Master class on a man's postcard. Postcards for men of unusual shape Postcard jacket with hands step by step instructions

When a men's holiday or a loved one's birthday comes, loved one, we always prepare a gift. And don’t forget about the postcard for the main gift. But the card itself can become a gift if you put money in it.

Ordinary store-bought one-sided postcards are no longer impressive. I want something original... And for this option there is handmade work.

In this article you can make a voluminous men's postcard yourself. Such a postcard will not only be a surprise, but will also give you a piece of your warmth!

For the postcard you will need:

  • cardboard in three colors (for a shirt, vest, jacket);
  • satin ribbon;
  • small decor: buttons, watches on a chain (or print), magnets;
  • glue, scissors, ruler and a great mood!

Let's start making a card from the shirt. To do this, cut out a rectangle 13 cm wide from a sheet of cardboard, the length is optional, but it should not be greater than the height of the jacket. We mark a strip of 3 cm from it and bend it in half.

We fold the rectangle and make wedges on both sides in front of the folded strip.

We bend this strip inward to create a collar.

Now we will make the jacket. The cardboard for the jacket should be marked as follows. Along the length of the cardboard we measure 6.5 cm and 5.5 cm, the rest is as much as is left. We draw straight lines, draw the tip of the scissors along them (this creates a slight bend) and wrap each part inward.

At the top of the jacket, use scissors to make the corners rounded.

We insert the shirt into the inside of the jacket, close it and form the lapels.

Where there will be buttons, on the inside of the jacket, we glue magnets so that our card can be caught.

On the front side of the jacket, at the bottom and at the top right, we imitate pockets. Glue a small strip of cardboard, the same color as the jacket, along a straight line. Cut out and glue a scarf into the top pocket from white paper.

We snap the jacket onto the magnets and glue the buttons on the front side.

All we have to do is make a vest. Determine the size for it depending on the length and width of the shirt. Make cutouts on the cardboard form that will imitate a vest.

You can take colored cardboard right away or decorate it yourself. Or you can glue a napkin on top. It is necessary to make a strip on the vest that matches the main color of the vest.

Glue buttons and pockets on top.

Now we connect the vest and the shirt - glue all the parts well.

Make a cut in one of the pockets and insert a miniature watch into it.

Glue one end of the chain to the button, secure the other to the watch.

From satin ribbon make a tie. To do this, make a cut in the collar, thread a ribbon through it, and secure it with a beautiful pin right through the shirt.

Bend the needle on the reverse side and secure it additionally. To do this, cover it with paper and on top with thick cardboard the size of the shirt. So back side The postcards will look neat.

And if you want to write a congratulation on such a card, then do not cover it completely with cardboard. Turn the fold we made at the beginning (at the shirt) into a place for words and drawings.

To ensure that the collar fits snugly on the shirt, secure it with magnets. This way our tie will lie freely.

We insert the shirt and vest into the jacket and that’s it - greeting card ready for a man!

Such a postcard can be different colors and without a vest.

Using the same technique, you can make a tuxedo for the most elegant man.

If you also want to give money, you can make an additional pocket for money on the inside of the jacket.

Like this in a simple way You can surprise your men!

Oh, and it’s not an easy task for women when they are going to congratulate men on the holiday. And it doesn’t even matter what holiday it is, and how you have to prepare for it, the result remains the same, it’s hard to decide on a gift. After all, you always want to be a very original person and give true pleasure with your gift. What do men mostly get as gifts? They can give you money, or you can give them a bottle of your favorite collectible skate, or it can also be some very rare and rare item from any men's collection, or perfume, etc. It seems that, at first glance, there is a choice of gifts, but it is still very difficult to decide. But still, any souvenir must be complemented by a postcard with wishes. Moreover, you can show all your imagination and creativity with the help of a handmade postcard.

Let’s not delay for long, but right now we’ll start making very interesting, and most importantly, truly masculine postcards in the form of shirts. For the master class we take:
A sheet of blue and brown leather-look cardboard, A4 format;
Scrappaper in dark masculine colors;
Template for vest and shirt;
Satin dove and beige ribbons 5 cm wide;
Milky and light green cardboard;
Metal watch pendants;
Metal brads;
Stamped inscriptions “Happy Birthday”;
Acrylic buttons, 3 pieces each, light green and blue;
Adhesive with adhesive tape effect;
Scissors, glue gun, ruler, pencil.

The principle of creating such postcards is to make jackets with matching shirts, as if they were living silhouettes of men. Our jackets will be blue and brown colors, shirts are milk and light green, and ties are blue and beige. We measure rectangles for shirts 14.5 by 19 cm.

As in the diagram, we make cuts on the sides and fold the collars. You need to cut out a vest from scrap paper according to the pattern.

We glue the vests onto the shirts. The interior of our composition is ready, we sew the vests on a machine, except for the necks.

Now we need to prepare jackets from cardboard. We make the height of the jackets 19 cm, retreat 7.5 cm on the sides and draw bend lines.

We also need to draw bend lines for the jacket, as in the photo.

We turn up the collar of the jacket.

We insert the shirt with the vest inside, do the same with the blue jacket.

We glue the inscription “Happy Birthday” on the front of the jacket, and sew the edges of the jacket on the front. Now we cut out two squares of 14 by 14 cm from scrap paper; if you have a hole punch, then we make them curly along one edge.

We also make two leaves for congratulations, 10.5 by 15 cm, glue them at the top, also according to the inscription, and sew them on. Now we glue the pockets on the back of the jackets.

Don't know how to please someone close to you? Why not do something with your own hands, something more or less simple and at the same time very unusual and touching. Let's try together today to make a voluminous postcard for our beloved husband (brother, father, young man and just a friend).

This type of hand-made postcard for men is called a “jacket”; it can be given for wedding anniversaries, or even just like that, without any special reason, to any man. After all, a gift made with your own hands is always valued much higher than one simply bought, and is remembered much longer. In addition, it serves as a good accessory for a family interior.

Below is waiting for you step-by-step instruction creating an original handmade postcard for your husband and beloved man with an accurate description of all actions.

Well, let's get started!

  1. Today I’m making a custom-made postcard for my husband for his 2-year wedding anniversary (read about that on our Training and Self-Development portal separately). That is, if you wish, you can still earn money from such postcards, while giving happiness to other people who do not have much free time.

First we need to figure out what we want to do. It is best to try to draw a future postcard so that you can already imagine what it might look like, as well as choose the color and size. I prefer postcards big size and I always take the size 11 by 15 cm as a basis.

Today I propose to make a DIY postcard for your husband or loved one called a jacket. If you don’t know how to draw or don’t have enough time, you can use my “jacket” postcard sketch. All photographs in the article are “clickable”, that is, all photographs can be enlarged by clicking the mouse and you can see in detail all the details of interest.
  1. In order to make a postcard for the man we love, we will need:

- scissors;

- stationery knife;

- PVA glue;

- double sided tape;

- glue gun;

- metal ruler;

- pencil;

— painting brush, thin;

— double-sided colored cardboard;

- cardboard with a pattern;

- velvet paper;

— quilling tapes;

— a tool for twisting paper tapes;

- paints;

- 2 buttons;

- rubber;

- bead.

To more accurately select the dimensions of the small details of the future postcard, you should first cut it out of a regular notebook sheet, and we will be able to see exactly where it is necessary to adjust the size.

  1. Using a metal ruler and a stationery knife, we cut out all the parts we need. You can also use scissors.
  2. First, it is best to glue the base of a handmade postcard for our man, and at the end glue on the small details. We glue the shirt onto the jacket and only then bend the edges, then bend the collar and glue the lining to the inside of the jacket.
  3. Glue on the tie and collar. The tie will be made of velvet paper, but you can use any cardboard.
  4. We make pockets and wish lists separately. Using paint, we apply shading along the edge of the jacket and on the pockets, as if making a seam.
  1. Select the heart size for the card. Using a tool for twisting paper ribbons, we make blanks from which we will later fold our heart. Glue the heart onto the card.

  2. Using a glue gun, we glue the bead to the tie, and the buttons to our “jacket”; you can buy them in any store or even use buttons left over from an old coat. And if this thing, like a glue gun, is missing in the house, then it can be easily replaced with ordinary Moment glue, PVA or other good stationery glue.
  3. Inside this designer postcard we write wishes for our beloved husband. We write by hand or cut out the text from another cardboard and glue it. I use velvet paper
  4. To prevent our jacket from opening, we tie the buttons together using an elastic band.

    All, voluminous postcard ready, and our Master class on creating a “jacket” card with your own hands for your loved one or husband for the wedding has come to an end! Thank you for your attention!

    But this, of course, is not all, soon you will find dozens of other master classes on creating custom postcards with your own hands for various events and holidays, how to choose materials for them and how to use improvised means to create them, and I will also tell you about various nuances of self-wrapping gifts and much more related to the author’s “handmade”.

In this article we will tell you how to make a jacket out of paper. This decor is an excellent addition to a man’s postcard for any occasion: from February twenty-third to his birthday and even the New Year. All you need is a couple of sheets of paper, cardboard, a little free time and effort. So, let's look at several options for creating such crafts.

Method one

You will need:

  • Cardboard or plain white A4 paper. The most important thing is that it is tight.
  • Colored paper.
  • Scissors.
  • A simple pencil.
  • Ruler.
  • Markers.
  • Eraser.
  • Satin ribbon.
  • Glue gun.
  • Buttons.

How to proceed:

  1. Before you create a jacket out of paper with your own hands, you need to make a drawing. It will make the whole process much easier.
  2. In the middle of the sheet, draw a rectangle with sides of 16 and 11 centimeters. On either side of it are rectangles with parameters of 6 and 16 centimeters.
  3. Cut out the resulting shape. Bend along the drawn lines. The upper part of the main rectangle should be slightly rounded using scissors.
  4. Thus, you should end up with something like a book. Carefully fold the edges - this will be the collar of our jacket.
  5. The next step is to create a collar for the shirt. To design it, we make a drawing - draw a rectangle with sides of 14 and 4 centimeters. Let's cut it out.
  6. Draw a diagonal vertically and bend the figure along this line.
  7. Then you need to bend the edges, giving the shape of a collar. We attach it to our workpiece.
  8. Now take half of the A4 sheet and fold it in half. On one of the inside sides we write poems with congratulations, and then we glue the piece of paper inside the jacket - it will become a shirt.

That's all! Your card is almost ready - all that's left is the decor:

  1. We knit a tie from a satin ribbon and glue it to the collar of the shirt.
  2. We attach buttons and small pockets cut out of paper to the jacket.

Method two

First, prepare the items that you will need during the work. Among them:

  • Landscape sheets or white A4 paper.
  • Colored paper - in our case it's brown and red, but you can use any other colors of your choice.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue stick.
  • A simple pencil.
  • Threads.
  • Thin satin ribbon.

Master class on how to create a postcard-jacket with a tie yourself:

  • The first step is to write a congratulations text on a piece of A4 paper. Then roll it into a tube horizontally. In the middle, carefully secure with a small and thin piece of tape.
  • Now let's start creating the jacket. To do this, wrap the tube in brown paper, but leave a small space untouched (about ¼).
  • We cut out small triangles from red paper at an angle of ninety degrees and attach them firmly to the jacket - this will be the collar.

Important! You also need to cut out small pockets and buttons from red paper and glue them to the jacket.

  • The last point is to knit a tie from a satin ribbon and attach it to our structure.

Method three

The third idea, how to create a postcard in the form of a jacket with your own hands, is somewhat more complicated than the previous ones. However, the result is quite interesting. If you do everything carefully, you can even give such a gift to your boss.

First of all, of course, you need to prepare everything you need:

  • White cardboard.
  • Blue cardboard.
  • A4 sheets.
  • Blue colored paper.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue stick.

Your actions:

  1. Our postcard will consist of three parts - a shirt, a vest and a jacket.
  2. We'll start with the shirt. Take a sheet of A4, cut it into two parts horizontally. We only need one. Write your congratulations on it, then fold it in half and carefully secure it to the side. a small piece tape.
  3. Cut out a rectangle from white cardboard with sides of 2.5 and 10 centimeters. Bend it along vertical line and turn the edges a little, imitating a collar. Glue it to our “shirt”.
  4. Now it's the vest's turn. First, it is recommended to make a template, according to which you can then cut out the parts from blue cardboard. Glue the vest onto the shirt. On top we sculpt buttons and pockets from a blue colored sheet.
  5. We also cut out a tie from colored paper, glue its beginning at the collar and tuck it into the vest.
  6. The line was only for the jacket. Cut a rectangle to the shape of the shirt and wrap it around it. At the top we imitate a collar. Cut a button from the same material and glue it on.
  7. The postcard is ready.

Important! To keep it from opening when not needed, place a small paperclip at the bottom. For it to be invisible, its shade should be combined with color scheme the postcard itself.