What crafts can you make at summer camp? We choose an original gift for the counselor. What questions most often concern Nizhny Novgorod parents whose children vacation in summer camps?

At the end of the shift, I want to give something to the children, so that at least something will remind them of the camp at first. There are no standards here; on the contrary, the more unusual and interesting the better. And everyone begins to come up with ideas, counselors for children, children for counselors, children for children. Below we will give as an example only a small part of the irrepressible imagination, but for the rest, create and invent it yourself...


  • Cobweb. All children sit in a circle. One of the counselors has a ball of thread in his hands. He winds the thread around his finger, talks about what he remembers most from his shift, and throws the ball to one of the children - preferably someone sitting not next to him, but somewhere opposite. This child does the same thing: winds a thread around his finger and talks about his memories, etc. The result is a so-called web of friendship - everyone is connected by a thread. After this, you can tell some farewell legend, explain that we will all always be connected by this web. Then the thread is cut into pieces - according to the number of children and counselors, and the children and counselors tie small threads on each other’s wrists. It turns out cheap, cheerful and symbolic - everyone still has a piece of common friendship
  • Corridor. The squad is divided into 2 parts and stands opposite each other, thus forming a corridor. One participant is blindfolded and begins to walk down the corridor, approaching in turn everyone who is standing in this corridor. And in the meantime, he whispers his desires and wishes to this person... Having walked completely through this corridor, the participant stands at the end, and the next person is blindfolded, who repeats this whole procedure...
  • Ads. You know, the kind they hang on poles, the text of an advertisement and a lot of tear-off leaves...here! Well, instead of the text of the announcement, the children write all their coordinates, name, and on tear-off pieces of paper, then they stick it all to the wall and it turns out to be a wall of announcements, then everyone can come up and tear off a piece of paper with the address, telephone number, etc. from someone's ad...very funny.
  • Farewells. Brushes (not the ones you use to paint, but made from yarn) suspended on a string. The counselor distributes brushes to everyone at the closing ceremony of the shift. After this, everyone, approaching the person to whom he wants to say something, pulls a thread from his tassel and ties it to the main (large thread) of the interlocutor. The brush melts, and the long thread becomes overgrown with threads. Or you can simply tie these strings on your wrist.
  • Shnyazhki. Colored sheets of various shapes (children especially like hearts), they are not large. You hand them out to the children at the last farewell candle, and there are all sorts of markers. Each child should have at least 10, or even 20 pieces of fun. The idea is that each child writes a wish, his phone number, a poem, a farewell message on a piece of paper and gives it to another child, the one he fell in love with during the shift, with whom he became friends. In short, all the children are happy, all with greetings and wishes. And as a rule, the warmest words go to the counselor))))
  • On a large Whatman paper, first there are hand or foot prints, at the request of everyone. And the guys there write what they want and stick it on the street, and whoever wants to, writes it off.
  • Each squad draws a piece of the house, the counselors say, for example, here is the roof for you, and here is the bottom for you... and it turns out that all the drawings are different, but when they are connected together. It turns out very cool.
  • You tape an A4 piece of paper to everyone’s back and then everyone just comes up and writes everything they want to write to that person as a farewell. You can still have the same ribbons for everyone, but the ribbons are somehow connected sometimes (psychologically).
  • You can all make something the same together (for example, ties made of paper), people from the detachment also give me paper boats, caps, a rose, an airplane, some other beautiful figures, you can also give me the task of drawing what you want to take away with you from the camp, and you can also, if the detachment has a lot of certificates during a shift, distribute a certificate to everyone.
  • You can get everyone together at the end, at a large common candle, and after all the ceremonies, distribute a candle to everyone, light it from one common candle, and then let everyone come up and say goodbye to everyone, etc. And at the same time warm wax drips onto the hand, at the end everyone gets a big, big piece...
  • You cut out various interesting rectangles of irregular shape for your children from thick colored paper, and on the reverse side write wishes, quatrains, different verses for each. At the last candle, you read these words to everyone and give a card.
  • 3 days before departure, you gather a squad and give everyone a piece of salt dough. The setting is this: “now you need to make a figurine yourself, maybe more than one, for the person who has become the most dear to you during your shift.” Children sculpt with great diligence and with the desire to sculpt as original as possible. When the product dries, it can be decorated and signed. At the last light, the children give them to each other. (you need to provide for the option that they won’t give it to someone, then in advance you need to make several figures yourself and give it to those who did not receive it from other children).
  • Doing certificates. You draw a frame of squiggles on colored sheets of A-4, and the text was written for each person in accordance with his character or some bright event in which he stood out. For example: "awarded....for a desperate fight against sleep during quiet time"
  • You put photos from all cameras on one disk and burn a copy of such a disk to all the children overnight. You can take not only photos, but also videos.
  • Whatman paper (some speckled background) is divided into as many parts as there are children and counselors. Come up with 2-4 lines about each (preferably cute, harmless, recognizable). On the last candle read about everyone, children must guess who it is about. The counselor cuts out a piece with a verbal portrait and gives it to the child. Then don’t forget some touching words about unity, that when they all get together, they will have a whole Whatman paper (etc.)
  • When the shift is short, and there are about fifty children in the squad, you won’t remember everyone’s names. It makes sense to make something origami (like cranes). If the relationship with the children is good, these cranes will then gather dust in a visible place for several years)).
  • You can go with the kids in the morning to watch the sunrise and have an award ceremony there: Give everyone a certificate with a title. for example, the “Best Actress” award was given to a guy who simply played a girl brilliantly, etc. A homemade book (the guys themselves can help you make such a book) with the name of the squad, where your name, song, chants, addresses, phone numbers and birthdays, poems about each were written down. Disc with photos from the shift. You tear the beads and give each one a bead. they say together we are one. And everyone hangs a bead on a string around their neck.
  • Give them embers from the last fire, wrap them in wrapping paper, they said that you can open them only when it’s very, very bad and completely unbearable, it’s a piece of warmth and memories, in general you can say a lot, and it turns out cheap and pretty quickly. You can give everyone a kinder surprise.
  • Make mini daisies and write wishes. Make small crafts (snails) from clay and then bake them and hang them around your neck. You just need to do it with reserve and in advance, 3 days before the end of the shift. All sorts of origami crafts.
  • You collect (or make) a bunch of boxes and put dried flowers, petals, interesting stones there and give them as gifts. hiding under everyone's pillow. You weave baubles on mugs and give them as gifts.
  • Paint the stones, apply nail polish and cover them (you can also write the child’s name, shift, or squad name on them with various felt-tip pens). Make bracelets from paper clips and attach them to your hand. In general, “pervert” in different ways in the good sense of the word.
  • Comic letters... to the most sleepless... to the least willing... and so on for the whole squad... Print your hand on a piece of paper and write wishes. You can even just cut the whole last candle into pieces and give it to the children...
  • Sing your children a song from the cartoon “Chip and Dale”: “your counselors are in a hurry to come to you! your counselors are the best, etc.”))) And then give them whistles) Tell them that if trouble happens to them, they need to whistle and we will appear).
  • Give out multi-colored ribbons, each with some meaning - for example, the most temperamental - red, etc.)) Also, draw a few drawings as a keepsake showing all your friends.
  • A love page in which children write who they like, at the end of the shift, divide by the number of children. Each child gets a piece of the heart.
  • You can give homemade medals with the camp emblem or with the child’s name or badges, like the counselors, or simply make any souvenir gifts (“goodies”).
  • White T-shirts + textile paint + day time.
  • You can also use baubles... From experience, boys weave absolutely on par with girls. The main thing is how to present it. Well, here you can read the history: baubles are an attribute of hippies, in principle, but they have taken root among young people in many movements. Previously, it was not customary to wear baubles that you wove yourself - only those that were given as gifts. And give yours. The color scheme was of great importance - you can find the meanings of the colors. Although now all this has been leveled out, they are woven and worn simply for decoration. The only thing left is the tradition of making a wish when they tie a bauble on your hand. It is believed that it will come true when the bauble breaks....
  • Inflate balloons on the last night, write wishes and scatter them around the rooms.

Somehow. In general, dare, invent, create.... Good luck!

Master class “Sun Trap”

The master class will be useful for teachers of additional education of an artistic and aesthetic orientation; it is intended for children of primary school age with different levels of preparedness.

Purpose: making summer crafts for gifts to loved ones, interior decoration

Target: creating conditions for interesting leisure and development of children’s creative abilities.


✓ introduce new technology and its implementation

✓ develop children’s artistic perception and abilities

Necessary materials:

✓ Pencil

✓ Scissors (stationery knife)

✓ Cardboard

✓ Lavsan or dense file

✓ Permanent markers (others will not work and will simply be erased from a smooth surface)

✓ Corrugated paper and mesh

✓ Stapler or glue

It's raining outside the window,

The day is creeping by the minute.

Tired of waiting for a long time -

I will draw the sun.

We make a “sun trap” in several stages:

➣ Making a frame

1. Draw a circle on a larger piece of cardboard (for example, you can use a jar or a ready-made template)

2. Cut it out

3. Draw a smaller circle in the center (use tape)

4. Cut out (it’s better to ask the teacher) with a stationery knife)

5. Cut strips from the mesh

6. We wrap the frame in a circle with corrugated, gift paper or mesh

7. The workpiece is ready.

➣ Making a drawing

8. Choose a design from ready-made ornaments in a circle or draw it yourself.

9. We insert the drawing into a file or under the lavsan and trace it along the contour.

10. Color the drawing

➣ We arrange

11. Connect the finished drawing to the frame using a stapler or glue.

12. You can decorate the finished work with various flowers, beads, etc.

Let's catch the sun! Hang it by thread or ribbon.

The design can be made using cut out pieces of colored translucent tape.

During production, you can include various songs about the sun (song “Sun”)

A counselor in a children's camp is a job for people who can easily cope with any children's whims, have steely patience and happily give their always good mood to everyone around them.

Surely everyone remembers this wonderful time spent in a children's camp and their first counselor. Of course, the surest way to remember these days is to present an original gift.

To the counselor

There comes such an unwanted end to the camp shift and you really don’t want to say goodbye to the people you already love. It's time to give a wonderful gift to your best mentors from the entire squad!

Unfortunately, being on the territory of a children's camp slightly limits the number of possible gifts, but you can always skillfully make your own present yourself. What item should I give?

For children

Not becoming attached to those with whom you spend every minute of your time every day is a very difficult task. The desire to give some cute little thing as a keepsake is a completely natural desire. What should you present to your little pranksters?

  1. Personalized. Such a sweet surprise will be a wonderful solution that will make you the best and most beloved counselor in the world. After all, they will be able to take such pleasant souvenirs home as a reminder of the summer they spent. You can choose personalized mugs:
  2. Sweet table. This is a good way to celebrate the end of a shift by giving your children a sweet holiday with all sorts of goodies. To organize such an event, a couple of different cakes and a few bottles of carbonated drink will be enough.
  3. Quest. Using the location of the children's camp, and teaming up with other counselors, you can create an exciting quest in which absolutely everyone can take part. Come up with different missions and riddles to keep kids fully engaged.
  4. Hike. Going on a nature hike! With the help of other counselors, it is not difficult to organize such a joint trip, preparing a field kulesh, playing various ball games. This is a great way to spend another unforgettable day at camp.
  5. You should definitely share your great mood with your little pranksters. After all, they feel great if you sincerely care about them. Use your unlimited imagination to remember wonderful summer episodes forever.

- a great way to fill walks on the street with delight and emotions. This summer craft is easier to make than it seems. And how much joy there will be!

Most likely, after your vacation at sea you brought with you a lot of “treasures”: shells and sea pebbles. But don’t rush to throw away this treasure, but turn it into children’s toys. - This is an excellent training for a child’s fine motor skills and imagination. Color, play and even use in your interior.

A glass of lemonade is a great summer craft for children in kindergarten or summer camp. For children of different ages, you can offer applications of varying complexity.

What would summer be without insects? Invite your children to make crafts from paper or plasticine about the life of insects. Invite them to fantasize about what ants drag into the anthill, cut out ladybugs, glue colorful wings to butterflies, leave prints of plastic caterpillars and beetles on plasticine.

Children look forward to summer for the sake of ice cream. A simple craft on the theme “Summer” made from colored paper will make the child happy for the rest of the day, at least.

Strawberries, cherries, watermelons and other berries, vegetables and fruits that summer is so rich in can also become ideas for summer crafts. They can be made from paper and cardboard, buttons or plasticine.

These paper plate summer ones are also unique because you can play with them. Both the octopus and the boat are individual crafts glued to wooden sticks that are threaded through a horizontal slot in a paper plate.

Another idea that can be made from plasticine on a marine theme is a jar with plasticine sea inhabitants: fish, jellyfish, starfish, shells, pebbles and algae.

Now you have 17 wonderful ideas for crafts and applications on the theme “Summer” that children can easily make with their own hands at home, in kindergarten or summer camp and have a lot of fun. We hope you will find something interesting to do with your child to extend his summer a little more. If you have more ideas for summer crafts, share them on our forum.

Header photo source: www.thehousethatlarsbuilt.com

allow you to diversify children's leisure time during the summer holidays. To make such crafts, as a rule, natural materials are used - shells, stones, sand. However, very often counselors invite children to do crafts on various themes: marine, summer, ethnic, etc.

Crafts at camp. Painting on stones.

Most children happily collect various pebbles on the shore, which, in their opinion, look very beautiful. Sometimes the baby's pockets are so full of these gifts of nature that it is even difficult for him to walk. At the same time, he will never allow you to throw away at least one pebble from his unique collection. All you have to do is invite your child to paint the pebbles so that they look even more colorful, even more beautiful.

To begin with, select smooth pebbles of various shapes from the “stone collection”. Select round stones first - they will make strawberries or ladybugs. Or you can simply apply paint to the rounded stones. Older children can select stones of complex shapes. Have them look at them carefully and think about what the chosen stone looks like. For example, a square or triangular stone may look like a “house”. All you have to do is add some color to it. Paint the windows with orange paint and paint the walls with white. ready!

To paint stones you will need the following materials:

Acrylic paints of primary colors;
- permanent markers
- felt-tip pens
- pencils
- tassels
- napkins
- a glass

Stones can also be laid out on some kind of base. For example, if you take a laser disc, you will receive the original.

Summer camp crafts. Sand applique “Sand Castle”. Children of primary school age simply love to make such crafts. They are easy to make and look very impressive. After drying, such a picture can be framed from orange or yellow cardboard and hung on the wall as a reminder of the warm and carefree summer.

To create a sand applique you will need the following materials:

- tassel
- PVA glue
- tray with sides
- white thick paper
- rubber
- a simple pencil
- scoop

Manufacturing process:
1. Draw a picture on a piece of paper. You can also translate a drawing from a children's coloring book.
2. Apply PVA glue (using a brush) to the contours of the resulting image.
3. Place the drawing on a tray with sand.
4. Using a scoop, sprinkle some sand onto the leaf.
5. Wait a few minutes, take out the sheet, gently shake out the excess sand, and allow the glue to dry completely.