Victoria Boni's new man. Victoria Bonya found a new love in the person of football player Marouane Fellaini. Latest news from the life of Victoria Boni

Victoria Boni's next appearance on the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival created a sensation among her fans. The 38-year-old TV presenter came out arm in arm with French billionaire Pierre Andurand. Since splitting from entrepreneur Alex Smurfit several years ago, the model has made her first public appearance with a new partner. Almost on the same day, Pierre and Victoria confirmed that they were in a relationship, and now they attend almost all the events of the international film festival together.

Pierre Andurand is 40 years old and holds a master's degree in international finance from the École Supérieure d'Etudes Commerciales in Paris. He worked for major international banks, but in 2013 he created his own investment fund, Andurand Capital. In September 2016, Anduran's company generated revenues of $1.2 billion. The financier recently divorced his wife, Russian model Evgenia Slyusarenko, whom he married in 2011. Then the couple held a ceremony at the Catherine Palace near St. Petersburg. Pierre is raising a daughter, who, according to Victoria, is the same age as her daughter Angelina. The girls have already met and are spending time with their parents. In an exclusive interview with Super, Victoria Bonya told how she met her new lover, his condition and expensive gifts.

Where did you meet Pierre? How did he win you over?

We met in London, my friend introduced me. He captivated me with his intelligence, depth of thought and content.

How serious is your relationship?

I can say that I never enter into a relationship unless I am serious about the person. And, if a person does not take me seriously, a priori there can be no relationship.

At what point did you realize you loved him?

You know, step by step, when a person charms you at first, his every step, his every action already delights you so much. Like oxygen, with which you want to breathe and breathe even more, and without it it’s as if you can’t breathe. And gradually everything happened, step by step.

Pierre is a successful businessman. Does he own a lot of money?

Russian media write that he is a millionaire, but he owns a company that has a turnover of 2.5 billion, so he is more than a millionaire. At the same time, the person achieved everything on his own, this is important.

What gifts has he already surprised you with?

Just now, during the Cannes Film Festival, we were driving in a car. I was on my way to get ready, I had a shoot, and he went to get ready at the hotel. We passed by a Dior store and there were very beautiful dresses in the window. I say: “Oh, what beautiful dresses!” And he replied: “If you want, while you’re on set, I’ll go pick out some dresses for you and buy them.” It’s not like going and buying a dress together, this person went, took a photo of the dress, sent it to me on my phone, and tried it on for the saleswoman. Dresses that are in a single copy, in one size range. He chose it, brought it, chose shoes, chose a handbag and brought it to me. These dresses were made especially for the Cannes Film Festival - unique. It was, of course, incredible, it amazed me so much, I then said: “This is so romantic, no one has ever done this for me.”

If you believe some secular media, Bonya herself called the striking brunette her boyfriend. Allegedly, Victoria published a video on social networks that captured how she was discussing with her friends whether it was time to introduce subscribers to her new chosen one or not. When the model’s friends said that it was high time, Bonya turned the camera on the smiling man.


Soon, Victoria’s mysterious companion posted a photo of hugs with her on his Instagram. The guy's name is Allen Jeffrey. He spends a lot of time in Chicago and Los Angeles. It is clear that he is from a wealthy family, since his microblog contains all the attributes of the sweet life of the rich and famous. He accompanied his photo with Bonya with hearts, and the Russian woman responded to him with an emoticon with an embarrassed monkey.

Posted by Allen Jeffrey Beyer (@allenjbeyer) Apr 4, 2017 at 5:05 am PDT

A little later, on Instagram, the former star of “House-2” published a photo of a naked, smiling Allen, but left the photo without comment. Bonya's subscribers began congratulating her en masse on such a handsome boyfriend and wishing her happiness in her personal life, for which she flew overseas.

“Vika, he’s handsome, even better than your ex. He’s probably going crazy now))”, “Handsome of course”, “Cute.... Well done Bonya!”, “Better than Alex 100%,” commentators admire .

It is noteworthy that Victoria recently announced her new relationship in an Instagram broadcast. She said that she is not worried after breaking up with her common-law husband Alex Smerfit and is already “married in five minutes.” “Yes, I’m in love again. In love with such a man that you can’t even imagine such wisdom. I just love his brains. I really love people with brains,” the beauty admitted. We're probably talking about Allen. Although in a conversation with journalists Bonya denies that he is her boyfriend. According to Vicky, he is just her friend, and the hearts and hugs are an “April Fool’s joke.”

Victoria Bonya has been called the Russian Cinderella more than once - the star of the scandalous reality show “DOM-2” took only three years to go from a provincial girl to the bride of a millionaire from Monaco. 38-year-old Vika met Alex Smerfit in 2010, and two years later gave birth to his daughter Angelina-Letizia. Despite the fact that the couple’s romance failed, Bonya continues to maintain friendly relations with her former lover and his family. And, as it turned out, she recently even introduced them to her new boyfriend, billionaire Pierre Andurand.

As Victoria herself admitted, the owner of the Andurand Capital investment fund won her over not with expensive gifts, but with her intellect.

“I also met his family and introduced Pierre to Alex and his parents. I invited Andurand to Angelina's birthday in Monaco, and he came. And he was alone almost all the time, because he didn’t know anyone, and I couldn’t be around all the time because I was busy with the holiday. Alex reacted to him a little skeptically: why did you bring a stranger to a family event? Naturally, I explained that he was not a stranger to me. And by the end of the evening, Pierre himself approached Alexander to thank him for the invitation. At first I was tense, and then I looked: they communicate perfectly! Alex’s mom said that my new lover is a very nice man,” shared Victoria Bonya.

Anduran and Bonya met at a friends birthday party and immediately became interested in each other. Comparing her relationship with Pierre with her past ones, Victoria emphasizes that Alex was an emotionally colder person. This is presumably due to his Scandinavian roots, as his dad is Irish and his mom is Swedish.

“I finally found the warmth that I had been missing. Alex and I rarely held hands. But with Pierre we don’t open them,” said Bonya.

Victoria lived for six years in a civil marriage with Alex Smerfit, the son of an influential businessman. For the sake of her beloved man, the star went to great lengths: she gave up her career when she was extremely famous, left Russia for Monaco, and decided to have a child. Victoria carefully protected her family.

“When we left, no one suspected that I was in a position, at least this event was not covered in the press. I did everything to keep it a secret. Expecting a child is a very personal, intimate process... Not everyone thinks so. There are people who, on the contrary, are ready to share any changes in their lives. There’s nothing wrong with that, just as there’s nothing wrong with hiding what you consider too intimate,” the star noted.

Many times, spiteful critics wrote on social networks that not everything was going smoothly in the relationship between Boni and Alex. However, the couple themselves did not comment on these speculations. Victoria initially accepted this arrangement: to live together, but not to register the marriage, although they discussed a possible wedding many times. Only after breaking up with her common-law spouse did the star admit that they should have signed.

“I don’t know, maybe the fact that we didn’t get married played a role in our separation, but the fact is that we initially did not want official registration. About two years before the separation they talked about marriage, they even drew up a marriage contract. And if in fact we had such a goal, then the wedding would take place. But I never aspired to this myself. My sister has wanted to get married since childhood. For me, marriage never aroused admiration; it rather frightened me,” Bonya shared.

Victoria announced her breakup with Smurfit on Instagram, as she wanted to dot all the i’s to avoid gossip. According to Boni, their relationship simply outlived its usefulness. The former common-law spouses separated without scandals, and the daughter did not feel that she had lost the attention of one of her parents. Angelina spends a lot of time with both mom and dad.

“If they ask me today if I want to go back to Alex, I will answer no.” And I'm sure he will say the same. Not because of pride. We just had a period when we were together all the time. I worked, and it was important to me that he allowed me to do this. Because before Alex, all the men demanded that I stay at home. But for me this is unbearable! Even though they could support me and give me ten times more than I could earn, fear appeared in my soul. After all, relationships can end, but I remember well what it’s like when you have nowhere to live and nothing to eat. It is important for me to know that I can provide for myself. Alex understood this." - Victoria said in an interview magazine "Caravan" Collection of stories".

Victoria Bonya is dating Manchester United midfielder Marouane Fellaini. It seems that the athlete is seriously interested in the Russian beauty and does not skimp on expensive gifts for her.

38-year-old Victoria Bonya does not hide that she has found new love. Not much is known about the model’s chosen one. Apparently, he is very serious. Victoria calls her other half her husband and says that he gives gifts to her daughter. Boni's fans believe that she started an affair with 30-year-old Belgian footballer Marouane Fellaini, a Manchester United midfielder.

Last November, Victoria fueled rumors about her passion for the athlete by photographing herself in the uniform of an English club. Boni's followers decided that she tried on her new boyfriend's clothes. A couple of months later, the first joint photographs of the couple appeared on the Internet. Victoria and Marouane spent time in one of the restaurants. In the footage that was published on the Internet, they look very happy and are enthusiastically talking about something.

Photos of Boni and Fellaini together again provoked discussions about their romance. Many believed that Marouane invited Victoria to a romantic dinner. According to the athlete’s fans, he looks great together with the beauty from Russia. The stars themselves do not comment on public speculation.

Earlier, Victoria Bonya once mentioned that her new hobby is a foreigner who is younger than 32-year-old Alex Smurfit. According to Victoria, she is crazy about Marouane. Victoria even calls her chosen one “perfection.” Boni's lover regularly pampers her with attentions. So, one day he gave her luxurious bouquets of flowers. Victoria's fans regularly ask her to declassify the name of her mysterious admirer, but the socialite ignores numerous questions.

Let us recall that in February 2017, Victoria Bonya announced her separation from her common-law husband Alex Smurfit, the son of an Irish billionaire. Rumors that not everything was going smoothly in the couple’s relationship had been circulating for a long time, but the couple did not comment on them. Only about a year ago, Victoria decided to shed light on public speculation.

« He is my friend and beloved man, I am sure that he will always be like this. I know that many will now begin to misinterpret and come up with their own versions. This is not a spontaneous decision; we came to it six months ago. Today we have an excellent relationship, we call each other every day, share our impressions, spend time with the child. It so happened that our relationship turned into friendship, we love each other very much, but in a slightly different way", Bonya shared on Instagram.

Despite the fact that Victoria and Alex separated, they continued to take part in raising their common daughter, Angelina Letizia, who was born in March 2012.