Find out if you have paranormal abilities. Psychic abilities. Test yourself. How to discover and develop psychic abilities: tips

When it comes to medial abilities, or medial talent, it means much more than just “understanding the dead.”

After all, “media talent” actually means good connection with the subtle spiritual world, thanks to which we can receive many tips, opportunities and information.

Medial abilities include many abilities: from reading cards to clairaudience, clairvoyance and clairsentience, as well as the ability to communicate with angels and/or the dead directly (and, above all, understand the answers). The possibilities are endless! And honestly, it's pretty cool.

What's best about this: everyone could have this one access to the spiritual world.

We all have the necessary inclinations, and it doesn't really matter whether we believe it or not. Although there is a limitation, for some reason not everyone can do it.

Obviously, this depends on what level of spiritual development a person is at, how often he has been reincarnated, and also on whether this is part of the learning objectives in this life.

It's obvious that " spiritual development“Not everyone feels the same way about , which is honestly a good thing. We are all individuals, and this makes us a little more individual.

Do I have media talent?

How do you know whether you are one of the talented people who can really develop your abilities, or those for whom it is a waste of time?

It is really very simple: most of the skeptics and doubters who vehemently deny the possibility (and even often with their hands and feet) that it really exists are those who are less likely to access their own potential in the current incarnation.

And there is a second group: these are all spiritually interested people who study esotericism, ghost hunters, fans of horror films, who communicate on the appropriate forums and groups, who read, research, meditate and deep inside simply feel, that there is so much more than they “know.”

These are people who should dig a little deeper and see what potential lies hidden within them in order to further learn and use their talents.

I'm not sure if this is due to culture and upbringing (which means I can't provide any evidence), but we humans want evidence for everything.

We like to know if it really is as we suspect. We check and then double check again to be sure. We simply forgot how to listen to our intuition and trust the information within us.

In the meantime, I met many people who were psychically gifted, and thus came to what I am doing now.

I found fundamental similarities in everyone I met. Of these we can distinguish 5 fairly specific signs, indicating medial talent.

Signs of psychic abilities

1. Since childhood, terrible things have happened around you.

This is actually the most obvious pointer. So, your medial talent was regularly shown in the eyes and shouted about it in the ears, only the problem is that you “learned” that it is all imagination, because it cannot be and it is just a fantasy.

Let me tell you something: all the horrors were real! Knocking, shadows, touches, movements, whispers, the feeling that the cat had gone to bed, although she was not even in the room.

Objects that fall, sources of cold, inexplicable smells, the feeling of being looked at...

I could continue this list for several more pages. You can continue the list because you understand what I am writing about. Or maybe you already remembered something?

Now you know why this happened to you. You are special. You have this potential within, and above all, you have the ability to access it.

The souls that are trying to get your attention through all these scary actions, feel your gift. That's why they're here. They want to contact you and tell you something. The fact that you may not be ready to understand them does not matter.

You attract them (“we” attract souls like the light of a butterfly) and they want to get rid of something. Disembodied souls are a bit like small children: feeling the needs of other people seems alien to them.

The main thing is that your own needs are met. You can’t imagine how often people want to get in touch with me at the most inopportune moments. At a lecture, for example.

And it would probably be wiser to listen carefully to the lecturer. Or at night when I want to sleep.

Souls come into contact with us at any time of the day or night, anywhere, even when we are sitting on the toilet. Because they really don't care if we're busy right now. I say: really, like little children.

Fortunately, unlike our children, we do not always have to be ready to listen to the deceased and offer help.

It may sound heartless, but we have the right to privacy, and we can postpone communication for another time.

If it's very important, they'll come back. By the way, you can start doing this now: the next time you feel that someone is trying to contact you, but you don’t know what to do with him, you can say it.

Tell him that you are not ready yet, and maybe that you are scared. They understand and leave.

2. Spiritual themes attract you in a magical way.

...And this has probably always been the case.

When “something like that” is reported somewhere, you can’t ignore it. You belong to numerous groups and forums to find more information, more knowledge. More truth means more trust.

This topic attracts you, but the scientifically and rationally educated part of you always doubts the veracity of such messages.

But when they talk about supersensible perception, we are talking specifically about subjective perception. It's difficult to prove.

It is not surprising that many card fortunetellers are attracted by the “high rate of coincidences”: there is simply no more evidence, a person always craves evidence.

With great effort you walk past the esoteric section of a bookstore. You love countless card decks, books about channeling, the afterlife, meditation, and you imagine that one day you can do this yourself.

You really want to be able to work with a pendulum, or understand runes, or read cards like a book. This idea has always fascinated you.

Perhaps you have already bought this or that tool, decided to buy it, and now it is gathering dust somewhere in a drawer or on a shelf because you do not dare to use it.

Little advice: give in to this impulse! Trust and act! Your aspiration within is not accidental, and I call it an impetus for development. This is not fantasy.

That's your decision. Everything in you is screaming for you to finally do what you should have been doing for a long time. As soon as this desire becomes irresistible, it is clear: the plan of the soul is involved here.

It's time to start. No, there is no need to be afraid. You can't go wrong. You just need to start.

3. Horror movies shake you to the core.

I will never forget that visit to the cinema, where I looked at my then love story"The Exorcism of Emily Rose." I sat in a chair and shook in horror. I was really afraid.

And because deep down I knew that these things that were being shown were absolutely possible and were probably happening somewhere in the world every day. This film shocked me and fascinated me at the same time.

I think: where there is light, there is also shadow. So why shouldn't there be "evil beings" that can inhabit us? (The film is based on the much-debated possession of Anneliese Michel, who died after undergoing countless series of exorcisms, probably due to physical exhaustion).

By the way, the same thing happened to me in ghost films. I've always been a little scared because I knew they existed.

Does this happen to you too?

Then I can reassure you: the more you study these things, the more you will learn how your gift works for you personally (this is always very individual), the less scary movies will scare you over time.

4. Wherever you are, pictures suddenly appear before your mind's eye.

And I’ll say right away: no, this is not normal. And no, this has nothing to do with aroused fantasy.

Since we've been told this all our lives, we first need to understand how ESP works...

I'm guessing you know: you're somewhere walking, walking, standing, talking excitedly, maybe even accidentally in a historical place, and suddenly you see tiny pictures and faces of strange people on the internal screen, like photographs or tiny scenes of a movie that scroll for a short time and then they disappear.

This is not what happens to normal people.

And these are not unrecorded movie memory fragments or other nonsense. These are the moments in which a connection arises between you and the spiritual world. This is how communication happens.

And that it is functioning form of communication with the spiritual world(and most of the time with the dead), will one day become more and more conscious to you when you have the opportunity to connect what you saw with people living today.

Obviously, this is unlikely to be possible when it comes to short fight scenes if you walk past the city wall.

But you will have quite a lot of opportunities when you can connect the image of the person you saw with the deceased - this will be confirmation for you.

5. By nature, you feel people well.

You can look into their heads. You usually know what they want to say before they formulate their thoughts.

You can good at reading feelings. You are sensitive to other people's perceptions.

You can intuitively and usually unconsciously tune in to your interlocutor, and yes, you can easily fool most of them.

The basis for this is that you have very thin antennas and perceptions that enter into you unnoticed and give out information automatically. This is a wonderful gift that gives you the ability to help people through intuitive understanding.

Are there psychics among those present on the site? I'm pretty sure yes. The thing is that every person naturally has so-called extrasensory “mystical” abilities. It's just that most of us don't use them.

Hidden possibilities, “dormant” for the time being, are sometimes revealed under the influence of unusual, stressful circumstances. They can also be awakened with special exercises.

Do you want to know how to identify and develop in yourself psychic abilities? Do you want to train your intuition and learn to capture the mood of others? Or perhaps you are interested in learning strangers? In this case, first you need to pass a simple test.

Test using ESP cards

You will need a deck of cards that you can make yourself. To do this, click on . The image that appears can be printed (left-click, then “Ctrl + P”) or saved to your computer (right-click, then “save as...”) and printed in the program you use.

If you do not have a printer, then a deck of cards can be schematically drawn by hand (25 pieces in total, 5 cards each with the symbols “star”, “square”, “triangle”, “circle”, “cross”). It is recommended to paste the pictures onto a sheet of cardboard to make them denser.

So, you are probably thinking now - “how to check if I have psychic abilities”? Take the prepared deck and shuffle it. Then take one picture at a time (face down), and without looking, try to guess what symbol is depicted on it. You have to “feel” the card and not just name it at random.

And one more thing: the first impression will be the most correct. Do not try to calculate which symbols have already appeared and which have not. Otherwise, it will not be extrasensory perception, but something like a game of poker.

Test result . If you managed to guess from 5 to 10 characters, then this moment your extrasensory perception is “dormant”, it needs to be developed. How exactly - read. If you guessed more than 10 pieces, then you have signs of psychic abilities. The higher the percentage of matches, the more developed your natural intuition.

Of interest are people who “guess” less than 5 ESP cards over and over again. They usually have well-developed abilities for magic, but extrasensory perception is difficult for them.

How to get the best results

Only practice will allow your hidden abilities to fully manifest themselves. Choose the direction of extrasensory perception that interests you most. This could be observing the aura, reading thoughts (telepathy). Train regularly and one day you will notice real progress!

People around you will be surprised how you manage to predict events. By analyzing the colors of a person's aura, you can find out what mood he is in and what feelings he has towards you. By going on an astral flight, you will visit places that are inaccessible to you in ordinary life. A new, wonderful world will open before you.

To make your extrasensory perception exercises more effective, adhere to the following rules:

  • Avoid boredom and excessive stress during exercise
  • Spend more time in nature
  • Don't worry about the results, enjoy the process
  • Practice meditation regularly

Analyze the world- try to predict the results of sports competitions, elections, and other significant events. Perform tests periodically using ESP cards and record the results.

Have you ever dreamed of acquiring super powers? But what if you already have them but don't know it? With this free online test you can evaluate your energy potential, as well as receive recommendations regarding occult development and self-improvement.

Despite the fact that this test for magical abilities is compiled in a somewhat frivolous comic manner, it allows you to fairly accurately determine a person’s natural inclinations. As you know, there is some truth in every joke... The effectiveness of developing beyond one's abilities largely depends on the magician's ability to interact with the forces of nature. Therefore, one should not neglect her support in such a difficult matter as acquiring magical abilities.

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Unleash your super powers!

Each magician has his own patron who helps him in all ceremonies and rituals. With this magical ability test you will find out who your patron is. Perhaps this is the legendary sorcerer Merlin? Mysterious Isis, keeper of the secret sciences? Or is Shiva the goddess of destruction and chaos? Take advantage of the free online testing "Am I a magician or what" to find out immediately!

Human superpowers include not only obvious manifestations. magical powers, similar to telepathy, telekinesis and clairvoyance. They are beyond the control of many magicians, who have successfully replaced the lack of superpowers with astrology and the practice of fortune telling using Tarot cards, runes, etc. Through the free online testing presented here, you will find out in which direction you should develop your super abilities that nature has endowed every person with.

Sometimes abilities such as clairvoyance or telepathy develop spontaneously, or as a result of a sharp emotional shock. However, more often they manifest themselves as a result of a special set of training, including meditation and special practices. But the first step in unlocking your potential is to explore your abilities and inclinations.

By using the magical abilities test, you will save yourself time, which is so valuable for every magician. After all, it is much easier to develop those talents for which a person has an inclination than to try to master something “from scratch.” Remember - beyond ability is not a gift from the gods or a privilege of the chosen few, but human properties that are rudimentarily present in each of us. Therefore, do not hesitate, take the test for magical abilities, identify your talents, and start developing them. It's time

Incredible facts

Have you ever felt that you are different from other people?

Has something happened to you that you couldn't explain, or have you had a clear feeling that something will happen?

In that case, you might hypersensitive person and you have a sixth sense.

A psychic is a person endowed with the ability to see and read through space and time. He is a bridge for others helping them see the future. He has visions, O n hears sounds and feels things more intuitively.

Many people are not aware of their hidden psychic abilities,until they pay attention to the signs.

If you have experienced these phenomena, you may have an innate ability to communicate with another reality.

Psychic man

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If you are able to clearly remember a dream and experience various sensations during the dream, such as touch or smell, this may be a sign of your latent psychic abilities. However, because of such realism, you also experience nightmares in your sleep very strongly.

The symbols you see in dreams can have deep meaning and often provide insight into what is going on in a person's life. You may also often have recurring dreams that clarify a real situation in life.

2. You hear noises in the next room when you're home alone.

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Have you ever heard sounds that no one else could hear? You may have wondered why others can't hear ringing, beeping, or other subtle sounds.

You may also hear shuffling or whispering sounds when no one is in the room. This could be a sign of some presence or indicate the approach of some events.

© Latino Life

We can communicate without words and have the ability to communicate and understand animals. You may feel a connection to certain animals or have felt a strong attachment to a certain animal at some point in your life. This type of communication does not require words.

Clairvoyant abilities

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People endowed with the gift of clairvoyance often see things out of the corner of their eyes. These can be dark shapes or silhouettes, stripes and luminous balls.

However, when you turn your head to get a better look at the vision, it disappears. This is due to the fact that physical vision comes into force, and not your internal one.

© Sefa Kart/Getty Images

When you experience déjà vu, you have a feeling that people, places, or things are familiar to you.

If you often feel like you've been to a certain place before when you haven't, this may indicate psychic abilities.

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You really feel it when someone complains or is negative. It is very difficult for you to be around such people, because it creates discomfort almost on a physical level.

You may also dislike watching the news because you find it difficult to tolerate strong negative energy.

7. You feel the past when you hold objects.

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You can tell the story of an object or its owner by holding it. This also applies to people.

For example, you can hold a person's hand and feel his past, see some parts of his life, or experience the sensations, smells and sounds of some period of his life.

Gift of clairvoyance

8. You know when a loved one is feeling bad or is in danger.

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You may be psychic if you feel that your loved one and close person is sad, in pain, or in trouble. Physical distance is not an obstacle to such a feeling. This is due to your high level of empathy.

Such situations can also cause fear and a feeling of helplessness because you are aware of the problem, but there is nothing you can do.

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You may know what a person is going to say before they even say anything. You know who will call you before the phone rings.

Sometimes you can even predict the request. For example, you bring a cup of tea to your husband, and he says, “Are you reading my mind?” If this happens to you often, you have latent telepathic abilities and can develop them in yourself.

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You may suddenly feel anxious, afraid, or worried. You have a gut feeling that something is wrong. Sometimes it is difficult for you to understand what exactly will happen, but you clearly sense the approaching danger or trouble.

You can learn to predict future events by trusting your intuition by asking yourself what your feelings are telling you.


Have you ever had a dream that came true or a feeling that something was going to happen?

Did you feel like you were already in a certain place when you weren't, or felt the presence of unfamiliar entities?

Coincidence? We don't think so.

Each of us has hidden extrasensory abilities - the ability to sense and interact with the environment in unusual ways.

Which ones are psychic?capabilities mortgaged with you?

Take this simple color test and find out.

How to develop psychic abilities?

© Aleksandr Kichigin

1. Meditate 10-15 minutes a day.

Meditation allows you to be in a relaxed state and helps you feel the energetic vibrations better.

2. Practice psychometrics

Psychometrics is the ability to read information about an object. Try holding an object in your hand, preferably a metal or energetic object such as a ring, close your eyes and see if you can intuitively feel, see or hear something about the owner of the object.

3. Develop clairvoyance with colors

Collect or buy a bouquet of flowers, place it in front of you and study for a while. Now close your eyes and imagine one of the flowers. When you clearly imagine a flower, switch to another.