Cleaning fur from yellowness at home. How to clean white mink fur from yellowing at home White mink has turned yellow how to bleach it at home

White mink products quickly lose their attractive snow-white shade during wear. Under the influence of environmental factors, fur acquires yellow, which is difficult to get rid of. To remove yellowness from mink fur at home, you can prepare an effective product yourself. Useful components for bleach include hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, vinegar, blue, lemon acid and other active components that allow you to quickly restore the original appearance of white fur.

You can clean mink fur at home using dry bleaching methods. To do this, use substances that absorb excess moisture and dirt well and remove dust deposits. The following gentle components are used as dry bleaches:

  • semolina;
  • starch;
  • talc;
  • bran;
  • sawdust.

The main feature of this cleaning method is that it does not require the use of liquid, so the product will not need to be dried.


Semolina grains perfectly absorb dirt and also remove dust. For processing, the product should be placed on a table or clean floor. If you need to clean your hat with semolina, you need to put it on a three-liter bottle wrapped in a towel.

You should clean the fur with semolina according to the instructions:

  1. Sprinkle problem areas with a small amount of semolina.
  2. The entire surface is carefully combed with a brush with soft bristles.
  3. After the semolina turns gray, it is removed. If necessary, cleaning can be repeated.

You can remove semolina by shaking the product or vacuuming it. In the latter case, only weak devices should be used.

Gasoline based mixtures

A mixture made from potato starch and gasoline will help deal with yellowing. Both components are mixed until a mushy mass appears. The mixture is distributed over all contaminated areas and left until completely dry. The fur is carefully combed out using a fine-toothed comb. If desired, you can remove the applied product with a low-power vacuum cleaner.

One more effective means are sawdust soaked in a small amount of gasoline. The resulting product is distributed over the yellowed pile, and then gently rubbed into the product and left for 2 hours. The sawdust is shaken off and the pile is carefully combed out with a comb.

Wheat bran

The fur collar can be cleaned using wheat bran heated to 60 degrees. The product is heated in a clean frying pan, and it should be stirred regularly. Hot bran is poured in an even layer onto the pile, and then gently rubbed into it using a soft brush.

The applied product should be removed only after it has completely cooled. To remove small bran particles, comb the pile with a fine-toothed comb.

Talc, chalk, combed out with a comb

White talc, which is sprinkled evenly on the product, will help clean dirt and dust from a fur coat or hat. The ingredient is gently rubbed into the pile using a brush or fingers. After 2 hours, the talc is shaken off, and its remains are combed out with a special brush.

In a similar way, chalk or potato starch can be used to clean a fur coat or hat. For processing, chalk powder is used, which you can buy or prepare yourself by grinding a block.

Wet methods for removing yellowness

In addition to dry methods of combating yellowing of fur, there are wet methods. They involve the use of products prepared on the basis of active liquid ingredients. After such cleaning, the fur product should be dried or cleaned of the applied product with a damp sponge moistened with running water.

It is necessary to dry the product only naturally, by hanging it on hangers or on stands. Drying near radiators, other heat sources or ironing should be completely avoided, as such exposure can damage the fur.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

Clean quickly and effectively white fur Minks can be treated against yellowness using a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. To prepare the product, you need to make a solution of 1 teaspoon of a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and 1 glass of water. Add 3-5 drops to the resulting liquid ammonia, mix everything thoroughly.

Apply the bleach liquid to the fur carefully, using cotton balls. After processing, the product is combed and dried in the fresh air. You can hang the product on the balcony; if it is glazed, the window should be opened slightly.

Soap solution

There are several ways to clean white fur from yellow plaque using soap solutions. Each of them has its own characteristics.

  1. You can use pet shampoo as a cleaning agent. These products contain a blue pigment that allows you to completely neutralize yellow tint. The basin is filled with warm water, not dissolved in it. a large number of shampoo for pets. To enhance the effect, you can add 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to the solution. The fur product must be carefully treated with a sponge soaked in the prepared product. The sponge should be guided in the direction of the pile. After the procedure, the fur is washed with a damp cloth and dried.
  2. If the yellow tint is unsaturated, you can deal with it using regular liquid soap. The detergent should be white or clear. Add 3 drops of liquid soap to a bowl of water and thoroughly foam the water. A clean sponge is soaked in a soapy solution and wrung out. The pile is wiped several times with a damp sponge, combed and dried.

Liquid soap can be replaced with shampoo or shower gel, which does not contain a coloring pigment.


In this way, not only can it be cleaned natural fur, but also artificial. This product must be used very carefully, as its excess can lead to the appearance of a purple tint on the pile.

A small amount of blue is dissolved in a basin so that the liquid acquires a pale blue tint. The resulting composition is poured into a spray bottle. The product is sprayed in an even layer over the entire fur product. The applied solution does not require rinsing. After processing, the fur is dried and then carefully combed.

Alcohol and salt

To prepare the bleaching liquid, dissolve 1 teaspoon of fine salt in a glass of warm water. Add 1 teaspoon of ammonia to the saline solution, mix everything and use it for cleansing.

  1. The sponge is moistened in an alcohol solution, and then the entire yellowed surface is treated with it.
  2. The product is dried in the fresh air so that the smell of ammonia completely disappears.
  3. The procedure is completed by combing the lint.

When removing a weak yellow tint, you can avoid using ammonia by treating the pile with a saline solution.

Vinegar with lemon juice

This product effectively removes yellow stains on the pile. It should be used spot-on, avoiding processing the entire fur product. To prepare the product, you need to mix 1 teaspoon of vinegar and the juice of a quarter of a lemon.

A cotton swab is moistened in the prepared liquid, and then all stains that appear are wiped with it. The yellowness is gently rubbed with a brush with soft bristles, and then the fur is dried.

Any described method will quickly and effectively eliminate the yellow tint on a product made from mink fur. These products should be used very carefully, avoiding strong mechanical impact on the pile or its excessive wetting with prepared liquids. Otherwise, the fur may lose the attractiveness of its structure and lose its shine. If during the cleaning process the housewife did not calculate the amount necessary means, and the fur product has lost its attractive appearance, you can restore the shine of the pile by wiping it with a 10% glycerin solution.

Products made from white fur can be considered elite. But, unfortunately, snow-white fur does not serve for a long time - this is due to its soiling and natural changes in the structure of the pile - the fur inevitably turns yellow after a couple of seasons. You can pause and mask such changes. Let's see how to remove yellowness from white mink, arctic fox, rabbit and any other fur.

At-Home Cleaning Options

Any method must be tested on the inside of the product to avoid possible damage to the fur coat or collar. If the test is passed and the fur has not deteriorated, then the entire fur product should be treated in a similar way.

Natural fur should not be heavily wetted, and the washed item should only be dried naturally without the use of a hair dryer, heating appliances or other heating elements.

Cleaning natural fur: 4 methods

Any white item, be it a hat, collar or short fur coat, needs to be pre-cleaned to remove dirt. After this procedure, the yellowed fur can be refreshed, it will become snow-white and will look much neater.

To clean a fur item:

  • spread a damp sheet or piece of paper on a flat, hard surface cotton fabric of sufficient size;
  • place the product fur side down on the sheet, smooth and fold the free edges of the damp fabric so that the fur is completely covered;
  • using a carpet beater or your palm, lightly tap the entire surface;
  • If necessary, rinse the sheet to remove dust, wring it out and repeat the procedure. Dry white fur naturally.

Instructions on how to get rid of dirt and bleach yellowed fur with your own hands using improvised means are presented in the table:

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Method 1: Potato Starch

Starch, salt, flour, crushed chalk - excellent tools cleaning yellowed fur.

It is enough to lay out the item on a flat horizontal surface, distribute the powder in an even layer and use a brush to process the hairs.

Long fur is brushed in the direction of hair growth, short fur is brushed against the grain.

After dry cleaning is completed, the product must be cleaned of product residues using a brush or vacuum cleaner.

Method 2: starch and gasoline

If the white mink has turned yellow, there are unsightly spots from foundation or greasy areas - there is a way out!

A mixture of starch and purified gasoline will do an excellent job not only with yellowness, but also remove greasy stains:

  • Mix starch and purified gasoline so that a thick and very thick paste is obtained;
  • Using a rag or brush, apply the mixture to the problem area and leave to dry;
  • when the mixture dries, you should remove it with a brush and ventilate the fur thoroughly.

Method 3: hydrogen peroxide + ammonia + water
  • In a glass of warm water, dilute a few drops of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide (about a teaspoon). A couple of drops of ammonia will also be enough.
  • Using a spray bottle or sponge, apply to the surface of the fur and leave to dry.

Method 4: bran

If a blue mink turns yellow, the following method is guaranteed to correct the situation:

  • heat the bran in a dry frying pan;
  • scatter over the surface of the product and, using hand movements, distribute along the entire length of the hairs;
  • Leave for a while and shake thoroughly to remove excess.

You should not rub or wring the fur intensively - this way it can become matted, dull and lose its appearance.

Cleaning imitation fur: 3 methods

Cleaning faux fur, depending on the product, can be done using the methods described above, but the main advantage of faux fur is that it can be washed by hand.

Since the hairs are of a synthetic nature, they can withstand delicate hand wash They are able to dry and comb the fur thoroughly after washing. But if there is a cotton fabric base, it is better to refuse such washing.

The following methods will help:

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Method 1: Glycerin

Glycerin is mixed with water in equal proportions and stirred. The surface is treated with a sponge or cloth and then dried.

A fur coat made of white fur (white mink) is extremely beautiful and looks very impressive on its owner. But, unfortunately, over time, natural fur white turns yellow, acquires an unpleasant yellowish tint and begins to look dirty and unkempt. A variety of factors can provoke the appearance of yellowness: poor environmental conditions in a large city, cosmetical tools, tobacco smoke, ultraviolet radiation, improper storage of the product and others. You can stop the process of yellowing of fur at home using the simplest means.

A fur coat made from mink (or mouton) fur can be cleaned using starch, semolina, chalk or wheat flour. It is necessary to generously sprinkle the product with them and rub them well over the fur with your hands. After this, the fur coat should be thoroughly shaken or combed with a soft brush. Those women who have already tried this method claim that the fur turns white right before their eyes. A more aggressive way to bleach a white mink coat is to use ammonia, which is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:2. Moisten a cotton swab with the resulting solution and carefully wipe the fur coat, avoiding getting the fur too wet. Dry the fur coat naturally. A yellowed product made from arctic fox fur is bleached with hydrogen peroxide, mixing it with water in a 1:1 ratio. Carefully spray the solution onto the fur coat from a spray bottle so that it does not get on the inside. Then they dry it. In addition, treating it with a mixture of a third of a bottle of ammonia and two teaspoons of fine table salt is considered to be a fairly effective method of bleaching white Arctic fox fur. Rub the mink (mouton) coat in different directions with the mixture, dry it and then comb it with a comb.

How to bleach a white mink (mouton) coat?

It is preferable to bleach a yellowed white mink, rabbit or mouton coat by rubbing crushed chalk or potato starch into the fur. But it is also possible to wipe it with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. A very extreme method of bleaching is considered to be treating the ends of the pile with a paste of starch diluted with purified gasoline. The gruel is applied against the pile and dried. After this, it will be enough to comb the fur with a comb and it will become snow-white again.

A universal method of bleaching for all types of fur (including mouton) is to use professional whitening shampoo for dogs, which can be bought at a pet store. Just a few drops of the product, diluted in 1 liter of water, are enough to obtain a solution, which must be used to wipe the yellowed fur in different directions and dry it with a hairdryer or naturally.

Experienced owners of fur coats advise keeping mink coats made of white fur in dark blue fabric covers, which minimize the aggressive effects of light and ultraviolet radiation.

Snow-white fur looks very chic and often attracts envious glances. However, over the winter, after a long stay in the closet, a yellow tint may appear, and the product will no longer look so attractive. Every owner should know how to bleach yellow fox fur at home. There are several proven methods for this.

Removing yellowness with starch

What to do if the white mink has turned yellow, how to bleach it without leaving the house using improvised means? In this case, ordinary starch will help, and if you can’t find it, then talc or semolina.

The whole process will look like this:

  • You need to take a white sheet or any clean, colorless cloth and soak it in cold water.
  • Wring out the fabric well and wrap the white item in it.
  • Walk over the entire surface, picking the fur through the fabric. A damp cloth will do the trick and some of the dust and dirt will remain on it.
  • After this, let the fur coat dry for some time.
  • Place the fur coat on the floor and treat with starch.
  • Rub the fur with your hands, trying to grab every corner of the product.
  • Allow the absorbent substance to penetrate deeper, then comb it out with a brush.

You can also use a vacuum cleaner if it has a low setting. For short fur, movements should be against their growth, for long fur - in the direction. Starch is only suitable for the Arctic fox; on dark fur, for example, silver fox, it will get stuck among the pile and it will be almost impossible to comb it out.

Another popular way to bleach yellow fur from white fur involves using sawdust left over from a deciduous tree. A good derivative would be:

  • Birches.
  • Linden trees.
  • Aspens.

Or another tree that does not contain a large amount of resin. Coniferous shavings will not work, since after such processing the pile will simply stick together.

Having selected suitable sawdust, you can return the whiteness as follows:

  • Take small shavings and soak them in alcohol.
  • After they dry, you should sprinkle them on your fur coat, focusing Special attention collar and back, yellowness usually appears most strongly in these areas.
  • After some time, comb out the pile with a comb.

If you don’t have alcohol on hand, you can use aviation gasoline; it differs from regular gasoline in its purer composition. Sawdust not only helps to whiten yellowed fur, but also perfectly absorbs grease and dirt. This method is suitable for almost any type of fur coat, headdress or other product with pile of any length.

You can bleach yellowed arctic fox fur with a regular 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. This technique is also suitable for the following type of fur:

  • Mink.
  • Silver fox.
  • Arctic fox.

It is enough to pour a little water into a glass and add 1 teaspoon of peroxide and the same amount of ammonia. After this, you should moisten the sponge and wipe the surface with it, moving along the length of the pile.

It is better to dry your fur coat in such a way that it is exposed to direct sunlight. In this case, the resulting effect will be several times better. If the fur coat has turned very yellow, the amount of peroxide can be doubled. After some time, the product will delight you with its impeccable color.

Bring back the whiteness of faux fur

Even if the fur coat is artificial, you always want it to look perfect. You can return the snow-white color to artificial fur as follows:

  • You will need to take regular glycerin and mix it in equal proportions with water.
  • Apply the resulting mixture to the product and leave for a while.

This manipulation will soften the pile and return the previous clean shade. For some fur coats, it is permissible to use detergents and wash them in an automatic machine. This information is on the label, so before you start returning the shade, you should read it carefully.

If none of the above methods worked, and the fur coat retains a yellowish tint, you can take drastic measures and try using bluing. It does not whiten the product, but rather gives it a bluish tint. The end result looks much better than the initial yellowness.

The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  • Take blue, it is usually sold in pharmacies or stores.
  • You only need a few drops, which are dissolved in lukewarm water.
  • The resulting solution should have a slightly blue tint. The lighter it is, the better.
  • The resulting solution is poured into a spray bottle and evenly distributed over the surface of the fur.
  • The fur coat should dry naturally, preferably on the balcony.

The result is a pleasant shade of fur that shimmers in the sun and looks a little like snow.

The drastic solution would be to repaint the fur in a different color if it was not possible to return the snow-white color. Expensive fur, it is advisable not to clean it at home, but to immediately take it to the dry cleaner, where you can also use dyeing services if nothing can be done.

Video instruction

The luxury and shining purity of white fur is an additional temptation when purchasing a fur product. The whiteness of new things is fascinating. Look at yourself in the mirror: they make you look younger and more attractive. But, alas! The charm of white fur disappears over time due to the appearance of an unsightly yellowish tint. And you are faced with the question of how to bleach yellowed fur?

Options for solving the problem

You can go to a dry cleaner. But not all enterprises of this profile undertake this work, provide a guarantee of quality, and put a high percentage of product wear. And paying for such services requires money. Moreover, specialized dry cleaners in big cities work with such technologies, and white fur products are not only available there.

You can try to bleach your favorite white fur item yourself. You must first shake out the products to remove. When working indoors, spread the item on a damp sheet, fur side down, and pat lightly. Dry.

It is better to start bleaching with a test on a small, inconspicuous area, preferably on the wrong side.

Fur bleaching with powdered and fine-grained materials

The materials (sorbents) are chalk, semolina, potato starch, bran, and fine sawdust. You cannot use sawdust from coniferous wood because of the resins in their composition.

We scatter the selected material over the surface of the fur, carefully rub it into the fibers, the substances will absorb the dirt, then shake everything off and comb out the remains with a brush. The operation may need to be repeated several times.

To enhance the effect, you can reduce potato starch to a pulp with purified gasoline, preferably aviation gasoline (it does not have its own yellowish tint). Rub the wet mixture into the fur, leave to dry and then comb it out with a brush. If there is no gasoline, you can use an aqueous solution from detergent for wool or animal shampoo. In this case, spray the solution from a spray bottle onto the sorbent previously scattered over the fur, rub in thoroughly, let it dry and comb out the fur.

If you have chosen wheat bran or a mixture thereof with rye bran in a 1:1 ratio, then they must be heated to a temperature of approximately 60 degrees C. This can be done in a frying pan, constantly stirring the bran. Apply hot bran to the fur, rub in, wait until it cools, then shake out the product well. Bran can be purchased at a supermarket or pharmacy.

Whitening using hydrogen peroxide

To prepare the solution, take a glass of water at room temperature, add 1 teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 5-6 drops of ammonia. Peroxide and alcohol can be purchased at the pharmacy. We moisten the villi with this solution using a wrung-out sponge, trying to protect the interior from getting wet. Dry the product, preferably in the sun (UV rays will serve as a catalyst for the process). Sometimes a solution with a higher concentration of hydrogen peroxide (1:1) is used. It is better to use an increase in concentration if you are faced with the problem of how to bleach yellowed arctic fox fur.

What should owners of expensive white mink items do? Women love this fur. But two or three seasons of wear... and the product has a yellowish tint that is difficult to remove. How to bleach white mink fur? In this case, it is better to work with peroxide solutions.

How to bleach rabbit fur?

A solution prepared from 5-6 drops of ammonia and 1 tbsp. l. Table salt per glass of water can be used to clean the hair of a rabbit's fur. The above recommended recipes are also applicable for such fur.

How to bleach faux white fur?

To bleach artificial fur, use the already recommended recipes. Or you can prepare a solution of glycerin and water in a 1:1 ratio and use it to clean the fur product. Items made from faux fur with a synthetic base can withstand hand washing. Then they must be carefully straightened, dried, and combed. The cotton backing may shrink and this will lead to deformation of the product.

Products from natural furs are made from long-haired or short-haired fur. Owners may have an additional question about the specifics of bleaching different furs. To bleach all these furs, you can use the recipes recommended in the article. But we must remember that when working with white long-pile fur, the surface is treated according to the pile, and on fur product with short pile - against the pile.