Is it possible to draw a Maslenitsa doll face? The magical power of Maslenitsa: why they burn effigies. Symbolism, rituals and pancakes

- a joyful farewell to winter and anticipation of spring warmth. Winter has not yet given up, and spring has not yet come into its own. Let's look at how Maslenitsa was celebrated in the old days and find out why you need to burn a huge straw effigy.

The timing of Maslenitsa directly depends on the Easter holiday. This is a week-long celebration, and each day has its own name.

Monday - “Meeting”, Tuesday - “Flirting”, Wednesday - “Gourmand”, Thursday - “Running Four”, Friday - “Mother-in-Law’s Party”, Saturday - “Sister-in-law’s Gatherings”, “Seeing Off”, Sunday - “Forgiveness Day” . The names speak for themselves: they make it clear how one should behave these days, and it is difficult to confuse anything here.

It was on Monday that the straw effigy of Maslenitsa was made - the main symbol of the holiday. The scarecrow personified a cold, angry and prickly winter, in other words, a harmful woman who everyone was tired of and who was long overdue to be driven out of sight.

As a rule, Maslenitsa was made of straw or bast, and wood was always used, more often birch - wood and straw represented the power of the plant world. The stuffed animal was dressed up in women's clothing, depicted a face, decorated with artificial flowers and ribbons. By tying ribbons, people made their deepest wishes. For them to come true, the ribbons would later have to burn along with Maslenitsa. Then the stuffed animal was placed on a pole and carried around, accompanying the action with cheerful singing and dancing.

In many houses, so-called family Maslenitsa were created. They were made very simply: the branches were tied together in such a way as to form a body with arms and legs. Then, with the help of ropes, twisting them, they made a head, and dressed this doll in various clothes. Family Maslenitsa was ready. The more ribbons a doll has, the more magical power it has.

The children happily played with it throughout the Maslenitsa week, and then, on Forgiveness Sunday, when the main scarecrow was busy with the fire, they also threw it into the fire.

But not all dolls were burned on this day. Some stayed in the houses for as long as a year. This doll was called the “daughter of Maslenitsa” or “ younger sister"and put it out the window on Mother-in-Law's Day."

It was also customary to give it to newlyweds who decided to get married at this time - so that the children would be born healthy, there would be prosperity and harmony in the young family. This, by the way, is where the tradition of placing a doll on the car of the wedding cortege came from.

Since ancient times, the “Daughter of Maslenitsa” was considered a powerful amulet and was always kept in the red corner. If misfortune came to the house, it was removed and, after wrapping it three times clockwise, they addressed it with the words: “Turn away evil. Turn around good.” A year later, the doll was burned in a Maslenitsa bonfire or floated on water.

The culmination of the holiday is the traditional burning of Maslenitsa on Sunday, “Forgiveness Day.” The scarecrow was taken to the edge of the village or to the square; usually Maslenitsa was accompanied by a whole procession. A fire was lit on the spot, and then the effigy was burned while singing and dancing.

Why did they do this? It's simple: Maslenitsa is akin to the Phoenix bird: rebirth through death, the new can only appear on the ruins of the old.

They threw old things, garbage, and worn-out clothes into the blazing fire. People hoped for revival, got rid of the dark past, sincerely believed in a bright future, and thus tried to protect themselves from misfortunes, troubles, diseases, and crop failures.

During the Maslenitsa festivities in Moscow, which will take place from March 7 to 13, you can learn how stuffed Maslenitsa and traditional dolls were made - twisted or reeled dolls, with parts not sewn, but secured with tightly twisted thread and the edges of the scraps not hemmed. Such dolls not only decorated the interior, but were also considered amulets.

A master class for children and adults on creating dolls will be held, for example, in the Ilya Glazunov gallery from March 8 to 13. It is located at Volkhonka Street, building 13. You can learn how to make dolls on March 9 at the Izopark gallery (Ostrovityanova Street, building 19/22). Gallery teachers will conduct a master class on creating a Maslenitsa doll using original techniques.

It will also be possible to make a doll at a charity exhibition-fair of products of students and teachers of the Solntsevo children's art school at the address: 50 Let Oktyabrya Street, building 29b. The class will be held on March 10 from 16:00 to 18:00.

In addition, master classes on making dolls, costumes, clay toys, bracelets and other decorations for Maslenitsa on March 12 will be held in the following capital parks:

— “Museon”, Krymsky Val, possession 2;

— “Hermitage”, Karetny Ryad street, building 3;

— “Krasnaya Presnya”, Mantulinskaya street, building 5;

— Victory Park, Brothers Fonchenko Street, building 7;

— “Izmailovsky”, Narodny Prospekt, property 17;

— Lilac Garden, Shchelkovskoye Highway, building 9;

— Artyom Borovik Park, Pererva Street;

— “Kuzminki”, Kuzminsky Park, building 1, building 10;

— “Gardeners”, Andropov Avenue, 58a;

— “Sokolniki”, Sokolnichesky Val street, property 1;

— cultural center “Zelenograd”, Zelenograd, Central Square, building 1.

Marina Rotozey

Target: teach children to create an image in a drawing dolls.

Tasks: introduce children to the national holiday Maslenitsa.

Develop the ability to place an image on an entire sheet of paper and carefully paint over it.

Develop artistic and creative activity, imagination, skills drawing, the ability to complement and complete an image by adding details.

Cultivate interest in the holidays of your people, interest in creativity.

Demonstration and distribution material: painting « Maslenitsa» , watercolor paints, white paper, "sippy cup", napkin, brush, pencil.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: - Guys, a guest came to us today. Did you recognize her?

Children: - Maslenitsa!

Educator: - I suggest you look at it carefully. Our « Maslenitsa»

Very smartly dressed. She is wearing a beautiful, fluffy, multi-colored dress. On her head beautiful scarf. She has yellow hair beautiful eyes and a kind smile.

Educator: - guys, who knows why they do it doll« Maslenitsa» ?

Children: - dolls are made for the holiday « Maslenitsa» .

Educator: - correct, on the first day Maslenitsa, which is called a meeting, a stuffed animal was made from straw Maslenitsa, put it on him old clothes, painted a face, tied a scarf or put on a hat. Having placed the scarecrow on a pole, they carried it around the village on a sleigh, singing and making jokes, and then hoisted it on the highest mountain, where the sleigh ride began.

Maslenitsa is a holiday, very cheerful, folk. It appeared a long time ago, everyone loves it and still celebrates it. Maslenitsa lasts a whole week - seven days. They bake pancakes all week and serve them to everyone. On the last day oil week, Forgiveness Sunday, people asked each other for forgiveness before the onset of Lent and took them to see off Maslenitsa on the outskirts, where a big fire was being made. They gave Maslenitsa damn it and solemnly burned the effigy at the stake. Burning Maslenitsa was a symbol of the onset of spring and a fertile year. And also, all Maslenitsa For a week, people organized street celebrations, sang songs, and danced in circles.

So I suggest you play a Russian round dance game "Vesnyanka".

Educator: - Guys, today we will draw a Maslenitsa doll.

I'll tell you how we will draw in order. Let's draw with a simple pencil a large head at the top of the leaf, round like a pancake (or sun). Let's draw rays on the head. On the face we will draw eyes, mouth, nose. Triangular dress, sleeves. Choose bright colors for coloring. Our dolls must be beautiful

Educator: - Come on guys, before we start our work, you and I will prepare our fingers and warm up.


They are friends in our group of girls and boys.

(join fingers in "lock")

We will make friends with little fingers.

(touching the fingertips of both hands)

(paired touch of fingers from the little fingers)

One, two, three, four, five - we're done counting.

(hands down, shake hands)

The teacher reminds them to paint carefully, checks whether they are holding the brush correctly, and if any difficulties arise, the teacher helps them eliminate these difficulties.

Educator: - Well done boys! Now who wants to talk about their painted doll.

Thanks guys. You have done very beautiful and interesting work.

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Natalia Kulikovskikh

The March sun is shining brighter! And absolutely soon will be celebrated Maslenitsa, one of the most fun national holidays per year.

One of the main symbols of the holiday is Maslenitsa scarecrow. In some regions of Russia in the old days they also made Maslenitsa and Maslenika. They made a scarecrow on a wooden cross, out of straw and dressed it up in old things. Usually, this important task was entrusted to young married women.

I also decided not to deviate from tradition and this year I did Maslenitsa scarecrow Size dolls small about a meter. At the base is a cross made of wooden slats. To fill the head I used old newspapers and trimmings of padding polyester. Braid and hands made of bast (I bought brushes for whitewashing at the store). Face I didn’t draw for Maslenitsa, V folk tradition perhaps a stuffed animal with a face or a faceless one.

Besides the big Maslenitsa dolls, they made a small doll for the house Homemade Maslenitsa.

Maslenitsa doll homely - the image of a warm, bright, satisfying Maslenitsa, a mandatory attribute of this holiday. They called her daughter Maslenitsa or her younger sister. Doll is a small, 20–25 centimeters high, straw or bast doll with a white rag face. Home Maslenitsa symbolized strong prosperity and healthy offspring of a young family. It was considered a strong talisman for the home. Kept Maslenitsa home in the red corner or at the entrance to the house. According to tradition, home Maslenitsa We also met the bride and groom. doll they put it in a prominent place when the son-in-law came to visit his mother-in-law for pancakes. Unlike the general, village Maslenitsa, family doll was portrayed as elegant and attractive.

My Maslenitsa the homemade one is made on the basis of birch bark twist, the clothes are elegant, in the hand there is a pancake symbol of the sun. The doll's height is 15 cm.

I wish everyone well, warmth and Have a good mood! We wait Maslenitsa!:)

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Victoria Yudina, student of grade 2b, MBOU “Secondary school 4 named after V.V. Bianki"

The topic of my theoretical research is “Why the Russian folk doll has no face.” During classes in the theater group “School Theater Petrushka” we studied and made a Russian folk doll. And I and the other guys wondered why Russian folk dolls have no faces. Dolls are not only toys, but also close friends. Playing with dolls, I learn to communicate, fantasize, create, show mercy, and train my memory. I find it more interesting to play with a doll that has a face. I like it when they get angry, frown, cry, grimace, stick out their tongues, squint. I like to fantasize and imagine that the doll is alive and has a soul.



Municipal stage of the Russian competition research work And creative projects preschoolers and junior schoolchildren

"I am a researcher"


Yudina Victoria,

2nd grade student

MBOU "Secondary general education

School 4 named after V.V. Bianchi"


Smertina Elena Viktorovna,

primary school teacher

Biysk 2014

1.Introduction page 3

1.1.Relevance p.3

1.2. Purpose, objectives, hypothesis, research methods p.3

2. Main part pp.4-10

2.1. The history of the folk doll p.4

2.2. Types of dolls p.4

2.3 Why the Russian doll has no face p.10

3. Conclusion p.10

4.Literature p.11

5. Appendix p.12

1. Introduction

1.1. Relevance

During classes in the theater group “School Theater Petrushka” we studied and made a Russian folk doll. And I and the other guys wondered why Russian folk dolls have no faces.

1.2.Goal : find out why the Russian folk doll has no face.


Study the history of the emergence of Russian folk dolls

Describe the theoretical research;

Conduct search work and identify types of Russian folk dolls, determine which dolls do not have a face.

Object of study:Russian folk dolls

Subject of study:faceless russian folk dolls

Hypothesis: Having studied the history of the emergence of Russian folk dolls, the types of Russian folk dolls, I will not be able to find out why the Russian folk doll has no face.

Research methods:

  • information retrieval;
  • observation;
  • description of theoretical research;
  • generalization of material, conclusions.

2. Main part

2.1 The history of the origin of the folk doll.

Only in Russian the word “doll” has several meanings.The first is a children's toy in the form of a human figurine. Second, in a theatrical performance, a figure of a person or animal made of different materials and controlled by an actor (puppeteer): puppets on strings (puppets), cane puppets (on canes), glove puppets (put on the hand), mechanical, riding puppets (glove and cane puppets playing over a screen), shadow puppets (flat cane puppets projecting on screen shadows or silhouettes). Third - a figure reproducing a person in full height(dictionary by S.I. Ozhegov). The Russian word “doll” is related to the Greek “kyklos” (“circle”) and means something rolled up, for example, a piece of wood or a bundle of straw, which girls have long swaddled and wrapped, obeying the instinct of motherhood. In early history it was almost impossible to separate the doll from the idol. She was used in religious ceremonies as the personification of deity.

Since ancient times, a rag doll has been a traditional toy of the Russian people. Playing with dolls was encouraged by adults because... By playing in them, the child learned how to run a household and acquired the image of a family. The doll was not just a toy, but a symbol of procreation, a guarantee of family happiness.

She accompanied a person from birth to death and was an indispensable attribute of any holidays. Now there are 90 types of dolls known. The folk rag doll was not just a toy, it carried a certain function: it was believed that such a doll protected children's sleep and protects the child from evil forces.

Most dolls in Rus' were amulets. Dolls - amulets in Rus' trace their history back to ancient pagan times. They are executed from natural materials that are brought from the forest: wood, vine, grass, straw. And this is no coincidence, because the forest is the habitat of Russian people. Dolls made from birch wood are a talisman of family happiness. Aspen has always been considered dangerous for evil spirits, so dolls made on the basis of aspen wood are amulets for the home, driving away evil spirits from the home.

The doll is one of most interesting pages in cultural history.

2.2 Types of dolls.

According to their purpose, dolls are divided into three large groups: amulets, play and ritual dolls.

  • Dolls - amulets

A talisman is an amulet or a magic spell that saves a person from various dangers, as well as an object on which the spell is cast and which is worn on the body as a talisman.In ancient times, dolls had a different purpose: they were protection for people from diseases, misfortunes, and evil spirits. The doll took care of a person, and that’s what they called it: amulet or bereginya. As a rule, the most protective were dolls made without needles and scissors. When making dolls, they tried not to cut the fabric, but to tear it (sometimes the dolls were called “torn”). Even before the birth of the child, a doll was made and placed in a cradle so that the doll would “warm” it for the unborn baby. When the baby was born, the doll did not part with him even then. The mother gave a rag doll-bereginya, made with her own hands, to her daughter before the wedding, blessing her for marriage. The amulets were given to a son who was going to serve in the army, and to a husband on the road. Peasant families had a lot of dolls, they were not scattered, they were treasured, they were taken care of. The peasants believed that the more dolls, the more happiness there was in the family.

God's Eye. This is the oldest protective doll our ancestors - the Eye of God, or the Eye of God. The cruciform composition expresses the idea of ​​spreading the forces of good or protective forces to all four cardinal directions. The “Eye of God” is placed above the entrance door to the house, room, above the child’s bed, in a place that is clearly visible to the person entering. The bright and unexpected image of the amulet attracts the attention of the person entering, who forgets about the bad intentions towards the owners of the house.

It used to be believed that if there is a Kuvatka , then she drives away this evil force. Two weeks before the birth of the child, the expectant mother placed such a doll as a talisman in the cradle. When the parents went to the field to work and the child was left alone in the house, he looked at these little dolls and played calmly.

They made a doll as a birthday gift Angel . This is a simple, but very cute doll - a talisman that existed in many provinces of Russia. It was made using ancient traditional technology, with only scraps on hand light fabric, scissors and thread. This doll is made from four squares of fabric. The largest square is used to make the head and body, two identical smaller ones are used for the wings and a very small one is used for the halo.

Bereginya - This is a symbol of the feminine principle. According to popular beliefs that go back to pagan times Ancient Rus', this amulet is endowed with its power if certain conditions are met during its manufacture. Bereginya cannot be pricked with a needle (sewing the flaps together), and her face cannot be drawn. If the amulet is intended for a small child, then the fabric is not cut with scissors, but torn by hand. The uniqueness of Beregini's production lies in the fact that the flaps from which it consists are connected to each other using knots and threads.

There were also amulets for every time of day. Day and night - two little angels: one is made of dark fabric, the other is made of light. They are connected by a two-color thread and are inseparable; During the day, one was placed in front, and at night, the other.

  • Play dolls

Play dolls were intended for children's amusement. They were divided into stitched and rolled. Rolled up dolls were made without needles and threads. A thick layer of cloth was wrapped around a wooden stick and then tied with a rope. Then they tied a head with handles to this stick and dressed it in elegant clothes. The face was embroidered or drawn in with a pencil, and in earlier dolls, with charcoal.

Researchers believe that the earliest among the traditional folded play dolls of Russia was the doll"log"" . Later a more complex doll came. It was a simple image female figure. The body is a piece of cloth rolled into a “rolling pin”, the face is carefully covered with a linen rag. Coil or hair braid. Breast made of cotton balls. As a rule, the costume was not removed from the doll.

Bunny on your fingerThey did it to children from the age of three so that they would have a friend, an interlocutor. The bunny fits on your finger and is always next to you. Parents used to give this toy to their children when they left home, and if you get bored or scared, you can turn to him as a friend, talk to him, complain, or just play. This is both a friend and a talisman. Children are very responsive and see a kindred spirit in their favorite toy, open up and talk as if they were with a living person.

Rolled up play dolls include dolls - spins , which were made very simply. The body is a piece of fabric twisted around its axis and fastened with thread. In the same way, the arms were made and, finally, a small ball - the head, attached to the body with the help of a thread.

The simplest rolled up doll is considered to be a doll Lady , which existed in the Efremov district of the Tula province. It was made for children younger age. First, they made the body, covered it with white cloth and bandaged it in three places, then they took a long flap, covered part of the body with it, bandaged it, separating the head. The remaining fabric on the sides was cut into three parts and braids were made - these were the hands. They put a skirt and apron on the doll, and tied a scarf on her head.

A play rag doll was commonThe baby is naked. Distinctive feature The technique for making it was that the fabric at the bottom was not left as a single “hem”, but was divided into two parts and legs were formed, wrapping them with threads. The doll had to be belted. “Baby,” as is already clear from the name, was naked, without clothes, but the belt was not only an obligatory attribute of the Russian traditional costume, but also a very strong amulet.

  • Ritual dolls

The Russian land is rich in rituals. Ritual dolls were revered and placed in the hut, in the red corner. They had a ritual purpose.

Vep doll (cabbage, jerky)is a ritual doll symbolizing fertility and prosperity. The doll is made from linen and cotton fabrics. They spin the doll without letting go of their hands until the last knot. When making this doll in the old days, they did not use a needle or scissors, but manually tore the fabric into shreds of the required size.

Ritual multi-armed doll Ten-handle . It was made from bast or straw on October 14, Pokrov, when they sat down to do needlework. In production, red threads are used, which is a protective color. 9 red strings-bows are necessarily tied in a circle to the bottom of the sundress. The doll was intended to help girls preparing their dowries and women in various activities, such as weaving, sewing, embroidery, knitting, etc. Traditionally, after production, it was burned almost immediately. The “Ten-Handed” doll is given as a wedding gift so that the woman can manage everything, so that everything goes well for her.

And in order for the house to be nourishing and rich, the mistress of the house made a doll grain, or grain . It was done after the harvest. The doll is based on a bag of grains collected from the field. They stuffed it with different grains. The woman also made this doll so that she could have children.

Kupavka doll - This is a ritual doll of one day. "Kupavka" symbolized the beginning of bathing. She was floated on the water, and the ribbons tied to her hands took away human illnesses and hardships - such importance was attached to the cleansing power of water. This doll celebrates the holidays of Agrafena the Bathing Lady and Ivan Kupala. The procedure for making "Kupavka" is very simple. Two sticks different lengths tied crosswise. On the top of the cross the head is made of light fabric stuffed with rags, and the doll’s arms are covered with the same fabric. Fix the fabric on the doll's neck, arms and belt. The straps of a sundress made of bright fabric are tied. They put a skirt and scarf on the doll, tie a belt, and tie ribbons of fabric to the hands. Since this doll is summer, it is customary to decorate it with grass, fresh flowers, and green twigs.

Kolyada - Slavic holiday winter solstice and, apparently, the deity of the same name. The winter solstice falls on December 25th. At this time, the most severe frosts were observed, which, according to ancient beliefs, coincided with the revelry of unclean spirits and evil witches. The celebration of Kolyada, with its joy and optimism, expressed the faith of ancient Russian pagans in the inevitability of the victory of good principles over the forces of evil. To help Kolyada defeat and drive away evil spirits, those celebrating his day burned bonfires, sang and danced around them.

Ritual doll Maslenitsa They were made from straw or bast, but they always used wood - a thin birch trunk. Straw, like wood, personified the lush power of vegetation. The doll's clothes should have a floral pattern. It was fixed on a cross made of wood. The doll was decorated with ribbons and artificial flowers. Utensils used in making pancakes were placed on her hands, and ribbons were hung, by tying which people made wishes. For these wishes to come true, these ribbons had to burn along with the doll.

Home Maslenitsa. She was called the daughter of Maslenitsa or her younger sister. It is a small, 20-25 centimeters high, straw or bast doll with a white rag face. "Home Maslenitsa" symbolized strong prosperity and healthy offspring of a young family. It was considered a strong talisman of the home, fulfilling the behests of the owners of the house. This doll was kept in the red corner or at the entrance to the home. On one of the days of the festive Maslenitsa week, when the young came to their mother-in-law for pancakes, this doll was displayed in windows or courtyards. According to tradition, the bride and groom were greeted with “Home Maslenitsa.”

Vesnyanka (Avdotya-vesnovka). Magpies - Day of the vernal equinox. This is another turning point in folk calendar. At this time, according to ancient signs, a flock of the first birds - forty larks - arrives from Paradise - Vyria. The bird is a symbol of this holiday. Singing birds - whistles, which children whistle, call out to Spring - Krasna. Here we observe a pattern of connection between images. In the sounds of singing ritual birds, clay and birch bark whistles - magical sound spells, a prayer addressed to the gods. An important attribute of the holiday is ritual cookies in the form of bird figurines and cookies in the form of small stairs leading to the sky, to the supreme deity. Stonefly dolls, in the form of two anthropomorphic figures tied with a ribbon, complement the symbolism of this holiday.

Martinichki . Previously, these dolls were an invariable attribute of the ritual of “invoking” spring, in which young people and children mainly participated. The dolls were knitted in pairs: from white threads - a symbol of the passing winter, from red threads - a symbol of spring and the hot sun. Such pairs of dolls were hung on tree branches. These dolls also had a second meaning. With the birth of a child in the family, the inseparable pair of wedding dolls moved slightly to the sides, making room for the doll on the parent’s shoulder. With each child in the family, the parents' shoulders moved wider. As many children as there are dolls on the shoulder of the wedding couple.

Doll Rowan - a symbol of female wisdom, motherhood, home. She is connected to the rowan tree.

The name day of the rowan tree was celebrated four times a year. In the fall, on the fourth name day, when the fruits ripened, they made this doll. As a sign of veneration, they made a large festive doll, Rowan, as a talisman.

Spiridon-solsticeturning the wheel can completely change your life in the right direction. Spiridon is made like a male doll. Like a regular haircut, only the lower bundle of straw (bast) is divided into two parts - the legs. And a mandatory attribute is a wheel. The meaning of Spiridon is a creature that turns the Sun. Those. the most important creature responsible for the arrival of sunny days, for the onset winter days. Accordingly, your hands should hold the Sun well (so that it doesn’t fall out). A braid is made from bast and straw. This is a winter doll.

Goat. It is based on a wooden crosspiece, and the muzzle, horns, and beard are made of bast and straw. “The Goat” was dressed in a bright special dress and a sheepskin coat (or fur coat), on top of which were attached ritual objects: pipes, barrel organs, tambourines, a horseshoe as a gift for good luck, bells, bells, wooden beads, earrings, bags with gifts, wreaths of prosperity with small red bags with cereal grains, a wooden block as a gift to a bachelor, as a reminder of the need to get married. The “Goat” doll was a symbol of vitality and it was supposed to bring this strength to the owner of the hut and his land, his field, so that bread would be born better.

Ash doll given to newlyweds at a wedding. This is an ancient symbol of procreation, a mediator between those living on earth and the kingdom of the dead. An ash doll is like the spirit of ancestors addressed to descendants. This is an ancient symbol of procreation, a mediator between those living on earth and the kingdom of the dead.

Lovebirds. Husband and wife are two halves of one whole, they should be inseparable. This is exactly why this doll was given as a gift. In Russian wedding tradition at the head of the wedding train, carrying the young couple to the groom’s house after the wedding in the church, a pair of dolls were hung under the arc of the harness: a Daughter-in-law doll and a Groom doll, so that they would avert unkind glances at themselves. This pair of dolls is special; it carried a deep symbolic meaning associated with the peculiarity of its manufacture. The feminine and masculine principles were combined into a single inextricable whole, because after the wedding the married couple had to go through life together. The dolls were made by the bridesmaids from scraps of white, red and multi-colored fabric, using scraps of multi-colored threads.

This is Kozma and Demyan. They were made from medicinal herbs: yarrow, chamomile and other herbs. There is such a legend. There lived two brothers of the same age in Rus'. They were unmercenary. These brothers treated people and did not take money or food for treatment. But one day one of the brothers took some food for work. Another brother was very offended by him and asked after his death to bury them in different places, but the people decided in their own way. After all, food is food for existence, not money, and that’s why they were buried together. For their good deeds they were elevated to the rank of saints. Therefore, they used to make dolls in their honor and plant them in the red corner so that they would bring goodness and health to the house.

Herbal egg capsule. This doll is filled with fragrant medicinal herbs. You need to crush the doll in your hands, move it, and the herbal spirit will spread throughout the room, which will drive away the spirits of illness. After 2 years, the grass in the pupa must be changed. This is exactly what our ancestors did. The Pot-Herbalist makes sure that the disease does not enter the house. Warmth emanates from her, like from a caring housewife. She is both a protector from the evil spirits of illness and a kind comforter. It was hung in the house above the baby's cradle. The doll was given to children to play with. It was also placed near the patient’s bed.

2.3 Why the Russian doll has no face.

Of course, ritual dolls and amulets dolls cannot be considered children's toys. After all, a traditional rag doll is faceless. The face, as a rule, was not marked and remained white. In the villages they explained this simply by the inability to paint a face beautifully, and there were no such paints. But the meaning is much deeper. A doll without a face was considered an inanimate object, inaccessible to the instillation of evil, unkind forces into it, and therefore harmless to the child. She was supposed to bring him prosperity, health, joy. This is a miracle: from several rags, without arms, without legs, without a designated face, the character of the doll was conveyed. The doll had many faces, she could laugh and cry.In early history it was almost impossible to separate the doll from the idol. She was used in religious ceremonies as the personification of deity.

3. Conclusion

Based on the data obtained, the following conclusion can be drawn:

Playing Russian folk dolls had their faces painted or embroidered. Eyes and a mouth were painted on the doll, thereby making it resemble a person. Ritual dolls and amulets were faceless. Ritual dolls and amulets dolls cannot be considered children's toys. After all, these traditional rag dolls have no faces. She was used in religious ceremonies as the personification of deity. A doll without a face was considered an inanimate object, inaccessible to the infusion of evil, unkind forces, and therefore harmless.

Dolls are not only toys, but also close friends. Playing with dolls, I learn to communicate, fantasize, create, show mercy, and train my memory. I find it more interesting to play with a doll that has a face.I like it when they get angry, frown, cry, grimace, stick out their tongues, squint. I like to fantasize and imagine that the doll is alive and has a soul.


1. Dine, G.L. Russian rag doll. Culture, traditions, technology [Text] / G.L. Dine, M.N. Dain.- M.: Culture and Traditions, 2007.- 120 p.

2. Zimina, Z.I. Textile ritual dolls [Text] / Z.I. Zimina. -

3. Kotova, I.N. Russian rituals and traditions. Folk doll[Text] / I.N. Kotova, A.S. Kotova. - St. Petersburg, Paritet, 2003. - 240 p.

4. Folk doll: [Electronic resource] //

5. N.I.Smirnova And...the dolls come to life./ M.: Children's literature, 1982.-191p.

6. Russian ritual dolls: [Electronic resource] //

7. Handmade: Electronic resource]: ///


Every year at the end of winter, the spirit of pagan ancestors awakens in the residents of Russia, and, despite the pleas and threats of the Ministry of Emergency Situations not to create a fire hazard, anthropomorphic effigies burn in courtyards and squares.

Unfortunately, even such an ancient pagan ritual has not escaped commercialization and many succumb to weakness, buying ready-made stuffed animals. We decided to write the first instructions for making a real Maslenitsa so that the farewell to winter would take place in accordance with the rules.

Our expert was the head of the folklore section of the Samara Center for Russian Traditional Culture, Andrei Davydov, who has been collecting traditions and rituals inherent in our region for many years.

To burn or not to burn?

Andrey Davydov:

- Firstly, here in the Samara region, the scarecrow was far from everywhere. Burning an effigy on Maslenitsa is a stereotype. In some villages they simply piled straw and burned it. They burned old things - it was believed that in this way we get rid of the old and move on to something new. And this was not always the figure of Maslenitsa.

Secondly, if there was a stuffed animal, then it was also dressed up in old, worn-out things, in various rags. They could simply carry Maslenitsa around the village, sing Maslenitsa songs, and then take them out to a vacant lot and simply drag them away and trample them.

It is traditionally believed that if they made a head, they made it depersonalized, that is, without a face. In general, the face of a traditional doll appeared very late: it was allegedly believed that drawing a face copied a person. There is a certain ritual moment here (remember even Voodoo dolls) - you can cast a hex on the doll. So they tried to depersonalize the doll or stuffed animal so that the soul could not live in it.

Our neighbors in Ulyanovsk region, in the Korsun region there was a tradition of making a large Maslenitsa doll, dressing it in rags and taking it on a decorated sleigh through the streets of the village. The so-called Grandfather was driving her. This was a man who dressed up as an old man, put on a beard made of tow, and a hat on one side. He took Maslenitsa through the streets and notified everyone that the holiday was beginning.

Symbolism, rituals and pancakes

L.S. Kozhin - “Maslenitsa. Farewell to Winter"

If you don’t go into details and describe the full depth of the rituals, then the essence of Maslenitsa can be explained by the celebration of the end of winter and the beginning of spring. Intertwined here is the theme of starting a new life, which means abandoning everything old.

In addition, ancient pagan rituals intertwined with Orthodoxy, and Maslenitsa week It is considered a meat fast when believers prepare for Lent. However, you could eat eggs, butter, cheese, all kinds of pies, and among other things there were pancakes, which only recently began to be considered a special dish.

Andrey Davydov:

- Pancakes are also a stereotype; they are not exclusively Maslenitsa paraphernalia. Firstly, the pancakes were not fried, as they are now, turning them over in frying pans, but baked in a Russian oven; the pancake was quite thick. And it was never considered a symbol of the Sun, as is now commonly thought.

They were baked not from wheat flour, which was quite expensive, but from buckwheat flour with the addition of other grains - and the pancake turned out black and brown. It's already in late time Kuprin compared him to the Sun, and all this chaos ensued.

There are not many Maslenitsa songs. Here in the Samara region there is not a word about Maslenitsa in these songs. But they were sung when young people were sledding.

One of the favorite topics was weddings, when young couples were put on sleighs and driven around the village, showing off the beautiful newlyweds. And they sang lyrical songs that were considered Maslenitsa.

In neighboring regions they sang, for example, the following song:

I will harness the cat to the sled and go to my godmother Natalka.
Butter happy, stretch out until the Great Day! (that is, until Easter)

I will harness the bull, where people go, I will go there.
Butter happy, stretch out until the Great Day!

People are riding through the hay, my knee hurts,
People are driving for firewood, my head hurts.
People are driving along the burner, and I’m with them little by little!

How to make a stuffed animal?

V.B. Kotlyarov - “Maslenitsa. Farewell to winter"

Despite the fact that Maslenitsa was celebrated differently in different regions, now the most popular ritual is the burning of an effigy. In those regions where this was practiced, the necessary signs of Maslenitsa were a humanoid structure with clearly feminine forms.

The basis for the body of Maslenitsa was a sheaf of straw, onto which the head and arms were attached with ropes. Big breasts made from straw strands. The main thing that external signs were comically exaggerated, and the figure itself had to be as large as possible.

The most popular and affordable way to make Maslenitsa in modern conditions It is considered to be the use of a wooden cross, on which either straw is wound, or, which is now more relevant and accessible, old newspapers. All this is attached to the crosspiece with twine. Of course, there should be no tape, plastic film or other chemical materials.

The head, despite the temptation to draw eyes, mouth and cheeks, for a real Maslenitsa should be depersonalized. Maslenitsa clothes are old and shabby.

Cover illustration: A. Brusilov. "Maslenitsa"