What masks to fight bruises and bags under the eyes. Treatment of bruises and bags under the eyes. What are the benefits of natural products?

As a rule, our health is reflected in our appearance. That is why it is important to take care of your health, otherwise sooner or later it will affect your appearance. Bruises and bags under the eyes are a great example of this.

Of course, when rushing to work or a date, you can disguise them with the help of cosmetics, but the cosmetics will be washed off, but the problem will remain. Is it possible to get rid of bags under the eyes? Certainly! But first you will have to find out what was the reason for their appearance, and only then select treatment.

Causes of dark circles under the eyes in women

What is a bruise? – this is a circulatory disorder, a bruise. The causes of dark circles under the eyes are divided into 3 groups:


It seems like you lead a stable lifestyle. Get enough sleep, exercise, often walk in the fresh air, and eat healthy foods. Where did the bruises come from?

  • anatomy;
  • thin, ;
  • age-related changes;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • heredity.

Wrong lifestyle

Pay attention to how you live, perhaps you yourself created the problem.

  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • excessive consumption of fatty, salty, canned, fast food;
  • deficiency of vitamins: K, B12, C;
  • bad habits: alcohol, smoking, sitting at the monitor for a long time;
  • depression, stress;
  • too often and too long exposure to the sun;
  • poor skin care around the eyes.

Medical reasons

If bruises appear out of the blue, have a blue-yellow tint and gradually darken, be wary. This phenomenon can occur as a result of a number of diseases.

  • diseases of the thyroid gland, liver, heart, kidneys or adrenal glands, blood vessels;
  • long-term treatment with potent drugs;
  • anemia;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • allergy;
  • hernia of the eyelids;
  • Often bruises appear due to nasal congestion. The veins running from the eyes to the nose dilate and darken, and with them the skin under the eyes.

How to get rid of bags under the eyes

Getting rid of bags and dark circles under the eyes is a completely feasible task. It all depends on the causes and level of neglect of the problem.
But you need to start with the following measures:

  1. Get enough sleep regularly;
  2. Allocate more time for rest;
  3. Avoid stressful situations;
  4. Take vitamins if necessary.

If, after several weeks of a healthy lifestyle, the bruises under the eyes have not become smaller, you need to consult a therapist. He will order an examination to identify health problems and prescribe treatment. If your health is normal, it’s time to go to a cosmetologist.

Cosmetic procedures for dark circles under the eyes

Depending on the diagnosis made by the cosmetologist, you may be prescribed the following procedures:

  • Masks against bags and bruises under the eyes in order to strengthen blood vessels, improve blood flow, relieve swelling and reduce intoxication.
  • or lymphatic drainage to improve the functioning of lymphatic vessels and reduce swelling.
  • Phototherapy, it'll fade the color dark pigment, will improve the production of collagen in the skin.
  • Mesotherapy improves the condition of the walls of blood vessels.

Cosmetic procedures can eliminate dark circles under the eyes quite quickly and for a long period. To improve the salon effect, you can combine it with home cosmetology.

Transdermal patches for dark circles under the eyes

Manufacturers of skin care products today produce many products to eliminate and treat dark circles under the eyes: creams, tonics, masks. One popular treatment is transdermal patches. They perfectly relieve puffiness and eliminate dark circles.

This patch is a base coated with a cooling gel, which contains active substances that eliminate swelling and bruises under the eyes. The cooling effect improves blood flow.

The advantage of the patch is that the active substances contained in the gel penetrate more than 80% of the skin due to the greenhouse effect created during the procedure. This remedy is recommended for use in eliminating signs of poor sleep and preventing the appearance of bruises and bags under the eyes.

Home remedies for bags and dark circles under the eyes

If you don’t have the means or desire to go to a beauty salon, you can turn to grandma's recipes. Surely every housewife has a couple of products in her medicine cabinet and refrigerator that help eliminate blue circles under the eyes.

Lotions for bruises under the eyes

Various herbal decoctions help remove dark circles under the eyes. They are easy to use, and herbs are not so scarce; they can be bought at any pharmacy.

Chamomile for dark circles under the eyes


  • 1 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers;
  • 250 ml water.


Fill the pharmacy with the required volume of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, filter through gauze. We moisten 2 cotton pads in the finished infusion and place them on the eyes for 20 minutes.

Parsley decoction


  • a bunch of parsley;
  • 250 ml boiling water.


Chop the greens, pour boiling water, leave until the solution reaches a pleasant warm temperature. Dip cotton pads into the prepared infusion and apply to the eyes for a quarter of an hour.

Dill for dark circles under the eyes


  • 1 tsp. dried dill;
  • 1 tsp. chamomile;
  • 125 ml boiling water.


Pour boiling water over the herbs, leave for 10 minutes, filter. Divide the finished solution in half. We use one part hot, the other cold. Alternately soak cotton swabs in decoctions of different temperatures and apply to the eyes for 10 minutes. The session of contrast compresses is always finished with cold.

Celandine for dark circles under the eyes


  • 1 tsp. celandine herbs;
  • 100 ml water.


Pour boiling water over the grass and leave for 1-1.5 hours. We soak cotton swabs in the solution and apply them to the bruises under the eyes for 15 minutes.

Apple cider vinegar for dark circles under the eyes


  • 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar;
  • 1 tsp. olive oil.


Mix acetic acid with oil in the indicated proportions, massage the problem areas with the finished mixture for 5 minutes, and wash off.

Aloe juice for dark circles under the eyes


  • 1 aloe leaf.


We cut off the bottom leaf of the plant and place it in the refrigerator for 10 days, so there will be more useful substances in its juice. After the allotted time, we take out the leaf, squeeze the juice out of it and wipe it under the eyes. You can cut off a piece of leaf, cut it into 2 parts and apply juicy layers to the problem area for 20 minutes.

Infusion of birch leaves


  • 7 birch leaves;
  • 250 ml water.


Chop the leaves with a knife, pour boiling water over them and leave for 2 hours. Strain the finished infusion, soak cotton pads in it, and apply for 20 minutes. To the eyes.

Green tea for bags under eyes


  • 2 green tea bags;
  • boiling water.


We pour boiling water over the tea bags, wait until the excess water drains from them, and place them in the freezer for about 30 minutes. We take out the bags and place them on the area under the eyes for a quarter of an hour.

Badyaga powder for bruises under the eyes


  • 2 tbsp. l. badyagi;
  • 1 tbsp. l. water.


Mix the powder with warm water in the indicated proportions, soak cotton pads in the prepared solution, apply to problem areas for 20-30 minutes, if possible, it is recommended to leave overnight.

Masks against dark circles under the eyes at home

In addition to lotions, homemade masks will help solve the problem of dark circles under the eyes. There are a lot of them, we will look at several effective recipes.

Potato mask for dark circles under the eyes


  • 1 potato.


Grind the fresh vegetable on a fine grater, without squeezing the juice out of the pulp, apply it to the skin under the eyes. For convenience, you can take 2 pieces of gauze, put the paste in it and apply it to your eyes. After 25-30 minutes. Let's go wash ourselves with cool water.

Sour cream for bruises under the eyes


  • 2 tsp. sour cream;
  • 1 tsp. parsley


Finely chop the greens and mix with the dairy product. Apply the finished mixture to the dark circles under the eyes for half an hour. Wash with slightly warm water and apply moisturizer.

Cottage cheese for bruises under the eyes


  • 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese.


We take 2 pieces of gauze, put a spoonful of fresh, preferably homemade, cottage cheese on each, wrap it in a bag, and place it over the eyes for a quarter of an hour. After the time has passed, wash your face and apply nourishing cream under your eyes.

Turmeric for dark circles under the eyes


  • 10 gr. honey (tsp);
  • 1 tsp. milk;
  • 1 tsp. turmeric.


Mix all ingredients into a homogeneous mass. Apply the resulting paste to problem areas for 20 minutes. Wash off with cool water.

Walnut mask for dark circles under the eyes


  • 2 nuts;
  • 1 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice.


Grind the nut kernels in a blender or mortar to obtain flour. Mix it with softened butter and lemon juice. Apply the resulting mixture to the problem area under the eyes, wait 20 minutes, and go wash.

Banana for dark circles under the eyes


  • banana;
  • cucumber;
  • olive oil.


We take all the components of the mixture in equal proportions, for example, 1 tsp. Mash the banana pulp into a pulp, grate the cucumber on a fine grater, mix everything, add oil, mix again. Apply to dark circles under the eyes for 5-10 minutes. We wash it off.

Sea buckthorn oil for dark circles under the eyes


  • 1 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn oils;
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice.


Mix the components, apply under the eyes, hold for 15-20 minutes, rinse, apply moisturizer.

Almond oil for dark circles under the eyes


  • 1 tsp. almond oil


Apply oil at room temperature massage movements on the skin under the eyes, leave for 15 minutes, rinse.

Tea tree oil for dark circles under the eyes


  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil (burdock can be used);
  • 2-3 drops of tea tree oil.


Mix essential oil into the base oil and lubricate problem areas with the prepared mixture before going to bed.

Coconut oil for dark circles under the eyes


  • ½ tsp. ground coffee;
  • ½ tsp. ground black pepper;
  • 2 tsp. coconut oil


Mix the ingredients and apply the resulting mixture under the eyes for 5-10 minutes. Remove the mixture with a damp cloth and apply nourishing cream.

Well, in conclusion, I would like to say that no matter what method of eliminating dark circles under the eyes you choose, the main thing is regularity of procedures and a little patience. And also don't forget that home cosmetology not a panacea if the causes dark circles under the eyes are associated with internal diseases of the body, then lotions and masks will only temporarily eliminate them.

Getting up early, a busy work day, sitting for a long time at the computer or documents... After which all signs of fatigue soon appear on the face, especially in the area around the eyes. Sometimes the cause of the appearance may be disturbances in activity internal organs.

If the results of an examination of the body have dispelled all doubts about the disease, then this problem can be solved with simple and accessible methods that will help reduce bags and bruises under the eyes. How to eliminate such common signs of fatigue?

Tea compress

While brewing, you can leave it a large number of for the procedure. You need to let the infusion cool, soak a cotton pad in it and apply it to the dark area under the eyes. Thanks to tea brewing, the skin is toned and becomes more healthy looking. A similar eye compress is also prepared from green tea, herbal decoction or cucumber juice. The procedure will take only 15 minutes. After the compress, it is recommended to apply a piece of ice to the eye area. This can be frozen purified water or a herbal decoction. After the morning procedures, you can start applying cosmetics.

Herbal compress

In the evening, bags and bruises under the eyes are especially noticeable. How to remove them, as well as relieve the tension that has accumulated throughout the day? The easiest way is to apply chilled cucumber rings, lie down and relax as much as possible. The juice will gently lighten dark spots under the eyes, and the cold will relieve swelling and tension. Before going to bed, you can prepare a decoction of sage - add 2 teaspoons of herb to a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour and pour out half. Heat the remaining part, cool the second. Soak two cotton pads in each liquid and alternately apply a good warm and cold compress to the eyes. Upon completion of the procedure, apply a moisturizing gel or cream.

Industrial products. How to choose

On store shelves you can find a large number of products that promise to relieve signs of fatigue around the eyes. Of course, it is better to use natural infusions and masks prepared at home. But sometimes this is not possible. For example, on the road or on a trip. In such a case, it is better to stock up on ready-made ones from a store or pharmacy. What should you pay attention to when choosing?

Remedies should have the most natural composition possible. It’s good if it contains mint infusion or extract. It has an excellent cooling effect, will help relieve muscle tension and soothe the skin.

Caffeine-based fluids and gels have gained great popularity. This component acts instantly, tones well and relieves swelling. There are cosmetic tonics and emulsions on sale that contain cucumber juice. With their help, you can quickly reduce bags and dark circles under the eyes. How to remove swelling in this way? Very simple. A small amount of the product should be cooled to a comfortable temperature, soak a cotton swab in it and apply to the problem area. Leave for about a quarter of an hour. This procedure helps reduce puffiness due to the effect of coolness, cucumber juice in the composition refreshes and gently whitens dark areas of the skin, and moisturizing components saturate with moisture.

Ice cubes

Ice cubes with cranberries are often used as a folk remedy. This small berry is a record holder for the content of vitamins, of which the most are ascorbic acid and antioxidants. They are the main means to combat the first signs of skin withering and aging, to which the delicate area around the eyes is more susceptible. or their juice are excellent natural remedies for bags under the eyes.

It’s easy and simple to prepare a variety of masks at home that will help reduce the appearance of bruises and swelling. All the necessary components can always be found in the kitchen.

Potato mask

For example, an excellent mask for dark circles under the eyes is made from raw grated potatoes. The required amount is 1 teaspoon, to which the same amount of finely chopped cabbage is added. To give the desired consistency, it is better to add cosmetic clay. The resulting mixture should be applied to the problem area and held for 5-7 minutes. Rinse off the mask with cool water. The procedure should be completed by wiping the skin with ice.

Parsley mask

Another simple and effective product that can help is fresh parsley. It must be crushed, or even better, ground in a mortar. You will need approximately 2 teaspoons of gruel. Then you need to collect the greens (along with the released juice) and distribute them evenly on two small pieces of gauze. Fold the soaked cloth several times and place it on the swollen area. Leave for 10-15 minutes, then wipe the skin with ice and apply cream.

Another good mask

A mask of honey, pumpkin and cucumber will help eliminate bags and dark circles under the eyes. How to remove them using such simple products? It is necessary to grind the vegetables to a homogeneous consistency. Honey needs to be heated in a water bath until warm and liquid. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply to bags under the eyes. This procedure is best performed immediately before bedtime. Exposure time is 15 minutes.

Gymnastics will help

The cause of bags under the eyes is often sagging muscles as a result of age-related changes or features of facial expressions. In this case, it is recommended to do facial gymnastics, which is an excellent alternative. plastic surgery. Some useful exercises:

  1. Use your fingertips to fix the inner and outer corners of the eye, apply light pressure, and roll your eyes up. The correctness of the movement can be determined by the appearance of a pleasant tension in the area under the lower eyelid.
  2. Place your fingers under the eyelash line below and feel the facial bone. Lightly press the skin and roll your eyes upward until tension appears.

The complex must be performed daily, starting from 3-5 times and reaching up to 10. At the end of the gymnastics, massage the problem area with light tapping movements of your fingers. It will immediately become noticeable how the blood circulation of the trained muscles improves. This is the best time to apply care products, as they will be absorbed instantly.

Ladies who have regular swelling after sleep are advised to adhere to the following rules:


It happens that even following all cosmetic recommendations to combat this problem does not help, and bags under the eyes still remain obvious and noticeable. Treatment in this case can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Many women face problems such as bags and bruises under the eyes in the morning. This defect not only gives an untidy appearance to the face, but also spoils the mood, because swelling is not easy to hide under a layer foundation. The skin around the eyes is very delicate and thin, so it needs careful care. The absence of sebaceous glands here makes it dry and sensitive. Bags and bruises under the eyes do not cause pain, however, they are a signal of some malfunction in the body.

Causes of edema

Before you get rid of bags under your eyes, you need to find out why they appeared. The most common cause is swelling around the eyes from drinking too much water before bed. However, swollen eyelids and bruises may appear for another reason. In addition to excess water consumption, bags under the eyes can also appear from a lack of water. This happens when the drinking regime is violated, when the body begins to accumulate the supply of water it needs.

Excessive consumption of salty foods, especially at night, contributes to water retention in the body, which results in the unfortunate bags under the eyes.

Alcoholic libations and smoking negatively affect the condition of the skin around the eyes, causing the development of swelling and bruising. Insomnia, stress, lack of sleep are constant “companions” of tired facial skin and morning bags under the eyes.

With age, the fatty layer surrounding the eyeball can grow. The elasticity of the protective septum, which separates this layer from the eyelid, is gradually lost and the fatty tissue “falls out” under the skin, forming bags. This defect is not temporary, and it can only be removed with the help of plastic surgery.

How to get rid of bags under the eyes

Swollen eyelids and bruises under the eyes can be caused by allergic reaction, colds, chronic kidney diseases. In any case, to identify the cause of this problem, it is best to first consult a doctor. If bags under the eyes appear not because of an illness, but because of an unhealthy lifestyle, you can fight them with the help of cosmetic procedures or masks that have good feedback, many recipes for which can be found in magazines and on the Internet.

Before you pick effective remedy against bags and bruises, it is necessary to eliminate the problem that resulted in swelling. For example, limit the amount of water before bed, and maintain a drinking regime during the day.

If you are chronically sleep deprived, try to change your sleep schedule better side to preserve youthful skin around the eyes. Monitor your immune system to protect yourself from colds and chronic diseases. And cosmetic face masks prepared according to folk recipes will help get rid of bags and bruises.

Recipes for masks for swelling and bruising under the eyes

The beauty and effectiveness of folk remedies is that the starting products for preparing the necessary masks for bags under the eyes are almost always on hand for every housewife: herbs, vegetables, fruits, kefir, sour cream, cereals. Proper use of nature's gifts will help you achieve good results without spending on expensive cosmetics.

  1. Apply raw potato gruel onto gauze and apply to the skin of the face in the area of ​​the bags for 15 minutes. After removing the mask, use eye cream.
  2. Cut warm boiled potatoes in their jackets into slices and carefully apply to the lower eyelid.
  3. A good remedy against bags under the eyes can be a face mask made from parsley: distribute fresh chopped leaves on a piece of damp gauze, wrap and leave for 20 minutes. closed eyes; You can also mix parsley gruel with sour cream in a 1:2 ratio, apply the mask to the lower eyelid, cover with cotton pads.
  4. An effective face mask against bruises and swelling around the eyes is made from cucumber slices, which should be placed on the skin of the eyes, covered with pieces of gauze or cotton pads soaked in milk.
  5. Another mask, which contains the same cucumber (porridge), pumpkin pulp and warm honey, will help cope with this problem. The products should be mixed in equal parts and applied to the area of ​​swelling for 15 minutes before bedtime. It is recommended to use this mask for bags under the eyes a couple of times a week.
  6. As a cooling eye mask, you can use tea bags, which must be filled with boiling water in advance and then cooled in the freezer. It’s good if the tea contains different herbs: chamomile, sage, mint. Apply this mask to the skin under the eyes for 10 minutes. It is not recommended to use tea leaves with spicy additives so as not to irritate the eyes.
  7. The oatmeal mask also has good reviews about its effectiveness. Oatmeal (2 teaspoons) pre-filled with milk should swell, then carefully apply this mixture to the swelling for 15 minutes. Don’t forget to apply eye cream after the masks around your eyes.

In fact, there are a lot of such folk recipes, among them there is one for every woman. miracle mask to combat hated swelling and bruising. Before doing this, it is recommended to think about the true cause of this problem and start correcting it from the inside. After all, cosmetic masks will be effective only in combination with a healthy lifestyle:

  • proper nutrition;
  • good sleep;
  • playing sports;
  • quality cosmetics.

But when swelling is constant and is the result of a disease, you should seek the help of medical specialists and not do it yourself.

It is often impossible to tear yourself away from watching your favorite movie even when night falls, and you have to get up early for work in the morning. Lack of sleep in this case is unlikely to stop anyone, but the fear of one’s own reflection in the mirror after waking up is a very unpleasant feeling. The problem of bruising and swelling under the eyes is familiar to many people. How can you get rid of it without resorting to the services of expensive cosmetologists? This article will focus on folk remedies.

Bags under the eyes: main causes

The problem of the appearance of swollen areas under the eyes sometimes accompanies a person throughout his life. They usually appear from a simple lack of sleep, prolonged sitting in front of a monitor, consumption of excessive amounts of liquid (worse if it is alcohol), an abundance of salty foods in the diet, and even from wearing uncomfortable lenses.

In this case, it is necessary to begin a stubborn struggle. For home treatment to produce positive results (in particular, to get rid of bruises), an integrated approach is needed. You need to start going to bed on time, eating right, not drinking large amounts of water at night, giving up alcohol, and actively doing fitness.

Doctors are convinced that in some cases the main cause of swelling under the eyes should be sought in the rhythm of life, lack of nutrients and vitamins.

Blue circles around the eyes are often dictated by hereditary factors, and therefore they can appear in childhood, haunt a person in adulthood, and annoy him in old age.

Important! In some cases, the appearance of unpleasant circles in the eye area is only a symptom of the appearance of chronic disease(thyroid, kidney or heart).

How to deal with bags and dark circles under the eyes at home?

If a person is convinced that the swelling is not associated with a particular disease, it’s time to take action.

  1. Review of the daily routine.

Even with the busiest pace of life, you need to leave time for healthy sleep. Ideally it should last 8 hours. You should spend more time in the fresh air, spend less time at the computer, watch TV less often, and don’t forget about regular physical activity.

  1. Balanced diet.

Excessively salty, smoked, fried and spicy foods should be excluded. Don't drink a lot of water before bed. Swelling will not appear if the diet is rich in vitamin B5, which is found in fermented milk and offal, meat and domestic eggs, legumes and cabbage, beets, sprouted wheat, mushrooms and nuts. It is also better to exclude strongly brewed black tea and coffee, replacing it with mineral water, herbal, ginger or.

  1. Proper care behind the face.

It's high time to get rid of expired and not suitable for the type skin cosmetics. It is not permissible to leave makeup on your face overnight.

  1. UV protection.

Don't neglect sunglasses. Ultraviolet radiation is contraindicated for the eyes. In addition, you cannot stay in a solarium without special glasses.

  1. Reduced susceptibility to stressful situations.

Humor and a positive attitude will not only help in the fight against stress, but will also protect the nervous system from unnecessary disorders.

  1. Give up any bad habits.

Smoking and drinking alcohol contribute to the appearance of bags or circles under the eyes. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of them from the very beginning.

Incredibly, everyone has everything they need to get rid of dark circles under their eyes at home. These are vegetables, herbs, medicinal plants, which can serve as the basis for masks, infusions, lotions and creams.

Time-tested recipes for bags under the eyes:

  • Contrasting lotions from medicinal herbs.

An infusion is made from dry sage (or chamomile with dill) for 30 minutes (1 small spoon of herb per 200 ml of boiling water). Divide it into two equal parts: freeze one in portions, and heat the other. A cotton swab is dipped into the heated infusion and applied to the problem area. Then take a piece of frozen infusion and wipe the area with it. You need to do this 6 times at a fast pace.

  • Herbal compresses.

Take a set of herbs (chamomile, mint, dried linden flowers, horsetail and eyebright), brew with boiling water. Why take a large spoon of raw materials and a glass of boiling water. A mixture of tea and chamomile is also perfect for these purposes. Soak cotton pads with the prepared infusion and apply to the eyes for 18 minutes.

  • Lotions.

Apply to eyes for the same 18 minutes cotton balls, after moistening them in a freshly prepared infusion of parsley, cornflower flowers, dried rosemary, field chamomile or any tea (a large spoon of herbal mixture per glass of boiling water).

  • Herbal ice pieces.

All of the above infusions of medicinal herbs can always be frozen in portions and used in the morning and evening as an excellent tonic for problem areas.

  • Medicinal cream.

Take butter (a couple of teaspoons), mix with a small spoon of chopped dry parsley, bring to a homogeneous consistency. It is enough to apply this cream twice a day: in the morning and at night.

Note. If you don’t have time to make all kinds of medicinal compresses or creams, then you can get by with simply applying thin circles of cucumber, raw potatoes, and mashed cottage cheese to your eyes.

  1. Potato mask with cosmetic cream.

First, apply grated raw potatoes to your eyelids. After 12 minutes, rinse it off and apply cream (which contains E) to the problem areas. After 12 minutes, remove the excess with a cotton swab dipped in tea.

  1. Oatmeal mask with potatoes.

Take equal proportions of potatoes (can be raw or boiled, but certainly grated or mashed) and oatmeal, add cream, mix everything well. Apply to swollen eyelids, rinse after 12 minutes. a weak solution of green tea.

  1. Potato mask with vegetable oil.

Take 2 teaspoons of any natural vegetable oil, twice the amount of grated raw potatoes. Place the mask on previously cleansed and oiled skin, leave for half an hour, remove with weak tea.

  1. Cucumber and sour cream mask.

Mix grated cucumber, any herbs and sour cream in equal proportions. Apply to swollen eyelids, wash off after 20 minutes with lukewarm water.

  1. Mask made of eggs, flour and honey.

Take a tablespoon of fresh honey, flour, add one protein. Apply for 12 minutes, remove with plain water or a weak tea solution.

  1. Milk-curd mask with parsley.

Take a couple of small spoons of cottage cheese, combine with a large spoon of chopped homemade parsley. Add a small spoon of milk. Apply this mask to problem areas and leave for 25 minutes. Rinse off with running cool water or tea solution.

  1. Creamy nut mask.

Mix 2 small spoons of chopped walnut kernels, a large spoon of melted butter, two drops of lemon juice. Apply the mixture to the area under the eyes, after 12 minutes, rinse with lukewarm running water.

These masks can be used for both bruises and swelling.

In cases where circles or swelling under the eyes are caused by genetics or the presence of a serious illness, folk remedies will only slightly improve the condition of the swollen areas. And only a doctor will help you finally get rid of the source of all problems.

We invite you to read the following information: “mask for bruises and wrinkles under the eyes” and discuss the article in the comments.

For many women, cosmetic imperfections such as bruises, swelling, circles, bags and wrinkles under the eyes become a cause of dissatisfaction and grief. After all, they do not decorate the appearance at all, but on the contrary, they make the face tired, aging, and unkempt. In pursuit of beauty and health of the skin around the eyes, women are ready to experience various methods, buying expensive cosmetics. However a worthy alternative expensive cosmetics are eye masks for wrinkles, bruises, bags and other defects, prepared at home.

A homemade mask is the most economical and simple remedy for caring for the skin under the eyes. For its preparation, only natural ingredients are used, unlike store-bought cosmetics, which often contain artificial ingredients.

Benefits of homemade eye masks

  • Natural and affordable ingredients
  • Instant results
  • High efficiency
  • The procedure using homemade masks is simple and pleasant
  • In addition to eliminating defects, masks significantly improve the condition of the skin under the eyes, making it smooth and elastic.

Disadvantages of homemade eye masks

  • A lot of time is spent on preparing homemade masks
  • More serious problems (deep age wrinkles, swelling or bags that appear due to internal diseases) cannot be dealt with by such means.

Under-eye products for bags (bruises, swelling, circles, wrinkles)

To prepare homemade masks, products that have a brightening, tightening, toning effect are used. For achievement desired result It is recommended to use such products regularly, at least once a week. Before use, the skin under the eyes must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt and cosmetics.

Curd mask for bruises under the eyes

Removes bruises and bags under the eyes.

  1. Chop a little parsley (1 tsp).
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. low-fat cottage cheese, mix.
  3. Apply the mask under your eyes.
  4. Leave for 20 minutes.
  5. Soak a cotton swab in cool green tea.
  6. Use it to remove the remnants of the mask.

Cucumber mask for bags under eyes

Helps eliminate swelling, bags and bruises, tightens and refreshes the skin.

  1. Grate fresh cucumber using a grater.
  2. Place in the refrigerator.
  3. After half an hour, apply the paste to the skin under the eyes and leave for 25 minutes.
  4. Wash your face with cold water.

Milk mask for bags under eyes

Eliminates bags and bruises, gives the skin freshness and radiance.

  1. Add 1 tbsp to 50 ml of fresh milk. l. baking soda.
  2. Stir until smooth.
  3. Place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  4. Remove from the refrigerator and gently apply to the surface of the skin around the eyes.
  5. After 15 minutes, rinse with water.

Potato mask for dark circles under the eyes

Helps eliminate excess fluid, which causes swelling.

  1. Grind one potato using a blender.
  2. Place in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  3. Apply under eyes for 20 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with cool water.

It will be much easier to deal with bags, bruises, swelling and other skin problems around the eyes at home after the cause of their appearance has been identified. In most cases, it is enough to adjust your lifestyle, and the problem will go away on its own. Healthy eating, strict adherence to sleep and wakefulness, reducing consumption to a minimum alcoholic drinks– all this will help you forget for a long time about the appearance of bags, bruises and swelling under the eyes.

Dark circles under the eyes are a serious cosmetic flaw. The appearance of dark circles and puffiness around the eyes signals that not everything is ok with our health. Many people are familiar with this problem. Every morning we want to look cute and fresh, but the treacherous blue adds age and spoils the mood. It's worth thinking about, because external manifestations have an internal basis. It’s not a fact that magical, expensive remedies will effortlessly get rid of bruises and bags under the eyes.

The skin around the eyes is an indicator of the health of the body. Her poor condition signals problems that have arisen. It is necessary to understand what causes the unpleasant phenomenon and try to eliminate them. So, let's look at the possible options.

  • Wrong lifestyle

You need to pay attention to your daily routine and proper nutrition. It is common knowledge that alcohol and tobacco are adversaries female beauty. It is worth limiting the consumption of salty and spicy foods. To enjoy the reflection in the mirror, you need to get enough sleep and avoid stress.

  • Health status

The cause of swelling under the eyes can be diseases of the internal organs. They often signal kidney and liver diseases and heart failure. Problems with the thyroid gland and allergies also provoke the appearance of bags or circles under the eyes. In this case, drug treatment can solve the problem.

  • Other reasons

Genetic predisposition and excess weight can cause bruising and swelling under the eyes. In these cases, a comprehensive approach to improvement is required appearance. Sometimes only plastic surgery can save the situation, but here we will only talk about those methods that are available to us at home.

So, you have analyzed the reasons for the appearance of circles and ruled out serious diseases, it’s time to start solving the problem.

Masks for bruises and circles under the eyes

Video recipe for making a parsley mask

Parsley is the number 1 remedy in the fight against edema. It contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients. Thanks to this, the leafy vegetable perfectly tones, vitaminizes and brightens the delicate skin of the eyelids.

Parsley-based products should be in every girl’s arsenal. Unique composition greenery makes it possible to use it both independently and in combination with other healthy ingredients.

Chop the parsley and apply this mixture on your eyelids. Make a decoction and use as compresses. Ice cubes made from parsley decoction are also an indispensable assistant for combating swelling and bags under the eyes.

Sour cream and parsley remedy

Chop fresh parsley and combine with sour cream in equal quantities. It is enough to take one teaspoon of ingredients. For convenience, apply the mixture on gauze and place under the eyes. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Instead of sour cream, you can use soft butter or cottage cheese.

Video: how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes

Masks for bruises based on potatoes

Potatoes are an affordable and familiar product from childhood. It has become indispensable in eye masks due to its ability to tighten and whiten the skin. Here are several options for tuber-based masks.

  • With olive oil

Grate a raw small potato and add a teaspoon of olive oil. Apply the mixture for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with a cotton pad soaked in green tea.

  • With milk and oatmeal

Finely chop the potatoes and oatmeal and mix in equal proportions. Add warm milk. Apply the mixture for 25 minutes, rinse with warm water or green tea.

  • With clay and sauerkraut

Combine grated raw potatoes in a small amount with sauerkraut (also chop for convenience). Add green or blue clay. Apply the mask to the skin under the eyes for 5 minutes. Rinse with cool water and massage with an ice cube for greater effectiveness.

If you don’t have enough time, you can simply apply raw potato disks to your eyes; they can be cooled in the refrigerator. Boiled potatoes are also used in masks for swelling and bruises under the eyes.

Herbs and flowers, as well as dairy products, are great for bruises and circles.

Herbal lotions

  • Pour boiling water over cornflower flowers, leave and cool. You can use a decoction and flowers wrapped in gauze in the form of compresses.
  • Pour cold milk over the mallow inflorescences, leave and use as masks and lotions.
  • Make an infusion from sage herb. Divide into two parts: cool one part, heat the other. Soak cotton pads in a warm solution and apply for 5 minutes. Then do the same with the cold infusion and change the compresses. Contrast treatments, together with the healing properties of sage, stimulate blood circulation and relieve bruises. By the same principle, you can use infusions of chamomile and dill.

Let's look at a few more mask recipes

Recipe with cucumber

Mix grated fresh cucumber with sour cream in equal quantities. Apply the mixture to problem areas, rinse off after 20 minutes with cool water or tea. If there is no sour cream, no problem. A cucumber can cope with the problem on its own.

Mask with walnuts and lemon

Grind walnuts to flour. Take a teaspoon of powder and mix with a tablespoon of butter. Add lemon juice (a few drops) to the mixture. Apply the resulting mixture to the area around the eyes. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

A common method of combating puffiness and circles is eye massage, as well as eye gymnastics. Beauty salons offer to relieve you from the problem of swelling and bruises under the eyes, and prolong the youth of your skin. By choosing the appropriate means, whether ethnoscience or modern cosmetology, you should be careful, not forgetting about the sense of proportion. Main - healthy image life and proper nutrition.

The skin around the eyes is rightly considered the most vulnerable place for the formation of wrinkles and other minor troubles. Radiation wrinkles are the first to appear here, and bags and bruises under the eyes are the result of poor nutrition and ignoring the correct daily routine. That is why every woman needs an eye mask, and on a regular basis, as one of the sub-points of holistic facial care.

Collagen mask is considered the best for the skin around the eyes against wrinkles. And this is not surprising, because collagen is a fibrillar protein of the scleroprotein group. This structural component is the basis of connective tissues, tendons, bones, cartilage, skin and ligaments.

What is the secret of a collagen mask?

Collagen eye masks are popular because the synthesis of natural collagen only decreases with age, and with the help of such simple means you can act on the surface of the skin. Of course, the natural process of collagen production cannot be restored or strengthened, but if you regularly act on the surface of the skin, you can give it a youthful appearance for a while and make it more elastic.

The collagen molecule is quite large in size, which is an obstacle to its penetration into the deeper layers of the skin. That is why, along with collagen, eyelid skin masks usually contain other components that help it penetrate deep into the skin.

It is interesting to know that collagen for the production of masks against wrinkles and for the skin around the eyes is taken from animal skin, as well as from fish. The collagen structure of animal origin is close to human collagen, which is very important.

Popular ingredients for eye masks

Effective eye masks can be made not only based on collagen, which is a rather expensive ingredient. What could be better for the skin in the area around the eyes than natural products containing moisturizing and nourishing masks? Products from the garden do no worse job of tightening and improving complexion, and the area around the eyes cannot be considered a problem for them at all.

Greens such as parsley or dill have a good effect on the skin in the area around the eyes. Good qualities coriander seeds have. Cucumber and potatoes are some of the most common foods that are useful against wrinkles on the skin around the eyes.

The best fruit for the skin around the eyes is apricot. Due to their properties, white bread and tea, both black and green, fall into the category of useful products for the skin around the eyes.

Of course, a mask based on fermented milk products will act no worse against wrinkles than a collagen mask. Often eye masks are made based on cottage cheese, sour cream, cream, especially homemade products are held in high esteem rather than store-bought ones.

Any mask according to folk recipe cannot do without the use of herbs - chamomile, cornflower, mallow, sage or calendula. Bird cherry with birch, as well as wild rosemary and plantain are as useful as aloe.

Recipes for natural masks for the skin around the eyes

Freshly prepared natural eye mask, of course good remedy, because it does not have harmful toxins and preservatives. But do not forget that you may be allergic to some foods, so you need to be careful here. Another recommendation for using natural masks is regular use. Natural mask, like collagen, to achieve good results should be done at least twice a week.

For the skin around the eyes, it couldn't be easier to make a green mask. All you need is a couple of teaspoons of chopped herbs, to which you can add completely different ingredients from the above.

Herbal eye masks are made from the herbal decoctions that were mentioned, only with the difference from ordinary decoctions that the concentration should be greater. For a herbal mask against wrinkles and to improve the color of the skin around the eyes, you will need two tablespoons of herbs per 250 gram glass of water.

Potato eye masks are just as effective as collagen ones. You will need some grated raw potatoes, which must be wrapped in cheesecloth.

An excellent remedy against small radial and rather obvious wrinkles would be a curd and sour cream cooling eye mask. You need to mix a small amount of cottage cheese with sour cream and apply to the skin around the eyes.

Do not miss! Valuable information:

Dark areas under the eyes are a “hallmark” of sleep-deprived and overworked people. The site under eyes.ru will tell you how to get rid of this blackness using such a simple and affordable product as potatoes.

Potatoes for the eyes: what are the benefits?

Potato tubers and their juice contain many useful compounds - vitamins, and most importantly - starch, which can gently and carefully whiten the delicate skin of the lower and upper eyelids. A vegetable familiar to everyone has a rejuvenating effect and can smooth out the skin due to its following properties:

  • 70-75% of the mass of a fresh tuber is water. Thanks to this property, potatoes perfectly moisturize and refresh the skin;
  • Potatoes contain almost all B vitamins, which activate the production of important substances such as collagen and elastin. The firmness and elasticity of the skin in general, and around the eyes in particular, depends on them;
  • Raw potatoes are also beneficial for the eyes because they contain one of the best antioxidants - vitamin C. It protects the skin from free radicals, and therefore from aging;
  • Selenium from potatoes activates the local protective properties of the skin, lutein protects against UV radiation (actually acts as an SPF filter), and choline has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Potatoes are also rich in vitamin K. It prevents the appearance of freckles, age spots and age spots.

Kim Kardashian with a potato mask: it works!

Who is a potato eye mask recommended for and who is it not suitable for?

Potato products are suitable for almost any skin type, since the substances in its composition are hypoallergenic and do not cause negative consequences. But masks based on this vegetable are especially suitable for people who:

  • Loose eyelid skin, bruises or bags under the eyes;
  • Problematic skin prone to acne;
  • Dry skin around the eyes.

Potato eye mask: recipes

There are a lot of recipes for potato-based products. We tried to find very simple but effective ones:

  • The most simple mask from potatoes. For this procedure, you will only need one medium-sized potato tuber; you need to choose the one that does not have green formations. Cut the potatoes into circles 0.5-1cm wide and place them directly on your eyes. To make the juice stand out better from the circles, you can scratch them with a fingernail or knife. Lie down and relax for 15 minutes with these applications. You can do such procedures daily. They will help get rid of eye fatigue and dark circles.

Raw potato masks: use gauze or place under the eyes

  • Potato anti-edema mask. This recipe will help get rid of swelling not only under the eyes, but throughout the face. For preparation you will need the following ingredients in equal quantities:
    • Freshly grated raw potatoes (on a fine grater);
    • Wheat flour;
    • Chilled cream or boiled milk.

    Preparing the mask is very simple - mix all the ingredients. If the product turns out to be too liquid, you can add a little more flour. Apply to the skin near the eyes and leave for at least 15 minutes. Rinse off the mask with cool water.

  • Potato and cucumber applications. Potatoes for dark circles under the eyes work great in combination with cucumber. In order to refresh the skin, you need to take the juice of these two vegetables in equal parts, soak cotton pads or tampons in this mixture, and apply to the skin around the eyes for 20 minutes. Then, after washing, it is useful to lubricate the eyelids with a mixture of vitamins A (retinol) and E. If you don’t have retinol on hand, just lubricate your eyelids with olive or any other vegetable oil. This potato mask has received very good reviews, as it can help you get rid of dark circles in one procedure.