Mehendi at home for beginners. Mehendi patterns for body painting Henna drawing on the stomach

The art of mehendi came to us from distant and beautiful India, and is painting on the body using henna. The procedure is absolutely painless and safe because only natural ingredients are used. Henna is made from the leaves of the cinchona tree, which are ground into powder and combined with essential oils.

Mehendi tattoo: sketches

Another name for mehendi is a temporary tattoo, which, unlike transferable golden stickers, will not cause any harm to your health. In India, similar patterns are used to prepare and decorate the bride on her most important day: the design covers the arms, palms, legs, and sometimes even the back. It is believed that such a talisman will help protect her from the evil eye and evil spirits. The brighter and denser the pattern, the happier the marriage, according to legend.

Hollywood stars also do not deny themselves the pleasure of wearing such patterns. Singer Rihanna, Madonna, Beyonce decorated their bodies with ethnic painting.

Mehendi decoration for weddings has also become very popular among Russian brides; white henna is usually used to add softness to the image. A delicate pattern repeating the lace of a wedding dress will make your look complete and harmonious and will remind you of a wonderful day for some time.

You can also consider mehendi as a way of “trying on” a permanent tattoo, like a dress rehearsal. Maybe the symbol you choose will not bring into your life what you planned, so you should play it safe. You can easily try on several options and choose the one that suits you best.

Mehendi: simple sketches

The painting is based on the use of a simple, sometimes repeating pattern. Most often these are symbolic images of flowers, hearts, birds or simply beautiful compositions. Often, modern mothers-to-be resort to henna painting their growing bellies in order to pamper themselves a little and prepare for a photo shoot in the style of “waiting for a miracle.” The main thing before applying the pattern is to make sure that you are not allergic to henna!

Modern craftsmen are not limited to applying mehendi only on the body; you can order candles, sneakers, plants, phone cases and much more painted in this style. You can also decorate the interior with mehendi style painting.

Mehendi patterns

Mehendi patterns are applied to the skin from a tube of henna. The master is required to have maximum precision and accuracy in his work so that the drawing turns out symmetrical and even. Beginning artists can use water-soluble or silicone stencils, which will allow them to do high-quality work while their hands are still raw. Traditional henna designs are rich brown in color, but you can also use colored henna (red, blue and green shades).

Mehendi meaning of patterns, symbols and drawings

Initially, in Indian painting, each design and curl had its own meaning, some were intended to attract love, others were painted for wealth or to protect themselves from evil spirits. You should be careful about the designs you apply to your body, even if only temporarily. Meanings of the most popular mehendi:

Mehendi lotus: meaning

For Eastern countries, the lotus is actually equated to a shrine. Since ancient times, people have admired the beauty and purity of this plant, which grows in unsightly swamps and lakes. This is why the lotus has become so popular as a design. There are many different variations: an open lotus, several lotus flowers, one bud or many, sometimes even a small fish is added to the design for good luck.

The water lily symbolizes the feminine principle, the absolute victory of beauty, fertility and prosperity. This pattern will certainly bring only bright and pleasant innovations into your life.

Mehendi feather: meaning

The feather symbolizes lightness and free-thinking. This symbol is suitable for creative people who are accustomed to working outside the boundaries and conventions. The applied two feathers will symbolize the sun and air.

Mehendi dream catcher: meaning

A similar pattern is chosen to get rid of sleep problems, protect against the evil eye or other people’s bad thoughts. The dream catcher consists of three main parts - a circle, a web in the center and feathers tied to the circle. It is important that the web has 8 intersections (the number of legs of a spider), this will bring good luck to its owner.

Mehendi sun: meaning

The sun is energy, warmth, a symbol of life. Divine powers were attributed to the sun in ancient countries, hence the love for this image. The sun will awaken new vitality in you and give you a charge of positive emotions.

Mehendi: sketches and photos

Over its long history (almost 5,000 years), the art of henna painting has accumulated a huge amount of various techniques and sketches. You can contact the master by choosing a drawing you like from the card index or come up with your own unique sketch. Most often, drawings are applied to the arms, wrists, back and neck, legs and stomach.

Mehendi on hand: sketches

The imagination of mehendi masters knows no bounds; you can cover your entire hand with patterns, or limit yourself to a few painted rings on your fingers and a lotus on your palm. Stars, flowers, shamrocks look great. For beginners, hand mehendi designs with images of the sun and flowers are suitable.

Mehendi on the wrist: sketches

The wrist is a very intimate area; choose carefully the pattern to decorate it. This could be a stylized bracelet or flying feathers. In the east, it is customary to put a mandala on the wrist (for those who are improving spiritually), a peacock (the bird of paradise will bring beauty to your world), and a crown (a symbol of power).

Mehendi on the leg: sketches

The symbolism in mehendi is reflected in the location of the tattoo, and can tell something about its owner, for example:

  • right leg – for those who are looking for themselves and want to attract attention
  • left leg – for those who are purposeful and self-confident

Anklets, feathers, and lotus flowers are usually used to decorate the feet.

Mehendi on the back: sketches

The design on the back will more likely please others than yourself, but the main advantage is the large scope for creativity. The master can apply Shri Ganesh, dragon or elephant. Typically, the design is applied in the upper back (closer to the neck), on the lower back or shoulder blade.

Ornate patterns applied along the spine look attractive. A dress with an open back will perfectly demonstrate your figure and mysterious alluring design.

Mehendi drawing step by step

If you decide to do mehendi yourself, without turning to a professional, then you need to prepare:

  • tube with henna
  • the drawing you will translate
  • cotton swab

The cost of such entertainment will not cause much damage to your budget; the price of 1 tube of henna costs from 50 to 90 rubles, depending on the color.

If you cannot buy henna for mehendi, then you can make it yourself:

  • in the store you need to buy henna in sealed packaging
  • Prepare tea leaves at home: half a liter of water will require 3 tablespoons of tea
  • add hot strained tea leaves, a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice and 1-2 drops of oil to 40-50 g of henna
  • cool the mixture and let it brew for 4-5 hours in a cold place

For ease of application, you will need a medical syringe (without a needle!):

  1. We put off all household chores for an hour and a half. No one should disturb or disturb you. Using soap, clean the part of the body on which you plan to apply the design. Rub oil into skin
  2. Cut off the tip of a tube of henna or draw homemade henna into a syringe. Gradually, line by line, we transfer the pattern to the skin. The thickness of the paste squeezed onto the skin should be approximately 2 mm. If you suddenly make a mistake, remove the excess with a cotton swab
  3. When the design is finished, leave the dye on for an hour to allow the henna to absorb into the skin. After this time, remove the top layer of paste using a cotton swab. Dry paste will roll off easily, but if this does not happen, then you need to let it dry further. The longer the henna is in contact with the skin, the brighter the design will be.
  4. Treat your design with lemon juice to make it last longer.
  5. Your mehendi is ready to go out into the world!

A similar pattern is washed off the body within 1-3 weeks if you do not take care of it. To keep the color longer, be sure to apply oil to the area of ​​the design before showering - it will protect the paint and make the skin soft. Do not rub the drawing with a towel.

The eclectic interweaving of modern trends and ancient knowledge has allowed mehendi to remain at the peak of popularity for several years. A temporary tattoo will be a good addition to your holiday look and will add variety to your life.

Video: How to draw mehendi at home?

What is mehendi? Decoding the most popular mehendi symbols. How to do mehendi at home? Sketches and stencils of mehendi for hands and feet?

  • Mehendi is body painting using special henna. The henna used for mehendi designs has nothing in common with the ordinary henna that our women use to dye their hair.
  • To paint the body, you need to purchase special henna that can color the skin for a long time.
  • It is sold either ready-made in tubes that you just need to open and start painting with, or in bags in the form of a dry powder that still needs to be properly diluted
  • Mehendi is suitable for those people who like tattoos, but have not yet dared to take this decisive step. The fact is that a mehendi design is not eternal - it lasts only from two weeks to a month. Therefore, indecisive fans of permanent tattoos can wear mehendi a little and understand whether they want to live their whole lives with such an image on their body
  • It is often customary to decorate the kisli and palms of the hands, as well as the feet and upper legs with mehendi designs.
  • Mehendi designs are made in various styles and carry different meanings.

The meaning of mehendi design symbols: photos with inscriptions

  • There are four main styles of performing mehendi. The difference between them is where they are distributed.
  • The fact is that in the Middle East it is more common to draw floral motifs. Such designs are to some extent reminiscent of Arabic embroidery. Their implementation is more spontaneous in nature, and never corresponds to any sketches or patterns
  • North African mehendi designs are typically drawn in geometric shapes with floral motifs. Such drawings must necessarily follow the shape of the body on which they are performed.
  • Pakistani and Indian craftsmen do not stop only at the palms and feet of people, acting as canvases. They stretch the designs much higher, thereby creating a kind of stockings or gloves woven from their designs. Indian-Pakistani mehendi combines drop-shaped patterns, ornaments and smooth lines
  • Indonesian and South Asian mehendi have incorporated some of the ornaments of the masters of the Middle East and India

Here are some meanings of mehendi designs:

A bracelet is the key to success in love affairs

Grapevine - loyalty and devotion

The disc for representatives of the stronger sex is dominance over others, a sign of masculinity

The disc for the fair sex is a symbol of chastity

Five-pointed star - a symbol of the five elements

Six-pointed star - harmony between woman and man

Star - divinity and hope

Grain is a symbol of abundance

The square is a symbol of honesty and constancy

Whip - self-confidence and calmness

Chariot - a large amount of knowledge and good mental development

The cross is the link between heaven and earth

Circle - one turn of life

Curved line - luck, overcoming obstacles, career growth

Swan - success

Liana - determination that helps you achieve success

Bow and arrow - happiness in personal life, overcoming difficulties

Crescent (Moon) - stunning beauty

Small dots are a sign of the love a woman feels for her husband

Peacock - passion, love, desire

Parrot - messenger

The shell is a talisman against all adversities, a symbol of victory

Rose - a symbol of chastity

Fish - passion

The sun is the gateway to the world of knowledge and eternal life

The trident for men is courage, bravery and heroism, the trident for women is the maternal principle, female inner strength, energy

Triangle - a totem against natural disasters, illnesses and worries

The flag is a symbol of prosperity and home

Lotus - a talisman that brings good luck

Flowers - new life

Turkish cucumber is a sign of development, energy, happiness, prosperity and immortality

Elephant - strength, power, dominance, intelligence, dignity, fertility, immortality, happiness and all-encompassing kindness

Shri Ganesha is a symbol of wisdom, kindness and prosperity

Spiral - a symbol of self-knowledge

How to draw mehendi on your hand step by step?

As mentioned above, it is better to purchase henna for mehendi in special packages in ready-made form. This will be a one hundred percent guarantee of rich color and long lasting effect. In addition, you can apply this henna directly from the package by simply cutting off its tip.

If you still decide to prepare their henna paste yourself, then you need to know a few rules:

  • It is better to buy henna in hermetically sealed packages, since henna in bulk loses its coloring ability due to constant contact with air
  • henna for dyeing hair is not suitable for dyeing skin
  • It’s better to buy natural henna - synthetic henna can cause allergies

The process of preparing henna mehendi paste:

  1. Brew strong black tea (three teaspoons of tea per half liter of water)
  2. Boil the tea over low heat for five to ten minutes.
  3. Straining the tea
  4. Gradually pour brewed tea into forty grams of henna, continuously stirring the resulting slurry
  5. Add two tablespoons of lemon juice and a couple of drops of eucalyptus or mehendi oil to the henna solution.
  6. The resulting mixture, the consistency of toothpaste, should be placed in the refrigerator for four hours.
  7. The paste can be stored in an airtight container for up to three weeks, and frozen for up to four months.

To prepare henna paste, you can use simpler methods: mix tea and lemon juice in a one-to-one ratio and add henna to them. You can use coffee instead of tea. Some mehendi artists add sugar to the paste to increase its viscosity.

In general, it must be said that each master has his own recipe for preparing mehendi paste. Many of the mehendi creators keep the subtleties of preparing their stable henna solution a closely guarded secret.

Step-by-step execution of mehendi design on the hand:

  1. Before applying the design, we conduct a skin sensitivity test to the henna solution. To do this, apply a small amount of paste to the inside of the elbow and wait half an hour. If during the test no reaction of the skin to henna was detected, we begin preparing the area of ​​skin on which the drawing will be performed directly.
  2. We wash the skin thoroughly with soap, you can even use a scrub for this purpose.
  3. We remove excess hair from the desired area of ​​skin
  4. Before applying the design, lubricate the skin with eucalyptus oil or special oil for mehendi
  5. We start drawing the drawing with large main lines, and then we complement the drawing with small elements
  6. You can apply mehendi directly from the package, or you can use special brushes or sticks
  7. The layer of paste applied to the skin must be at least two millimeters
  8. If any mistake is made during the drawing process, remove it with a cotton swab
  9. After completing the design, leave the henna on the skin for one hour.
  10. At the end of the specified time, use the blunt side of a knife or a special scraper to remove the dry paste from the skin.
  11. You can wet the mehendi design only after eight hours, so it is recommended to do it before bed

Stencils on the leg for mehendi

Stencils on the leg for mehendi

Stencils on the leg for mehendi

Beautiful mehendi on hands and feet: photo

White mehendi on hand: photo

White mehendi is done with white acrylic paint, the so-called glitter. This dye is made without the use of henna, so the design will not last as long as a design made with henna.

  • If you follow all the recommendations after the procedure, the mehendi can last at least two weeks. The maximum drawing period is four weeks.
  • In order for the mehendi design to last as long as possible, it should not be wetted, scratched, rubbed or scrubbed for as long as possible.
  • If mehendi is made with glitter, it will last until the first contact with water, since acrylic paint does not penetrate the skin, that is, it does not stain it

It is almost impossible to completely remove mehendi immediately after the procedure. But you can weaken the color and blur the drawing. The following manipulations contribute to discoloration and removal of the pattern:

  • going to the bathhouse
  • steaming in the bathroom and rubbing the area of ​​the drawing with lemon juice
  • intensively rubbing the mehendi area with a washcloth
  • skin scrubbing
  • wiping the drawing area with alcohol
  • wiping the area of ​​the design with nail polish remover and acetone
  • wiping the drawing area with hydrogen peroxide

Women are considered the most ardent fans of the art of mehendi. They love to transform their bodies with the help of such beautiful designs for various kinds of events, vacation trips, photo shoots and even weddings.

However, in addition to women, men can also decorate their bodies with beautiful designs with meaning. For them, the mehendi collection will also contain ornaments and patterns that emphasize their strength, courage, self-esteem and heroism.

Video: How to make mehendi at home?

I became interested in mehendi (body painting with henna) about a year and a half ago. During this time, the girl became a famous master in the city, who provides training for those who want to master this interesting art. Elmira spoke especially for the site about the features of mehendi for pregnant women.

“Almost always girls come to me, already inspired by some sketches from the Internet. But it’s much more pleasant to create something new, to create my own, unique paintings, because I put a piece of myself in them. And the girl can be sure that no one has such a second mehendi.

- How popular is the mehendi service among pregnant women in Ufa? How often do they draw on the stomach?
- Among pregnant women, the henna painting service began to gain popularity in 2015, and in 2016, more and more people want to give themselves the unique sensation of henna painting on their tummy. According to old traditions, painting a pregnant woman’s belly with natural henna is not only aesthetic, but also protective. Mehendi protects the child and does not allow negative energy into him.

- Is it harmful for pregnant women to paint with henna?
- Pregnant women can only draw with natural henna, which is a natural dye and does not cause allergic reactions. The pattern is delicate, light brown and not flashy. But giving in to the temptation and ordering colored (black, burgundy, etc.) henna painting, which looks much brighter and more colorful due to the chemical components it contains, is not at all recommended.

In my work, I try to use only natural, proven henna, not only when painting pregnant women, but also for everyone else, including children.
- For pregnant women, even gel polish sometimes does not last longer than a week... How long will the design last? How to properly care for it to preserve its color? Is it possible to swim with shower gel?
- To make it clearer, henna stains the keratinized layer of skin cells, which is completely different for everyone. The average renewal period for our skin is approximately 1.5–2.5 weeks, and this is what determines the lifespan of the pattern. If you remove dead skin cells by light scrubbing before applying henna, you can extend the wearing period to 2–2.5 weeks.

After applying henna, we wait 10 to 20 minutes until the crust dries completely and treat it with a special natural solution to fix it on the skin. You can remove the crust yourself at home after a few hours. On the first day, the color will only gain in saturation and will finally darken only on the second day; for this, it is useful to lubricate it with oil and have less contact with water.
It is also advisable to avoid mechanical influences (rubbing with a terry towel, peeling), and also exclude baths and saunas.
- When is the best time to do mehendi for photo shoots? When does it look best? (meaning that the stomach is probably not at the very last stage db). How long does a work session last? A pregnant woman lying, standing, sitting?
- Drawing can be done at any stage of pregnancy. I had the experience of painting both at 4-5 months and at the last, prenatal one. Everyone’s tummy looks different, so we choose the location and design together.

Before the procedure, I check how the position of the tummy changes while sitting, standing and lying down, so that the painting is as smooth and beautiful as possible. Of course, the last month is the most difficult to work with, but it is possible - at this moment it is as if we are communicating with a baby who feels every touch on the tummy.
During the procedure, the pregnant woman is positioned in the way that is most comfortable for her: reclining or sitting. The process of painting the tummy, due to its scale, lasts from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours. If at some point a girl becomes uncomfortable being in one position for a long time, then we take a break and can even go and have tea.

- If not on the tummy (not everyone is ready to bare their belly), then on what part of the body does mehendi look beautiful on pregnant women?
- Mehendi can be drawn on any part of the body and it all depends on your imagination. Arms, chest, back... Everything can be decorated with beautiful patterns, especially in cases where a pregnant woman is sensitive about exposing her belly.
- Is it possible to do mehendi while breastfeeding? From when? Is it possible to do mehendi for children?

If you are breastfeeding and you can do mehendi for children, but again, only with natural henna, and only fresh. In general, it is always worth asking the specialist whether the henna is fresh and whether it has been stored properly. Not only the feeling of the skin depends on this, but also how bright the pattern will appear.
Little girls also had to do mehendi - starting from one year old. The kids really like it and many even patiently wait for it to dry and don’t touch the crust.

You can contact Elmira Aglyamova for mehendi painting through her page

Not every person is able to decide on a tattoo, because the chosen design will remain for life. To remove it, you will have to spend a decent amount of money, and also be prepared for a painful procedure. After drawing together, scars often remain on the body. Fortunately, there is an excellent alternative to such tattoos - henna painting. This will be discussed in the article.

general information

Body painting with henna is a beautiful art form that originates from Ancient Egypt. In all countries, body coloring with henna took place for various reasons. For example, during excavations in Egypt, mummies were found with painted hair and nails. In those distant times, only daughters of noble families could afford mehendi on their stomach or other parts of the body. In Arab countries, bodies were painted with henna to cool the temperature of the skin. Persian dancers loved to paint their hands before dances and performances.

Centuries later, Indians continue to use henna to paint their bodies, as they believe that the designs protect against evil spirits. No event is complete without mehendi. Painting the bride's body with red henna is considered a special ritual. The brighter the drawing, the happier the couple should be in their married life. Pregnant women get mehendi designs on their stomachs, thus protecting the new life that has begun.

Beauty, longevity and wealth are predicted for all owners of this painting. It was from there that the fashion for mehendi spread to all countries. Returning from trips to India, women come with beautiful mehendi designs on their stomachs, arms and legs. Henna takes about 2 weeks to wash off. Therefore, it does not have time to bore its owners.

Henna designs originate from the Vedic books and represent the awakening of the inner light of the soul. This can also explain the symbolism of the images. According to tradition, the patterns consist of floral patterns, drawings of birds, the sun and circles. Indian women like to apply the design from the tips of their nails, ending at the wrist or elbow. Patterns are made both on the outside of the palm and on the inside. The upper part of the phalanx of the finger is usually painted over completely, and then the flight of imagination is not limited.

Tools for applying mehendi

Having decided to get to know this art better, you need to get in a creative mood and also purchase materials. To paint with henna at home you will need:

  • Henna. It is not at all necessary to buy natural henna, mix it yourself and struggle with finding a dispenser. For beginners, special tubes with henna are sold, which will help you apply mehendi evenly on the stomach, arms and legs, and will also be stored without problems until the next use.
  • Cones. Needed to outline clear edges of the picture. You can make such a cone yourself, armed with cardboard paper and scissors. The desired size of paper can simply be folded into a funnel and secured with tape.
  • T stencils. With their help you can draw gorgeous mehendi. It will be especially convenient to draw on the stomach and arms using a stencil. The main thing is to turn it the right way and evenly paint over the voids formed.

Having prepared all the materials, you can watch training videos on the Internet.

Mehendi on the belly of pregnant women

Recently, the mehendi style is very popular among pregnant women. Drawings are applied both in standard red-brown color and in white. In order to decide on a style, you can search the Internet for relevant photos. Mehendi on the stomach is best done in the first and last months of pregnancy. Indian women believe that it is during this period that mother and baby most need protection from evil spirits and the help of good ones. In addition, the beautiful aesthetic appearance of a decorated belly makes it possible to make a bright and memorable photo shoot.

How to care for mehendi?

In order for a henna tattoo to last for a long time, it requires special care.

Basic Rules:

  1. For the first three days, protect the area of ​​the drawing from aggressive substances.
  2. Wear gloves when doing housework.
  3. Reduce sweating in the area of ​​the drawing. Henna will quickly fade and be washed off with sweat, so you should refrain from visiting the gym and sauna.
  4. Salt and chlorine will negatively affect the appearance of mehendi, so you will also have to give up the pool for a while.
  5. If a mehendi tattoo on the stomach, arms or legs fades, you can restore the design along the contours, but no more than two times, since the skin needs rest.

When performing mehendi on your body, you can not be afraid to experiment with the color and shape of the design. The images still won’t be able to last more than 2 weeks, but the pleasant impressions of changes in appearance will remain in memories for a long time.

Let's say right away - mehendi is a henna design on the skin, a temporary tattoo. And for those who have not decided on a tattoo, this is an option. Mehendi is painted with henna and washed off over time.

Mehendi on the belly of a pregnant woman

Traditional mehendi designs and swirls are so intricate that you can search for meaning in them for hours. Modern Indian women decorate themselves with intricate patterns both for holidays and on weekdays - these are the traditions of this people. Mehendi is a ritual decoration for the bride in India. It is impossible to find a girl at your own wedding without mehendi. The pattern to be applied is selected individually. A pattern of sprouting beans is recommended for brides, and a protective pattern of the palm (anchovy) is recommended for pregnant women. For pregnant women, the pattern is applied directly to the stomach.

There is nothing dangerous in this, because the dye is natural and has medicinal properties. Traditionally, henna painting on the belly of a pregnant woman is allowed from the seventh month. A local master will draw you a pattern in his city; you don’t have to go to India for this. Applying the pattern yourself is not difficult, but it takes some practice and skill when using a tube of paint. But if you decide to decorate yourself for a celebration and want the design to please you, it is better to turn to an experienced craftsman.

Advantages over tattoo:

  • Such a pattern will not have time to get boring, and in old age you will not have to regret that one day, in a creative impulse, you applied an eternal pattern to your skin. The henna design lasts from several days to a couple of weeks. Then it is gradually washed off.
  • The composition of the paint is harmless to the skin and body. Henna is a natural remedy obtained from the leaves of the lawsonia bush.
  • And the process itself is painless and even pleasant. Only the tube in which the henna is mixed touches the body, nothing more. No needles or skin punctures. Mehendi is applied to the surface of the skin, not inside it.

There is really one drawback, and that one is conditional. This is the time that the drawing lasts. Although, as we have already said, this is rather a virtue.

There is room for creativity here. Try to sunbathe with the pattern already applied and then there will be a trace, a bright place, where the pattern covered the skin. But the tan doesn't last forever either, so there's no reason to be afraid. If the drawing has become faded or has ceased to please you, take a steam bath in the bathroom or bathhouse, and not a trace will remain of the mehendi.

Before applying, the skin must be thoroughly cleaned, for example, smeared with a slice of lemon, so the pattern will be brighter and last longer. After the picture is ready, do not disturb the application area until it dries completely and do not prematurely tear off the crust with paint. It is advisable that it falls off on its own when it dries. After some time, the pattern will darken from interaction with air and become contrasting and distinct.

And if you don’t like your mehendi, then there is no reason to be upset - just wait, the design will come off and