Creative project for doe cartoon creation. Project “Secrets of creating cartoons. Presentation on the topic: Creating a cartoon

Presentation "Experience in creating cartoons with older children preschool age within project activities"

Dear colleagues!

I present my experience in creating cartoons with children of senior preschool age as part of project activities through an innovative multimedia project "On fairy tale paths" , which was developed and is being implemented in our kindergarten. A kindergarten today is a complex mechanism striving for development, looking for new opportunities, creating the necessary conditions to meet the needs of the child, family, and society. The purpose of using multimedia in kindergarten is to update the pedagogical process aimed at the comprehensive development of the child’s personality and the disclosure of his cognitive, speech, artistic and creative capabilities.

Cartoons have rich pedagogical possibilities:

  • they expand ideas about the world around them, introduce them to new words, phenomena, situations
  • show examples of behavior, which promotes socialization as children learn by imitation
  • contribute to the formation of an evaluative attitude towards the world, the development of thinking, and an understanding of cause-and-effect relationships.

Children's animation is a universal tool, a golden key to the soul of every child. This is a special type of art, independent and valuable in itself. This is a cure for boredom and loneliness.

Animation is useful for the variety of creative activities that arise in the process of working on a film.

The child composes, draws, sculpts, builds, transforms into his characters, masters technology, and adapts to the screen.

Wherein "movie" is not a goal, but only a means of child development.

This project is open. It can be changed and supplemented. The technology of the project allows it to be used in different areas of pedagogical activity: creative and aesthetic; developing I chose two techniques for creating a cartoon: planar (silhouette) animation and plasticine animation.

As part of the project, the following goal was set: to develop in preschoolers a view of animation from the perspective creative person, collective experience in creating cartoons in the context of the educational field "Artistically - aesthetic development» according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

Achieving this goal involves solving a number of problems:

Project objectives:


  • Form in children elementary representation about the secrets of animation
  • Enrich children's vocabulary.
  • To promote the development in a child of a conscious attitude towards the choice and assessment of the quality of the cartoon products he consumes.


  • develop children's cognitive activity
  • expanding their horizons during the implementation of this project, as well as the artistic and creative abilities and figurative and artistic perception of the world of children of senior preschool age through the means of animation
  • develop proactive creativity, the child’s ability to solve any issues in a non-standard way.


  • Cultivate interest, attention and consistency in the process of creating a cartoon
  • To develop skills of kindness, independence, and cooperation when a child interacts with peers and adults.

The process of creating an animated film was a joint effort of all participants in the educational process: educators, children, parents, which included several stages:

Preparatory stage. The emergence of an idea.

The main generators of ideas are children. The themes of the plots of future cartoons are taken from life, reading works fiction, watching TV shows and other sources. At this stage, we talked to the children about their favorite cartoons. Then we talked about the secrets of animation, found out that cartoon characters are not living beings and are brought to life by people. We learned the names of the professions of these people: producer, screenwriter, animator director (animator, artist, cameraman, actor, composer. The master class on creating hand-drawn and puppet cartoons that we conducted for children aroused a great desire in them to create a cartoon with their own hands.

Development of a cartoon plot. At this rather long stage, the children, with my help and the help of their parents, thought through the plot of the fairy tale, we discussed the place where all the events take place, who the main characters are and what we need in order to play out the fairy tale.

Each child had the opportunity to express their idea of ​​plot development. All options were listened to, and then the children themselves chose the best one. My role was to record the most good options after the children. The problem of creating a landscape panorama for a future cartoon disappeared by itself. Together with the children, we decided that we would use the existing layouts.

Having prepared the background compositions, the children began creating characters.

We united the children into work groups. If necessary, they provided practical assistance to the children, and also directed and monitored the implementation of the project.

The children expressed a desire to sculpt rather than draw. For preschool children, playing with plasticine doll characters turned out to be more interesting than sketching.

Tactful guidance is very important creative process child, so that he does not even feel interference in his personal creative process.

Filming and dubbing a cartoon. At this stage in individual work practiced speech expressiveness, tempo and timbre of voice. During the game - dramatization, children tried to convey the character, actions and actions of the characters according to the developed scenario. I would like to note the activity of children in the process of this work, the emergence of a motive that is personally significant for each child for the creative embodiment of an existing plan. At the end of the photo shoot, I edited the film. After viewing the resulting filming result, the children came to the conclusion that the next stage of work should be dubbing it. By distributing roles for voice acting, children had the opportunity to make their characters lively and vibrant. We came up with and implemented all kinds of noises and cues in front of the microphone, selected music: G. Sviridov, A. Vivaldi, Mozart and other composers.

Installation. I edited all parts of the cartoon myself using a special program in the presence of children.

As a result, several mini-films were created, which marked the beginning of the creation of a multimedia album "Do-it-yourself cartoons" and were presented at a meeting in front of parents. However, this type of project technology did not end, as children began vying with each other to propose their own plots for the shooting of a new cartoon. Ideas just became "to hit the key" . The process of creating a cartoon is an interesting and exciting activity for any child, since he becomes not only the main artist and sculptor of this work, but also voices it himself, forever preserving the result for himself in the form of a finished video product.

Project "Along fairy tale paths" provided every child with the opportunity not only to gain knowledge, but also to develop creative abilities and develop communication skills. It also increased the interest of parents of pupils in the life of children in the kindergarten group and the desire to participate in them.

Thus, in the process of working on a cartoon, cognitive interest is formed. Parents of students are very actively involved in the work, which allows them to solve pedagogical problems in the upbringing and development of preschool children through joint efforts. This is how continuity in work is ensured preschool and families. And children’s universal abilities are developing at a faster pace. During the implementation of the cartoon creation project, we achieved certain results. Involving preschoolers in active joint activities with the teacher will contribute to the development of cognitive interest in the further educational activities of preschoolers. Organizing clubs and jointly creating animated films can have a positive impact on children and make an invaluable contribution to the educational system of the younger generation. This effective method, since such activities will be remembered by children for a long time and will contribute to the development fine motor skills, subject activity, creative, aesthetic and moral aspects of personality.

Evgenia Strelnikova

In the process of educational activities on LEGO construction with preschool children, the idea arose to combine two innovative technologies - “Creating cartoons with your own hands” and “LEGO construction”.

Both children and adults love to watch cartoons. Children are happy to share their impressions of cartoons and their favorite characters. And parents remember the cartoons of their childhood. But how cartoons are created is unknown to many children and even some adults.

Children of the older group and their parents took part in the project “Creating cartoons using LEGO construction sets.”

Objective of the project: development of creative activity of preschoolers in the process of creating their own media product (cartoon) using LEGO construction tools.



Introduce children to the history of the origin and development of animation, concepts: animation, frame, filming, script, titles.

Expand children's knowledge about professions: screenwriter, director, animator, camera operator, sound engineer;

Introduce children to the technology of creating animated films;

Expand your ability to design according to your own plans, based on the plot of a cartoon.


Develop imagination and creativity;

Develop temporal and spatial relationships in animation;

Improve coherent speech skills, the ability to use a variety of expressive means;

Expand and enrich children's active vocabulary;

Creating optimal conditions for the development of creativity in preschool children through the means of design and animation;

Creating conditions for the formation of artistic skills and abilities.


To develop readiness for joint activities, the ability to communicate and interact with adults and peers.

Instill a caring attitude towards the designer, respect for their work and the work of other children.

Instill a responsible attitude towards your work.

Principles of education and training:

From simple to complex;

Taking into account the individual capabilities of children in mastering communication and constructive skills;

Activity and creativity - the use of effective methods and purposeful activities to develop children's creative abilities;

Complexity of problem solving - solving constructive problems in different types of activities: gaming, cognitive, speech;

Effectiveness and guarantees - implementation of the child’s rights to receive help and support, guarantees positive result regardless of the age and level of development of children.

Methods and techniques of training and education:

Conducting walks and excursions, during which children observed various objects and noted features in order to subsequently model something similar using a construction set.

Examination of drawings, photographs, drawings of various objects and buildings.

Reading fiction. Use of folk proverbs, sayings, songs.

Teaching children to design according to a model, according to a condition or according to instructions, according to their own plans, according to a drawing, according to diagrams, illustrations.

Collective discussion of the future construction for the cartoon scene. Children learned to express their opinions and defend their point of view.

Joint analysis of the building, design, and photographs taken.

Type of project: creative, group.

Project participants: teachers, older children, parents,

Children's age: 5-6 years.

Implementation period: 1 year.

Planned result: created cartoons.

Stages of work on the project:

1. Preparatory;

2. Main;

3. Final.

1. Preparatory stage.

At the first stage, the selection of equipment and means of implementing the project takes place (digital camera, computer, multimedia equipment: projector, microphone, study of children's and methodological literature, children's songs, cartoons for children.

At the preparatory stage, it is necessary to create a developing subject-spatial environment in the group that will facilitate the creation of cartoons. Creating decorations with your own hands. To create the cartoon, we used the Windows Movie Studio program.

2. Main stage.

At the second stage, children are introduced to the history of animation. Conversations are held with children on “The Secrets of Animation” (how cartoons are created, what they are like, what characters can be made from, how characters come to life); acquaintance with the professions of “animator”, “artist-animator”, “director”, “operator”.

Children get acquainted with different types of cartoons: they tried to determine the type of cartoon themselves (hand-drawn, puppet, plasticine, computer); they get acquainted with the technique of creating cartoons based on time-lapse photography.

Based on stop-motion animation, the first cartoon “Kindergarten” was created jointly by children and a teacher. For this we used a LEGO constructor.

The idea for creating a cartoon was born during a child's game of LEGO construction. Children build a house using LEGO bricks. Trees and flowers appear around the house. Near the house on the playground, swings and carousels are magically built. The main characters are children's figures that preschoolers love to play with. The storyline is simple: children come to their favorite kindergarten, play with other children on the playground, swing on swings and carousels.

In 2015, kindergarten No. 83 “Fairytale Castle” celebrated its 3rd anniversary. Therefore, in the cartoon there is the process of building a kindergarten and “settling” it. The children gave a special role in the creation of the kindergarten to the head of the kindergarten and the construction worker. They and the children became the main characters of the cartoon. The children discovered similarities with the fairy tale “Teremok”, but at the end of the cartoon the bear does not appear, everything ends well!

The basis of the cartoon is the frame. We took the first shot, that is, took a photograph. It’s better to take two photos, this can help if one photo turns out blurry. We moved the heroes a little and photographed again. You need to move everything slowly, don’t rush. Therefore, before filming, children are given instructions. An important concept in any animation is frame rate. The smoothness of the picture is achieved at 18-24 frames per second (the video standard is 24 frames per second, these parameters must be set when editing the film. The more frames, the better. (On average, about 300 photos are needed for 2 minutes of a cartoon).

After all the frames have been filmed, editing of the cartoon begins. You need to record the footage on your computer. Standard programs include a video editing program called Windows Movie Studio (otherwise called Windows Movie Maker). Transfer photos to the program. Next comes working with the toolbar in the Windows Movie Studio program.

Voice-over of a cartoon. In the cartoon the song "It's good in our garden" by the muses sounds. Gerchik, lyrics. Alien.

1. Our kindergarten is good -

You won't find a better garden

And we will sing about

How fun we live!

It's good in our garden,

I can't wait to go.

Mom, wake me up earlier

Take me to kindergarten earlier!

2. Chizhik sings songs,

The squirrel gnaws the seeds;

Here we have all our friends,

You can't live without friends!

3. We play all day long

Don't be too lazy to play all day!

Whoever comes in will be glad -

This is what our kindergarten is like!

The cartoon consists of several actions, large quantity characters, various objects and details. Every child took part in the creation of this cartoon. The children tried to take photographs themselves. When dubbing, it was important that the lyrics and mood of the song matched the movements of the characters.

Captions. At the beginning of the cartoon, you need to write a title, which can also be animated in an interesting way using the tools in the Film Studio Program. At the end, credits are required with the names of all the filmmakers.

Saving the cartoon. It is necessary to convert the resulting work into AVI video format. Enjoy watching.

Creating a cartoon is a long and complex process. Our first cartoon "Teremok" was 1 minute 19 seconds long. The finished cartoon caused a storm of emotions and delight among the children.

In parallel with the children, work was carried out with the parents. Parents actively participated in the project: they chose different types cartoons for viewing in kindergarten and at home, collected information on the topic of the project. Consultations were held for parents on “How cartoons affect a child”; “How to create a cartoon at home with a child.”

3. Final stage.

At the third and final stage, we presented our cartoon to children and teachers of other groups, as well as parents at parent meeting. We posted our cartoon on the kindergarten website

The cartoons we created with our own hands (we tried several ways to create cartoons, we got 5 cartoons in total) participated in the City Animated Film Competition “Bring Me to Life”, held at the Pushkin Library on October 28, 2016.

And the next day, October 29, 2016, the children of the senior group “Ladushki”, together with their teacher Tyurina O.V. and their parents, took part in the City LEGO Festival dedicated to the year of Russian cinema, the name of which is “In the World of Cinema”. The competition was held by the Preschool Education Center of the city of Kamensk-Uralsky.

An installation project from the fairy tale “Who Said Meow?” was presented at the Competition. The children constructed a scene from a fairy tale from LEGO, the main characters being Kitten Woof and Puppy Cat. We presented our project to the audience and voiced the main characters. The reward was the presentation of a 1st degree Diploma and memorable prizes to the children.

While working on the project, the children saw a clear practical result, participated in a common cause, and brought their ideas to life. All project participants were involved in the learning process: ideas, knowledge, and methods of action were exchanged. In addition, the children acquired completely new knowledge and skills: filming footage for a cartoon, voicing the characters of their own cartoon. The process of creating cartoons captivated children and adults so much that we decided to definitely continue this work in the next school year.

Thus, creating cartoons in kindergarten is not only possible, but also very useful and interesting.


As a result of the project, the level of cognitive and creative activity of children increased: their independence, initiative, targeted activity, self-confidence increased, they began to plan their actions better.

The interest of parents of pupils in the life of children in the kindergarten group has increased, and their desire to participate in it has increased.

The educational space of the kindergarten has expanded thanks to:

Organizing the work of the cartoon studio;

Organization of work with children to create cartoons;

Children and teachers will gain experience in organizing and presenting cartoons for children, parents and preschool employees;

Using the method of creating an animated film accessible to children of senior preschool age using LEGO construction tools;

A system of pedagogical activities has been developed aimed at developing the creative activity of children of senior preschool age, as well as their ability to further realize their own author’s idea of ​​​​creating a cartoon.

In order to practice educational activities in this direction, the teacher completed training courses in the direction of “LEGO construction and educational robotics in preschool educational institutions” and training in seminar-workshop on the creation of animated films “From idea to cartoon”.

In 2016, as part of a social partnership, teachers of Kindergarten No. 83 met with a teacher additional education on “LEGO-construction. First mechanisms” by I. A. Kiseleva at the Center for Continuing Education. The purpose of the meeting was to gain practical experience working with different LEGO construction sets.

Project type– a long-term, joint child-parent creative project.

Project participants: group teacher, children, parents.

The essence of the project: By mastering and using the skills of modeling, drawing, design, applique and crafts, children make characters and scenery for games, staging plays and filming cartoons.

Target: Reveal the secrets of creating cartoons. Create a cartoon with your own hands.

Hypothesis: We assumed that if we revealed the secrets of creating cartoons, we would be able to create our own cartoon.



  • Introduce children to the history of the origin and development of animation.
  • Introduce children to the technology of creating animated films.
  • Expand children's knowledge about professions: screenwriter, director, animator, cameraman, sound engineer.


  • Develop creative thinking and imagination.
  • Develop artistic skills and abilities.
  • Develop coherent speech skills.


  • To cultivate interest, attention and consistency in the process of creating a cartoon.
  • To cultivate an aesthetic sense of beauty and harmony in life and art.
  • Instill a responsible attitude towards your work.

Forms of work:

  • View the presentation "Soyuzmultfilm".
  • “Wizards of Animation” (introduction to professions: screenwriter, animator director, animator, sound engineer, cameraman, etc.)
  • “Secrets of Animation” (introduction to the world of animation).
  • “The game is a journey through the stations of the Multi-Remote country.”
  • Watch the videos “Meeting with Cartoon and the artist Malyavin.”
  • Watching cartoons (familiarity with the types of cartoons: plasticine, hand-drawn, puppet).
  • Conversations “The history of animation”, “How a hand-drawn cartoon is made”, “What types of cartoons are there”.
  • “Journey to the Past – Parents’ Childhood” (strip films were an alternative to cartoons).
  • Viewing filmstrips.
  • Experimenting with paints - getting different shades by adding white paint.
  • Working on the background using unconventional methods drawing.
  • Working on scenery for a cartoon using unconventional drawing methods.
  • Modeling heroes from plasticine.
  • Drawing “Favorite cartoon character.”
  • Drawing stories in pictures (inventing stories and compiling mnemonic tables “Young screenwriters”).
  • Riddles about cartoon characters.
  • Quiz “Cartoon Connoisseur”, “In the Land of Multi-Remote”.
  • Drawing vegetables on a tray sprinkled with semolina.
  • “Vegetables in the garden” - plasticineography method.
  • Work on the intro and ending - in micro groups.
  • Shooting the screensaver.
  • Retelling a fairy tale, telling by roles.
  • Staging a fairy tale.
  • Compiling a story on behalf of the subject “Living Objects”.
  • Games “Journey to the World of Emotions” (the ability to distinguish between the emotional states of characters); “Guess the character by facial expressions and gestures.”
  • Recording a fairy tale.
  • Consultations for parents “Secrets of animation”, “Methods and techniques of non-traditional drawing methods”.

Stages of work:

  • Selecting a topic.
  • Setting a goal.
  • Proposing a research hypothesis.
  • Search for material on animation.
  • Survey of children on this topic.
  • Studying the history of animation.
  • Types of cartoons.
  • Studying the process of creating a cartoon.
  • Development of an algorithm for working on a cartoon.
  • Preparation of materials and equipment necessary for the implementation of the project.
  • Creation of a creative group of parents interested in this topic.
  • Immersion in a fairy tale.
  • Storyboard.
  • Development and creation of characters and scenery.
  • Reviving characters.
  • Playing out the plot.
  • Shooting a cartoon.
  • Editing footage on a computer.
  • Voice acting (distribution of roles).
  • Determining the level of development of generalized educational skills.
  • Premiere of the cartoon. View (result of work).
  • Final lesson on the topic “Making a poster”.
  • Parent meeting on the topic “Children and Animation.”
  • Project presentation.

Expected Result:

As part of the Do-It-Yourself Cartoon project, children received certain knowledge, skills and abilities:

Manifestation of emotional responsiveness, development of thinking, imagination, ability to express one’s feelings through art.

Development of personal qualities: independence, initiative, mutual assistance, involvement in a common cause, responsibility, respect for each other, self-esteem.

Development of communication skills, manifestations of creative independence, activity in creating an image, development of fine motor skills, the opportunity to show your talents. This gave new impetus play activity, children borrow fairy tale plots and begin to make their own heroes for their games.

Thus, use of project activities gives us the opportunity:

- encourage children to achieve one or another result;

Achieve a specific and realistic goal, a product of project activity;

Use different types productive activity in one project;

Demonstrate cognitive, creative, business activity, independence, as well as previously acquired knowledge and skills;

Develop communication skills and moral qualities.

Children have the opportunity to contribute to the common cause, show individuality, and achieve a certain position in the group.

The result of participation in the project is also the liberation of thinking, the development of creative potential, the formation of the ability to observe, fantasize, compare, experience what is seen, reflect one’s impressions in creative works, as well as improving communication skills in a team and socialization.

Lesson summary "Creating a cartoon with your own hands based on the fairy tale "Teremok"

Formation of creative abilities in preschool children when creating cartoons and collages using visual arts.
To form in children a basic understanding of the mysteries of animation.
Enrich children's vocabulary.
Activation of the thinking process and cognitive interest;
Mastering communication skills and collective creativity;
Cultivate interest, attention and consistency in the process of creating a cartoon.
Vocabulary work:
Animator, artist, director, cameraman, tripod, voiceover. editing, frame, video camera, studio, animation, decoration, recording.
“Artistic creativity”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Reading fiction”.
Camera, tripod, computer, microphone, decorations for a cartoon, screen, boards, napkins, stacks, natural material. plasticine, patterns for sculpting animals and plants. Educator: Guys, do you like watching cartoons? Who do you think creates cartoons? Cartoons are created and drawn by special animator artists, they draw, sculpt characters, screensavers, backgrounds and much more.
Artists draw a lot of pictures to show the hero's movement. On each frame the picture moves a little. The same can be done from heroes molded from plasticine.
And then the animator operators film it all on a video camera or camera and edit it in the studio, i.e. create a cartoon. And all this is managed by the director.
Do you want to learn how to create cartoons yourself? (Yes). Then let's think about what kind of fairy tale we could “revive”. (Children offer different fairy tales. We came to a consensus that we will take the fairy tale “Teremok”)
Educator: Today we will create a cartoon based on the fairy tale "Teremok".
First of all, you need to remember this fairy tale. (Children tell the roles of “Teremok”)
Let's start our work by creating the scenery.
(We picked two houses - a tower, a screen, cut them out of paper and glued trees, flowers, the sun, birds onto the screen, and installed three-dimensional trees.)
Educator. Look what beautiful scenery we have created, only the main characters are missing.

(So ​​that all the children were involved, we distributed the work among ourselves: some sculpted characters, others made letters for the title of a fairy tale, someone laid out words from letters).
Educator. Everyone has everything they need for modeling on their desk to get the job done quickly; I have diagrams with the stages of work. Let's look at them. Choose which scheme suits you best! But don’t forget that you need to create cartoon characters very quickly, because the most important work is ahead of us.

You and I have turned into cartoonists. Let's get to work.
(Children sculpt animals and place them near the tower, lay out the letters. While working, children listen to folk music and choose a melody for voicing the cartoon).

Educator. So our clearing came to life, did you like what we got? (Yes!) Now let's take a rest.
Physical education minute.
We'll walk along the path,
Let's open the door to a fairy tale.
Here at the house on the edge
Frogs jump together.
A big bear lives here
Quiet, quiet, don't make noise!
Educator. But how to bring characters to life, how to make a cartoon?
(Shows a camera and a tripod, tells what they will need it for now.)

Now you and I will become operators, in order to get a cartoon, we need to move the characters a little and photograph it all, step by step.

Let's start from the beginning, where the mouse approached the house (All children participate in the shooting, so that each child feels involved in the work). And so we filmed every major movement of the characters.

(counting book)
We are creating a cartoon
Making berries and mushrooms
Let's count 1-2-3
You will be the operator!
Well done boys!

The next day after processing the frames, we started recording sound on the computer using the Audacity sound editor.

An important stage in creating a cartoon is editing the footage. Here the parents got involved in the work. They combined audio files with video in the PinnacleStudio editor. Thanks to them for this!

When dubbing the assembled cartoon, it is important that the text spoken by the children coincides with the movements of the characters.

A huge surprise for the children was the showing of the finished cartoon. The children were delighted and watched it several times.
Did you guys like it? Will we continue working on cartoons? (Yes Yes Yes!)

Now watch our cartoon. Thank you for your attention!

Creative project for children 6-7 years old “Do-it-yourself cartoon” or “The Adventure of Dandelions in the Country of Animation”

Description of material: Dear Colleagues! I bring to your attention the creative project “The Adventure of Dandelions in the Country of Animation.” The project is designed for children in the preparatory group. We assumed that if we reveal the secrets of creating cartoons, we will be able to create our own cartoon. Place of work: MBDOU "Combined Kindergarten No. 44" in Miass, Chelyabinsk Region.
Project type– medium-term, joint child-parent creative project.
Project participants: children of the Dandelion preparatory school group, parents, group teacher.
And we challenge boredom
Just because
To live in a world without cartoons
Impossible for anyone
May good luck, failure,
Let it fly up and down
Only this way, and not otherwise,
Long live the cartoon!
Cartoon, cartoon
Long live the cartoon!
Entin Yu.

What do children love most in the world? Well, of course, cartoons! Our childhood is closely connected with cartoons. A cartoon is a fairy-tale world that helps a child develop, fantasize, learn to empathize with characters, learn rules of behavior, and learn to be friends. Cartoons are a very effective tool for child development. Only if it's a good cartoon. With their help, you can engage your child in the learning process. And we also really, really love watching cartoons. We have also long dreamed of creating our own cartoon. But how to create it? Where to start? What are the secrets of creating cartoons?
Relevance of the project: All teachers know how important it is for children to be interested in engaging in one activity or another, so that their faces radiate joy and their eyes glow with delight. How to achieve such an effect? One of the most important conditions for successful development children's creativity– variety and variability of work with children. Novelty of the environment, a variety of materials, new and original technologies interesting for children, the opportunity to choose - this is what helps prevent monotony and boredom in children's activities, ensures liveliness and spontaneity children's perception and activities. It is important to create a new situation each time so that children, on the one hand, can apply previously learned skills, and on the other, look for new solutions and creative approaches. In search of methods to promote the development of a child’s creative thinking, I turned to animation.
Target: Reveal the secrets of creating cartoons. Create a cartoon with your own hands.
Hypothesis: We assumed that if we revealed the secrets of creating cartoons, we would be able to create our own cartoon.
Introduce children to the history of the origin and development of animation.
Introduce children to the technology of creating animated films.
Expand children's knowledge about professions: screenwriter, director, animator, cameraman, sound engineer.
Develop creative thinking and imagination.
Develop artistic skills and abilities.
Develop coherent speech skills.
To cultivate interest, attention and consistency in the process of creating a cartoon.
To cultivate an aesthetic sense of beauty and harmony in life and art.
Instill a responsible attitude towards your work.
The essence of the project: By mastering and using the skills of modeling, drawing, design, applique and crafts, children make characters and scenery for games, staging plays and filming cartoons.
Planned results:
For kindergarten:
1. Creating conditions for the development of the child as an individual.
2. Updating the content of education and qualitative changes in the educational process and activities of preschool educational institutions.
3. The possibility of providing parents with additional educational services for the development of children.
For a child:
1. Children's interest in visual arts.
2. Knows how to convey creative ideas using various types of arts and is actively involved in the creative process.
3. The child received the opportunity to jointly creatively interact with peers and adults.
4. The level of information culture has increased.
For parents:
1. Meeting the need for a variety of additional services for the development of children.
2. High degree of awareness of parents about the child’s development.
3. Creative activity of parents through active involvement in the project.
For the teacher:
1. Increasing professional level in the field
2. information and computer technologies.
3. Realization of creative potential.
4. Satisfaction with one's own activities.
Project stages.
Organizational (preparatory stage)
Modeling a problem situation that allows you to identify the problem and lead children to an independent conclusion.
One day while drawing fairy-tale heroes, we discussed our favorite scenes from cartoons, worrying and rejoicing for the cartoon characters, the guys had a question: “Isn’t it possible to make a cartoon ourselves?”
Using the “three questions” technique, we develop a project:
What do we know? What do we want to know? How do we find out?
So we were faced with the problem of children not knowing how cartoons are created, people, what professions are involved in creating animated films. To get answers to the questions that concern us, we decided to conduct a study.

Piggy Bank: The piggy bank includes a lot of different interesting information.
1. Selection of material, searching for information on the Internet, literature about cartoons.
2. Survey of children on this topic (questionnaire).
3. Studying the history of animation.
4. Types of cartoons.
5. Studying the process of creating a cartoon.
6. Development of an algorithm for working on a cartoon.
7. Preparation of materials and equipment necessary for the implementation of the project.
8. Compilation thematic plan working with children and collaborating with parents.
9. Discs with your favorite cartoons;
10. Information about the professions of people who create cartoons;
11. Information about the first animated toys. (Activate cognitive activity, teach how to use sources of information.)
Main stage
Accumulation of knowledge:
Conversations “What is animation”, “History of animation”, “What kinds of cartoons are there” (Classification of cartoons), “The process of creating a plasticine cartoon”, “Wizards of animation” (introduction to professions: screenwriter, animator director, animator, sound engineer, operator, etc.), “The history of animation”, “How to make a cartoon”, “What tools are needed to create a cartoon”

Examination of albums, illustrations, magazines, photographs on the topic of the project.
Organization of a book exhibition in the book corner: E. Uspensky “Crocodile Gena and His Friends”, A. Lindgren “Baby and Carlson”, A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, etc.
Creation of a creative group of parents interested in this topic. Thought it through homework for parents, namely, they invited parents to create toys with an optical effect with their own hands or a craft with my favorite cartoon character.

practical part
Communication activities:
Riddles about cartoon characters.
Quiz “Cartoon Connoisseur”, “In the Land of Multi-Remote”.
Retelling a fairy tale, telling by roles.
Staging a fairy tale.
Game “What first, what then?”
Retelling a fairy tale, telling by roles “A Gift for the Snow Maiden. Winter's Tale". S. Prokofiev and I. Tokmakov.
Staging a fairy tale.
Game activity:
Quiz "Cartoon Connoisseurs".
Theatrical game "Children's transformation". At the teacher's command, children turn into trees, flowers, mushrooms, toys, butterflies, snakes, frogs, kittens, etc.
Didactic games: “Who is missing, and who is the odd one out?”, “Find a pair”, “Make a picture from parts”, “Who needs what?”, “Find out a fairy tale”, “Guess the mood”, “Maze based on a cartoon”, “Favorites” cartoon characters gathered to drink tea.”
Role-playing game: “We are cartoonists.”

Cognitive and research activities:
Creating a toy with an optical effect with your own hands, “Thaumatorope”,
"Magic Pinwheel"

Visual activities:
Working on the background using unconventional drawing methods.
Working on scenery for a cartoon using unconventional drawing methods.
Modeling heroes from plasticine.

Drawing “Favorite cartoon character.”

Drawing stories in pictures (inventing stories and compiling mnemonic tables “Young screenwriters”).
Final lesson on the topic “Making a poster”.

Color the cartoon character.
We draw our favorite cartoon characters.
Perception of fiction:
Reading books based on cartoons. E. Uspensky “Crocodile Gena and His Friends”, A. Lindgren “Kid and Carlson”, A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, etc.
Reading "A Gift for the Snow Maiden. A Winter's Tale." S. Prokofiev and I. Tokmakov.
Constructive and modeling activities:
Construction of a fairy-tale city based on cartoons.

Making masks for dramatization.
“Create a fairy-tale hero.” Homemade construction set with magnets.
“Fairy-tale creatures” notebook - confusion about fairy-tale characters.
Motor activity.“Who?”, “Tail of the Dragon”, “Little Red Riding Hood”.
Work on introducing to the art of music. Listening to music from cartoons, singing songs from cartoons; learning dances to music from cartoons. Dramatization of musical episodes from cartoons.
It was recommended to parents. Consultation “Children and Animation”, questionnaire “Do you know what cartoons do your children like”, Exhibition of family works: “Favorite cartoon characters”.
Subject development environment. Designing a corner in the group dedicated to animation using children's drawings and illustrations from magazines. Introducing masks of cartoon characters into role-playing games, joint creation of attributes for the plot role-playing games. CD with songs from cartoons.

Immersion in a fairy tale.
Development and creation of characters and scenery.
Reviving characters.
Playing out the plot.
Shooting a cartoon.
Editing footage on a computer.
Voice acting (distribution of roles).

Presentation of project products:
1. Exhibition of children's works on the topic “Favorite cartoon characters.”
2. DIY optical effect toys.
3. Final lesson on the topic “Making a poster.”
4. Premiere of the cartoon. View (result of work).
5. Presentation of the project.

Further use. Animation as a modern integrated form of art and education allows you to: solve problems artistic development preschoolers; expand the boundaries of knowledge; actively involve children in the creative process; form aesthetic assessments and preferences; activate freedom of creative expression. Animation classes help you see the familiar in a new way, understand the beauty of the world around you and human relationships. In the process of creating an animated film, children develop sensorimotor qualities associated with the actions of the child’s hand, ensuring quick and accurate mastery of technical techniques in various types activity, perception of proportions, features of shape, character of lines, spatial relations, color, rhythm, movement. The art of animation develops creative thought and forms the ability to present an original vision of the world around us. Consequently, animation activity, as a creative activity, plays an invaluable role in the creative development of children. I believe that creating cartoons in kindergarten is not only possible, but also very useful for revealing children's talents.
Setting a new goal: creating a hand-drawn cartoon about our group “What We Dream About.”
In preparation for working on a creative project, we used

1. Bolgert N. Bolgert S. Cartoon Studio Plasticine. - M.: ROBINS, 2012
2. Kiseleva M.V. Art therapy in working with children: a guide for child psychologists, teachers, doctors and specialists working with children. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2014
3. Kopytin A.I. Psychodiagnostics in art therapy. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2014
4. Kukushkina E.Yu., Samsonova L.V. Let's play and learn to be friends. Socialization in kindergarten. - M.: Sphere shopping center, 2013
5. Smolnikova K. Cartoon with your own hands. [Text] Smolnikova K. // Satkinsky worker. - 2011. - No. 04/15/2011
6. Nikitin V.N. Art therapy: tutorial. - M.: Kogito-Center, 2014
7. Oberemok S. M. Project methods in preschool education. – Novosibirsk, 2005.
8. Timofeeva L. L. Project method in kindergarten. "Cartoon with your own hands." – St. Petersburg. : PUBLISHING HOUSE “CHILDHOOD-PRESS” LLC, 2011.