Marriage line on the hand: what does it mean, which hand is it on? Palmistry - fortune telling along the marriage line on the hand: interpretation, photo. Palmistry: marriage line. What does the marriage line on your hand mean?

Starting a family is the most important stage in a person’s life. That's why many people are so eager to look into the future to find out about their betrothed or predict the number of children. Palm readers can answer these questions simply by looking at your palm. Information is carried not only by the length of the line, but also by the presence of unusual marks of Fate. It is especially important to know about rare signs on the palm, one of which is the star on the marriage line.

The thread of marriage is located on the outside of the palm, on its edge - between the line of the heart and the base of the little finger. For a correct prediction, the clarity of the road, its length and location on the hand are important.

Long thread

A sign of a long and prosperous married life. It is generally accepted that people with such a line on the palm tend to wait a long time for their only partner, because they cannot imagine life without marriage and a large number of children.

Weakly expressed, gradually thinning

It is a symbol of a relationship outside of marriage or the presence of a married admirer. The more segments the marriage line is divided into, the more likely there are breaks in a permanent relationship.

Clear, cutting deep into the skin

A sign of faithful, sincere and selfless love. This mark on the palm goes to people who are caring, responsible and constant in love.

"Rise" bends sharply upward

A sign of an unsuccessful marriage, a painful separation or the death of a partner. This direction of the line matters only for women. For men, it’s exactly the opposite; widowhood is indicated by a line drooping or a sharp bend down towards the wrist.


A sign that the bearer of this mark will sooner or later initiate a divorce.

Uneven, as if tortuous

A symbol of constant quarrels between spouses, possibly due to psychiatric disorders of one of them.

Bifurcation (presence of two parallel threads)

Speaks of coldness between spouses. Such people each live their own lives and are not interested in each other’s problems or successes. But some circumstances do not allow them to separate. However, it is obvious that such people are unhappy in their marriage.

Availability of Star

There can be many signs on the marriage line (crosses, diamonds, triangles). However, the most rare mark is the star.

In a general sense, the presence of a star is a sign of an arranged marriage. It occurs among people who, with the help of a wedding, decide to climb the career or social ladder and take advantage of their spouse’s fame and money. This is especially true for couples with a very large age difference.

If you look at the palm, you can see many lines, marks, intersections and marks. But most people are interested in the meaning of the marriage line and the symbols that are placed on it. After all, only here can you see your future family life and answer the questions: “Will I have a family?”, “Will I have children?”, “Will I find happiness with my other half?” …

Star location

A star at the end of the marriage line speaks of troubles in the union that can lead to separation:

  1. For example, the breakup of a relationship can be caused by a spouse’s betrayal.
  2. The reason may also be constant quarrels in the family, perhaps the reason will be a misunderstanding between parents and adult children, which subsequently leads to the breakdown of the parents’ marriage.

When located at the end of the marriage line, the star is not always an unambiguously bad sign of Fate. However, most often this sign is associated with troubles on the personal front.

  1. In addition to treason, a star can mean deception, committing some kind of fraud to the detriment of a spouse, naturally, without his knowledge.
  2. If a person is more interested in wealth than in trusting partnerships, it is absurd to expect that such a union will bring happiness.

Perhaps for one of the parties - who takes the resources - this marriage will be beneficial, but will not bring either moral satisfaction or a feeling of love even at the very beginning of the relationship.

  1. When the marriage line ends with a star, you should expect short-term affairs on the side from your partner.

Wise people can completely turn a blind eye to betrayal - then, most likely, the marriage will be saved, although the unworthy act will remain in the memory for a long time and deeply wound the heart of the deceived.

The symbol at the beginning of the thread and its meaning

The star at the beginning of the line speaks of the stormy beginning of the novel and, unfortunately, its quick end.

This mark is the rarest:

  • As a rule, after such experience in a relationship, people do not risk getting married, so they do not formalize their union.
  • After the star, the marriage line stretches very vaguely, intermittently, which once again confirms the failure in marriage among the bearers of this sign.

Sometimes it happens that a symbol is formed by two lines at once:

  • This mark of Fate - when one line bends and forms the ray of a star - indicates a lack of stability in marriage.
  • Most often, this situation depresses women: they want stable income from their husband, declarations of love, bouquets of flowers every day, breakfast in bed and joint plans for the future.

However, not having received all this, wives leave their other half, wanting to find a more promising and caring man.

The line of married life corresponds to the Mount of Mercury at the base of the little finger. The straight line located between the line of fate and the little finger is the marriage line, the latter is better visible along the edge of the palm. On it you can find signs and additional lines. Now we will look at what a triangle means on the marriage line. …

Another combination: two parallel marriage lines ending in a star

As already described above, two lines of marriage indicate a lack of mutual understanding and warm relations between spouses. If these two lines smoothly turn into an asterisk, we can say that such a relationship is doomed to failure.

Some of the partners will not be able to stand being “alone together” and will begin to look for moral support on the side.

Symbol on different hands

In palmistry, many concepts are deciphered depending on the hand on which the mark is located. The mark on the active (functioning) hand carries stronger energy. For right-handers it is the right, for left-handers it is the left. Also, depending on the hand, the meanings of the symbols vary.

The right hand is “responsible” for:

  • present and future;
  • the result of human actions and independently made decisions;
  • those aspects that a person himself can change.

The left hand is traditionally considered the source of mystical knowledge about a person:

  • past;
  • the presence or absence of extrasensory abilities;
  • A fate that cannot be changed;
  • inclination or natural talent (for example, health, longevity, luck), which a person can only spend, but not acquire.

Fortune telling by the right palm

So, this sign on the right hand indicates that the person deliberately chose the wrong partner, and it would be foolish to count on a happy marriage. The cause of the break is either the star carrier himself, or his indirect action - the inability to choose a life partner.

A star on the right hand means that a person’s breakup and betrayal are prescribed by Fate, and nothing could be corrected even with a great desire.

In palmistry, as a predictive technique, many issues related to human life and fate are considered. For example, the subject is often interested in his personal life, the possibility of creating his own family. In this case, you should consider the lines of marriage and children, as well as any lines and symbols on them. The cross on the marriage line is of particular importance. Inexperienced palmists consider them a bad omen, but this is not always true. …

We can summarize

  1. The length, depth and tortuosity of the marriage line characterize success in family affairs.

  1. A star on the marriage line is a sign of betrayal and separation.
  2. On the right hand and on the left, the signs of Fate carry different information.
  3. The symbol on the left palm is the rock of Fate. The star on the right palm is a break for which the person himself is to blame.

If the marriage line on the hand, going from the outside to the depth of the palm, loses its expressiveness, this indicates that the person’s feelings are gradually fading and separation may soon follow. A good guide in controlling feelings is the line of the heart, in the case when a less thin line runs parallel to the seemingly good line of the heart, which is close to the heart, indicating that after a period of doubt and disappointment, the feelings will transfer to another person. This sign indicates that perhaps a person has a lover with whom he can have a good and pleasant time. And looking at the state of this line, if the second line becomes brighter and stronger, this indicates that there is a greater chance of changing a partner.

The place on the hand where the lines of marriage and children are located, if you noticed, is proportionately small, so it becomes not easy to guess by the line of marriage and children in this place and draw accurate conclusions based only on the readings of these lines. But even after taking a quick glance at the Mount of Mercury, it becomes clear that it is impossible to immediately determine anything with accuracy and confidence, because the lines of marriage and children there are very weak and short, not to mention the lines that reflect lovers, they are even thinner. Some people have a large number of vertical lines in this place, which logically should predict them numerous offspring, and in order to avoid mistakes in this case, only the most pronounced lines should be taken into account, which indicate children and possible lovers. For an accurate answer in palmistry, regarding such sensitive issues as marriage, children and lovers, it is necessary to check and consider fortune telling not only on the lines of love, but take into account other lines and signs on the hand.

If there is a line that is much weaker in strength next to the line, it means the simultaneous presence of someone else, and usually a lover, but in this case it should be located and go almost end-to-end.
Such a line expresses a secret union, or more clearly a lover, or an affair on the side, and most likely will be located on the non-active hand, because one should always remember that the active hand (the right hand for right-handed people) reflects the outer shell of the essence - the one that a person shows for all the people around me (they say I’m all so righteous), and not an active hand, shows the inner emotions and state - what is hidden from everyone (and I’m hitting the quiet guy) - with such clear examples I convey to you, because I think that the topic is relevant and should be well remembered.

The lover's line can be located both above and below the main line of the relationship, by its position we find out when the relationship began - if it is below, it means an old relationship before marriage, - which means that the other half, that is, the spouse, (.. .deer with experience) - such people can enter the entrance, hit with antlers or even get stuck in the doorway.
But if this line is on top, then the relationship was formed after marriage, which perhaps means (...not large horns), or only sprouting..., which are not yet visible to neighbors and work colleagues, - "cutting them off in time" , you can save your family if you want.
The line of betrayal may also intersect with the main one, which will mean the lover’s intervention in the marital relationship from time to time.
It is also worth remembering that in order not to make hasty conclusions when you see similar lines on the hand of your chosen one, you should always look for evidence on other parts of the palm, you should also examine the lines of influence on the Mount of Venus.

Small lines extending down from the marriage line and directed towards the heart line indicate problems accompanying marriage.
A marriage line on the hand with a lowered tip and descending lines at the bottom at an angle, as shown in the picture, also reveals dissatisfaction from marriage.
But based on great hopes that were placed on this connection, and which were not fulfilled, a huge desire for something, and dreams did not come true, although the marriage itself has the right to exist, but not contentment radiates downward lines, and the closer to the edge lines of disappointment will begin to appear on the palms, the sooner the person begins to experience such a state of mind.
The wavy marriage line speaks of frequent quarrels, mood swings, and transitions from one extreme to another. Such behavior of spouses in marriage can quite soon lead to divorce.

There can be various signs on the marriage line: - star sign, cross sign, island sign, a dot on the marriage line is rare. Each of these signs relates only to those relationships in marriage on the line of which it is located and is located. The marriage line in palmistry reflects relationships, and no matter how the marriage lines are called, the lines of marriage or marriage, the line of relationships or the line of love, they reflect both real and strong sensual impulses, great emotions, and of course the experiences and suffering of a person in relation to to another, well, what would we do without it. After all, most likely in life, any marriage is necessary without spiritual passions, which are created by similar signs on the marriage line shown in the example of the picture, the meaning of which can be found in a special section on the meaning of signs, both visible at first glance and invisible.

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Signs on the lines of Relationships

On the lines of Relationships there may be any signs that will determine the course of a particular relationship. If there are multiple lines of Relationships, each sign located on one line or another will relate only to certain single relationships that this line reports. If instead of multiple lines there is a single line of Marriage, then the interpretation of the present sign will be transformed and affect all relationships into which this person will enter. Thus, it no longer expresses a specific relationship with a specific person, but will determine the general nature of all relationships without exception. Also, do not forget that signs can either easily disappear from the Marriage line or appear on them, so you should never make a final verdict on marital relationships in advance, without confirmation by the Lines of Influence. The presence of signs on the lines of Relationships determines the course of the marriage at the present time, therefore a person who has negative signs on the line can “erase” them from his hand by changing his attitude towards his partner or accepting his point of view.

Island on the Relationship Line(Figures 1.28 and 1.30), indicates the scandalous nature of the relationship, or a problem that will accompany the relationship, for example, the illness of a spouse or some kind of internal conflict caused by a marriage partner. An island at the beginning of the line indicates a conflict period at the very beginning of the relationship, which will be successfully overcome. The island in the middle of the line suggests a solution to all problems in the middle of family life, and a further distinct line coming after this island strengthens the relationship and gives hope for a favorable marriage. The disappearance of the island means that over time the couple were able to resolve all conflict situations and get rid of hostility towards each other. The island that closes the Marriage line is the most negative sign, indicating an inability to accept a partner for who he is, which in principle can indicate divorce, but with big emotional scandals and claims against each other, courts or enmity that will remain between people even after the termination of the relationship. If you find this sign in a client, then you need to point out to him an approaching crisis in the marriage, which he can avoid only in the only case if he gets rid of the habit of criticizing his partner and looks for only positive aspects in him that will allow him to cope with negative emotions and restore relationship.

Triangle on the line of Relationships(Figures 1.28 and 1.31) is an unfavorable sign and indicates a family life full of adversity. Most often, harmony and stability in relationships are lost due to the aggressiveness or uncontrollable nature of the partner, who is not inclined to take into account the opinion of the owner of this sign.

Cross on the line of Relationships(Figure 1.29) indicates the impossibility of marriage or indicates the presence of constant problems in the relationship. As a rule, over time, the relationship in a given married couple will enter a critical phase and the marriage will collapse due to betrayal, illness or injury of the spouse. Often, attempts to restore relationships while there is a cross on the line lead to nothing, but, on the contrary, further aggravate the already cooled relationship. However, if the partners have a mutual desire to save the marriage and improve family relationships, then one can hope for the restoration of relations.

Star on the line of Relationships(Figure 1.29) has the same interpretations as the cross, but reinforced many times over. When analyzing the sign, you can determine the time period when a crisis in the relationship will occur. For example, if the star is at the beginning of the line, the crisis will occur at the beginning of the relationship, in the middle of the line - after some time has passed, and at the end of the Marriage line - at the end of the relationship, and without the possibility of further restoration.

Square (quadrangle) on the line of Relationships(Figure 1.29) indicates the owner of the hand, who will be subjected to physical or psychological violence in a relationship. These interpretations become the most negative and dangerous if a person has signs of a violation of the self-preservation system, which are expressed in breaks or defects in the main lines of the hand at certain ages.

Grid on the line of Relationships(Figure 1.29), is a sign of a failed relationship and speaks of a feeling of hopelessness, loss of interest in continuing the relationship, as a result of which the spouses separate due to reluctance to fight to save the marriage.

Dating Relationship Lines

Rice. 1.32–1

The time of the beginning of a relationship with the opposite sex can also be determined by the lines of Relationships located on the section of the hand between the Heart line and the base of the Mercury finger. In this case, the countdown starts from the Heart line and goes up, therefore, the sooner a person enters into a fateful union, the lower the corresponding Marriage line will be located. Palmists do not have a definite solution to how many years of a person’s life should be located in the interval between the Heart line and the base of the little finger. Some experts place in this interval the entire life cycle of a person from the moment of birth to the average time of life expectancy, others - the time from the beginning of falling in love until the ability to fully enjoy the feeling of love, and still others break this area into small time intervals and use a double time report for them. Therefore, for clarity, we will consider the most common and relatively accurate method of calculating time along the lines of Relationships, which is used by most palmists.

To determine the time of events, it is necessary to divide the area from the Heart line to the base of the little finger into three equal parts, with the Heart line taken as the lower mark, and the base of the finger as the upper mark. Let us assign the resulting interval the average number of years of human life equal to 75 years and, dividing it, we obtain the age of one area, which will correspond to 25 years. However, the lower part will indicate the age of up to 25 years, which represents our earliest love affairs, which shaped our sexuality and love desires. The middle part will cover the period from approximately 25–30 to 50–60 years, and indicate the conscious connections that a person will enter into. As a rule, in a given time period there are two or three very strong and deep lines, against the background of many small ones. And finally, the last, upper part shows our responsibilities to our partners in the last third of life, after 50 years.

When calculating years, it is necessary to take into account that the indicated space in the palm of the hand is on average about two centimeters and covers the age range of 75 years, so 1 millimeter in this case will correspond to approximately 2.5–3 years of a person’s life. Added to this distribution of time is the imprint of the psychological age of the subjective flow of time - after all, the older we get, the faster the years fly by. Therefore, the estimate of the time of marriage along these lines is very approximate and, as can be seen from the description of the method, will give a noticeable error. To more accurately determine the time of fateful events associated with love and marriage relationships, counting years along with dating the lines of Relationships should be carried out together with the lines of Influence.

For example, Figure 1.32–1 shows dating along the lines of Relationships. From the figure it is clear that this person will enter into his first, short-lived relationship associated with falling in love at the ages of 25 and 28 years. The next long-term and emotionally strong relationship will end in marriage at 37 and 48 years old, and the last feeling, which begins first with a misunderstanding with a partner, will arise at 54 years old.

An example of analysis of love and marriage relationships along the lines of Relationships

We will build an analysis of love and marriage relationships along the lines of Relationships by assessing the prospects of each individual relationship with a partner, consider their duration, and also dwell on the nuances that will be inherent in this or that union. Due to the fact that dating relationships gives a large error when determining it along these lines, therefore we will not focus special attention on it, but will indicate the approximate age of entry into a relationship or marriage. Also, when analyzing Marriage lines, it is necessary to remember that these lines are most quickly subject to changes when character changes and one’s attitude towards a partner changes, therefore, having found negative signs on these lines, one must understand that this is not fate and a panacea, but a reason for internal work on oneself and reconsidering your relationship with your partner.

Rice. 1.33–1

The girl by her nature is a very easy-going and open person who expects a close, trusting and partly friendly relationship from her partner. She tends to idealize the partner with whom she is in a relationship and not pay attention to his shortcomings, because she wants to see a strong and self-confident person next to her (multiple deep lines of Relationships on both hands). When starting a new relationship, a girl will consider each partner as a future husband candidate and strive for strong and stable relationships with them. Having entered into a relationship, she will be ready to make sacrifices for the sake of her partner, sometimes even to the detriment of her own interests, and in relationships she will remain faithful (deep lines of Relationships), without being scattered on fleeting acquaintances and chance meetings (the absence of subtle and shallow between deep and strong lines of Relationships lines). But from time to time she will need emotional freedom, most likely in order to feel like a free and independent person (multiple deep lines of Relationships). She experienced her first deep and unrequited feeling of love at the age of 13, when she fell in love with her classmate (the thin line of Relationships on the passive hand at the age of 13). The desire for a connection with a certain person, manifested at the dawn of youth, as can be seen from the lines, did not lead to anything, but it helped to realize, understand and feel what real, albeit unrequited love is: the conclusion about an unrequited feeling was made on the basis of the absence of active hand of the Relationship line, which may also indicate that love was most likely “in the head” of this person rather than in a real desire to establish at least friendly relations with a classmate. In the future, she will have a new connection at the age of 17, but it will not lead to a long-term and stable relationship either. Although the girl dreamed of building a good relationship with her partner and was ready to make certain sacrifices for him (a deep and strong line on the passive hand at the age of 17), in real life everything turned out differently and over time she had to break up with him (a thin line on the active hand: an imbalance of the Relationship lines at this age indicates a failed, albeit emotionally deep relationship). At the age of 20, she again encounters love on her path, which does not reciprocate her feelings, despite repeated attempts on her part to please this person (a fork at the initial section of the Relationship line at the age of 20 on the active hand). After some time, she still manages to attract his attention to herself and begin a long-term relationship with him, entering into marriage with him (the fork at the beginning of the line, which turns into a strong and extended section of the Relationship line, in this case indicates marriage) . After some time, the girl will understand that she was looking for the wrong person with whom she would like to go through life next to, and, having gone through several stages of quarrels and reconciliations (comets on the Relationship line at 20 years old), she will decide to end the marriage: a big fork on the Marriage line of the passive hand indicates a painful and lengthy choice, which she will subsequently have to regret more than once. Left alone, at the age of 28, she meets a man with whom she immediately falls in love. A fleeting and stormy romance very quickly turns into marriage, but the relationship with this person is doomed to break, since this man is very far from the ideal that she was looking for throughout all her relationships with partners. Family life turns into torment for her due to the aggressive nature and uncontrollable temperament of her husband (inverted triangles on the Marriage line), leading to a cooling of relations with him, and subsequently to the dissolution of the official marriage (a downward branch on this line of Influence, resembling a fork) , but even after terminating the relationship, the spouses continue to live together in a civil marriage. After some time, the relationship finally becomes obsolete, and the spouses separate, this time forever (falling Marriage line on the active hand). Analyzing this relationship, started by a girl at the age of 28, we can say that she should not have married this person, since he was not her karmic partner, given by fate to work off karma (absence of a line on the passive hand). Perhaps partly because of this, her relationship with her partner did not work out, since an initially pleasant and courteous young man eventually became a despot and tyrant, bringing trouble, turmoil and confusion into her life (negative line of Marriage at 28 years old). Once again left alone, at the age of 40 she falls in love with a man with whom she is not destined to build a relationship (the Relationship line is only on the passive hand), but at the age of 45 the woman will smile with the happiness of falling in love again and building a new, this time long-term relationship ( Relationship lines on both hands at a given age. The fork on the line of the active hand may disappear over time, provided there is a strong desire to save the marriage and a willingness to make concessions).

Lines of Influence

Lines of Influence belong to the group of auxiliary palm lines and are the most informative when analyzing love and marriage relationships, compared to the lines of Relationships. Already from the name it becomes clear that the lines of Influence will mark on the palms those people who will have a significant impact on the sensory-emotional sphere and personal life of a person, denoting our beloved husbands, wives, children, lovers and even rivals. It is the lines of Influence that unmistakably and accurately indicate the dates of acquaintance, the emergence of love, marriage, the prospects for relationships in a family union, and also show the time of separation from a partner and the birth of children. Since these lines can be located in different places on the palm, they are best, unlike other lines, able to complement each other, where each of them in its own way reveals the peculiarities of experiencing the bright feeling of love and affection of one person for another. Not a single area of ​​our life is expressed in such detail and reliably on our palms as love, which, due to the strength of feelings and experiences, occupies one of the main places in a person’s life, therefore the lines of Influence, which determine the development of future relationships, adjoin only the most fateful lines hands - Life, Heart and Destiny, making a new partner a part of your life. In addition to the fact that the lines of Influence complement each other, determining the exact time of the emergence of relationships, each of them separately, depending on the contact with a certain palm line, will indicate the nuances of the development of relationships and the prospects for marriage. In this regard, with a comprehensive analysis of the lines of influence on a person’s palms, a complete picture of the relationship with a partner is created, after reading which, together with the main character traits of the owner of the hand, one can identify problematic issues in relationships and character traits that interfere with the full development of marital relationships.

On the palms of a person, there are three types of lines of Influence - these are the lines of Influence to the Heart line, the line of Influence to the line of Fate and the line of Influence on the Mount of Venus. Moreover, each of the lines, in addition to general interpretations, also has its own individual meanings inherent in each individual line. So, for example, the lines of Influence to the line of the Heart indicate the time when the most sublime feeling in the world enters the human heart - Love. Using the lines of Influence to the line of Fate, one can judge how the acquaintance with the partner will take place, how the family members will be disposed towards the chosen one, as well as what basic character traits the future partner will have and what profession the future partner will have. Lines of Influence on the Mount of Venus will indicate the duration, strength of relationships and the main nuances in marriage, for example, such as the presence of lovers and temporary periods of cooling and restoration of relationships. When analyzing the lines of Influence, one should not forget that the female hand is, by its nature, much more informative than the male one, since women are initially focused on marriage and having children, therefore, the information that can be learned from female hands cannot always be read from the rough male one hand. On the hands of a man, only those relationships are displayed that have completely entered his heart and left a deep emotional mark in him; it is for this reason that simple and fleeting hobbies are quite rarely displayed on empty men’s hands. Since this topic, despite its simplicity of perception, is very voluminous, we will begin to get acquainted in detail with the simplest lines indicating love - from the lines of Influence to the line of the Heart.

Lines of Influence to the Heart Line

The heart is an unusually delicate and truly amazing organ of the human body, which is rightfully considered the most important of the internal organs. On the one hand, it is so strong that it is able to pump blood throughout the body throughout life, on the other hand, it is so refined that it is capable of concealing the deepest human feelings. Our heart reacts to the thoughts and emotions that a person experiences towards the opposite sex. It is so vulnerable that it suffers deeply from the slightest trouble. The heart is an ideal symbol of the highest human beliefs, such as compassion, kindness, love, affection and other sublime feelings that arise in the depths of our heart.

The human heart yearns for love, the desire to connect with another person. When a miracle happens and people fall in love with each other, they are filled with tenderness and strive to strengthen their relationship through marriage. Therefore, a person’s life can be considered complete only if he happened to meet his soul mate - the embodiment of beauty, wisdom and love, in which both are ready to enter into a strong marital union with each other. Hindus in this case say that if a man is lucky enough to have a beautiful, intelligent and healthy wife, then his house surpasses in its luxury the palace of the richest god Indra. The earthly path is thorny, and in order to successfully pass it, we need a close friend who is ready to help in trouble, give his heart, instill in us courage in the face of danger and share with us the entire journey of life. In this regard, the palmist should pay equal attention to all lines of influence on the palms, since their study gives us the key to understanding the most intimate secrets of a person’s life.

When considering the lines of Influence going to the Heart line, we will focus on the signs on the Heart line, which indicate the beginning and end of a relationship with a partner, and also, using examples of real people’s hands, we will learn to determine the prospects of relationships and the duration of the connection itself. When assessing the prospects for marriage, it is necessary to recall previously studied material regarding the Heart line and the signs on it, which will help determine those personality traits that contribute to or, conversely, hinder the full development of relationships with a partner.

Signs indicating the beginning of a relationship

The Line of Influence to the Heart line reflects a real person with whom the owner of the hand can establish long-term and harmonious family relationships. At the same time, the strength of the Line of Influence itself proportionally indicates the strength of love for a person who meets along the path of life, and its contact with the Heart Line shows the further prospects of relationships with this person. In addition, at the point where the line of Influence enters the line of the Heart, the age of the beginning of a relationship with a partner is read when applying dating to the main line of the hand. When analyzing the beginning of a relationship, after the interaction of the partner’s line with the Heart line, it is necessary to take into account the quality and nature of the Heart line, which will indicate satisfaction with the resulting relationship.

Absence of lines of Influence to the Heart line, shown in Figure 1.34, is quite common on empty male hands that have only main lines on the palms. The absence of a partner’s lines in a given place in no way means that such a person will never love or will not meet on his life’s path the person with whom he is destined to go through life together, but most often indicates that love does not apply to number of his life priorities. An empty hand and a homogeneous line of the Heart, which has no branches, shows a person who is restrained in feelings and closed, who subconsciously blocks his emotions in relation to his partner, which is why there are partly no lines of Influence in this part of the hand. Also, a person without lines of Influence to the Heart line is characterized by selfishness, increased vanity and selfishness, which does not contribute to harmonious and long-lasting relationships. As a rule, the absence of lines of Influence to the Heart line is compensated by the presence of these lines in other areas of the hand - on the line of Fate or on Venus.

The Line of Influence joins the Line of the Heart(Figures 1.35 and 1.36), without crossing it, indicates the time period of the emergence of a love relationship with a partner. This sign always indicates love for your partner and a lack of calculation in the relationship. It is the sublime feeling of love that takes possession of a person at this time, as a result of which he is ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of his beloved. In practice, the entry of the Influence line into the Heart line in most cases indicates the beginning of a family relationship or marriage, provided that after the entry of the Influence line, the nature of the Heart line does not change. At the same time, the strength of the line of Influence determines the strength of love for the person with whom the relationship is being built, therefore, the deeper and stronger the line of Influence, the stronger the feelings a person experiences for his chosen one.

In addition, by the beginning of the Line of Influence, before it enters the Heart Line, you can determine the time of the beginning of acquaintance with your partner. When determining age, it is necessary to build a perpendicular from the beginning of the line of Influence upward to the line of the Heart, the point of intersection of which with the main line will give the age of acquaintance with the future spouse. Due to the fact that the beginning of this line is distant from the Heart line, the owner of the sign in this time period does not regard the new acquaintance as promising and does not try to build joint relationships. Feelings will arise later, gradually intensifying as the line of Influence approaches the line of the Heart, drawing the person headlong into the cycle of love relationships.

Figure 1.36 shows an example of determining the time of acquaintance and the beginning of a joint relationship, from which it can be seen that acquaintance with a future partner will occur at 17 years old, and a love relationship will begin after a while, at 25 years old. When calculating the time intervals from the moment of acquaintance to the beginning of a relationship, it is necessary to take into account one of the few rules accepted in palmistry, which states: the longer the line of Influence before it enters the Heart line, the more time will pass from the period of acquaintance to the beginning of the relationship and vice versa, short lines The influences indicate a rapid transition from the acquaintance phase to the beginning of life together.

Line of Influence crossing the Heart line(Figure 1.37), indicates an unpromising relationship, the result of which will be a break in the marital relationship. At the same time, the intersection of the line of Influence and the line of the Heart does not indicate the time when the break in the relationship itself will occur, and this can happen either in a year or in five or even ten years. Therefore, when analyzing such a combination, it is necessary to pay special attention to the lines of Influence located in other areas of the hand and to the nature of the Heart line, which will indicate the reason for the breakdown of the marital relationship. As for the example given in Figure 1.37, the chain section of the line, which is crossed by the Line of Influence, speaks of inconstancy in love and strong emotional disappointments in a partner, which will push the owner of such a combination of lines to search for new relationships and numerous love adventures.

Line of Influence forming a fork as shown in Figures 1.38 and 1.38–1, speaks of a difficult relationship with a partner or external circumstances that interfere with the full development of the relationship. You already know that any fork in the hand is a difficult choice of a person, in which a lot of contradictions arise or in which various circumstances interfere. The choice, when analyzing the combination shown in the figure, will directly relate to the development of further relationships with the person to whom the line of Influence corresponds, and the role of emerging circumstances may be the reluctance of this person to connect his fate with the owner of the sign or in his employment with other relationships. In any case, the contradictions that arise will cause strong emotional distress due to the fact that a person cannot achieve what he wants. Since the fork consists of two lines, the first line crossing the Heart line will indicate an unsuccessful relationship with a partner, which in the above example corresponds to 22 years, and the second line joining the Heart line at 25 years will indicate the successful overcoming of all obstacles, the result of which will be a happy family life.

The marriage line reflects both real relationships and internal feelings and experiences of a person associated with falling in love and loving someone. Popularly, the marriage line is also called the line of relationships, marriage or love.

In the absence of any signs or violations, the duration of the relationship is determined by the depth, clarity and length of the marriage line.
By and large, the marriage line does not reflect the relationship itself, but the very function of developing relationships between you and the opposite sex. So, by the beginning of the line one judges how the relationship began, and by the end of the line, how and why it ended.

One of the main problems is timing along the marriage line. The thing is that time on this line flows in both directions, and therefore it is necessary to draw conclusions about the time of the beginning of a relationship and its end based on this fact.

On the line of love or marriage, it is not shown when you will get married, these conclusions are made by compiling many factors and by considering the entire hand.

Determining the time of marriage

One of the easiest ways is to visually mark the midpoint between the beginning of the little finger and the line of the heart. This age is considered to be 22 years. After this, time flows upward, right up to the base of the little finger and the age of 44 years.

After reaching 44 years of age, time begins to go down and so on until 88 years of age. But still, a more precise age of entry is determined from 22 to 44 years. For people over 40, timing is more difficult to calculate, and marriage lines begin to lose their strength.

Marriage line options

Below the letter A is a line that prevents its owner from getting married. Appears in people who, in principle, do not want to tie the knot. At the same time, a person can still have a relationship - but not legalized by marriage. Also, such a line may indicate widowhood. Therefore, this line can often be found with the ring of Mercury.

Below the letter C is a marriage line that tends downward. This is a rather rare line, often indicating that its owner will outlive his love. For accurate confirmation, look at the remaining lines.

If, as in Figure B, the marriage line ends with a fork, then this indicates a break in a serious relationship, and you will be the initiator of the break.

Signs on the marriage line

All the main signs are also found on the marriage line - island, star, dot and cross.

D. Cross on the marriage line. Talks about complex and difficult relationships, as well as unrequited love.

C. Star on the marriage line. Speaks of deceit either on your part or on the part of your partner. Someone uses someone without feeling love.

B. Island on the marriage line. Reports problems throughout the entire sign, minor quarrels, discord, misunderstandings - all this relates to the island sign.

A. A point on the marriage line. Indicates that the person has become a widower. In contrast to the downward marriage line, it speaks of the random nature of events.

Basics of corrective palmistry. How to change fate along the lines of the hand Kibardin Gennady Mikhailovich

Signs on the marriage line

Signs on the marriage line

On the marriage line there may be various signs in the form of a star, cross or island (Figure 31). A point on the marriage line is rare.

Rice. 31. Signs on the marriage line: star (H), cross (P), island (C)

Each of these signs relates only to those relationships in marriage on the line of which it is located and is located.

For example, the star (N) indicates that love is used by this person for selfish purposes, it is not real, it is just a cover for solving personal problems. The cross (P) indicates serious obstacles in love, difficulties and difficulties that a person often faces in relationships. Island (C) means unhappy attachment, difficult relationships, which are constantly accompanied by all kinds of problems and strife.

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