How long does it take to materialize a thought? Is it true that thoughts are material, and how to think correctly in order to change your life for the better? How thoughts materialize

The saying that “all our thoughts materialize” is not empty words, but a fact proven by scientists and psychologists, which they directly connect with the law of attraction.

If you think about it, each of us, having thought about something, soon noticed that the thought was “embodied” into reality. For example, a woman, dreaming of seeing the sights of Venice, soon went to Italy... or dreaming of the attention of a certain man, noticed that he really began to show her signs of attention.

If you look at the power of thought from the other side, it turns out that we ourselves attract all the troubles, problems and ordinary troubles into our lives: by complaining about poverty, we can’t get out of debt; by complaining about failures in our personal lives, we remain lonely; Thinking about poor health, we constantly “catch” diseases and viruses, etc.

Of course, all this can be attributed to ordinary coincidences, but... Studying the human subconscious, scientists have long come to the conclusion that our thoughts are a kind of magnet that attracts what we want and makes it real.

Based on this, many psychologists have seriously begun to develop techniques, having mastered which, most people for minimum term achieve what they want: they become more successful, more financially secure, make progress in their careers and create happy families. How does this happen? The long formulation boils down to a simple conclusion: to become more successful, it is enough to learn to think and desire correctly!

How to materialize your thoughts:

Wish with caution!

Because the first rule of the law of attraction is that our desires, correctly formulated, will certainly come true. True, not right away. Probably, many girls have noticed this pattern: you dream about a guy, you shed inconsolable tears into your pillow, you try to no avail to attract the attention of your sweetheart. Time passes, the girl forgets about her passion, and here you go: her once adored passion appears on the horizon.

And all because (and this has been proven by scientific research!) is that, according to the law of attraction, we ourselves attract into our lives everything that we ultimately have in it. That is, what is subconsciously desired sooner or later becomes reality. This applies to almost all areas of life: health, career, wealth, relationships with the opposite sex.

Remember, our thoughts are our desires

Our subconscious is inextricably linked with the Universe, which records our thoughts, perceiving them as our desires. This is where the greatest danger lies. While a woman laments that she is lonely, the Universe takes the complaint for... a desire, and materializes the thought. As a result, years pass, fans change, but the woman is still lonely... Because with the help of the power of gravity, HERSELF has attracted loneliness into her life, but she cannot or does not want to start thinking differently. After all, it is not so easy to eradicate the habit of thinking about bad things - for most of us it is easier to complain about fate and grumble that life is not working out.

And it turns out to be a vicious circle: we complain - the Universe records “complaints” as “wishes” - “wishes” come true - we complain even more... The same can be said about our fears. It’s not for nothing that they say that what we fear most happens to us.

Why is thought material? Let's find out what scientists' confidence is based on. This is the evidence they provide.
The first question that needed to be answered was how to record thoughts. The ability of psychics to create thought forms was studied. These images were recorded with a special camera on sensitive film.

Scientists managed to obtain unique photos of thoughts. Tuning into a specific thought, the psychic clearly and clearly formed a mental image. In this case, the photographic film was located 10-15 centimeters from him at the level of the heart chakra. As a result of the experiment, the thought in the photo looked like an arrow or a bird, where wings were visible. This was the main idea. Other films captured a photo of a cluster of particles resembling a vortex. On color film, the movements of thought were like throwing a fiery spark into space. There were cases when the energy of thought simply tore the film.

To summarize, any thought is material. Precisely formulated, it takes shape in space. If we begin to doubt, are not sure of our actions, then such a thought as a cloud does not have a clear shape and direction. In this case, the materialization of thoughts occurs slowly or does not occur at all.

How to properly materialize your thoughts.

Eat general rules used in completely different types techniques. However, they have the same basis:

1. The right attitude. If you don't believe in the power of thought, then you won't get results.

2. Inaccurate formulations lead to inaccurate materialization. Always think about what you really want. Get to grips with your deepest desires. Think about the candy, not the wrapper.

3. Correctly materialize thoughts: visualize in detail what you want.
Draw the visual image down to the finest details. Therefore, it is often recommended to use pictures of desires, where your thought is drawn in detail.

4. When formulating desires, exclude the particle “not”
I don't want to get sick but I'm healthy. Try in Everyday life removing a particle from your vocabulary is not. It's not cold today, it's better to say it's warm today.

5. Materialize only what concerns you personally, even if you think and want to help others. By improving your life, you will certainly help others.

6. The process of materialization of thoughts takes from several days to a month. As you understand, the size of desire is different for everyone. The main thing is not to lose faith and continue to update without changing the direction of thoughts.

7. Your thoughts should not harm other people. You can achieve your goal to the detriment of another person, or you can get what you want without it. There are thousands of options, many of which you don’t even know about.

How to think correctly for better results.

It's time to start thinking correctly!
How to learn to think correctly?
The answer is simple: you need to learn to formulate your desires correctly! And before that, we need to get rid of the negative images and thoughts with which we constantly live. We judge others, gossip, and rejoice when others feel bad. We find confirmation of what he thinks about. Reconsider your attitude towards the past, formulate a happy future, and most importantly, find the positive in every day. Unfortunately, our own beliefs prevent us from enjoying life.

Thoughts materialize, both positive and negative. It depends on how much time and energy a person devotes to his thoughts. I think many people had a bad streak when everything came at once. All because the person constantly thought about bad things, kept repeating when this will end or why should I do this? You can think positively for five minutes and negatively for the remaining 16 hours. What do you think will outweigh?

Without changing your thinking positively, materializing your thoughts will be a waste of time and you will become even more convinced that it does not work.

It's time to change that! Try the appetite comes with eating.

From this article you will learn:

Magic in my life

My first clear memory on this topic is associated with childhood. I walk down the street, find a large stick and throw it over the fence of a private house. The house had been abandoned for a long time. But for some reason I clearly imagined a woman coming out of the gate and starting to reprimand me for such an act.

And so, literally a couple of seconds later, when I reached the gate, that’s how it all happened. The door opened and the landlady appeared, who not only scolded me, but also forced me to go into the garden and pick up a stick.

I remember that at that time I was first of all ashamed and offended. And much later I began to think about what this means? You need to be careful with your thoughts and actions!

Examples from life began to accumulate. The further you go, the more of them there are. Now I have stopped noticing them. And as a child I even wrote them down, because they seemed mystical to me.

One day my mother and I were out shopping. And I suddenly remembered about our relatives who live 300 km from us. I say: “We haven’t called each other for a long time, I wonder how they are doing?” And so, in the evening they were visiting us. It turns out that they decided to come spontaneously, but couldn’t get through by phone (because some people were busy shopping at that time).

While studying at the institute, I was generally considered a witch. Then I clearly imagined what kind of ticket I would get in the exam. She foresaw that the teacher was sick and there would be no couple. She predicted who would be asked at the seminar. And this is not magic, but just a good fantasy. After all, I was just replaying it in my head possible options developments of events.

The Scientific Basis of Thought Power

It turns out that the materialization of thought was of interest not only to me, but also to various scientists from all over the world.

So, in the 70s in Russia they received the first confirmation of this theory. Scientists K.V. Asipova and A.F. Okhatrin formulated the hypothesis that the human body is surrounded by a certain shell - an aura. The aura is a gas consisting of very light particles - microleptons, which are 10 times lighter than the mass of an electron.

It was possible to capture the glow of the aura on highly sensitive photographic film. As it turned out, it can change color, shape and intensity.
We also managed to get photographs of thoughts. In some photographs, their shape resembled a bird or an arrow shooting into space.

Thus, scientists have come to the conclusion that if a thought is clearly expressed, then it easily takes shape and can move in space as a clot of energy. If the thought is unclear, the person doubts or does not focus on something specific, then its shape is blurred, the glow is weak, and no movement occurs.

It turns out that every person can influence what happens to him. After all, our consciousness projects reality in the form of the subtlest energy.

And relatively recently in Japan they created a device that can read a person’s thoughts and decipher individual words and numbers. It converts electromagnetic impulses sent by our brain into a digital signal. And this once again proves that thoughts are material.

American scientist Joe Dispenza came to the incredible conclusion that our brain does not distinguish between reality and fiction. Our experiences related to real events or with fictional ones they receive the same response from the “gray matter”. For example, if we are personally disappointed or read a heartbreaking story about unrequited love in a book, we will end up crying. Dispenza has conducted many practical focus group studies that have proven the connection between thoughts and matter, and has proven from his own experience that the power of thought helps to heal various diseases that affect traditional medicine


There are many disputes, myths and speculations surrounding the theory of the materiality of thoughts. And yet most people tend to doubt and question everything that happens. Although a lot of evidence has already been collected.

From theory to practice

Be that as it may, there are many practices that help organize our thoughts, learn to concentrate, attract good things into our lives and avoid bad things, thanks to the sheer power of thought.

Let me quote a famous quote from Albert Einstein: “Logic can take you from point A to point B, but imagination can take you anywhere.” And it is true!

The downside is that bad thoughts can also become your reality. Therefore, most teachings are aimed at getting rid of negative thoughts.

The theory of materialization of thoughts is also called the law of attraction. What you think about is what attracts you.

This law works both for us and against us.

  1. There are a few simple rules to avoid bad thoughts. And now I will tell you about them: For example, work and sports help me distract myself. Someone is engaged in creativity, sewing, knitting, drawing. Work and physical labor help relieve the brain and relieve stress. Movies and books also help to escape from unnecessary thoughts.
  2. Stop living in the past and regretting what happened. Be present in the present. Here and now we have no time to talk, we move on to action.
  3. Try to be optimistic. Whatever you have to do, imagine positive consequences. For example, if you are going to an exam, imagine how you will draw a ticket that you know well and that you will certainly get a good grade. Before the interview, think about what questions you will be asked and how to answer them.
  4. Develop your imagination. Think through everything down to the smallest detail as much as possible. You need to draw what you want in the smallest detail, as if you were a director making a film about your life.
  5. Replace bad thoughts with good ones. As soon as you catch yourself having bad experiences, immediately stop them and imagine the good, even if in reality everything was different.
  6. Keep a diary and write down everything that comes to your mind during the day. This will help you analyze what events led to certain thoughts. For example, after a nap I always feel anxious. Therefore, I try to stay awake during the day to avoid discomfort and stress.
  7. Don't try to divide everything into just black and white. Try to find compromises. Find the positives in any situation and try to balance your attitude towards reality. Then your thinking will cease to be sharply polar, and the negativity will neutralize itself.
  8. Praise yourself.
  9. For a good mood, for kindness to others, for a positive attitude towards the world, for success in all areas and for small victories over oneself. This will also help improve self-esteem. Self-doubt always gives rise to negative thoughts. Conversely, people who are confident are more optimistic and attract positivity. Let go of obsessive thoughts.

One of my friends hated hospitals, clinics, clinics and, in general, all institutions that were at least in some way related to medicine. One day she became very ill and ended up in the hospital. For her it was a complete nightmare. But there she managed to meet a handsome doctor. And now, staying in a medical facility has ceased to be painful. And recovery did not take long. Since then, her attitude towards hospitals has even changed, and now she does not see anything terrible in them.


In psychology there is such a thing as affirmations. Translated from Latin, affirmatio means affirmation.

Affirmations are short phrases, which you need to repeat to yourself in order to set the intention for achieving a particular goal. With their help you can control your destiny.

You can use ready-made settings, but it is best to create your own. This will be most effective

Here are the main rules for composing and using affirmations:

  1. Before you compose an affirmation, you need to understand what you want to get from life and from a specific attitude.
  2. Affirmations should be short and clear, without doubts or variations.
  3. All statements must be in the present tense.
  4. You cannot use negatives, as they are not perceived by consciousness. For example, you can’t say: I’m not poor, I’m not stupid, I’m not lonely. Use only affirmative forms: I am rich, smart, happy.
  5. It is important to believe in what you say and present it clearly.
  6. Affirmations should not be static. In each phrase, try to express some action. Examples: I become loved, my business is thriving, my sales are growing.
  7. Avoid negative attitudes that cause negative emotions in you.
  8. Take affirmations as facts that specify your desires.

Affirmations help displace negative thoughts and replace them with positive emotions that will take hold in your mind and direct your activities in the right direction.

With their help, you can avoid depression, transform yourself, believe in your own strength, and achieve success.

If it’s hard for you to live at all, try changing your thinking! As they say, if you can’t change a situation, change your attitude towards it!

There is no ideal technique. Everyone chooses ways to control their thoughts individually.

Try to minimize communication with people who are unpleasant to you, spend more time with successful and purposeful individuals. They tend to be very optimistic, full of ideas and can charge you with their energy.

What does religion tell us?

I, as a believer, wanted to get to the bottom of the truth and find out how the Orthodox Church views the theory of the materialization of thoughts.

Having studied a lot of literature, I did not receive an exact answer to my question. On the one hand, the church does not consider thoughts to be material, since they are intangible, they cannot be touched, tasted, felt. But at the same time, much attention is paid to purity of thoughts.

How so? After all, God also cannot be seen and touched? Where does this duality of concepts come from?

But the clergy explain everything quite simply.

Our thoughts and actions are closely connected. Thoughts will sooner or later lead to actions. The more we think about what to do or not do, the more likely we are to do it.

Do thoughts materialize? It's up to you to decide! Believe it or not, it’s everyone’s personal choice. But my advice to you is to be careful what you wish for. They tend to come true at a moment when you are not expecting it at all.

Therefore, you must be prepared for any twists of fate, accept everything with dignity and learn to find a way out of any situation.

Those with an inquisitive mind can find many books on the topic of the power of thought, such as, for example, “ The power of now"Eckhart Tolle or" Reality Transurfing”Vadim Zeland. I think that after reading these well-known works, you will be able to learn a lot of interesting and new things for yourself. And in general, you are unlikely to become the same.

I wish you success, Have a good mood and I say goodbye to you until new publications!

“We always attract into our lives what we think about most often, what we believe in most, what we most expect and what we imagine most clearly.”

Shakti Gawain.

Thoughts are an amazing substance that occupies a huge place among human daily activities. Not everyone knows that thoughts help not only solve specific problems, but also change your life and make it the way you want it. This article will tell you how, with the help of thoughts, you can create reality the way you imagine it in your dreams. The realization of a cherished dream is only the result of the developed technique of the correct thought process.

I’ll tell you from my own experience that thoughts are material. Examples from my life are a clear result of the materialization of thoughts. My name is Elizaveta, to my friends it’s just Lisa. Being an ordinary student of the Faculty of Philology, I dreamed of a good job, a “prince on a white horse.” But until the fourth year, there was no prince or additional income to the scholarship. Once I had the opportunity to visit a professor, doctor, doctor of sciences with a friend. To be honest, I didn’t want to go, but my friend had to visit, at the insistence of her parents, a family friend and simply an influential person.

Not knowing what to do with herself during her friend’s “obligatory conversation,” she first looked at the huge library covering the entire wall, and then at the stacks of books on the shelves. A book called “Creative Materialization of Thoughts” caught my eye. This book changed my whole life. Thanks to her, I learned to visualize and imagine my future the way I wanted it to be. It described many techniques relating to various areas of life, but one thing united them all - mental visualization of what you wanted and mental pronunciation of what you wanted.

I can say that this book changed my whole life. At that time, daily studies with this book were only part of the genuine interest: “What if it helps?” I myself didn’t notice how visualization became a habit and, being a creative person, thinking about emerging ideas and plans, I now know for sure: this is destined to happen. During this time, I trained my thinking abilities so much that the materialization of my thoughts, as my husband says, “became a habit.” Now he jokes: “Just don’t think about it. Otherwise it will come true." Of course, this is our family joke. I try to think positively and constructively, because I know that my thoughts will materialize.

Thought is truly material: evidence

Many people say that thought is material. Some people take this as an axiom that does not require proof, while others need irrefutable facts. Many experiments and experiments have been carried out in the world on a comprehensive study of thoughts, which serve as evidence that thought is indeed material.

In order to speak undeniably about the materiality of thought, we have a general idea of ​​its nature. The thought process is a rather complex complex of biochemical and electrical processes occurring in the human brain. They say that thoughts are material, this means that the formed thought as the smallest electrically charged particles is sent to the outside world, where the reaction of the surrounding world follows to the release of this information as the smallest charged physical particles.

Composition of thought

In the 90s of the last century, the South American psychoanalyst and philosopher Stephen H. Wolinsky patented a new movement in psychology - “quantum psychology.”
According to the theory of quantum psychology, human consciousness and the external world are inseparably connected and cannot be divided into separate components. After a detailed study of the nature of material particles, I found the answer to the question why thoughts are material. Stephen H. discovered that electrons and protons consist of smaller particles: quarks and quanta, which have wave and energy components. Thoughts, in his opinion, are the radiation of tiny wave and energy particles.

Adherents of quantum psychology noted that the real world of a person depends on the functioning of his nervous system. The materialization of a person’s thoughts in his life depends on how the brain is able to energetically process external signals that can be analyzed by it, and then a wave reaction follows into the outside world. With strong wave and energy radiation, an impetus for the embodiment of the thought form is transmitted to the outside world. Thus, in moments of anger, when the brain emits particles of large indicators, any wish can be realized. Therefore, carefully watch the words carelessly spoken in a fit of anger - they may come true. And the more powerful the thought is, the stronger the emotion.

Thoughts have weight

Another proof of the materiality of thought is an experiment carried out by scientists, in which a person and his thoughts were weighed on the most accurate scales. What was surprising was that when a provoked thought process occurred in a person with visualization of the smallest details, the scales began to show an increase in the subject’s weight by the slightest fraction of a gram. With complete relaxation and entering a trance state, the weight on the scale decreased.

Color and shape of thought

There are laboratories in which experiments were carried out on photographing thoughts. American scientists determined the color and shape of thoughts. Thus, negative thoughts are colored in dark colors, positive thought forms have light shades and correct, beautiful forms.

How to think correctly and create reality?

Our world is a reality created by us, the embodiment of our thoughts, inner world. Facial expression is a reflection of our thoughts. And our physical and psychological health depends on thoughts about ourselves, our role in life, our sense of self as an individual and a part of society.

Positive thoughts about yourself, your life, your environment attract positive events and people who positively influence your life. That is, everything happens according to the law of attraction: like attracts like. Negative life attitudes attract negative life situations, the same people who are unlikely to help change your life for the better.

Knowing that all our thoughts are material, it is necessary to know how to think correctly. By directing your thoughts in the right direction, formulating them in the right way, you give some impetus to their implementation. It is known that the most “working” thoughts are in an altered state of mind. There is no need to be afraid of this word. An altered state is a healthy state of relaxation or the result of a strong positive or negative emotion.

Your reality is how you imagine it. If you have a desire to change it completely or some of its aspects, then everything is in your hands. You just need to imagine a little and mentally create it the way you would like to see it.

Everyone has the opportunity to create their own reality as it appears in their dreams.

So, some tips on how to think correctly to build your reality exactly the way you want it to be:

  1. Think positively, positive thoughts attract everything positive.
  2. Don’t harbor grievances, treat grievances philosophically.
  3. Picture your desired future in a positive light as much as possible. Draw in your imagination the smallest details of what you want.
  4. Conduct meditative visualization sessions before bed.
  5. Surround yourself only with positive, successful people.
  6. Don’t stop and don’t give up at the slightest failure, let it become an impetus for additional pressure in achieving your goal.
  7. Create your reality yourself, your desires are the most important motivators in life, do not let anyone change the way of your life or influence your desires.

Methods for materializing thoughts

So, there are several techniques for materializing thoughts. In order to find out how to materialize thoughts and desires, let's consider the main ones.

Visualization of the future

To perform this technique, you will need to relax your body and mental awareness. To do this, take a lying position. This technique is usually performed before bed. Relax all parts of the body in turn: arms, legs, torso, facial muscles, neck. Think about your future. Ask yourself a question and visually answer it by creating some images of the future.

How do you think about your own future, what it should be? Actually, what are you doing in it, what kind of future are you set up for? Answer these questions. How do you imagine yourself in a month, two, three, a year? What do you look like? How has your environment changed? What wishes have come true? What have you achieved? How do you feel? Imagine yourself as a successful person, what is your luck? Present it in detail. Remember these emotions, often imagine your own luck and a picture of what you want. Remember this feeling of joy and satisfaction with life. Everything you think about will come true. And this will not be an accident. This is exactly what you want so badly. Be sure to thank fate, the Universe, God or the spirit of life (whoever is closest to you) for the realization of your desired future.

Affirmations method

Affirmation is a verbal program that you repeat and pronounce to yourself every day. The introduction of positive thought forms is a rather complex process that takes a long time and requires large quantity strength Reinforce this with deep faith in yourself, in the implementation of your plans. Faith in changing the future for the better is a huge force; it should be the true engine of your creative thought and verbal process. Free yourself, cleanse yourself, be a white leaf.

Affirmations have a double effect: the power of the word is added to the power of thought. Phrases like: “I am successful man!”, “I am a respected person!”, “I have achieved material well-being and honor, respect in society!” - when pronounced in the past tense, it allows the subconscious to feel the embodiment of the desired before its implementation in reality. This helps him move his consciousness imperceptibly in the right direction. Here's how to formulate your thoughts correctly so that they materialize. This article is a great help for the reader in realizing a positive, successful future. The reader will find material for further development of personal potential on the pages of this site. Good luck in materializing your mentally created future!

Today, physicists, film authors and technical specialists insist that thoughts are material, presenting evidence and their own theories on this matter.

But what can we say, if the famous German thinker Nietzsche argued that “unhappy or happy people It’s only their thoughts that do it, not external circumstances, and if you control your own thoughts, you can control your happiness.” This is said strongly, but do mental messages really have material force?

It is worth looking into the root of the theory about the materiality of thoughts, because the idea is based on the understanding that everything around is nothing more than energy. It can be concentrated in bodies, or scattered in space, and this somewhat complicates the listing of all its images, which, in fact, is not particularly necessary.

Any object, be it a tree, a stone or a stream, is powered by energy, which affects its shape. And if we take into account that thoughts are also energy, then we can assume that each of the thoughts materializes.

Of course, their nature has not yet been fully studied, but it is difficult not to agree that the world affects the human brain, and it can respond using methods available to it.

What efforts can be made to achieve the fastest results?

How to think correctly so that your thoughts finally become noticeably material? In this situation there is no place for a happy accident, but the well-known law of conservation of energy is used. That is, you can get what you want by giving something in return.

They say that you can give not only with money or things, but also with your own labor, which is also an energy source. Sometimes people do not value their own efforts at all, wasting them and not getting any results. But in vain, energy resources should be saved.

As a result, it turns out that thoughts can be used to achieve a goal. And the more thoughts you put in, the sooner and more productive the answer will be. And if there is material evidence that thoughts are material, all that remains is to learn how to manage them.

What's the catch?

Ideally, only positive thoughts should become material. However, do not forget that negative thoughts are also energy. For example, a person who has had a strong quarrel with a loved one, lost the keys to his house, or got very wet in the rain is unlikely to think about good things. That is, what a person gives is what he receives!

Therefore, before scolding your clumsiness, complaining about bad weather or a friend’s inflexible character, it’s worth turning your mental flow in the opposite direction. And if people are able to think positively, thereby managing energy, then their thoughts materialize the way they want. In general, everyone has a choice.

Strengthening the materialization of thoughts

Such a simple technique for achieving a goal has proven its effectiveness more than once, and it doesn’t matter whether they believe in it or not. But in certain situations, people, on the contrary, materialize to their detriment.

In addition, this phenomenon, in addition to the mystical component, also has a real component. It lies in quite ordinary things - when you constantly think about some object or event, all organs, including the brain, begin to become active in this direction.

For example, if we think about our own unenviable financial situation, then our gaze begins to linger on advertisements about possible additional earnings; any conversation with colleagues on this topic arouses understandable interest.

Whatever the results, income will appear sooner or later, but, in any case, setting a goal and thinking about possible ways its achievement, we direct thoughts, that is, we give the body the opportunity to help.

To speed up the process, you can use your imagination. If you want to get married, then you can imagine yourself in a white wedding dress, arm in arm with a beautiful gentleman. And you can even go to a wedding salon to soak up the romantic atmosphere there. If the goal is a high income, then before going to bed you can imagine how brand new banknotes rustle in your hands. It is not difficult.

Believe it or not?

Are thoughts material? Most people ask this question, not so much to get to the bottom of the truth, but to find out what such faith can do in practice? After all, if religion, spiritual ideas or even secular ones, are able to help in life, add joy and confidence, then, in my opinion, it does not matter whether they are true or false.

For example, the main dilemma of religiosity for most people lies in one single question - whether there is a God or not. But is this answer necessary for believers, for whom faith has become a stronghold; it fills life with meaning and harmony? Most likely not.

So, if a person believes that his thoughts will materialize, begins to think positively and achieves success, does he necessarily need a physical touch of matter called “thought”?

His body is programmed to achieve the task, includes all available reserves, and the law of attraction manifests itself in action, albeit somewhat differently than ardent materialists imagine it. Naturally, the goal must be presented, and intentions are a catalyst for further actions.

Lack of theory

However, such a theory is a double-edged sword. And if for some, faith in the materiality of thoughts inspires and motivates, then for others it makes them restless, and they develop obsessive thoughts. After all, a suspicious person, first of all, will have the idea in his head that all the negativity and not very good thoughts will come true sooner or later. Against this background, the development of depressive mood, anxiety, and even panic attacks is possible.

Of course, this does not improve the condition and there are more and more negative thoughts, thoughts grow exponentially, swarming and confusing. Their impact on the psyche intensifies, and people begin to fear them. This is the other side of the law of attraction - the scary and eerie are attracted with greater force. The more a person resists, the less chance he has of getting rid of the terrible thoughts stuck in his head.

One more nuance - the law, albeit indirectly, confirms that in any event, including the worst, solely the person is to blame. Naturally, such an opinion forms a guilt complex in people, for example, if an accident occurs, then the person himself is to blame for it, and this is the response of the universe to his behavior.

In addition, cinema quite often exaggerates the idea of ​​how main character strives by hook or by crook to achieve material wealth, pushing everything personal and spiritual into the background. But when, in a blink of an eye, it comes to him, he becomes a lonely billionaire - without family, friends and loved ones.

Does a person need in life an obsession with finances, luxury, which makes us real selfish? No, you shouldn’t displace the main thing by replacing it with something secondary...

In general, there is no doubt that thoughts are material; science has proven this, and theoretical research has confirmed it. However, we must set priorities correctly, avoid negativity and try to think positively so that the best comes true.

And before you set a goal, you should take a closer look at it, because tomorrow it can be achieved. As Schopenhauer said: “We rarely think about what we have, but often our thoughts return to what we lack.”