The best products to help tighten the skin on your stomach after losing weight or giving birth. How to remove belly fat after childbirth: procedures, masks and exercises Tightening cream for the abdomen after childbirth

If the only reason repelling you from the birth of the most priceless treasure - a child - is fear of consequences in the form of stretch marks on the stomach, then after reading this article you will forget about it completely.

The problem with such consequences can be completely solved, and this has been proven by the huge number of mothers who at different ages who kept their body in perfect condition even after the birth of a second, third, or even several babies at once. Moreover, you can do this too if you listen to our advice taken from real life.

Stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth are not a symptom of an incurable disease. Prevention often carried out during pregnancy and the growth of the tummy helps eliminate the problem.

Alas, some young people, and even older mothers, believe that the birth of a baby makes them one and only, and they should be loved “as they are.” Often the consequences of such an attitude towards motherhood are not only stretch marks on stomach.

It is these “mothers” who begin to lose their waist and gain fat, forget that only physical activity helps to maintain the size of their wardrobe (which, by the way, significantly saves the family budget), but also the looks of men on the street, and the envy of their rivals.

Physical activity does not only involve regular exercise or visiting a fitness room. You should definitely take your baby for a walk in the fresh air and walk as much as possible. For this purpose, in cities there are enough specially equipped squares and parks, and even in the countryside, walks with a child should not be limited to sitting on a bench at the gate with the obligatory seeds.

If you live in a big city, choose places with big amount green spaces. Clean air not only promotes the health of the mother, but is also very beneficial for the child.

Exercise No. 1

Lie on your back. At the same time, raise your legs and torso above the horizon by about 15-20 centimeters from the floor, while making sharp inhalations and exhalations with your stomach so that it rises and falls. If you feel heavy at first, start with your knees bent. The exercise time should start from 10-15 seconds, gradually increasing to 2-4 minutes.

Exercise No. 2

Lying on your stomach, take a stand, leaning on your toes and elbows. In this position, squeeze your abdominal and buttock muscles as much as possible. Start with 20-30 seconds, increasing the time to 4-5 minutes.

Exercise No. 3

The same emphasis in the position on the stomach, but you use one forearm and legs as a fulcrum. A few minutes is enough.

The recommendations we give below will require you not only to take time for yourself, but also to find someone for your baby who can sit with him at home or walk outside with a stroller while you visit a beauty salon.

A few words about massage

Massage for stretch marks on the stomach can be done at home. It's very simple and does not require any special knowledge. In fact, all massage procedures come down to superficial actions that restore firmness and elasticity to the skin. This can be: pinching, rubbing and stroking.

For a deep massage you will need specialist help. Typically, beauty salons offer this service quite often.

An excellent massage product at home is shower. Jets of water act on the skin and help remove stretch marks. Just give problem areas a little more time, and instead of just soaking the floor with water jets, purposefully direct them to your problem areas with stretch marks. This method, by the way, will help not only with stretch marks on the stomach, but will also help eliminate them in other areas of the body.

If you are breastfeeding your baby, what should you use?

Great for getting rid of stretch marks while breastfeeding special oils:

  • orange,
  • rosemary,
  • almond,
  • hazelnut,
  • sprouted wheat.

Their advantage is absolute safety and the absence of any impact on the production process. breast milk. The aromas of these oils stimulate the appetite, and nutrition is very important for a nursing mother. When rubbed with these oils, the skin on the abdomen becomes soft and silky, and stretch marks disappear.

The effectiveness of using mumiyo

The secret of the action that mumiyo has lies in its complex effect on the body. The advantage of this product is its absolute safety, which allows it to be used both during pregnancy and while breastfeeding the baby.

An effective remedy not only for the treatment of already appeared stretch marks, but also for prevention from their formation on the skin.

The answer will be quite simple. Everything that manufacturers of special cosmetics offer for removing stretch marks on the stomach is first thoroughly tested to ensure it is safe for your health.

Such products do not appear on the market: without research in our own laboratories, which sometimes takes years; without verification by regulatory authorities responsible for healthcare; without very serious material costs for organizing and monitoring production safety.

Trading companies today are able to offer enough a large number of all kinds of creams, balms, scrubs, masks, wraps and much more that truly effectively eliminate stretch marks on the stomach after childbirth. Their action is based on stimulating the natural processes of skin cell regeneration, healing existing stretch marks and preventing the appearance of new ones.

Among such means, special mention should be made Pasjel cream. It contains only natural ingredients, the main one of which is Asian centella extract. It helps accelerate the healing of damaged skin and gives it elasticity.

Another active ingredient is Gotu Kola extract. Its action is based on accelerating metabolic processes at the cellular level, which accelerates the processes of collagen reproduction. It also contains a carefully selected vitamin complex that restores deficiency important elements and even out skin color.

Beeswax is used as a base, which in itself contains all the elements necessary for the regeneration of skin cells.


The cream for stretch marks on the stomach is made in France. It is a proprietary combination of carefully selected ingredients.

IN compound This product includes:

  • skin elasticity regulator – helps improve skin elasticity, increases resistance to negative factors;
  • arabinogalactan – “clears” access for other biological components, a polysaccharide that is safe for the body;
  • Lupeol is a glycoside of plant origin. Has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • extract from Japanese sophora - important microelements and vitamins that reduce the fragility of thin blood vessels;
  • Avocado peptides – promote freshness and maintain water balance;
  • shea seed butter – makes the skin soft.

The main effect is manifested in the rapid and effective smoothing of the skin and giving the skin elasticity. Launches and accelerates the regeneration of dermal cells.

Procedures that can be used in the salon

What to do if after two months after childbirth, the belly does not regain its previous shape and does it still have stretch marks? Do not despair. Most beauty salons will offer you procedures to help get rid of this problem.

Let's name a few:

  • skin micro-resurfacing,
  • lymphatic drainage,
  • meso and ozone therapy,
  • phytopigmentation,
  • chemical peeling,

Of course, visiting a beauty salon will not be a panacea for the problem if you do not combine these activities complex with physical education classes home and proper diet.

Try to find time in your daily schedule to visit swimming pool. Swimming is a great way to restore elasticity to your abdominal muscles and get rid of stretch marks.

What means and techniques can be used to tighten sagging abdominal skin at home after childbirth or sudden weight loss.

Causes of a saggy belly

The skin in the abdominal area can sag for various reasons, the most common of which are:
  1. In a short period of time, more than 10 kg of excess weight was lost. The most effective methods in the fight against subcutaneous fat deposits are not only strength training, but also cardio training. However, the skin tissue does not always shrink to the correct size. The result is the problem of sagging skin.
  2. Those who have recently undergone a surgical liposuction procedure, which allows you to quickly get rid of a large number of fat cells, may also encounter such an unpleasant situation. As a result, excess skin remains in the abdominal area, since it simply cannot shrink to the desired size naturally in such a short time.
  3. Young mothers also experience significant sagging abdominal skin after childbirth. Over the course of about three months after the baby is born, the uterus gradually contracts and shrinks to the correct size. At this time, not only contraction begins, but also thickening of the skin in the abdominal area.
  4. Diastasis - this pathology leads to the divergence of the rectus muscles during pregnancy. Most often, this problem is faced by women who are expecting the birth of twins. As a result, the stomach becomes big sizes, the skin stretches greatly and begins to crack connective tissue between muscles that cannot withstand such a heavy load. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to try to carry out independent treatment, as there is a risk of causing great harm to your own health. It is possible to get rid of this pathology only through surgical intervention. In this case, treatment should only take place under the constant supervision of a doctor.
In cases where this pathology is not medical in nature, you can remove and tighten your stomach yourself at home using various techniques, including physical exercises.

Rules and features of skin tightening on the abdomen

To quickly tighten sagging abdominal skin and restore your figure to an attractive appearance, you need to follow several recommendations:
  1. Breastfeeding is the simplest and most natural process. The fact is that during breastfeeding, hormonal levels are brought back to normal. The contraction of the uterus accelerates after childbirth, metabolism and blood flow in the organs improves. abdominal cavity. As a result, a gradual contraction of the abdominal skin occurs.
  2. Moderate physical activity helps to firm and tighten the skin on the abdomen during the postpartum period. During this period, it is not recommended to exhaust your body with heavy physical training. For example, at first a simple morning jog, swimming or cycling will be enough.
  3. Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet. Women during the postpartum period need to maintain a complete and properly formulated diet. It is necessary to eat only fresh and healthy foods that are not harmful to the child’s health, since he feeds on mother’s milk, through which he receives all the necessary substances for full development and growth. At the same time, you should not overeat, because abuse even healthy products may lead to the formation of subcutaneous fat. This is very important in the postpartum period, when the body rebuilds its hormonal levels. After childbirth, it is recommended to exclude fatty and unhealthy foods from the diet - for example, chocolate, baked goods, smoked meat, sweets, ice cream, processed foods, etc.
  4. Self-massage will help tighten the skin on your stomach. This procedure can be carried out at any convenient time at home. For this purpose, the skin in the abdominal area is lightly pinched until it turns slightly red. Thanks to this procedure, blood flow is normalized, lymphatic drainage is enhanced, and as a result, existing fat accumulations are reduced. To enhance the effect of the procedure, you can additionally use massage oil; an excellent alternative would be vegetable or olive oil. It is advisable to take a contrast shower after such a procedure.
So that after childbirth you do not have to look for emergency methods to tighten sagging skin on your stomach, it is recommended to carry out simple preventive measures after determining pregnancy:
  1. Even before the start of pregnancy, try to do simple morning exercises, which must include exercises aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles. For example, squats, bends and abdominal exercises are beneficial.
  2. From about the 4th month of pregnancy, you need to start wearing a special bandage on your stomach, which prevents muscle stretching.
  3. It is important to ensure that weight gain occurs gradually during pregnancy. You should not allow yourself to gain more than 10 kg during this period, otherwise the process of losing weight will not only be long, but also difficult.

How to tighten the skin on your stomach at home - the best techniques

For this purpose, various means and techniques can be used, but to obtain desired result they need to be applied regularly. Only in this case will it be possible to achieve a lasting effect.

Exercises to tighten loose abdominal skin

Exercise No. 1
  1. First you need to lie on your back, legs bent at the knees, hands clasped at the back of your head.
  2. Lift your torso off the floor, but your shoulder blades should remain pressed to the floor.
  3. Hold your breath at the moment of greatest tension.
  4. Exhale slowly through your mouth and gradually lower yourself to the floor.
  5. Perform as many repetitions as you can manage.
  6. Increase the number of repetitions each time until you reach 30 in one set.
Exercise No. 2
  1. You need to lie on your back, place your hands on the back of your head, legs bent at the knees.
  2. Inhale and slowly pull your knees towards your chest, then straighten your legs up - an angle of 60 degrees should form in relation to the floor.
  3. Slowly lower your legs as you exhale and return to the starting position.
  4. Perform 30 repetitions.
Exercise No. 3
  1. You need to lie on your back, place your hands under your buttocks, raise your legs perpendicular to the floor.
  2. Inhale and spread your legs out to the sides as far as possible.
  3. As you exhale, return to the starting position.
Exercise #4
  1. The last exercise of the complex is stretching.
  2. You need to kneel down and lean forward, place your hands on the floor.
  3. Slowly lower your hips while reaching forward and upward.
  4. As soon as you feel maximum muscle tension, stay in this position for 10 seconds.
  5. Return to the starting position.
  6. Perform 5 repetitions.

How to tighten the skin on your stomach using the Japanese method?

This technique is very popular among girls who want to lose weight. excess weight and correct the shape of the abdomen. You can do it yourself at home. There is no need to purchase any expensive products or devices, so the costs are zero. It is enough to take only terry towel, which is rolled up in the shape of a roller and secured with a strong thread.

This procedure is very simple:

  1. You need to lie on a hard and flat surface; the floor is perfect.
  2. A towel roll is placed across the spine, under the lower back, so that it is at the level of the navel.
  3. Straighten your legs and spread them shoulder-width apart, but keep your feet together so your big toes touch.
  4. Straighten your arms and place them at the back of your head, turn your palms down and clasp your little fingers.
  5. Stay in this position for 5 minutes.
According to Japanese scientists, the desired result will become noticeable within a week of regular use of such a simple procedure. You need to repeat it every day for several months and then you will be able to consolidate the results.

Tummy Tightening Cream

  1. Cream GUAM part of the line of cosmetics from the famous Italian manufacturer. It has a pronounced strengthening and toning effect, therefore helps in the fight against cellulite and sagging abdominal skin. The cream can be used not only during massage, but also for wrapping. It is very simple to use - a small amount of the product is applied to the skin of the abdomen in a thin layer and gently rubbed until absorbed. Do not allow the cream to come into contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes. The cost of the cream is about 5,000 rubles.
  2. Garnier Skinat Body Firming Milk is an excellent moisturizer that contains phytocaffeine. This component promotes intensive breakdown of subcutaneous fat deposits. Seaweed extract has a strengthening effect on cells. To achieve the greatest benefit, apply the product to the skin of the abdomen for a month. The cost of moisturizing milk is about 400 rubles.
  3. Firming cream "Fitness" is very popular among girls. This product has a pronounced tightening and fat-burning effect and helps in the fight against cellulite. To enhance the positive effect, it is recommended to combine it with massage procedures, wraps and other methods aimed at correcting the figure. The cost of the cream is about 500 rubles.

Wraps for tightening skin on the abdomen

  1. The main purpose of honey wraps is to tighten the skin in the abdominal area. This is one of the most popular and effective methods for body shaping at home. For the procedure, you need to use only liquid honey, which should be at room temperature. Honey is applied to the skin of the abdomen, after which the body is wrapped in plastic wrap. You need to lie under a warm blanket for half an hour, after which the honey is washed off with warm water. To obtain the desired result, you must complete a full course consisting of 10 procedures. As a result, the skin on the abdomen tightens and becomes firmer and more elastic.
  2. To prepare the mixture for wrapping, take ground coffee (5 tablespoons) and add water. As a result, the mass should acquire the consistency of a thick cream. The composition is applied to the stomach, after which the body is wrapped in a layer of plastic film. You need to lie under a warm blanket for 15 minutes, after which the mixture is washed off with warm water.
  3. Oil wraps help tighten the skin. For wrapping, take olive oil (2 tbsp) and rub it into problem areas with light movements. Then this area is wrapped in a layer of polyethylene. Lie under a warm blanket for 30 minutes and wash off the oil with warm water. This composition has a positive effect not only on the skin of the abdomen, but also helps improve blood flow in this area.

Masks for tightening the skin of the abdomen

  1. Take red pepper powder (0.5 tsp) and vegetable oil (2 tbsp). The components are mixed and the composition is left for about 20 minutes, as it should brew well. The mask is applied to the skin of the abdomen for 20 minutes, then washed off with warm water. Red pepper helps improve and increase blood flow and has a pronounced fat-burning effect.
  2. The combination of coffee and honey has a positive effect on the condition of the skin of the abdomen. To prepare this composition, mix natural ground coffee (1 tsp) with liquid honey (2 tsp). The mask is applied to the skin of the abdomen for 25 minutes, then washed off with warm water without using detergents.

Homemade and industrial remedies for tightening the abdominal skin

To tighten the skin of the abdomen at home, it is recommended to regularly use the following products and techniques:
  1. Baths and masks with the addition of essential oils help to accelerate skin tightening in the abdominal area. You can purchase ready-made masks in cosmetic stores or make them yourself using natural ingredients. This procedure is not only affordable, but also effective, and is practically in no way inferior to expensive salon procedures.
  2. Fill the bathtub with warm water and add a few drops essential oil, pre-mixed with sea ​​salt. It is important that the water temperature does not exceed 38 degrees. The duration of the procedure cannot be longer than 20 minutes. You need to take such a bath once every two days.
  3. Baths with essential oils benefit not only the skin of the abdomen, but the entire body. Baths with the addition of hawthorn, calendula, sage extract, as well as other medicinal herbs that stimulate the acceleration of metabolism, are beneficial. It has a positive effect on the condition of skin cells.
  4. The use of special postpartum patches helps to avoid the appearance of unsightly stretch marks on the skin, making it more elastic.
  5. Massage using oils. To tighten the skin of the abdomen, it is recommended to use almond and olive oil; flax or rosehip oil is perfect. They contain a large amount of vitamin E, which has a positive effect on the elasticity and strength of the skin. It is necessary to carry out such a massage in courses, each of which consists of 10–15 procedures. To correct your figure, it is recommended to massage with a cream that contains brown algae or horse chestnut extract, menthol, and collagen.
To tighten sagging abdominal skin, it is recommended to use an integrated approach - adhere to a balanced diet, exercise and carry out various cosmetic procedures.

More interesting ways tighten the skin on your stomach at home:

During pregnancy, women often develop stretch marks (striae) - stripes of burgundy and pale pink flowers on the skin of the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and even on the chest. Their appearance is caused by the unpreparedness of the skin for hyperextension with an increase in the tummy and total body weight. Of course, it is easier to prevent stretch marks than to treat them later. But what to do if stretch marks have already appeared? Means will help in the fight against them traditional medicine and hardware cosmetology. You can learn more about how to remove stretch marks after childbirth.

One of the ways to eliminate stretch marks is special creams for stretch marks after childbirth. They will prevent the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy and reduce or remove defects that have already appeared after childbirth. The selected product must meet certain requirements:

  • composition: the cream must contain components that increase skin elasticity, for example, collagen and elastin;
  • safety: the product should not adversely affect the body;
  • manufacturer: it is desirable that the manufacturer of the cream is well-known and trusted.

Composition of creams

In order to get rid of stretch marks, you need to understand how they appear. Stretch marks occur when the inner layer of skin breaks. Such breaks are formed when there is a lack of collagen and elastin in the skin - substances that are responsible for elasticity. Therefore, these components should be the main components of the cream. In addition to increasing the ability to stretch, you need to take care of nourishing the skin and increasing its moisture content.

Thus, the optimal cream should contain:

  • collagen and elastin to increase skin elasticity or stimulators of their production;
  • nutrients to maintain natural moisture and elasticity of the skin: B vitamins, vitamin A (retinol), unsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic, oleic) in the form of various oils, seaweed;
  • antioxidants to protect against negative environmental influences and stress: vitamin E, C in the form of wheat germ oil;
  • regeneration activating substances;
  • blood circulation stimulants.

How to choose the right cream for stretch marks?

When choosing a cream, you need to consider important nuances:

  • the cream must be safe: it must be indicated on the tube or in the instructions that the product can be used during lactation;
  • hypoallergenic: it is important that the composition does not cause allergies in mother and child (in case breastfeeding components of the cream can penetrate the baby’s body with);
  • minimum smell and color: fragrances and dyes, of course, add attractiveness to the cream, but can cause allergies in the baby or the susceptible body of the mother;
  • It is advisable to use a sample first: you need to check how the skin will react to the composition of the product, whether there will be allergies or other unwanted reactions.

How to use

The instructions for each product will indicate recommendations for use - how often to apply, what course of treatment, whether accompanying procedures are needed (peeling, etc.). For most products, the method of use is the same:

  • cream is applied massage movements twice a day, apply a thin layer to problem areas (abdomen, thighs, buttocks, chest, and, if necessary, forearms) until completely absorbed;
  • period of use: within 2 – 3 months;
  • the product is applied to clean skin(preferably used after a shower or bath);
  • if carried out C-section, the cream is not applied to the scar area until it has healed.

Cream rating

There is no universal remedy suitable for everyone. Although our skin has the same structure, it reacts to cream therapy differently for everyone. Therefore, the optimal remedy for yourself is selected individually, depending on the effect. The presented rating contains information about the action of each component so that you can get an idea of ​​​​the effectiveness of the product.

Top 10 creams against stretch marks:

1. Cream “Mama Comfort”

P.S. Cream No. 11 “Mangosteen”

  • Eliminates stretch marks;
  • Returns elasticity to the skin;
  • Tightens the skin;
  • Restores the integrity of the skin at the cellular level;
  • Moisturizes, nourishes and tones;
  • Prevents the appearance of stretch marks;
  • Does not cause irritation or allergies;
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect.

You can find out more about the cream at.

And here you can find out how Anastasia removed stretch marks after pregnancy:

Hello girls)) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: how I got rid of stretch marks after pregnancy. I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Cream for stretch marks will be optimally used after childbirth in combination with nutritious nutrition that is beneficial for the skin: walnuts, fish, low-fat dairy products, pumpkin or sunflower seeds, dried apricots.

The ability of the skin to stretch and apply pressure is individual for each woman. During pregnancy, due to the intensive growth of the uterus, stretch marks of varying degrees of severity are often detected. They are especially noticeable during multiple pregnancies.

Striae will not go away on their own; they can only become less noticeable and discolored over time. Many argue that their occurrence can be prevented, for example, by using a high-quality belly cream after childbirth. How do these funds help? How to choose best cream?

Read in this article

What's special about stretch mark cream?

The main effect of all creams for stretch marks (to prevent them, as well as eliminate small and fresh ones) is based on maximum hydration of all layers of the skin, as well as on saturating it with various active substances that enhance the regeneration of collagen fibers.

However, it should be understood that in many ways the stretching process does not depend on external factors, but is determined by genetic conditions.

Striae, figuratively speaking, are tears in the skin due to the fact that it does not have time to regenerate at the rate of growth of the abdomen.

Therefore, you should understand that it is difficult to influence this process, especially when stretch marks have already formed. Most effective ways in this case, methods that allow you to remove the epidermis as deeply as possible, as far as the safety of such a procedure allows. For example, deep peeling, or better yet, laser treatment.

Factors that provoke the appearance of stretch marks:

  • Heredity, which determines the properties of the skin. Women with thin skin are susceptible to stretch marks, more often it is thin. The content of collagen fibers and elastin is important: the more, the better all layers stretch.
  • Age. Over time, all processes in the body slow down. The older a woman is, the higher the likelihood of developing stretch marks.
  • Skin condition. Well-moisturized collagen fibers are not so susceptible to various pressure fluctuations, they are less injured. Consequently, less striae are formed.
  • Multiple pregnancy and development of a large fetus almost always accompanied by stretch marks.
  • Weight gain rate: The more kilograms “come”, the more stretch marks there will be.

It becomes clear that any cream is unlikely to radically correct the situation. Therefore, some question their effectiveness.

Watch the video about stretch marks in women:

How does the cream help?

There are creams with different contents of active substances. Depending on this, their principle of operation differs.

Creams with oils or glycerin

These are some of the popular and available funds For . The principle of action is that the oils penetrate the surface and middle layers of the epidermis. Here they are firmly strengthened due to the special structure of the skin. Oils cannot penetrate deeper, since the basal layer contains a large amount of liquid, through which they do not diffuse.

As a result, a kind of protective film is formed on the surface of the skin, which prevents excess moisture evaporation. This maintains the saturation of collagen fibers with liquid and, accordingly, slightly reduces the rate of formation of stretch marks.

Silicone based

Silicone creates a fat-like layer in the upper layers of the epidermis, thereby also preventing moisture evaporation.

But this component is not as safe for the skin as oils or glycerin, so it is better not to use it for a long time.

These creams are also popular. Usually, the most common ones are A, E, a little less often - C, D and others. The fact is that these active substances penetrate the entire depth of the skin, nourishing all cells and enhancing their ability to recover, increasing resistance to various negative influences. Also, vitamins E, A and D are fat-soluble, i.e. they bind to fatty acids, attracting moisture.

In addition, this group directly affects the properties of the epidermis, increasing the duration of its functioning, and protects against adverse external factors.

Based on hyaluronic acid and hydrolyzed proteins

Hyaluronic acid can be high and low molecular weight. The first penetrates to the dermis, binds there with various substances and adsorbs water on itself, “like a sponge.” High molecular weight hyaluronic acid remains closer to the surface of the epidermis and works like oils and glycerin.

Hydrolyzed proteins already contain water molecules, which they bring to different layers of the skin, thereby saturating it with moisture and making it more elastic and stretch-resistant.

When is the right time to start rubbing?

It is advisable to start applying a tummy tuck cream after childbirth even before pregnancy, during the planning period. After all, it is important to prepare the skin for excessive and intense stretching.

Usually a line of cosmetics contains special means during the period of bearing the baby, and then separately. Manufacturers try to take into account all factors and make the most optimized formulations.

You need to understand that in order to achieve even minimal results, you need to use the cream for several weeks and even months, and regularly.

Rub with gentle massaging movements into areas where correction is needed. Before use, it is better to take a shower/bath, this will help the cream penetrate the layers of the skin as effectively and deeply as possible.

If there are any wounds on the skin after childbirth, no substances should be applied to their area until complete healing, as this can cause inflammation.

How to choose the right one

It is important to choose the most effective and safe product for mother and baby. Please note the following:

  • The composition should include elastin and collagen, in addition to various nutrients (vitamins), fatty acids, and oils. The content of antioxidant complexes, at least vitamin C, group B and others, is also useful. If the manufacturer adds skin regenerators separately, this is a plus. Various supplements that enhance blood circulation are also effective.
  • When choosing, you should give preference to creams that contain a minimum amount of various fragrances, flavors and other substances that can cause swelling in your baby. It’s ideal if you can try a sample first to track your skin’s reaction to the product.

TOP best manufacturers

When choosing a cream, it is better to give preference to already proven brands. If once the use of the company’s products did not cause allergic or other unpleasant reactions, then in 99% of cases the drugs for stretch marks will be accepted well by the body.

You can come across a wide variety of such creams on the market. The top ten highest rated funds include funds from the following companies:

  • "Mama Comfort"
  • "9 months",
  • "Avent"
  • "Vichy"
  • "Mustella"
  • "Lierac"
  • "Pregnacare"
  • "Clarins"
  • "Dr. Dona",
  • "Colistar".

Less popular are “Dexpanthenol”, “Mothercare”, “Avon”, “Evelin”, “Green Mama”, “Yves Rocher” and others.

Mama Comfort

Made with hyaluronic acid. Its effect is enhanced by saturated fatty acids. It also contains horse chestnut extract, which affects the vascular wall, strengthening it.

This component is also capable of enhancing the formation of new capillaries.

The cream includes the universal complex “Regu Stretch”, the action of which is aimed at enhancing the regenerative ability of the skin, which prevents the formation of stretch marks.

9 months

The cream is made on the basis of hydrolyzed proteins and a complex of oils (grapefruit and others). The composition is supplemented with a powerful antioxidant complex based on plant components. This is an extract of echinacea, wheat germ. An effective cream for the skin of the abdomen after childbirth in the fight against stretch marks and.


Made on the basis vegetable oils(papaya, almond, shea tree).
The composition is enriched with vitamins and amino acids, which are necessary for the construction of new tissues and intensive nutrition of the skin.

Seaweed extract has also been added, which increases the percentage of saturation of the skin layers with liquid.


This line is created on the basis medicinal properties thermal water. The composition is expanded with glycerin and bassia oil, which, in addition to its basic properties, stimulates the formation of collagen in the skin.


The basis of the composition is a specially developed complex based on arabinogalactone, which regulates the formation of elastane. Due to this, the skin becomes elastic and the appearance of stretch marks is reduced. The cream contains shea butter, avocado and Japanese sophora extract.

As a result, the skin increases its regeneration potential, and the nutrients contained in the product support the level of these processes. It's affordable and effective cream after childbirth for abdominal elasticity and getting rid of stretch marks.


The French-made gel is made on the basis of plant components. It contains ivy, horsetail and mantle oils. Flavonoids, amino acids and biologically active substances ensure an increase in regeneration processes, including collagen and elastin fibers.


Made from primrose and lemon oils, which also affect the formation of collagen and elastane. The cream is enriched with vitamin E, glycine and calendula extract. All this nourishes and protects the skin from harmful effects.

The composition also includes allantoin and panthenol, which are responsible for the restoration of the epidermis.


The product is also made on the basis of plant components: Asian centella oil, dropsy berry extract. Their therapeutic effect enhances the formation of collagen fibers.

Dr. Dona

Made from a complex of minerals and biologically active substances. Added wax, sunflower, avocado and jojoba oils. The therapeutic effect is enhanced by extracts of aloe, orange, thyme and rosemary.

The cream is used not only in the fight against stretch marks, but also as a remedy for many skin diseases.


Different from all those presented above. The cream contains an enzyme - elastase, which blocks the breakdown of elastic fibers. The composition has been supplemented hyaluronic acid, silk extract. All this ensures effective skin restoration. An effective cream after childbirth to firm the abdomen and reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

It should be understood that various creams for stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth will not help cope with large and deep skin defects. It is necessary to take a comprehensive approach to restoring your appearance, including physical exercise, cosmetic procedures. Sometimes you even have to resort to plastic surgery.

There is probably no woman in the world who would not like to have a toned, flat tummy. However, often due to various circumstances, for example, with sudden weight loss or sagging abdominal skin after childbirth, areas in the waist area become stretched and flabby. To return the stomach to its former elasticity, desire and hope for physiology alone are not enough. You need to “fight” for a beautiful figure. One of the care methods is to use a cream to tighten the skin of the abdomen.


The reasons for decreased skin elasticity may vary. The skin of the abdomen needs correction using lifting products in the following cases:

  • After childbirth. During pregnancy, the skin gradually stretches and it will take time to recover. A firming cream will help normalize a sagging belly after childbirth.
  • Due to age-related changes. Over the years, the synthesis of elastin and collagen in the body slows down, as well as the processes of blood circulation and nutrition, which is why the skin on the abdomen loses its elasticity.

  • After sudden weight loss. Fluctuations in body weight during diets negatively affect the waist area. It has been noticed that losing 5 kg of weight already leads to sagging skin in the most problematic areas, for example, the abdomen.
  • Due to the effect of an excessive dose of ultraviolet radiation on the skin. Photoaging of the skin occurs (the lipid barrier decreases, structural proteins are destroyed, and the skin ceases to be elastic). This negative effect accumulates over the years.

Many creams and masks for firming the skin of the abdomen also treat stretch marks (stretch marks), scars and scars.


Most often ready-made products for skin tightening, to be effective, they contain certain components, including:

  • Green coffee and cocoa oils.
  • Seaweed.
  • Collagen.
  • Elastin.
  • Hyaluronic acid.
  • Heparin.
  • Vitamins.
  • Amino acids.
  • Plant extracts.
  • Essential oils.
  • Coenzymes.

The listed ingredients are predominantly natural, therefore they act gently, safely and effectively on the skin.

TOP 8 creams

The cosmetic market offers many products for tightening the skin of problem areas. The most popular belly creams are:

  1. Intenso Burro Corpo Fondente (Guam, Italy). Firming cream. The product has a creamy vanilla aroma and a pleasant texture. Moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the abdomen, gives smoothness and elasticity thanks to the main component - seaweed. A 250 ml jar is enough for 2 months of daily use. Price – 3400 rub.
  2. Modeling Slimming & Firming (Sothys, France). Lifting cream for tightening the skin in the abdomen and arms. The product helps restore the tone of skin that has succumbed to age-related changes. It can also be used as a cream after childbirth, which should be smeared on the stomach to restore skin elasticity. The main ingredient is glycoproteins with galacturonic acid from soybean seeds. Price for 200 ml – 2250 rub.
  3. Yarrow (Zeitun, Jordan). Milk for tightening the skin of the body and abdomen. The natural composition of the product has a strengthening and rejuvenating effect on the skin. Price for 200 ml – 735 rub.
  4. DUO Smagliature Crema Seno-Corpo (Guam, Italy). Lifting cream for body and chest. Seaweed extract in combination with other active ingredients eliminates stretch marks and makes this product a reliable assistant in the fight for elastic, tightened skin. Price for 200 ml – 2050 rub.

  5. Lift-Fermete (Clarins, France). Regenerating and strengthening body cream. Instantly absorbed, eliminates dryness, strengthens the skin in the sides and abdomen, and slows down the aging process of the dermis. Price for 200 ml – 2200 rub.
  6. Dr. Bio (First decision, Russia). Firming body cream that increases firmness. The basic component of the product is snail mucus. The cream does not contain parabens or dyes. The product saturates the skin of the abdomen with allantoin, elastin and collagen, helps to tighten and moisturize it. Price for 250 ml – 280 rub.
  7. Kelp and spirulina (Green mama, Russia). Firming body cream. The composition of the product has a positive effect on skin tone, increases its elasticity and firmness, eliminating swelling and flaking. One of the ingredients is peppermint oil, which tones the skin and pleasantly cools the skin. Price for 150 ml – 250 rub.
  8. Elastica (Workshop of Olesya Mustafaeva, Russia). Body cream. An effective product containing baobab oil. The cream helps get rid of stretch marks during the postpartum period, increases elasticity, moisturizes and tightens the skin in the abdominal area. Price for 120 g – 570 rub.

When choosing creams with a tightening effect, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the skin and the body as a whole, as well as the desired effect.

Homemade formulations

Self-prepared skin tightening products also create a positive effect. The most popular among home lifting procedures are belly wraps.

Let's look at the recipes for the most effective formulations:

  • With seaweed. Pre-soak kelp sheets in warm water for 15 minutes. Apply them tightly to the skin of the abdomen and secure with film. Keep for 45 minutes.
  • With dirt. Apply cosmetic mud to problem areas and wrap with cling film on top for half an hour. Rinse off with warm water.
  • With honey. Take 3 tbsp. l. honey, add a little cinnamon, coffee, mustard or citrus essential oil. Apply the warm composition to the stomach and sides, wrap with film. After 40 minutes, wash off.

Such homemade recipes help restore tone and smoothness to the skin of the abdomen, tighten and improve its health.

Features of application

To quickly get rid of sagging and tone your abdominal skin, you need to follow certain rules:

  • Apply the cream to clean skin with massage movements while the abdominal muscles are tense. You should start with circular movements clockwise, then change direction. The massage should last at least 3–5 minutes.

  • It is advisable to use a series of products (scrub, cream, emulsion, etc.) from one manufacturer.
  • You need to use the products regularly, preferably daily (otherwise the procedure makes no sense).
  • It is not recommended to use lifting products if you are allergic to the components of the composition, rash or damage to the skin. Before applying the cream to your stomach, you need to test for the absence of an unwanted reaction (apply the product to the crook of your elbow for 10 minutes and evaluate the reaction).


The systematic use of products that have a tightening effect successfully copes with the problem and returns firmness and elasticity to the skin of the abdomen. But in most cases this is possible with minor changes in tone.

When using tightening masks and creams, do not forget that an integrated approach to the problem will bring a greater chance of achieving the desired result: cosmetic procedures you need to add physical exercise, massage, diet and proper drinking regimen.