Silver protection from evil spirits. Silver magic. Silver in terms of traditional medicine and science

Silver products are natural talismans that destroy and absorb external negativity, perfectly protect against the evil eye and all kinds of energy "dirt".

Silver is considered a pure and virgin metal, containing the principles of undefiled purity. What is ?

This metal is associated with the Moon, which is the patroness of secret knowledge and powers. Silver objects contribute to the development of natural intuition and paranormal abilities. Silver is able to cleanse the energy of a person and the space of a person. The lightest and effective way- insist silver in water and then sprinkle the room with it. You can also clean up your energy.

Dense accumulations of negativity in energy can be destroyed if a silver object is placed in such a zone for a long time. For such cleansing, a silver pentagram pendant, a silver ritual knife or wand is ideal.

Silver is also used as a kind of test. This takes into account the fact that silver darkens from the absorbed negativity. If silver begins to darken quickly when worn on a person, this means that some negative processes are taking place in his body, and if there is no obvious illness yet, it is most likely in its initial stage and it is necessary to diagnose health problems as soon as possible . Also, silver quickly darkens on a person if a person is constantly in a bad mood, angry or cursed a lot.

To clean the darkened silver, it should be boiled, and then wiped with a flannel cloth. If the contamination is very strong, then after boiling, you can still clean it with a toothbrush with powder or paste, and then boil it again.

The position of silver on the body plays an important role. For example, if you want to develop intuition and magical abilities, then you need to wear a pendant at the level of the jugular cavity or a little lower. As a protection against the evil eye and dark forces, the pendant is placed in the area of ​​the solar plexus. For general health promotion, it is recommended to wear a belt with a silver buckle, and the lower the buckle, the better, ideally below the navel. Silver bracelets on the arms and legs are filters that purify the energy flows and strengthen the energy channels of the arms and legs.

Silver can have a positive effect on a diseased organ if a silver object is applied to such a place. It is recommended to make yourself a bandage with a silver object and use it during illness. In a serious illness, such a bandage can even help a lot if used in combination with medication and drinking.

Silver is an ideal material for the manufacture of amulets, it perfectly absorbs and retains the energy invested in it. magical power. It is worth noting that the actions of the talismans are intensified at night in the moonlight, because silver has a close connection with the moon.

Known since ancient times. This noble metal, with its light brilliance, resembles the brilliance of the moon, therefore this satellite of the Earth corresponds to it. In Latin, silver is designated as "argentum", which means "light, white" and is depicted as a young month.

Silver is a very ductile metal, malleable despite being quite heavy. To subject silver to melting, it is necessary temperature regime, equal to 962°C. He is not afraid of either hydrochloric acid or dilute sulfuric acid, but mercury and nitric acid, on the contrary, easily dissolve this noble metal.

Silver, like gold, has a wide range of uses. Silver is used in jewelry production, coinage, electronic production, and medicine.

Silver Legends

Silver has been known to mankind since ancient times. Its deposits are located close to the surface of the earth, so they quickly learned how to extract it. The first mines were discovered in the 900s.

There is a legend according to which Emperor Otto the Great sent a huntsman to the forest to hunt. The huntsman tied his horse to a tree, and he went for prey. Returning, the servant of Otto - Rummel found that his horse had dug the ground with its hooves and in this recess he saw beautiful, shiny, light, heavy stones. Returning, Rummel reported the discovery to the emperor. Otto immediately realized that it was about silver. At this place, the emperor developed a silver mine.

There are many other legends about silver. For example, weapons made of silver (daggers, bullets, swords, spears) strike vampires and ghouls. Witches are also afraid of this metal. In Orthodoxy, a silver cross is a spiritual protection from all wickedness, negativity and trouble.

Silver has long been attributed magical properties. This metal is able to neutralize any, the most powerful negative. People who have fallen under the influence of corruption, curses, the evil eye may notice that the silver on their body has darkened. This means that the metal took on the negative energy and absorbed it, protecting the owner from the curse. Many people do not believe this, and believe that silver items blacken due to oxidation. But scientists have long proved that silver is a metal that does not oxidize under the influence of oxygen.

Silver products cleanse the aura of their owner, protect from negative energy, absorb it, promote growth and spiritual development person. An amulet made of pure silver on the full moon will be an ideal amulet for any person, especially for women. Since silver correlates with the Moon, and the Moon, as you know, has a feminine principle.

The healing properties of silver have been known since the 5th century BC. Even Paracelsus successfully treated with silver nitrate such diseases as epilepsy and jaundice. With the help of silver, doctors treated typhoid fever, eczema, tuberculosis, wounds, intestinal infections and burns. And the village grandmothers healers charged the water with silver and treated the afflicted with it.

Many people use silver for medicinal purposes today. For example, if you put a silver coin on the frontal part between the eyes, it will relieve headaches, tension, and fatigue from the eyes. If a person constantly wears a silver ring on ring finger left hand, then the metal will strengthen the heart of its owner. The bracelet on the left hand should be worn during colds. Silver lowers body temperature and disinfects the body.

This metal can be worn by all representatives of the zodiac circle, but especially by water signs:

The bactericidal effect of small concentrations of silver on drinking water is well known. For disinfection of water in pools, it was proposed to saturate it with silver bromide. The bactericidal effect of negligible concentrations of silver ions is explained by the fact that they interfere with the vital activity of microbes, interfering with the work of biological catalysts - enzymes. However, as is often the case, what is beneficial in small doses is detrimental in large doses. Silver is no exception. Thus, the introduction of significant concentrations of silver ions causes a decrease in immunity in animals, changes in the vascular and nervous tissues of the brain and spinal cord, and with an increase in the dose, damage to the liver, kidneys, and thyroid gland. It is known from the history of silver that in ancient times people believed in the purifying power of silver. In Rus', there was once a custom to “silver a newborn”, that is, at the first bathing of a baby, a silver coin was lowered into the water. It is also known from the history of silver that on Stefan (August 2, old style), in order for the horses to be healthy and strong, they were watered through silver. When consecrating a newly dug well, a silver coin was always thrown into it. This custom was known in many countries. In the old days they said about white-faced and ruddy girls: “It can be seen that she washes herself with silver.”

In order to get healing silver water, it is enough to put some thing, for example, a silver pendant, into it for several hours. How long exactly the water should stand depends on its volume and size. silver item. If you decide to place a silver pendant with a diameter of 1 cm in a three-liter jar, then you need to insist the water for at least a day. And if your pendant barely fits into a small glass or you poured water into a silver goblet, then half an hour may be enough. In some recipes, to speed up this process, it is recommended to boil water with silver. But in others, on the contrary, they write that this negatively affects water and it loses some of its qualities. It is believed that melt water, which was then simply infused with silver, is the strongest in its healing properties. Silver bracelet worn on left hand contributes to lowering high temperature. Wearing silver earrings has a positive effect on brain function, improving the ability to concentrate. A silver pendant or a coin placed on the area of ​​the “third eye” helps relieve eye and mental stress, relieve headaches caused by mental or visual stress. It is noticed that wearing a silver ring on the ring finger of the left hand strengthens the work of the heart.

Silver in esotericism: Wearing objects made of silver contributes to the development of natural intuition (especially in women) and other paranormal abilities. Silver getting into the energy of a person cleanses it and contributes to his spiritual development. It destroys and absorbs external negativity, which is why products made from it are natural talismans that perfectly protect against the evil eye and various energy "dirt".

With the help of silver, you can illuminate and purify spaces. The easiest and most effective way is to insist water on silver for a day, and then sprinkle the room with it. In the same way, you can clean your energy.

Dense accumulations of negativity in energy can be destroyed by placing a silver object in this zone for a long time. Ideally, it should be a silver pentagram pendant or a silver ritual knife or wand.

Silver can also be used as a kind of test. The fact is that silver darkens from the absorbed negativity. Therefore, if silver quickly darkens on a person, this may mean that some negative processes are taking place in his body and if the person is not clearly sick yet, then the disease is in its initial stage and it's time to start diagnosing your health and identifying problems.

The position of the silver on the body is also important. For the development of intuition and magical abilities, it is best to wear a pendant, moreover, at the level of the jugular cavity or slightly lower (range from anahata to vishuddha). It is better if its symbolism corresponds to the task, ideally it is a silver pentagram pendant, but lunar symbolism is also possible. For this purpose, you can also wear silver earrings and a silver tiara or a headband, but this is unfortunately not always possible in modern world. One of the best solutions is to apply a silver pendant to the ajna chakra area (the area above the bridge of the nose and usually just below the middle of the forehead) when you are lying down for half an hour or more.

To protect against the evil eye and dark forces, it is better to place the pendant in the area of ​​​​the solar plexus (manipura chakra).

For general health promotion, a belt with a silver buckle should be worn. The lower the belt is planted, the better, and in any case, it should be below the navel.

Silver bracelets on the arms and legs will act as a kind of filters that purify the energy flows and strengthen the energy channels of the arms and legs.

It is believed that silver, getting into the female energy, like Yin metal, resonates with the feminine in it and strengthens it. As a rule, this is primarily manifested in the development of intuition and attractiveness.

Silver being applied to a diseased organ, (even if it is not an open wound, but simply an unhealthy internal organ) has a positive effect on him, due to the influence on his energy. It is best to make yourself a bandage with a silver object for the duration of the illness. In case of a serious illness, this is unlikely to heal the diseased organ by itself, but together with drinking silver water and drug treatment, it can greatly facilitate and speed up recovery.

Silver is also an almost ideal material for making amulets. In addition to the fact that it neutralizes the negative and promotes magical development, it absorbs much better than other metals and well retains the magical effect invested in it. In addition, the effect of amulets made on the basis of silver is enhanced at night, especially in the moonlight, due to the connection of silver with the moon.

Silver is not only a beautiful precious metal, it has truly unique magical properties. Jewelry from silver serve not only as decorations, but also as very strong amulets.

The first silver items were made over six thousand years ago. This metal was more valuable than gold, because the art of making such jewelry was a very painstaking and complex process. Only representatives of the nobility and power could afford silver jewelry. But in the 20th century, thanks to mass production technologies, silver became an affordable metal and its price dropped significantly. Today, such jewelry is rightfully considered very democratic.

The very word "silver" came from ancient Indian and sounded like "sarpa". It meant "lunar crescent" or simply "moon". It is not surprising now that the magical properties of this metal are associated precisely with the moon. In alchemy, this element also corresponds to the crescent, and in astrology, again, the mystical Moon.

Since ancient times, people have believed that silver has healing and protective properties, can rejuvenate and take away all negative energy. During the Middle Ages, mystical metal was considered an ideal weapon and protection from evil. Just remember the numerous stories, books, legends and films about werewolves who are taken only by silver bullets. In addition, silver was credited with the ability to "sanctify" water, just dip a piece of this material into it.

"Moon metal" was revered as "pure" and any evil person, touching it, could get burned. Healers with the help of silver determined whether there was damage or a curse on a person. Those who were exposed to the action of evil forces, having touched a product made of such material, left a dark mark on it. Therefore, if your silver is getting dark, this is a reason to get worried and turn to specialists for help.

Most ritual and witchcraft jewelry was made exclusively from silver. For example, Thor's Hammer, Lunar Crescent, Celtic Cross and Elven Star. This metal is known to absorb any kind of negative energy, ranging from depression or a bad mood to a major curse.

The unique property of this material is the ability to clean the space. Since ancient times, water was insisted in a silver vessel for this, and then a house or room was sprinkled with it. It was also possible to wash the patient with such water. It is known that one of the ways to “consecrate” water is to leave an object made of this precious metal at the bottom of the tank at night, a prerequisite for such a ritual is the full moon.

"Lunar metal" is able to enhance any manifestation of strength and energy, so everyone can choose a talisman to their liking - with the image of an animal or a plant. Silver will help convey the characteristic features and properties of such amulets to its owner: the wisdom of a snake, the grace and charm of a cat, the strength and confidence of a lion, etc.

Silver is the metal of magical power and pure knowledge. Women who prefer jewelry made from this material are especially attractive, they have developed intuition, and their dreams, as a rule, always carry information about upcoming events.

If silver perfectly absorbs any manifestation of negative energy, the question arises - how to cleanse it of negativity? The method is very simple. To do this, you need to put the product on the windowsill under the growing moon and leave it overnight. It is important that the light of the month falls on the little thing. This will not only cleanse your talisman, but also charge you with energy and strength. You can also simply rinse the silver item under running water or hold it in a container for several days, after adding salt to the water.

There are several secrets on how to wear silver jewelry correctly so that their action is aimed at achieving desired result. Pendants that lie right in the jugular cavity (the place where our chin rests when we tilt our head forward) will help develop intuition. In order to protect yourself from the evil eye, you need to wear a pendant at the level of the solar plexus. A silver buckle on the belt will help to strengthen your health. But the bracelets on the wrist itself will cleanse the energy flows and charge with vitality.

It is important to consider the age of your talisman jewelry. Antiques have a very powerful energy. Bracelets and rings have a unique power, especially those made of gypsy or oriental silver.

Silver is the most mysterious of the precious metals. It is called the metal of the moon and night, as opposed to gold belonging to the sun. Gold has always been valued more than silver, but amulets, talismans, ritual utensils and other accessories of the cult were made from silver. Gold is the metal of this world, silver is of another world. It was always possible to buy anything for gold, but it was silver bullets that protected from the undead and werewolves, it was the silver amulet that kept from sorcerers and the piedmont people, it was the silver cross that is believed to protect from the bite of a vampire.

Silver has many interesting properties that modern science has not been able to explain to this day. Silver items sometimes suddenly turn black, for a long time or for several hours, and then just as suddenly acquire their original color and shine like new. In this case, the owner may not do anything, or, on the contrary, diligently try to clean off the blackness, but nothing will change. This happens especially often with crosses and chains for them, bought in church shops, as well as with products that serve as amulets and talismans. With ordinary jewelry, this happens extremely rarely. Most often, chains and rings darken, less often this happens with pendants and bracelets, but earrings almost never turn black.

As they believed in the old days in Rus', silver on a person suddenly darkens if he has committed some kind of evil, bad deed, moreover, having some serious consequences in the future. This belief was especially true for chains and crosses made of silver. It was believed that even silver, which is ashamed to shine so brightly and attract God's and human attention to this person, darkens from the blackness of a perfect deed.

If, according to the ideas of our ancestors, silver turned black from the sins of the owner, then the inhabitants of Western Europe believed that if the underwear suddenly darkens silver jewelry, and even more so a cross or just a talisman or amulet, this indicates that they tried to make a magical attack on its owner. If the chain darkened, it was believed that the person had escaped mortal danger or a serious illness induced by the sorcerer. A darkened ring indicated that its owner managed to avoid a love spell, and a silver bracelet that turned black testified that they wanted to unfairly send its owner to places not so remote or simply seriously slander, but the intrigues of the enemies did not bring them the desired result.

In all these cases, the inhabitants of medieval Europe believed, the silver jewelry, as it were, took the blow addressed to the owner, and therefore darkened. The darkened silver could no longer work as a protective amulet until it regained its original state, however, it was not recommended to remove such a darkened decoration. It was believed that if you remove it, a repeated similar attack on you can and will succeed, but as long as you wear this talisman that has done its job, you are protected. So it’s worth sacrificing aesthetics if you don’t want to take unnecessary risks, and vilify even the blackened silver jewelry that is true to you.

In the East, it is believed that silver darkens when a person miraculously escaped some great misfortune, having obeyed the inner voice in time and will accept it. Here it is believed that silver can serve as a conductor between the energies of our world and the world of spirits, and through it, like a current through wires, information from the subtle world can go to a person. Therefore, going on the road, they always tried to put on something silver and carefully monitored its condition. If the decoration began to darken, they changed the path or even completely abandoned the trip if there was no other way. If after that the silver turned completely black, it means that the trouble was avoided, if it remained slightly dark, the danger still threatens.

Despite the variety of reasons for the darkening of silver, everyone has always agreed on why it sometimes returns to its original color just as suddenly. This happens only if the owner of the jewelry somehow returned to his fate, corrected the mistake, prayed for the sin, bypassed the difficult life site and again follows the line of his Destiny in the right way.

Mechanically or chemically, you should not try to return the suddenly blackened silver to its original state. Firstly, this almost never succeeds, silver immediately turns black again, even if you etch the blackness with some kind of chemistry, and secondly, it is better not to interfere and monitor the state of this kind of indicator. When he returns to normal, you have returned to normal, and, therefore, this is how you should live. And until the blackened jewelry becomes shiny again, carefully look at yourself and your life, look for what is wrong, and try to fix it.

Believe me, you yourself need this first of all, because you will drag unresolved karmic tasks, unresolved karmic knots into the next life with a stone around your neck, and another cycle will be spent on solving what could have been dealt with a long time ago. Address these issues right now to improve not only future lives, but your own future in this birth. After all, it is known that a person is happy only when his life path corresponds to the track of Fate that is predetermined for him. If for some reason he has gone astray, happiness will not be seen until he is able to return to what was destined for him. It's not in vain wise people at all times they said: "You can't escape Fate." And attempts to do this only complicate life, which in the end will still lead you to what should be, which, as they say, is “written for life”.

To clean the darkened silver, it should be boiled, and then wiped with a flannel cloth. If the contamination is very strong, then after boiling, you can still clean it with a toothbrush with powder or paste, and then boil it again.

A little about the practical abilities of silver

The position of silver on the body plays an important role. For example, if you want to develop intuition and magical abilities, then you need to wear a pendant at the level of the jugular cavity or a little lower. As a protection against the evil eye and dark forces, the pendant is placed in the area of ​​the solar plexus. For general health promotion, it is recommended to wear a belt with a silver buckle, and the lower the buckle, the better, ideally below the navel. Silver bracelets on the arms and legs are filters that purify the energy flows and strengthen the energy channels of the arms and legs.

Silver can have a positive effect on a diseased organ if a silver object is applied to such a place. It is recommended to make yourself a bandage with a silver object and use it during illness. In a serious illness, such a bandage can even help if used in combination with medication and drinking silver water.

Silver is an ideal material for the manufacture of amulets, it perfectly absorbs and retains the magical power invested in it. It is worth noting that the magic of silver and the actions of talismans are enhanced at night by moonlight, because silver has a close relationship with the moon.

  • Chemical element of group I of the periodic system of Mendeleev.
  • The Latin name is Argentum.
  • Designation - Ag.
  • The atomic number is 47.
  • The atomic mass is 107.8682.
  • Density - 10.5 g / cm3.
  • Melting point - 961.93 ° C.

noble metal white color. It has the highest, among metals, electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity. Widely used for jewelry and amulets, it has been used and is used in medicine, science and industry. In occult and esoteric currents, it is known as a metal with very strong magical properties, absorbing any negativity, capable of healing wounds and diseases, cleansing and enlightening the spirit. Silver is also associated with the Moon - the patroness secret forces and knowledge.

History of knowledge about silver.

Silver has been known since ancient times, thanks to its natural properties, (special malleability and pliability) it was one of the first metals from which they began to make jewelry, dishes and religious objects. And I must say, as knowledge about it accumulated, the reputation of a magical metal with mysterious and miraculous properties was firmly entrenched in silver. The ancient Egyptians, for example, especially revered this metal for its magical properties and valued it much more than gold, and in the Scandinavian countries it was considered the most miraculous of all substances. Silver is considered the metal of the Moon, the conductor of its properties and qualities, in almost all religious, occult and esoteric traditions. In alchemy, the sign of silver is the crescent, and in astrology, silver corresponds to the moon.

Lunar Temple of the American Indians .

This metal is considered to be primordially pure and virgin, carrying undefiled primordial beauty. The ancients attributed to silver the ability to illuminate everything that it touches, expel all "impure", heal wounds and diseases, rejuvenate and strengthen the body, as well as ennoble the soul of a person and promote his spiritual growth. Silver is also considered a yin metal that absorbs energy and information easily, making it almost ideal for creating amulets, illuminated and cult objects. It was especially revered in Lunar cults because of its natural connection with the Moon. It is also known that silver absorbs various kinds of negativity - this is considered one of the reasons that it darkens with time, as well as on sick and damned people.

All these properties of silver are so strongly manifested and the impact of this metal on the environment is so obvious that almost all peoples familiar with it used them in one way or another. It has long been known that water that has stood for some time in silver vessels has healing properties, in Ayurveda, with the help of such water, exhaustion, chronic fat, inflammation of the intestines, increased activity of the bladder, heavy bleeding during menstruation, inflammatory diseases of the heart and disorders of the liver were treated. and spleen. Silver vessels were used by most ancient peoples to purify water and other liquids. In India and China, with diseases of the stomach, patients were given to swallow small silver balls. The first settlers of North America, when traveling, often dipped the silver dollar into milk to prevent it from sour. In the Middle Ages (and later) on the battlefields, silver was widely and successfully used as a natural antiseptic, applying silver objects to wounds (most often silver pendants or coins) and washing them with silver water to avoid infection. Many nations know the custom of throwing silver coins into wells when consecrating them - this was done to improve the quality of water. In Russia, silver was actively used in military field surgery on the fields of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904. The Englishman R. Benton, with the help of silver, stopped the epidemic of cholera and dysentery that raged on the construction of the Burma-Assam road. Benton arranged for the supply of clean drinking water, disinfected with silver, to the workers.

In the Ottoman Empire and some other Muslim countries, rich people in their harems used silver massagers to rejuvenate the skin and maintain its beauty. In Switzerland, there was a custom to put silver coins in the mouth for toothache. Count Orlov, favorite of Catherine II, knowing about medicinal properties of this metal, used a service of 3,000 items. It took more than two tons of silver to make it. Many nations had a custom to wear amulets in the form of silver pendants or other jewelry to protect against dark forces. In ancient Persia, it was believed that wearing silver strengthens health and rejuvenates the body. The English officers-colonizers drank only from silver flasks and suffered from stomach diseases much less often than the rank and file. At the beginning of the 20th century, silver preparations were widely used in medicine for the treatment of infectious diseases.

Silver in terms of traditional medicine and science.

First of all, it must be said that silver is the case when subsequent scientific research, for all the materialism of their approach, only confirmed the wisdom of knowledge that has come down to us through the centuries. The very first confirmed the disinfecting ability of silver, which began to be actively used for water purification and in medicine. True, with the discovery of antibiotics, interest in silver treatment has decreased and now many are not even aware of its properties. But it should be noted that the superiority of antibiotics over silver is very doubtful - they are too highly specialized (silver acts on 650 types of bacteria, and any antibiotic does not affect more than 5-12 types of bacteria), often have side effects, can be harmful to the body (most strong antibiotics are very harmful to the stomach) and their effect on bacteria quickly weakens (with relatively long-term use), in addition, antibiotics can have a toxic effect on the body, they increase the number allergic reactions, cause the development of dysbacteriosis, upsetting the balance between beneficial and harmful microflora for the body. Silver does not have all these disadvantages. Therefore, in modern medicine, interest in treatment with silver has recently revived.

Then it was proved that silver helps to strengthen the immune system and regenerate tissues, not only when taken orally, but also when silver is worn on the body. The mechanism here is obvious - just as silver, interacting with water, cleanses it, it has a positive effect on our skin and body, in contact with them. When ingested, in small doses, it has a rejuvenating effect on the blood and has a beneficial effect on the course of physiological processes in the body. At the same time, stimulation of the hematopoietic organs is noted, the number of lymphocytes and monocytes, erythrocytes and the percentage of hemoglobin increase, and the COE slows down. Thus, simply by wearing a silver pendant, bracelet, chain, earrings, ring or any other silver jewelry, you strengthen your health.

There is another reason to wear silver and drink silver water. From the point of view of science, silver is not only a good disinfectant and remedy but also a vital element. This microelement is necessary for the normal functioning of all organs and systems. In the daily diet of a person, according to academician A. Voinar, an average of 88 micrograms of silver should be contained. The body's "silver reserve" is located in the brain, endocrine glands, liver, kidneys and bones of the skeleton. Therefore, it is essential for the proper functioning of these organs.

Speaking about the scientific point of view, it should be mentioned that recently there have been articles that silver water can be harmful - it can lead to a dangerous excess of silver in the body. This may be true, but not for water infused with natural silver, but for artificial ionizers that have appeared recently. If we talk about natural methods, then in order to achieve a dangerous excess of silver, you need to use exclusively silver dishes, insist water and food in it for days, walk and sleep, wrapped in kilograms of silver pendants, earrings, bracelets and other jewelry, and even then not the fact that in this way you will achieve this overabundance. These methods have been tested for centuries and no side effects they were not found.

The use of silver in everyday life.

First of all, silver is a powerful healing agent, moreover, a natural remedy, created by nature itself. In order to get healing silver water, it is enough to place some thing, for example, a silver pendant, into it for several hours. How long exactly the water should stand depends on its volume and on the size of the silver item. If you decide to place a silver pendant with a diameter of 1 cm in a three-liter jar, then you need to infuse water for at least a day. And if your pendant barely fits into a small glass or you poured water into a silver goblet, then half an hour may be enough. In some recipes, to speed up this process, it is recommended to boil water with silver. But in others, on the contrary, they write that this negatively affects water and it loses some of its qualities. It is believed that melt water, which was then simply infused with silver, is the strongest in its healing properties.

Silver water can treat a variety of diseases, it can be used to gargle a sore throat, drink for gastrointestinal disorders, wash wounds, abrasions, acne and ulcers. This water not only destroys bacteria and viruses, but also activates regeneration processes, so compresses from it or long-term application of silver (in this case it is even better) to a sore spot are especially good for festering and non-healing wounds and ulcers. Silver water has a rejuvenating (within reasonable limits, of course) and strengthening effect on the body as a whole, and especially on the skin, hair and teeth. For preventive purposes, it is very good to rinse her teeth daily and give yourself silver baths once a week. Over time, this practice can drive serious neurodermatitis into deep remission and cure many skin diseases. In addition, it gives a powerful cosmetic effect, comparable to the best anti-aging skin creams, which will certainly be of interest to women. For prevention, it is enough to drink a glass of silver water a day, this will strengthen the immune system and heal the body. During an illness, it is best to switch to drinking exclusively silver water and drinks made from it, because silver can be called a natural antibiotic.

Below are some useful tips for using silverware in your home:

  • A silver bracelet worn on the left hand helps to lower the high temperature.
  • Wearing silver earrings has a positive effect on brain function, improving the ability to concentrate.
  • A silver pendant or a coin placed on the area of ​​the “third eye” helps relieve eye and mental stress, relieve headaches caused by mental or visual stress.
  • It is noticed that wearing a silver ring on the ring finger of the left hand strengthens the work of the heart.

Silver magic.

Silver is a pure and virgin metal, which contains the principle of undefiled purity, is associated with the Moon, the patroness of secret knowledge and powers. Wearing items made of silver contributes to the development of natural intuition (especially in women) and other paranormal abilities. Silver getting into the energy of a person cleanses it and contributes to his spiritual development. It destroys and absorbs external negativity, which is why products made from it are natural talismans that perfectly protect against the evil eye and various energy "dirt".

With the help of silver, you can illuminate and purify spaces. The easiest and most effective way is to insist water on silver for a day, and then sprinkle the room with it. In the same way, you can clean your energy.

Dense accumulations of negativity in energy can be destroyed by placing a silver object in this zone for a long time. Ideally, it should be a silver pentagram pendant or a silver ritual knife or wand.
Silver can also be used as a kind of test. The fact is that silver darkens from the absorbed negativity. Therefore, if silver darkens too quickly on a person, this may mean that some negative processes are taking place in his body and if the person is not clearly sick yet, then the disease is in its initial stage and it's time to start diagnosing your health and identifying problems. It can also indicate that a person is cursed or is constantly in a bad mood and is angry too much. I must say that the oxidation of silver is a natural process, quite explainable from a scientific point of view, here we are talking about a situation where silver darkens too quickly.

For cleaning, it is best to boil the darkened silver (of course, if the product allows such treatment), and then wipe it thoroughly with a flannel rag. If it has already darkened very much, then after boiling it can be cleaned with a toothbrush with toothpaste or tooth powder, and then boiled again.

The position of the silver on the body is also important. For the development of intuition and magical abilities, it is best to wear a pendant, moreover, at the level of the jugular cavity or slightly lower (range from anahata to vishuddha). It is better if its symbolism corresponds to the task, ideally it is a silver pentagram pendant, but lunar symbolism is also possible. For this purpose, you can also wear silver earrings and a silver tiara or headband, but this is unfortunately not always possible in the modern world. One of the best solutions is to apply a silver pendant to the ajna chakra area (the area above the bridge of the nose and usually just below the middle of the forehead) when you are lying down for half an hour or more.

To protect against the evil eye and dark forces, it is better to place the pendant in the area of ​​​​the solar plexus (manipura chakra).

For general health promotion, a belt with a silver buckle should be worn. The lower the belt is planted, the better, and in any case, it should be below the navel.
Silver bracelets on the arms and legs will act as a kind of filters that purify the energy flows and strengthen the energy channels of the arms and legs.
It is believed that silver, getting into the female energy, like Yin metal, resonates with the feminine in it and strengthens it. As a rule, this is primarily manifested in the development of intuition and attractiveness.

Silver, being applied to a diseased organ (even if it is not an open wound, but simply an unhealthy internal organ) has a positive effect on it, due to the influence on its energy. It is best to make yourself a bandage with a silver object for the duration of the illness. In case of a serious illness, this is unlikely to heal the diseased organ by itself, but together with drinking silver water and drug treatment, it can greatly facilitate and speed up recovery.

Cooking " lunar silver». « moon silver” is melt water infused in a silver bowl (perhaps in a transparent one with several small or one large silver amulet), under moonlight on a full moon night between June 22 and July 22. It is best if it is Monday night or the night from Sunday to Monday. It is important that the weather is clear and the water stands overnight under the moonlight, the most important time is an hour before and after midnight. It is necessary to melt the ice for this water in a dark room (so that it does not get sunlight) and you need to drink this water before dawn, when the moon is still in the sky, but will already be leaning towards the horizon. A similar ritual was practiced by many Lunar cults. Water during the ritual acquires unique magical properties, becoming " moon silver". Its use is a small Lunar initiation, it conducts a certain impulse through a person and leaves a magical trace. A person who drinks it receives the blessing and protection of the Moon, a predisposition to control its forces, inclusion in its information field.

Silver is also an almost ideal material for making amulets. In addition to the fact that it neutralizes the negative and promotes magical development, it absorbs much better than other metals and well retains the magical effect invested in it. In addition, the effect of amulets made on the basis of silver is enhanced at night, especially in the moonlight, due to the connection of silver with the moon.