “love” and “hate” in this block of sciences.

There are many more different designations. Generally speaking, for the term “positive” the meaning of the word comes down to positivity, something that comes with a “+” sign.

What is positivity

It is interesting to consider such a word as "positive". After all, it occurs very often in everyday life. Today it is used with pleasure by people of various professions. If we talk about the everyday meaning of the word, then positivity involves three main factors:

  1. The correct worldview, that is, the attitude.
  2. Goodwill, that is, a good attitude towards everyone around, regardless of various factors.
  3. A positive lifestyle when a person can enjoy everything that happens.

Generally speaking, positivity is the refusal to see exceptionally good things not only in the world around us, but also in strangers and a variety of situations.

Is positivity a good thing?

Psychologists say: positive things alone are not enough for life. People who are determined only for the good turn out to be poorly adapted to life. And often this is exactly what they suffer from. Therefore, experts note: in order for life to be fulfilling, in addition to positivity, you also need to have constructiveness and responsibility.

If a person is extremely positive, he can conditionally be called narrow-minded (lack of constructiveness). He is able to perceive life joyfully, but it is difficult and even almost impossible for him to approach difficult problems correctly. Such a person, of course, continues to enjoy everything that happens, while being in a difficult or even critical situation. And this is completely wrong, because the problem is not resolved, but started. The question of responsibility immediately arises. A person who is “positive” is not inclined to take responsibility. He is concerned only with personal happiness, but he simply does not care about others. So, in order to understand, you always need to consider this concept much deeper. After all, it often happens that minuses begin to be visible behind the absolute advantages. And this is a more correct approach, revealing the true essence of things.

Positive thinking

When understanding what a positive person is, it is also worth paying attention to such a category as What is it? Thus, this concept is inseparable from the process of self-improvement of everyone. Thinking positively does not mean being a blind optimist. This means being able to activate your strength in the most difficult moments in life, being able to tune in to the good in a difficult situation. Positive thinking is a piece of the correct worldview, which in the future can shape a person’s mood, accumulate a person’s internal strength and help set him up for success. But at the same time, it is important not to forget that in addition to the attitude, you also need to work, a lot and diligently. After all, only in such a tandem can high results be achieved. By itself, positive thinking has little effect on life.

About positive influence

It is also important to understand what positive influence is. No one will argue with the fact that every person is subject to outside influences. Some more, some less. It is from this influence that much depends on a person’s life. So, it is important that the person you look up to has exceptionally good character traits and sets the right example. This is a positive influence.

About positive changes

In this case, most often we are talking about people who, for one reason or another, cannot be considered good. Or they have certain flaws that they have to deal with. Positive changes are transformations that occur to a person that have an extremely positive impact or will further affect life.

About a positive image

And as a small conclusion, I would also like to talk about what a positive image is. These are all those components of a person that are attractive. This is the image you want to emulate. This is where categories like positive influence and positive change come into play. After all, after setting a goal, a reasonable person begins to work on himself.

How to become a positive person

Having understood what “positive” is, and having realized that just being positive is not enough, you need to figure out how to achieve positive changes. What do you need to know and be able to do for this?

  • In all situations you need to look for the positive aspects. Even in the negative, you need to see something good and make the most of it.
  • You need to communicate with good people. If a close friend is negative, it will be very, very difficult to protect yourself from this.
  • You need to be able to praise and pamper yourself. However, this should not happen without reason.

And of course, you need to be able to smile sincerely, take care of your own health and be positive. Having all this, it will be much easier to become a successful person.

Missed all the deadlines? An important deal fell through? Did your neighbors flood? Positive thinking can change your attitude towards troubles and solve all your problems!

Pfff. Are you really falling for this? For me, ecstasy has the same effect - the attitude towards troubles is turned upside down, be healthy, and you don’t even need to learn any thinking! In both cases, ignoring reality is not a solution to the problem at all, and the customer or neighbors don’t care about your thinking style. After all, your problems are now theirs too.

Calls to think positively today come from everywhere - from books, TV, newspapers and Internet resources. Well, yes, smile - it annoys everyone. But where did you get the idea that thoughts are so material that positive thinking will be a panacea for all ills?

There are certainly positives to seeing the bright side of this world. For example, this will save your nerve cells that are not being restored. But that's not what this is about. We are talking about how most people perceive the phenomenon of positive thinking: “For everything to be good, you just need to think about good things!” And voila! Well, okay, maybe without “voila”, but the gist is something like this.

The so-called teaching of "positive thinking" makes people think that they don't even have to lift a finger for anything to happen - everything will happen on its own, as if by magic! Well, it doesn’t really talk about magic, only about quantum mechanics... It apparently explains the appearance of magical genies who fulfill all desires - money, success, or whatever else you have on the list.

Please don't fall for this bullshit. If we talk about quantum mechanics and other sciences, then there is a very simple formula for the result: positive thoughts multiplied by zero actions ultimately give zero. Elementary Watson.

Common Definition of Positive Thinking

The term "positive thinking" first appeared in the book The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale. Let's see what the author himself says about his theory.

“Positive Thinking” teaches you to perceive the world from a completely different perspective and use your capabilities to achieve the desired results through positive, realistic beliefs and thoughts. It is based on the scientifically proven fact that thoughts directly influence feelings, which in turn influence behavior. So if you think positively, you will get positive results, and if you think negatively, you will get negative results.”

Hm. Well, I quite like this, especially the highlighted part. In this definition, thinking has nothing to do with genies and “money magnets.” No quantum mechanics. Only the theory “Thoughts cause feelings, feelings cause actions.” I can't help but agree.

However (and this “however” must be highlighted in red) you should not buy the last sentence. Positive thinking does not guarantee a positive result. Do you remember how many times you were 100% sure of something and failed? And vice versa - how many times were you sure that you would be unlucky and - oops! – did everything work out?

The point is that events do not happen because of thinking. Events happen because you make them. All the salt is in action.

The Correct Definition of Positive Thinking

Now that we've established that it's all about action, let's formulate a proper definition of "positive thinking":

Positive thinking is the conscious choice of thoughts that create positive feelings and a desire to act.

If you purposefully move to the “light side”, you begin to focus on thoughts that make you feel good because it is based on facts, not magical quantum mechanics. If, for example, you go out into your garden and start thinking: “no weeds, no weeds, no weeds,” then in a week the weeds will hide your cabbage to hell. But if you say to yourself: “It’s great that I have a garden, and if I work in it, it will be absolutely great,” then you will mentally prepare yourself to take action.

The psychology is simple: when you think that your actions can change the world, you are more willing to take such actions. “Coming to the bright side” means framing the situation in your head in a way that makes you want to take action rather than feeling sorry for yourself.

The most correct definition: realistic thinking

You can call me an optimist all you want, but I am not an optimist at all. I'm realist.

In reality, there is almost always something you can do to improve the situation.

In reality, all our problems are not the end of the world, as we often think about them.

In reality, you can get your butt off the couch right now and do one small thing that will change the situation.

In reality, you may feel terrible and have no motivation, but this does not mean that you really have no opportunities.

In reality, you can find someone to talk to who can pull you out of depression or apathy - if not somewhere nearby, then on some website, blog or forum. There are always people with whom you can find a common language.

In general, there is no such thing as pessimism - there is the concept of “unrealism”. As soon as you start to notice that you are becoming unrealistic, mentally kick yourself in the ass and start thinking realistically - see the world as a place full of possibilities. And you didn’t take advantage of them only because you haven’t yet overcome your self-doubt. This way you can find motivation within yourself and take action. In the long run, you'll have a much better chance of finding what you're looking for.

So until you find Aladdin's magic lamp, just go to the light side. You'll love it here.
