Chamomile crochet patterns for beginners. Master class “Daisies from threads. Chamomile from a plastic bottle

Chamomile do it yourself can become a decoration for your home or an element of landscape design, decoration for a flower bed or front garden. With your own hands, you can make a paper bouquet or decorate with snow-white flowers gift box or a basket. A real craftswoman has many ideas on how to use flowers created by her own hands. The main thing is that it is not at all necessary to buy expensive materials for such crafts, for example, for garden flowers you can use waste material- plastic bottles and disposable spoons.

Do-it-yourself daisies from bottles

Do-it-yourself daisies from plastic bottles will help you decorate a garden, garden or playground without spending money from the family budget. Even if you decide for the first time to try yourself in a new kind of creativity using waste material, then you will make this beautiful flower in a few minutes, and you will not need any special tools or special work skills.

Plastic containers that usually ended up in garbage can, will now acquire new life and will become a real decoration of your blooming garden. plastic flowers will delight you with their lush flowering at any time of the year and in any weather, in addition, plastic perfectly withstands difficult weather conditions without losing its shape and color, so the chamomile will remain snow-white and neat for a long time.

Since the petals should be white, we also need to choose the appropriate color for the plastic, empty bottles of dairy products - yogurt, milk or kefir - are ideal. To create, the container must first be thoroughly rinsed. Do not throw away the bottle caps, they will be useful to us for decorating the core of the flower, and if necessary, we can paint them yellow.

Now you can start executing daisies from bottles with their own hands: cut off the bottom of a clean, dry bottle. Only the neck and half of the bottle will be used for the flower. The neck will serve as a base connecting all the petals together, and the petals must be cut so that they turn out to be neat, rounded, it is desirable that they all be the same size and shape, so you can first draw the plastic with a felt-tip pen. Between the petals there should be small indents.

How to make a chamomile from a bottle with your own hands

The finished petals should also be slightly bent, which will give them natural form. For one flower, you need to use several bottles, and the flower itself is formed into several layers of petals, so it turns out to be voluminous. Despite the simplicity of the design itself, the flower really turns out to be beautiful, neat and unique.

Several layers must be put on the neck, arranging them in a checkerboard pattern, and then tighten the lid, so that all layers will be securely fixed. The lid itself should be painted yellow acrylic paint, and wire can be used to form the stem.

It is advisable to "plant" such field daisies in a green area where their stems would be hidden by greenery. In addition, you can group several buds into one lush bouquet that will decorate your garden. Such flowers can be used to decorate the site in kindergarten or flower beds on the street near your entrance. Of course, after some time (1-2 years) the plastic will lose its color, in which case you can “plant” other plants, also made with your own hands from improvised materials.

Do-it-yourself chamomile from a plastic bottle

Now you know what is easy to do chamomile from plastic bottle do it yourself even for a beginner, but in front of you there is another available junk material that can be used for such crafts that can decorate your garden or flower bed.

In this case, we also have to work with plastic, but, unlike the master class, how to make a chamomile from a bottle with your own hands, there is no need to cut each petal separately, worrying about its shape and size. We will already have all the petals ready, and our task is to form a magnificent beautiful wild flower from them. We will use disposable plastic spoons, you can buy a pack of new spoons or wash the ones that have already been used during the picnic. For the core, we need yellow plastic cover, and for decoration of the sepals - a container of light green color. In the process, we will also need scissors, wire cutters, a glue gun, a soldering iron and a candle. To decorate the finished flower, or rather its stem, we need a wire.

The spoon will be the petal of our future snow-white flower, they need to bite off the handles with wire cutters, leaving 1-2 cm for attaching to the core. In the yellow wide lid, it is necessary to make holes in two rows, into which the handles of plastic spoons must pass. In order to make holes, it is convenient to use a soldering iron.

Petals should be staggered, so the holes for them should be located accordingly. The petals should be inserted into the prepared slots, and in order to ensure their secure fixation in the middle, the inner part can be additionally filled with silicone glue.

It remains only to arrange the sepals do-it-yourself daisies from plastic bottles, step by step we will look at the process of creating a stem. First, the neck and bottom must be cut off from the plastic container, and the straight part cut into a spiral, which we will then use to wrap the stem. Then cut out the leaves of the sepals from the neck and give them a natural shape by melting them over the flame of a candle.

Next, the wire must be wrapped in a spiral, holding it over the candle flame so that the plastic fits snugly against the stem. At the end, we attach the sepals to the stem, and fix the end of the wire on the inside of the lid, fixing it with glue. Ready-made daisies can be "planted" in a flower bed or decorate a flower pot with them.

DIY paper daisies

You can decorate an apartment with a beautiful and delicate field bouquet if you follow do-it-yourself paper daisies. For example, corrugation helps to convey the fine structure of snow-white petals, so we will use it for work.

For one flower, we need the following set of materials: a rectangle of white corrugation measuring 15 by 4 cm, green corrugation for the stem and sepals, yellow yarn for decorating the core, teip tape and a piece of floral wire. In the process of the master class, you will also need scissors and glue, as well as paper clips.

To make a daisy out of paper with your own hands, we must start from the middle, for which we will use yellow threads. It is necessary to make several turns around the fingers - 15-20, so that the middle turns out to be magnificent. The number of turns also depends on the thickness of the yarn itself, so calculate the number of turns yourself. The resulting coils should be tied in the middle with thin cotton threads yellow color. Next, you need to cut the loops of yarn on one side with scissors, and we will get a lush core. The other side of the middle must be attached to the wire, fixing it with glue.

A bunch of yellow yarn should be tied to the wire with tape, and then decorate a piece of wire with tape to the very bottom. After the stem and the middle are ready, you can proceed to the design of the bud, but first you need to cut the petals.

The corrugation must be cut into rectangles 15x4 cm, put several of these strips together to make it more convenient to cut to form several of these buds at once. The layers must be fastened together with paper clips and the petals cut out so that their length is 3.5 cm, and the distance between them is at least 0.5 cm. The edges of the petals should be rounded, and then slightly stretched with your fingers to give them a natural shape. So we can cut out many petals for our flower at once, they are all located on the same strip, and when we did it with our own hands, then each petal was cut out separately.

The resulting strip must be wrapped around the middle to make two rows of petals, and then make a sepal from the green corrugation.

You can create by adding other paper wildflowers to daisies: poppies and cornflowers.

DIY daisies: master class

Make your own chamomile maybe from beads. Beginners can take advantage of the master class, which describes in detail the techniques in which flowers can be made, including chamomile.

With such a flower, you can start your acquaintance with a new type of creativity for yourself - beading with color, and soon you will want to learn more complex techniques, for example, french weave.

For this craft, you can use low quality beads, for example, made in China. One chamomile turns out to be about 4 cm in diameter. For weaving, you will definitely need wire and scissors, as well as a circle of plastic for decorating the core and attaching the prepared petals.

One petal will be a trefoil, for which it is necessary to cut a piece of wire 25 cm long. For the first and third loops, it is necessary to string 3.5 cm of beads, and for the central one - 4 cm, make a loop from each fragment. When three loops are formed, both ends of the wire should be twisted. It turned out the first blank, which only needs to be made seven pieces. Separately, you should make a sepal, which consists of nine loops.

As a base, we will use a plastic circle (it can be cut from any container). Holes must be made along the contour - seven pieces for blanks, try to keep the same distance between the holes. Insert a wire into these holes, screw the sepals into the bottom side.

Children can make simple appliqués using various templates to cut out the finished petals. Preschoolers and schoolchildren will watch with particular interest how their mother performs neat do-it-yourself daisies, master class it will also allow them to master a new kind of creativity.

I've always liked wildflowers. There is something original, free in them. Their unpretentious simple beauty captivates at first sight. And daisies have a special charm. These delicate white flowers conquer with their simplicity and grace. I propose to crochet these charming flowers. I prepared samples of two different daisies. They are both beautiful and gentle, and I can't decide which one is better. I think you will like both flowers as much as I do.

It seems to me that chamomile #1 is more mischievous, fabulous (6 petals), and chamomile #2 is more realistic.
I received a lot of feedback and comments on social media. networks, and came to the conclusion that you like Chamomile No. 2 more.
I think that such a flower will look very nice on a hat, and according to many of you, the combination of both daisies will look very harmonious on any product.
So, let's start knitting the chamomile you like No. 2:

We will need:

  • wool yarn in yellow and white.
  • hook number 4
  • tapestry needle

Designations:“Magic ring” - we turn the thread around the finger, we stretch the thread through the resulting loop with the help of a hook, we make the VP - we get the first loop. Magic ring. Then again, through the ring on the finger, we stretch the thread and stretch it through both loops on the hook (like a regular sc). This is the second loop. There should be 6 such loops. Pull the tail, tightening the ring. P / RLS - half single crochet RLS - single crochet P / CH - half double crochet CH - double crochet S2N - double crochet 12 petal chamomile: start with a yellow thread ... "Magic ring", 1 ch and make 6 sc in the ring, connecting loop, 1 ch
Round 2: 2 sc in each st of round (12 sts) in white yarn... Round 3: Ch 8, *S2D in 4th ch from hook, S2D in next ch, dc in next ch, st/dn in next ch, sc in last ch. We connect P / RLS with the 2nd loop of the second circle and dial 8 VP, repeat from * to the end of the circle. You should have 12 petals. We fix the thread, cut and hide the ends of the yarn. If your petals are a little curled, straighten them out a bit and iron them out. The petals should overlap slightly.

6 petal chamomile: Starting with yellow yarn ... "Magic ring", 1 ch and work 6 sc in the ring, connecting post, 1 VP Circle 2: 2 sc in each loop of the circle, connecting column (12 loops)) Change the color to white and dial 1 VP ... Circle 3: RLS in each loop of the circle, connecting column (12 loops) at this moment we stick out the middle a little Round 4: ch 10, * dc in 4th ch from hook, dc in next ch, dc in next 2 chs, rp/dc in next 2 chs, sc in last ch, skip 1 st of round 3, in next dc, 10 VP and repeat from * in a circle until you get 6 petals.

DIY paper daisies both adults and children like to do it, because everyone really likes this cute wild flower with a yellow center. You can create very attractive bouquets from simple and affordable material with your own hands, make applications and other crafts, for example, you can create paper daisies for Mother's Day.

Craft chamomile with your own hands from paper

1 option

Most simple options you can do with the kids - such a pastime will unite the family, serve the development fine motor skills child, and also create a good mood.

Cut out a couple of yellow circles (the diameter should be 3 cm), as well as 9 strips 1.3 cm wide and 10 cm long.

Glue all the stripes with loops using PVA glue. Then glue the loops one by one onto the yellow core. When all the petal loops are glued, a second circle should be fixed on top of them.

By the way, by the same principle, you can make do-it-yourself large paper daisies, for this the size of the parts should be proportionally increased. With such large flowers, you can decorate a children's room or a summer cottage by hanging them on threads.

Option 2

One of the most simple ways make a daisy out of paper. You only need to cut the blanks according to the template and glue the cores to them.

Chamomile patterns.

By the way, chamomile can only be white color.

3 option

You can choose another option that will look a little more realistic. First of all, you need to cut out a white paper circle (choose a diameter such that you get just the size of the future flower).

In the center, put a dot with a pencil and draw a circle with lines dividing it into equal parts. Cut along the drawn lines of the petals. They will certainly need to be shaped - for this, first cut off the rounding on one side, and then on the other.

Using a blunt object, push the center through - this will help the petals rise, then twist them with a stick or pencil.

Corrugated paper is useful for making the core - it should first be cut into small squares, and then rolled into lumps and glued a few pieces to the center.

Such flowers can be used for a variety of applications and postcards for birthdays and March 8th.

Can be slightly modified this way manufacturing and make another middle.

Cut out paper strip(it should be quite dense), its width should be only 5-6 mm, but the length should be 30 cm. Along the entire length, it is necessary to cut the fringe with scissors, and then wind it onto a toothpick. Be sure to glue the tip, because then the fringe can unwind. Then fluff the finished middle and coat with PVA on the reverse side. It remains only to glue the middle to the already finished flower part (we already explained how to do it earlier).

A child can also make a gift to his mother with his own hands - a paper camomile, such a voluminous flower is made quite simply.


4 option

DIY paper camomile - modular origami master class

With the help of technology modular origami you can make a wide variety of figures - buildings, animals, objects, and, of course, flowers. Such handmade creations consist of specially folded paper modules By the way, even a child can put together such details.

For work, 63 white and 42 yellow modules should be prepared in advance, their dimensions should be 6 by 4 cm. For the 1st and 2nd rows, you will need to take 14 pieces of yellow ones, they should be connected to each other along the long side. Do the same with the 3rd row, only close the circle at the end to make the center of the flower. For the 4th row, use 14 white pieces, then proceed to the set of petals. For each, you need to take 7 pieces - first of all, take 1 blank module, put 2 pieces on it, then 1 piece, and then again 2 and 1 piece.

Make 7 petals in this way, put them on the middle of both modules. At the very end, you need to wrap a green paper or teip strip around cocktail tube and insert it into a bud. Be sure to start designing from paper - a bouquet of daisies will be your reward for all the work you have spent.

5 option

Do-it-yourself daisies from corrugated paper

Corrugated paper will help you get very realistic products, because thanks to its structure, quite elastic and folded, you will get a flower that looks almost like a real one! Even a novice master will be quite capable of such a task, which is why you can involve children in the work.

It is required to cut a strip 10 cm wide from a sheet of yellowish corrugated paper. Stretch it with your hands several times, do it carefully - in the end it should become about twice as wide. Fold it in half and, starting from each fold, cut to half, while the width of each cut should be 2-3 mm. This is how you should cut the entire rectangle. Unfold a piece of corrugated paper and coat it well with PVA, then fold it in half to allow the halves to stick together. Glue the uncut part again with glue and wrap the material around the tip of the bamboo stick - you have a core.

Cut out a white corrugated rectangle with dimensions of 50 by 10 cm. It needs to be folded several times to make a bundle about 8 cm wide. Cut the petals into a trapezoid shape, making incomplete cuts. Then the strip should be unfolded and rounded with scissors for each petal. Run your thumb and forefinger over each petal, doing this 1 carefully so as not to damage the material - this will allow the workpiece to become more embossed. After that, coat the uncut part with PVA and wind it on the already prepared bamboo stick circle after circle. We advise you to especially carefully soak the material on the last turn with glue so that the flower from corrugated paper the chamomile has not fallen apart. Cut a strip 1-1.5 cm wide (use green corrugated paper), also grease it with PVA and wind it spirally around the stem stick. In the end, you should get do-it-yourself paper daisies, make a cute bouquet.

6 option

Do-it-yourself chamomile from paper - photo

And here's another one interesting option for which corrugated paper should be used. First of all, you should make the middle of the flower - for this, use yellow yarn. Wrap two folded fingers of the hand with threads, make 14-15 turns Remove the winding and drag with sewing thread, cut off one side of the turns with scissors to get fluffy stamens. Plant the thread core on the floristic wire and fix it with teip tape.

7 option

Make a paper daisy with your own hands

You can also use elements of the quilling technique to create a modest wild flower. For the manufacture of the core and stem, take yellow and green quilling strips 3 mm wide. Cut the first ones with a fringe (2 pieces will be needed in total). Of course, this occupation will require from you a due share of patience and perseverance. Twist the roll, make it convex and fill it with glue. Wrap the wire with green corrugated paper. Transform 2.5 strips of the same color into a roll. Also make it convex, coat it with glue from the inside and attach the resulting cup to the stem.

Glue the white corrugation, wait for it to dry, and then iron it using a heated iron. Use do-it-yourself daisies from paper template and cut out a couple of blanks.

To shape the petals, use reverse side scissors.

Now you need to start assembling the craft. Glue one white part to the middle and squeeze lightly around it, then do the same with the second. "Plant" a flower in a cup. Coat with glue and lightly press the center into the cup. Fold the green corrugated paper in half, cut out the leaves and glue to the stem.

8 option

Do-it-yourself paper daisies - quilling patterns

To make the middle of a quilling chamomile, use the same method as in the previous master class, then proceed to making petals, just for large flower you will need 19 pieces, you can make more or less as you wish. Of course, this is how many quilling strips 60 cm long and 3 mm wide you should prepare.

Screw a strip on the awl, then remove the roll. This manipulation should be done carefully, because the winding can jump off and unwind. After you remove the winding, you need to dissolve it a little, and glue the end of the ribbon with the most ordinary PVA or silicate glue. Then pinch from one side and give a teardrop shape. Similarly, make the number of quilling petals you need.

You can make leaves in exactly the same way, or you can use another method using large teeth of a flat comb. To do this, wind the ribbon around the comb, remove it carefully and glue the lower end. The composition will look more advantageous if the leaves have different parameters, which is why it is worth taking strips different lengths 30-80 cm, the width should be 5 mm.

Now you can begin to collect the composition. It is best to use a cardboard sheet of a contrasting color as a substrate, but if it matches the daisies in shade, then it is advisable to tint it a little first.

Lubricate the lower part of the petals with glue and glue to the sheet in the right order, then glue the core on top. Glue the leaf blanks together in 7 pieces to make a whole leaf. If you want the composition to look more voluminous, then glue both the leaves and the petals only at the base. If you wish, the picture can be supplemented with multi-colored butterflies, also created using the quilling technique.

A few more options for do-it-yourself bouquets of daisies - photo.

Simon Svetlana

Good day, Dear colleagues and friends!

I bring to your attention Master Class« Daisies from threads» .

To create such we need daisies:

Threads for knitting in three colors (yellow, white, green, woolen;

PVA glue or acrylic, you can even glue - a pencil;

Simple pencil;

Stencil daisies;

Wax crayons;



We draw a stencil on a sheet of paper daisies. Stencil daisies should be large, on the entire sheet of paper. We need to prepare the threads by cutting them into small pieces.

First, draw along the contour with glue, and put a thread of a certain color on the glue.

First we sprinkled the middle daisies in yellow.

Then gradually apply glue to each petal chamomile, without going beyond the contour-thread laid along the circled stencil.

Immediately sprinkle with a white thread to make each petal voluminous.

leaflets daisies sprinkled with chopped green thread.

Here are our daisies are ready.

With wax crayons we made a background around our daisies.

We put our picture in a frame and sent it to participate in the competition.

Before performing this work, preliminary work was carried out.

We learned poems about chamomile. We talked about field and garden daisies. Learned riddles about these flowers.

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