Stylish wedding hairstyles with extensions – review and master class. How to easily make your own hairstyle using extensions Hairstyles with extensions of colored strands on clips

Beautiful hair is a woman’s real adornment, but nature has not blessed everyone with thick hair. In this case, false strands help. They have already become so familiar and accessible to everyone that now all women and girls can create luxurious, sophisticated hairstyles with false strands with their own hands.

A little history

In contact with

  • Even in ancient times, people used wigs.
  • Ovid mentions false braids.
  • Europeans from high society could not do without wigs and extensions, with the help of which they created beautiful hairstyles.
  • Many probably remember the hairstyle. Ovid mentions false braids. , which was made from false strands.
  • In the 19th century, it was fashionable to wear false braids in buns on the cheeks and back of the head.

How to choose extensions

Using extensions you can create beautiful holiday hairstyles. They are also suitable for constant wear. Strands on hairpins help to radically transform.

To choose them correctly, pay attention to the following subtleties.

  • Naturalness. This applies not only to the material, but also to their appearance and color. Of course, for discos you can buy extensions of the most incredible colors, but they are not suitable for festive and everyday hairstyles.
  • Strands on hairpins can be synthetic or natural.
  • It is better to buy strands produced by well-known manufacturers; their products are always of high quality.
  • Hairpins on tresses can be purchased separately. They can often be found in the finished set.
  1. Standard sets (120 g) will complement thin hair well.
  2. To make them fuller and longer, you should pay attention to the set weighing 160 g.
  3. For women with thick but short hair, it is better to buy a 220g set to lengthen it.

Narrow tresses are attached to the bangs and temples, wide ones - to the crown and back of the head.

  • Strands should be selected that are similar to the color of your hair, so they will look more natural. You can create a highlighting effect if you choose strands of a lighter color.

Making hairstyles from tresses with your own hands

False strands (tresses) allow you to experiment with your appearance. They are easy to attach at home.

Begin attaching the strands from the back of the head. To do this, make a horizontal parting and pin up the upper part of the hair so that it does not interfere.

  • The tresses can be used several times. The strand is secured by threading hairpins through the strands, after which the clip is snapped into place.

There are ready-made options for creating hairstyles with false strands that are easy to do yourself.

Option number 1. Greek evening hairstyle

This hairstyle is perfect for a bride wearing a dress made in the Empire style.

Execution technology:

  1. Divide your hair with a side parting into zones, lift them up and secure with a clip.
  2. Under the separated area, attach tresses to your head.
  3. Attach an additional overhead strand with hairpins at the bottom. This is if you want to make a longer tail. To do this, braid a thin braid at the back, twist a strand diagonally around it and secure it with clips located on the strand.
  4. Separate the strand on the right and curl it with a hot curling iron. You can take pre-curled strands, because... synthetic strands are afraid of heat, and attach them with bobby pins.

    To achieve maximum fixation, you can first attach a bobby pin to the back of your head crosswise. It will be much easier to attach curls to the resulting base.

    How will it look like:

  5. Repeat this process, curling strands of equal width and attaching them to your head. You should end up with four strands.
  6. Now start decorating the front part. Undo the hair that you pinned up at the beginning of your hairstyle. Take a section of hair and curl it away from your face. Attach it with a bobby pin to the last secured strand. Like this:
  7. Create three rings from your hair; to do this, divide your hair into strands. First, curl the left strand towards your face, use your fingers to make a ring out of it, and then secure it with bobby pins above the bottom of your hair.
  8. Then make the opposite ring from the first one in the middle part, and fasten the right part in the same direction.
  9. Next we curl the tail. To do this, twist the strands from bottom to top. Secure the curls with clips until the curls cool. Just curl the lower strands without closing them with clips.

The hairstyle is ready.

How to make an evening (wedding) Greek hairstyle with extensions - video tutorial:

Option number 2. In retro style

  1. Comb the extensions with clips to form a chignon.
  2. Tuck it under your hair, leaving a few loose hairs to style around your hairstyle.
  3. To keep them in place, secure the strands with bobby pins.

An elegant and sophisticated updo hairstyle with extensions is ready.

Option No. 3 Weaving and braids from overhead strands

There are many ways to weave braids from such strands.

  • Braid the extensions into a tight braid to create a headband. Pin them on top of your hair at the temple part.
  • You can braid your hair using false strands, making intricate weaves. These hairstyles are suitable for every day.

Hairstyle with French braids and false strands on hairpins - video, master class:

Option No. 4 Raised hairstyle that opens the neck

If you are proud of your beautiful neck, go for an updo. To do this, you can style your hair extensions in intricate waves or elaborate braids.

  • The “shell” hairstyle looks very beautiful.
  • You can create evening hairstyles by making a cascade of false hair, intercepting the strands with a beautiful ribbon, flowers, or pearl thread.
  • A hairstyle with a false ponytail looks beautiful. The ends of your hair can be hidden under a beautiful hairpin.

Evening (or wedding) hairstyle with extensions - video, master class:

These hairstyles are easy to create at home, but in special cases it is better to contact a specialist.

Advantages and disadvantages of strands

Until recently, girls who wanted to have long hair had to have their hair extensions, but the method was too expensive, the service life was short, and the load on the roots was very large.

Hair extensions have become an excellent alternative to extensions.

Their advantages:

  • attach easily and discreetly;
  • you can quickly create long curls, even if you have very short hair;
  • give good volume to thin hair;
  • they can be dyed and permed;
  • if your head gets tired, you can remove the strands and, if desired, attach them again;
  • the cost is much lower than with hair extensions.


  • cannot be worn for a very long time so that your own hair does not lose strength;
  • synthetic strands cannot be styled with a curling iron, as they may melt;
  • varnishes, foams, wax, detergents are very difficult to wash off from synthetic strands;
  • Some people have an individual intolerance to stress.

How to care

False strands do not require special care.

To make them delight you for a long time, follow the following: recommendations:

  • Comb your hair gently with a soft brush.
  • Hold the strands at the base so as not to pull them out.
  • Do not twist your hair or rub it too hard, as this can quickly damage it.
  • Don't wash your extensions frequently. You can pour shampoo into warm water and put your hair in it for a few minutes.
  • Choose carefully the products for caring for extensions (especially synthetic ones).
  • After washing, apply conditioner to the synthetic hair, then dry the strands and comb them.
  • Don't forget to spray the ends of your hair.
  • To make the locks dry faster, you can hang them on a clothesline.
  • Don’t forget to periodically nourish your natural extensions with special products so that they always look well-groomed.

If you constantly take care of your extensions and approach styling creatively and try to do it carefully, you will always look irresistible.

Unfortunately, not every girl can boast of lush and voluminous hair: those whom nature has deprived of a beautiful mane can do their hair with false hair on clips.

False strands on hairpins are no longer something unusual lately, and many girls choose such hairstyle options for celebrations, weddings, evening outings, and just for every day.

Specialists sometimes call such false strands on hairpins temporary extensions.

False hair extensions can be individual strands, whole ponytails, braids, bangs. They are attached to the base of the hair with a special clip.

False strands merge with the bulk of the curls; the main thing is to choose the color, structure and appearance well.

They can be straight, slightly wavy or curly.

As for color, almost every girl will be able to choose false strands to match her tone (see photo).

You can choose strands that are a couple of tones lighter or darker, then the hairstyle with false curls will have a highlighting effect.

False strands are made from both natural and artificial materials.

Natural hair extensions look very beautiful, they can be washed, like your own curls, combed, styled, twisted and straightened.

You cannot do this with artificial material. The type of synthetic options directly depends on their cost: the cheaper they are, the worse and more unnatural they look, and their service life is shorter.

The strands are sold both individually and in whole sets, which can be of different volumes - 120, 160 and 220 grams.

How and when are extensions used?

Clip-on locks are an excellent solution for those who have naturally short or thin hair.

If you learn how to use curls with clips correctly, you can create wonderful hairstyles both for every day and for special occasions.

This is a great alternative to extensions, as the clips can be removed and put on any time you need it.

Strands on hairpins are an excellent field for experimenting with unusual hairstyles. For example, you can choose curls in a bright contrasting color and create an extraordinary look.

A long, smooth ponytail of strands on top of your head will help you transform into a business girl.

Long, slightly curled extensions would be appropriate as an evening hairstyle. You can temporarily change your look with false bangs, as in the photo.

The extensions are attached to the head using a clip-on hairpin, which holds tightly to natural curls and is completely invisible in the mass of hair.

Hair extensions are very light, so their use does not cause discomfort. On sale there are both individual strands and entire sets, which include narrow and wide curls.

To attach extensions, lift the top layer of hair and secure with bobby pins.

Carefully attach the clips to the hanging part of the hair, first at the back of the head, and then at the temples. Now lower the previously pinned part of your hair and comb it.

If you naturally have straight and smooth curls, then in order for the extension strands to stick well to them and not fly off, comb them a little in the place where the clips will be attached.

Hairstyles with extensions are very diverse, we invite you to get acquainted with several of the most common options.

Greek hairstyle

This hairstyle with extensions will be an excellent option for special occasions, and can also become part of a wedding look, as an addition to an empire style dress.

To create a hairstyle, the hair is divided into two parts using side partings. The upper part is lifted up and secured. Now, under this separated part, tresses are attached with hairpins.

If you want your hairstyle to have a very long tail, you can attach an additional strand. To do this, a thin braid is braided at the back, onto which a strand is twisted and secured with clips.

Now you need to separate a small curl on the right side and curl it.

It should be borne in mind that artificial strands cannot be processed with a hot curling iron, so if you buy artificial hair, then give preference to curled options.

The curled curl is wrapped back and secured with bobby pins to the head, and the tip is left to hang down. Next, three more strands are separated in the same way, curled and secured in the same way.

Take one strand, curl it, lay it back and attach it to the last pinned strand at the back.

Now make three curl rings from the remaining curls and secure them with bobby pins above the main part. The curls should be directed in different directions.

At the end of styling, the ponytail is curled beautifully. The curls should be curled from the bottom up, the curls should be secured with a clip until they cool down.

Braids and braids with extensions

Hairstyles with false hair on clips can be very diverse. For example, you can braid hair extensions into a tight, voluminous braid.

The resulting weave is attached with bobby pins over your hair from temple to temple to form a kind of headband.

You can leave the bulk of your hair loose, curling it a little, or you can make a bun, shell, or other styling.

How to make beautiful hair with tresses?

Tresses first appeared at the end of the 19th century. They are an analogue of a hairpiece. Gives ideal volume and length to hair. Very convenient and easy to use. Can be easily attached and removed if necessary.

Artificial and natural hair extensions

Artificial and natural hair extensions
  • Hair extensions come in lengths from 35 to 100 cm
  • There are artificial and natural tresses
  • Advantage artificial The fact is that they can be used to grow hair of any length. Much cheaper than natural ones.
    But due to the strong difference in structure and appearance from natural hair, they are not suitable for permanent extensions. Visually this difference is striking. In addition, they cannot be painted and, over time, lose their original appearance.
  • Natural It was very difficult to find hair longer than 70 cm. Quite expensive. They require care like you would take care of your own hair.
    The advantage is that by dyeing you can choose a natural hair color that is identical to the owner’s natural hair. With proper extensions, it is almost impossible to distinguish from natural ones, even upon close examination. Has a long-term nature. The fastening should only be adjusted occasionally

How to properly attach tress extensions?

Removable method

  • The best option, so if desired, false strands can be quickly put on and taken off, each time acquiring a new look
  • We attach donor hair to our own hair using mini hairpins. Lightweight metal clips are located on the reverse side of the ribbon. When worn, they are comfortable and not noticeable.
  • For thick hair, simply attach the hair to the roots of the hair
  • If the hair is a bit thin, first we do a backcomb at the roots, which we fix with hairspray.


  • Combing our locks
  • Take one strand just below the parting, from the back of the head
  • Lift up and slightly to the side
  • Secure with a clamp. It turns out to be a second parting
  • We attach the donor strand to the parting
  • We cover the invoice with our curl
  • We perform the same manipulations with the remaining curls, gradually rising towards the crown
  • Gently mix both curls, making the transition smoother

Fixed (sewn)
Used for long-term wear.

  • Lightly wax your hair
  • We weave a thin transverse braid (“spikelet”) from our hair. We make 2-3 braids. The number of braids depends on the thickness of natural hair
  • We sew the tresses, applying them to the braids, with a sailing needle, along the entire length
  • Having finished one row, move on to the second. And so on

Video: How to properly attach tress extensions?

How to properly straighten or curl tresses?

For artificial Thermal hair curling is not recommended.

Therefore, we wrap the slightly damp hairpiece into curlers.

Natural hair:

  • Before curling or straightening, treat with special protective conditioners.
  • We maintain the temperature of the iron and curling iron no more than 170 degrees
  • For fixation, you can use any means
  • The only caution is to use backcombing as little as possible.

How to properly care for tresses: wash, dry hair, strands and curls

Wefts from natural hair:

  • Comb with a soft comb
  • We start from the lower ends of the hair, gradually moving up
  • To make combing easier, use a spray for dry hair.
  • Comb your hair before washing
  • Wash with shampoo for damaged hair
  • Do not rub or press the strands. Dry with a dry towel
  • Dry horizontally for about 12 hours

For artificial hair care is identical. Just don't paint them

Dyeing hair extensions

If you need to color your hair:

  • After washing, do not dry them a little
  • Choose your favorite shade
  • Apply to hair according to instructions, along the entire length.
  • Reduce painting time by 10-15 minutes
  • Rinse well with water
  • Apply conditioner for dry hair

Options for hairstyles and styling with tresses

False hair
  • The tresses are ideal for everyday wear. After a little practice, it is very easy to fix your hair yourself.
  • Having adapted to the new volume of hair, we begin to design a variety of hairstyles. You can do various types of perms, even chemical ones. You can straighten your curls with an iron
  • Voluminous hair extensions look great when worn down. But if you wish, you can visit the salon and have any styling done by a specialist.
  • Hair extensions are especially popular for wedding hairstyles.
  • The choice depends on the imagination of your hairdresser and your preferences: curling and styling into a festive hairstyle, a ponytail decorated with rhinestones, ornate braids with a variety of braids. All the possibilities of long hair can be used when doing your hairstyle

Hairstyles with natural and artificial hair extensions

An ordinary braid is very easy to do and will help you look original. If weaving a smooth braid from new curls is an everyday option, then

False hair

False hair

a loose braid, and even with decorations - more solemn.

Wedding hair extensions are very popular for wedding hairstyles.

Extensions in wedding hairstyles At home, without resorting to outside help, you can make any hairstyle you like

Lush hairstyle made from false hair using braids

Hair extensions are easy to curl.

A very simple, romantic styling option using false hair

A little imagination will turn any hair into an original hairstyle decorated with a beautiful braid.

Hair extensions will help you effectively and easily decorate any hair.

Three simple braids, using extensions, will add formality and privacy to the entire look.

A good hairstyle option, using extensions, for a business meeting

Another romantic look with hair extensions.

You will have to work a little to create such a chic hairstyle using false hair.

A very simple hairstyle made with false hair will help you look very impressive.

Original braids will add piquancy to hairstyles made with false hair.

Great classic hairstyle with extensions

There are a huge number of options. Having false hair, you can fantasize as much as you like. All in your hands.

Hairstyles with false ponytails

A beautifully designed tail looks very natural and impressive. Suitable for both a business meeting and a festive setting.

  • Putting your hair in a ponytail
  • Secure with an elastic band
  • We connect it to the donor tail with a hairpin
  • We wrap a strand of hair at the root of the tails to hide all the flaws in the connection.
  • Secure it with a bobby pin
  • For a more festive option, the strands can be twisted and decorated with decorative flowers.

False hair

Hairstyles with false curls

Chic curls with curls of different volumes will add tenderness and the finest chic to your hair. Perfectly selected curls with hidden clips will lengthen your hair to the desired size.

Leave the curls loose.

Hairstyles with extensions

We collect a low ponytail to one side.

Hairstyles with extensions

Hairstyles with extensions

  • Hair with beautiful strands looks great without styling
  • Natural tresses can be twisted, but artificial ones cannot.
  • You can diversify if you make multi-colored strands

Hairstyles with extensions Or add contrasting strands for classic highlights

Hairstyles with extensions You can weave strands into a pigtail, you get a very simple and original hairstyle.

Hairstyles with extensions
  • Easy and harmless regulation of hair length and volume has made tresses very popular for decades now.
  • Staying with long hair for a long time is a good opportunity for any woman. After all, you can wear the selected tresses without correction for up to two months.

Video: Simple hairstyle with tresses