New Year's scenario with the participation of a snowman. Scenario for the New Year's holiday “New Year's Adventures of a Snowman. New Year's adventures with the Snowman

Subject: scenario New Year's party"Snowman and children."

Educational areas: artistically - aesthetic development, social and communicative development, physical development, speech development.

Target: Creation festive mood in children.

Software tasks:
- develop children's creative abilities through different kinds musical activity;

To form the communicative qualities of preschoolers;

Cultivate good feelings.

Equipment and materials: snowballs, tinsel for dancing snowflakes, a snowball with gifts, a broom for the Snowman.

Characters: adults: Snow Maiden, Snowman, Santa Claus, Bear.

Children enter the hall to the song “Silver Snowflakes”(author Andrey Varlamov)
The Snow Maiden enters the hall, waltzes around the Christmas tree to the music from the film “Three Nuts for Cinderella.”
Snow Maiden:
- Hello!

Oh, how many children - both girls and boys!
The threat of winter is not terrible, I am not afraid of snowstorms!
Granddaughter of Grandfather Frost, I call myself Snegurochka.
Come closer to the tree, look above, below.
We'll take a leisurely walk around the Christmas tree, kids.
Oh yes guest! Oh yes tree! How good it is!
- It will be very fun at our Christmas tree,
And now we’ll sing a song about the Christmas tree.
The song “Yolka-Yolochka” is performed (words and music by Bystrova)
Snow Maiden:
- The yard is white and white, all the paths are covered with snow.
I suggest you, friends, to play with the snow.
The game “We are making a snowman” is played.
One hand, two hand (we stretch our arms out to the sides one by one).
We are making a snowman (making a snowball with both hands).
Three-four, three-four (stroke the neck).
Let's draw a wider mouth (draw your fingers along the chin to the cheeks).
Five - let's find a carrot for the nose (they rub the corners of the nose with their fists).
Six - put on the hat askew (rub the forehead with the visor of the palm).
Let him laugh with us! (clap).
Music from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear” plays and the Snowman enters the hall.
Snow Maiden:

- So the Snowman came out, he is neither small nor big!

- I emerged from the snow and hurried to your tree,
I am grateful to all the guys who blinded me now!
Snow Maiden:
-Snowman, Snowman, we will cheer you up and won’t let you get bored!
The game “We will hang the balloons” is played
-I’m a cheerful Snowman, I’m used to the snow and the cold!
It’s getting hot, my friends, oh, now I’m melting!
Snow Maiden:
- You can’t waste time in vain, you need to help a friend out!
Snowflakes, run here, help me dance!
The dance “Snowflakes - Ballerinas” is performed (music by Z. Root)

-Oh, how nice it was, there was a lot of snow.
I’ll take a broom now and sweep the snow into the snowdrifts!
The snowman walks with a broom, and the guys run to another place and sit down. The game is played 2-3 times.
- Oh, how fun it is today, this is the New Year’s holiday!
Hold your hands tightly, stand in a circle quickly!
The song “New Year's - Baby” is performed

( words and music by L. Nekrasova)

- What a miracle - the kids danced with all their hearts!
You have a lot of fun, but the time has come to say goodbye.
I’ll run to my friends, the mischievous snowmen.
Don't be bored without me, have a happy holiday!
The snowman runs away to the music.
Snow Maiden:
- New Year has come! Today all the people are having fun!
Santa Claus is coming to our holiday tree now!
Let's all shout to him, Grandfather Frost, AU!
The children are calling, Santa Claus enters the hall.
Father Frost:
- Hello, my dears, small and large!
Happy New Year, I wish all the kids:
Don’t get sick or get sick, have good health!
All of you join hands, stand in front of the Christmas tree,
Let's start a round dance, because today is New Year!
The round dance “Santa Claus - rosy cheeks” is performed

(at the end, the children remain in a circle, Santa Claus drops his mitten).

Snow Maiden(picking her up)

In order for Santa Claus to pick up the mitten, you must catch up with her!
(Santa Claus runs in a circle, but cannot catch up with her)
Father Frost(catching up with the mitten)
- Here it is, my naughty mitten!
But now I’ll freeze you all!
Snow Maiden:
- Well, try it, Santa Claus!
The game “When You Walk Past Us” is being played
Father Frost:
- Oh, and clever kids, they are not afraid of frost, they didn’t freeze anyone

Father Frost:
- Oh, guys, I’m getting old, I’m tired!
I’ll sit and rest, and you read some poetry to me.
Children read poetry.
Father Frost:
- Thank you, friends, you amused me!
Snow Maiden:
- Grandfather, there is someone sleeping behind the tree, quietly snoring.
Father Frost:
- We need to get up and look!
Snow Maiden:
- Oh, who’s there?
Father Frost:
- Bear! He's sleeping, doesn't hear anything, we'll wake him up!

(Rings the rattle).
The bear wakes up.
- Why did you wake me up and didn’t let Mishka sleep?
Snow Maiden:
- Today is a holiday - New Year, children are dancing in a circle.
- I slept a lot, I’ve never seen such a holiday!
Let's have fun, children, and frolic around the Christmas tree.
You guys come out and dance with me!
The boys perform the "Bear Dance".
Father Frost:
- Well, it's time for us to play a little again!
Come on, where's my bag? Well, jump out, snowball!
Come on, kids, run up and get some snowballs!
The dance-game “We dance with snowballs” is held

Look at us

This is how we stomp our feet,

One two, one, two, one, two, one!
They came down with snowballs and put everything here,
And now can we clap our hands, yes, yes, yes!
We invite Grandfather to dance with us,
Look out, Santa Claus, we're throwing snowballs!

A free game with snow is held. Father Frost, Teddy Bear, and Snow Maiden run around the Christmas tree, then the music stops.
Father Frost:

(children collect snowballs, and one “jumps out of their hands”)
Snow Maiden:
- What a magical snowball, I can’t get my hands on it!
(Santa Claus quietly pulls up the snowball with a stick)
Father Frost:
- He shows us the way! Let's see where it goes!
Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, and Teddy Bear are going for the Christmas tree.

bear bends down and takes out a large snowball:

What a miracle, Santa Claus! How our snowball has grown!
Snow Maiden:
- I wonder what's in it!
Father Frost:
- Not a simple snowball, there are gifts in it for children!

(handing out gifts)

Father Frost:
- And now it’s time to say goodbye, we need to get ready for the forest.
I will definitely come to you next year!
Snow Maiden:
- Thank you for the magical Christmas tree, Santa Claus,
Thank you for the gifts you brought to the children.

Thank you!

Father Frost, Snow Maiden:


Use of electronic resources:

  1. Andrey Varlamov “Silver snowflakes”
    2. “Christmas tree” Words and music by Bystrova
  2. "We'll hang the balloons" will hang lanterns

  1. “Snowflakes - ballerinas” lyrics and muzak by Z. Root.
    5. “New Year’s - baby” words and music by L. Nekrasova Year/

  1. "Santa Claus, rosy cheeks"'s Santa Claus Santa Claus pink cheeks
    7. “Dance of the Bear Cubs” Alla Avdotyeva

http://muz of chocolate bears and sugar bunnies

8. music from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear”, “New Year’s song” (“One, two, three, light up the Christmas tree!”)

Scenario for New Year 2014

Target: Make the holiday unforgettable and emotional, leave a bright mark on the soul of each child, enrich it with bright joyful impressions, and consolidate the material covered.

Methods:- Verbal (encouragement). - Practical (independent execution).

Techniques:- Game motivation. - Artistic word. - A surprise moment.

Speech development: frolic, now, bloodthirsty, youth, sled.

Equipment and materials: Christmas costumes for adults: Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Snowman, Karabas-Barabas, Hottabych; for children: Pinocchio, Malvina, Pierrot, Parsley, Snowflakes. Rattles, scarves for snowflakes, a handkerchief, a stick-horse, snowballs, a snowball.

Music sources: I.M. Kaplunova, I.A. Novoskoltseva, 2008. Publishing house "Composer St. Petersburg", 2008

Music Forum MP3sort. Biz.

Progress of the scenario.

It sounds “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” The children and the Snow Maiden enter the hall and stop in front of the Christmas tree.

Ved.: Time runs forward and forward, The New Year is on the threshold.

It's time for us to start the holiday, friends. Sing, dance, you can't get bored here!

Sparkle with lights, Christmas tree,

Invite us to the holiday!

Fulfill all your wishes

Make all your dreams come true!

Happy New Happiness, Happy New Year

Let's congratulate everyone, and then

And let's dance in a circle,

And let's dance and sing!

Round dance “The outfit sparkles with stars”(take their seats)

Snow Maiden:

A cheerful and frosty day, the snow sparkles like stars,

Santa Claus pinches your nose, But no children's tears are visible.

We have no time to cry, brothers, There is something to do in the yard.

Snow must be applied and a Snowman must be built.

Presenter: Hey guys, let’s get down to business together!

A GAME.“Humoresque” by A. Dvorak sounds. Children "make" a snowman.

Presenter: Who is this and where did it come from? (Snowman appears)

We have a living Snowman!

Snow Maiden: Well, we will celebrate the New Year with him.

The snowman gets up, moves, approaches the boy, points at him

Snowman: Look how big the carrot is!

What are you talking about, I'm a boy

My name is Vovka!…

Approaches a girl dressed in a shiny suit

Snowman: Is this a shiny, big coal?

Presenter: Again, you are very far from the truth.

He approaches the tree and is surprised.

Snowman: Oh, brothers, such a big broom.

Presenter: Yes, this is our beautiful Christmas tree!

The snowman will never understand

That the New Year will come to us very soon.

But the Snowman is probably singing -

Let's invite him to a round dance.

Round dance "In a spacious bright hall" music. and words by A. Stern block 78 no. 45

Children sit down on chairs.

Snowman (indignantly):

And why did you sit down suddenly?

Well, come with me to the circle (drags the leader)

This is how I celebrate the New Year

I really like it.

Look how it glitters

Beautiful Christmas tree!

Now I understand everything in the world.

Presenter: How do children celebrate the New Year?


They are under the Christmas tree on New Year's Day

The cheerful ones lead a round dance.

Not only do round dances take place,

They dance and sing

And to all the children under this Christmas tree

Then gifts are handed out!

Snowman: Gifts! What it is? (Children's answers). The snowman is looking for gifts under the tree and does not find them.

Presenter: Santa Claus carries gifts.

Snowman: Why didn’t he bring them to us?

Presenter: Because Grandfather Frost is not there yet.

Music sounds, Night appears.

I'm the queen of the black night

I bring darkness and darkness.

It will be very difficult for frost

Find a path in the forest.

May the month no longer sparkle

The stars above do not shine,

The lights on the tree are fading,

And I like the darkness of the night.

Dance of the stars and the night.

The night extinguishes the tree and leaves.

Presenter: Guys, did you hear what Queen Night said? The month is enchanted, the stars do not shine. How will Santa Claus come to us in such darkness? Let's try to light the Christmas tree, it will immediately become brighter.

Everyone: “Clap, clap, tell our Christmas tree to light up!” (The Christmas tree lights up)

NIGHT: (jumps out) And I stomp harder and the lights go out (stomps the lights go out, this continues several times, then the night recedes, the tree glows)

The Moon appears covered with a dark transparent cloth.

Snow Maiden:

A month, a month that you are sad,

Don't you sparkle, don't you shine?

The evil night has cast a spell,

She stole my cheerful shine.

How can I have fun?

Light up brightly again?

Snow Maiden:

Well, guys, help me out,

Sing near the Christmas tree.

Let the month smile

And then we will drive away the sadness.

It will be more fun for all of us

And for Frost the path is brighter.

SONG “At the edge of the forest” or

The moon smiles and throws off its dark veil.

That's it, there is no more witchcraft!

How beautiful is the silver light!

I am full of strength and enthusiasm.

Thank you for this, friends!

Snow Maiden:

You have come to life, it has become lighter here,

But there in the forest the night is thicker and darker.

Should we see how Santa Claus is doing?

What if he got lost among the birches?

Okay, I'll help!

The month is bright, turn around

Dense forest, make way!

And in a wonderful transformation

Show yourself to Santa Claus!

The lights go out and Santa Claus appears.

Father Frost:

What's happened? I don't understand.

I won't find the way.

The forest is thicker, the night is darker.

I can’t bear to go anymore!

Merry round dance of the stars

A month would bring us forward...

It would be easier to walk.

Who's making such jokes ahead?

Santa Claus disappears again


Well I can't wait any longer

I'll run to meet him.

Well, run quickly, my friend.

(shouts after)

He has a beard and is holding a bag.

Santa Claus is not easy to find:

He lives in the forest, far, far away.

While the Snowman is looking for him

We will frolic, sing and dance.

"New Year's" No. 52 block 81

Screaming, Pierrot, Pinocchio and Malvina run around the tree and stop in front of it.


Guard, save! They're catching you, help!

Pierrot: Oh, he'll catch up, oh, oh, oh! I'm barely, barely alive.

Where are you from, what do you need? Who is following you?


Our director is Karabas.

He offends us and doesn't respect us at all.

Here you can stay

Mind your own business.


So, my dear friend,

We will continue our lesson.

Pinocchio: I don’t want to, I want to go home!


Ugh, you are so lazy!

Science must be comprehended.

Pinocchio: I want to go home, I want to go for a walk!

It's enough for you to argue, friends,

You can't quarrel these days.

The holiday is coming - New Year,

Let the people have fun!

Karabas runs in and the dolls scatter.

I'm ugly, so terrible

I am bloodthirsty and very greedy.

I am familiar to each of you

I am Karabas! I'm Barabas!

Dance, everyone dance now!

DANCE “Dolls”

I won’t let you act out,

And aren’t you ashamed, dear?

Snowman runs in.


Oh, fathers, you found it!

Hello Dedushka Moroz.

Did you bring us gifts?

Well, what kind of grandfather is this?

And, you see, there are no gifts.

Karabas: Can I take the dolls?

Presenter: Well, try to find it! If you recognize your dolls by their voices, you will take them.

They killed me, oh, oh, oh! I can't move my leg.

What to do, how to be here? We need to get out of here!

(crawls away)

Presenter: Snowman, be more careful. We will explain to you better what Santa Claus looks like.

Poems about Santa Claus.

Father Frost

This grandfather has many grandchildren,

The grandchildren often grumble at their grandfather.

On the street, grandfather pesters them,

He grabs your fingers and pulls your ears.

But a happy evening comes every year -

I'm waiting for an angry grandfather to visit.

He brings gifts and is kind in appearance,

And everyone is having fun, no one is grumbling.

Winter guest N. Naydenova

We won't see him in the spring,

He won't come even in the summer,

But in winter to our children

He comes every year.

He has a bright blush,

Beard like white fur,

Interesting gifts

He will cook for everyone.

Happy New Year,

He will light a lush Christmas tree,

Amusing the kids

He will join us in a round dance.

We meet him together

We are great friends with him...

But drink hot tea

This is not allowed as a guest!

Snowman: Yeah! Got it! I ran to look further, while you put things in order here and collect all the snowballs.

The snowman scatters snowballs and runs off to look for Santa Claus.

Game with parents “Which side is cleaner”(throw snowballs to the enemy’s side while the music plays)

The Snowman enters and drags Hottabych.


Here is the venerable Santa Claus

He brought you gifts!

Presenter: Snowman, you were wrong again, this is the kindest of the kindest, the smartest of the smartest - this is old man Hottabych.

Presenter (addressing Hottabych): Well, since you are already here, please the guys with your miracles.


Thank you, oh wise one!

I'll wave my hand now

The snow will fall thick.

Presenter: No, no, no, thank you very much, we just cleared everything of snow.

? Game, trick?

Snow Maiden: Dear Hottabych, maybe you can use your magic beard to help us summon Santa Claus?

Hottabych: Oh, the kindest of the kindest! I am ready to do anything for these dear boys.

Pulls a hair out of his beard. Says a spell. Santa Claus enters.

Snowman: (looks at Frost)

His eyes are cunning

Laughs, smiles

And give it to all the guys

Gifts are being collected...

And the red fur coat and the nose...

Hello Dedushka Moroz!

Santa Claus: Hello! Oh, I'm tired, oh I can't.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, let me sit you on a chair.

He brings a chair and sits on it.

Santa Claus: That’s how my granddaughter sat down herself, how do you understand this?

Snow Maiden: Let's play. Whoever comes running first sits down.

A game "Take a chair". The Snow Maiden wins twice, and the third time Father Frost runs with a chair in his hand and wins.

Father Frost:

I trampled my heels

Granddaughter, ask riddles.

Snow Maiden:

You will find her everywhere in the forest,

You will go for a walk and you will meet:

Stands prickly like a hedgehog

In winter in a summer dress

What is it: Christmas tree!

Poems about the Christmas tree:

Here it is, our Christmas tree. N. Filimonova.

A Christmas tree in summer is just a Christmas tree:

If you touch a branch, it hurts your fingers,

The trunk is entwined with cobwebs,

The fly agaric is standing below.

That's when winter comes,

The tree seems to come to life:

It will fluff up in the cold,

Will straighten up under the winds,

Not prickly at all

Like a fragrant flower.

It doesn't smell like dew or honey,

The tree smells like New Year!

Christmas tree. V. Donnikova.

Here it is, our Christmas tree,

In the brilliance of radiant lights!

She seems more beautiful than everyone else

Everything is greener and lush.

A fairy tale hides in the greenery:

The white swan is swimming

The bunny slides on a sled

The squirrel gnaws nuts.

Here it is, our Christmas tree,

In the brilliance of radiant lights!

We are all dancing for joy

On New Year's Day under it.

Santa Claus sits down and applauds the children and does not notice how he loses his mitten.

Santa Claus: Oh, I love to play with the guys, test the powerhouse, scare them with frost.

Presenter: Santa Claus, how are you going to freeze, you only have one mitten?

Game "Catch up with the mitten"(any cheerful melody).

Father Frost:

Well, dexterous, you can’t say anything! (Santa Claus begins to say goodbye to the children, the children close the circle)

Presenter: Santa Claus! And the guys and I won’t let you out of the circle.

Santa Claus: How can you not let me out? And I'll go through here.

(He goes to the children, they join hands, and Santa Claus cannot leave the circle)

Well, then I'll jump out here.

(Runs up to other children and tries to jump over their clasped hands, but the children lift them up)

Oh pranksters, oh naughty people! But I’ll outsmart you and crawl through here like a mouse.

(Runs up to the next group of children and tries to crawl under their hands. The children sit down, lowering their hands)

How can I get out?

Host: Grandfather! And you dance for us!

Dance of Santa Claus.

Santa Claus: Oh, I'm hot, I should drink some water!

The presenter gives Santa Claus a ladle containing confetti. Santa Claus "drinks", then throws confetti on the children.

Snowman: Grandfather Frost, you’re fine, you’re having fun, and haven’t you forgotten about the gifts?

Santa Claus: Gifts? We are now making the gifts ourselves.

Round dance "Metelitsa" Russian folk melody.

1. A snowstorm is blowing along the street,

Soon she will sweep all the paths.

Chorus: Ay, burn, burn, burn say

(repeat the last line of the verse)

Let's go to the forest to get firewood as soon as possible.

3. Let's trot, trot after each other

And we’ll quickly reach the forest.

4. With axes we will strike together in harmony,

Only slivers will fly through the forest.

5. And we will quietly walk out of the forest,

And let’s start stamping our feet.

6. And we will slam our hands together at once.

Well, frost, now you are not scary for us.

Chorus for the last verse:

7. Together, together, we will follow each other.

(walk one after another in a circle).

Blind, we will blind a huge snowball.

(roll around)

Chorus: Ay, burn, burn, burn, say,

We are making, we are making a huge snowball.

Santa Claus rolls out a ball with gifts. Father Frost, Snow Maiden and Snowman distribute gifts to children.

Santa Claus: Goodbye, guys! Gifts are waiting in another garden.

Snowman: Can I go with you?

Santa Claus: I will gladly take you.

Father Frost, Snow Maiden and Snowman leave.

Senotrusova Galina Nikolaevna

Scenario of integrated winter entertainment in middle group « Cheerful Snowman»

Target: Help strengthen and preserve physical health children.

Tasks: Strengthen the implementation of basic types of movements: walking in a circle, snake, on toes, heels, walking on a ribbed path, running, jumping. (prevention of flat feet)

Instill in children the desire to move.

Develop coordination of movements, endurance, speed of reaction.

To develop children's interest in musical and rhythmic exercises and game tasks.

Reinforce the musical material covered.

Cheer up children's spirits.

Equipment: Rope, flat hoops, bridge, massage track, arcs, snowballs, carrots for dancing.

Progress of entertainment:

Presenter: Hello children. A letter arrived in our garden today. To find out who you need to guess the riddle from.

We made a snowball

They made a hat on him,

The nose was attached, and in an instant

It turned out...

Host: Of course, this is a letter from a snowman. He writes that he will soon come to visit us to play with you.

Cheerful music is playing. A snowman runs into the hall, rolling a sleigh full of snowballs behind him.

Snowman: Hello my friends, I was in a hurry to see you. Have you received a letter from me? It's winter outside. A lot of snow has fallen, you can play and wallow in the snow, ski and skate. Look how many snowballs he made - a full sleigh.

Host: We were waiting for you, Snowman. Our guys learned a song for you.

Song "We are friends snowmen"

Snowman: Wonderful song. Now I will sing it. Do you like to play? And do you like winter? And aren't you afraid of frost? Hide your hands and nose quickly, the frost will freeze you.

Game "I'll freeze"(Children stand in a circle with their arms extended forward. The snowman tries to touch the children’s fingertips. Children hide their hands behind their backs.)

Host: Wow, you froze us, you're a snowman. It doesn’t matter, because our children know how to bask in the cold and they will teach you how.

Game "We'll warm ourselves up a little"

Snowman: Have you warmed up? Look what a wonderful sleigh I have. Do you know how to ride them?

Children's answers.

Snowman: Then let's get into the sleigh, hold on tight, let's go!

Game "Sledge"

Children stand one after another and put their hands on each other’s belts. There's a Snowman ahead. They drive either slowly, climbing up the mountain, or quickly sliding down the mountain. At the end of the game they fall to the floor behind the Snowman. Host: Snowman, how clumsy you are. Perhaps you're not doing exercises?

Snowman: No. (offended)

Host: And our children do exercises every morning, and they will teach you.

Children and a snowman perform movements following the instructor physical education to cheerful rhythmic music. They sit on chairs.

Snowman: How great and fun it is to exercise, I feel a surge of strength. Do you know how to solve riddles? Then listen.


From the sky, quietly, as in a dream, falls to the ground... (snow).

And the fluffs fly - White... (snowflakes).

On the road, on the meadow... (snowball) falls quietly.

As if dressed up in a white down jacket... (snowman).

Loves carrots, runs nimbly (hare)

Snowman: Well done guys.

The snowman walks through the hall and finds a carrot. Snowman: Oh, look, a carrot. Who loves carrots?

Children: Hare.

Snowman: Let's go into the winter forest and give the carrot to the hare? I'll show you the way.

They walk like a snake on their toes, on their heels, along a massage path, along a rope sideways, cross a bridge, jump on flat hoops, crawl under arches. Snowman: So we came to the bunny's house.

They approach a house in which a sad bunny sits. They're knocking. Snowman: Hello, bunny. We came to visit you and brought you carrots.

Hare: I am very glad to have guests. Thanks for the carrot. In winter, no one comes to see me. And I love to frolic and dance. Will you dance with me?

Dance with carrots

Snowman: Look, bunny, how many snowballs we have. Will you play snowballs with us?

Snowball game

Snowman: Well done, guys! The bunny and I had a lot of fun,

but it's time to go back to kindergarten.

Hare: I had so much fun with you today. Alone is lonely in winter forest

Snowman: Don't be sad, I'll stay with you, and you guys get in the sleigh and go home. Goodbye kids. You are so friendly, dexterous, cheerful!

Game "Sledge"

Host: So we are back in kindergarten. Did you play, have fun, aren’t you tired? Well done!

Characters: Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Snowman, Kikimora.

Leading : Hello, New Year's holiday.

Christmas tree and winter holiday.

All my friends today

We'll invite you to the Christmas tree.

Let's spin in a round dance.

Let the cheerful laughter ring.

Happy New Year,

Happy New Year

Congratulations to everyone today.

Song "In the New Year's forest."

New Year's stars hung up
On a merry Christmas tree.
And the bear is cheerful today,
And the wolves dance.
Santa Claus is walking again
Through the forest apartments,
Treats you with lollipops
Creamy ice cream.

Squirrels dance, hares dance,
The forest people are very happy

New Year!

And the Snow Maiden on the Christmas tree
Brought some laughs.
And dance the polka with her
White snowflakes.
It's good for friends to spin
With a song on the hill,
And then go study
Only for A's.

Squirrels dance, hares dance,
The forest people are very happy
Greet with song, meet with dance
New Year!

La-la-la-la many times


Oh guys, what do I hear?

Looks like they're coming here!

Well, let's clap more cheerfully

Let them find us soon.

Snow Maiden

Oh, so many kids and girls and boys. Hello!

Winter is not a threat. I'm not afraid of blizzards. I am called the Granddaughter of Grandfather Frost Snegurochka (walks around the tree).

Oh yes tree! Simply amazing! How elegant, how beautiful.

I congratulate you children

And I wish you with all my heart.

May you grow and become wiser

We had fun and sang songs.

So that your laughter always rings.

Happy New Year to everyone, everyone, everyone!


The children all came to the Christmas tree.

The guests are here, but here's a question.

Where does our merry wander?

Good Grandfather Frost?

Snow Maiden

It’s time for him to come, he was delayed on the way.

Santa Claus, oh, oh! Do you hear me calling you?


Quiet, don't make noise, prick up your ears.

Someone is coming here for us. A fur coat, a red nose - maybe it's Santa Claus?


Aw! Aw! Be back soon! (runs around the Christmas tree)

Look, they're making noise! Look, they started shouting!

Snow Maiden

What's happened? What kind of miracle? Who will you be and where will you come from?


Who will I be? Snowman. I am neither small nor great. Hello! I heard it from friends, from all the forest animals. Why did you decorate the Christmas tree and invite everyone to the holiday? (speaks with offense). Everyone was invited to the party, but they forgot about me? I'm angry with you (threatens, stomps).

Snow Maiden

Snowman! Do not be angry. Look around you. The guys here are a treasure. Everyone is happy to see you!


I'm used to the snow and the cold. You blinded me cleverly. Instead of a nose there is a carrot, and on the head there is a bucket. It's not full of holes. I'm not a simple snowman, I'm cheerful and mischievous. It just became hot in the hall. Oh, I'm afraid I'll melt now.

Snow Maiden

Snowman, don't be sad. Sit on a chair, sit down.

To make it cooler, let's dance more fun.

Dance of snowflakes.


Well done, guys! Yes! It became cool in the hall. So you love the beauty of winter and the New Year holiday. Now, come on, hold hands. Stand in a wide circle. We will sing songs and dance. Celebrate the New Year.

Song "Little Christmas Tree".

Little Christmas tree
It's cold in winter
A Christmas tree from the forest
We took it home.

The squirrel was jumping
In a blue fur coat:
"Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
I will go with you!"

How many on the Christmas tree
Colored balls,
Pink gingerbread,
Golden cones!

Let's stand under the Christmas tree
In a friendly round dance.
Fun, fun
Let's celebrate the New Year!

Snow Maiden

We are in our hall today

They danced so beautifully.

But it hurts me to tears

Where is Grandfather Frost!


He should have come a long time ago

Yes, he can’t find us.


Don't worry Snow Maiden. I know the paths in the forest. And it won’t be difficult for me to find Grandfather Frost and bring him to the holiday (runs away).


Wow, there are a lot of people in the room. I know you were all waiting for me. Hello!


What a miracle this is. Sorry, where are you from? (suspicious) I’m looking at you for something, but I don’t recognize it.


How can I improve? And now I’ll introduce myself. I am a forest Kikimora, I love to scare everyone. But don’t be afraid of me, kids, I won’t offend you! Today I dressed up and came to your party. I dance and laugh, I want to be the Snow Maiden.


Wait, wait, Kikimora. We already have the Snow Maiden.


As it is? Where is she? (looks at everyone through binoculars). Why don't I see?


Yes, here she is. The real Snow Maiden. And we really like it.


Is this the Snow Maiden? Well, they surprised me, and they made me laugh.

She is no Snow Maiden. Just think, she put on a crown and a beautiful fur coat. What's worse about my outfit? A? Besides, I can also do magic. You don’t believe me. And I’ll prove it to you now. Oh, so now I’ll ask you! I will enchant your Christmas tree. I will blow it on the fire, and they will not burn for you.

Snow Maiden

Oh, forest Kikimora, you came here to disturb. You will be held accountable for these evil actions. (Kikimora runs away, Snow Maiden threatens her)


Let's try to call Santa Claus again: Santa Claus. Santa Claus don't walk among the birches. Come to our kindergarten, there is a lot waiting for you guys. Ay-ay.

Father Frost . Aw!


Father Frost . Ay-ooh, ay-ooh I'm coming.

Hello guys

Girls and boys.

Happy New Year

I wish you all good health.

So I came to you again.

We will sing songs and dance.

Let's stand together in a round dance

Let's have a great New Year.

Just look guys

Your tree is so beautiful

So elegant and slim

But tell me why

Is it standing without lights?

Leading. It was Kikimora who bewitched our Christmas tree.

Father Frost

Well, we'll fix this problem.

Let's make all the lights burn.

Let's say together 1, 2, 3 our Christmas tree is burning (does not burn)

We shouted to no avail

The lights on the tree don't light up (looks at Kikimora)

This is who was here. Who bewitched the Christmas tree?

As soon as I blow it out, I’ll whistle and turn it into an icicle.


Santa Claus forgive me. Oh, I was stupid

Honestly speaking, I will improve.

Everyone will like me today.

Father Frost

Well, guys, let's forgive Kikimora for her tricks? (Kikimora rejoices).

Well, Kikimora, let’s correct your mistake.


One, two, three - the Christmas tree is on fire!

(claps his hands, the lights don’t light up)

Father Frost

No, you scream rather weakly. Here we go again guys. Let's shout together: “One, two, three - the Christmas tree is burning.” (children repeat. lights come on). It was not in vain that we tried with you, the tree flashed with lights. Santa Claus invites you all to a New Year's round dance.

Song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,
She grew up in the forest
In winter and summer she was slim and green.

The snowstorm sang a song to her:
“Sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye!”
The frost was wrapped in snow: “Look, don’t freeze!”

Cowardly bunny gray
Jumped under the Christmas tree.
Sometimes a wolf, an angry wolf, would run by at a trot.

And here she is, dressed up,
She came to us for the holiday,
And she brought a lot, a lot of joy to the children.

Snow Maiden

Grandfather was tired, tired, how merrily he danced.

Let him rest by the Christmas tree, who will read poetry to him?

Reading poetry.

Happy winter has come
With skates and sleds,
With a powdered ski track,
With a magical old fairy tale.
On the decorated Christmas tree
The lanterns are swinging.
May your winter be fun
It doesn't end any longer!

Our tree is big

Our tree is tall.

Taller than dad, taller than mom.

Reaches to the ceiling.

Snow falls on houses:
Winter has come to us again!
Brought it in a knapsack
Blizzards and drifting snow,
Cold, snowdrifts, ice
And, of course, New Year!

New Year's Day!

The snow is frosty and stinging.

The lights came on

On a fluffy Christmas tree.

The painted ball swayed,

The beads rang

Smells like forest freshness

From resinous spruce.

The girls stood in a circle,
They stood up and fell silent.
Santa Claus lit the lights
On a tall tree.

There's a star above
Beads in two rows –
Let the Christmas tree not go out,
May it always burn.

Everyone knows what's at the Christmas tree
Very sharp needles.
But on New Year's Eve they
As a surprise for the kids, -
Softer, gentler, kinder.
And on branches for children
There are toys and balls.
And under the Christmas tree there are gifts.

On cheerful children's Christmas trees
Miracles shine in needles,
And under the tree on New Year's
Everyone will find something
You just need to do it in advance
Make a wish!

Soon, soon New Year!
Soon Santa Claus will come.
There's a Christmas tree behind me,
Fluffy needles.
He brings us gifts
And he asks us to read poetry.

It's snowing outside the window,
So, New Year is coming soon.
Santa Claus is on his way,
It will take him a long time to get to us
Through the snowy fields,
Through snowdrifts, through forests.
He will bring a Christmas tree
In silver needles.

Here it is, our Christmas tree,
In the brilliance of radiant lights!
She seems more beautiful than everyone else
Everything is greener and lush.
A fairy tale hides in the greenery:
The white swan is swimming
The bunny slides on a sled
The squirrel gnaws nuts.

Don't cut the Christmas tree.
Is it worth being angry?
We gathered for the holiday,
To have fun.

Much joy today
New Year brought us all
Dancing on New Year's Day
Santa Claus is with us.

Golden lights
The Christmas tree is shining for us
We'll stamp our heels
That's how much fun we have.

The Christmas tree is decorated brightly
In a festive outfit
Santa Claus brought gifts
To our beloved Kindergarten.

Balls hanging on the branches

Magic lanterns,

And beads and snowflakes,

And blue ice floes.

Why are we visiting?
Christmas trees with bright lights.
Because he's coming to us
Winter holiday New Year.

Santa Claus gathered the animals
Teddy bear, bunny, wolf.
And he led everyone out of the forest,
To kindergarten for the Christmas tree.

Happy new year, happy new year.
Hello Dedushka Moroz.
He came from the forest in passing
He already brought us the Christmas tree.

It's snowing, it's snowing.

So, New Year is coming soon!

Santa Claus will come to us

He will bring gifts to everyone!

Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
That's what she is like
Slender, beautiful,
Bright, big.

Fall from the sky in winter

And they circle above me

Light fluff

White snowflakes.

Christmas tree, Christmas tree, what a wonder!
How beautifully decorated.
Lots of cones and lanterns.
Santa Claus sits under it.

U Christmas tree

Green needles.

And from bottom to top -

Beautiful toys.

Father Frost

Well, I stayed with you for a long time.

The tree is nice today.

And the guys are good

And I sang from my heart.

I did some magic for you and collected gifts.

Bring the snowman quickly to please the children (carries a bag)

Snow Maiden

What a big bag!

I wonder what's in it?

Father Frost

It contains gifts for children!

Snow Maiden

So give them quickly!

Now it’s time for us to end the New Year’s holiday.

Father Frost

I wish you a lot of joy today, kids!


May you grow big.


So that you don't have any worries!

Snow Maiden

And me and Grandfather Frost

We'll get back to you in a year.

(gift distribution)

CONGRATULATIONS AT HOME to Santa Claus and company.

To the march of the Snowmen, a Snowman enters with a Christmas tree and a chest.

Snowman: I'm from the fairy forest
I was in a hurry to get here to you
I grabbed the tree right away
To be elegant.
Santa Claus is in a hurry to visit you
The holiday must begin
And for this first
We need to decorate the Christmas tree!

/ A snowman decorates a Christmas tree with a child /

Snowman: Here you go! It seems everything is ready to meet Santa Claus. Let's all call him together.

/We call D.M. together, to the music: Exit D.M. D.M. appears and Snow Maiden/

D.M.: Hello good ones,
Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden: The holiday begins
You've been waiting for us!

D.M.: Did you recognize me?
I'm still the same gray haired
And I saw you today
And again as young!

Snow Maiden: Come on, grandpa, let's see
How is the Christmas tree decorated?
What toys are hanging on it?
How elegant she is!

/ Looking at the Christmas tree /

Snow Maiden: Oh, what a beauty!
We don't recognize you.
Long-awaited guest
We'll sing for you!

Snowman: Grandfather Frost, we tried.

D.M.: I see, well done! You can only dance around such a beauty!

/ Round dance: “Beads, lanterns” or any New Year’s song/

Snow Maiden: And now there is an offer
Read the poem.

/ The child tells homemade preparations /

Snowman: I have a wonderful game in my magic chest. It's called "What's Hanging on the Christmas Tree?" Your task is to quickly answer YES or No: So, What's hanging on the Christmas tree?
Fir cones...Yes
Cardboard bears...Yes
Glass bunnies...Yes
Notebooks and books...No
Bright toys...Yes
Beads and firecrackers...Yes
Paper animals...Yes
Broken mugs...No
Multi-colored balls...Yes
A lot of bright tinsel...Yes
Midges and mosquitoes...Yes
Green needles...Yes
Fragrant tar...Yes
Glass bee...Yes
Old broom...No

D.M.: Well, you are a humorist, Snowman, you made me laugh!

Snowman: That's what!
I know some riddles, guess them:
I lived in the middle of the yard
Where the kids play
But from the sun's rays
I turned into a stream. (Snowman)

Snow Maiden: And here are some more winter mysteries:
The star spun
There's a little in the air
Sat down and melted
On my palm. (Snowflake)

Paper ribbon curls
And it rustles when it flies.
It will wrap itself around itself like a snake.
Spinning, everything hangs. (Serpentine)

She feeds the birds in the forest.
On holiday he will dress in bright foil,
The scales will shine brightly,
Decorate our Christmas tree with yourself. (Cone)

D.M.: Answer me, kids.
What's like candy
Does it shoot like a cannon?
What is her name?.. (Clapperboard)
Snow Maiden: I see you don’t have any snow here, so I grabbed some snowballs from the fairytale forest. Let's play.

/ Snowball game – transfer snowballs in a spoon. Chase /

D.M.: You're having fun. The legs dance on their own.

/ Dance: “What is New Year” or “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” in a new way/

Snowman: The mouse is one year old
This gray naughty girl
Digs holes, gnaws everything,
What he didn’t hide, he’ll take away.
So come on now quickly
Let's play more fun
In cat and mouse
I'm too much of a cat
All people run away.

/ Game “Cat and Mouse” to the music of “Sportloto”/

Snow Maiden: We had a lot of fun!

D.M.: Well, it's time
Things are waiting for us!
Children are waiting for us everywhere!

Snowman: We hasten to congratulate others
Let me leave you.

Snow Maiden: We say goodbye to you
Happy New Year!