Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs. Congratulations to all Slavs on the main holiday - the Day of Friendship and Slavic Unity! Church holiday according to the folk calendar

Andrey Purgin, head of the People's Council of the DPR

Address by the head of the People's Council of the DPR, Andrei Purgin.
The holiday of Friendship and unity of the Slavs comes from the very roots, traditions and customs of the Slavic people. Slavs make up the majority of the population in many countries of the world, there are about 270 million of them on the entire planet.

This holiday serves as a clear confirmation that what has been formed over the centuries cannot be divided by any decrees or borders. We are forever united by memory and pride for the great past, for the creators and creators of our common unique culture.

The duty of every person who respects his roots and loves his homeland is to study and sacredly cherish the centuries-old cultural heritage of the Slavic peoples, preserve traditions, values, and treat ancient monuments with care.

I congratulate all representatives of the fraternal Slavic peoples on the holiday of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs. Together we real strength. History has shown that the spirit of the Slavs cannot be broken or destroyed. May our love overcome all the walls and boundaries that stand between us. Peace and prosperity to you!

Chairman of the People's Council
Donetsk People's Republic
A.E. Purgin


Today is the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs, or the Day of Slavic Unity, as it is traditionally called. It dates back to the collapse of the USSR. The first states to take serious steps in this direction were Russia and Belarus: they signed a number of agreements on mutual cooperation on equal terms. This date is most widely celebrated by three friendly countries - Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. As noted in official congratulations heads of these states, this is truly a national holiday, coming from the common roots, cultural traditions and customs of our peoples.

Unfortunately, due to the extremely difficult situation in Ukraine, today this holiday there has sunk into oblivion or it was simply desecrated by the junta. Now the place of Ukraine on this list today will have to be taken by Novorossiya. Regional national-cultural associations make a great contribution to the unity of the Slavs. Thanks to their activities, the connection between times is not broken, original traditions, the centuries-old culture of the Slavic peoples, customs and rituals are passed on from generation to generation, civil peace and harmony are strengthened. On the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs itself, various cultural events are held in countries aimed at preserving and reviving the traditions and cultures of our ancestors. They are attended by representatives of the authorities, the church, the public and, of course, everyone.

Slavs make up the bulk of the population of Europe. This holiday is celebrated by Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, Serbs, Slovaks, Slovenes, Belarusians, Czechs and Bulgarians. They celebrate it even if this moment live in other countries. Slavs make up the majority in countries such as Russia, Slovakia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Poland, Macedonia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Montenegro, Croatia, Czech Republic. Russia is one of the largest states in which Slavs make up the vast majority of its inhabitants.
Regional national-cultural associations make a great contribution to the unity of the Slavs. The activities of these organizations allow us to maintain the connection between times. They help pass on the original traditions, customs and rituals of the centuries-old culture of the Slavic peoples from generation to generation. At the same time, civil peace and harmony are strengthened.

Goals of creation and traditions for the holiday Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs
The Day of Slavic Unity was established to unite different branches of the Slavs and strengthen the connection between generations. It is designed to preserve the centuries-old friendship and culture of the Slavs.
Where and when did the Slavs appear on our Earth? It’s a shame, but no modern science has yet answered this question—most answers are called “probable.” There are quite a few hypotheses on this topic, but they all leave many questions open, and the entire Slavic topic is characterized by scientists as “controversial” and “complex.” Information about the origins of the Slavic tribes is sometimes so contradictory that researchers call it a “cocktail.”
The past of the Slavic tribes can be traced by historians and ethnographers no further than to the 6th-4th centuries AD, and it is believed that at that time the Slavs already lived over a fairly large area - from the Baltic to the Black Sea.
The languages ​​and customs of these tribes were similar, but still quite different, and again, it is not known exactly where and when they managed to form. Perhaps the tribes most known to us from history textbooks are the Drevlyans and the Polyans, but information about their life also does not go further than until the middle of the 1st millennium AD.
What happened before this is actually quite vague, but most scientists are still inclined to the version adhered to by the famous Russian historian and writer N.M. Karamzin: the Wends can be considered the ancestors of the modern Slavs.
Mention of the Wends was found about 2000 years ago among ancient historians: they believed that these numerous tribes were settled mainly in Eastern Europe - between the Baltic and the Carpathians. The Baltic Sea even once bore the name of the Venedian Gulf of the Northern Ocean, and today archaeologists also believe that the ancestors of those who were called Wends lived in Europe in the Stone Age.

Surprisingly, in one of the modern languages ​​- Finnish, Russia is called Venea (in Estonian - Venemaa), and it is assumed that this name comes precisely from the word “Vends”. Almost until the middle of the 2nd millennium AD, this designation was preserved in many European languages, and then the name “Slavs” gradually spread: first in relation to the Western tribes, and then to everyone who spoke the Slavic dialect.
The East Slavic tribes - and there were about 200 of them - were previously called "Ants", and separated from general group around the 6th century AD. They usually settled along the banks of rivers: the Drevlyans and Polyans, which we have already mentioned, lived on Pripyat and the Dnieper; in the lower reaches of the Dnieper, on the Prut and Dniester lived the Tivertsy and Ulichi; along the banks of the Western Dvina - Krivichi (Latvian name for Russia Krievija); along the banks of the Oka - Vyatichi.
The most dangerous enemies of the Slavs were the nomadic Khazars: in the lower reaches of the Volga and Don they had a large state created in the 7th-8th centuries AD, and they often plundered and destroyed Slavic settlements.
It is known that the Slavs bravely defended their lands, and it was at this time that they began to call themselves “Rus” or “Russians”, after the name of the Ros River, which flowed near the borders of the Khazar state. Many historians therefore believe that the words “Rus” and “Russians” come from these names, although there is another popular version - the Norman one.

We did not set ourselves the goal of tracing here the entire supposed history of the Slavic peoples: we are talking about something else - about an important holiday for all Slavs - the Day of Friendship and Unity.

This day was established not so long ago - in the 90s of the 20th century. When it broke up Soviet Union, more independent Slavic states emerged, and there was a need to establish friendly relations in the new conditions. By the way, around the same time, another state in which Slavic peoples lived side by side for many years collapsed - Yugoslavia.
The Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs is celebrated on June 25: the holiday was created so that different branches of the Slavic peoples remember their historical roots, strive to preserve their culture, as well as the centuries-old connection with each other - after all, there are not so few Slavs in the world - about 270 million , and this is a force that cannot be ignored. According to other sources, there are even more of them - up to 350 million, since the Slavs live in many countries of the world.
Some ethnographers and sociologists explain the difficulties of life in the countries of Eastern Europe by the fact that the genetic origin of the Slavic peoples is quite different, but this problem has not yet been clarified.
In Europe, this holiday is also celebrated in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Poland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Croatia, Montenegro, and wherever there are Slavs. And of course, the largest state where Slavs make up the bulk of the population is Russia.
However, many Slavs celebrate their holiday, even if they live far from the Slavic states. Therefore, the establishment of a holiday for all Slavs of the world was the right decision– after all, we have special traits that are unique to us, and they unite us, despite distances and difficulties in communication; and we must not forget that among all the linguistic groups and cultural communities of the planet, the Slavs are one of the largest.
Friendly relations between the Slavic countries are constantly developing and maintained - at least Russia always strives for this. Today, on the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs, cultural and other events are held to promote friendship and cooperation, mutual assistance and support - these are concerts, competitions, exhibitions, fairs, sports competitions, etc. They congratulate each other and the heads of state, and they congratulate not only the citizens of Slavic countries, but also the Slavs of the whole world. The activities of regional and regional national-cultural associations also make a significant contribution to the preservation of Slavic traditions, customs and culture in general. Events held in different regions not only preserve the originality of Slavic culture for future generations, but also help strengthen peace, and this is the most important thing.

Here we can recall that the Slavic culture, very rich and great, for a long time was given almost no attention - after all, today Western culture, and mainly American, is being actively implanted all around (personally, I am convinced that American culture does not exist in principle and it never existed, just as Americans in the United States cannot be called a race, a society, or a people. There was an Indian culture, but if you look at history, you will see everything with your own eyes).
Meanwhile, the monuments of Slavic culture are unique - in any field: be it literature, art or architecture, and the history of the Slavs is much older than that of the peoples of the countries that consider themselves to be part of the “golden billion” - this history is simply worth appreciating and respecting.
In addition, in addition to language and writing, most Slavs are united by a common religion and common memorable dates: for example, the victory over fascism became the most important event for the Slavs all over the world, since it was against the Slavs that the policies of Hitler's Germany were directed.

Questions about the origin of the Slavs continue to be studied, but the fact that it is common is clear to us today.

Therefore, let us respect and appreciate each other, and not only on the holiday of Slavic Unity, but always - after all, no matter how often it is repeated - we Slavs are truly brothers and sisters, and not only by blood.

Slavia is not just the home of all Slavs, it is the largest land area in the world since the times of the USSR: from Anadyr to Bratislava, from Nakhodka to Warsaw, from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Sakhalin with the Kuril Islands to Prague. All this is our common home. Home to almost 300 million people. A home where there is always a place for everyone. A house that serves us all as Noah’s Ark, a house where peace, friendship, tranquility and support for each other in difficult moments should reign. So it was, is and should always be. Live in peace and harmony, and let no Judeo-Saxon nit dare to poke its snout into our lands. Happy holiday!

TNF. Slav
In eternal battles you lived according to the laws of your fathers.
Your spirit was not broken even under the yoke of enemies.
You made sacrifices for the harsh gods.
He tore the enemy with his teeth like a pack of wolves!


Slav - son of Perun, White Soldier.
Slav - one Blood, one Faith.
Not a step back for the Slavic Land!!!

But the insidious enemy managed to defeat you,
Sowing lies and discord among the Slavic brotherhood.
All brotherly blood was washed away with dirty gold,
And honor and courage in exchange for wealth.

But we were strong only through our brotherhood.

For blood and honor! Za krv i cast!
Za krew i honor! We are up!!!

Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs - JUNE 25

This holiday is celebrated all over the world.
At this time, there are about 300 million people on the planet who belong to the Slavic nation, who on this day remember their own origins and roots - this Russians, Ukrainians And Belarusians. As part of the holiday, various meetings and events are held aimed at strengthening and developing friendly relations between countries.

We will all live in peace together,
Without losing dignity and honor.
We are brothers in strength, spirit and blood,
We will always be happy and healthy.

The friendship of the Slavs is strong for centuries,
Even if life is not easy at times.
We stand with strength and faith for our brother,
Such friendship cannot be destroyed by others!

This is a national holiday, although heads of state also play an important role in it. On this day they extend congratulations and wishes to their people. Slavs make up the bulk of the population of Europe. This is alsoPoles, Serbs, Slovaks, Slovenes, CzechsAnd Bulgarians .

May the world shine for us Slavs
And the friendship will last forever.
May it never hurt
The enemy's hand is alien to us!

Unity, friendship, peace and happiness.
Deserve the best blessings from you.
The Slavs are the best of the best.
May your worst enemy be afraid!

Russia is one of the largest states in which Slavs make up the overwhelming majority of the inhabitants. Regional national and cultural associations make a great contribution to the unity of the Slavs, which allows them to maintain the connection between peoples and times. The original traditions, customs and rituals of the centuries-old culture of the Slavic peoples are passed on from generation to generation. At the same time, civil peace and harmony are strengthened.

The Slavs are glorious peoples,
One river of mighty water.
And the unity of our countries
Doesn't separate the ocean.

There is a beautiful choir by that river.
For quite some time now
We have a common excitement
And the hearts have common decrees.

The Slavic peoples owe the appearance of writing to Cyril and Methodius. It was they who streamlined the Slavic letter and completely adapted it for recording Slavic speech. A huge amount of work was done to create a book-written Slavic language, which later received the name Old Church Slavonic. The Slavs have a very rich and diverse culture. She should be proud and demonstrate it to other nations.

Every year, Slavs all over the world celebrate the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs on June 25. There are about 270 million Slavs in the world.

This date is most widely celebrated by three friendly countries - Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. This holiday is truly national. It comes from common roots, cultural traditions and customs.

Slavs make up the bulk of the population of Europe. This holiday is celebrated by Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, Serbs, Slovaks, Slovenes, Belarusians, Czechs and Bulgarians. They celebrate it even if they currently live in other countries.

Slavs make up the majority in countries such as Russia, Slovakia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Poland, Macedonia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Montenegro, Croatia, Czech Republic. Russia is one of the largest states in which Slavs make up the vast majority of its inhabitants.

Regional national-cultural associations make a great contribution to the unity of the Slavs. The activities of these organizations allow us to maintain the connection between times. They help pass on the original traditions, customs and rituals of the centuries-old culture of the Slavic peoples from generation to generation. At the same time, civil peace and harmony are strengthened.

Goals of creation and traditions for the holiday Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs

The Day of Slavic Unity was established to unite different branches of the Slavs and strengthen the connection between generations. It is designed to preserve the centuries-old friendship and culture of the Slavs.

On June 25, on the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs, heads of state traditionally congratulate the citizens not only of their country, but also of all Slavic brothers on this significant date.

The holiday makes Slavs all over the world remember their origins and roots. The Slavs represent the largest linguistic and cultural community of peoples in the world.

As part of the holiday of the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs, various events, which are aimed at developing friendly relations between Slavic countries.

According to written and archaeological sources, the Slavs already in the VI-VII centuries. lived in Central and Eastern Europe. Their lands extended from the Elbe and Oder rivers in the west to the upper reaches of the Dniester and the middle reaches of the Dnieper in the east.

Slavic peoples

Currently, the Slavs live across a vast territory of Southern and Eastern Europe and further east - all the way to the Russian Far East. There is also a Slavic minority in the countries of Western Europe, America, Transcaucasia and Central Asia.

It is customary to distinguish three branches of Slavic peoples. Western Slavs are: Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Kashubians and Lusatians. The South Slavs include: Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, Herzegovinians, Macedonians, Slovenes and Montenegrins. Eastern Slavs: Belarusians, Russians and Ukrainians.

The problem of origin and ancient history Slavs is one of the most difficult. The joint efforts of archaeologists, linguists, anthropologists, ethnographers and historians are aimed at solving it.

Modern Slavic peoples have quite heterogeneous genetic origins. This can explain the complexity of ethnogenetic processes in Eastern Europe.

These processes began tens of thousands of years ago, intensified during the Great Migration of Peoples in the 5th century and are still ongoing.

Slavic languages ​​belong to a branch of the Indo-European family of languages. They belong to the Indo-European languages ​​of the Satem group.

The Baltic and Slavic languages, in terms of vocabulary, morphology and syntax, have many more similarities than any other group of Indo-European languages.

The presence of a number of similar features in the Baltic and Slavic languages ​​may indicate that in ancient times there was a Baltic-Slavic linguistic unity.

For a long time there were no independent Slavic states. In the second half of the 19th century, the Slavic peoples were part of three empires: Russian, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman.

The only exceptions were Montenegrins and Lusatians. Montenegrins lived in the small independent state of Montenegro, and Lusatians lived in Germany.

By the end of the 20th century, all Slavic peoples had already received state independence. The exceptions were Russians and Lusatians.

The Slavic peoples owe the appearance of writing to Constantine and Methodius. It was they who streamlined the Slavic letter and completely adapted it for recording Slavic speech.

A huge amount of work was done to create a book and written Slavic language, which later received the name Old Church Slavonic.

The Slavs have a very rich and diverse culture. She should be proud and show it to other peoples. However, for a long time it was not given much importance; everything Western was implanted.

As part of this holiday in different countries Cultural events are held aimed at reviving the traditions and cultures of our ancestors.

The holiday is intended to contribute to the preservation and revival of cultural traditions, the establishment of friendly and partnership relations between representatives of Slavic peoples, and the strengthening of connections between generations.

How is the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs celebrated?

How is the celebration going? The heads of state congratulate the representatives of the Slavic peoples on this memorable date.

The program of events for the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs also includes seminars, round tables, exhibitions in national cultural centers, museums and libraries, theatrical performances, concerts of folk groups.

In kindergartens and summer camps matinees are held and folklore holidays. Documentary films dedicated to the history of the Slavic peoples are shown on television.

History and traditions of the Day of Unity of the Slavs

The Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs is most widely celebrated in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

Since 1969, these countries have hosted the Slavic Unity festival. Each year, one of the regions became responsible for its implementation - Bryansk (Russia), Gomel (Belarus) or Chernigov (Ukraine).

Today, about 270 million people with Slavic roots live in different countries of the world. According to written and archaeological sources, the Slavs already lived in the 6th-7th centuries in the territory of Central and Eastern Europe, occupying territories from the Elbe and Oder rivers in the west to the upper reaches of the Dniester and the middle reaches of the Dnieper in the east.

Scientists distinguish three branches of Slavic peoples:

  • Western Slavs include Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Kashubians and Lusatians;
  • to the southern Slavs - Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, Herzegovinians, Macedonians, Slovenians and Montenegrins;
  • Eastern Slavs - Belarusians, Russians and Ukrainians.

Representatives of the Slavic peoples, who have common cultural traditions, make up a significant part of the European population.

In addition to the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs, Russia and other countries also celebrate the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, dedicated to the memory of Saints Cyril and Methodius.

These Christian preachers developed an alphabet for writing texts in the Slavic language, using which they translated the Holy Scriptures and several liturgical books from Greek.