Short holiday announcement. Municipal district Kaltasinsky district History of the holiday in Russia

On the eve of a non-working holiday, the working day is reduced by 1 hour (part 1 of article 95 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). How to notify employees about this and how to write an announcement about a reduced holiday day, we will tell in our material.

Should I write a holiday announcement?

We considered in a separate consultation the issue,.

The issue of announcing a pre-holiday working day is resolved in a similar way: the employer has no obligation to announce to employees about a reduction in the working day. Therefore, he decides at his own discretion whether to notify employees or not that the pre-holiday working day is reduced by 1 hour.

An announcement to employees about the specifics of work on the eve of the holiday can be delegated to the responsible employee of the accounting or personnel department, and also made by them at their own discretion. After all, the law does not prohibit any employee of the employer from informing other employees about the rights that labor law. And the right to a shortened pre-holiday working day is one of such rights.

Pre-Holiday Shortened Working Day Announcement: Sample

Since the legislation does not provide for an announcement on the reduction of the pre-holiday working day, the form of such an announcement is developed by the compiler independently.

An announcement about a reduction in the pre-holiday working day may look like this.

Although February and March are not very rich in public holidays, these months still have two “red” calendar dates. And the Russians are waiting for them with great impatience. These are men's and women's holidays.

How we relax on February 23 and March 8 in 2018 in Russia: Weekend schedule, calendar

It goes without saying that Defender of the Fatherland Day and International Women's Day are public holidays. And how many days in a row we will rest, now we will tell. February 23rd falls on a Friday this year. It is followed by two calendar days off - Saturday and Sunday. Thus, on Defender of the Fatherland Day we will rest for three whole days in a row. At the same time, Thursday, February 22, is a pre-holiday day. You can legally leave work an hour early. And on the occasion of International Women's Day, Russians are waiting for a big weekend.

We will rest and relax from March 8 to March 11, 2018. Russian government, compiling the production calendar, resorted to the transfer. This resulted in an extra day off. So, on Friday, March 9, the day off was postponed from Saturday, January 6. We add that March 7 in the working calendar is considered a pre-holiday day, therefore, the duration of work is reduced by one hour.

Production calendar 2018 with holidays and days off, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation

Taking into account the transfer of holidays, the calendar - 2018 assumes six long days off and public holidays:

  • from February 23 to February 25 (3 days on the occasion of Defender of the Fatherland Day);
  • from 8 to 11 March (4 days dedicated to the International women's day);
  • from April 29 to May 2 (4 days to celebrate the Spring and Labor Day);
  • from 10 to 12 June (3 days for the celebration of the Day of Russia);
  • from 3 to 5 November (3 days, dedicated to the Day national unity).
  • One holiday - May 9 in honor of Victory Day - will have to rest in the middle of the week.

Just ended new year holidays, and the Russians are already looking forward to asking questions: how do we relax on March 8, 2019. Will there be a postponement of the weekend and how many days of rest there will be on International Women's Day on March 8 in Russia. This year the long weekend will only last 3 days because March 8 falls on a Friday. But Thursday, March 7 is officially a shortened working day.

Russian citizens will have a rest on International Women's Day for 3 days in a row - from March 8 to March 10. The Government of the Russian Federation adopted such a decision at the end of last year (decree on the postponement of days off).

At the very beginning of March, spring gives us a bright holiday - International Women's Day, on which everyone traditionally congratulates the fair sex in their families, work teams and among friends.

Officially, March 8 is a day off, and if according to the calendar it is in close proximity to Saturday or Sunday, then often working people in Russia have another three-day day off. To determine how many days off will fall on March 8 in 2019, you need to familiarize yourself with the calendar.

How many days do we rest for the holiday March 8, 2019

in Russia holiday date March 8 is an official non-working day. In total, in 2019, in honor of the holiday, Russians will rest for 3 days in a row.

List of holidays in honor of International Women's Day in 2019:

  • March 8, 2019 (Friday)
  • March 9, 2019 (Saturday)
  • March 10, 2019 (Sunday)

The production calendar will tell you how we work and relax in March 2019, what long holidays fall. Inform about the number of working days, weekends and holidays, working time norms this month.

Working hours in March

According to production calendar Russia, in March 2019, there were 20 working days in the country (including 1 shortened one) and 11 days off and holidays.

Working hours norms:

with a 40-hour work week - 159 hours (20 x 8 - 1, where 20 is the number of working days, 8 is the duration of the work shift, 1 is the number of reduced working days);
at 36 hours - 143 hours (20 x 7.2 - 1);
at 24-hour - 95 hours (20 x 4.8 - 1).

How to relax in March 2019

How we work in March 2019

The history of the holiday in Russia

Wednesday (March 7, 2019) on the eve of the holiday is a shortened working day. And you should go to work after a four-day weekend on Monday, March 12, 2019.

The history of the March 8 holiday in Russia dates back to 1913, when about one and a half thousand people gathered at the St. Petersburg Grain Exchange for scientific readings on women's rights. On February 23, 1917 (according to the old chronology, or according to the Julian calendar, and on March 8 - according to the new Gregorian), the inhabitants of the Northern capital again went to the rally, this time their slogans demanded "bread and peace."

This event happened on the eve of the February Revolution: 4 days later, the last monarch of the great Russian Empire, Nicholas II, abdicated the throne, and the interim government that received the reins of power endowed women with voting rights.

In 1965, the leadership Soviet Union International Women's Day was given the status of a public holiday, and March 8 was declared a day off on an all-Union scale in honor of the Soviet communists who bravely opposed the enemy in wartime and showed selflessness in building a peaceful society.

Modern approach

International Women's Day is officially fixed as a non-working day and is celebrated in almost all republics in the post-Soviet space with minor shifts in the date and changes in the name.

So, in Russia, Belarus, Latvia, Moldova, Ukraine and a number of CIS countries, the holiday has not changed, in Tajikistan March 8 is now called Mother's Day, in Armenia it is celebrated on April 7 and is called Mother's Day, beauty and spring. But Lithuania and Estonia, after the collapse of the USSR, hastened to get rid of the remnants of the past and excluded this day from the list of holidays.

As time passed, the holiday of March 8 lost its political overtones and became more of a day for women mothers, rather than women warriors. Husbands, sons, brothers, colleagues strive to congratulate their wives, mothers, sisters and colleagues, to show them their love and affection on this day.

Where else is celebrated on March 8

official holiday International Women's Day is recognized not only in Russia, North Korea and China, but also, for example, in Burkina Faso. In the rest of the world, March 8 is not considered public holiday, however, is gaining more and more popularity every year, while maintaining a feminist bias.

The main promoter of the date today is the UN. In 1977, the United Nations invited the participating countries to choose any day to sing the ideas of women's equality and world peace, they became March 8.

Countries that supported the UN primarily use the holiday as an occasion to raise social issues important to women. From year to year, the UN selects a priority topic on which efforts will be directed.

In 2013 it was an opposition to violence against women, last year - "Equality for women - progress for all." In 2015 - "Inspiring Women - Inspiring Humanity". The purple ribbon is the symbol of the holiday.

Kaltasinsky district was formed on August 20, 1930. The village of Kaltasa was determined as the administrative center, but due to the lack of appropriate buildings, the village of Red Hill became the temporary center.

  • On August 22, the 1st district party conference was held, which elected the district committee of the CPSU (b) headed by executive secretary Ya.B. Baiguzin. On September 2, at the 1st Congress of the District Council, a district executive committee was formed, A.A. was elected chairman of the RIC. Sultanaev.
  • On February 20, 1932, as a result of the liquidation of the Nikolo-Berezovsky (Krasnokamsky) region, all the village councils of this region were transferred to the Kaltasinsky region. Although the village of Keltey was named the administrative center of the enlarged district, the center temporarily remained in the village of Nikolo-Berezovka.

By the decision of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the following settlements and village councils were transferred from district to district:

  1. from Kaltasinsky district to Buraevsky district - Bustanaevsky and Kugarchinsky village councils,
  2. Baryazinsky village council without the Chumara plant and forest areas of national importance;
  3. from Kaltasinsky district to Yanaulsky district - Cheraulsky, Orlovsky, Krasnokholmsky, Izhboldinsky, Sosnovsky, Kyrpinsky village councils;
  4. from the Yanaulsky district to the Kaltasinsky district - the Susadybashevsky village council, and the village of Stary Oryebash of the Kyrpinsky village council was left in the Kaltasinsky district.

In September 1933, the Baryazinsky and Kugarchinsky village councils were returned to the Kaltasinsky district.

On February 3, 1935, the Presidium of the Bashkir Central Executive Committee again restores the Krasnokamsky district, in connection with this, the village of Keltey temporarily becomes the administrative center of the Kaltasinsky district. And since 1936, administrative institutions have been transferred to the newly built village of Kaltasy.

In 1963 - 64 years. Kaltasinsky, Krasnokamsky, Tatyshlinsky districts became part of the Yanaulsky district. In March 1964, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, the Kaltasinsky district was re-formed with the center in the village of Kaltasy, which included all the village councils of the former Krasnokamsky district.

In 1972, the last division of the region into Kaltasinsky and Krasnokamsky took place within the current boundaries. Then 14 settlements of the Novoburinsky village council went to the Krasnokamsky district.

Geographic reference

Location of the Kaltasinsky district relative to the borders of the Republic of Bashkortostan and the city of Ufa.

The area is located in the northwestern part of the republic, within the Pribelskaya ridged-wavy plain, in the interfluve of the Bystry Tanyp and Buya.

The climate is warm and moderately humid. The vegetation cover is represented by coniferous and soft-leaved forests, they occupy 60,308 hectares of area.

The regional center - the village of Kaltasy, is located 210 km from the city of Ufa, 50 km from the Yanaul railway station, 40 km from the city of Neftekamsk.

The area of ​​the district is 1,548.35 sq. km, its length from west to east is 63 km, from north to south - 47 km.

It borders in the north with Yanaulsky, in the east - Buraevsky, in the south - Dyurtyulinsky, in the west - with Krasnokamsky districts.