Class hour in elementary school with a presentation. History of the New Year holiday. Presentation on the topic “Creative project “New Year tree”” Presentation on the origin of the New Year tree

Presentation for preschoolers 6 - 7 years old "What is New Year?

What is New Year?
It's the other way around:
Christmas trees are growing in the room,
Squirrels don’t gnaw cones,
Hares next to a wolf
On a prickly tree!
The rain is also not easy,
It's golden on New Year's Day,
It shines as much as it can,
Doesn't wet anyone
Even Santa Claus
It doesn't sting anyone's nose.
E. Mikhailova

Where did the custom of celebrating the New Year come from?
The history of this have a wonderful holiday dates back at least 25 centuries. This custom was first born in Mesopotamia (Mesopotamia). Here, as well as in the lower Nile valley, civilization was first born at the end of the 4th millennium BC. It was here, according to scientists, that the New Year began to be celebrated for the first time (in the third millennium).

Traditions of celebrating the New Year in Russia.
In the traditions of celebrating the New Year in Russia, such attributes as: a Christmas tree, New Year's table, Santa Claus, fireworks, mass celebrations.
On the night from December 31 to January 1, it is customary for every family to cover festive table. As a rule, there are invariably three components: Olivier salad, champagne and tangerines.
In Russia, it is customary to sit down at the festive table around 11 pm to “send off” the old year.
At approximately 23:55, the president of the country speaks on all central channels, he sums up some of the results of the outgoing year and wishes happiness and good luck to all residents of the country in the coming year. Then, at 23:55 on January 1, the chimes begin.
On this night you can meet people walking around the city dressed as Santa Claus. Another symbol of this holiday. Parents of children often order an artist in this image to come to their home for their beloved children.

New Year in Rus'.
In Rus', the New Year was celebrated on March 1. In the 14th century, the Moscow Church Council decided to consider September 1 as the beginning of the New Year according to the Greek calendar. In 1699, Peter I, returning from a trip to Europe, by a special decree, ordered that “from now on summers should be counted” from January 1.

The history of the New Year tree.
Christmas tree is an essential attribute winter holidays- also arrived in Russia along with Peter’s reforms. However, the “stranger” who arrived, although not immediately, took root firmly in the Russian soil - as if she had always grown here: from the branches with which the houses were decorated, a luxurious tree in festive decoration grew.

The most important of the guests:
-Who is wearing a smart, warm fur coat?
With a long white beard,
Comes to visit on New Year's Day,
Both ruddy and gray-haired?
He plays with us, dances,
It makes the holiday more fun!
- Santa Claus on our Christmas tree
The most important of the guests!
I. Chernitskaya

The origin story of Santa Claus.
Santa Claus became who he is thanks to the existence of a very specific and living prototype. In the 4th century, Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker lived and did good deeds in Asia Minor. The figure of this completely reliable historical character gradually became overgrown with legends and fabulous details, as a result of which a new image appeared - a kind grandfather, capable of making a child happy as soon as he turns to him with a request. In the old days, Santa Claus also brought rods along with gifts, entering the house with the words: “Are there obedient children in this house?” Nowadays, this unique element of education has almost disappeared, and every child, even the most cocky fidget, receives a treasured gift.

Snow Maiden.
At the Snow Maiden's in the morning
New Year's mountain of things to do:
Need snow fringe
For her to decorate her native forest,
Bake a pie for the animals
And light the lanterns.
And then on holiday to the children
Fly in a golden carriage.

The origin story of the Snow Maiden.
Only our Father Frost has a granddaughter, Snegurochka, and she was born in Russia. The Snow Maiden is a literary character. She appeared in 1873 and at first was called not the granddaughter of Santa Claus, but a daughter. This happened thanks to Alexander Ostrovsky’s play “The Snow Maiden,” which he created based on folk tale about a girl sculpted from snow and melted by the warm rays of the sun. Later, writers and poets turned her into a granddaughter.
The image of the Snow Maiden is a symbol of frozen waters. This is a girl (not a girl) dressed only in white clothes. No other color is allowed in traditional symbolism. Her headdress is an eight-rayed crown embroidered with silver and pearls.

Riddles for children.
Christmas tree on New Year's holiday
Calls adults and children.
All people are invited
On New Year's... (round dance).

There is noise everywhere on this holiday!
An explosion followed by cheerful laughter!
Very noisy toy
New Year's... (cracker)

Santa Claus came to visit us
With a fragile, snow-white guest.
He called her daughter.
This girl... (Snow Maiden).

She sparkles in the sky
Decorates our Christmas tree.
Will never fade
On New Year's Day... (star).

We are not sad on New Year's Day,
We are sitting under the Christmas tree
And to each other with expression
We say... (congratulations).

Thank you for your attention!!!

The tradition of decorating a Christmas tree for Christmas and New Year came to us from ancient times and is associated with the cult (veneration) of greenery. In Greece and Rome, houses were decorated with green branches at the onset of the New Year. It was believed that they would bring health and happiness in the coming year. In Europe, during the period of complete extinction of nature, much attention was paid to symbols of its revival. At first these were branches of plum, apple and cherry trees, which were placed in water in advance. But they did not always bloom, so preference was given to evergreen plants.

The custom of decorating trees existed among our ancestors even before the advent of new era. In those days, it was believed that good and evil spirits found shelter in the branches of trees, and in order to come to an agreement with them, they brought gifts, hanging them on the branches.

The Christmas tree was first decorated in the 16th century. in Germany. In England, France, and Germany, there is a legend about how Martin Luther (the founder of Lutheranism, translator of the Bible into German) returned home on the night before Christmas (1513). He was amazed by the beauty of the starry sky; it seemed to him as if the branches of the tree were decorated with stars. Arriving home, he hung stars and candles on the tree.

There is another legend. According to it, after the birth of Jesus Christ, all living beings, including plants, came to worship him. Everyone brought their gifts to the Christ child.

The beautiful palm tree and the fragrant olive tree decided to please the Savior with their patterned lush foliage and sweet aroma. Both trees were proud and vying with each other about their gifts. The Christmas tree heard this conversation. She also wanted to give her something. And the majestic trees laughed at her: “What can you give except resin and prickly needles?”

The Christmas tree was modest, she stepped aside and cried bitterly with hot resin tears. At that moment, an angel noticed her and, taking pity on the little Christmas tree, gave her a wonderful gift. Having collected the most beautiful lights in the sky, he decorated the thorny branches with them, and our modest girl appeared before the Savior in a bright multi-colored outfit.

Since then, the tree has been considered a symbol of Christmas.

Soon, following Germany, other countries began decorating the Christmas tree. In England in 1841, Queen Victoria issued a decree allowing the celebration of the New Year with a decorated Christmas tree. And the first Christmas tree was installed on the square in front of the royal palace.

In France, the Christmas tree appeared at the court of King Louis Philippe, who installed it at the request of his daughter-in-law, who was of German origin.

There is a legend that in the United States more than two hundred years ago, President George Washington celebrated the New Year with a Christmas tree decorated with toys brought from Germany.

First in Russia New Year's celebration took place in Moscow in honor of the New Year of 1700. But in 1918, celebrating the New Year was prohibited, and the tradition of dressing up the beauty returned 17 years later.

In tropical countries, Christmas trees were made of plywood and decorated with rice straws.

In Australia and New Zealand, January is the summer month; here, a local tree, metrosideros, strewn with scarlet flowers, is used as a Christmas tree. In Cuba, spruce is replaced by palms or pine trees. And in Nicaragua - branches of a coffee tree with red fruits.

The history of the New Year tree. The New Year tree is an integral attribute of the New Year celebration in Russia. In most countries of the world, the tree is an attribute of the Christmas celebration (Christmas tree). The Christmas tree is a coniferous tree. In Europe it is predominantly fir, while spruce or pine are alternatives in Russia, decorated with garlands, glass and plastic toys, candles and sweets.

A spruce tree is installed during the New Year holiday in houses or on the street. A Christmas or New Year tree is a form of display of one of the ancient symbols of humanity of the World Tree, the Cosmic Axis, especially common among the Indo-European peoples. Already in our era in Europe, they began to decorate the Christmas tree for Christmas: with apples, cookies, and lit candles.

There is a version that the first New Year tree was placed in the square of the city of Céleste in Alsace in 1521. First Christmas tree toy glass bowl appeared in Saxony in the 16th century. The custom of celebrating the New Year was brought to Russia from Germany by Peter I; The first New Year holidays in Russia were organized, according to the royal decree, starting in 1700. The custom of celebrating Christmas with a Christmas tree was finally established in the middle of the 19th century.

In 1927, during the anti-religious campaign that began, Christmas ceases to be official holiday, and the Christmas tree was declared a “religious relic.” However, before the onset of 1936, on the initiative of Pavel Postyshev, the tree was again allowed as a New Year's tree.

Initially (according to the Christian legend of St. Boniface, who predicted that the “fir of Christianity” would grow on the roots of the felled oak of paganism), and in most cases at the present time, the Christmas tree in Europe is the fir. Spruce is the most similar substitute in the absence of a "real" tree. Spruce is rarely used for Christmas trees in the Western Hemisphere (the Americas have a predominantly Christian population and a widespread tradition of Christmas trees), where the "Christmas fir" is sometimes replaced by pine, which has longer needles and is "fluffier".

One of the main disadvantages of spruce as a holiday tree is that it quickly crumbles when it dries, which is why it ceases to be a symbol of eternal life. Due to the unavailability of fir in central and western Russia, a similar spruce (in former times mainly European/Norwegian spruce, which is still the cheapest “Christmas tree”) has become almost the only tree at Christmas holidays.

On New Year's Day, the house was decorated with branches of plum, apple and cherry trees, which were placed in water in such a way that they would bloom for Christmas. Peter I made an attempt to instill in Russia, among other German customs, the decoration of houses spruce branches, but this was not successful. A public Christmas tree in the capital (St. Petersburg) was organized only in 1852. For comparison: in France in 1840, in England in 1841. This was due to the “import” of noble German brides (and grooms) from small German principalities, who upon arrival established their own rules at the European royal courts. (Material from Wikipedia)

The tradition of celebrating the New Year with a Christmas tree appeared in Russia, as already mentioned, under Peter I. On December 15, 1699, to the beat of drums, the royal clerk announced the will of the king to the people: that as a sign of a good beginning and the beginning of a new century, after thanking God and singing prayers in the church it was ordered “to make some decorations from trees and branches of pine, spruce and juniper along the large thoroughfares, and to noble people in front of the gates.

And for the poor people (i.e., the poor), at least put a tree or a branch over the gate. And so that it arrives by the 1st of 1700 of this year; and that decoration of January (i.e. January) should stand until the 7th day of the same year. On the first day, as a sign of joy, congratulate each other on the New Year, and do this when the fiery fun begins on Red Square and there is shooting.”

After the death of Peter I, they stopped putting up New Year trees. Only tavern owners decorated their houses with them, and these trees stood on taverns all year round This is where their name “tree-sticks” comes from. New Year's festivities and the tradition of putting up Christmas trees were revived under Catherine II. And they began to decorate Christmas trees only in the middle of the 19th century.

In the old days, the Christmas tree was decorated with various delicacies: nuts in bright wrappers, sweets and even vegetables. Wax candles burned on the branches, which then gave way to electric garlands. And shiny balls appeared relatively recently, about a hundred years ago.

Information characteristics of the project Author: Maslakova Irina Grigorievna, teacher Participants: children, parents, teacher, junior teacher, music director Type of project: informational, creative, research, group, short-term, complex, role-playing game. Duration: December

Objectives: To introduce children to the national holiday New Year and its traditions. To teach to actively participate in the preparation and holding of the holiday in kindergarten and family. Develop curiosity, creativity, memory. Cultivate friendships and love of nature native land, folk traditions. Expand your understanding of trees. There is a trunk and branches. Show the features of coniferous trees.

Interaction with the family Introducing parents to the goals and objectives of the project - announcement Learning songs and poems with children Information in parent's corner: “What is New Year”, “New Year for children: how to organize a holiday”, “One, two, three, the Christmas tree burns” Execution homework parents with children (making crafts: Christmas tree, Christmas tree toy, photographing children while preparing for the holiday at home) Participation in the exhibition New Year's crafts Participation in the “New Year with the Family” holiday

Type of activity Forms of activity, tasks Duration Product of activity Cognitive avatar - research *D/games: “Let’s dress the doll for a walk.” -introduce winter clothing using a doll as an example. “Find the largest and smallest Christmas tree” - fixing the size and color. “Beads for the Christmas tree” - fixing the shape and color. * Story game: “Let’s take the doll on a sled.” - Explain the safety rules when sledding. * Sensory play"Threads for Christmas tree toys" * Examination of the painting “Christmas tree celebration in kindergarten.” – form visual perception, develop observation skills. * Watching cartoons brings joy to children. Game * Game “Christmas trees” - fixing the value. * Games with building materials “New gates for Santa Claus” - improve children’s skills in laying bricks. “Christmas tree” - teach how to assemble a Christmas tree from brush sticks, develop imagination, and fine motor skills fingers.. Joint * Reading poems by K. Chukovsky “Yolka”, E. Turgeneva “Happy New Year!”, Nikitin “Snow House”, “Stories about the adventures of the Green Christmas tree”. – teach children to listen to the teacher, repeat the poetic text. Memorizing a poem: Y. Akim “Yolka” - help children remember the poem and teach them to recite it together with the teacher. Conversation “Don’t pull the Christmas tree by its branch, don’t take the balls from the tree.” - explain to children that they should not pull the Christmas tree by its branches, it may fall and lanterns and toys will break; the tree can prick and scratch. (safety)

Musical Rhythmic gymnastics to the musical composition “Exercise with snowballs” (music by G. Finarovsky). * Singing: “Little Christmas Tree”, “Santa Claus”, * Performing dance movements: “It’s white winter all around” “Snow, snow is spinning” “Rattle” * Music game“Bunnies” “The gray bunny is sitting” Holidays for Fine art *Drawing: “Footprints in a forest clearing” - to create interest and positive attitude to drawing. “Birds at the feeder” - teach children to paint with paints (grains) using their fingers * Modeling: “Snowmen playing snowballs” - arouse interest in creating a plot composition in collaboration with the teacher and other children. “Let's feed the birds in the forest” - to develop interest in working with plasticine. * Christmas tree” - teach children to create the image of a Christmas tree. Exhibition and works Communication * Finger game“The Christmas tree turns out quickly” - develop manual motor skills, precision of movements, the ability to visually control and coordinate one’s actions. (Khomyakova p. 60) * D/game “Collect a picture” - teach children to put together a picture (Christmas tree, snowman, Santa Claus). Motor * P/games: “Who can run to the Christmas tree faster” - teach children to run towards a given goal. “We are walking through the snowdrifts” - walking with legs raised high. * Physical education minute: “Christmas tree”, “Forest guests” - teach to act according to the text. * Breathe. Exercise “Let’s blow snowflakes off our palms” “Let’s warm our palms” - practice long exhalation Entertainment Theater film Watching the cartoon “Visiting the Christmas Tree” New Year's celebration“New Year with family” (meeting with fairy-tale characters). Photo report

Campaign “Save the Christmas Tree” Siberian spruce is one of the main coniferous species of Siberian forests. The lifespan of spruce is years. The age of New Year trees is years. 1 hectare of coniferous forest clears up to 50 tons of dust. In our area, more than 15 thousand trees are filtered out of forests every year on New Year's Eve (this is their sale) And throughout Russia - more than 7 million trees!!! (Information in the parent corner)

Topic: History of the New Year holiday.

This event can be held as Classroom hour, so extracurricular activity with elementary school students.
Goals: Introduce children to the history of the New Year holiday.
Develop students' curiosity.
Equipment: Power Point presentation, New Year's songs.
Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Updating knowledge. Statement of the topic.

- What holiday is the whole country preparing for? (New Year)
- Name the date according to which the beginning of the new year is considered according to the calendar. (1st of January)
3. Conversation about the history of the New Year holiday.
- New Year is a holiday celebrated by many peoples in accordance with the accepted calendar, which occurs at the moment of transition from the last day of the year to the first day next year. (1 slide)
- Try to guess the riddles.
A light white blanket
It will cover the entire earth.
Cover everything with ice and decorate the Christmas tree.
What's her name? ...(Winter) (2 slide)

I have gifts in my bag
Caramels, chocolates.
Round dance around the tree,
What kind of holiday? …(New Year) (3 slide)
- Guys, how many of you know whether our country has always celebrated the New Year on January 1?
- The beginning of the year on January 1 was established by the Roman ruler Julius Caesar in 46 BC. e. (4 slide)
- This day was dedicated to Janus - the god of choice, doors and all beginnings. The month of January got its name in honor of the god Janus, who was depicted with two faces: one looking forward and the other looking back. (5 slide)
Gregorian calendar
- Most countries celebrate the New Year on January 1, the first day of the year according to the Gregorian calendar. (6 slide)
- The traditional Chinese New Year is timed to coincide with the winter new moon at the end of the full lunar cycle, which took place after winter solstice(that is, on the second new moon after December 21). In the Gregorian calendar, this corresponds to one of the days between January 21 and February 21.
- Until the 15th century in Rus', the new year began not in January, as now, but in March (as in republican Ancient Rome) on the day of the vernal equinox, March 20 or 21 (depending on the year). Since the 15th century, the new year began on September 1. (7 slide)
- Each year corresponds to a specific animal. The 12-year cycle begins with the year of the Rat, then comes the year of the Ox, then the Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Boar. (8 slide)
- Since 1700, by decree of Peter I, the New Year in Russia is celebrated, as in other European countries, on January 1 (according to the Julian calendar). (9 slide)
- New Year's Eve is a very significant holiday in many countries. And is accompanied by a variety of pop events, feasts, folk festivals. (10 slide)
Christmas tree.
- Guess the next riddle.
All dressed up in toys,
All covered in garlands and firecrackers.
Of course, this is... (Yolka) (11 slide)
- New Year's Eve is a very significant holiday in many countries. And it is accompanied by a variety of pop events, feasts, and folk festivities. According to tradition, a New Year tree is installed in the house.
- What toys decorate the Christmas tree? (12 slide)
New Year's table.
- When celebrating the New Year, close people gather around the table. (13-14 slides)
- At 0 o'clock 0 minutes on January 1, the chimes strike. (15 slides)
- Let's listen to the chimes strike.
- With the first chime, marking the arrival of the new year, it is customary to clink glasses of champagne and make a wish. (16 slide)
- What gifts would you like to receive for the New Year? On New Year's Day it is customary to give gifts. (17 slide)
Father Frost.
Happy New Year,
All boys and girls.
And he gives us gifts,
There they are: standing in a bag.
He is kind and bearded,
Red nose from frost.
Who is he, tell me children,
Loudly, together: (Santa Claus) (18 slide)
- Father Frost - fairy tale character East Slavic folklore. In Slavic mythology - the personification of winter frosts, a blacksmith who binds water.
- On New Year's Day, Santa Claus comes and gives children gifts, which he brings in a sack behind his back. Often depicted in a blue, silver or red fur coat embroidered with patterns, wearing a hat (not a cap), with a long white beard and a staff in his hand, wearing felt boots. He rides three horses, skis or walks. (19 slide)
- The very first Santa Claus was St. Nicholas. When leaving, he left the poor family who sheltered him golden apples in a shoe in front of the fireplace. (20 slide)
- Santa Claus has a granddaughter - Snegurochka (21 slides)
- When celebrating the New Year, a variety of pyrotechnic products are actively used: firecrackers, sparklers and, in the last decade, fireworks, rockets, Roman candles, firecrackers large and small, etc. Currently, many capitals of the world or even individual countries spend millions of dollars to arrange a pyrotechnic show for the New Year. (22 slide)
Traditions in various countries peace.(23 slide)
- In England, in addition to the Christmas tree, the house is decorated with mistletoe branches. There are even mistletoe bouquets on lamps and chandeliers. And according to custom, you can kiss a person standing in the middle of the room under a bunch of mistletoe. (24 slide)
- In Italy, on New Year's Eve it is customary to get rid of old things. (25 slide)
- In Sweden, before the New Year, children choose Lucia, the queen of light. She is dressed up in White dress, a crown with lit candles is put on the head. Lucia brings gifts for children and treats for pets: cream for the cat, a sugar bone for the dog, and carrots for the donkey. (26 slide)
- In France, Santa Claus - Père Noel - comes to New Year's Eve and leaves gifts in children's shoes. The one who gets the bean baked into the New Year's pie receives the title of "bean king", and on the festive night everyone obeys his orders. Wooden or clay figurines - santons - are placed near the Christmas tree. (27 slide)
- In Mexico, the New Year is celebrated with the fire of festive fireworks, firing from rocket launchers, and the ringing of special New Year's bells. And children are given delicious gingerbread dolls at midnight. (28 slide)
- In Japan, bells are rung 108 times on New Year's Eve. Each strike of the bell corresponds to one of the vices. There are six of them in total: greed, stupidity, anger, frivolity, indecisiveness and envy, but each vice has 18 different shades, which makes a total of 108. (29 slide)
- In Spain it is customary to eat 12 grapes at midnight. (30 slide)
Old New Year.(31 slides)
- Old New Year is a holiday celebrated in accordance with the New Year according to the Julian calendar (now on the night of January 13-14). Celebrated in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Serbia, Switzerland and some other countries.

4. Summing up.

Now let's check how well you listened today.
Crossword.(32 slide)
1. What is Santa Claus called in France?
2. Who issued the order to celebrate the New Year in 1700?
3. On the night of January 13-14, what holiday is celebrated?
4. Who set the beginning of the year on January 1?
5. “The end of the year and the beginning of winter!”
- That's how they asked me the riddle.
6. Granddaughter of Santa Claus?
7. In which country is it customary to eat 12 grapes at midnight?
8. In which country do children receive delicious gingerbread dolls on New Year’s Day?
Song " New Year's toys"(author Alexander Metzger) (slide 33)

Presentation on the topic: History of the New Year holiday