What to give a 3 year old baby. Ideas for original gifts for a three-year-old child. Sports gifts for active and not so active kids

Surely, every parent sooner or later thinks that the birthday is coming soon, and the child is already big - three years old. The child is three years old - one might say, the first anniversary.

So what should you give a three-year-old child for his birthday? What to give a child on his first birthday? Although no, for the second one! Because the first date is a year old. But the third anniversary is the first conscious date. It is this birthday, at the age of three, that the child will remember for the first time. And already in next year will definitely remind you of it!

But it is important to choose a gift for a three-year-old child. Very important. Therefore, like a gift, he should not only like it, but also be remembered. And then many parents begin to think and run headlong to the shops. This is where the worst thing happens - they get lost among the abundance of, sometimes completely unnecessary, things.

What exactly should you give a three-year-old child for his birthday? Your child can already give you the answer to this question. You just need to be able to ask. Often children say - give me everything, or - give me something new. Be more specific: do you want a piano or a live cat? The child will give an exact answer to such a question by choosing one thing. Either a piano or a cat. By the way, he will like both of them, if you still couldn’t decide on a gift.

But what if you still can’t even ask your child? For example, you were invited by friends for the birthday of a three-year-old child. What to do then? Ask your friends. Or at least “test the waters.” For example, a book with fairy tales for three years is a great gift. But here you need to guess - and not buy one that already exists. Of course, you can also give things for growth. But this will be a gift to the parents rather than to the child. Although some children really like to measure things, especially girls.

If a three-year-old child is a girl, then she probably has a lot of dolls. Although, it is quite possible that not - in this case, the doll will be useful to her. But remember, you really need to give a doll to a three-year-old child in a special and special way. Beautiful, unusual. One that you won't want to let go of.

If a three-year-old child is a boy, then he probably has a lot of cars. But it is quite possible that he does not have a large machine on the control panel.

But you can also give educational toys. For example, a constructor. This can be any construction set that is affordable to you, especially if the child does not have any other construction sets. What to give a three-year-old child for his birthday if he has all this? Educational kits! Creator's Kit. This includes drawing, painting with sand, modeling clay, crayons - none of this will be superfluous, believe me.

And when I was faced with the choice of a gift for my three-year-old daughter, I simply asked her - what do you want, a kitten or a piano? Yes, yes, exactly the same question that was asked earlier. Without a doubt, she chose the piano, several times in a row, and then again. So we went to choose a children's synthesizer for her.

And when the question “What to give a three-year-old child for his birthday?” no matter how I stood, when I arrived at the store, I was confused. There were only two synthesizers, but they squeaked so terribly! Moreover, we already had experience with a squeaking synthesizer, which broke in just one day.

On the way from one children's store to another, fortunately there was a musical instrument store. We went into it, and here we saw real synthesizers, Yamaha ones. The cheapest one cost four times more than the children's one. But how he sounded! It was heaven and earth!

Without hesitation, we took the synthesizer with a stand. There were also training programs, all in Russian. To be honest, when asked what to give a three-year-old child for his birthday, I will now always answer - a real (but accessible to him) musical instrument. Because it develops very well. At the musical instrument store we were told that we could use this synthesizer until the third grade of music school. Then we learned that children can be sent to music school from the age of four.

My daughter was incredibly happy with the gift. The first day she, of course, hit the keys. But I constantly told her that she needed to press more gently. And already on the third day she began to press as needed. Now we are learning to touch the keys with our fingers - hand motor skills are developing. It’s too early to learn chords and notes, but my daughter loves to sing, so who knows, maybe she’ll go to music school at three and a half. The synthesizer itself has a built-in function for learning chords, many sound effects, melodies, and training programs. It is just for training – such a model.

Of course, everyone was thinking about what to give a three-year-old child for his birthday – grandparents, uncles and aunts. My aunt and uncle entered into a share with us when buying a synthesizer. For my birthday, they gave me a lot of books, which were really very beautiful, clothes that were also necessary, toys that developed creativity, interesting ones, we didn’t have those. For example, drawing with sand, and also lacing clothes on a doll. Grandparents gave her a toy poodle dog, which my daughter doesn’t want to part with when she has so many other toys. And the grandmother baked a homemade cake, and the daughter blew out the candles in the semi-darkness.

For my birthday I was given good crayons, pencils and coloring books. And most importantly, they tripled the child’s holiday! They surrounded the child with warmth and care, comfort and attention. After all, no matter what you give to your child for his third birthday, the main thing is your care and love. He doesn't need anything else, really.

Just a year ago, the little one with delight in his eyes accepted as a gift balloon. But on the occasion of a third birthday, you cannot surprise a child with such a present. Moreover, at this age children already have their own preferences and interests, so if the surprise is not right, then due to spontaneity the child will not be able to hide his disappointment and will go to look at other gifts. In general, you need to approach the choice of what to give to a three-year-old boy or girl with all responsibility, in order to please the birthday boy and not find yourself in an awkward situation.

“I’m already three years old!”

This age in child psychology is considered transitional from early childhood to preschool life. Karapuz already knows and knows a lot:

  • distinguishes at least 4–5 colors;
  • understands what shape, size and length are, can characterize objects according to these characteristics;
  • performs operations with small objects and coordinates his movements well, because the fine motor skills of a three-year-old child are quite perfect for this;
  • actively masters speech, demonstrates developed memory and thinking. If earlier child accumulated vocabulary, now it’s time to give it all out in a continuous stream of words;
  • demonstrates independence with the favorite phrase of all 36-month-old children: “I do it myself!” Sometimes this principle of a child’s life can turn him into a stubborn person, of which there are few.

Conclusion: a 3-year-old child is cheerful, spontaneous and very active; he needs his parents less and less for games.

Principles for choosing a gift for a three-year-old child

The basic rule can be formulated as follows: whatever you give, it should be an order of magnitude more difficult than it was before, and it must be useful.

  • In other words, cars not only drive, but can be controlled by remote control; soft toys not only make sounds, but also move, talk, and react to the child’s actions. In addition, the gift must be:
  • bright (this principle remains unchanged for children under 7–8 years old);
  • new (otherwise the baby will definitely point out the repetition and, of course, will not be at all interested in the souvenir);

by age (age restrictions are very important, since an overly complex puzzle or lotto with a dozen pictures on one playing field will not arouse interest, as well as a lacing toy).

By the age of 3, children have already accumulated a huge arsenal of toys, books and other children's goods. So you will have to choose with special care.

Toys Toddlers Jr. before school age actively introduce toys into role-playing games. So if you are planning to give Teddy bear

, then he must speak (sing), name numbers, move his paws, etc. Children will definitely be interested in the heroes of popular fairy tales or cartoons, which can be controlled using a remote control, levers, and buttons.

At 3 years old, children already quite clearly recognize themselves as boys and girls, which means that the former gravitate towards cars, and the latter towards baby dolls and baby dolls.

Play sets Items for role-playing games will certainly interest the birthday boy. After all, playing in a hospital with a doctor’s tools, in a beauty salon with a “Hairdresser” set, or in a repair shop with a “Master” set is very exciting. In this category, the screen for the puppet theater and the dolls for it are completely separate. Children will be very happy to stage performances with fairy-tale characters

, invent roles for them. This gift is simply irreplaceable if there are several children in the family of approximately the same age.

Educational gifts

  1. Children at the age of three are no longer satisfied with looking at things; they need more detailed information. Hence the constant “Why?” So an educational toy must be challenging and work to train the child’s ingenuity, imagination and thinking.
  2. Interactive globe. Usually it is presented to schoolchildren, but for a three-year-old baby you can purchase the simplest model, for example, with 5 programs, thanks to which the little one will learn about the sights of the world, get acquainted with geographical names and the language of a particular country. Some globes are equipped with a knowledge test function.
  3. Educational gadgets. Tablets and laptops will undoubtedly be of interest to kids. With their help, the child will be able to learn to read, write, count, and even begin to learn a foreign language.
  4. Cubes. Only now not with animals (vegetables, fruits), but with letters. Please note that the toy must be safe (without sharp corners), with large images, and preferably accompanied by a methodological guide for teaching reading to three-year-olds. The Chaplygin and Zaitsev sets are ideal for these requirements.
  5. Models of talking posters for the wall. With their help, the birthday boy will be happy to get acquainted with the alphabet, geographical names, and the world of animals and plants.
  6. Mathematics manuals: posters and magnetic boards. With such useful toy The baby will not only master counting to 10 (or 100), but will also learn to perform simple arithmetic operations.
  7. Designer-burdock. Unusual parts that resemble thorns are attached to each other with Velcro. The set also includes eyes, arms, legs, etc., which allows little ones to create figures not only according to the model, but also according to the dictates of their own imagination. The only negative: if handled carelessly, elements can get into your hair, so you will have to play in the presence of adults.

Ideas for educational gifts - photo gallery

Zaitsev's cubes are a whole methodological complex for teaching reading with posters, chants and other elements. With the help of Chaplygin's cubes, after 3-4 lessons, the child will understand the principle of reading. At 3 years old, you can give construction sets with more than 100 parts. Velcro construction sets do not limit the child's creative impulse static fastenings and forms

Sports goods for active summer and winter recreation

Of course, not all children like to spend time actively, running and jumping. But for the majority, this kind of leisure is the most desirable. In this case, you can give:

  • bicycle (three-wheeled or two-wheeled - ask your parents);
  • balance bike (the same bicycle, but without pedals);
  • sleds (for winter three-year-olds);
  • scooter (excellent summer transport for children of both sexes);
  • skates (if the child is involved in or is interested in figure skating or hockey);
  • a hula hoop for a girl or a soccer ball with the necessary equipment for a boy.

Budget gifts in this category include swimming accessories, boomerangs, tennis rackets, etc.

Creative gifts

The artistic impulses of a 3-year-old child can be reflected on the wallpaper and furniture in the house. And at the same time, talent still needs to be supported. So the gift just needs to channel creative energy in the right direction.

  1. Ceramic figurines for painting, sand frescoes (the sticky base-pattern is covered with colored sand), appliques with stickers and stencils, etc.
  2. Applications on buttons. Quite an interesting type of creative activity, akin to puppet theater: finished parts are connected with special elements, and a moving drawing is obtained.
  3. Kinetic sand is a material that allows you to create any figures without getting dirty or crumbling.
  4. A synthesizer with a microphone is a version of children's karaoke. On it you can not only listen to recorded melodies, but also record your own, sing along to them, and also make arrangements. By the way, some people begin to learn to play musical instruments on such a piano.
  5. Fancy dress costume (nurse, superman, minion, etc.). This gift would be especially suitable for a child who loves role-playing games.
  6. Face painting is hypoallergenic paints used to paint the face and body.

Original surprises

The market for goods for children is replete with a variety of toys and aids. And if you want to make an unusual surprise, the main thing is not to get confused in the options.

  1. Tabletop sandbox. It is relevant even for adults (for calming). But the baby will be able to have fun at home with beads, figurines, even in winter weather.
  2. A cardboard toy, for example, a house or a rocket (locomotive), the design of which remains up to the birthday boy. It is made with your own hands, keeping in mind the accuracy and strength of the structure being created.
  3. Glowing stickers. Such designer pieces are used to decorate a child’s or adult’s room. For example, a starry sky instead of a boring ceiling. You can glue pictures with mom and dad.
  4. Kite. It will please both the birthday boy and his family. The main thing is that the weather is suitable.
  5. Stork box. A toy that appeared not so long ago. It is a sealed cardboard box (maybe different sizes) with contents that even the donor himself will only know about when the gift is opened.

Sweets for 3 year olds

At 3 years old, the baby already knows and definitely loves sweets. You can give him originally decorated candy cookies. However, there is one “But!” Before presenting such a souvenir, find out:

  • does the child have allergies;
  • parents' attitude towards gifts of this kind.

Memorable gifts

This category of gifts is a kind of souvenir “for growing up” or “for parents.” That is, the hero of the occasion will not be interested in the surprise, since, from the point of view of a three-year-old, it is useless. However, this in no way detracts from the significance of such gifts, even if the child understands them many years later.

  1. Photoshoot. There are few people who are indifferent to photos with their own childish faces. And the photo shoot can, by the way, be made traditional.
  2. Jewelry (rings, chains, bracelets, etc.). Not only the girl, but also the boy, they will be very dear years later.
  3. Cash contribution. Most practical gift: The birthday boy, withdrawing money on his 18th birthday, will definitely appreciate it.


A pet is a very useful gift for a child, because the baby learns to take care of someone, becomes responsible, kind and sympathetic. But at first, of course, all the care for the animal will be on the shoulders of mom and dad. That’s why such a gift needs to be agreed upon with the birthday boy’s parents.

Suitable for a three year old:

  • hamster;
  • rat;
  • guinea pig;
  • kitten, puppy;
  • big snail;
  • turtle;
  • parrot, etc.

Please note that the donated animal must be vaccinated, and also do not forget about a certificate from the veterinarian about the health status of the new family member.

If you are giving a pet that requires him to have a cage, then resolve this issue. Otherwise, the gift will become a disservice.

DIY gifts

Despite all the controversy as to whether such a gift will be understandable to the baby, things made with one’s own hands retain more warmth than purchased options. What can you give to a three-year-old?

  1. Soft soccer balls made of foam rubber, covered with colored pieces of fabric, which are used both for their intended purpose and as a pillow.
  2. Dolls made from nylon stockings.
  3. Boxes for pencils and markers with the plot of your favorite cartoon, made using the decoupage technique.
  4. Clothes with photo printing and more.

If such a gift is preserved for a long time, it will certainly, when it falls into the hands of the current birthday boy a couple of decades later, will evoke special awe and pleasant memories of childhood.

You should think in advance what to give your child for 3 years. Choose gifts that will help satisfy your baby’s growing cognitive interest. Choose multifunctional cars, logic and thinking games.

Just recently, the baby was incredibly happy about an ordinary ball. At three years old you won’t be surprised by such a little thing. He is already quite experienced with toys and understands well that a gift is due on his birthday. Big, beautiful and interesting! And if you suddenly don’t guess its taste, it’s unlikely that the baby will be able to hide his disappointment. Due to her childish spontaneity, the three-year-old will curl her mouth and run away to look at other toys. To avoid getting into such an awkward situation, think in advance about what to give your child for 3 years.

The interests of three-year-old children vary greatly. Some people love airplanes and construction sets, while others are already learning to read and write and prefer intellectual toys.

When choosing a gift, remember the age characteristics of the birthday person: what he can do, how he has fun and what he strives for.

Meet the three-year-old!

At 3 years old, kids say goodbye to early childhood and step towards preschool life. At this age, the child names at least 4 colors and understands the concepts of “shape,” “size,” and “length.” His hand motor skills are advanced enough to manipulate small objects, and his movements are more precise and coordinated.

In addition to the development of basic cognitive processes (memory, thinking, etc.), active mastery of speech occurs. And if before this baby was only accumulating vocabulary, now he “gives out” entire sentences, tells poems and favorite fairy tales.

The most interesting changes occur in character. Trying to convince others of his independence, a 3-year-old child resists any request from his parents and does the opposite. “I myself!” he repeats constantly, turning into a wayward stubborn man.

But in general, a 3-year-old child is an active and cheerful fidget. He no longer needs adults to play, he understands everything that the elders explain, and if he does mischief, he does it intentionally.

Featured articles:

What should the gifts be?

Forget about rolling cars, insert frames and toys that only sing - these will no longer interest a three-year-old. Choose multifunctional cars, logic and thinking games. If you buy a teddy bear, it must be interactive (reacts to the child’s actions). Moreover, any trinket given for a birthday should be useful.

When choosing educational games, pay attention to age restrictions. If you fail to complete the puzzle, the birthday person will lose interest in it.

Educational and developmental gifts

Preschoolers of 3 years old no longer just look at pictures and learn concepts, they want more information, delve into features and details. Hence the first “Why?” Therefore, choose birthday gifts that will satisfy the child’s growing cognitive interest.

Interactive globe

This toy will introduce your baby to the basics of geography. There are many educational globes, and there are also complex models designed for school-age children. For a three-year-old birthday boy, the simplest option with 5 programs is suitable. With the help of a joystick, the child “travels” around the world, gets acquainted with the sights, remembers the names of geographical objects, etc. The globe is equipped with a knowledge control function when the child completes tasks based on the material he has studied.

Letter cubes

Most 3-year-old children enjoy learning about the alphabet. To stimulate the desire to learn, give cubes with letters on your birthday. Choose models made of wood, without sharp corners and large pictures. Particularly popular in this product category.

"Talking" posters

Such electronic sound toys - good idea for a gift. The child will enjoy interactive posters on various topics: fun counting, the English alphabet, fascinating geography, educational zoology, etc.

Learning mathematics

Children aged 3 can already count, so a relevant gift For your birthday there will be a magnetic board with math material. With its help, the baby will learn to correlate numbers and quantities of objects, compare, add and subtract simple examples.

The burdock-like parts of the designer are attached using small hooks, which allows you to create figures of unimaginable shapes. The kit also includes decorative elements: eyes, arms, legs, etc. The game is useful for development fine motor skills and imagination, teaches to act according to the proposed schemes. But so that the parents of the birthday boy do not remember you " kind words", discuss such a present in advance. Small children can only fold the construction set in the presence of adults, as there is a risk of “burrs” getting into their hair.

Educational toys affect visual, tactile and auditory perception, develop the child’s thinking, ingenuity, and imagination. At the same time, they must take into account age characteristics and be moderately complex.

Congratulations to the creative personality

Children aged 3 already know for sure that they cannot draw on wallpaper and use their mother’s lipstick instead of a pencil. But this does not at all detract from their artistic impulses. Talent needs to be supported, so feel free to give ceramic figurines for painting, sand fresco paintings, coloring books, stencils with stickers.

Unusual sets include applications with buttons. Using ready-made parts and buttons, preschool children create moving drawings.

Interesting idea Face painting will also be used for the present. Safe colors of soft pencils will allow your baby to transform into his favorite character or make his dad’s face unrecognizable.

Children 3 years old are maximalists. If you're going to give pencils, let it be big set from many shades. Or buy magic markers that change color.

A gift for an artistic nature

Childhood is the time to turn abilities into talents. And even if the child does not become an outstanding artist, gifts that develop acting and musical skills will help make him relaxed and add self-confidence. What things are we talking about?

Children's synthesizer with microphone

The functionality of the product is limited only by your budget. A toy musical instrument is similar in appearance to a real one and is used for both entertainment and educational purposes. This synthesizer is equipped with functions for recording and playing ready-made melodies, as well as a karaoke microphone.

Thematic material:

Puppet show

Finger, magnetic, glove puppets - home theater is of great benefit to the development of the child. The main advantage is that it is an ideal tool for working on speech.

Fancy dresses

You can give a three-year-old a uniform that will allow you to try on some profession - doctor, fireman, policeman. Or present a costume of your favorite character (little mermaid, minion, superman).

5 original gifts

Today you can find everything in stores, the main thing is to know what to look for. A list of tips for unusual gifts.

Playing with sand is still popular at this age, but is not always available due to bad weather and busy parents. A tabletop mini-box filled with quartz sand will delight any three-year-old child. And the small figures included in the kit add variety to the game.

Such a gift can be made by your closest guests with their own hands. Knowing that your child is interested in steam locomotives or rockets, build a structure out of cardboard and leave the design to the discretion of the birthday boy. If you don’t have enough time and talent to make a craft, you can buy a ready-made toy.

Luminous stickers

We are talking about elements that imitate the starry sky. It is better to stick the details together with the baby, or entrust this to the parents. Result collaboration– a beautiful glowing sky right in the room.


There is no need for comments here. Such a gift is welcome at any age, the main thing is that the snake is big and colorful!


If you still haven’t decided what to give your 3-year-old child, or you don’t have time to choose a gift, order StorkBox. This is a surprise box, the contents of which are unknown even to the donor.

The set is selected strictly according to the age of the baby. Rest assured, your child will definitely be delighted with such a “heap” of useful little things!

Don't forget about your mood on your birthday. A beautiful cake, balloons and close people nearby - all this will be remembered for a long time by the hero of the occasion.

If you are the happy parents of a three-year-old baby, you can certainly add to this article. Share your tips in the comments.

The little princess's third birthday is approaching. Parents are looking over options for gifts for a 3-year-old girl. On her birthday I really want to please my daughter! Which gift do you prefer? What original useful thing

buy? To help parents - advice from psychologists, experienced mothers, professional animators. Give your young birthday girl an unforgettable holiday!

Knots for memory

Dear Parents! When choosing a present for a little fairy, remember your daughter’s preferences, think about whether she will be interested in the tenth doll or a set of paints, of which there are about five accumulated on the table. A useless, boring gift will only upset the baby.

Gift options for every taste and budget

For a young beauty

Give the baby who feels her femininity, gender, the means to create bright image, self-care. Choose compositions and devices from famous manufacturers products for children, check the quality certificate, expiration date of cosmetics for children.


  • fashionable outfit and beautiful shoes. Girls are especially pleased with the dress, “like a princess’s” in delicate colors;
  • a large set of age-appropriate body and hair care products (bath foam + shampoo + hypoallergenic children's cosmetics + scented soap). Choose quality products plus beautiful packaging with your favorite characters;
  • several hair decorations, a bright box for storing them;
  • a beautiful children's handbag;
  • an original Tangle Teaser comb for children with a cute little flowerpot for storing hairpins;
  • a beautiful hoop or headband if the girl has long hair;
  • game "Barbershop";
  • children's dressing table.

Gifts for creativity

At 3 years old, children love to craft, cut, sculpt, and draw. Find a good set based on your baby's hobbies.


  • sketchbooks, original coloring books;
  • a large box of plasticine;
  • a set of colored paper or colored cardboard in bright packaging;
  • the largest package of felt-tip pens or colored pencils so that the baby can show her imagination and learn to recognize shades;
  • Give the young artist an easel and painting supplies;
  • a large set of LEGO constructors;
  • original mosaic;
  • Finger paint. They can be used for drawing at a birthday party if you have invited friends.

Gifts for fun

Often parents choose a gift that will bring joy and fun. For Have a good mood It’s easy to find original toys in a children’s store.


  • musical rug;
  • children's piano or synthesizer;
  • interactive, “singing” and talking” toys: for example, Repeat Hamster,
  • kinetic sand;
  • playhouse.

Gifts for a young housewife, future mother

Useful gifts teach communication skills, caring for babies and loved ones. From an early age, girls enjoy playing with dolls, putting them to bed, feeding them, and pushing them in a stroller. The traditional game “House” has not gotten old for decades.

Give your baby:

  • a beautiful doll;
  • a children's play kitchen plus a set of special dishes;
  • Dollhouse;
  • a set of furniture for my daughter’s doll;
  • a toy ironing board plus a children's iron;
  • a stroller-cradle or a stroller for a doll;
  • small household appliances, stylized to look like real ones. My daughter will be proud: she has her own kettle and vacuum cleaner, like her mother;
  • bath, towel, clothes for the doll.

Sport equipment

Most girls and boys are happy with this gift. If you have enough space, buy a functional corner for physical education. When choosing a sports complex, consider the size of the room.

Think about whether it will be convenient for your daughter to play, play sports and sleep in the nursery. If the sports corner fits organically into the interior and does not restrict movement around the room, be sure to find an opportunity to purchase a set of wall bars, parallel bars, rings, rope, and other sports equipment.

In addition to the corner for active activities, a good gift will be:

  • scooter;
  • beautiful ball;
  • jump rope;
  • swing;
  • bike;
  • trampoline and other devices.

Advice! If the gift is useful, but small, add something else pleasant and useful to it: a large panoramic postcard, sportswear, sneakers or sneakers of a stylish, bright design.

Fashion toys

Many girls at the age of three dream of having characters from their favorite cartoons and comics at home. Check with parents in the yard, kindergarten, and other kids what toys and dolls are popular this season. There are always super fashionable things that kids dream of.

Will please your daughter:

  • Moxie dolls;
  • Baby Born;
  • Peppa Pig;
  • Bratz dolls;
  • Philly horse;
  • Sonya Rose doll;
  • my little Pony;
  • Winx dolls;
  • interactive bear Commonwealth Toys wiki Bear;
  • Snow Queen Elsa.

At 3 years old, girls rarely put small items in their mouths and no longer swallow beads or rings. Most little girls love their dolls, set up a house for them, and rarely break them. To be on the safe side, choose toy friends that have fewer small parts. But most often these precautions are unnecessary.

Themed toys and sets

Fun, learning plus play - three useful functions are combined in sets that reproduce the elements of " adult life" Many psychologists recommend buying children themed sets based on professions for a better perception of the world around them and the development of communication skills. Games teach empathy, understand others, make it easier to memorize numbers and letters, and teach the child how to behave in different situations.

Suitable for girls aged 3 years:

  • shop;
  • salon;
  • hospital;
  • cafe;
  • school.

Note! Themed games often help overcome childhood fears. If your child is afraid of doctors, be sure to buy the “Hospital” set, white robe and a cap on his head, like a real doctor. Invite the baby to stay " good doctor", treat the doll, the bear, then you and other family members. After playing the role of a family doctor, many girls understand the importance and complexity of the profession and are less afraid of visits to the clinic.

Make your dream come true

Has your daughter long dreamed of a bright holiday with her favorite characters? Have you long promised to take your baby to the zoo (water park, circus), but never found the time? Your birthday is the right time to finally fulfill your promise.

Under any pretext, take time off from work and devote the whole day to the young birthday girl. If you invite animators or go to a children's entertainment center, invite friends whose children are also 3–4 years old. Good company, cartoon characters and a cheerful presenter are the basis of a bright holiday. Be sure to arrange a sweet table, bake or order an original cake.

My own director

Do you fantasize and “turn on” children as well as a professional animator? Have an unforgettable holiday at home.

Some tips:

  • it is desirable that the area of ​​the room be sufficient for organizing outdoor games, dancing, and fun competitions;
  • consult with your little one about which of her girlfriends and friends to invite, find out your daughter’s opinion about organizing the holiday. At 3 years old, most children have their own opinion and are offended if they are ignored when solving important issues related to their birthday;
  • think over competitions for a 3-year-old girl’s birthday, write a script. A win-win– a bright themed party;
  • stock up on more props. When choosing mini-gifts for competition participants, ask other parents if their kids are prone to allergies. Give up oranges and chocolates in favor of more useful prizes (babies, colored pencils, apples, cardboard medals, small cars, etc.);
  • prepare meals for children with original jewelry, think about the design of the cake;
  • be sure to take a photo cheerful company, if possible, take a video of the celebration.

Renovation in the nursery

Most girls dream of a princess house. Make a wish come true, transform your baby's room. Try to make it a surprise so that your daughter doesn’t see the transformation before her birthday. If the wallpaper and ceiling fit into new interior, buy only a set of new furniture, select suitable textiles and accessories.

On thematic websites you will find hundreds of photographs with interior design for a little princess. Pick up interesting option taking into account the daughter's preferences.

Some tips:

  • choose not only beauty, but also comfort. Don't clutter the room unnecessary things, leave more light and lightness in the interior;
  • select fabrics that do not absorb dust easily, leaving space for games, entertainment and creativity;
  • Avoid too bright, aggressive colors. Combine pastel shades with small color spots;
  • be sure to think about a place for a comfortable table. Learning to read and write will soon begin, and you won’t have to look again for a table that matches the style of the rest of the furniture;
  • think over beautiful boxes, drawers, shelves for your favorite toys.

Consider which of the proposed birthday gift options for a 3-year-old girl is most suitable for your child. Approach the organization of the event with soul, take into account the baby’s preferences. The young princess will certainly remember the bright, cheerful holiday.

A few more gift ideas for girls in the following video:

Liana Raimanova November 8, 2018, 09:17

A child's third birthday is an important event for the whole family. Everyone wants to give their 3-year-old child the best present. You can choose from toys, clothing, sporting goods, educational games and much more.

A child of 3 years is a fully formed personality, he can express his desires

However, you need to be guided by reason and purchase it as a 3 year birthday gift something useful for his development.

What to give to a 3 year old child?

The most the best option will give a toy three year old child. But one should take into account his individual characteristics and abilities.

Universal gifts

A doll will be universal, and a car will be universal.

When purchasing these toys, keep the following points in mind:

  • Psychologists do not recommend giving girls dolls with the figure of an adult woman. Therefore, choose a baby doll for her. While playing, the girl learns to look after and care for children, which will undoubtedly be useful to her in the future.

Dump truck as a gift for my son's 3rd birthday

  • Do not buy an expensive radio-controlled car as a gift for a 3-year-old boy. The child does not yet understand its value. Better buy a large dump truck. A child, playing with it, will acquire the skills of an adult. This is how the game develops skills that will be useful in independent life.

Educational games

Great idea will give educational games to a 3-year-old child. These include:

  • dominoes with pictures;
  • talking posters;
  • educational posters;
  • busy boards;
  • dynamic cubes;
  • puzzles;
  • puzzles;
  • constructor;
  • musical instruments;
  • creative sets.

When purchasing, pay attention to the product labeling. The toy box should have the inscription “3+” on it.

We can say that all toys are educational to one degree or another. Exactly at play activity Baby acquires new knowledge and skills. Thus, coloring will help prepare your hand for writing, talking toys develop memory and attention, balls help develop physical abilities.

I would especially like to say about role-playing games. From the age of 3, a child begins to learn to build relationships with peers, invent games, and participate in them. Children love to copy adults in games. Therefore, if mom works as a hairdresser, her daughter will love the children's hairdresser set. You can buy games for your child such as:

  • hospital;
  • cafe;
  • shop;
  • auto repair shop.

Role-playing game for a 3-year-old child as a gift: doctor’s set

For girls, a mini-kitchen would be a great gift, and for boys, a set of plastic tools.

Sport equipment

It is important that the child develops physically .

The most the best gifts From this category there will be a bicycle, sled, skis. The child will acquire new skills and spend more time outdoors

It is not for nothing that the best athletes are people who have been involved in sports since childhood, including speed skaters and skiers. Therefore it is important devote physical development children due attention.

You can give a three-year-old child a birthday present:

  • jump rope;
  • balls;
  • skittles;
  • tennis rocket;
  • hoops;
  • dumbbells.

Dumbbells as a birthday gift for a 3 year old boy

Of course, all these items must be appropriate for the child’s age. The stores have special products for children from 3 years old.

The game “Towns” will be a wonderful gift. It develops dexterity, speed, and in addition, it is very interesting fun.


By the age of 3, a child should already know some fairy tales, poems, and songs. By this age, you can give collections of fairy tales and short stories. If the book comes with bright illustrations, she's for sure will interest the baby. Nowadays you cannot give books that consist only of pictures or have only audio texts. The child should see the letters and be interested in them. A book can attract a child because you can decorate it yourself using stickers, color it, or listen to a song that, for example, the main character sings.

But you should already avoid purchasing books that have the function of toys. The book should be for reading, although an adult can and should read it.


If you buy an ordinary jacket, your child will not appreciate the gift. It must be original. If you buy a dress for a girl, then only a very beautiful one, similar to her mother’s.

Kids may like clothes if they have unusual shape, color or function.

For example, a child will like onesies, as it is a very funny costume or glowing, squeaking shoes.

Shoes for my daughter's 3rd birthday

The girl will be delighted with the shoes. You need to choose them carefully. The size must match the girl's foot size. The heel must be stable, square in shape, and no more than 2.5 cm high.

A gift from the series, like for adults

Children always strive to imitate their parents. If a mother walks around with a purse, her daughter probably dreams of the same one. If you give her children's version a lady's handbag - there will be no chapel for its happiness.

A boy will be delighted with a watch like his dad’s, even if it’s a child’s watch, or with a tie if he sees his dad walking around wearing it.

Here we should say separately about gadgets. Modern children, like their parents, cannot imagine life without phones and tablets. In this case, you should not buy an adult model, although many do just that. Buy educational tablet, which will be useful to the child.

Children's version of the educational phone

There are many children's toy options on sale. cell phones. They repeat counting, alphabet, phrases in English language. They may include simple puzzle games. If you were supposed to buy a phone as a gift for your child, choose this option.

DIY birthday gift for 3 years

The best gifts for 3-year-old children can be those who gave with my own hands relatives and people close to them.

In addition to a poster for a child's birthday and a birthday cake baked by mom or grandma, there is lots of exciting ideas on making gifts for the birthday boy with your own hands.

Play dough

All kids love to sculpt, and girls love to help their mother cook. Modeling dough in all sorts of colors would make an excellent gift. To make it, take flour and salt in equal quantities. Add food coloring of the color you like to the mixture and knead, gradually adding water, until the dough becomes elastic, similar to plasticine.

This dough can be made in any color. It should be stored in the refrigerator. And take as much as you need for the craft.

An excellent material for developing a child's creative abilities. In addition, the dough is safer than any high-quality plasticine


A wonderful gift for a fashionista girl. Make beautiful beads for your princess from what you have on hand. These could be unusual buttons, colorful corks, wooden beads or even pasta.

To make beads from pasta you will need: string, pasta, food coloring. Dissolve the dye in a bowl and pour into a plastic bag. Place the pasta there. Shake. Remove the items and leave to dry. You can make beads from pasta different colors. When they are dry, thread them with a strong thread. Tie a knot. This way you can make an unusual necklace or pendant, and not just beads. Cover the macarons with glitter nail polish for a sparkling decoration for real princesses!

DIY beads as a gift for my daughter’s 3rd birthday


Make your son an unusual robot. You will need carton boxes different sizes, colored paper, lids and bottles for drinking yoghurts, glue, wire.

Cover the boxes with colored paper. Assemble them into the body and head of the robot. Shape the neck using plastic bottle and wires. She will hold and fasten the head to the body. Design the robot's face. Make him antennas, buttons, pockets, draw various buttons - use your imagination here. No child will have such a wonderful robot. You can make it big and attach a trash can to it. There will be an excellent law enforcement officer! It will be very interesting for the child to bring him garbage.

Do-it-yourself robot as a gift for my son’s 3rd birthday

From boxes you can make a wonderful car, doll furniture, computer and much more.

A dad can make his daughter a crib for his favorite doll or a cabinet for her clothes from improvised materials, make a kite for his son and fly it with him on his birthday. Make a snowman in front of the window who will congratulate your baby on his upcoming birthday if it falls on a winter day!

The child will like it original ideas , and most importantly, give him the gift of time spent with him on his birthday!