Why are beautiful people unhappy? Is it true that beautiful girls are unlucky in love? Why beautiful girls have no luck in relationships

There are endless ideas about why independent, successful and beautiful girls are most often single. Like most mysteries in our lives, there is no clear answer to this one either. Most often, we tend to look for reasons based on personal experience. If you are not one of the sultry beauties who perceive loneliness as independence, you probably have such a friend. So why can't a pretty girl find a mate?

1. She is not a fan of dating for the sake of dating.

Such a girl knows her worth too well and will never meet a guy without seeing a long-term perspective in the relationship. The beauty is not interested in victories on the personal front, so another date that does not lead to anything serious seems to her a waste of time. Of course, our heroine is interested in dating, she’s just more selective and won’t settle for little. The beauty is not interested in flirting for the sake of flirting, because she is confident in herself.
Instead of wasting time with another gentleman in a cafe or cinema, a pretty girl will prefer to devote time to herself. She will go to the gym to train or undergo cosmetic procedures. When the beauty meets her betrothed, she will look perfect.

2. She doesn't like the idea of ​​sex without love.

Beautiful girls are not used to playing a double game with guys, pretending to be hard to touch at the right time. They do not consider physical intimacy as something forbidden, but casual sexual contact is unacceptable for them. Such a girl cannot imagine that a guy will forget about her existence tomorrow. Pride will not allow her to become another item in the long list of victories of the ladies' man. In addition, sex, not supported by feelings, is seen as a meaningless act for our heroine. That's why she could wait forever for her ideal partner.

3. She doesn't need a relationship to fill the void.

Modern women have been successfully mastering various fields for a long time. For a long time now, no one has considered representatives of the fair half of humanity exclusively as mothers and keepers of the hearth. Girls receive an excellent education, build a career, and actively participate in social life. Like men, they are in demand in all areas of activity, so they never consider relationships as a fad needed to fill a gaping void.
If a beauty is truly in demand and successful, she simply has no time to think about how “unhappy” she is in her personal life. Contrary to the established stereotype, such girls do not torment themselves with the pangs of despair and do not cry into their pillow at night. Our heroines strive to achieve perfection in everything. Therefore, they will not start a relationship for show or because it is so accepted in society.

4. Guys don’t know how to approach such a girl.

Seeing a successful beauty in front of them, many guys do not risk maintaining a conversation or making an acquaintance. They are embarrassed by the status and self-sufficiency of our heroine. Many men are afraid of being rejected and receiving a severe blow to their pride. Some guys are too scared of emancipation and independence. Despite the fact that guys are very attracted to successful beauties, young people understand that such girls require a special approach.

5. A portrait of her future chosen one is formed in her head

A beautiful girl has long ago decided on her life principles. She knows that the path to success is thorny, it is not strewn with roses. Society suppresses unprincipled people. That is why our heroine has long set priorities in life. If there is such a person among your friends, and you are used to secretly feeling sorry for her, do not do this. Loneliness is considered by the beauty as a temporary phenomenon. A portrait of her future chosen one has long been clearly formed in her mind. When she meets her friend, the girl will not have a single doubt about the correctness of her choice. The day will come when those around her will no longer secretly feel sorry for the lonely beauty and pester her with stupid questions about her personal life, they will simply begin to envy her.


We hope that no one else will be tormented by the question of why successful beauties remain without a partner. We found out that this is a temporary phenomenon, and the girl does not consider herself deprived of anything. She is completely happy with life and views the clichés accepted in society as just another stupidity. This girl takes everything from life, including the best partner. If she doesn’t see a worthy couple, she never wastes money on trifles. Everything is fine with our heroine, and the saying that one must certainly be born happy is not at all about her.

“Marilyn Monroe Syndrome” is a scenario for the life of a beautiful, but lonely and actually unhappy woman.

Why are beautiful girls lonely and unhappy in real life?

It often happens in life that a beautiful girl is actually very lonely and unhappy. It’s not for nothing that people have a saying: “Don’t be born beautiful, but be born happy.”

Why does this happen, why does a beautiful and happy girl often only appear in fairy tales?

What is Marilyn Monroe syndrome - a beautiful and unhappy woman, you will find out by reading the article to the end.

Girl with Marilyn Monroe Syndrome

Who is she, a beautiful and unhappy girl with Marilyn Monroe syndrome? This is a representative of the fair sex who has a negative life scenario.

Those. her lifestyle and interactions with the opposite sex are based on her internal beliefs (script settings) aimed at loneliness - the girl’s beauty itself has nothing to do with it.

This is why beautiful girls are lonely and unhappy - only because of the internal parental program in their heads (unconscious attitudes about themselves, other people and the world as a whole, laid down in childhood by parents and the environment).

A girl who has the life scenario (syndrome) of Marilyn Monroe has all the standard signs of “female beauty,” but her problem is that she, more often than not, subconsciously, does not value herself as a person, and does not truly believe in her true attractiveness.

She considers herself limited and unattractive. And when she looks in the mirror, she does not see the beauty that other people see. This beautiful woman is trying to discern any imperfections in herself.

An unfortunate lonely beauty with Marilyn Monroe syndrome has not been taught to accept compliments and attention for her beautiful appearance. Her inner desire is to be loved for her personal qualities, but strangely enough, no one notices them.

This unfortunate girl, having a beautiful appearance that others can only dream of, is often angry with people because they do not value her as a person. Having accumulated a lot of negative emotions, in particular anger, she may begin to take revenge for not accepting herself.

She, being a beautiful woman, can have many men and just admirers, constantly being in a subconscious search for a prince. She can give men everything except herself.

Sometimes, this girl who has Marilyn Monroe syndrome can find her prince (as she thinks) and fall in love with him. Then life seems like a fairy tale to her. But usually, this wonderful fairy tale does not last long, six months or a year.

Then the "prince", usually attracted to other beautiful women, and the unfortunate beauty begins to suffer from depression, aggravated by a lot of cigarettes and, possibly, alcohol.

Over time, she becomes too hostile to people, and, as a rule, ends her life alone, no one loves her, not even herself.

Beautiful woman syndrome (Marilyn Monroe syndrome)

It is the beautiful woman syndrome, or as it is also called the Marilyn Monroe syndrome (due to the similarity of the life, rather unhappy scenario), that makes a truly beautiful girl lonely and unhappy. She lives, although sometimes bright, but far from happy and short life.

Marilyn Monroe syndrome itself can appear in a girl during adolescence, but the basis for such a negative life scenario is laid in early childhood, through child-parent relationships, often negative upbringing and primary socialization.

Because significant people reacted only to her beauty and not to her personality, and this unfortunate and beautiful woman unconsciously creates a social mask based on her feminine sexuality and attractiveness. She uses this mask to achieve what she wants in life, especially from men.

At the same time, she constantly suffers mentally due to the fact that she cannot and does not know how to be herself, and does not know how to be in real close relationships.

How to be a beautiful woman and become a happy woman

Currently, there are quite a lot of beautiful girls with the Marilyn Monroe syndrome (scenario), living their lives according to a similar negative scenario, and suffering from the “beautiful woman syndrome.”

What to do, how, being a beautiful girl, become a happy woman, how to change the scenario of life, how to change your destiny?

If in words..., then everything looks simple: she needs to start accepting compliments and attentions only for personal qualities, and not for her beautiful appearance; she definitely needs to love herself and not look for flaws in herself, and enjoy her inner and outer beauty; she needs to learn how to build relationships with men who value her as a person...

It is advisable for women with Marilyn Monroe syndrome to enroll in a women's personal growth group to learn to enjoy the power over life and find out what else to work on in themselves.

Take the test for your life scenario- who are you in life, a loser or a winner (“goose” or “princess”)

A beautiful woman is inevitably happy in love - after all, she is beautiful! This is what many, many (not all, not all!) beautiful women think, over and over again running into the inexplicable - they are beautiful, but nothing works out in love.

It would be nice if she were a simpleton, then everything could be easily explained by flaws in appearance. So there are no flaws! Why then “unlucky in love”? How so?

Well, let me explain.

I always say that relationships are valued for their safe and nurturing environment.

The Small Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language will quickly explain to you what I mean. Security is " a situation in which someone, something. there is no danger". And the nutrient medium is “ a situation conducive to the strengthening and development of something, creating the basis for something.»

A relationship is good when the people in it do not feel threatened and can grow (in broad positive ways). Relationships become bad when they are constantly threatened (at least for one of the spouses) and/or when there is no opportunity for development.

Therefore, the key criterion for choosing a person for a relationship is the ability to create this safest and most nurturing environment. Please read carefully - this is the key one, that is, “ most significant in any respect«.

Of course, smell or appearance are very important when choosing a partner, but still not as important as the ability to create a safe and nurturing environment.

And here we get to the answer to the question about the unhappiness of some (not all, not all!) beautiful women in love.

Those beautiful women who just can’t meet “their love”, they simply don’t know how to create a safe and nurturing environment in a relationship. They think that their good looks are enough, and they are seriously mistaken.

And then they are endlessly surprised that “this simpleton” bypassed them at the turn and “stole the man.” No, she didn’t take me away, but it just turned out to be much safer and more nourishing with her than with you. That's the whole secret.

Of course, everything said above applies to men too. This is a common cause of failure in love - failure to create a safe and nurturing environment.

Few women want to be next to a man who constantly threatens to beat him and suppresses any desire for development (for example, constantly telling the woman how ugly she is). Any woman wants to be as far away from such a man as possible. Not everyone succeeds (for various reasons), but everyone wants to.

The ways in which people (including beautiful women) destroy the environment of safety and nutrition are numerous. Here there is devaluation, and ignoring, from reproaches, and physical violence, and sex trafficking, and financial violence, and lack of gratitude, and lack of interest, and many, many, many, many, many other ways. As you understand, everyone is unhappy in their own way.

This raises the question - what to do? The solution is obvious - of course, you need to learn to create a safe and nurturing environment. I can't say it's easy, but it's possible.

First of all, any even somewhat adequate group therapy is built on precisely the fact that it teaches (most often, gradually) people to build just such relationships - safe and nourishing. You can find such psychotherapeutic groups in Yandex - enter the query “group psychotherapy” and substitute the name of your city (“in Grodno”), for example. I found it in a minute.

In addition, I recommend that fellow psychologists who engage in group psychotherapy leave their contacts directly in the comments (city, telephone, email, website, full name). People who need it will contact you. Be kind, as they say.

If you know how to create a safe and nurturing environment, people are drawn to you and want to be with you. And regardless of your appearance. I'm serious, appearance is a subjective concept, its assessment changes depending on the attitude towards a person. She used to be “ugly”, but now she’s “cute”. Why is that? The attitude has changed.
Let's summarize. Beautiful women (and men and all people in general) who are unhappy in love can change the situation if they learn to create a safe and nurturing environment in their relationships. This is what you need to learn first of all, exactly this.

That's all I have, thanks for your attention.

By the way, about the simplest actions that create a nutritious and safe environment.

Beautiful women, bumping into the inexplicable over and over again...

They are beautiful, but nothing works out in love... Why?

A beautiful woman is inevitably happy in love - after all, she is beautiful! This is what many, many (not all, not all!) beautiful women think, over and over again running into the inexplicable - They are beautiful, but love doesn’t work out.

It would be nice if she were a simpleton, then everything could be easily explained by flaws in appearance. So there are no flaws! Why then “unlucky in love”? How so?

Well, let me explain.

I always say - O relationships are valued for a safe and nurturing environment .

The Small Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language will quickly explain to you what I mean.

Safety- this is “a situation in which someone, something. there is no danger."

A nutrient medium- this is “a situation that contributes to the strengthening and development of something, creating the ground for something.”

A relationship is good when the people in it do not feel threatened and can grow(in broad positive senses).

Relationships become bad when they are constantly under threat.(at least for one of the spouses) and/or when there is no opportunity for development.

Therefore, the key criterion for choosing a person for a relationship is the ability to create this safest and most nurturing environment.

Of course, smell or appearance are very important when choosing a partner, but still not as important as the ability to create a safe and nurturing environment.

And here we get to the answer to the question about the unhappiness of some (not all, not all!) beautiful women in love.

Those beautiful women who just can’t meet “their love”, they simply don’t know how to create a safe and nurturing environment in a relationship.

They think that their good looks are enough, and they are seriously mistaken. And then they are endlessly surprised that “this simpleton” bypassed them at the turn and “stole the man.” No, she didn’t take me away, but it just turned out to be much safer and more nourishing with her than with you. That's the whole secret.

Of course, everything said above applies to men too.

This is a common cause of failure in love - the inability to create a safe and nurturing environment.

Few women want to be next to a man who constantly threatens to beat him and suppresses any desire for development (for example, constantly telling the woman how ugly she is). Any woman wants to be as far away from such a man as possible. Not everyone succeeds (for various reasons), but everyone wants to.

The ways in which people (including beautiful women) destroy the environment of safety and nutrition are numerous. Here there is devaluation, and ignoring, from reproaches, and physical violence, and sex trafficking, and financial violence, and lack of gratitude, and lack of interest, and many, many, many, many, many other ways. As you understand, everyone is unhappy in their own way. learn to create a safe and nurturing environment . I can't say it's easy, but it is possible.

First of all, any at least somewhat adequate group therapy is built precisely on the fact that it teaches (most often, gradually) people to build just such relationships - safe and nourishing.

If you know how to create a safe and nurturing environment, people are drawn to you and want to be with you. And regardless of your appearance. I'm serious, appearance is a subjective concept, its assessment changes depending on the attitude towards a person. She used to be “ugly”, but now she’s “cute”. Why is that? The attitude has changed.

Let's summarize. Beautiful women (and men and all people in general) who are unhappy in love can change the situation if they learn to create a safe and nurturing environment in their relationships.

This is what you need to learn first of all, this is what...published.

Pavel Zygmantovich

Any questions left - ask them

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

November 29, 2013, 15:56

In one magazine, which is famous for its sharp-tongued columns about sex, I came across an extremely offensive and deeply sexist article describing all the girls who visit bars and clubs in Moscow as professional bloodhounds. According to the author, it is written like this: if a girl left the house, dressed up, called her friends, caught a taxi and rushed to places where alcohol is poured and music is playing loudly, then the purpose of this action is to find a man who will pull her out of this smoky noisy hall. and will finally lead you to a better life. Presumably I’m getting married and would like to rent it out for a long time. For the male author of this column, the entire female sex is thus divided into two groups: those who on Friday evenings in micro-minis peer into the hall in search of prey, and those who at the same time are safely away from the entertainment venues. establishments crocheting and making dumplings.

I really want to argue with the author, but even more I want to discuss the real existing fact that he aptly noticed: these predators behind the bar really exist, and if you look more closely, you will always notice and identify them. If not because of their provocative clothes (although there will definitely be heels), then because of the same strategy of behavior: they are always at the bar or near the toilet, if alone, then with a phone in their hands, as if they were waiting for someone (and they really are waiting! ), if with a girlfriend, then over long cocktails and conversations about nothing, which do not interfere with concentrating on reviewing the available “catch”. They are open to acquaintances from the first, even the stupidest, phrase, they are happy to have cocktails and invitations to a table, dancing and talking about life, and they don’t want to leave the bar after one in the morning with an unknown bomber in a taxi. Alone.

What brings these girls behind the bar to drink watered-down Mojitos with cheap soda and inhale tobacco smoke, when at the same time you can sit comfortably under a blanket with donuts and watch a comedy at home? I would like to come up with a more intelligent definition of this coincidence of circumstances, but it doesn’t work out: bad luck, in a word, and that’s all. In the subway, in the gym, in cafes, in the cinema, in stores - only women, at work - no one pays attention, old friends - married, new ones - turn up their noses indifferently. At some point, the world suddenly turns its unattractive side towards the lady, and she begins to act in a seemingly proven way.

Let's look at four more female subtypes, which for some reason always remain on the margins of the marriage market:

Domestic goats

They are so smart, educated and spiritually beautiful, and how they cook! Men like this are always willing to run in for a meal or sincerely help them with their everyday life. Goats never swear and don’t know what the B-52 is made of, for which they are extremely loved by moms and dads, and are also passionate about psychological literature and know at least 20 ways to steam a turkey. Men come to “goats” for one-time sex in desperation (out of boredom, a girlfriend has left her, she is leaving for permanent residence) or they return to them with a hand and a heart at the age of 35, having suffered with other female types.

Beast Beauties

Two in one is extremely rare; in practice, these are usually two radically different types of girls, who have only one thing in common: they do not take care of themselves. Moreover, if the second type does not use cosmetics, does not know about the existence of acne remedies or even a portable comb (why is it even needed when a ponytail is the head of everything?!), actively bites his nails, smears himself only with his grandmother’s egg-wheat masks and slowly accumulates fat on stomach, then the first, on the contrary, “lives” in regional beauty salons, getting eyelashes, eyebrows, curls, rhinestones on nails and a carrot tan, and spends the remaining salary on super-lengthening mascara (what if the extensions fly off?!), purple eye shadow and thongs. And he spends so much that sometimes he doesn’t even have enough for a minibus to get home and he has to hobble home on ice in 12-centimeter heels in the morning. Both types presented are chronically intolerable by normal men: the first is due to purely physical hostility, the second is purely visual.


They believe that the way to a man’s heart is not through his stomach, but through a joystick, so they share with friends all their favorite male activities: video games, skateboards, beer in bars and neighborhood fights. The boys know everything about who has what and with whom, they know the sizes, habits, weaknesses, oddities and even typical sex scenarios of their friends, but they manage to participate in them only after the fact during a playful discussion of someone’s latest affair at home tequila party. The tomboy sometimes even puts on makeup and a skirt, but no one notices the presence of a feminine core in this clear-cut chick with a cigarette and a short haircut.


They have four walls and three gloomy IT specialists at their side for about 10 hours a day, not counting lunch breaks, and on weekends there is only one desire - to fall and not see anyone except Ted Mosby from How I Met Your Mother, because He, too, has been unable to arrange his personal life normally for nine seasons now, and if you wish, you can always turn it off and take a nap for at least an hour. Workhorses are always supposedly looking for the right (hmm...) men, and the wrong ones (in general, everyone else) irritate them already at about the tenth second of communication. The horses don’t have time for active searches - they would have to crawl through traffic jams before yoga or at least to a grocery store near their house...

What other girls do men usually hesitate to ask for marriage? Express your thoughts on this matter in the comments!