Accounting info. Accounting info 1s unitary enterprise production calendar

How to open a production calendar in 1C Accounting 8.3 (edition 3.0)


In the new edition of 1C accounting, as in the old one, of course there is production calendar. But finding it if you need to fill it out or make adjustments is not at all easy.

How to find the production calendar in 1C Accounting 3.0 below.

  1. Open the "All functions" item (about this).
  2. In the window that opens, find the “Directory” item. Expand this item to a plus sign.
  3. Among the reference books, find "Production calendars". Open them.
  4. If the calendar is not full, this list will be empty. Click the "Create" button.
  5. In the calendar that opens, enter the name: “Russian Federation”, code: “RF”, year: the one you need.
  6. Click the "Fill as default" button ( attention, weekdays and holidays will be refilled).
  7. Check the coincidence of holidays and weekends with those officially approved for this year.
  8. If you need to adjust the calendar, right-click on the desired day and select the desired value.
  9. Click the "Save and Close" button.
  10. Ready!
Sincerely, (teacher and developer).

23.04.2018 17:06:01 1C:Servistrend ru

Production calendar

The production calendar contains information about holidays and weekends, as well as the standard working time by month, by quarter and by year, which is calculated in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation.

Production calendar in 1C Accounting 8.3

In Enterprise Accounting 3.1, when calculating payments to employees of an organization or enterprise, a “master schedule” is used, the time standard for which is calculated according to the production calendar, filled out taking into account weekends and holidays for the Russian Federation as a whole (excluding regional holidays).

Thus, in Enterprise Accounting 3.1 there is only one production calendar, which is used by all organizations that keep their records in a single 1C database and is filled out automatically according to approved weekends and holidays. Weekends are transferred to other days according to Federal law or regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.

All accepted changes before the start of the new calendar year, after their approval, are updated in the program automatically.

Production calendar in 1C Salary and Personnel Management 8.3

Some regions of the Russian Federation have their own holidays. To do this, the program has the ability to use several production calendars at once, and not just one, as in Enterprise Accounting.

For example, in the Salary and Personnel Management 3.1 program, you can keep records for several organizations that are located in regions with different approved regional holidays, or by separate divisions and branches using regional production calendars.

The list of completed production calendars can be opened through the menu “Settings” - “Production calendars” (Fig. 1)

By default, the national calendar is always used " Russian Federation" (Fig. 2).

How to create, configure or change a production calendar in 1C

On this moment In the program, all calendars, including regional ones, are filled in automatically. The user can create and edit (configure) a new calendar.

To do this, you need to place the cursor on one of the calendars, and by right-clicking from the menu that appears, select “Create”. In the new calendar, indicate the name of the region, region code and year.

After adding the regional calendar we need for proper accounting, we will definitely select it in the work schedules of all employees in this region. (Fig. 3).

Menu “Settings” - “Employee work schedules”. In the chart itself, select “Change chart properties” and select the calendar we need from the list.

If you need to calculate employee accruals for next year, there is no updated calendar in the program yet, but official changes have already been approved by the government, then the production calendar can be filled out (edited) manually.

For example, you need to mark the day as a holiday. To do this, place the mouse cursor on the calendar day we need; by right-clicking, a menu will appear (Fig. 3). Select “Change day”. You can click the Change Day button at the top of the production calendar. In the list that appears, select “Holiday”.

If a holiday falls on a weekend, we must reschedule the weekend. By right-clicking, in the menu that appears, select “Move day” and select the date from the calendar to which the day off is transferred. You can also transfer by clicking the “Move Day” button at the top of the edited calendar. (Fig.3)

To correctly record the number of working hours, we must mark all pre-holiday days. By right-clicking, in the menu that appears, select “Change day” and in the list that appears, select “Pre-holiday”. You can also designate a day as “Pre-Holiday” by clicking the “Change Day” button at the top of the editable calendar.

To cancel the transfer, you need to select “Change day” again by placing the cursor on the date you are editing, or click the “Change day” button. In the list that appears, select “Working”, “Saturday”, “Sunday” or “Holiday”.

After completing all the settings, click “Record” or “Record and close”. The changes made will be recorded in the information database.

The production calendar can be printed. The printed form contains data on working days, calendar days, weekends and holidays; when printing, the total number of hours is checked for a 40-hour, 36-hour and 24-hour work week and the average monthly number of hours.

Why do you need a production calendar in 1C?

Based on these production calendars, various employee work schedules can be drawn up. Menu “Settings” - “Employee work schedules”

That is, when creating various work schedules, it is possible to choose one of the production calendars, according to which time standards will be kept track of. (Fig. 4)

The user must ensure that the production calendar is correctly populated before setting up all general employee schedules at the beginning of each calendar year.

Still have questions? We will help you set up a production calendar in 1C as part of a free consultation!

The 1C Accounting service provides the ability to enter a calendar. At the same time, working with it remains identical for most software products created on the basis of 1C.

The production calendar plays a significant role in work. It is in demand in various fields, for example, it allows you to calculate the number of banking days when applying for loans or determine the number of working days of staff.

If work schedules are not given due attention, errors may occur that can seriously affect the quality of accounting at the enterprise. These include:

  • "It is not possible to determine the nearest working date for the date..."
  • “The work schedule of the Russian Federation has not been completed since the date...”
  • "There are no working days in the given period."

Filling out the production calendar

To get to the production calendar, the user will need to go to the All Features section. It is located in the main menu and includes the functions existing in the program, collected for convenience in alphabetical order.

“Production calendar” is located as part of the “Directories” group.

After this, the accountant has at his disposal an interface that provides the ability to work with the calendar. In some cases, the calendar may already exist by default; in other cases, it will have to be created again using the “Create” button.

WITH right side The year of interest is selected from the screen, after which you can begin to directly configure it. This can be done using the “Fill by Default” button. After this, the system will be filled out automatically based on the information existing on the Internet on specialized sites; all that remains is to make the adjustments necessary for the user.

You can get information, for example, from the Consultant Plus website.

To make a transfer holiday date, for example, during long periods New Year's holidays, replete with transfers, you need to right-click and then select the “Move day” option from the list.

Next, the number to which the transfer is made is selected, after which the original day becomes a working day. Taking into account the fact that this day is just a weekend, you must once again select the “Move day” option and set the required day of the week for it. As a result, both days become weekends in the calendar.

The right side of the calendar displays information about all transfers made by the user.

After all the necessary adjustments have been made, the “Save” button saves the changes.

After this, the 1C program will correctly reflect the calendar.

We will need production calendar, which must first be filled out.

Go to the menu Enterprise -> Production calendar.

The window that opens displays information about working days and holidays for the current year.

As you probably already noticed, when you first opened the program, it filled out production calendar standard data for the current year. In the message window, information was displayed that will help correct inaccuracies in the standard filling. For example, the program warns that some holidays fall on weekends.

We need to do the transfer of weekends manually. For example, let's move a day off November 7 on Monday November 8th. To do this, right-click on November 7- a program warning appears Reschedule a day off.

Click on the item Reschedule day off... Then, a window appears to select the date to which you want to move the day off.

We select the day we need, in our case it is November 8, and confirm our choice by pressing the button OK.

Now we have production calendar Monday(November 8) is marked as a day off, and Sunday(November 7) is a holiday.

After all the necessary changes have been made, click on the button Write down, and the calendar will be saved in the database.

In a programme Salary and HR Management it is possible to print production calendar. To do this you need to click on the button Seal, which is located at the bottom of the form.

But you can only print the saved production calendar.

In printed form production calendar data is displayed on the number of working days, calendar days, weekends and holidays, and also the number of hours for a 40-hour, 36-hour and 24-hour work week.

That's it for the setup production calendar finished and now you can close both the printed form and the calendar itself.

The production calendar is a list of working and non-working days approved at the state level, which is a table resembling a regular calendar, which additionally includes data on the number of calendar days, working days, weekends and holidays. They are presented for the month, for the quarter, and for the year as a whole.

In the 1C 8.3 ZUP program, they are guided by it in recording the time worked by employees, in calculating wages, as well as vacation and sick pay. It is compiled for each year and timely completion of the calendar in 1C 8.3, before the start of the new calendar year, is mandatory in order to avoid errors in calculating salaries for employees. The current calendar can be viewed and downloaded on the websites of various reference and information systems.

Location in ZUP

In the configuration, the calendar can be found in two ways.

First– from the main menu of the program you need to go to “All functions”. By default, this item is not included in the main list, so we will add it ourselves*. To do this, select “Service”, then “Options”.


There we check the box next to “Display “All functions”.

*Only those users who have full rights administrator.


Now it has appeared in our Main Menu.


In the “Directories” we select the type of calendar we need.


Second– through the menu “Settings” - “Enterprise”.


Initially, the program included a calendar with the name “Russian Federation”. It is usually set up once for each calendar year.


Updating and filling out the production calendar in 1C ZUP 8.3 for the convenience of users occurs in accordance with legal regulations. We must select the year using the arrow buttons and click “Fill as default”, since initially our calendar is empty. We see a completed form indicating working days, weekends, holidays and pre-holiday days, as well as information about transfers, which is indicated next to it for reference.


For clarity, the calendar uses different colors:

  • For working days – black;
  • For holidays - pink;
  • For pre-holidays - blue;
  • For Saturday - burgundy;
  • For Sunday - red.

If there is only one calendar “Russian Federation” in the ZUP, then it will work by default for all companies for which accounting is maintained in the ZUP. If several calendars are used, then you must remember to take this into account when filling out employee work schedules in order to avoid incorrect calculation of salaries and other accruals.

There are situations when it is necessary to make amendments to the production calendar, for example, a certain day has been designated as a regional holiday, so in the program its status must be changed from “working” to “holiday”. To do this, select the day we need on the calendar and press the button"Edit" at the top of the form.


The value selection window appears. We choose "Holiday".


On the calendar, the day becomes a holiday and its color changes. Next, we change the day before to “Pre-holiday” so that the program correctly calculates working hours, since on the pre-holiday day, working hours are reduced by one hour.


So, the pre-holiday day is highlighted in blue, and the holiday day is highlighted in pink. Now the number of working hours per month will change, and the program will correctly calculate all accruals.


Transferring days is carried out in the same way as changing. Select a day and click the “Move Day” button.


The Select Transfer Date window appears. Select the one you need and click OK.


After the transfer, the color of the days also changes, and the number of working hours in the months that have undergone changes also changes.

After making all the necessary changes, be sure to click the “Save” or “Save and Close” button so that the changes are saved.


The calendar in question is compiled once a year, so it can be printed and always kept “in sight” to quickly answer employee questions. The 1C program allows you to create a convenient visual form for printing. To receive it, click the “Print” button. On it we can see all the information for all types of days, the number of hours for a 40-, 36- and 24-hour work week, as well as the average monthly number of hours.


If we need to restore the original filling of the calendar, we will use the “Fill by default” button, then all our changes and transfers of days will be canceled.

Several calendars in one database

If accounting for several companies at once is kept in one program, or their branches are located in different constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which, in turn, have their own holidays, the number of working days, weekends and holidays will differ from the generally accepted classifier (for example, in the republics of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan There are holidays that are not on the national calendar).

Because of this, there is a need to create several Production calendars in one 1C program. Adding them yourself is quite simple, since calendars are preinstalled in the ZUP, taking into account regional legislation.

You can find and fill out such a calendar, just like the all-Russian one. Select “Create”, then “By classifier”.


A list of calendars to select appears. Select the one we need and click “Select”.


The calendar we have selected will appear in the general list. We go into it and fill it out as described above.


In addition to the preset ones, you can create your own calendar. To do this, in the “Production Calendars” menu, select “Create”, then “New”.


A completely new, blank calendar form will open before us. You must fill in its name, code (specified arbitrarily), calendar year, be sure to indicate whether it is regional, if so, then indicate the main federal calendar.


We fill out this calendar by clicking “Fill as default”, and then configure it using the “Change day” and “Move day” buttons, mark holidays and pre-holidays, and indicate the transfer of holidays. Next, click the “Record” or “Record and Close” button.

The information in the production calendar is linked to the main work schedule in the ZUP. If there are 40 hours in a working week, the main schedule coincides with it, which means that correctly filled in data guarantees the accountant’s work without errors. That is why it is so important to ensure that it is filled out correctly before the start of the new calendar year.