Lesson sunshine 1st junior group. Project in the first junior group “Tender Sun. Didactic game “Don’t get wet”

MBDOU Insarsky kindergarten "Solnyshko"

Summary of direct educational activities

in the younger group

“The sun woke up and smiled at the children”

Conducted by: Ladanova M.A.

INSAR 2014

Educational objectives according to the Federal State Educational Standard:

Social and personal : to cultivate responsiveness and kindness in children, to support in children the desire to complete the work they have begun, following the playful motivation of the lesson.

Artistic and aesthetic: to develop the ability to convey the image of the sun, improving children’s skills, to use the flattening technique to obtain a flat image of the original shape;

Speech: enrich children's active vocabulary “sun”

Cognitive: form initial ideas of cause-and-effect relationships “sun - warm, cloud and wind - cold”

Physical : develop fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.

Material for the teacher: Projector, thick cardboard (light blue) with silhouettes of animals, yellow plasticine, modeling board, napkin for hands.

Material for children : for each child - thick cardboard (blue, dark blue) with animal silhouettes, yellow plasticine, modeling board, hand napkin, candy.

Progress of activities:

1. Organizational part.(slide forest, sun, cloud)


The cloud is hiding behind the forest,

The sun looks from.

And so pure

Good, radiant!

Let's call the sun to smile at us and say hello to us.


« Bucket sun

Look out the window.

Dress up, honey,

Show yourself red!

Sunshine - bucket

Come up quickly

Light up, warm up

Calves and lambs

And little guys!

A big sun appears on the screen and it is very sad.


Look at the sad sun. What is our sunshine missing? (Children's answers .) The sun has no rays, that's why it's sad. How can we help the sun? (children's answers) Now we will help the sun find its rays.

Didactic game “Collect rays”

Target: development of ideas about color, shape, fine motor skills. Collect rays for the sun, arrange them around the sun.

Danil, find the ray. Where did you find him? (Under the table .) Dasha, where did you find the ray of light? (on the chair).

Children take turns looking for rays and answer where they find rays. All rays are attached to the sun. The teacher quietly turns the sun over to the other side, where the sun smiles.

The sun has a lot to do: warm the earth, illuminate it with bright light, wake everyone up with its gentle rays - flowers, birds, animals in the forest, boys and girls.

2. Game "Sun and Rain"

Target: perform actions on a signal from the teacher.

The sun is shining, we have a lot of fun and are happy. When it rains, we must hide!

The teacher raises the figurine of the sun.

Sunny, show yourself!

(children run and spin)

Red, show yourself!


Children are happy

They dance merrily.

The teacher raises an umbrella. Children squat.

Well done!

They sit down at the tables.

4.Today we will sculpt the sun .

Looking at the picture - what kind of sun is it? (yellow, round)

How will we sculpt? (plasticine)

What color plasticine do we need? (yellow)

Before we start working, let's get our fingers ready

Finger gymnastics « Sun":

The sun rose early in the morning,

All the kids were petted.

(Palms crossed. Fingers spread wide, forming a “sun with


Stages of work completion .

Take a piece of plasticine. Warm him up. Place between your palms and roll the ball in a circular motion, pressing on it with your palm.

Place the finished ball in the middle of the cardboard and lightly press on it, flatten it so that the sun ball is fixed on the cardboard.

Gently wipe your hands.

5. Final part

Well done guys, what beautiful suns we got.

What did we do today? (Called the sun, played, sculpted from plasticine.)

All the guys tried their best, so the sun prepared a treat for you.

Summary of direct educational activities on speech development in the first junior group

Subject: “Sunny, sunshine, look out the window!”

1. Strengthen children’s knowledge about the sun (what it’s for, what it is like).
2. Encourage children to actively communicate and develop speech.
3. To form in children an interest and a positive attitude towards the game, a desire to participate in the general action.
4. Cultivate a desire to help a fairy-tale character.

Material: multimedia, Bunny toy.

Progress of activities:
Children sit in a semicircle on chairs. The teacher shows the children on a video projector a slide with an image of a forest, behind the forest there is a large mountain and a cloud.
Educator: Guys, guess the riddle:
It warms the whole world, and does not know fatigue.
He smiles at the window, and everyone calls him...
Children: Sun!
Educator: Well done! You guessed the riddle correctly! This is the sun. Who can tell where the sun lives?

Children: In the sky.
Educator: That's right, in the sky. What good does the sun do for us?
Children's versions.
Educator: The sun wakes up earlier than everyone else and has a lot to do: dedicate it brightly and keep everyone warm.
Bunny enters the group.
Bunny: Hello guys. I came to you for help. For several days now the sun has not been shining in our forest; it has disappeared somewhere. The forest became cold and dark. And even scary. Help me find the sun.
Educator: What to do? How to help forest animals?
Children's versions.
Educator: Let's go look for the sun!
Children: Yes!
Educator: Then let's go!
N and a video projector slide of the forest. The children and the Bunny go to look for the sun.
Behind the sun, behind the sun (Walking in place)
The forest path,
Let's go look for the sun
To the rain cloud.
The ringing birds are chirping,
Moths flutter. (Walking in place, arms up, down)
Dandelions turn yellow (Turns the body to the right, left, hands on the belt)
The cornflowers are turning blue.
A large mountain with a rain cloud appears on the video projector. The teacher addresses the mountain.
Educator: The sun is a bucket!
Look out the window!
Your children are crying and jumping on the pebbles!
The sun doesn't appear.
Educator: Nothing works out, the sun doesn’t appear. What should we do?
Children's versions.
Educator: The cloud hid the sun, let's drive the cloud away. Blow on the cloud. Blow even harder. Look, the cloud has gone and the sun has appeared!
The sun appeared on the video projector.
Bunny: Thank you guys for the sunshine! Now we will warm up, we will be warm and light!
Educator: Well, we found the sun, helped Bunny, now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten.
We go along the forest path to the kindergarten.
In a good mood, the Bunny is happy too. (Walking in place)
Educator: So we came to kindergarten.

Pedagogical project “Spring Sun”

Antonova Valentina Valerievna, teacher at MBDOU d/s "Fairy Tale" (Semikarakorsk)

Project participants: Teacher, children of the first junior group.
Implementation period: 1 week, March 2015.
Project type: short-term, creative, information and research.
Relevance of the pedagogical project: The topic of the project was not chosen by chance. I would like to introduce children to the sun and its influence on nature, because with the arrival of spring the sun begins to shine brighter and warmer. The children noticed this, of course. In conversations with children, some of them found it difficult to name the color and shape of the sun; they used little verbs and definitions related to the sun.

Objective of the project: Formation of an active vocabulary in children through the organization of different types of activities: gaming (primarily); cognitive (observations, experiment, artistic expression); development of creative skills
Project objectives:
1. Give children a basic understanding of the sun and its influence on the world around them.
2. To form children’s cognitive activity when observing the sun.
3. Enrich children’s vocabulary on this topic using the words “bright”, “light”, “warm”, “shines”, “smiles”, “warms”, etc.
4. Reinforce the concepts of “yellow”, “round”, “similar”, “not similar”.

Expected Result:
- enrichment of children’s active and passive vocabulary through words: “bright”, “light”, “warm”, “shines”, “smiles”, “warms”, etc.
- cognitive interest in experiments;
- development of observation skills in children.

The project is being carried out in 3 stages.
First stage:

Preliminary work:

Conversation with children to identify children's knowledge about the sun.

Sample questions: What color is the sun? What shape is the sun? What is the sun for? etc.
Preparation of poems, nursery rhymes, riddles, games, using the “sun”, illustrative material.
Preparation of attributes for games and activities.

Second phase:

1. Reading fiction (Reading and memorizing nursery rhymes)

Sunshine, sunshine,
Look out the window!
Sunny, dress up!
Red, show yourself!
The kids are waiting for you
The little ones are waiting!
The sun looks out the window,
It shines into our room.
We will clap our hands -
Very happy about the sun!

Physical education minutes


The sun came out from behind a cloud,
We will stretch our arms to the sun. (stretching - arms up)
Hands to the sides then
We will spread wider (stretching - arms to the sides)
We've finished warming up
Relax your legs and backs!

***The sun sleeps and the sky sleeps***

The sun is sleeping and the sky is sleeping, (folded palms to the left cheek, to the right cheek)
Even the wind doesn't make any noise. (we shake our hands up)
Early in the morning the sun rose, (raised hands up, stretched)
Sent all its rays. (we shake our hands up)
Suddenly a breeze blew (we swing our arms open to the sides)
The sky was covered with a cloud, (they covered their face with their hands)
And he shook the trees (swinging the body left and right)
The rain pounded on the roofs (jumping in place)
The rain is drumming on the roofs, (clap your hands)
The sun is sinking lower. (bending forward)
So it hid behind the clouds, (we crouch)
Not a single ray of light is visible (they stood up and hid their hands behind their backs).

2. Motor outdoor game “Sunny Bunny”

Sunny bunnies playing on the wall
I'll beckon them with my finger,
Let them run to me
Well, catch it, catch it quickly!
Here, here, here - to the left, to the left!
He ran to the ceiling.
(children catch a bunny on the wall. The teacher points the mirror lower, the children try to catch the bunny)

3. Exercises for morning exercises (with elements of breathing exercises) “Spring Sun”

Educator: Guys, look out the window.
The sun looks out the window,
It shines into our room.
We'll clap our hands
We are very happy about the sun.
(A. Barto.)

Let's show the sun how much we like it.

No. 1 Walking in a circle, holding hands (15 s)
No. 2 Walking in different directions (10 s)
No. 3 Running in a circle (10s)
No. 4 Walking in a circle (10 s)
No. 5 Formation in a circle.

Exercise “Let’s warm our hands in the sun”

Starting position: standing, legs slightly apart, arms down.
Hands forward, turn palms up and down.
Return to starting position. (repeat 5 times). The pace is moderate.

Exercise “Hide your palms”

Starting position: lying on your back, pressing your hands to the floor - warming your tummies.
Turn onto your stomach - warm your back. You can turn on your side and warm your side (repeat 5 times). The pace is moderate.

Exercise “Rejoice in the Sun”

Starting position: standing, legs slightly apart, hands on the waist.
8-10 jumping in place (2-3 times, alternating with walking). Breathing is voluntary.

Breathing exercise “Grow Big”

Stand straight, legs together, raise your arms up, stretch well, rise on your toes – inhale, lower your arms down, lower your entire foot – exhale. Say: “U-h-h-h!” (repeat 4-5 times)

4. Cognitive - research: Observing the sunrise and sunset - using illustrations and with the help of parents at home

5. Communicative Didactic game “Describe the picture.”

Target: Development of voluntary memory, observation, logical
thinking, auditory memory. Practice identifying a group
objects united by a common characteristic, a foreign object.
The child is asked to carefully look at the picture. Child
must not only name what is depicted, but also describe the form,
number, size, spatial arrangement of objects and their

6. Productive Conducting sculpting and appliqué classes on the theme “Sun”

***Modeling lesson on the theme “Sun”***

Purpose of the lesson: Continue teaching with a pressing movement of the index finger.
use your finger to smear the plasticine on the cardboard; form
interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills.

Materials: sheets of blue and light blue cardboard according to the number of children,
yellow plasticine.

Progress of the lesson: Before starting the lesson, you need to prepare the groundwork -
"sun in the sky" To do this, roll yellow plasticine
colored ball, then flatten it and press it onto the cardboard in the center
leaf. Distribute the blanks to the children.

Educator: You have blue skies in your pictures. And the sun is shining in the sky.
Only it shines weakly and does not warm at all. How do you think,

Children: Because the sun has no rays.
Educator: Let's help him and make rays. (Offer the children
press the edge of the plasticine sun with your finger, press
harder and pull your finger down or to the side - this will happen
Sun Ray.)

Educator: This is how the beam turned out! Let's make a lot of sun
rays! Now it shines brightly! (Invite the children to work
on one's own. To make the rays longer, you need
press harder on the plasticine. For ease of use, you can
rotate the workpiece.)

At the end, you need to ask the children what kind of sun we got (radiant, bright).

***Collective application lesson on the theme “Sun”***

It is advisable to use collective works to decorate a group room or doll corner.
Target: attract children to participate in the production of a collective applique. It develops aesthetic feelings and stimulates their desire to engage in appliqué.
Material: yellow colored paper, glue, scissors, pencil, base (a thick circle for the sun’s head).
Progress of the lesson: The teacher invites the children to outline their palm on a sheet of yellow paper, helps in outlining and cutting out the resulting palm.

Explain that each palm will be a ray to our sun, and the more rays there are, the brighter the sun will shine and warm the children.
Educator: Do you guys like to solve riddles?
Children: Yes
Educator: Listen to the riddle and try to guess it
Round, warm,
Beautiful, kind
It shines for everyone
Warms everyone
Makes everyone happy
Gives everyone health.
Children: This is the sun.
The teacher shows the base of the sun (yellow circle) and invites the children to glue their cut out palms to this circle.
Bucket sun
Come up quickly
Light up, warm up,
Calves and lambs
Yes, little guys!
The teacher encourages the children
The teacher encourages the children and praises them for correctly glued palms.

Third stage:

Summing up the project.
Design of a corner for parents based on the results of the project.
1. Lykova I.A. Visual activities in kindergarten: planning, lesson notes, methodological recommendations. Junior group. – M.: “KARAPUZ-DIDACTICS”, 2006.
2. Koldina, D. N. Modeling and drawing with children 2-3 years old. Lesson notes/D. N. Koldina. – M., 2009.
3. Yanushko, E. A. Modeling with young children. 1-3 years. /E. A. Yanushko. – M., 2005.
4. Yanushko, E. A. Speech development in young children. 1-3 years. /E. A. Yanushko. – M., 2010.

Scenario of the spring holiday “How the Sun Woke Up.”


House (planar)


Dolls (Bi-Ba-Bo)





Children enter the hall to the music. In the hall there is a screen on a screen HOUSE
The birds sang merrily,
And the drops have no time to sleep -
This means; is knocking on our door
Colorful spring.
We dressed up today

We will sing and dance.

Let's have fun together

Let's congratulate mom!

Happy holiday,

Spring holiday.

We congratulate our dear mother!
1.Sing a song“We love mommy very much” (sit down)

Look at the clearing where the sleds ran in winter.
The house is painted. The sun is resting in it.
Enough for the sun to rest.
It's time for the sun to rise!
No, he doesn't hear anything.
Who will come to the window and sing a loud song?

(Mishka appears on the screen)

bear: - I -

Leading:- answered the brown bear -
Bear: It’s not for nothing that I’m called Toptyzhka.
I will growl loudly and loudly. I'll knock on the window with my paw. (knocks on the house)


He's asleep and doesn't hear. No problem.
It's time to dance.
You guys come out

Show me a funny dance.

2.Dance “For me, for you.”

No, he doesn't hear anything
The sun doesn't look out the window.
Who will come to the window?
Will he sing a loud song?

Bunny(bibabo) - I -

Leading: answered the clever Bunny.
Bunny: Come play with me, my friend.
And then we’ll go knock and rescue our sun.

3.Game with Bunny and rattles.(sit down)

Bunny: Come on, sunshine, wake up
And appear at the window.
No, he doesn't hear anything
The sun doesn't look out the window.
Who will come to the window?
Will he sing a loud song?

Cat(bibabo): -I -

Leading:- the cat answered us.

Cat: Sing a song and then
Let's start waking up the sun.

4. Song “Tsap-scratch”"(near the chairs)

Cat: Come on, Sunshine, wake up
And appear at the window.

The sun doesn't want to wake up
And the window appears.

Who will come to the window?
Will he sing a loud song?

Hen(bibabo): - I-

Leading: - Kvochka answered us

Hen: Play and then

Let's start waking up the sun

5. Musical game “Chicken” The chicken went out for a walk. (sit down)

Everyone needs to call the sun
Scream loudly and loudly.
Sunny, wake up, Sunny, show up. (children scream)

The Sun hears the name
And right there in the window. (rises)

Go out to the meadow
Everyone stand in a circle.
We will sing and dance.
Let's meet the sun.

5.Children sing the song “That’s how the sun rises”
That's how the sun rises higher, higher, higher

By night the sun will set lower, lower, lower

Okay, okay the sun is laughing

And under the sun everyone sings merrily

The sun will shine
It will warm the earth.
And the guys have fun walking outside.
Well done guys, you woke up the sun,
Now we will see him every day,

They say goodbye and leave.


(from 2-3 years)

Motina Alena Andreevna
First qualification category
Higher education

Stepanova Natalya Yurievna
Without qualification category
Higher education

Junior teacher
Ilyushina Tatyana Alexandrovna

Junior teacher
Borisova Elena Alexandrovna



Role-playing games and dramatizations for children from 2 to 4 years old
Role-playing games and dramatizations develop children’s imagination, their creative and acting abilities, teach them to get used to the image of a particular character, and play a certain role. Role-playing games are of great importance in the social adaptation of a child and the realization of his potential in the future.
Let's play a fairy tale
Puppet theater "Chicken Ryaba". Prepare fairy tale characters - these can be dressed up dolls and soft toys. The egg is a yellow and white capsule from Kinder Surprise. For greater entertainment, the yellow capsule can be filled with small objects (beans, pebbles, etc.). Show your child a puppet theater. When the mouse touches the testicle with its tail, quietly open the yellow Kinder Surprise capsule and throw it at the child’s feet. Gradually involve your child in theatrical play. For example, a baby can be a grandparent. Other fairy tales can be dramatized in the same way:
"Teremok"— the mansion can be a small house made from a construction set, and the heroes can be plastic, wooden or rubber animals. When the bear climbs onto the tower, break down the constructed house. “Kolobok” - you can make a small ball with a kolobok, and the same animal figures can be used as heroes.
"Three piglets"— pig houses can be built from wooden, plastic and soft construction kits.
Transformations. You and the child say:
The kids got going quickly
And they turned into a bear.
Pretend to be a bear and waddle around. Then say this poem again, changing the words slightly:
The bears quickly unwinded
And they turned into a bunny.
Place your hands on your head and jump like bunnies. Continue the game by inserting the names of new animals into the poem.
Grandfather. For this game, at least three participants are desirable. For example, dad is appointed “grandfather”. And you and the child step aside and agree on what you will show. Then you return to “grandfather” and say:
- Hello, grandfather!
- Hello children! Where were you, what were you doing?
- We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did...
And you carry out the intended movements: draw, or vacuum, or comb your hair, or brush your teeth, etc. If the “grandfather” guesses your actions, you scatter in different directions, and the grandfather catches up. Whomever he caught, he hugged.
Daughters are mothers. You and your child are adult mothers. Your daughter is a doll. And she needs to be looked after, she needs to be educated. Here is a doll lying in a crib, you need to wake her up, do exercises with her, wash her, brush her teeth, comb her hair, make her bed, dress her, feed her, take a walk, play with her, wash her hands, feed her, wash her, undress her, put her in bed and sing a lullaby. You can also treat the doll, go with it to the hairdresser and shopping, ride the train with it and play in kindergarten.