How to trim your fingernails. How to cut nails correctly - rules for hands and feet. Preparing nails for cutting

Well, what could be easier than cutting your toenails, many might think. However, it is not. Wrong actions can lead to disastrous results - ingrown nails, nail deformation, inflammatory processes. Neatly trimmed toenails are not only an aesthetic beauty, but also a hygienic necessity - a huge number of microbes accumulate under long nails. To make this process quick, comfortable and safe, you need to follow our advice.

How to cut your nails

For the procedure, we will need manicure accessories, a basin with warm water and a towel.

  1. First you need to prepare for the process and thoroughly disinfect all the necessary accessories. It is best to use medical alcohol for this. This is done in order to protect yourself from nail fungus and other infections that could get on scissors and tongs when used by other family members. Ideally, such hygiene items should be individual.
  2. Toenails are much thicker than fingernails. Therefore, they need to be steamed first. This can be done by immersing the legs in hot water with the addition of soap solutions. If you suffer from nail fungus, use a decoction of string and nettle when steaming. These herbs heal wounds and fight inflammation.
  3. An ideal pedicure involves cleansing the feet of dead skin - this can be done with a pumice stone. After this, dry your feet with a towel and remove the cuticles from your nails. Be careful when cutting away dead skin to avoid damaging living tissue.
  4. Then proceed to the actual cutting of your nails. You can cut your nails with clippers or manicure scissors - whatever suits you. If possible, toenails should be trimmed in an even line. However, the shape of many people's nails simply does not allow such a cut, otherwise sharp corners will remain. Simply trim the nail along the edge of its natural shape. There is no need to cut the nail right at the root, leave 1 mm. You especially should not cut deep into the edges of the nail, otherwise it may lead to ingrown nails.
  5. After this, carefully file the edges with a nail file. Smooth nails will protect your new nylon tights from arrows.
  6. The final stage is to lubricate your nails and feet with rich cream. This will make your feet soft and smooth.

Following all these steps will protect you from such a common problem as ingrown toenails. If this trouble does happen to you, you need to act immediately.

How to get rid of an ingrown toenail

Few people do not know what an ingrown toenail is. A nail plate that is cut incorrectly begins to grow directly into the skin, causing the person more and more discomfort. If the nail cuts into the skin and damages it, then inflammation begins to develop in combination with microbes. Often the finger becomes swollen, red and very painful. Sometimes suppuration may appear. A person cannot wear shoes, and often simply walk. An ingrown toenail can appear not only as a result of improper trimming. Tight shoes, a nail injury, or a fungal infection can also deform the nail plate.

You can get rid of an ingrown toenail yourself. And the sooner you start taking some measures, the better. First, soak the foot with the sore nail in antiseptic water. This can be a crushed tablet of furatsilin, chlorophyllipt, tetracycline. Soak your foot in hot water and wait until the skin becomes soft and pliable. After this, try to pry the nail plate with a blunt spatula and carefully cut it off. If it is impossible to pry off the nail, make a compress with Levomekol ointment at night. Just apply the ointment liberally to the nail, cover the nail with a piece of film or tracing paper so that the medicine does not soak into the bandage. After that, wrap your finger and go to bed. In the morning, it will be much easier to pry off the nail - the skin and the plate itself will be very soft, and there will be much less pain.

If the suppuration is very serious and you cannot cope with the ingrown toenail, go to the surgeon. It will quickly relieve you of suffering and remove the ingrown toenail. After this, there is a high probability that what happened will happen again. Therefore, when cutting your nail next time, be as careful as possible - do not cut it too close to the skin.

This is another important problem that many parents face. How to cut a child's nails? How to ensure that the baby sits straight and does not twitch, because any careless movement can lead to injury? What to do if the skin is accidentally touched along with the nail? Let's try to answer all the questions sequentially.

  1. You should only trim your baby’s toenails with strictly individual scissors. Infants' nails are very tiny, so the procedure should be carried out only with baby nail scissors. Trim nails in good light to avoid hurting your baby's skin.
  2. The child’s nails should also be trimmed after taking a bath - at this moment the nails become soft and pliable.
  3. When trimming a nail, it is very important to secure the child's foot so that the baby does not accidentally jerk. With one hand we carefully but firmly hold the baby’s foot, and with the other hand we cut the nails.
  4. After cutting, do not forget to file your child's sharp nails with a file. After all, a baby can unknowingly scratch himself with the sharp edges of his nails.
  5. If there is any dirt remaining under your clipped nails, gently pry it out with a brush or toothpick.
  6. If you cut your child's skin, simply treat the cut with hydrogen peroxide.
  7. It is better for small children to cut their nails while they sleep. This way they move less and the process will be much calmer.
  8. A little more problems arise with older children who are over a year old. They already understand everything, and cutting their toenails is much more difficult. But every mother knows how to approach her child. For some, it is enough to promise sweets in exchange for sitting quietly while cutting their nails. Someone needs to be praised, and someone needs to be scolded. However, it will be better if you cut your child’s nails right in front of his eyes. This will allow the baby to control and understand the situation. You can also give your child toy scissors with which he will cut the nails of himself, his mother, or his teddy bear. Some parents practice this method of cutting nails - they cut off one nail for the child, and then for themselves. This alternation is perceived as a tiny game.

When trimming your child's nails, be very careful in your movements. Having injured your baby once, it will be very, very difficult to teach him to cut his nails again.

Beautiful and well-groomed toenails are the real pride of any girl. After all, they are the ones who can tell about the degree of grooming of a woman. Cut your nails correctly, do not allow the skin of your feet to become rough, do a pedicure on time, do not allow your nails to grow in, and then you will be able to boast of beautiful, delicate and graceful feet at any time of the year!

Video: how to soften toenails

Every person's nails are a unique natural gift. Especially if we are talking about women’s nails, because they not only play the role of protection, but also perform a decorative function. After all, the female half of humanity strives to complement their image with a beautiful manicure, but in order for it to be beautiful, it is necessary to make an effort.

If the nails are in normal healthy condition, then they grow by 2-4 mm per month, while the condition and rate of their growth largely depends on the fact that they are provided with proper care. Therefore, it is very important to know not only the features of a sexy and attractive manicure, but also to have information on how you can easily organize cutting your nails at home so that they turn out attractive and look quite good, only in this case the effect will be achieved.

Cutting your nails correctly

A properly shaped nail should have a rounded shape and not interfere with you when you are doing household chores. If we talk about the ideal shape, then it will be considered the one that follows the shape of the finger. It must be rounded, otherwise sharp edges will appear and the nail will begin to grow in, and this is not a pleasant phenomenon. In this case, growths may appear on the nails, which look unsightly and cause a lot of inconvenience.

In order to get the nails of your dreams, you need to remember a few nuances that will help you avoid troubles in the form of damage and inconvenience.

Cutting your nails short will not lead to anything good. After a period of time you will end up with widening of the fingertips, which is not good. This will lead to a deterioration in appearance and a number of other difficulties.

It should be remembered that if you do not follow the rules of personal hygiene when cutting your nails, you risk introducing an infection into them. This effect can also be achieved if you cut your nails too short.

The optimal length of the nail is determined simply. It can be recognized by the rim on the tips of the fingers.

If you have always dreamed of long nails and have managed to grow them, then you need to clean the skin under the nail on a regular basis. After all, it is in this place that numerous bacteria gather, the presence of which is not at all desirable.

To cut your nails you must use special tools. For example, these are manicure scissors, a file, special brushes for cleaning the nail plate and the area under the nail.

If you want to get an even and perfectly smooth line during the cutting process, you need to grab the nail with the tips of the scissors and move in small steps, in this case the shape will turn out more beautiful.

You can use special pliers when cutting nails in hard-to-reach areas.

The whole process becomes more complicated when you are not naturally the owner of nails of the correct shape. After all, you will have to work with great care if you are afraid of damaging your skin and nails.

If you need to trim a nail that has already grown into the skin, you need to use angled nail clippers specifically for manicure, this will achieve the best result.

After trimming your nails, use a nail file to straighten the edge of your nail. Use other devices that will help you make your manicure more beautiful and healthier.

So, by following these simple rules for cutting nails, you can achieve wonderful results and get the nails you have always dreamed of. After all, a neat and proper haircut is the key to not only a beautiful manicure, but also healthy nails. During the haircut process, you should avoid the most common mistakes that many girls make.

  1. Nails too short. Girls sometimes get angry about long nails, or if one breaks, they have to cut them all off. In this case, do not keep your nails short, as you can easily get infected.
  2. Lack of nail cleaning. A very common mistake is when a girl does not provide her nails with proper care. In this case, dirt collects under them, which subsequently spreads. Therefore, you need to regularly restore your nails and be confident in the beauty of your manicure and its accuracy.
  3. Using a nail file after a shower. It is strictly forbidden to file your nails after you have taken a shower; at this time they are steamed and are at their weakest. Wait until the nail plate gets stronger and only then begin the cutting process.

When can you cut your nails?

So, if we talk about when you can cut your nails, it is important to note that there are special days designated for cutting. They are the most favorable. During this period, nails will begin to grow much faster. This period includes the waxing moon phase, the new moon. Usually the most favorable days for cutting nails coincide with those for cutting hair. For this reason, you need to choose the most optimal option and day for cutting.

As noted earlier, it is not recommended to cut your nails after taking a shower; you need to wait some time until the nail plate becomes strong. If you neglect this rule, you risk damaging your nails, as a result they will become weak and begin to split. In order to maximize the effect of the haircut, immediately after it you can take a bath for the nails in a saline solution of water, and subsequently it is recommended to smear the nails with olive oil using a cotton swab. The oil will nourish the nail plate, and subsequent haircuts will not risk breaking your nail.

By following the rules of a neat haircut, you will get the manicure of your dreams, which will subsequently become a real source of your pride. After all, every girl dreams of beautiful nails. And in order to get them, you don’t have to go to a salon; you can easily achieve the desired result at home. By providing your nails with competent and proper care, you will receive gratitude from them in the form of beauty and health.

When it comes to caring for your feet and nails, you can talk about a variety of procedures that should be done to make them look not only visually beautiful, but also actually healthy. This includes not only poppies, baths, pedicures, but also proper nail cutting. Few people know how to cut their nails correctly, and therefore today the main task is not only to understand, but also to learn how to do it correctly. After all, if you do something wrong, it can lead to many different problems and complications (ingrown nails, wounds and injuries). Therefore, try to do everything correctly so that your nails do not disappoint with their appearance, are attractive and healthy.

In order for the nail cutting process to be successful, you need to follow this action plan. First prepare the tools you will use. It is very important to ensure that they are treated with an antiseptic. It is this rule that many people overlook and end up introducing an infection into their body that is very difficult to get rid of. Then you should wash your feet and nails well with warm water, you can also use an infusion or decoction of medicinal herbs. This will only be a plus for your legs. Only after this can you start cutting your nails with clean scissors. Remember that the nail cannot be cut to the very root. It is worth paying attention to the natural edges of the nail and this way you will be able to avoid injuries and wounds. To prevent the nail from growing into your finger, you need to file down its sharp corners with a nail file.

What to do with an ingrown toenail?

If you do not delay solving this problem, you can solve it yourself. First of all, you should follow all the rules of hygiene. Make a warm foot bath and add a little furatsilin to the water. If an ingrown toenail has left you with a wound, carefully fill it with hydrogen peroxide. After this, use Levomekol or Syntomycin ointment, which should be used to lubricate the area where the infection occurred. These drugs belong to the group of antibiotics, and therefore treatment with them should be as short as possible so as not to completely harm the entire body.

How to properly care for your toenails?

You will have beautiful feet and healthy nails only when you regularly make special foot baths and use various medicinal herbs to prepare them. All this can be done independently at home without previous consultation with a doctor. Take 200 grams of dry wormwood and pour three liters of boiling water. Then keep it all on low heat for 15 minutes. When the broth has cooled to a temperature that you can withstand, then dip your feet in it and keep them like that for 20 minutes. This will help with severe leg fatigue.
In the same way, you can prepare a decoction of willow bark that will help improve blood circulation in the leg area. Baths with sea salt are no less useful. They will affect your heels, clear them of dead skin, and your nails will be stronger and more beautiful in appearance.

It is very important to know how to properly care for your feet so that they always remain beautiful. It is not very difficult and anyone can do it. It is worth washing your feet every evening with warm water and do not forget to use soap. You can rinse your feet with cool water, and then be sure to dry them with a hard towel. You need to wipe the folds between your fingers especially well. After your feet are completely dry, you need to moisturize them with cream. When you take a bath, make sure to remove dead cells from your feet using a pumice stone or a special foot scrub. It is also worth remembering a few more simple rules: change your socks daily, do not wear tight shoes or high-heeled shoes for a very long time, and to prevent your feet from sweating, purchase talc, powder or foot spray.

A beautiful and neat manicure is not only the privilege of beautiful ladies, but also a necessity for every person at any age. However, behind this ordinary procedure there may be interesting signs and beliefs hidden.

What do you need to know?

A healthy human nail grows at a rate of up to 4 mm per month, and even faster in small children. It turns out that 1-2 mm are added per week, which forces us to constantly monitor and remove excess in a timely manner. Shortening can be done with scissors or a file. The second one is more often used by girls who carefully look after themselves and constantly experiment with length and shape. The rest use scissors or tweezers.

When should you cut your nails? As they grow, if dirt accumulates under them or simply the length causes discomfort.

Which form should I choose? The ideal one is one that follows the natural contour of growth or the roundness of the fingertips.

How to shorten it? The tool most convenient for you. Scissors are more versatile because when using them, the position of the hand does not need to change significantly. Nippers give a straighter shape to the nail.

How to cut nails for an adult

The simple trimming procedure is not always performed correctly, which can lead to a number of consequences: cuts and infection, ingrown plates, the formation of hangnails, disruption of the structure and shape of the nail bed. To avoid such problems, carefully study the simple rules and follow them during each hygiene procedure. How to cut your nails correctly:

1. First, wash your hands with soap. This will help get rid of dirt and germs that easily accumulate on your palms and fingertips. If your nails are very hard, steam them by making a bath or holding them under warm running water.

2. Disinfect the scissors. If there is no special apparatus for this (which is most likely the case), wipe the blades with a cotton swab dipped in any alcohol-containing solution. This is especially important if several people use the tool.

3. Fix the brush on a table or other hard surface and begin to cut the nail along the selected contour with the tips of the scissors in short movements. Try not to close the blades all the way - this may cause uneven edges.

4. Sand the resulting shape with a file.

  • Do not cut the nail at the root. This way, you risk injuring the skin underneath and causing an infection, which is very unpleasant: the pain in this area is pronounced. In addition, the growth pattern may become deformed due to this action, and the edge of the finger will expand over time.
  • Lightly round the ends when trimming. This way you can definitely avoid ingrown hairs.
  • If the nail still grows into the side ridges, try leaving a longer free edge. If the problem causes discomfort, contact a professional manicurist or surgeon for treatment.

We take care of children wisely

When can children's nails be cut? A very important question, when solving which most parents become confused.

Many babies are born with long nails. It is not necessary to cut them - in the first weeks of life they are very soft, there is a risk of damaging the bed itself. To prevent the child from damaging his delicate skin, special scratching mittens are put on his hands. There is an opinion that a newborn's nails can be bitten off or torn off. Here, of course, there is a lot to choose from, but the methods are very questionable: biting can also damage the stock and cause infection with saliva, and tearing off can tear off excess.

When should you cut your child's nails for the first time? At the end of the first month of life, when the plates get a little stronger. Use scissors or tweezers with rounded ends for this.

How to cut your baby's nails correctly:

1. Take the child’s hand in yours and secure the little finger. Do not move your fingers to avoid damage.

2. Carefully monitor your movements: push back the skin near the nail and begin to trim according to the growth shape. Don't leave any sharp edges.

3. Treat all fingers in this manner.

To make work easier, arrange good lighting. If you are afraid of harming the baby, ask the second parent for help: one holds the finger, the second is completely focused on the process.

You can carry out the procedure when the child is sleeping - this way there is less chance that he will fuss, and you will feel calmer.

What the stars whispered to us

If you look at the lunar calendar before going to the hairdresser, then most likely you will do this before a manicure. There is an opinion that these procedures should be carried out during the waning moon: in this case, the result lasts for a longer time, the nails become stronger and do not split. Although many masters, whose work does not depend on the stellar cycle, claim that there is not much difference: clients come to them with the same frequency. Therefore, choosing the time when to cut your nails is solely a business matter. This depends entirely on their individual growth rate.

If you still want to cut your nails according to the lunar calendar, use only trusted sources to check the days. Moreover, most calendars provide similar information.

Hair and nail cutting forecasts have been compiled for each month of each year. According to them, the choice of a particular day can affect not only the intensity of growth, but also aspects of a person’s personal life: improve or worsen the financial side, interpersonal relationships, etc. There are coincidences or patterns are completely absent - it depends on your luck.

In their own way, nails are some kind of catalysts of energy, since they are located on the tips of the fingers, where a huge number of blood vessels and points are concentrated, which are connected with many organs of the human body. According to astrologers and parapsychologists, each day of the week has its own set of subtle influences, respectively, when it is necessary and possible to cut your nails depends on this parameter.

Monday- a favorable day for cutting hair. All negative accumulated influences and old memories are removed. You can improve the health of your genitourinary system.

Tuesday- a favorable day for relieving headaches and some blood diseases by creating a beautiful manicure. The ability to respond quickly in emergency situations is also enhanced.

Wednesday is rich in effects: with a simple trimming of the nail plate, you can attract good news, improve the state of the nervous system and psyche, find peace and satisfaction, get rid of confused thoughts and confusion in business.

Thursday helps to increase self-esteem and gain self-confidence. Researchers believe that regularly cutting your nails on this day of the week will help prolong your life. Well, you can check it out!

Friday- a day when you shouldn’t cut your nails. There is a risk of slowing down the body's biological rhythms. In addition, you can incur grief and sadness.

Saturday ideal for making your hands beautiful: health is improved, karma is cleared, manicure procedures will speed up the discovery of your other half.

Sunday- a day off not only for people, but also for the body. You should not perform cosmetic procedures on this day. As the body gains energy for the coming week, there is no need to interfere with this process.

Morning, afternoon or evening

Not only the lunar calendar and the characteristics of the day of the week indicate when you can cut your nails without harm to health and karma. The time of day also matters. It turns out that cutting your hair in the evening is a bad omen; it causes losses. And there is an explanation for this: previously, kerosene lamps, lamps, and candles were used to illuminate houses, which gave very weak light. In the evening the room was quite dim. Therefore, if a person started cutting his nails in the evening, as a rule, he received a large number of injuries. Accordingly, in the future they could fester, which caused some discomfort, and manual work became almost impossible or was performed poorly. This entailed a decrease in financial wealth during the recovery period.

In addition, medicine was in its infancy, so small cuts could lead to general infection of the body, which could lead to dire consequences. That is why they tried not to perform hygienic procedures using sharp objects in the dark.

Thus, these signs have come down to us from generation to generation. Of course, now they are no longer relevant: home lighting and medicine are at the proper level, so there is no reason to fear bad consequences. When is the best time to cut your nails, decide for yourself. Morning, afternoon or evening - in fact, it doesn’t matter.

What the dream book says

Many people look for signs in their night visions. They can be any event that occurs in a dream. Why do you dream of cutting your nails?

In general, cutting nails means doing some kind of work for which you won’t get paid much. The more fingers processed, the more cases will have to be resolved. When you don’t see any scraps and things happen evenly and smoothly in a dream, there is a chance that the problems will be solved by themselves if you don’t focus on them. If the remains of the marigolds are visible, you will have to make a little effort to solve the tasks.

If a manicure is given to the sleeping hero himself, this may portend omissions and conflicts in the family circle. If the process is painful, these situations can hurt you.

Another thing to dream about is cutting your nails - to losses of various meanings. Some confusion in personal life and business. This is a harbinger of illness or a difficult situation. If you cut your own nails and threw them away, this means peace and tranquility.

It is necessary to make a reservation that dream books are very subjective sources, the meanings in them do not always coincide. Therefore, advice: believe those in which the explanations are more positive.

How to be

If you believe in signs, dreams and calendars, choose the most favorable day according to them. Is it possible to cut your nails on a particular day? What time? Don’t get hung up on one source, check several and, as they say, find 10 differences. Signs and beliefs are already outdated and have no explanation in our time. Therefore, feel free to use your head when making such a decision, or better yet, do a manicure as needed, because this is an important rule of hygiene, failure to comply with which can lead to unpleasant consequences that the dream book will not predict and the astrologer will not explain.

If toenails are trimmed incorrectly, it can not only damage the nail plate, but also cause ingrown toenails, lead to cuts and other microtraumas, which often result in inflammation and suppuration. Getting rid of such ailments is not easy: you have to spend a lot of time, effort and money. To prevent the development of such problems, it is very important to know how to cut your toenails correctly.

Toenails are usually much harder and stronger than fingernails, so they need to be steamed before trimming. To do this, place your feet in a bowl of very warm water and keep there for about fifteen minutes. If desired, you can prepare a bath with an infusion of chamomile or medicinal herbs, which have a positive effect on the skin and make it healthier.

Before starting the procedure, or while your feet are steaming, treat the instruments used for the pedicure with disinfectants. First of all, these are manicure scissors with rounded edges, tweezers and a nail file. If this is not done, if the skin is damaged during the procedure, an infection can occur and the inflammation can subsequently be treated.

After steaming your feet, you need to wipe them dry with a towel, paying special attention to your toes and the space between them, after which you can begin the procedure. First, using scissors or tweezers (whichever is more convenient), you need to get rid of the dead skin that has formed on both sides of the nail. This must be done very carefully so as not to catch and accidentally cut off living skin. After this, you can proceed directly to the nail.

Before trimming your nail, you must keep in mind that you cannot cut it at the root: this can damage the skin. Cut toenails in small straight steps, without rounding, following the curves of the natural shape of the nail plate. The remaining sharp corners must be corrected with a nail file.

Ingrown nail

One of the problems that people often face is an ingrown toenail, when the nail plate, due to improper pedicure, fungal infection, tight shoes or other factors, grows into the side of the nail fold.

At first, the problem does not bother you, but after a while the picture changes: severe pain, inflammation, swelling, redness, and suppuration occur. The toe becomes deformed and increases in size, causing the shoes to become tight and interfere with walking.

When faced with a problem, it is necessary to keep in mind that the sooner you start treatment, the easier it is to solve the problem, and in the first stages you can cope with the situation yourself. To do this, you need to make a foot bath by adding a furatsilin tablet per liter of water to the water (you can replace it with a tablespoon of salt or soda). Having steamed your feet well, you can try to carefully cut off the ingrown part of the nail.

In a more advanced case, if pus appears, you need to treat the inflamed area with hydrogen peroxide, then lubricate the inflamed area with Levomekol or Syntimycin ointment, wrap it in polyethylene and go to bed. Then in the morning try to remove the ingrown toenail from the skin.

To do this, it is good to steam your feet in very warm water. Using a file with a pointed end or a wooden spatula, carefully pry up the ingrown tip, pull it out, and then cut or file it.

Naturally, before the procedure you need to remember to treat the nail file or spatula with an antiseptic. Lubricate the treated part of the finger with iodine, brilliant green, or apply ointment to prevent infection from entering the wound.

In advanced cases or if the problem cannot be solved on your own (there is more pus, the finger bleeds), in order to get rid of the ingrown nail, you need to consult a doctor. One of the more effective, but also expensive, means is a laser, which acts precisely without causing harm to the skin and nail plate. After treating the nail plate with it, the likelihood of relapse is minimal.