Using tar soap in homemade face masks. Liquid tar soap

Currently, a product such as tar soap with new strength is gaining momentum in popularity and demand. And this is not surprising, because it has mass useful properties, which have a beneficial effect on facial skin and hair. Let's look at the benefits of tar soap and how to use it at home.


Useful properties, benefits and harms of tar soap

Tar soap is a specific product because it has a not particularly pleasant color and aroma. However, this does not detract from its beneficial properties. Soap, the usefulness of which has been known since ancient times, is used today:

  • for the treatment of boils, eczema, pimples, acne, rashes and inflammations;
  • as a hygienic product when caring for bedridden patients;
  • for healing cracked heels, skin abrasions;
  • with frostbite or burns;
  • to get rid of lice and seborrhea of ​​hair;
  • to give hair volume and healthy shine.

However, along with beneficial properties, tar soap can, with misuse, to harm. It is not recommended for use on too dry and sensitive skin face as it can aggravate dryness and cause allergies.

IMPORTANT! Contraindications to the use of this product are the body’s tendency to allergic reactions, as well as, as mentioned above, too dry skin or too dry hair.

Liquid tar soap, depending on the manufacturer, may have a different composition, but tar always remains an unchanged component. In addition, water, various oils, salts of fatty acids, water, thickeners, flavors, etc. are added to soap.

Making tar soap with your own hands - recipe

Of course, the easiest way to get tar soap is to buy it at your nearest pharmacy. However, we note that making soap yourself at home is not so difficult. To do this you will need a minimum of material and time costs. So take:

  • ordinary baby soap– 100 g;
  • tar – 10 ml;
  • essential oils: jojoba, grape seed and almond (you can use any other oils that are suitable for your skin type) – 5 drops each;
  • liquid honey – 0.5 teaspoon.

Mix all the ingredients (pre-grate the baby soap on a fine grater) and cook them in a water bath until completely dissolved. After the soap is cooked, pour it into molds and leave to harden in a cool place for two to three days. IN

WARNING! When making soap, be prepared for a strong, not very pleasant, strong odor.

There are many recipes for making tar soap at home, so you can always, by adjusting the composition of the product, create a unique soap that is ideal for your skin or hair.

Thanks to his unique composition, tar soap can make your hair beautiful, shiny, healthy and stronger, and also relieve dandruff and itching. Tar soap for hair can be used as a traditional shampoo, then instead of a store-bought balm, it is better to use herbal infusions, a solution of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. Such rinses will make your hair manageable, soft, and will greatly facilitate the combing process.

In addition to the fact that tar hair soap perfectly fights dandruff, it also helps with hair loss. Thanks to tar, hair follicles are strengthened, which makes hair thick, strong and healthy.

However, over time the situation changes, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized and the hair takes on a beautiful, healthy, well-groomed and radiant appearance. Concerning unpleasant odor from soap, then after washing your hair it lasts ten to fifteen minutes and then disappears.

How to wash your hair with tar soap

Tar soap for washing hair has some rules, non-compliance with which can greatly disappoint you.
Firstly, immediately be prepared for the not very pleasant specific smell of the product, which, most likely, not all members of your family will like. Therefore, it is better to remain alone during the procedure.
Secondly, as mentioned above, the initial use of soap leads to the hair looking “greasy”, unkempt, and unpresentable. But this is only a temporary effect that will soon pass.
Third, when washing your hair with tar soap, do not use hot water, as it will leave an unpleasant residue on it. Also, you should not lather your hair with a bar of soap; first lather it in your palms, and then apply the foam to your curls and massage them a little. Leave the soap solution on your hair for five to seven minutes. Rinse your hair well with warm water.
Fourth To improve the condition of your hair after washing with tar soap, make it soft, silky, and also make it easier to comb and get rid of odor, use natural balms or herbal infusions for rinsing.

IMPORTANT! You shouldn’t expect instant results from tar soap, because the full effect of its use will appear only after one and a half to two months. Don't stop in the middle, be patient a little and then you will see how amazing and beautiful your hair will look.

In addition to hair care, tar soap is widely used to solve many problems associated with facial skin. For example, this product copes well with oily skin, acne, inflammation, and acne. Soap, as part of various masks, is recommended to be used:

  • to narrow pores;
  • for cleansing and whitening the skin;
  • for various types of inflammation;
  • for skin tightening;
  • as a peeling;
  • to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and reduce oily skin.

IMPORTANT! Tar soap should not be used by those with very dry and sensitive skin, as it will further aggravate the problem.

To get rid of acne and blackheads, you can use the following recipe: small piece Grate the soap on a fine grater, dilute it with water, lather and apply the foam to the skin of the face. Hold this mask for 15 minutes, rinse off first with warm and then cool water. Do the mask regularly once or twice a week.

To prepare a peeling mask from tar soap you need to: grate the soap on a fine grater, dilute with water and lather well. Apply the resulting foam to the skin and then sprinkle with fine salt. Leave the mask on for 20-25 minutes and then rinse with water, lightly massaging the skin.

To tighten sagging, aging skin of the face, neck and décolleté, use the following recipe: grate a piece of tar soap, lather with water and apply the foam to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. After the mask dries a little (3-5 minutes), apply the next layer of foam. Wait for the product to dry completely and then rinse with cool water. After this, apply cream or moisturizing toner to your skin.

Where to buy tar soap - prices

Today, buying tar soap is not a problem, because it is available in every pharmacy or specialized cosmetic store. Its price, depending on the manufacturer, can vary from 25 rubles to 50 rubles per 100 g. Soap self made will cost you a little more: from 150 to 500 rubles per 100 g.


Tar soap contains approximately 10% birch tar. Everything else is ordinary soap, prepared industrially or artisanally. This is one of the oldest natural antiseptics, which is still relevant due to its natural composition and time-tested properties.

Until now, the places where you can buy tar soap are private soap factories, perfume shops and herbal shops around the world.

Interesting. "Soap has a characteristic Brown color and a pronounced tar smell. To preserve the smell, it is packaged in airtight packaging. Fresh tar soap smells and acts stronger.”

Types of tar soap

Cosmetic tar preparations are available in several forms:

Beneficial features

What is tar soap used for? Tar is a substance known for its healing properties. It is this that determines the beneficial properties of tar soap. The main ones are the following:

  • Antibacterial. Tar effectively destroys most pathogenic bacteria, including those from the group of staphylococci and streptococci, which cause boils and other skin problems.
  • Fungicidal (antifungal). Tar soap against thrush, lichen and other types of fungi has long been used in folk medicine.
  • Anti-inflammatory. Tar – excellent remedy against skin irritations, inflammation, has the ability to relieve swelling in extensive shallow skin lesions, and prevent the spread of irritation.
  • Drying. The use of tar soap allows you to remove excessive oiliness from hair and skin, revitalize and dry greasy hair and skin.
  • Exfoliating and regenerative. Tar cleanses the outer layers of the skin and improves its recovery after burns, frostbite, chapping, mechanical damage when exposed to dust or sand. Therefore, if you are going on a long hike, it is better to buy tar soap for your first aid kit.
  • Repellent and insecticidal. Tar soap for lice has been used for many centuries. This simple remedy not only effectively fights insects, but also repels them with its smell.


What is tar soap used for? The range of its applications is very wide, in addition, it is excellent for those people who are prone to allergic reactions, since it consists exclusively of natural ingredients. Tar soap during pregnancy is a reliable remedy for skin problems or thrush, since its use has no pronounced side effects. The only problem is the smell, which pregnant women may not tolerate if intoxicated.


  1. For hair. When deciding whether you can wash your hair with tar soap, be sure to consider your hair type. It is contraindicated for dry hair or can be used with subsequent restoration using special oil preparations and masks, and chamomile infusion. But for those who have a problem with seborrhea, it is well known whether tar soap helps with dandruff. It is important to know how to properly wash your hair with tar soap. Firstly, this should not be done too often. Secondly, you should soap your hair so that the maximum amount of soap gets on the skin and not on the hair. To get rid of an unpleasant odor, after washing, use balms and conditioners, rinse your hair with a solution citric acid. Tar soap is also used for hair loss, as it can strengthen hair follicles and increase their number. In this case, its composition may include preparations of hot pepper, cloves or cinnamon, nettle infusion and burdock oil, which enhance the main effect.
  2. For face. Using tar soap for washing allows you to cleanse your face, remove acne and comedones, and make it look fresher and younger. Daily washing for 10-14 days gives an excellent effect. Especially if your facial skin is oily or combination. However, soap tightens and dries out dry skin, so you should either refuse to use it or combine it with drugs that compensate for the inconvenience that arises. There is a recipe where softened soap is applied to a pimple and left for 10-15 minutes. It accelerates the maturation of acne, dries them out and relieves inflammation, improving appearance skin.
  3. Intimate hygiene. The use of tar soap allows you to quickly get rid of thrush and prevent its reappearance. However, it is better to use special preparations for intimate hygiene based on tar, since they contain substances that prevent drying of the mucous membrane, which is especially important for older women. If special means no, you should not use tar soap too often, allowing the mucous membrane to recover.
  4. Fight against pediculosis. Even ancient healers knew whether tar soap helps against lice. This remedy is one of the most effective folk ways how to deal with pediculosis. In addition, its regular use can repel insects.

Soap recipe

Considering how much tar soap costs in a pharmacy (30 rubles), only those who would like to have a product with a guaranteed composition begin to manufacture it. For those who like such experiments, there are many recipes for making tar soap at home. For example, the next one.

For 3 pieces of baby soap, add a glass of water, emollients (jojoba, olive or grape seed for dry skin and coconut for oily skin) and essential pine oils of your choice. Boil in a water bath until completely dissolved, stirring regularly. After this, tar is added. The soap is poured into molds and allowed to thicken and cool. This process usually takes about a week.

Tar soap looks unattractive, smells bad, and contains 10% natural tar. This proves it high quality: no dyes, preservatives or artificial flavors. Tar soap: benefits and harms, contraindications for use.

Tar is a wonderful remedy that has medicinal properties. It is taken out of birch bark. This plant is also popularly called green pharmacy. The benefits of birch sap and buds are known to all lovers of traditional medicine. Currently widely used in the form of tar soap.

Features of soap

Because of this, this remedy is often purchased for the treatment of boils, acne and other skin diseases. Soap prevents the spread of pathogens. Reviews about this product, its benefits and effectiveness are only positive.

Areas of application

Tar soap is currently actively used in medicine and cosmetology. It has an antibacterial, regenerating and cleansing effect. Tar, when interacting with the epidermis, accelerates blood circulation, dries out rashes and regenerates cells.

Active scope:

Soap is used when bathing. The pungent odor quickly disappears from the body. It is better to keep it in a closed soap dish.


Unique properties tar soap are invaluable. You can wash your whole body with it, even your head.

This natural product is often used in the following situations:

Benefits for hair

This remedy helps to defeat dandruff and relieve itching. Tar soap for hair has a drying effect, which helps eliminate oiliness, strengthens it, stimulates growth and prevents hair loss.

To bad smell does not remain on the hair, you can use all kinds of masks, conditioners and balms. It is recommended to wash your hair with soft warm water. To soften hard water, mix it with baking soda. The soap should be foamed and rubbed into the roots.

Perhaps the strands will become dull and difficult to comb. Then you can rinse them with water and vinegar or lemon juice or a herbal decoction.

Visible results from regular use of this soap will appear after 2 months. Many who wash their hair with this product for longer than 30 days switch to it forever, replacing shampoo with it. Girls notice that their strands become much softer, more manageable and silky.

Lice soap

It will be much easier to wash your hair with liquid soap. The following methods of dealing with lice are available:

  1. Lather the strands by moistening them with warm water. Leave on for 10 minutes, then rinse and comb with a wide-tooth comb.
  2. Wet and generously soap your curls. Wrap with plastic wrap and a towel. Keep the mask on for an hour, wash your hair with warm water and comb your strands.

This unique product can help you treat your furry pets against fleas.

Fighting acne

Tar soap is great for the skin. It disinfects and restores blood circulation. This remedy can help with acne and various rashes.

Basically, the course of treatment lasts from 14 to 30 days. However, in mild cases it may take less time. Once the acne clears up, you should stop using soap every day. After this, you should use it for preventive purposes 2-3 times a month.

For multiple rashes, the following facial mask will help:

  • You need to soap your palms and apply foam to your face.
  • Leave for a while until the soap begins to dry out.
  • As soon as the mask tightens the skin, you need to wash it off first with warm water, then with cool water.
  • Finally, you need to lubricate the skin with moisturizing milk.

This mask will make your face soft and smooth.

Tar soap for the face can also be used as a compress. To do this, place a dry lump of soap on the pimple and secure it on top with foam. If you keep this compress overnight, you will notice a significant improvement in the morning. Should be done twice a day. For dry skin, you can use a moisturizing lotion.

For the face you can also purchase liquid soap. It is no different in terms of efficiency, but it is much more convenient to use.

Intimate hygiene

Tar soap has a beneficial effect on intimate hygiene. Since tar produces a restorative effect, treats irritation, microcracks and softens the skin, regular use of this product has a positive effect on the microflora of a woman’s genital organs.

This natural soap will help eliminate the disturbing manifestations of thrush. This disease changes the microflora of the vagina, resulting in painful itching and discharge.

Tar soap can help restore acid-base balance in the vagina. If you have candidiasis, you should not use special hygiene products; it is better to use soap with tar to relieve pain and gain self-confidence.

If you have thrush, you need to wash with this product in the morning and evening. For prevention purposes, you can use it 2-3 times a week. Despite the naturalness and effectiveness of tar soap, we must not forget that treatment at home for any gynecological disease is extremely undesirable. If you notice discomfort, itching, or unusual discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Use for psoriasis

Due to stress and reduced immunity, psoriasis can develop. This is a rather unpleasant disease. Patients are looking for various hormonal ointments and medications, but in folk medicine this ailment has long been treated with soap and tar.

In order to be treated correctly and safely, you need to take into account the patient’s skin type. For oily skin, you need to wash your face 2 times a day, and for dry and sensitive skin types, it is better to reduce the use to 1 time per week.

  1. Wet your body and apply soap foam.
  2. Leave for a few minutes, once every 30 days you can keep for up to 10 minutes.
  3. Rinse off with warm water.
  4. Rinse with a decoction of chamomile and calendula, which will soothe and soften the skin.

The harm of soap

Tar soap is mainly beneficial for humans, but in certain situations it can also cause harm. It must be used correctly to prevent negative consequences. Before you start using it, it is recommended to do a simple test: apply soap to the inner surface of your elbow and leave for a while. If no rashes appear, you can use this remedy.

The unusual smell of this soap can cause harm. There are people who cannot stand it; it makes them sick. In such a case, tar soap should not be used.

This product also causes dry skin. To prevent this, you should apply a moisturizer after washing.

Tar soap can be harmful if there are open wounds on the body. In such a case, you should not use this remedy.

Video: tar soap for the face - benefits and application.


Tar soap has some contraindications for use:

  • dry and depleted skin;
  • allergic reactions;
  • split ends, brittle and damaged hair;
  • uncontrolled use.

Even with such a harmless remedy, you can harm yourself if you do not adhere to the rules of use and indulge in self-medication.

Soap with tar is often called an eco-product because it has a clean base and does not contain fragrances or dyes. However, in addition to useful components, tar contains phenol and resins. If they enter the body, they are harmful and can cause nausea or cramps. Therefore, this product should not be used very often; 3 times a week for the body and 1 time for the hair will be enough.

Tar soap is an effective natural product that can quickly solve any health problems. The unique properties it possesses will preserve the beauty of your body and hair. To look healthy and beautiful, you don’t have to buy expensive cosmetics; you can replace them with this wonderful, natural product.

12 ways to use garlic. part 2
Pest Control

Other uses

9. Glass repair. If small cracks appear on the glass, you can squeeze garlic juice onto it. After some time, you need to wipe off the excess wax. Garlic is a natural glue. It will help glue the fragments together and prevent further damage.

10. Glue. Garlic can be used to glue other materials, such as paper.

11. Fighting ice. Garlic salt works wonders for removing ice from roads, sidewalks, and other surfaces.

12. Homemade surface cleaner. Chop 3-4 cloves of garlic. Place them in a spray bottle filled with white vinegar. Add a couple of drops lemon oil and the disinfectant is ready!

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10 effective eco-cosmetics for less than 150 rubles

Where to buy: in pharmacies
2. Tar soap from Nevskaya Cosmetics - 20 rubles. for 140 g
Very effective remedy for problematic and oily skin. Dries, removes inflammation and heals wounds. Some cosmetologists even recommend washing your hair with this soap for oily seborrhea. Where to buy: at the pharmacy.

At daily use You can grow eyelashes like a movie star's in a couple of weeks. It is convenient to apply it with a well-washed mascara brush. Where to buy: in pharmacies

The frightening name should be taken literally - this is the fossil salt of the Kungur Sea. It contains a loading dose of magnesium and vitamin B6, and therefore is officially prescribed as a balneological remedy. It helps great against insomnia, relaxes muscles - in a word, a miracle thing. Where to buy: in pharmacies. May be sold under the name "Bishofite".
6. Burdock oil with pepper from “Mirra” - 40 rubles. for 100 ml
Stimulates metabolic processes in the hair follicles, as a result, they stop falling out and begin to grow at a terrible speed. The oil needs to be heated, applied to the scalp in the shower, and washed off after 15 minutes. Where to buy: in pharmacies
7. Green cream “Boro plus” from Emami Ltd. - 42 rub. for 25 g
Advertised as a facial product, in fact it is a better antiseptic than Rescuer. This cream with Indian herbs heals wounds, inflammation and dermatitis literally before our eyes. Boro Plus is also great as an aftershave. Where to buy: in pharmacies, Auchan stores
8. Liquid vitamin E from Solgar - 70 rubles. for 60 ml
The key ingredient in most moisturizers requires absolutely no preservatives, fragrances or a pretty jar. Powerful antioxidant: smoothes wrinkles, prevents stretch marks and nourishes dry skin. Can be used on the face, body and skin around the eyes. Where to buy: in pharmacies (“Tocopherol acetate”)
9. Almond oil - 110 rub. for 50 ml
Part of the majority professional means for nails, and in its pure form it is a real storehouse of vitamin E and oleic acid. One of my very glamorous friends is saving on edged manicure, simply softening the cuticle with this oil. In addition, the product can be used instead of cream around the eyes - almonds perfectly moisturize and smooth out fine wrinkles. Where to buy: pharmacies

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9 effective means
Colorless henna

In combination with olive oil or kefir - no worse than a salon hair mask. Iranian henna saves thin and split hair, and also gets rid of dandruff. You can also make an excellent hand mask from it: brew it with boiling water, cool it, and then apply it to your palms and fingers for 10–15 minutes.

2. Tar soap from Nevskaya Cosmetics

Black clay from DNC Swiss
An excellent and very rare product. And most importantly, multifunctional. Black clay lathers well and moisturizes the skin; it can be used instead of shower gel. Ideal for a wrap or face mask. Rich in magnesium, iron, calcium, has an anti-edematous effect. By the way, the same brand has other rare types of clays - for example, pink and yellow. Also great lip waxes.
4. Castor oil from EcoLab - 25 rubles. for 50 ml

5. Bath salt “Salt of the Ancient Sea” - 30 rub. for 500 g

6. Burdock oil with pepper from “Mirra”

7. Green cream “Boro plus” from Emami

Advertised as a facial product, in fact it is a better antiseptic than Rescuer. This cream with Indian herbs heals wounds, inflammation and dermatitis literally before our eyes. With its help, I removed allergic peeling on my hands in just one night.

8. Liquid vitamin E from Solgar
smoothes wrinkles, prevents stretch marks and nourishes dry skin. Can be used on the face, body and skin around the eyes.

9. Almond oil

In its pure form, it is a real storehouse of vitamin E and oleic acid. One of my very glamorous friends saves money on trimmed manicures by simply softening the cuticles with this oil. In addition, the product can be used instead of eye cream

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8 effective eco-cosmetics for less than 100 rubles:

1. Colorless henna - from 10 rubles. for 25 g

In combination with olive oil or kefir - no worse than a salon hair mask. Iranian henna saves thin and split hair, and also gets rid of dandruff. You can also make an excellent hand mask from it: brew it with boiling water, cool it, and then apply it to your palms and fingers for 10–15 minutes.
Where to buy: in pharmacies.

2. Tar soap - 20 rubles. for 140 g

An undeservedly forgotten, but very effective remedy for problematic and oily skin. Dries, removes inflammation and heals wounds. Natural birch tar, which is part of it, is a powerful antiseptic. Some cosmetologists even recommend washing your hair with this soap for oily seborrhea. The downside is the strong smell of tar, which many people don’t like.
Where to buy: at any pharmacy.

3. Black clay - 25 rub. for 300 g

An excellent and very rare product (I thought it was generally impossible to buy in Moscow). And most importantly, multifunctional. Black clay lathers well and moisturizes the skin; it can be used instead of shower gel. Ideal for a wrap or face mask. Rich in magnesium, iron, calcium, has an anti-edematous effect. By the way, the same brand has other rare types of clays - for example, pink and yellow. Also great lip waxes.

4. Castor oil - 25 rub. for 50 ml

Another grandmother’s remedy that makes modern beauties turn up their noses in vain. With daily use, you can grow eyelashes like a movie star in a couple of weeks. It is convenient to apply it with a well-washed mascara brush.

5. Bath salt - 30 rub. for 500 g

The frightening name should be taken literally - this is the fossil salt of the Kungur Sea, which once occupied the territory of the present Volga region. It contains a loading dose of magnesium and vitamin B6, and therefore is officially prescribed as a balneological remedy, for example, at the Institute of Balneology. It helps great against insomnia, relaxes muscles - in a word, a miracle thing.
Where to buy: in pharmacies. May be sold under the name "Bishofite".

6. Burdock oil with pepper - 40 rub. for 100 ml

Stimulates metabolic processes in the hair follicles, as a result, they stop falling out and begin to grow at a terrible speed. The oil needs to be heated, applied to the scalp in the shower, and washed off after 15 minutes. I was relieved of allergic itching within a month.

7. Green cream “Boro Plus” - 42 rubles. for 25 g

8. Liquid vitamin E - 70 rub. for 60 ml

The key ingredient in most moisturizers requires absolutely no preservatives, fragrances or a pretty jar. Powerful antioxidant: smoothes wrinkles, prevents stretch marks and nourishes dry skin. Can be used on the face, body and skin around the eyes.

Original soap base recipe: “Apple Cider”

Transparent soap base.

White soap base.

Liquid glycerin.

Yellow mica (mica, mineral dye).

Brown mica.

Yellow, red or orange liquid colorant for soap.

Fragrance or essential oil.

Two small, shallow baking trays.

Large soap mold with slanted sides.

Spray bottle with alcohol.


Scales, glass measuring cups or jugs, whisks, measuring spoons.

Base soap recipe: preparation

Lemon layer

First of all, start making the lemon roll, which will later need to be placed in the soap mold. You need to make a two-layer roll using yellow mika. One layer about

Pure, but the other is not (like lemon zest).

To make the first layer of lemon soap, melt 255g clear base and add 0.25 teaspoon yellow mica. To make the soap layer elastic, add 2.5 tbsp to it. liquid glycerin. You can add fragrance if desired, but this is not necessary since the main bar of soap will be scented.

Pour the mixture into a shallow pan. Let it cool down.

Meanwhile, prepare an opaque (second) layer of lemon soap. As you know, lemon peel is not as transparent as lemon pulp. Therefore, this layer needs to be made from a combination of transparent and white bases.

According to this soap recipe, take the following amount of base: 200 g transparent and 55 g white. This ratio will not dilute the final result yellow soap (will not make it pastel). In the same way as for the first layer, add 2.5 tbsp. liquid glycerin and 0.25 teaspoon of yellow mica. Stir.

Wait until the first layer thickens sufficiently (a thick crust should form over the entire surface). The temperature of the soap poured in should be within 55-60 degrees.

Lightly spray the first layer of lemon soap with rubbing alcohol. Pour the second layer over the first layer and make sure it covers it evenly. Set the baking sheet aside to cool.

They don’t make any kind of soap with their own hands today! In the form of berries, fruits, cakes, bows, cats, birds, snowmen, Christmas trees, etc. Would you like to try making soap in the shape of an apple cider cup?

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Nourishing and moisturizing body masks at home.

Grind a tablespoon of ground coffee with the same amount olive oil and add two tablespoons of cream. Heat the mixture slightly in a water bath, then apply it to the body and leave for ten minutes. Instead of cream, you can use sour cream or natural unsweetened yogurt.

Mix two tablespoons of coffee grounds with half a teaspoon of salt, the same amount of sugar, add a pinch of ground cinnamon and two tablespoons of olive oil. Apply in circular motions and leave for twenty minutes. Adding coffee to masks not only cleanses the skin, but also makes it elastic, giving a pleasant tan.

This mask should be applied to a dry body without prior steaming: mix a teaspoon of liquid honey with five tablespoons of fresh grape juice and two teaspoons of your daily body cream. Apply the mixture to the skin and leave for half an hour.

But the next mask is effective against acne on the chest and back. To prepare it, you need to pour boiling water over half a bag of henna until a thick mass forms. As soon as the mixture has cooled, apply to problem areas and leave for half an hour, after which rinse thoroughly. Then take tar soap and thoroughly soap all the same problem areas and wait five minutes, then take a shower. It is recommended to do this mask two to three times a week. After the second procedure you will notice a significant improvement.

HOW to make soap at home?

Handmade soap is a suitable gift or souvenir that can please the most discerning person. It softens the skin, has a pleasant smell, and is free of any harmful additives. You can make homemade soap from regular baby soap!

You will need:

4 pieces of baby soap white without additives;
8 teaspoons of base oils: 2 teaspoons each of olive, flaxseed, peach, sea buckthorn or grape seed;
6-7 drops of essential oil (citrus, pine or any floral scents);
molds for soap (silicone for baking or plastic boxes for cookies and candies are suitable);
food coloring (for example, for Easter eggs);
alcohol or vodka.
When sea buckthorn oil is added, the finished soap acquires a yellow or orange tint and no additional coloring is required. If you need to get a product of a different color, this oil can be replaced with another.

Cooking method

Grate the soap on a fine grater, place the shavings in a bowl or ladle, add water or milk and leave for 2-3 hours (can be overnight).
Cook in a water bath over low heat, stirring constantly and not bringing to a boil. When the consistency of the mass begins to resemble sour cream, you can move on to the next stage.
Lather the soap mixture with a whisk or fork, then remove from heat.
Pour in the base oils in a thin stream, while stirring the soap mixture.
Add the dye, stirring thoroughly until the color of the mixture is uniform.
Add essential oils last, lightly stirring the soap. You can add several flavors at once.
Sprinkle soap molds with alcohol or vodka and grease with vegetable oil so that the soap can be easily removed after hardening. Pour the prepared soap mixture into them. Hardening time is from 3 to 5 hours.
Remove the finished products from the molds and blot them with napkins to remove excess oil.

By the way, you can make soap at home using decoctions of medicinal herbs, adding herbs or flower petals to its composition. And if you mix coffee grounds or flax seeds into soap, you will get a wonderful treasure for the body.

HOW to make liquid soap with your own hands?

A piece of toilet soap, preferably for children, but you can also use remnants of soap;
1 glass of boiling water;
1 tbsp. spoon of honey;
1 tbsp. spoon of glycerin;
5-10 drops of any essential oil;
1/3 cup cold water.
Grate the soap into a bowl, pour boiling water into it and blend with an immersion blender. Add honey, glycerin and essential oils and beat again. Leave to cool for 15 minutes, then add cold water and beat again. Pour the mixture into the dispenser.

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How to make an instant lottery.

We will need: white (not glossy) cardboard, gouache, black gel pen, candle (paraffin), liquid soap.

1. Cut white (not glossy) cardboard into small tickets, approximately 8 by 5 cm. We make a template for the middle from the cardboard - approximately 5 by 3 cm. Using the template, draw a rectangle in the center of the tickets.

2. We write an inscription in this rectangle, which we will hide under the erasable layer. The inscription should be quite bright, it is better to use a gel pen. Ticket fields can be decorated to suit your taste.

3. Rub the rectangle with the inscription with a candle; this must be done very carefully so that there are no uncovered areas left. Lubricate the paraffin layer with liquid soap, you can do this directly with your finger. This is necessary so that the paint adheres well to the paraffin.

4. When the soap dries, you can paint the rectangle with gouache. To imitate the metal coating that is usually done on such tickets, we use silver gouache. Now you just need to wait for the paint to dry completely.

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Instant lottery.

We will need:

- Gouache
- Black gel pen
- Candle (paraffin)
- Liquid soap

1. Cut white (not glossy) cardboard into small tickets, approximately 8 by 5 cm. We make a template for the middle from the cardboard - approximately 5 by 3 cm. Using the template, draw a rectangle in the center of the tickets.
2. We write an inscription in this rectangle, which we will hide under the erasable layer. The inscription should be quite bright, it is better to use a gel pen. Ticket fields can be decorated to suit your taste.
3. Rub the rectangle with the inscription with a candle; this must be done very carefully so that there are no uncovered areas left. Lubricate the paraffin layer with liquid soap, you can do this directly with your finger. This is necessary so that the paint adheres well to the paraffin.
4. When the soap dries, you can paint the rectangle with gouache. To imitate the metal coating that is usually done on such tickets, we use silver gouache. Now you just need to wait for the paint to dry completely.

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Instant lottery.

We will need:
- White (not glossy) cardboard
- Gouache
- Black gel pen
- Candle (paraffin)
- Liquid soap

1. Cut white (not glossy) cardboard into small tickets, approximately 8 by 5 cm. We make a template for the middle from the cardboard - approximately 5 by 3 cm. Using the template, draw a rectangle in the center of the tickets.
2. We write an inscription in this rectangle, which we will hide under the erasable layer. The inscription should be quite bright, it is better to use a gel pen. Ticket fields can be decorated to suit your taste.
3. Rub the rectangle with the inscription with a candle; this must be done very carefully so that there are no uncovered areas left. Lubricate the paraffin layer with liquid soap, you can do this directly with your finger. This is necessary so that the paint adheres well to the paraffin.
4. When the soap dries, you can paint the rectangle with gouache. To imitate the metal coating that is usually done on such tickets, we use silver gouache. Now you just need to wait for the paint to dry completely.

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We will need:
- White (not glossy) cardboard
- Gouache
- Black gel pen
- Candle (paraffin)
- Liquid soap

1. Cut white (not glossy) cardboard into small tickets, approximately 8 by 5 cm. We make a template for the middle from the cardboard - approximately 5 by 3 cm. Using the template, draw a rectangle in the center of the tickets.
2. We write an inscription in this rectangle, which we will hide under the erasable layer. The inscription should be quite bright, it is better to use a gel pen. Ticket fields can be decorated to suit your taste.
3. Rub the rectangle with the inscription with a candle; this must be done very carefully so that there are no uncovered areas left. Lubricate the paraffin layer with liquid soap, you can do this directly with your finger. This is necessary so that the paint adheres well to the paraffin.
4. When the soap dries, you can paint the rectangle with gouache. To imitate the metal coating that is usually done on such tickets, we use silver gouache. Now you just need to wait for the paint to dry completely.

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Instant lottery

We will need: white (not glossy) cardboard, gouache, black gel pen, candle (paraffin), liquid soap.

1. Cut white (not glossy) cardboard into small tickets, approximately 8 by 5 cm. We make a template for the middle from the cardboard - approximately 5 by 3 cm. Using the template, draw a rectangle in the center of the tickets.

2. We write an inscription in this rectangle, which we will hide under the erasable layer. The inscription should be quite bright, it is better to use a gel pen. Ticket fields can be decorated to suit your taste.

3. Rub the rectangle with the inscription with a candle; this must be done very carefully so that there are no uncovered areas left. Lubricate the paraffin layer with liquid soap, you can do this directly with your finger. This is necessary so that the paint adheres well to the paraffin.

4. When the soap dries, you can paint the rectangle with gouache. To imitate the metal coating that is usually done on such tickets, we use silver gouache. Now you just need to wait for the paint to dry completely.

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Instant lottery.

We will need:
- White (not glossy) cardboard
- Gouache
- Black gel pen
- Candle (paraffin)
- Liquid soap

1. Cut white (not glossy) cardboard into small tickets, approximately 8 by 5 cm. We make a template for the middle from the cardboard - approximately 5 by 3 cm. Using the template, draw a rectangle in the center of the tickets.
2. We write an inscription in this rectangle, which we will hide under the erasable layer. The inscription should be quite bright, it is better to use a gel pen. Ticket fields can be decorated to suit your taste.
3. Rub the rectangle with the inscription with a candle; this must be done very carefully so that there are no uncovered areas left. Lubricate the paraffin layer with liquid soap, you can do this directly with your finger. This is necessary so that the paint adheres well to the paraffin.
4. When the soap dries, you can paint the rectangle with gouache. To imitate the metal coating that is usually done on such tickets, we use silver gouache. Now you just need to wait for the paint to dry completely.

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Pest Control

6. Use as pesticides in your garden. Avoid harmful pesticides in favor of a natural disinfectant.
Using garlic soap spray gives good results when fighting the gypsy moth, which infects apple trees. It's quick and easy to make, it's economical, non-toxic to the environment and our bodies - and it works!
Soap has been used for centuries as a universal pesticide. It destroys insect cell membranes and kills pests. The trick is not to use too much of it, otherwise it will kill the plant along with the pests.
Grate the laundry soap and add water to obtain concentrated liquid soap. To prepare the solution, take 1-2 tablespoons of liquid soap per 1 liter of water.
Chop 1-2 cloves of garlic and add boiling water. Cover and let sit overnight. Strain in the morning. Pour soap and garlic solutions into a spray bottle. In dry weather, treat the plants.
The solution deteriorates quickly, so you need to prepare it as needed.

7. Repellent against mosquitoes and other insects. Everyone knows that the best remedy from vampires - garlic. That's why mosquitoes are afraid of garlic. You can rub garlic on your skin to repel mosquitoes, but if that's not your thing, you can place peeled garlic cloves where the mosquitoes have appeared.

8. A small amount of garlic can be added to special pet food. You should not add fresh garlic to your pets' food, as the concentration of medicinal substances is too high. You should not feed your pets garlic!

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Bath jelly:

1. water 60 gr.
2. gelatin 30 gr.
Gelatin is a protein gelling substance that is insoluble in cold water. Substitutes: pectin, agar-agar
3. liquid soap 190 gr.
4. natural dye 5 gr.
5. essential oil 5 drops

When all the components have been selected, you can begin manufacturing:

Bring water to a boil, reduce heat and, stirring, add gelatin. When the gelatin is completely dissolved, add liquid soap. Don't forget to stir the mixture without letting it boil. After a minute, remove the pan from the stove, add dye and essential oils. Let the mixture cool for 10 minutes and pour into molds. Place in the refrigerator to harden. Store in a cool place.

Knowledge of the basic recipes for making bombs gives us a lot of scope for experimentation and creativity. Such a gift will not only be unique, but also in demand at a low cost.

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2. We take 100-130% water at once, dissolve the alkali in it.
3. It is better to add 1 tsp to the composition. stearic acid, with it the mass will be more likely to go into the trace.
4. Alkali for cream soap is taken in the ratio - NaOH (10-25%), KOH (respectively 75-90%)
5 Glycerin 5 - 10% in the main recipe and up to 15% when diluting the finished mass.
6. We use the calculator for whipped cream soap, only set the stearin to 0 (it is not included in the calculation). And in the super cream we put only glycerin to dilute the finished mass - up to 15%.

Ingredients for the master class:

Fat phase - 550 g:
Olive oil 250 gr.
Coconut oil 100 gr.
Palm oil - 100 gr.
Shea - 100 gr.

Stearic acid 1 tsp.

Liquid 115%:
Water 500 gr
Coconut milk 130 gr.

Alkali including superfat 5%:
NaOH 15 g (20%)
KOH 84 gr (80%)

Green tea extract 5%
Lavender essential oil 1 table. spoon.

Cooking process.

1. Weigh the oils, add stearic acid, put in a bath until all the oils and acid have melted

2. Weigh NaOH, KOH

3. Weigh the water and milk, add glycerin to the water, and mix.

4. Add alkali to the water (two types in turn) and stir until dissolved.

5. When the oil and alkaline solution become the same temperature, about 40-50 degrees. pour the solution into the oils.

6. We begin to stir intermittently until a trace appears. The mass may delaminate. On the first day I stirred for three hours, no trace appeared, I left it to think overnight. In the morning I mixed it with a blender once and the mass went into the trace. Add superfat. (I took into account the excess fat immediately in the oils, so I drowned it in the bathhouse along with everyone else).

7 We leave it to ripen. Although some sources recommend immediately adding esters and actives and diluting to the desired consistency. But I wait a month for ripening and then enrich it with benefits.

8 After a month, the mass became pearlescent, the consistency was very thick. Ph 7-8

9. Add esters, dyes, nutrients (betaine, extracts, vitamins...), glycerin up to 15%. Mix well, let it rest for an hour, the mass will become thinner and more homogeneous.

Homemade soap will always match yours ()

How to make homemade scented soap?

Homemade soap will always suit your needs and the characteristics of your skin. Moisturizing, cleansing or an original look - you can create all this yourself. How to make fragrant soap at home? Three best recipes from Domashny Ochag!

So, in order to make fragrant soap you will need:
1. Transparent soap base or unscented baby soap
2. Glycerin
3. Base oil: olive, apricot, almond, peach
4. Essential oils
5. Fillings: honey, coffee, dried flowers
6. Molds for hardening soap

Flower soap
Soak a few sprigs of lavender or calendula flowers. Grate a piece of baby soap weighing 100 g. 3 teaspoons of base oil and 1 tsp. heat glycerin in a water bath, add grated soap and a little hot water, stirring constantly. The soap mass should have the consistency of batter. Add a couple drops of essential oil. Add flower petals to the warm mixture and stir. Pour into the mold and let harden for several hours.

Coffee soap
Pour 1 tsp into a melted base of grated baby soap with the addition of olive oil. ground coffee and a couple of drops of essential oil (bergamot, orange, cinnamon). You can add 1-2 tbsp for flavor. spoons of milk with cinnamon (boil 1-2 tsp of cinnamon in a glass of milk). Pour the soap into the mold and decorate the top with coffee beans. This soap is good as a body scrub.

How to make liquid soap.

How to make liquid soap.

Materials and tools:

-a glass of boiling water
-a spoon of honey
- a spoonful of glycerin

How to make liquid soap.

This liquid soap recipe is quite simple. But making soap with your own hands, ()

How to make liquid soap.

This liquid soap recipe is quite simple. But by making your own soap, you will be sure that it is environmentally friendly. You will know that it is not stuffed with all sorts of flavorings and other nonsense.

Materials and tools:

Bar of soap or soap waste
-a glass of boiling water
-a spoon of honey
- a spoonful of glycerin
-a few drops of essential oil of your choice
- a third of a glass of cold water

How to make liquid soap.

This liquid soap recipe is quite simple. But making soap with your own hands, ()

How to make liquid soap.

This liquid soap recipe is quite simple. But by making your own soap, you will be sure that it is environmentally friendly. You will know that it is not stuffed with all sorts of flavorings and other nonsense.

Materials and tools:

Bar of soap or soap waste
-a glass of boiling water
-a spoon of honey
- a spoonful of glycerin
-a few drops of essential oil of your choice
- a third of a glass of cold water

How to make liquid soap.
This liquid soap recipe is quite simple. But by making soap with your own hands, you will ()

How to make liquid soap.
This liquid soap recipe is quite simple. But by making your own soap, you will be sure that it is environmentally friendly. You will know that it is not stuffed with all sorts of flavorings and other nonsense.

Materials and tools:
-bar of soap or soap waste
-a glass of boiling water
-a spoon of honey
- a spoonful of glycerin
-a few drops of essential oil of your choice
- a third of a glass of cold water

Cooking method
1. Grate the soap into a bowl and pour boiling water into it. And beat it all with a hand blender.
2. Add honey, glycerin and essential oil and beat again
3. Leave to cool for 15 minutes, then add cold water and beat again.
4. Pour the mixture into the dispenser and it is ready to use.

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At a time when the beauty industry was not yet as developed as it is now, our grandmothers and mothers had to look for improvised methods and ways of caring for themselves. One of these methods was the use of medicated soap for the face, body and hair. The most popular was considered to be tar, which is still known today.


Tar soap is a powerful antiseptic. It has very strong antibacterial properties. It is because of this that it is often used on problematic and oily skin, reduces inflammation, reduces oily shine and disinfects the skin, erasing old acne and post-acne like an eraser and preventing new ones from appearing. Treats eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis, can get rid of closed comedones and lighten blackheads, scars and spots. Treats wounds, boils, ulcers and scratches. Restores cell regeneration, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the skin.

In the form of shampoo or liquid soap, it helps relieve flaking and itching of the scalp, cure oily and dry seborrhea, get rid of dandruff and even lice and head lice. It will help delay the wash day for oily hair types.

Soap is also suitable for intimate hygiene - to maintain sterility or treat candidiasis.


Depending on the method of use, purpose and form of release, medicinal tar soap can be divided into:

  1. Lumpy. It is a black or dark brown regular bar of soap. Suitable for washing hands, body and face. Classic version, the most common one. Ideal for facial skin - complete with a sponge or mesh for foaming - eliminates pimples and acne, facial wrinkles and excessive oily skin, blackheads.
  2. Liquid. It looks like toilet soap for washing hands and hair, but it’s not very suitable for the face, as it doesn’t foam very pleasantly. Also black. Suitable for getting rid of sweating under the arms, preventing acne on the skin of the back, chest, arms and legs, for some forms of lichen and other diseases of the skin of the body.
  3. Thick soap. It is quite rare and has a sticky, thick, black gel-like consistency. It is used for the body and hair, less often for the face, since the consistency is not particularly suitable for washing.


The main active ingredient is birch tar itself, obtained from birch wood. Sometimes birch bark tar is used, obtained from the same birch tree, only from its birch bark (bark). But it is more suitable for internal use for cysts, oncology, fibroids, cleansing the blood and intestines, since it is softer - birch bark tar soap is suitable even for dry skin, but it is quite difficult to find one.

The tar itself is thick and viscous in consistency, non-adhesive, dark with a characteristic odor. It contains resins, phenol, toluene, xylene.

Natural soap should smell sharp—tarry, like Vishnevsky’s ointment. If it smells completely different, it means that fragrances have been added to the soap (in the composition they are designated as parfum, with an asterisk * - natural perfumes, from essential oils, without - chemical production). They are not allergic, do not actually affect the dermatological properties of the product, only slightly change its smell, muffle it and increase shelf life.

As a rule, soap contains foaming silicones (SLS)- and good soap they must be natural and gentle. Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Ammonium Laryl Sulfate are the most dangerous. They clog pores and prevent oxygen from reaching the skin, preventing it from breathing. Mineral oil works in a similar way - Mineral Oil, which is a product of petroleum refining. Parabens(paraben) are rarely included in soap products. Alcohols have a place if they are cosmetic - but ammonia or ethyl dry the skin and are designated as alcohol.

Remember that the higher the product is in the composition, the greater its concentration. However, tar is used in the production of soap in an amount of ten percent, so it is quite possible for it to be at the bottom of the list. Also, any product must have a GOST mark.

All kinds of additives are possible. For example, glycerin and vegetable oils act as a humectant, soda, coal and salt– additional cleaning additives, celandine and other herbal infusions mix the ingredients, guaranteeing better performance and affecting the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Best before date

If you are going to use the product in skin care, or even more so in intimate hygiene, then you cannot neglect its expiration date. This can result in new inflammation, dryness, itching and irritation.

On average, tar bar soap has a shelf life of twelve months. This refers to a completely natural composition, without additives that extend shelf life. If they are present, then the shelf life increases to three years(36 months). As a rule, such additives are safe and do not affect the quality of the product.

Benefits and harms

The main significant disadvantage of tar soap is that it dries. Frequent washing with it contributes to the appearance of peeling and irritation, reducing the protective layer of the epidermis and increasing sensitivity.

When used during active sun, before tanning or solarium, skin sensitivity may increase and there is a possibility of getting a sunburn.

From the organoleptic properties it is impossible not to highlight the smell of soap– the aroma of tar is unpleasant for many; some categorically cannot tolerate it. However, it does not remain on the skin after washing, indoors or on clothes, so, in principle, it is quite tolerable. If we are not talking about individual allergic intolerance, of course.

For more information on the benefits of tar soap, watch the following video.


Tar soap is used as a remedy for:

  1. Increased oiliness of the skin of the face, body and head (including with seborrhea, lice and pediculosis);
  2. Skin diseases - dandruff, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, acne and post-acne, various types of inflammation, acne, lichen;
  3. Cracks and microtraumas of the skin, burns;
  4. Oily hair type;
  5. Excessive sweating.


  1. Your skin is dry, thin or sensitive;
  2. In the next 24 hours you want to go out into the active sun to sunbathe or go to a solarium;
  3. There is an allergy directly to tar or other components of the composition;
  4. Your hair is dry and brittle(if your scalp is oily, then you can only wash it by applying a thick layer of a moisturizing mask to the lengths and ends);
  5. You are pregnant, are breastfeeding or have an infant;
  6. Do you have rash, irritation, itching.

Popular manufacturers

Soap from the company "Cleona" It is distinguished by its composition - it is completely natural without any claims to chemicals, namely olive, coconut, castor, almond seed oil, avocado oil and birch tar itself. The composition is gentle and does not dry out the skin, as the manufacturer claims.

Another more or less natural option is soap from the factory. "Spring". It is economical and very cheap. The packaging is translucent, which allows you to see the soap before purchasing. The composition is not completely natural, but not terrible either - you can apply it to your face. The package contains 140 grams versus the standard 75.

The most commonly found on the shelves of our stores and pharmacies is tar soap from the company "Nevskaya Cosmetics". It costs around thirty rubles, the bar is large, rectangular, and washes easily on your hands or a sponge. The same company produces liquid tar soap, which is convenient to use for hair or body. It costs 75-90 rubles.

A pleasant bonus can be analogues/substitutes for tar soap, suitable even for dry skin - sulfur, boron and zinc, which this company also produces.

U "Agafi" There is a soap in the medicine cabinet called "Detox soap 100 herbs of Agafya Bath tar." It has a bathing effect and contains birch tar and five Siberian soap herbs. Sold in a 300 ml jar. The same manufacturer also has several tar shampoos.

From funds from "Phytocosmetic" The compositions are completely natural - without SLS, GMOs and parabens. This company is ready to present "Thick soap for hair and body Restoring Tar". Its main difference, like all products from this company, is the absence of odor. There is only an unobtrusive aroma - and certainly not tar. And all this despite the fact that the composition contains birch tar - as well as juniper oil, lavender and herbal extracts The composition contains soft natural surfactants that do not dry or injure the skin.

In addition, the same company also has a therapeutic tar hair mask in a 155 ml bucket, a disposable tar mask with burdock oil and hops, and the same shampoo.

Soap from the company "Recipes for Cleanliness" from the Nizhny Novgorod Oil and Fat Plant perfectly cleanses the skin and even clothes! In the summer, this is simply an indispensable product for cleanliness and comfort.

Moscow soap company "Spivak" widely known for its natural cosmetics. They produce products that contain natural plant and essential oils (masks, soaps, products for hair, lips and face), and also sell these same oils directly. It produces several types of soaps - from soap bars to tar. Its composition is as follows: sodium salts of olive, coconut, palm, castor oils, water, birch tar.

All of their soaps are handmade, and you can order them through the online store or directly at the main office for about a hundred rubles.

Another representative of handmade soaps is soap "Crimean Tar" from the "House of Nature" manufactory. Get rid of acne quickly, reliably and cheaply. The composition is completely natural, does not contain animal fats, does not injure the skin and the water-lipid balance of the epidermis. Created on the basis of saponified olive, coconut and castor oils with the addition of birch tar and burdock oil. Additional ingredients include laurel extract and milk thistle oil.

It is cold brewed, which helps preserve the beneficial properties of oils, herbs and the tar itself. The smell is not very pronounced. Costs about 150 rubles.

How to make at home

In order to prepare this remedy with your own hands you will need: soap base (baby soap without perfume and cosmetic additives is suitable - two pieces, birch/birch bark tar from the pharmacy, any base oil (calendula, jojoba, avocado, almond or grape/peach/apricot kernels), Castor oil optional and a little essential (lemon, rosemary, tangerine, grapefruit, ylang-ylang or fir), herbal decoction of nettle or St. John's wort, molds (suitable for baking).


  1. The soap should be grated on a coarse grater until it turns into shavings. Place in a saucepan and pour a glass of herbal infusion.
  2. Add two tablespoons of castor oil and any base oil, about twenty to fifteen drops of essential oil.
  3. We put on a small fire.
  4. Preparing forms– at the bottom you can put herbs, oatmeal (for scrub soap) or loofah (for washcloth soap; first you need to soak it in boiling water for half an hour and squeeze it out). This is an optional option.
  5. At the same time we monitor the mixture - when it boils, you need to pour in three tablespoons of tar. Mix carefully and remove from heat with oven mitts.
  6. Pour into molds. We take the finished liquid soap out into the cold - onto a closed balcony or loggia, and leave it for a day or until the next morning.