Will there be a holiday on Children's Day? Official holidays and weekends in Russia. Holidays in April

Date in 2019: June 1st, Saturday.

Children are looking forward to the start of summer. After all, this is not just the arrival of warmth and the opportunity for a great holiday, it is a real holiday, since the long-awaited and long holidays have arrived. But not all kids’ lives are so carefree and joyful. Thousands of children suffer from incurable diseases or domestic violence, do not have normal nutrition and living conditions, and some are even forced to independently look for ways to survive. These and others are acute standing questions childhood have become global problems, which is what this special holiday– Children’s Day, which, by the will of fate, coincided with the first day of summer.

They say that a person's fate is completely in his hands. But there are many aspects that influence how things turn out adulthood, depend on what your childhood was like. After all, a baby comes into this world absolutely defenseless and helpless. And only actions, deeds, love of loved ones and others enable the baby not only to survive, but also to learn all the joys and sorrows of life. Unfortunately, Child's world not as carefree as adults would like. It was the versatility of childhood and its current problems that became the reason for organizing a holiday dedicated to children.

history of the holiday

Today, International Children's Day, June 1, is celebrated in many countries. And for the first time it officially began to be celebrated in 1950. But the history of the holiday begins much earlier. For the first time, issues related to the current problems of childhood were raised by women in 1925 at the World Conference, which was held in Geneva. At the beginning of the century, the public was concerned about the problems of street children, orphans, and poor medical care. But the idea did not receive widespread public support.

It was for orphans in San Francisco that the Chinese consul organized a holiday that went down in history as the festival of floating dragons. This large-scale event took place on June 1st. According to one version, it was this event that became decisive when choosing which day to celebrate the childhood holiday in the future.

The issues of children's well-being became acute issues for the public in the post-war years. Therefore, in 1949, the Women's Congress again put forward the idea of ​​​​establishing a special holiday. At the conference, a unanimous decision is made to direct all efforts to fight for peace for the sake of a happy childhood for all children and teenagers on the planet.

And already in 1950 new holiday celebrated in many countries, and on a large scale.

Symbolism of the holiday

The main symbol of the holiday is the green flag. It depicts our planet, on which there are children's figures of different races and nationalities. They extend their hands to each other, symbolizing unity and friendship as the only opportunity for development and peace.

Symbolism of the holiday

But there are also more specific symbols. Yes, under the image white flower On June 1, a campaign is held to raise funds for seriously ill children.

And under the symbol in the form of a white lily, actions are held in support of reproductive medicine, which gives thousands of babies a chance to be born.

A holiday for every child

The word holiday itself is associated with joy, fun, and happiness. And, indeed, for many kids, June 1 in 2017 will be unforgettable.

But this holiday also has a downside, which is perhaps much more important than the idea of ​​fun itself. The main goal of Children's Day is to focus public attention and ordinary people on real children's problems. This idea is directly present in the name of the holiday. Therefore, it is important to think about what children need to be protected from.

Sad facts of world statistics:

  • 100 million children do not have the opportunity to study because there are simply no schools nearby;
  • 15 million children became orphans after losing one or more parents due to AIDS;
  • 10 million die every year due to lack of access to health facilities and medicines;
  • 300 thousand - forced to participate in wars, real ones, not computer or toy ones;
  • millions of children do not have housing or proper nutrition;

And in developing countries, the practice of exploiting child labor as cheap labor and even child slavery has persisted.

It was this state of affairs in the world that became the basis for the appearance of some documents that spell out children's freedoms and rights.

All children's rights and freedoms are reflected in the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1959. This document is a call to recognize the rights of every child and respect them. It must be strictly observed by parents, public organizations and the authorities.

After 30 years, in 1989, the “Convection on the Rights of the Child” was established, which defines all the rights of small citizens, as well as the responsibilities of adults.

These documents have been ratified in many countries. But this did not solve all children's problems.

Children of Russia

Several organizations in Russia are involved in protecting the rights of minors and helping mothers who find themselves in difficult situations. First of all, this is the UNICEF Children's Fund, which has been operating since 1997.

Children's rights are protected at the legislative level Federal law No. 124 “On guarantees of children’s rights in the Russian Federation.” But even the care of the state and public organizations cannot solve all problems.

Today there are more than 30 million children living in our country, and only 12% are absolutely healthy. Many require care and expensive treatment. Moreover, the problem of psychological health is acute. Aggression, vandalism and suicide are common among children and adolescents.

And how many children are born in Russia with congenital defects due to the fault of the parents themselves. The heirs of alcoholics and drug addicts are left without care immediately after birth, having received a whole range of incurable pathologies from their parents. And among teenagers, almost half are already addicted to alcohol and drugs.

There are plenty of problems in relatively prosperous families too. First of all, it is a lack of attention. Parents' concern lies in material support, and the baby sorely lacks the warmth and affection of loved ones. Teenagers grow up early and receive unnecessary and sometimes dangerous information from the Internet.

In low-income and large families The issue of material support is acute. Indeed, often in such families, despite all the efforts of caring parents, children lack basic things, including food and living conditions.

We can safely say that children's problems concern every adult, regardless of social status, age and financial security. Therefore, the children's holiday has become very popular in Russia and is supported by many government and public organizations, as well as simply caring people. Many charity events are dedicated to this day.

Traditions: how to organize a children's party

June 1st is perfect occasion organize fun party for children. Within festive events there are drawing competitions on asphalt, exhibitions of children's pictures on the street, holiday concerts with the participation of children. Children and teenagers dance, sing songs, recite poems, and take part in competitions.

To organize a children's party, you can use our competition ideas. The following games and competitions are suitable:

  • a theatrical performance of a fairy tale;
  • contest ;
  • a game ;
  • contest ;
  • team relay;
  • contest ;
  • entertainment for relay race;
  • contest .

In addition, we suggest adding dance and children's songs to the program.

Songs for the holiday

When is it celebrated? children's party, you can’t do without perky and cheerful music. Our selection of songs about childhood and simply funny melodies will help make the holiday unforgettable:

We are little children, we want to go for a walk

Chunga Chang's Childhood Island

Congratulations to children in verse and prose

On Children's Day, create for your kids festive mood. Let them laugh and enjoy life, catch sunbeams and do what they love. With your family and friends, create a real fun holiday with games, entertainment and congratulate all the kids. Don't forget about those little ones who are deprived of care. Let this day become unforgettable for them, filled with festive joys.

Every baby has every right for childhood, for a carefree and happy time. And it depends only on the adults what it will be like. After all, all babies are vulnerable and defenseless. On Children's Day, I really want all the kids, without exception, to feel loved, needed and protected. And so that they never face indifference, cruelty, early adulthood and unnecessary information flow. Let troubles and wars, illnesses and anxieties pass them by.

On this warm summer day,

When the breeze whispers,

Everyone needs to be warmed up

Boys and girls.

Let their smiles shine

And they spread through laughter,

Exclamations and cries of happiness,

We love them all very much.

Children are our treasure

Our heart and joy,

This is our pride, joy,

Happiness and also a reward.

On a day when protection is needed,

I wish with all my heart,

So that the kids sleep soundly,

And, of course, they didn’t get sick.

To make the sun smile,

And they knew no troubles, no worries.

To grow up happily

Easy things are always dear to them.

Larisa, May 11, 2017.
  • In Russia, holidays will be celebrated on a grand scale during the weekends in June.
  • During the June holidays, the work schedule of Russian Post will change slightly

Russians will have three consecutive days of rest in June 2018. Additional days off are provided due to the celebration of Russia Day, an official public holiday. Also, June 1 is Children's Day: it falls on Friday, but this day will not be a day off, and all celebrations will be postponed to the weekend.

Russia Day is celebrated at the state level, and Russians do not work on such a day. This year, June 12 is Tuesday, and so that citizens do not have to go out for one day, it was decided to make Monday a day off, but with the condition that it will be worked on Saturday, June 9.

In June the days off will be the 10th, 11th and 12th. On Friday, June 1, Children's Day, established back in the 20th century, is celebrated. Traditionally, every year they organize various events, children's playgrounds are opened, educational and developmental master classes are held.

On June 12 in Moscow, the program of events will be luxurious, writes the 1rre website. Various interesting quests are planned in the capital, concert programs with performances by famous artists, political and public figures. On the holiday, Russians can:

  1. attend free cultural and observation excursions;
  2. music festivals;
  3. fairs, master classes;
  4. concerts, festivities.

According to established tradition, Vladimir Putin will present Presidential Prizes and state awards to figures in the scientific, cultural, medical sphere, in the field of art, literature, modern technologies. The ceremony will take place in the Kremlin. In the evening, as usual, a concert will be organized on Red Square, and then fireworks will be given.

Is June 1, 2018 a day off or a working day?

In June 2018, the schedule of working and non-working days will be as follows:

  1. 1st day - normal working day;
  2. 2nd, 3rd - days off;
  3. 4-9 numbers - regular working days;
  4. 10-12th - holiday weekend;
  5. 12th - Russia Day;
  6. 13-15 numbers - regular working days;
  7. 16th, 17th - days off;
  8. 18-22 numbers - regular working days;
  9. 23rd, 24th - days off;
  10. 25-29 numbers - regular working days;
  11. The 30th is a day off.

In general, Russians will work for 20 days and rest for 10 days.

Children's Day is celebrated in Russia on June 1

The Children's Day holiday was founded in 1925 in Geneva. So, this is an international holiday with its own flag: our Earth is depicted on a green canvas, surrounded by five multi-colored figures. In many countries, on this day, various events are organized for children, with musical and intellectual competitions, concerts, and screenings of children's films.

Because in 2018 the holiday falls on Friday, it will be celebrated on the weekend. This way, parents will have the opportunity to have fun all day with their children. The main goal of the holiday is to give more happy moments to children, to remind adults about the protection of their rights, and that they need their attention and care.

On June 12, Russians will celebrate Russia Day

Russia Day is celebrated annually on June 12. They don't work on this holiday. In order not to go to work for one day, it was decided to make Monday, June 11, also a day off. Of course, the holiday will traditionally be fun, because Russian people know how to have a great time. This year the holiday will also be active, sincere, original, with the usual concerts, fairs and fireworks.

In addition to the two holidays mentioned above, for many Russians, June 14, the opening day of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, will also be a holiday. Of course, there will be no days off, but the spirit of unity will create a festive mood.

On Russia Day, many will go on a picnic; Vladimir Putin will present State Awards in the Kremlin. Various recreation areas will open on Red Square, and the day will end with festive fireworks. Main holiday country is filled with patriotism. There will be free excursions in Moscow, and music festivals and fairs will be held in different areas.

Holidays and weekends in June 2018

There are 10 days off in June 2018 and holidays. To ensure continuous weekends, the Government of the Russian Federation decided to move one day off from Saturday, June 9, to Monday, June 11. Therefore, in Russia in June 2018, we will rest (and celebrate) for three days in a row:

  • June 10, Sun. - day off
  • June 11, Mon. – postponed day off from June 9 (Sat.)
  • June 12, Tue. – Russia Day, an official non-working holiday (Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The remaining weekends in June 2018 will follow the usual schedule - the 2nd, 3rd, 16th, 17th, 23rd, 24th and 30th.

How we relax and work in June

In June 2018 we work for 20 days. June 9 is a pre-holiday day with reduced working hours by one hour (Article 95 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

By production calendar for 2018 in June, 20 workers (including 1 laid-off) and 10 weekends and holidays.

Standard working hours:

  • with a 40-hour work week – 159 hours (20 x 8 – 1, where 20 is the number of working days, 8 is the duration of the work shift, 1 is the number of shortened working days);
  • at 36 hours – 143 hours (20 x 7.2 – 1);
  • at 24-hour – 95 hours (20 x 4.8 – 1).

Take care of your children
Don't scold them for their pranks.
The evil of your bad days
Never take it out on them.

The first day of summer brings smiles to the faces of schoolchildren. After all, the longest holidays begin, three whole summer months. Day June 1 not only remarkable for this. On this day many countries celebrate International Children's Day(International Children's Day), or .

Why did people suddenly decide to protect children? And from whom, or what?

After the Second World War, the issue of disadvantaged children around the world worried and disturbed many. The number of orphans, starving children and homeless children has increased as never before.

The history of the holiday dates back to 1949, when the issue of protecting all disadvantaged children was raised in Paris at the Women's Congress, and already in the next 1950 on June 1st For the first time, a holiday dedicated to this issue was held. Many countries picked up this tradition, and since then International Children's Day celebrated in Europe, Asia, and beyond.

Along with this holiday, there are several more dates dedicated to children's themes. This World Children's Day, which has been celebrated on November 20 since 1956, African Children's Day(June 16).

Exists symbol International Day child protection- a flag depicting the symbol of the planet on a green background, and five multi-colored figures around its circumference. The green background symbolizes fertility, growth and harmony, the planet is the common home of all children, and the colorful figures symbolize tolerance and diversity.

During the era of the USSR, countries with a socialist development course actively supported the newly introduced holiday. Since then, children from the countries of the former Soviet republics have habitually spent this day in parks, where numerous events and concerts are organized in their honor. On this day there are many children with balloons. It is noisier and more crowded than ever near the attractions; many families are relaxing in nature.

This day is not a holiday in the working day calendar, so if June 1st falls on a weekday - most grandmothers take their grandchildren to concerts and buy treats.

At the same time, one should not forget that Children Protection Day not only a fun holiday, but also a reason to think about needy and orphaned children and provide them with all possible support and assistance.

On this day, rallies and rallies are traditionally held against abortion and in support of unborn children. They also provide attention to disabled children and orphans. As a rule, all interested and regular volunteers bring gifts to orphanages, hospitals and rehabilitation centers, where they become spectators of concerts with the participation of children themselves.

Every year in International Children's Day Concerts and theatrical performances are held that address the pressing problems of children in the region. In countries in a state of war or the threat of war, actions are held calling for peaceful existence. Traditionally, they organize meetings with refugee children and internally displaced persons, and also prepare lunches and other assistance for disadvantaged and needy children.

On this day, all children's creative teams strive to show their skills and the results of children's creations. Performances of musical, theatrical, sports sections, artistic creative exhibitions children's works.

IN International Children's Day It is common to think about the instability in the world, and to show care and support to children who find themselves in a difficult situation due to fate or the fault of adults. The slogan of such meetings and actions should be the words “there are no other people’s children”!

Peaceful sky above your head and a well-fed childhood to all children on Earth!

Take care of your children
Don't scold them for their pranks.
The evil of your bad days
Never take it out on them.
Don't be seriously angry with them
Even if they did something wrong,
There is nothing more expensive than tears
That the eyelashes of relatives have rolled off.
If you feel tired
I can’t cope with her,
Well, my son will come to you
Or your daughter will extend her hands.
Hug them tight
Treasure children's affection
Is this happiness? a short moment
Hurry up to be happy.
After all, they will melt like snow in the spring,
These golden days will flash by
And they will leave their native hearth
Your children have grown up.
Flipping through the album
With childhood photographs
Remember with sadness the past
About those days when we were together.
How will you want
Return again at this time
To sing a song to them little ones,
Touch your cheeks with gentle lips.
And while there is children's laughter in the house,
There's no escape from toys
You are the happiest person in the world,
Please take care of your childhood!

June 1 is the first day of summer and also Children's Day. This day brings smiles to the faces of many children, because the holidays have finally begun, which cannot be said about adults. Despite the holiday, this day is not an official holiday unless it falls on a Saturday or Sunday.

As you know, in 2018, June 1 falls on a Friday, so all Russians will work on this day, there will be no day off.

Why did people suddenly decide to protect children? And from whom, or what?

After the end of World War II, the issue of disadvantaged children was on everyone's mind as the number of orphans and starving children increased.

The holiday appeared in 1949 in Paris, when during the women's congress the issue of protecting all disadvantaged children was raised, and the following year, 1950, on June 1, the holiday was held for the first time. Since then, many countries have begun to celebrate International Children's Day.

Every year on Children's Day, different concerts and events are held in every city that address the pressing problems of children in the region. In countries where there is war or there is a threat of war, various actions are held calling for peaceful existence. Traditionally, they organize meetings with refugee children and internally displaced persons, and also prepare lunches and other assistance for disadvantaged and needy children.

On this holiday, many children's creative teams want to show everyone their skills and the results of children's creations. Performances by musical, theatrical, and sports sections, as well as art and creative exhibitions of children's works are held everywhere.

Weekends in June 2018

In June, Russian residents are looking forward to a long weekend, all this is connected with public holiday— Russia Day, which is celebrated on June 12. The holiday is a symbol of the unity of a great country. Most often this holiday has a different name - Russian Independence Day.

According to the Labor Code, in Russia this day is an official day off. There are 10 weekends and holidays in June 2018.

To ensure a continuous weekend for its residents, the country's authorities decided to move one day off from Saturday, June 9, to Monday, June 11. Thus, Russians will celebrate the holiday for three whole days: June 10, Sunday - a day off, June 11, Monday - a postponed day off from June 9 (Saturday) June 12, Tuesday - Russia Day, is an official non-working holiday.

All other weekends this month will take place as usual on schedule: the 2nd, 3rd, 16th, 17th, 23rd, 24th and 30th, the portal website reports.

June 9 is a pre-holiday day that will be shortened by one hour. According to the production calendar, in June there are 20 working days, of which 1 day is shortened, as well as 10 days off.

When and how to celebrate Children's Day 2018. / 1zoom.ru

There are many professional and unofficial holidays in Ukraine. Against their background, Children's Day stands out especially: it stands at the intersection of the interests of the family and the state.

For the children themselves, this is a reason to have fun, and for society, it is a reminder of the need to protect the rights of children.

When is Children's Day

It was first officially celebrated back in 1950.

And since then, the date of the holiday has not changed: every year the world community celebrates Children's Day on June 1.

Children's Day 2018: day off or not

This day is not an official holiday. This year it falls on Friday - and all working Ukrainians will have to go to work.

Children's Day: events

Various events are dedicated to this day - festivals, exhibitions, games and competitions. Festive concerts of stars are held.

For example, in Kyiv on June 1 there will be a gala show of the Kyiv International Youth Festival of Circus Arts "Golden Chestnut".

From May 29 to June 7, the international film art festival for children and teenagers “Children Film Festival” will be held at the capital’s cultural center “Kyiv Cinema” (Krasnoarmeyskaya St., 19). IN competitive program 7 films are presented that were selected at the largest European film festivals. So, on Saturday they will show the German film "Pinocchio", and on Sunday and Monday - the film "Felix".

Children from 7 to 15 years old will also enjoy creative master classes from professional teachers on the basics of filmmaking.