Paper construction in the preparatory group of kindergarten. Summary of a lesson on K-ID (origami) on the topic "Fox" in the preparatory group Photo gallery: execution schemes and examples of work using the origami technique

Thosenology cards/technological map

Bіlim I take baldness/ Educational area: Construction

Bolem/ Chapter: Origami (Variable Component)

Takyryp/ Subject:"Snowdrop"

Maksat/ Target:Learn how to make a “Snowdrop” flower using the origami technique. Through poetry and music, teach to see the poetic image of nature. Develop aesthetic feelings. Cultivate a love for nature. Repeat the signs of spring with the children; To give knowledge about the “snowdrop” - as a primrose; With the help of poetry and music, teach to see the poetic image of nature; Learn to select definitions to describe flowers - snowdrops;Develop coherent speech; Creative skills;Fine motor skills of hands, eye; Memory, attention.

Methodical techniques: surprise moment, looking at illustrations, conversation, questions for children, reading fiction, listening to music, showing and explaining the technique of the product, analyzing and summing up.

Preliminary work: Conversation about spring, observations of spring phenomena, reading to children fairy tales “The Twelve Months” and “Snowdrop” by G.Kh. Andersen, making leaves for snowdrops using the origami technique.
Bilingualdi karym - Bilingual component:
snowdrop-baysheshek, paper-kagaz, basket-sebet, spring-koktem, white-ak, pink-kyzgylt, blue-kogildir

Kimyl Kezeni

Stages of activity

Tarbi Yeshinin Areketi

Activities of the teacher



Children's activities

Motivations-uyimdastyru kezeni



The teacher tells the children:

This parcel was sent to us by spring from the forest.

(Opens the parcel, takes out the letter, reads the letter)

- “Dear children! Real spring has arrived in our forest. The first flowers bloomed. Which? You'll guess if you listen to my riddle:
The first one out of prison
On a thawed patch.
He is not afraid of frost
Even though it's small
I am sending you photos of my favorite first spring flowers. Because I think that you don’t have them, and if they don’t appear, then old woman Winter may return to you again. If you can find snowdrops, then winter will not return. After all, snowdrops are the harbingers of spring.
(The teacher displays pictures of snowdrops of different colors and puts them on the board)

Children sit on chairs

Children guess the riddle


Children looking at flowers

Uyimdastyru-izdenis kezeni

Organizational search

What signs of spring do you think we are already seeing outside?

(The snow is melting, the sun is getting warmer, birds are flying in from warmer climes, grass is appearing, buds are swelling, streams are flowing)
- Where do you think we can get snowdrops?
- Let's remember where we heard about these flowers?
- What fairy tales have you and I read about these flowers? (“Twelve Months” by S. Marshak, “Snowdrop” by H. H. Andersen)
- Remember why this flower is called that?

( It begins to grow under the snow and appears in early spring. That’s what they call him – the harbinger of spring. White, blue or pale pink flowers and people see that spring has come. And then in the summer the snowdrop will hide in its bulb, and will gain strength to overwinter and be the first to wake up next spring. )

Many poems have been written about these amazing flowers.

On a forest thawed patch
A small flower grew,
Tender and fluffy,
We didn’t pick the flower,
We took a photo of him,
And now it's framed
On mommy's table .

What is this poem talking about?

(About snowdrop)

What kind of snowdrop is in this poem, as the author describes it?

(small, white-silver, delicate, fluffy)

Even composers wrote music about these amazing flowers. Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky wrote music called “Snowdrop”. Listen to whether this music suits the poem, or whether the composer came up with some other snowdrop. - Many people just want to pick these delicate flowers that look like bells. People collect these delicate flowers in bouquets, without worrying that these flowers in captivity will quickly die without their bulb. After all, it contains all the nutrients for flowers and flowers will not live long without it.- Which flowers can be picked and which ones cannot?
- There are flowers that are specially grown for bouquets. They are called garden ones. They are cut off and taken to flower shops. But flowers that grow in fields, meadows, and forests cannot be picked. They wither quickly. Many are listed in the Red Book later.

(The teacher reads a poem)
If I pick a flower,
If you pick a flower,
If everything is you and you,
If everyone picks flowers
There will be no flowers left
And there will be no beauty.

How do you think you can admire these flowers without picking them?

Yes, they can be photographed, drawn, sculpted or made from paper. Today we will make snowdrops from paper. But before we get to work, let's warm up.
Physical education minute
Snowdrop woke up (put your palms together at the top )
And stretched, (spread your arms up )
Smiled at the sun, (hands to the side)
Touched the earth to Mother, (hands down, tilt left-right )
Bowed to the sun, (tilt forward - down )
I was surprised at my luck. (hands to the side )
Drops of dewdrops washed him, (imitation of movement - washing )
Animals and birds immediately recognized: (hands on the belt, turns left to right )
"Snowdrop woke up -
It promises spring." (put your palms together at the top )
Snowdrop, snowdrop
Blooms in the forest. (spread your arms up )

Look, you and I are going to make snowdrops out of paper, but we don’t have scissors. Why? Yes. Today we will make flowers from paper. What is this technique called?

That's right - “origami”. We are making a snowdrop flower using the origami technique. We will fill this basket with flowers. You have already made the leaves for the flowers, but we will make the flowers themselves today.
- There are only real snowdrops white, but people call snowdrops all the primroses that emerge from bulbs in early spring. We will make multi-colored snowdrops. What colors of paper do you have? These are the delicate flowers we will have.
(The teacher shows how to make a snowdrop out of paper)

Take a square and fold it from corner to corner.
- Fold the bottom of the triangle up. Don't forget to iron the fold well.
- Let's turn the figure over to the reverse side
- From the center, bend the ends of the corners up.
- This is the kind of snowdrop we get.
- Now you can make multi-colored snowdrops yourself according to this pattern.
Then the teacher invites them to stick their snowdrops into a common basket, selecting flowers to make beautiful bouquet and admire the bouquet.)

Children's answers

Children call fairy tales

Children listening to a poem

Children listen to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky

Children's answers

Children get up and do physical education

Children's answers

The children are watching carefully

The children do the work..



What kind of snowdrops did we get? Now we don't have to pick snowdrops to admire them. You and I have our own bouquet of snowdrops. And now you can not only tell about these beautiful flowers, but also offer to admire them. This is how we completed the task of spring. And now she can calmly reign in our village
Spring, spring! Spring came!
Brought warmth on the wings
And here in the very sunshine
With your head held high
The blue snowdrop blossomed.
He's all fluffy, silver,
The little one stands in the sun.
He is a reliable messenger of spring,
He is not afraid of cold weather.
Other flowers will come for him,
He is the firstborn among flowers.

Children looking at a basket of snowdrops

Expected Result/kutiletin below:

Reproduce/ zhangyrtady: The ability to make a “Snowdrop” flower using the origami technique

Understand/ tusinedi : why "Snowdrop" is called the "primrose" flower

Apply/Coldanades: ability to independently work with paper, relying on acquired knowledge

Svetlana Boyko
Outline of an origami lesson for the preparatory group “We are waiting for spring”

Subject: "We waiting for spring» .

Goals: Summarize the children’s knowledge about spring, about awakened nature, about its delicate colors, about the first spring games and fun.

Teach children how to make a boat using technology origami.

Instill skills of accuracy and attentiveness in work, develop creative abilities.

Visual aids: illustrations of ships and boats, a boat made using the technique origami.

Tools and materials: paper for origami or colored paper , scissors, instruction card.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

Greeting, topic and purpose classes.

2. Main part classes.

Conversation with the guys about spring(frontal).


1. Came spring. What does it mean that nature has come to life?

2. What colors is it painted with? spring?

3. What games most loved in spring?

4. Do you like to sail boats along streams and thawed patches?

Teacher's story.

Many are surprised to hear the word « origami» . Meanwhile, every person probably at least once in his life created the simplest product from a square sheet of paper - a boat or an airplane.

This art was born in Japan. IN "Japanese Chronicles" it is said that its beginning dates back to the year 610. Who would have thought, looking at a simple boat, that initially a lot of meaning was put into products made from a paper square. The Japanese also treated paper with respect, as everything short-lived, fragile, living for a moment. They believed that in every such thing - a butterfly, a dewdrop, a thin piece of paper - the breath of eternity lives and one must be able to catch it.

Thus, the square - a symbol of the Cosmos, from which things come to Earth and take shape, and paper - a moment in which the breath of eternity is contained, became parents ORIGAMI.

Today, many people around the world are interested in art. origami.

Now we will do very a simple toy- boat.

The teacher shows illustrations of ships and boats, goes through the instructions for making a boat with the children, and tells them how to work with paper so as not to cut their fingers during sudden movements.

Practical part classes.

The teacher monitors the organization of students’ workplaces, compliance with safe work rules, and provides individual assistance to students who find it difficult to complete the task.

3. Final part classes.

Summing up the results of the work, demonstrating the best boats, eliminating shortcomings in the work.

Teacher: Well, guys, your boats are ready and you can set sail on them. How exciting!

On a small river

I always have fun.

The water flows, the water flows,

Sparkles like mica.

Rings like a cold stream

In a ravine, under a mountain,

In the thick green grass

She covered her head...

The rivulet makes little rings,

Trembling on the pebbles...

She's in a big river

Runs with the boat.

Happy sailing! To the next occupation Prepare a short story about what an exciting voyage you had.

Publications on the topic:

Outline of a comprehensive lesson with children of the preparatory group “Letter from Dunno” The goal is to promote the development of children's abilities in communication and cooperation. The tasks are to develop and consolidate emotionally positive communication.

Summary of a lesson on speech development using TRIZ and RTV “Terem-Teremok” methods and techniques Methodological development of the summary “Terem - teremok” Speech development using TRIZ and RTV methods and techniques + English language. Target:.

Municipal preschool educational institution a general developmental kindergarten with priority implementation of activities in the area.

Developing a “Welcome” parent meeting plan METHODOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT on the topic: “Interaction between family and preschool educational institution.” IN THE FORM OF DEVELOPING A PARENTAL MEETING PLAN. Subject: "Welcome."

Development of a fragment of a calendar plan for one working day Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 126", Nizhny Novgorod 2015 Development of a calendar fragment.

Theme of the week “The birds have arrived” (II junior group) Period ___ ___8.04.15.-12.04.15___ Final event(name, form of conduct).

Development of a calendar plan for one day “Wild Animals” 2nd junior group. PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK Group 2 junior Topic: “Our little brothers”, “Wild animals” Objectives: Enrich knowledge.

This activity promotes the development creative personality, cognitive development children, formation of the foundations of environmental culture.



State budgetary educational institution of Moscow

“School No. 1357” Multidisciplinary complex “Bratislavsky”

Preschool unit No. 13 (Pererva St., 61)

Outline of the open display of OOD

on application using origami technique

for children of the preparatory group

On the topic “Spring! Spring! Birdie voices are ringing"

Prepared by:

teacher of the highest qualification categories

Ovchinnikova S.V.

Moscow, 2017

Subject: "Spring! Spring! Birdie voices are ringing"

Children's age: 6-7 years (preparatory group)

Integration of educational areas:artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development.

Target: Promote the development of a creative personality through origami classes, the cognitive development of children, and continue to form the foundations of environmental culture



To consolidate children's knowledge about the life of birds and the benefits they bring to nature and people;

Strengthen independent creative activity through paper construction.


Develop communication and interaction (dialogue) with adults and peers;

Develop readiness for joint activities with peers;

Develop creativity, imagination, awareness of the environment


Develop the ability to focus on the task at hand;

Cultivate emotional responsiveness and empathy.

Demonstration and used material:phonogram “Birdsong”, demonstration pictures “Migratory Birds”, cut-out pictures of birds, square sheets of origami paper, scissors, felt-tip pens, background for the overall composition “Spring Tree”, origami bird.

OOD progress:

Organizational part. Greetings.

Children stand with the teacher in a semicircle.

Educator: - Good morning, children! We have guests today, let's say hello.

Hello my friend,(offer your hand to the child on the right)

Hello, my friend!(offer your hand to the child on the left)

Hurry up and join me in a circle!

Let's smile and say, "Hello!"

To the sun: "Hello!"

To all guests: "Hello!"

Introductory part.

Educator: - Guys, I suggest you find yourself in a spring forest today.

The teacher reads a poem to the soundtrack of “Birdsong”.

Above the melted snow in a string

Through the cloudy veil

Birds fly to us from afar,

They are predicting a quick spring.

In the evenings in a purple haze,

When the blades of grass drink the dew,

Invisible birds sing to us

In a drunken birch forest.

For hours, tired without knowing,

With yourself, decorating the sky,

A flock of birds soars above us

And he calls you into the distance...

Birds should be treated like a miracle,

Write poetry.


How often do we living people

We don't notice them at all.

Educator: - What is this poem about?(children's answers)

What were you listening to now?(children's answers: birds are singing)

Educator: - Of course, many different birds sing their songs cheerfully. Where did so many of them come from, since we didn’t hear them in winter?(children’s answers: they flew from warm countries, from the south)

Educator: - Yes, children, this is the main miracle of spring - in the spring our feathered friends fly to us, bringing spring on their wings. What are the names of the birds that come back to us in the spring?(children's answers: migratory)

To the soundtrack of “Birdsong”, the teacher reads the poem “Spring”

The grass is green again

And the forests curled up.

"Spring! Spring! It's time to get down to business!" –

Dry twigs, straw,

They carry pieces of moss -

They will need everything for their home,

To create comfort for the chicks.

And they fall on the branches

Tits, finches, starlings,

After all, soon there will be babies in the nests -

Their yellow-throated chicks.

Educator: - Millions of years ago the first birds appeared. Why do you think, children, why they are called that?(Children's answers) Birdsong is an amazing, unique, living music of nature that you will never confuse with anything else. Birds delight us with their plumage, wonderful colors, and their singing. What do you guys think, what do birds sing about in the spring?(Children's answers)

Educator: - They are glad that they returned to their homeland, they sing about what wonderful countries they have seen, about how difficult their path home was, they are glad to meet you.Imagine for a moment that suddenly their polyphonic choir fell silent and the branches of the trees became empty. What do you think our world would be like then?(Children's answers)

Educator: - Yes, children, our world will be sad. Birds not only give us beauty, they also bring great benefits. What benefits do birds bring?(Children's answers: destroy insects, pests, rodents).

Educator: - If there are no birds, there will be no one to protect parks, gardens, forests from harmful insects. Insects will eat all the vegetation and destroy the harvest of vegetables and fruits. There will be no one to distribute the seeds of berries, herbs, and flowers. We won't hear their songs. Therefore, we must protect the birds and help them.

The teacher reads a poem:
To keep away harmful insects
Blooming gardens did not die in vain
Always at any time of the year
Take care of the birds friends

Educator: - Pay attention to our spring tree, there are no birds visible on it. I suggest you call the birds.
The children sing the chant:
Little birds, little birds
Come visit us
Clear spring, red spring
Bring it to us

Educator: - Guess which bird flew to us

Came to us with warmth
Having come a long way
Sculpts a house under the window
From grass and clay(Children's answers: Swallow)

The teacher attaches a picture of a bird and a swallow on a tree.

Educator: - Look, the swallow has black wings, head, back, a white breast, a small, sharp nose. The tail is like two pigtails. Let's remember the verse "Rural Song"
The children say in chorus:

The grass is turning green
The sun is shining;
Swallow with spring
It flies towards us in the canopy.
With her the sun is more beautiful
And spring is sweeter...
Chirp out of the way
Greetings to us soon!
I'll give you grains
And you sing a song,
What from distant countries
I brought with me...

A bird also flew to us, guess which one:

Anyone will recognize his trills,
He sings other people's songs
Amazing singer
Our beloved...(Children's answers: starling)
The teacher attaches a picture of a starling bird to a tree.

Educator: Look what a starling looks like: it is black, its beak is sharp, its breast is speckled with white.

The teacher attaches a picture of an oriole bird to a tree

And here is the beautiful oriole, she has yellow plumage, her wings and the tip of her tail are black.

Educator: - What other migratory birds do you know?(Children's answers: nightingale, rook, cuckoo, lark)
Educator: - There are so many birds! But this amazing bird flew to us from the country of Origami.The teacher has an origami bird on his palm, shows it to children and guests, and attaches it to a tree.

She wanted to meet our birds. But there are still few birds on our tree, no matter how bored the origami bird may be. What we can do?(Children's answers: make her a lot of different birds - origami friends.)

Educator: - Great, but what is origami?(Children's answers: Origami is japanese art- folding paper figures.)

Educator: - Based on what shape are the figures folded in the country of origami?(Children's answers: based on a square.)

Educator: - So that your birds turn out well, I suggest that you yourself turn into birds for a short time.

Physical education lesson “The nimble tit is galloping” by A. Barto

The nimble tit is jumping,(Jumping in place on two legs.)
She can't sit still,
Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Spun like a top.
(We spin around in place.)
I sat down for a minute,
(Sit down.)
She scratched her chest with her beak,
(Stand up, tilt your head left and right.)
And from the path to the fence,
(Jumping in place on the left leg.)
Tiri-tiri, (Jumping in place on the right leg.)
(Jumping in place on two legs.)

Practical part. Origami.

The teacher offers to choose colored square leaves of your choice.

Gives verbal instructions on folding steps:

We bend and unbend the rhombus diagonally, then bend it along the other diagonal and turn it into a triangle;

In the indicated proportions we bend the upper corner of the triangle;

We bend both wings and bend the beak;

We cut the tail with scissors and give it a shape;

- decorate the craft: stick or draw eyes.

The teacher provides individual assistance.

Final part. Bottom line.

Educator: - What crafts did you do today?(Children's answers: birds)

How did you make them, what is the paper technique called?(Children's answers: origami)Well done guys, you have turned out beautiful birds, our guest will be happy, and you will good friends birds.

Children attach their birds to the general “Spring Tree” background and invite guests to admire the birds.

Say goodbye to guests.

Summary of educational activities for children of the preparatory school group “Meadow with flowers and butterflies” ( teamwork using origami technique)

Author: Safonova Olga Vladimirovna
Place of work: teacher, MBDOU "Kindergarten "Romashka" combined type" Kovylkino, Republic of Mordovia

Target: improve children's creative abilities through origami.

-introduce children to the phases of butterfly development and the features of its lifestyle.
- strengthen children’s ability to create a craft (butterfly) from the basic “double triangle” shape, complementing the image with the necessary details;
- to consolidate the ability to fold a tulip flower using the origami technique, using the basic forms “envelope” and “kite”;
- develop fine motor skills;
-develop the eye, the ability to maintain symmetry in creating a pattern on the wings of a butterfly;
-develop skills of collective creative activity;
-develop interest in the life of insects;
- cultivate the ability to notice the beauty of nature, the desire to admire it,
take care of her.

Materials for the lesson:
spring meadow drawn on whatman paper;
illustrations with the phases of butterfly development;
operational cards;
music “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P.I. Tchaikovsky;
paper different color;
photo of butterflies.

Preliminary work:
conversation on the topic: “It’s spring on our street”
looking at photo illustrations of spring nature.
reading the story by G. Skrebitsky “In a forest clearing. Spring".
memorizing poems about spring.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Hello children! Pay attention to the guests. Say hello to them. Today, I want to invite you on an interesting journey to a forest clearing.
In order to be there, you and I must fulfill one condition. Now everyone will need to sit down more comfortably, close their eyes and not open them until you hear the ringing of the magic bell.
So... the eyelashes are drooping,
The eyes close.
We are going to the spring meadow...
(calm music sounds, a spring meadow is displayed)
Here comes a light breeze
Touches our cheeks
The radiant sun smiles on us all.
We can breathe easily here,
Smooth, even, deep.
Here comes the wind, our friend
He brought a chill to everyone.
He hit the bell
The bell rang (the bell rang)
Children, here we are in a spring meadow.
Tell me, what month is it now?
What changed in nature in April? (The sun is shining brighter, warming the earth, the snow has melted, green grass has appeared, buds have swelled on the trees, small leaves have grown, flowers have blossomed, birds have flown in from warm countries, insects have woken up)
What insects do you know?
I invited you to this clearing to tell you interesting story. And about whom, you will find out by guessing the riddle.
Listen to the riddle:
Hairy, green
She hides in the leaves
Although there are many legs,
Still can't run (Caterpillar)
Educator: The following story happened to our caterpillar.
Once upon a time there lived a caterpillar. She hatched from the egg, crawled along the leaves and ate a lot. Everyone laughed at her, she was so ugly. One day the caterpillar decided to hide in a cocoon so that no one would see it. She made herself comfortable on a branch and entangled herself with sticky threads.

She sat in it, sat, and fell asleep. While she was sleeping, winter passed and the long-awaited spring came.
The sun now rose very early, went to bed late and shone so diligently for everyone on earth and warmed so much that life became fun. A light green fog enveloped all the birches and aspen trees in the forest.
What do you think it was?

Right. The leaves began to bloom. This is where the forest festival began.
The Nightingale whistled and clicked in the bushes, frogs croaked loudly near the river, and May beetles buzzed among the branches.
The caterpillar also woke up, stuck out its antennae, and just as it wanted to crawl out entirely from its cocoon, it felt that something was bothering it on its back...
Educator: Children, what was stopping her from the caterpillar on her back?
Children: Wings!
Educator: Now let's see if this is true?
Educator: What has our caterpillar become?
Children: To the butterfly!
This is what a beautiful butterfly our caterpillar has turned into

Listen to the tale further... She shook herself and suddenly... flew. Flying over the pond, she looked into it as if into a mirror and saw a beautiful... (butterfly). Yes, a butterfly with huge bright wings. "Who is this beauty?" – she thought, “Oh, it’s me! I am a butterfly! She flew over the meadow and everyone who saw her admired: “What a beautiful butterfly!” The butterfly felt hungry and decided to find a meadow full of bright, fragrant flowers. A butterfly flew into the meadow... and there was only green grass.
(show meadow-green Whatman paper)
Educator: Guys, how can we help the butterfly?
Children: You can make flowers.
Educator: What else can you do?
Children: Make butterflies.
What spring flowers do you know?
I suggest you make a tulip flower for the butterfly. These flowers grow in the spring not only in our flower beds, but are also found in the wild in the south of our country.
Educator: Children, but first let's rest.

Physical exercise “Butterfly”
In the morning the butterfly woke up.
She stretched and smiled.
Once - she washed herself with dew.
Two - she spun gracefully.
Three - she bent down and sat down.
At four, it flew away.
And at five she sat down.
(Children perform movements in accordance with the text)

Educator: Take your seats.
Let's make a flower meadow for her.

We will work in subgroups: “butterflies” and “tulips”.

We recall the methods of making a butterfly and a tulip, and consider the operation cards.

I remind you of the symmetrical arrangement of the pattern on the wings of a butterfly.
Let's get our fingers ready for work.

Finger gymnastics.
Caterpillar, caterpillar,
(the palm of one hand “crawls” like a caterpillar along the inside of the other)
Butterfly's daughter
(the palm “crawls” back to the shoulder along the outside of the arm)
Crawling along the blades of grass
(same thing on the other hand vertically)
Eats leaves:
(one palm slides upward over the other palm and “bites” the fingers of the other palm for every am
I ate and wanted to sleep
(one hand clenches into a fist, the other covers it)
Woke up (spread your palms)
Turned into a butterfly
(cross your arms at the wrists)
It flew, it flew, it flew!
(wave crossed palms like wings)

Educator: Let's get to work. Remember that you need to smooth each line of the workpiece with your finger so that all the crafts turn out neat.

Children's creativity. (Calm music sounds. “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P.I. Tchaikovsky).

Educator: So they bloomed beautiful flowers in the meadow. And now, together with her friends, the butterfly flutters from flower to flower all day long. Sometimes she, sitting on a flower, carefully spreads her velvet bright wings
looks around and says: “It’s so good here! How happy I am to live here!”
Educator: Children, did you enjoy the activity? What did you like?
Children: children's answers.
Educator: What new did you learn today?
Are you glad you helped the butterfly?
Well done! Take care, have pity on all living things, children! Take a closer look. listen, delve into the beauty of nature, protect and increase it!
Analysis of children's work.
And as a gift to you as a souvenir of our lesson, photographs of butterflies!

Method of making a butterfly

Opening the square.

Turn the square over.

Fold the square in half, matching the top and bottom sides, with the colored side inward.

Opening the square.

Press down on the center of the square, bend the side triangles, folding them in half. The basic double triangle shape is ready.

Fold the double triangle in half, defining the middle line.

We bend the sides of the upper triangle towards the midline.

We bend the sides adjacent to the midline to opposite sides.

We make a notch on the large triangle, decorate the butterfly with a symmetrical pattern, and glue the antennae.
Method of making a tulip.

We will need square sheet paper bright color.

Fold the square diagonally (with a scarf) with the white side inward.

Opening the square.

We bend each corner of the sheet towards the center, obtaining a smaller square or the basic “Envelope” shape.

We bend the inner corners to the outer sides of the square. The blank now looks like a window with open shutters.

Fold the workpiece in half so that all corners form an even row of petal teeth.

Roll the workpiece into a cone. The tulip flower is ready.

Take a square sheet of green paper. Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Child development center kindergarten No. 2

Kanevsky district


Classes on manual labor(origami)

On the theme "Snowdrop"

For children of the preparatory group

Prepared by: teacher - Perekotiy O.N.

year 2013

Software tasks:

1. Expand children’s knowledge about spring, about the first spring flowers - snowdrops.

2. Clarify children’s knowledge about the structure of a flower and the conditions necessary for plant growth.

3. Develop memory, curiosity, fine motor skills.

4. Develop children's aesthetic perception of spring nature.

5. Foster love for your native land.

Integration of areas:




Methodical techniques:

Teacher's story, artistic expression, search questions, musical accompaniment.

Preliminary work:

Watching snowdrops while walking, looking at illustrations of spring landscapes, writing stories based on them, reading and learning poems.


Multimedia slides with images of snowdrops, blue cardboard, glue brushes, glue, napkins, oilcloths, white and green paper, hand wipes.

Progress of the lesson:

Music is playing. The children enter.

Educator: Our land is beautiful at all times of the year, but there is a time when nature awakens from winter sleep. When do you think this happens?

Children: In the spring.

Educator: Correct. What an affectionate and gentle word - spring! How do we know that spring has come? Name the first signs of spring.

Children: The sun is high, shining brighter, the day is getting longer, the sky is blue and clear.

Educator: What month is it now?

Children: March.

Educator: People call March “dropper”. Who can say why?

Children: Because icicles start dripping.

Educator: There is a playful poem about icicles:

Playful icicles sat on the cornice,

Playful icicles

We looked down.

We sat. Things to do?

Drops began to fall.

The ringing goes on all day long:

Drip - drip, ding - dong!

What spring flowers do you know?

Children: snowdrops, mother and stepmother, primrose...

Educator: Listen to the poem:

At a snow-covered hummock,

Under a white snow cap

I found a little flower

Half frozen, barely alive.

It must have been hot

Today there is sunshine in the morning,

He felt hot under the snow

And he thought it was time.

What flower is this poem talking about? Why did it get this name?

Children: Because it grows from under the snow.

Educator: This little flower can withstand 10 degree frost.

And its scientific name is “galanthus”, which means “milk drop”. Why do you think this flower was compared to a milk drop?

Children: The petals look like drops, and the color is like milk.

Educator: With the onset of darkness, the snowdrop flower closes and becomes very, very similar to a drop of milk.

Dynamic pause "Snowdrop".

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up,

I didn't want to sleep anymore.

He moved, stretched,

He shook his head.

Our first flowers open their petals.

The breeze breathes a little,

The petals are swaying.

Educator: Do you know that snowdrop is a forest flower and it is listed in the Red Book.

Snowdrops are the first to bloom, so people pluck them without sparing them. They tear them off in armfuls, pulling them right out by the roots, and trample them.

But you and I are Friends of Nature and will never pick flowers.

These are drops of beauty!

Let them grow, bloom,

You agree with me?

Children: I agree.

Educator: Let's make a lot of snowdrops today. And we will tell all our friends and family how to treat this flower.

Practical part:

To do this, we need blue cardboard with a bump on it. Our snowdrop will grow on it. For the stem, take green paper and twist it into a flagellum, slightly rounding its upper part. Cut out two petals from green paper. To make the flower itself, take a sheet of white paper and make a square out of it. Fold the square in half to form a triangle, and then fold the triangle in the other direction. Then fold the square to form a rectangle. Then fill in the resulting triangles. Place the triangle at an angle towards you and bend the other two upwards, giving the shape of a flower. Apply glue to the place on the cardboard for the stem and glue it onto the cardboard, then glue two leaves and the flower itself, head down. Wipe your hands with a napkin after work. Clean up your workspace.

Analysis of children's works.