Almond shaped nail extensions. Natural elegance of almond nails. Design ideas and fashion trends

Industry nail service Today I turned my attention to the almond shape of my nails. They are considered not only fashionable, but also feminine. In addition, it is an excellent basis for different techniques manicure Our article today is dedicated to one of best practices nail design - French.

Nuances of the form

A feature of almond-shaped nails is the smoothness and roundness of the lines. Today, such nail plates are processed, trying to smooth out sharp corners and irregularities as much as possible. The ideal nail shape should be almond-shaped, although it may tend to be longer. On short nails it is problematic to recreate the desired shape, because the tip should not be too sharp.

Ideally, the free edge of the nail should be at least half a centimeter. Creating an almond shape yourself is not easy, because it must be the same on all ten nails. To do this, you need to take into account the proportions and try to maintain a smooth shape. In general, almond-shaped nails are great for any fingers. It not only ennobles them, but also creates the effect of lengthening and thinning.

Varieties of French

French manicure can be different. IN classic version this is the flesh-colored background of the base and the white arched stripe framing the top edge. Moreover, today the shape of the bow can be very diverse. On almond-shaped nails it is usually thicker than on straight nails, since it looks more aesthetically pleasing. The trick of the classic French is the fact that due to the naturalness of the main pigment, it looks neat for a long time, and therefore does not immediately require correction when it grows back.

There is also a so-called incorrect French design or design using color solutions that go beyond natural color basics. For this design, all colors of the palette can be used, including pastel, neutral and rich groups. The only thing that is not welcome today is acid French, so sharp neon tones in design are extremely rare.

Anti-French is another variety of French manicure. On almond-shaped nails, this option looks especially beautiful, as it visually enhances the shape of the nail plates. Essentially this is reverse French: the smile in it is not located on top, but at the base of the nail, in the cuticle area. This kind of French manicure is sometimes confused with a moon manicure, but the two techniques still have differences: in an anti-French manicure, the arch frames the nail plate, while in a manicure with holes it creates the effect of an overgrown nail.

Features of expressiveness

Today you can often see a French jacket generously sprinkled with all kinds of decor. This approach to decorating the basic technique is erroneous. According to the latest fashion trends, you cannot complicate the design, much less decorate all your fingernails without exception. This makes the manicure more colorful, but loses its status.

The abundance of monotony brings boredom to female image instead of improving it. The matter will not be saved by the use of either expensive hybrid varnishes or breathtaking decor. To avoid mistakes, you can take a closer look at the sample designs experienced craftsmen who run their channels on YouTube. The best designs have no more than three or four accents.

Moreover, if the master chooses a drawing for a design, he does not complicate it with a scattering of sparkling decor. There is no need for impressive layers of one material on top of another, such as, for example, using more than 10 layers of multi-colored pigments for an accent nail. You need to understand that the basic principle of expressiveness is based on the unity of a correctly chosen tone, a small design and a sense of air. In other words, anything unnecessary is unacceptable.

Design options

An expressive French manicure on almond-shaped nails can be created in different ways:

  • you can take a flesh color as a basis, spray it along the upper edge with mother-of-pearl, and decorate the accent with a simple pattern;
  • A reverse type jacket, made to match a gradient in related tones, will look beautiful;

  • You can create a reverse type jacket using small rhinestones or tiny crystals;
  • you can make a French jacket using the negative space technique, maintaining the effect of a smile with unpainted arches;

  • A French jacket with an asymmetrical smile design will look beautiful;
  • the classic design option can be diversified with an accent with acrylic sand and crystals;

  • An option with a nude base and a black bow, decorated with sparkling decor and a simple pattern, will also look chic;
  • the reverse jacket can be distinguished by an asymmetrical lower bow and emphasized with a dotted pattern;
  • in search of new solutions, you can design a smile as a transverse line in the center nail plate, while making accents in a floral theme.

Types of materials

Today, you can use different “nail” products for French hair. The most relevant, ensuring the durability of the coating, are special gels and gel varnishes. Looks great in designs different types matte and glossy pigments. Jelly, chameleon, magnetic, and temperature varieties of varnish are suitable for decoration.

Matte gel polish is considered the rage today. It can not only have the usual matte effect, but also reproduce the illusion of fabric. For example, this feature allows you to turn even the most laconic design of almond-shaped nails into a chic evening manicure with high status. You can buy products in suede, velor, satin and velvet.

How to decorate?

Each design is decorated based on the characteristics of its purpose, the selected types of coatings, the size of the nail plates and the style of clothing that the woman adheres to. Decorating a French jacket is fashionable today:

  • various designs;
  • transfer stickers;
  • transfer-type manicure foil;
  • broths and kamifubuki;
  • rhinestones or crystals;
  • ready-made stencils or stamping;
  • acrylic sand or flock powder.

Nails almond-shaped provide plenty of room for design. They are chosen by many beauties around the world, due to the convenience and femininity of this shape. It’s worth figuring out how to do this manicure yourself at home, and considering the most current design options.

Features of almond-shaped nails

The almond shape is something between an oval and stilettos. In order for this manicure to look laconic, the free edge should be quite long. Moreover, although the tip is pointed, it is not as thin and elongated as that of stilettos.

The peculiarity of this type is its versatility and durability. The free edge will not cling to objects and also cause inconvenience when working around the house. You are also not limited in the choice of design as, for example, in the case of short oval nails.

Who is it suitable for?

Beautiful long pointed nails will suit any body type and fingers. The thing is that such a natural shape visually lengthens the fingers, which makes the image elegant and delicate. It is especially worth taking a closer look at this form for ladies with chubby hands. In their case, a square is contraindicated, but almonds will come in handy. At the same time, even the impressive length of the free edge will not look pretentious (as with stilettos).

As for the psychological portrait of the owner of an almond shape, psychologists say that this nail design is chosen by girls who are energetic and perky. If you want to make such an impression, then be sure to try this manicure.

Performance technique

When cutting out this shape, the master pays great attention to the arched bend. It is easy to see if you look at the nail in a horizontal position from the free edge. The final result will depend on how the bend is performed. Although the shape is pointed, it should not lack a natural C-shaped arch.

An almond-shaped nail can be achieved in several ways.(like others). If your nails grow poorly, peel and break, then you can resort to extensions. But most girls choose a different method - using shellac to strengthen the nail plate. The fact is that additional protection of the nail from breaks helps to grow the desired length. The main advantage will be the natural thickness and shape of the nail itself.

It’s worth considering step by step how to achieve this shape at home.

  • Remove old nail polish. If you have shellac, you will need a special device or foil.
  • Get your nails done. Here we will not describe in detail all its stages. You yourself know that it is necessary to remove the cuticle, hangnails and polish the nail plate itself.
  • The length should be quite long (equal in size or greater than the length of the nail bed itself). Cut the free edge at a right angle. So, you will get a perfect square. It is better to do this with sharp nippers. In this case, the cut will be smooth.

  • Next, you need to arm yourself with a rough file and cut out a trapezoidal shape, that is, the tip should not be too sharp. It is from this form that it is easiest to obtain almonds in the future. For this stage, you can take a rather rough file, as this will speed up the process. Do not use scissors or wire cutters to create a trapezoid. One awkward move will ruin your entire manicure.
  • We take a more delicate file and round off our tip. On the one hand, it should be quite thin, but not go to the point. A slight rounding distinguishes the almond shape from stilettos.
  • At the final stage of creating the form, you will need to sand the edges and the nail itself. Carefully remove dust from fingers and nails. After this, you can begin applying the base coat.

Secrets of specialists

Masters of their craft know how to create an almond shape even from an oval. This will be necessary if you do not want to lose length. Of course, there are fewer preliminary steps here, so you don't have to make a square first, but it's worth taking into account that it will be more difficult to make all the nails identical. So, take a rough file and file the free edge at an angle, tapering it towards the end. The difficulty is that you have to work by eye. Therefore, make sure that the slope and height are the same on all nails.

When working with extended nails, do not use clippers. When biting, the remaining free edge may be damaged or cracked, so you will have to cut it out with a rough file, which will take more time, but you will not ruin the manicure.

Design ideas and fashion trends

All the variety of almond-shaped nail design options is simply impossible to describe. It all depends on your personal preferences and imagination. No one limits you in creating completely unique and inimitable designs. Worth considering modern ideas design.

  • Plain nails. This design option is always appropriate. A huge advantage is the ease of its creation. Even a beginner can cope with a monochromatic manicure. If you practice and put in the effort, it will invariably turn out neat and beautiful. The choice of shade depends on the range in which your wardrobe is made. If there is no special unity in it, then you should choose neutral nude shades or classic light tones.

  • Contrasting combinations. A manicure done in contrasting shades looks very bright, and you don’t need to have any special skills. It will be enough to cover different nails in the selected shades. By its nature, the execution technique is no different from a single-color coating. One has only to take into account that different varnishes may have different texture. But this can also be beneficial if you plan to cover some nails with a simple gloss, and others with small splashes or sparkles.

  • Monochrome options. If bright combinations are not for you, but you still want to diversify your manicure, then you can consider a monochrome palette. The shades will differ in their saturation and brightness, while remaining within the same range. For example, it could be blue and blue or beige and brown. How exactly to combine them is up to you. You can fit several tones on one finger or provide a different color for each nail.
  • Mirror. This option is at the peak of popularity today. Many are afraid to implement it on their own nails because of its particular brightness or strict dress code at work. But even here a compromise can be found. Focus on only one of the fingers. So, you will add originality to the manicure, but keep it calm general form. In this case, it is important to choose the right companion varnish that will be on the rest of the nails.

It should perfectly match both your outfit and the mirrored nail you’ve focused on. The easiest way is to use a rub, then the varnish on all nails can be the same.

  • Broken glass. This is an interesting and unusual effect that is created through the use of a special film. It is cut into arbitrary elements of irregular shape and has a mother-of-pearl surface. When they are placed on the nail close to each other, the illusion is created that there are real fragments on the nail. At the same time, the overall appearance does not lose its restraint. This manicure can be done even for everyday wear. If there is a celebration ahead, then a soft shine on the nails will be very useful.
  • Chaotic strokes. First you need to select the main background color. These can be both light and dark tones. The difference will be in the end result. In the first case, the manicure will look more delicate and feminine, while in the second it will not be devoid of brightness and originality. The master simply covers the nails in one tone, and then applies large strokes in a chaotic manner so that the stripes are visible. To achieve the greatest effect, you can use several shades at once for the strokes themselves.

  • Matte. Nobility and elegance matte manicure will always be on top. For many years, women had to settle for only glossy textures. Today, any of the available varnishes (or shellacs) can be transformed at the final stage by choosing a matte top as the last layer. The main disadvantage of matte manicure is its soilability. And if on dark shades It will be almost imperceptible, then light solutions will get dirty very quickly. It will not be easy to wash off this dust from this coating.

  • Rhinestones. It seems that there are no girls who would be indifferent to these sparkling stones. It is enough to add just a few things to the nail and the manicure will sparkle in a completely new way. You can’t do without them when creating a festive or wedding manicure. Masters of their craft actively use rhinestones when painting nails. With their help you can easily complete the pattern or decorate the created drawing.

  • Glitter. They can be either included in the varnish itself or applied separately. In the latter case, you are free to choose in which part of the nail and in what quantities they will be located on your nail. With their help you can do unusual jacket, and even a gradient. Shiny tips will invariably attract attention and delight their owner.

  • Divorces. To create them you will need several shades of varnish at once. Almost all techniques for creating streaks involve painting on wet varnish. It is very convenient in this case to use gel polish. It hardens only in a UV lamp, which means you don’t have to rush to create the desired pattern. If you have never created such a design yourself, then first practice on a regular sheet of paper. Just drop a few drops of each of the available varnishes, and then use a thin brush (you can try a regular toothpick) to make a few streaks.

Interestingly, here you can experiment and drip one drop onto another or place them side by side.

  • Monograms. Beautiful curved lines with rounded ends create a very unusual manicure. Depending on the quantity and shade, such designs can be very delicate and airy, or luxurious. Manicurists are specially trained in this technique, so it seems that repeating such a design will not be difficult. But don't rush to conclusions. Before you start drawing monograms on your own nails, try repeating them on a regular sheet of paper. To create them, you will need a thin brush, since it will not be possible to repeat thin lines with a regular one.

  • Geometry. These can be all kinds of rhombuses and intersections in a chaotic or strict order. This type of design also includes striped manicure. In this case, the width and number of stripes vary at will. To ensure that the lines are clear and even, use a special adhesive tape for manicure. Simply place it on your nail in the desired direction and draw a line (or lines). After this it should be removed. Although there is a special decorative duct tape, in this case you will simply need to apply it in the desired direction and cut off the excess with scissors.
  • French. This is a classic design that has many variations today. Fashionistas are already tired of its traditional execution in nude tones. Therefore, while maintaining the technology of its implementation, they choose absolutely unexpected combinations. These may also be black tips when neutral tone, and gold edging with a bright base color of the nail plate. No one limits your choice.

  • Lunar manicure. It is often combined with a French manicure, since these areas of the nail have a different shade. But you can limit yourself to simply highlighting the area at the base (which has the shape of a month) in a different color. If this option seems rather boring to you, then you can consider moon manicure as a basis for creating interesting drawings. Rhinestones, glitter or kamifubuki will also add brightness to it.
  • Lace and veil. What could be more delicate and feminine than thin lace. By transferring it to your own nails, you will provide yourself with a romantic mood and a seductive image. Drawing delicate intricacies of threads in a small area is quite difficult. Therefore, manufacturers have provided special films and stickers that imitate this fabric. All you have to do is cut out and place the element on your finger and secure it with a top. The location of the lace can be absolutely any. It can cover the entire nail or decorate only its edge.

  • Kamifubuki. Bright little circles, reminiscent of sunbeams, will certainly cheer you up even on a gloomy autumn day. You can place them on the nail in any order. You can create the illusion of a waterfall or sun glare on the water. If we place them in large quantities at the base, and towards the tip reduce their presence to a minimum, you will get an interesting color transition effect (ombre).
  • Marble. It seems impossible to replicate such a complex natural pattern. Moreover, it should be realistic. But modern manicurists can do this too. There are several techniques for doing it. The simplest is to use a special film. The design has already been applied to it, all you have to do is attach it to the nail. A more labor-intensive process is painting the marble pattern with a brush, but the effect is worth it.

At home, you can try using varnishes of various shades and regular film. Just drop a few drops nearby, apply the film and move a little. The stains will mix and form blurry stains.

  • Flowers. Floral motifs are more suitable for summer and spring. If you want to decorate your nails with a juicy rose in winter, no one will forbid you to do this. The so-called snowy or frosty flowers will also look interesting. A small flower on your ring finger will remind everyone (including those at work) of the romantic nature of your nature, because a woman should always remain a woman, even if she is a highly qualified and respected specialist.
  • Animal prints. It is on the almond shape that such bright accents will look as modest as possible. Do not think that only the well-known leopard spots and tiger stripes are in this category. This may well be an imitation of the plumage of birds of paradise.

  • Watercolor. It is almost impossible to create beautiful watercolor paintings without preparation. The peculiarity is that the main design is drawn using wet varnish. To begin with, we advise you to practice on plain paper or special forms, only after that move on to marigolds. A special film or stickers can make the task easier.
  • Volumetric drawings. To create them you will need arcyl or gel. Depending on the chosen design, the design can be laid out directly on the nail or be a blank that tilts towards the nail. The choice of theme and tone here is unlimited. These can be beautiful voluminous flowers, imitation of knitting, and even small images of birds.

This is not the first season that almond-shaped nails have been a trend that should not be overlooked by all those who want to follow fashionable innovations in nail art.

Since almond-shaped nails are a universal option for girls with different thicknesses of fingers, it is appropriate to do it for everyone who wants to have well-groomed nails.

In the case of full fingers almond manicure visually lengthens the fingers, and the refined handle, on which the design for almond-shaped nails is made, becomes even more graceful and fragile.

News In Time has collected for you the latest new designs for almond-shaped nails, photos, which are undeniable trends among ideas that appear in abundance every season.

Since almond nails cover almost all current nail art techniques, masters are always ready to offer ladies a manicure for almond-shaped nails 2020-2021 in a classic design, understandable and familiar techniques that implement an almond-shaped manicure design for all occasions.

A manicure with an almond shape is implemented in a non-trivial and exciting way using innovative techniques that will change your almond-shaped nails in the best possible way.

These are the kind of almond-shaped nails that girls want to wear at prom, as well as brides as wedding nail art, which will be a wonderful addition to these festive looks.

Elegant and graceful romantic ensembles, attractive and memorable looks for casual and street style, non-trivial outfits in the style of sport chic, minimalism and other styles can be complemented with new manicures for almond nails 2020-2021 and these tandems will be perfect.

What about innovation? What could an almond manicure look like 2020-2021

In order to present you with all possible design trends for almond-shaped nails, we decided to select for you successful new items and examples where almond nails look especially interesting and conceptual.

Almond-shaped nails are gorgeous with gradient ombre color transitions, which are implemented in seasonal spring-summer and autumn-winter palettes, in the first case more delicate, in the second more saturated and dark.

Check out the almond nails with creative styles of inscriptions, faces, images of animals, goodies and other design ideas, which the artist will embody on your nails using stamping techniques, design slider, sculpting and painting.

If a complex painted almond-shaped manicure is not to your taste, you can always prefer a discreet almond-shaped nail design 2020-2021 with a trendy cobweb, negative space, and smoky design.

Shimmering elements will help add luxury to almond-shaped nails, which will perfectly complement evening dress, festive Cocktail Dress, stylish elegant look with feminine skirts and blouses. Decorate your almond nails with bright confetti, rhinestones, beads, sparkles of different fractions, and foil elements.

Painting an almond-shaped manicure with a floral, branchy, leafy pattern would be appropriate in the wonderful spring-summer season, and adding snowflakes, Christmas decorations and fragile lace and monograms will be appropriate in winter.

In the fall, add a little sadness to your design for almond-shaped nails, drops of rain, the metamorphosis of falling asleep nature, which is supported by both the current autumn palette and autumn motifs.

Newfangled design for almond-shaped nails 2020-2021 - ideas for inspiration

If you carefully look at the almond-shaped manicure 2020-2021, collected in our selection of examples, you can appreciate the work of masters who are always ready for the most sophisticated experiments in best styles and techniques.

Among the examples there are sophisticated nude almond nails in an exquisite design, and a beautiful dark almond manicure, and absolutely stunning bright almond nails.

If you want color and brightness, take a closer look at the trends of geometry, color block, almond “wet on wet” nail design.

Rub options and powdery powder will help to add extraordinary shimmering notes without focusing on luxury, which perfectly reflect the individual preferences of their owner.

Combine several color combinations in one design, decorate your almond nails with shells, starfish, marine-themed designs and sliders. This almond-shaped manicure will be a great find for the beach season and summer.

In the new season, almonds appeared on nails, along with stylish abstraction, minimalist motifs, unexpected prints, intricate strokes and dots, extraordinary splashes and highlights.

In winter, examples of manicure with knitted ornaments, snowmen, birds, which are so expressive on a blue, pink, turquoise base, will come in very handy.

An inimitable almond manicure will be irresistible in any case; it can be complemented with graphics, stylish origami designs, dot patterns, bracelets and original combinations of several elements in a complex design.

On the eve of graduation, a fashionable almond-shaped manicure will interest the majority of graduates, which will be the most sought after suitable option nail art to match the dress.

We advise you to take into account the beautiful and vibrant nude almond nail art, a version with holes made of pebbles, a beautiful almond-shaped manicure with non-trivial floral stylistics and negative space.

As you can see, the choice of ideas is really large and original, so you can always be inspired by fresh nail designs by visiting this review of innovations.

Flawless almond-shaped manicure 2020-2021 – the best solution for true ladies

The almond nail shape got its name due to its similarity with the nut of the same name. Such nails do not have sharp angles, and the edge of the nail is more elongated than the base. To do an almond-shaped manicure according to all the rules, you need to grow your nails to a certain length - so that the edge is no shorter than the nail plate. Then the final result will be as clear as possible and most similar to real almonds. However, manicurists manage to recreate almonds on not very long nails, it all depends on physiological characteristics clients. Let's try to do a similar nail design at home. Moreover, the almond-shaped nail shape has not gone out of fashion for many seasons in a row and always remains a relevant basis for manicure.

But first of all, it’s worth figuring out who this design is suitable for and only then studying the question of how such a form is made. In the meantime, look at the photo examples of nail plate design, how to paint almond-shaped nails:

How to make almond nail shape

Before you make almond-shaped nails yourself, you need to determine the initial outlines of the nail plate. The almond nail shape is easiest to recreate from a square one. If your nails are a different shape, start by trimming the edge with clippers or straight-bladed scissors. The corners also need to be cut with similar scissors, you get a trapezoid. Cut the corners not at the root, but slightly retreating, so that there is no sharp transition from the nail bed to the free edge of the nail. Now we round off the newly formed four corners using a file. The main thing is not to make the edge too sharp, but at the same time it should not be too oval. The result is a figure comparable to a nut; it can also be called a droplet.

Who is this manicure suitable for?

It is also important to determine who such a manicure is suitable for and in what cases it can be used to shape stylish look. First of all, almond manicure is chosen by girls who can afford quite long nails. The slightly tapered edge makes the handle sleek and feminine, and also elongates the fingers, making it an ideal choice for a fuller or short-fingered handle. Many fashionistas refuse sharp edges, as it can be unsafe, especially for young mothers, and not every man welcomes sharp nails on the hands of his beloved. Some ladies simply cannot get used to snags in their stockings and scratches on their skin, but they still want long nails. In this case, an almond-shaped manicure will also help out.

This design option goes well with romantic and evening looks in clothes. Not very suitable for the office dress code and for representatives of certain professions (for example, doctor, nurse, hairdresser, cook, pastry chef, massage therapist).

How to gracefully and elegantly paint almond nails

Before you paint almond-shaped nails, you need to think about the future design. Such an elegant nail shape, like an almond, will endure even the most voluminous jewelry. All kinds of modeling, plastic droplets and other techniques are often used for extended nails, but you can also gracefully and elegantly decorate your own nails with something similar - both in the salon and at home. Everyone's favorite French pattern on almond-shaped nails is very common; these include both traditional color schemes and bright, impressive designs that decorate only the tip of the nail plate. If you are doing a classic French manicure, you can choose beige or pink instead of clear polish and adjust the size of the nail bed. This is a very beneficial solution for non-standard fingers. On the edge of the nail there can be both geometric patterns and floral patterns, as well as many other thematic variations that sometimes simply captivate the imagination. You can often find painting on almond nails using the coupon technique. You can decorate the entire surface of the nail with an ornament, but then its amazing shape will be less noticeable. On the contrary, if the shape of your nails is ideal, they will look quite impressive if you simply apply a bright polish of the same color to them.

Are you planning to get an almond manicure? Please note that this is quite a painstaking job, and the nails on all ten fingers must be the same shape and length. If you doubt the result, it is better to contact a specialist.

The femininity of the image largely depends on the manicure. Fashion trends in nail art are constantly changing, but the almond shape has remained in trend for several seasons in a row, becoming a classic. This is the most versatile and neat nail option. It is comfortable to wear and goes with any style of clothing and makeup.

Who is suitable for almond shaped nails?

The appearance of the manicure in question follows the contours of the nut of the same name. The nail is wider at the base, gradually narrowing into an oval, ending with a rounded, sharper free edge. If you like this design, don’t worry about who suits almond-shaped nails. The described manicure is recommended for all women. It helps to lengthen the fingers, make them thinner, gives the hands elegance and femininity, fragility.

Almond nail shape on short nails

To get the desired design, you will have to slightly grow the plates; the length of the free edge should be at least 5 mm. Almond-shaped nails gradually taper towards the ends. On very short plates cut at the root, it will not be possible to follow the contours of the nut. The almond nail shape looks very neat and stylish with a free edge of about 5 mm. It is suitable for women with thin fingers and thin hands. This design is convenient even for frequent manual work and housekeeping. The plates do not break and remain clean and well maintained for a long time.

Almond nail shape on long nails

If your hands are not subject to frequent stress, you can opt for a classic design. Almonds look beautiful on short nails, but on long nails they look more feminine and elegant. Even “children’s” chubby fingers are transformed with the presented manicure. They become longer and thinner if the almond nail shape is used, the photo below clearly demonstrates this. With the right nail art, your hands look graceful and aristocratically thin.

How to make almond shaped nails?

The visual simplicity of the described design is deceptive; it is difficult to give the plates the desired shape, especially for the first time. First, it is advisable to have your nails done almond by a manicurist, so that later you can simply maintain their shape. To give a beautiful contour, it is important to grow the plates a little and monitor their condition, if necessary, strengthen them with special oil or medicinal varnishes.

What do you need to design your nails?

Before completing the design, you should find the necessary manicure accessories. Before you make the almond nail shape, you need to prepare:

  • warm hand bath;
  • clean soft towels;
  • cuticle softener;
  • pusher or orange sticks;
  • forceps or scissors;
  • files of different grain sizes;
  • for polishing.

The almond nail shape is done mainly after acrylic or. Natural plates, especially long ones, often break, so this design is best worn with moderate free edge sizes. Files are selected depending on the quality of the nails. For extensions - coarse-grained and hard, metal devices can be used. It is advisable to treat natural plates with more gentle files with a fine coating.

Almond nail design

The shaping of the contour in question is carried out in four simple sequential steps.

How to properly design your nails in the shape of an almond:

  1. Perform a hygienic manicure. It is important to move back and remove the cuticle, pterygium (thin film at the base and periungual ridges) and hangnails in advance.
  2. Cut the free edge of the nail evenly parallel to its base to form a rectangle.
  3. File the plate on both sides, tapering it towards the end, but not to the point. As a result, the nail should have the shape of a symmetrical trapezoid.
  4. Completely round the corners of the free edge and polish the surface with a buff.

Almond shaped nail extensions

If the quality of your own plates does not allow you to obtain the described manicure, you will have to contact a specialist. The almond form is cut out after the procedure. First, standard extensions are made with gel or acrylic; the plates acquire a rectangular shape with rounding on the sides. The resulting “blanks” are shaped into almond nails, similar to the instructions given above. After manicure and filing, you can start applying nail art.

The choice of pattern and shades of coating depends on the length of the plates and personal preferences. Almond-shaped nails are a suitable “canvas” for any nail art. Discreet designs also look beautiful in pastel colors, and a gentle romantic, feminine manicure, and bright, rich colors with frilly and complex patterns. It is necessary to select nail art in accordance with the individual characteristics of clothing style, lifestyle, and makeup habits.

Manicure for long almond-shaped nails

The most simple option the coating is a monochromatic surface. Both glossy and matte finishes emphasize the elegant manicure of almond-shaped nails, their neat contours and sophistication. For work, study and everyday activities, you can choose discreet shades of varnish:

  • peach;
  • beige;
  • light pink;
  • lactic;
  • baby blue;
  • cream;
  • light lilac;
  • mint;
  • grey.

More complex almond nail designs also look beautiful in pastel colors. Looks very impressive:

  • gradient transition of colors;
  • French;
  • nail art with negative space;
  • color accents on 1-2 fingers.

The long almond nail shape lends itself to unusual and bright designs. These shades of gel polishes look especially impressive:

  • black;
  • burgundy;
  • scarlet;
  • yellow;
  • blue;
  • turquoise;
  • light green;
  • violet;
  • hot pink and similar rich colors.

Nail art can be done in any way you like. Trendy options for elegant and fashionable manicure:

  • broken glass;
  • mirror or pearl rubbing;
  • Polynesian or other ethnic patterns;
  • floral designs;
  • design with rhinestones and bouillons;
  • graphic arts;
  • animalism;
  • geometry;
  • lace.

Manicure for short almond shaped nails

With moderate plate sizes and restrained preferences in nail art, the same options are suitable as for a long free edge length. French looks especially elegant and neat on almond-shaped nails with a short end. It can be designed in a classic beige and white version, or with a colored smile line. Moon manicure looks similarly good.

Festive and evening design of almond-shaped nails with a short length should not be too pretentious. An abundance of decorations will overload the nail art, and the plates will seem sloppy. It is better to focus on 1-2 nails, decorating them with rhinestones, sequins or foil, rubbing, or applying a pattern:

  • flowers;
  • minimalist drawings;
  • animal prints;
  • broken glass;
  • graphic design;
  • negative areas;
  • ethnic ornaments;
  • mandalas;
  • velvet covering;
  • acrylic modeling;
  • large glitter or foil.