Metlitskaya ordinary woman epub. “Ordinary woman, ordinary man (collection)” Maria Metlitskaya

Millions of men and women feel unhappy because they believe they have made the wrong choice. They live with the most ordinary, ordinary “halves,” but they dreamed of a handsome prince or a beautiful princess.

And it doesn’t even occur to them that happiness is just a small step away. There are no ordinary women and ordinary men. We are all special in some way. You just need to take a closer look at the person you live with. And, quite possibly, it will turn out that a handsome prince or a beautiful princess has been nearby all his life. It just took a while to figure it out.

The work belongs to the genre of Contemporary Russian literature. It was published in 2016 by Eksmo Publishing House. On our website you can download the book “Ordinary Woman, Ordinary Man” in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 3.67 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper form.

An ordinary woman, an ordinary man (collection) Maria Metlitskaya

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Title: Ordinary woman, ordinary man (collection)

About the book “Ordinary Woman, Ordinary Man (collection)” Maria Metlitskaya

Millions of men and women feel unhappy because they believe they have made the wrong choice. They live with the most ordinary, ordinary “halves,” but they dreamed of a handsome prince or a beautiful princess.

And it doesn’t even occur to them that happiness is just a small step away. There are no ordinary women and ordinary men. We are all special in some way. You just need to take a closer look at the person you live with. And, quite possibly, it will turn out that a handsome prince or a beautiful princess has been nearby all his life. It just took a while to figure it out.

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “An Ordinary Woman, An Ordinary Man (collection)” by Maria Metlitskaya in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Author: Maria Metlitskaya Year of writing: 2018 The book in a surprisingly sincere form will tell us the fate of three friends. As we grow up, we begin to understand that life is not what it seemed in distant childhood. The heroine takes out a photograph in which three girlfriends stand, dressed as usual - in cotton dresses and sandals. They were so close that it seemed that nothing in the world would separate them even after years. Their dreams, their idea of ​​the future, all this was in those carefree times of childhood dreams and fantasies. Years pass and the life paths of the friends diverge. After all, everyone has their own priorities. Life makes its own adjustments to both love relationships and friendships. Everything that seemed so within reach in childhood now seems so far away. But each of the friends chooses her own path that will lead her to happiness. Happiness, which each person understands in his own way.

Author: Maria Metlitskaya Year of writing: 2011 The book impressively depicts ordinary women’s destinies. Each destiny is a separate story, a whole facet of the great puzzle called life. They are all different, but they are similar in one thing - finding your love and being loved and happy. Isn't this what every woman strives for? But everyone goes their own way towards this goal - to become happy. Some of them become famous successful businesswomen, and some become the mistress of a rich man. Some of them patiently hope that the husband is tired of running after his next mistress and will return to the family and become an exemplary family man. Some women become hunters for a rich husband, while others simply go through their lives hoping for chance. Different stories - different life paths, but the goal remains the same - to become happy.

Author: Maria Metlitskaya Series: Behind Other People's Windows Year of writing: 2017 Many girls, after reading the fairy tale about Cinderella, dream of meeting a prince and living in love and joy with this prince in a castle. But what does reality become if you really meet a prince? Will life with this person be so cloudless? The main character, Milochka, meets a wonderful man who didn’t just take her from her life in the slums and bring her to a huge apartment. Prince Darling turned out to be a rather wealthy man who made her life truly fabulous. But, like all people, Mila now faced a choice - to stay with her prince or choose another person - more successful and wealthier. Temptations in life are always great. What will Mila choose - will she stay with her prince or will she try to get a better job?

Author: Maria Metlitskaya Year of writing: 2017 This wonderful work sincerely and without embellishment tells about the fate of just a woman from a fairly ordinary family. After all, everything that is laid down in us from childhood leaves patterns of behavior in adulthood. Nina Gorokhova was born into an ordinary family. Then she lives as she imagined. After school, Nina entered a vocational school, and then went to work. She got married successfully and gave birth to a child. But a divorce from her husband leaves a deep trace of loneliness in her life. At such moments, her best friend Inga comes to Nina's aid. Inga’s personal life isn’t going well either, but by helping, her friends do a lot of nice little things for each other. And the smell of Antonov apples reminds us that there is always hope for the best...

Author: Maria Metlitskaya Series: Behind Other People's Windows Year of writing: 2017 The collection contains two wonderful stories about completely different destinies of two women. In the first work we will see a beautiful woman, Tatyana, who gave birth to a child at a fairly early age and raised him herself. The son grew up, fell in love, got married and... went to his wife in Paris. What remains for Tatyana now? We also have before us the fate of Larisa, a successful entrepreneur who has a wonderful family - a loving husband and daughter. But the daughter grew up and left for Paris. But Larisa’s life fell into disrepair: her husband became seriously ill, and her business was on the verge of closing. What steps should Larisa take to get her successful life back? Will she be able to restore her business and cure her husband?