Anti-chapping face cream for sports. We choose a cream for chapping facial skin. Pain relief mask with aloe

A snowy winter always makes children happy. Even after saying goodbye to childhood, we look in admiration at the ice patterns and bizarre icicles, terrifying snowdrifts and incredibly beautiful snow-covered forest landscapes.

Only a snowy, cold winter gives us skis and skates, sleds, snowballs and truly invigorating walks.

All this is good, but low air temperatures and wind often lead to cold weather. Redness, burning, peeling - these are signs of chapped skin. And even if you use a protective moisturizer, you need to do it correctly.

In today's article, the Beauty Pantry will tell you how to protect your face from frost and wind, as well as how to help a chapped face if such a problem has overtaken you.

Weathered face - protection and prevention

The face is the most exposed part of our body. And the skin in this area needs constant protection. In summer we protect our face from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet rays, in winter – from cold temperatures and wind.

When using a protective nourishing cream, you should always keep in mind that you can go outside only after the applied product has been completely absorbed. Otherwise, the risk of chapping and frostbite of the skin only increases, since particles of the cosmetic product remaining in the pores or on the surface freeze much faster than just dry skin. Cosmetologists recommend applying cream 1-1.5 times before going outside in winter.

In addition, in windy, frosty weather, it is worth warming up and “hiding” your chin, mouth, nose and partly your cheeks in a scarf.

When returning home, do not rush to “warm up” by washing your face with warm/hot water and rubbing your skin. This way you will only injure frozen cells, which will certainly lead to their death and chapping of the skin. It’s better to let your chapped face warm up at room temperature, after which you can start removing makeup and washing your skin.

Weathered face. How to help?

If you did not take preventive measures into account, or were simply late in implementing them, the secrets of home beauty and health will help correct the situation.

Masks based on medicinal herbs, vegetable oils, natural honey and egg yolks will help restore the disturbed moisture balance, accelerate the exfoliation of dead cells, eliminate flaking of the skin and redness of the face.

  • Recipe No. 1. Oil compress.

Vegetable oil can quickly eliminate the effects of chapped and flaky skin. You can use olive, almond or. 2-3 tablespoons of the selected oil are heated in a water bath.

A thin layer of cotton wool is generously moistened in warm oil and applied in an even layer to the affected area. To preserve heat, cover the chapped face with a towel for 8-15 minutes.

The compress is removed, and the remaining oil is lightly blotted with a dry cotton pad. The procedure is repeated daily until there is a visible improvement in the condition of the skin (usually 5-8 compresses).

  • Recipe No. 2. Herbal compress.

To prepare a life-saving herbal compress, take 2 tablespoons of mint leaves, rosehip and rose petals, and carefully crush chamomile flowers. The resulting mass is poured with a small amount of hot water (until “covered”) and brought to a boil over low heat.

The cooled broth is filtered after 30-40 minutes, the remaining herbal mass is spread in an even layer on a prepared gauze napkin (with cutouts for the eyes and nose). Cover the herbs with a second layer of gauze so that the herbal mass is inside the napkin. The resulting warm compress is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, a protective nourishing cream is applied to the face.

  • Recipe No. 3. Nourishing mask for dry, chapped skin.

1 teaspoon is heated in a water bath and mixed with 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Add 1 beaten egg yolk to the resulting mixture. The components of the mask are stirred until smooth.

The mask is applied in an even layer to the face for 15-20 minutes, rinsed off with warm water. Finally, a nourishing cream is applied to the skin. The mask is contraindicated if you are allergic to honey. In this case, the Beauty Pantry recommends that you try the following recipe.

  • Recipe No. 4. Nourishing mask for chapped, flaky skin.

To prepare the mask, 3 tablespoons of wheat flakes are crushed and poured with the same amount of warm milk. If the mask turns out to be thick, it can be applied evenly to the skin.

If the prepared mixture is runny, soak a gauze pad in it (similar to a herbal compress). Leave the compress for 10-15 minutes and wash off with warm water. The procedure is repeated daily.

  • Recipe No. 5. Mask for chapped, reddened skin.

In this recipe, 3 tablespoons of hop cones are crushed and poured with 1 liter of purified water. Over medium heat, bring the mixture to a boil. After 30-40 minutes, the warm broth is filtered, and the remaining mass is spread in an even layer on a gauze napkin.

The compress is kept for 5-7 minutes, and finally the chapped skin of the face is lubricated with a rich nourishing cream.

Every woman wants to always look fresh and impeccable. This is not always possible for many reasons.
One of the main harmful factors for skin health is external influences.

What to do if the skin becomes chapped and begins to peel?
Methods for the prevention and treatment of dryness, symptoms of chapping and ways to eliminate it at home are discussed in our article.

Causes of chapping of the face

The very first and most predictable situation is walking in inclement weather. Wet snow, strong hot winds and sudden squalls of cold air can dry out and damage the sensitive skin on your face.

Chapping can also occur in summer when the skin is additionally injured by grains of sand. In addition to mechanical effects, temperature discomfort may also occur, resulting in drying out of the upper layer of the dermis.

Symptoms can appear in the most unexpected ways. First of all, these are redness and peeling on the cheeks and nose, less often the chin and forehead suffer.

In principle, all exposed parts of the body can be affected, so there will be several optimal treatment options.

Can it be prevented?

Prevention methods a lot has been invented.
Depending on the reasons that caused this condition, you can use protective creams or simply fatty compounds, protecting the skin from severe frosts.

Better to use in summer sunscreens, which may not save you from a sand squall, but will provide an additional temperature barrier on the skin.

Correct application of any composition includes certain time frame.

For example, you should not use any creams less than an hour before leaving the house.

This is especially important for antifreeze agents, which should be completely absorbed into the skin. If this does not happen or the cream was applied in too thick a layer, the effect will not only be the opposite, but another problem is possible - frostbite of the tissues.

Particular attention should be paid to the lip area in winter.. The skin there is very thin, so serious damage can occur.

The best way to save is special balms and hygienic lipstick.

The range of such products is very large, but you can even use regular Vaseline. For children, such protection will also be useful, especially since the balms can be used immediately before leaving the house.

In summer time It is also better to use special protective lipsticks.

“Summer” products necessarily include sunscreen components that prevent thermal effects and also actively moisturize the lips.

Do not think that this excludes a decorative effect. Cosmetics of this series also contain coloring pigments, so women will definitely like the use. For the little ones It is better to give preference to colorless options, and for men the protection should also be “invisible”.

If the problem of chapped skin has become a constant for you, you should also pay attention to regular care and hydration. Perhaps you should switch to other cosmetics or choose a richer cream with the obligatory content of healthy vitamins for the skin - A and E. Dry skin is more susceptible to such stress, because it does not have reliable protection in the form of a fat barrier.

Sensitive skin around the eyes glasses will protect well, which should also be selected taking into account the season. In winter, your eyes also need UV protection, especially if there is a lot of snow in your area. It perfectly reflects the sun's rays and is very painful on the eyes, so wearing tinted glasses in winter would also be appropriate.

Find out what components are included in the Libriderm hyaluronic acid cream

Watch a video about Holy Land atraumatic facial cleansing

Traditional methods of treatment

A feeling of tightness and discomfort, as well as a flaky skin surface, requires immediate help, so it is necessary to respond immediately. Even without special equipment, you can provide first aid and prevent further damage.

Algorithm of actions for chapping:

  • Wash with warm water to get rid of possible dirt.
  • Dry your face with a towel without rubbing or pressing hard.
  • Be sure to use moisturizer.
  • Homemade ones based on natural oils, honey and eggs also perfectly tone the skin.

Video for you: restoring lip skin quickly

Chapping in a child - how to help?

Sensitive children's skin especially often suffers from chapping. To quickly restore chapped skin at home, you can use the recipes below.

Herbal compress

Medicinal herbs will help soothe and soften inflamed skin. It is best to use calendula or chamomile, which are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Contrasting compresses will give a good result when a cloth soaked in liquid at different temperatures is applied alternately to the face.

Watch the video from Everything Will Be Good: Mask for Chapped Face

What to do if home treatments don’t help

Home methods are quite simple and accessible, but if they do not help, you will have to consult a dermatologist. In especially severe cases, you will need to take antibiotics and restorative drugs.

Reasonable preventive measures and available protective equipment should always be at hand to avoid exposing the skin to negative effects.
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During the autumn-winter period, our skin undergoes additional tests. Due to stress, she begins to lose her youth and beauty. Chapped facial skin requires a lot of time and effort to recover.

There are a lot of ways to care for damaged skin - the choice is determined by purely personal preferences and financial capabilities. Even the laziest person can cure a chapped face at home using one of the effective recipes.

The skin on the face is quite sensitive to external factors. Therefore, careful care for her becomes a priority for any beauty. Such a nuisance as chapping of the skin can happen to anyone.

The sooner treatment is started, the sooner the face will regain its former beauty and health.

The most common causes of facial chapping are:

  • a large temperature difference observed when leaving the house outside in frosty weather;
  • strong winds that can dehydrate the epidermis and sharply constrict blood vessels;
  • dry skin, which is a guarantee of chapping;
  • constant exposure to air conditioners and fans;
  • decreased local immunity;
  • exposure to certain aggressive environments: sea water, chemicals, x-rays.

If it is not possible to eliminate all factors leading to chapping, then you can easily limit the time you spend in an irritating environment.

Symptoms of chapped skin

Sometimes chapped skin on the face can be confused with the manifestation of allergic reactions of the body. Interpretation of similar symptoms, such as allergies, can lead to incorrectly prescribed treatment, which can lead to worsening of the skin condition.

To accurately determine weathering of the face, you need to know the signs:

  • Reddened areas on the face with pronounced pain.
  • The appearance of cracks in the mucous membranes. As a rule, the lips suffer from this. Small wounds cause pain and sometimes even bleed. A similar symptom is characteristic of the advanced stage of chapping.
  • Peeling, or the formation of small white scales. Horny epithelial cells appear in the cheeks, nose and chin. Often accompanied by itching.
  • Facial tightening. Feeling of tension, both during conversation and at rest.
  • Possible appearance of a small rash. Unlike allergic rashes, pimples do not contain pus.
  • Watery eyes.

It is not at all necessary that when a person’s face becomes chapped, all these symptoms will appear. But damaged skin can be recognized by changes in its color and peeling.

Treatment methods: what to do if your face is chapped?

Chapping of the face may go away on its own after a few days and does not require specific treatment procedures. Using various remedies at home will help speed up the healing of damaged skin.

If the face begins to peel off quite severely, then treatment should be started as early as possible. This will ease symptoms and reduce discomfort.

Pharmacological drugs

If the use of traditional methods of treating a chapped face is not suitable or raises doubts, then the use of creams would be a worthy solution.

Medicinal products can be purchased at any pharmacy, and the results will not be long in coming.

  • Cream containing hydrocortisone.

The cream is able to return the face to its original color in the shortest possible time. The active substance gently relieves inflammation and swelling. But you should not use hydrocortisone cream for more than 2 weeks - this can lead to the skin becoming accustomed to the product used.

  • Products containing dexpanthenol.

Medicinal preparations based on dexpanthenol have proven themselves to be effective in helping to relieve irritation and redness, heal cracks, and reduce itching and flaking. Cream, ointment, gel - the choice is quite wide.

  • Healing cream Bepanten.

The product has a rapid anti-inflammatory effect. Swelling and redness go away quickly, and the dense texture of the cream provides reliable protection for damaged skin.

Beauty treatments in the salon

If you don’t have time to treat your chapped face, and you need quick results, then you should seek help from a beauty salon. The proposed procedures will help you feel the positive effect within a few hours.

  • Mesotherapy.

Thanks to life-saving injections, your skin will begin to glow with health pretty quickly. For injections, a specially selected cocktail is used, which is injected into the damaged layers using the finest needles.

  • Biorevitalization.

This method gives results thanks to hyaluronic acid injected subcutaneously. Injections will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the face. Due to the action of the active substance, the skin restores lost moisture levels, accelerates metabolic processes and receives lasting protection from external factors.

  • Peeling can be used to cleanse the skin from peeling.

But you should do this only with a product that has a soft and gentle composition. This way you can avoid additional damage to the skin. You can use both chemical and fruit peeling.

Traditional recipes at home

When there is nothing suitable at hand to combat chapped skin, you can turn to folk beauty recipes for help. Natural ingredients will not only restore health to the face, but also saturate the dermis with useful substances. A significant advantage of homemade recipes is the availability of ingredients.

  • Compress with essential oils.

Esters can quickly and carefully relieve unpleasant symptoms of chapped face. To prepare a compress, you can use either regular olive oil or almond or jojoba oil. A few tablespoons of essential oil are heated in a water bath. The straightened cotton wool is moistened in heated ether and applied to the affected skin for about 10 minutes.

  • Lotions from calendula decoction.

Calendula flowers are great for soothing chapped skin. To do this, prepare an infusion: pour 2 tablespoons of flowers with 1 glass of boiling water. The broth is kept for 20 minutes, after which it is filtered. The purified infusion is divided into two parts, one of which should be cold, the second hot. Clean gauze is moistened alternately in each infusion and compresses are applied to the face. The cold lotion is applied for 1 minute, the hot lotion for 2.

  • Life-giving aloe juice and chamomile decoction.

Using the most useful plants, you can prepare a medicinal lotion. It will relieve irritation and soothe damaged skin.

To prepare, mix:

  • 0.5 cups of chamomile infusion;
  • 2 tablespoons of aloe juice.

Wipe your face with the prepared lotion twice a day.

The most important condition for obtaining a positive result is that you should never touch the chapped skin with your hands, much less rub it.

In addition to the treatment of chapping, some recommendations should be followed. They can alleviate the condition of the skin and speed up its healing.

  • Avoid exposure to hot air and water. This applies not only to the washing procedure, but also to visiting the sauna or bathhouse.
  • After each wash, lubricate the skin with moisturizer. Don't forget to apply the nourishing product to your face an hour before going outside.
  • Refuse to use decorative cosmetics for the duration of treatment, and for men, avoid shaving.
  • To avoid injury to damaged skin, you should replace the towel with soft paper napkins. You shouldn't wipe your face - it's better to blot it.
  • Limit your consumption of alcoholic beverages, or better yet, stop drinking them altogether.

You can learn a few more tips on facial care in winter from the video.

Preventive measures and what to do before going out into the cold

In order not to encounter such a cosmetic problem as chapping of the face again, you should know the basic ways to protect your skin. Useful recommendations will help protect sensitive skin from discomfort.

  • Avoid washing your face with regular soap.
  • To cleanse the skin, it is better to use special cosmetics that have a mild effect.
  • To avoid skin dehydration, you should drink 2 liters of water daily.
  • In winter, be sure to use a cream with a dense structure, then your face will not become chapped. It is necessary to use it before every walk in the fresh air.
  • Constantly monitor changes in the skin. As a preventive measure, sometimes make nourishing face masks. The procedures can be carried out even if the skin is not irritated or peeling.
  • Take vitamins and mineral complexes regularly, review your diet.
  • In the cold winter, you should dress warmly so that you can protect your delicate skin from gusts of wind at any time. In summer, it is necessary to protect your facial skin from ultraviolet radiation by wearing a brimmed hat.
  • Change cosmetics to products that have a sunscreen filter and a sufficient degree of moisturizing.

When do you need the help of a dermatologist?

When the treatment does not help, you should definitely seek medical help. Sometimes other skin diseases have similar symptoms. A dermatologist will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

You should not put off visiting a specialist even if your face is severely chapped.

Lack of treatment can provoke further development and lead to the appearance of difficult-to-heal cracks on the face. Open wounds are a source of infection. Therefore, the sooner help is provided in advanced cases, the greater the chance of healing the skin without complications.

The beauty of our skin directly depends on how careful we take care of it. The only thing you must always remember is that you can chapped your skin not only in winter, but also in hot summer. Proper attention to protection from irritating factors will help maintain a healthy complexion and protect it from chapping.

The skin becomes chapped due to simultaneous exposure to low temperatures and wind, which is not uncommon in our climate. The affected, chapped skin of the face changes color, peels off, and in case of severe damage, small cracks even appear on it. What to do to avoid such a problem, as well as eliminate it, if in the mirror you already see dry and injured chapped skin? The best answers to these questions can be found at NameWoman.

Chapped skin: preventive measures

1. During the autumn-winter period, it is very important to use moisturizers correctly. There is no need to give them up, since the skin needs additional moisture, but do not apply moisturizers, fluids, foundations and lipsticks an hour and a half before going outside. In this case, it is better to use nutritious, fatty products.

2. Don't forget about cleansing your facial skin. During the cold season, it is better to give preference to softer cleansers. For example, mix 125 ml of milk and 5 ml of olive oil. Wipe your face with the resulting mixture, and then apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream if the procedure is done at night. This is an excellent cleansing and care product if you often face the problem of chapped facial skin. From ready-made products, even if your skin is not usually particularly sensitive, during the cold season it is recommended to choose milk or toner with a delicate composition. An example is high-quality Israeli facial cosmetics, where, in addition to thermal water rich in minerals, the ingredients of cleansing products include moisturizing lactic acid, almond oil that increases skin firmness and elasticity, and soothing chamomile extract.

3. Facial cosmetics rich in composition and suitable for your skin type are already half the battle, but you need to take care of the health and beauty of your skin from the inside. Take more vitamins, especially vitamins A and E, which are good for dry skin. In general, chappiness and increased dryness of the skin are often caused by a lack of these particular vitamins.

It is best to replenish vitamin reserves through proper nutrition, use the lists of products in the article “”. Vitamins A and E in their pure form are Aevit capsules, which can be bought at the pharmacy, but it is not advisable to take them constantly, they put a lot of stress on the liver, for the same reason it is not recommended to take them if you are already taking oral contraceptives. The contents of Aevita ampoules can be used as an additive to cosmetic products, such as masks. The most delicate areas of the facial skin are around the eyes. If you often see chapped skin in the mirror, then the risk of wrinkles and dry skin around the eyes increases dramatically. Apply a small amount of oil vitamins A and E to the skin under the eyes at night (do not get it on the mucous membrane of the eye, it can cause swelling!) It is best to carry out a course of such procedures in a week or two, and then take a break of 2-3 weeks. The result will be moisturized and radiant skin, as well as smoothed expression lines.

Top 5 folk remedies for chapped skin

1. After strong exposure to wind and cold, it is necessary to soothe chapped skin with the following compress: infuse 20 grams of dried calendula flowers in 250 ml of boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes, then strain and divide into two equal parts. One part needs to be heated and the other part needs to be cooled. First apply a hot compress with this infusion to the affected areas of the facial skin, and then a cold one. The hot compress lasts for 2 minutes, and the cold compress lasts for a minute. Repeat the manipulations with changing compresses. The total procedure time for soothing and restoring chapped facial skin is 10-15 minutes; the final compress should be a cold one.

2. Sea buckthorn oil will help restore chapped skin of the face and hands at night. Just apply it to the skin, remove excess with a napkin. You can wear special thin cosmetology gloves made of cotton fabric on your hands at night.

3.Damaged, chapped, dry and irritated skin needs additional nutrition. To do this, you should prepare a special homemade face mask: using a blender or rolling pin/mortar, grind 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and mix them with 20-30 ml of warm vegetable oil. Apply the mask to your face with massage movements and leave on the skin for 5-10 minutes, then wash with warm water.

4. If your skin is very chapped and you have been observing the sad effects of cold and wind on your face for a long time, then NameWoman recommends that you try the following beauty procedure. Take the following dried plants in equal proportions: chamomile, linden flowers, rose hips and mint. Grind the resulting mixture and pour 250 ml of boiling water. After half an hour, the infusion needs to be strained. Place what remains at the bottom of the glass between two layers of gauze and apply to the damaged areas of the facial skin for half an hour. Then wash your face and apply nourishing cream. The remaining infusion can later be used as.

5. The following nourishing and moisturizing mask, which promotes rapid cell regeneration, is a popular folk remedy for chapped skin. Take 5 grams of thick thick sour cream and liquid honey, add egg yolk. The mask needs to be heated in a water bath and lubricated on the chapped areas of the facial skin. After 10-12 minutes, wash with warm and then cool water.

Denis VU

Along with the first snowflakes and other joys of the cold season, such a nuisance as chapping often comes to us. This scourge has become so popular that a huge number of ways to combat it have been invented: you will definitely choose the most suitable one. We will talk about the causes of the phenomenon, first aid measures and effective treatment methods at home. Now a chapped face won’t ruin your mood or cause problems!

Facial skin is one of the most sensitive, and therefore requires special care and attention. Our task is to protect her from the harmful effects of the environment, because only with comprehensive care will she be healthy and beautiful. But what to do if chapping does occur? A treatment that can easily be applied at home comes to the rescue. But let's talk about everything in order.

A respectful reason

Many people think that the skin of the face can become chapped only with the approach of severe cold weather. But this phenomenon can happen even in summer. Here are the most common reasons:

  1. The most common culprit is sudden temperature changes. This is when you leave a cozy, warm apartment and find yourself in unexpected frost.
  2. The second reason is the wind. It is this that can easily disrupt the structure of the facial dermis and deprive it of moisture.
  3. If your skin becomes dry, this is often a bad sign, because this phenomenon can guarantee chapping.
  4. Beware of overly aggressive heating, air conditioning and ventilation: they also provoke chapping.

And if some of these reasons cannot be excluded, then chapping of the face can be easily prevented and cured.

Know the enemy by sight

Before you begin treatment, you should finally make sure that you are faced with chapping. To do this, study the characteristic symptoms of this phenomenon:

  • redness;
  • watery eyes;
  • irritation;
  • peeling;
  • cracks in the skin;
  • tightness;

As a rule, the cheeks are the first to suffer, then the impact spreads to the entire face, and sometimes also the neck and arms.

Chapping does not necessarily bring with it this whole “bouquet” of misfortunes. Often only a few symptoms may predominate. The most common characteristic is red, painful skin, as if burned in summer. Fortunately, chapping of the cheeks and face goes away faster: with the proper approach, a couple of days are enough.

First aid

So, you sadly recorded the listed symptoms and became convinced that your face was chapped. We will tell you what to do first to prevent complications and alleviate the condition. When the epidermis is irritated, many begin to intensively rub and scratch it, but this is strictly forbidden: chapped skin is already traumatized.

It’s better to wash your face carefully with lukewarm water, without touching the dermis again. When washing, use a gentle cleanser, not soap. After this, you need to pat your face dry with a towel and carefully apply moisturizer or Vaseline.

If chapping is not serious, then this set of procedures may be enough to treat the skin. If the ambulance only alleviated the condition, then we move on to more active methods.

We begin to heal

Often chapping goes away on its own without our intervention. But you can speed up the healing process of the epidermis by using various remedies at home. In addition, if your face is very weathered, this affects not only your health, but also your appearance. We don’t want to endure these inconveniences, so we begin to treat them.

  • When treating delicate facial skin, any exposure to hot water should be avoided. If you shower or wash your face, use only warm water.
  • Various oils have a revitalizing effect: almond, olive and sea buckthorn are perfect. Apply the heated product with a cotton pad and leave for 5-10 minutes. At this time, you should put a towel on your face. After finishing the procedure, carefully clean your face with a dry cotton pad.
  • To treat and prevent chapping, you need to wash your face without using harsh soap: it will only worsen the situation. Opt for gentle cleansers.
  • After you have washed your face, generously apply moisturizer to your still slightly damp cheeks and nose to soften them. Carry out these manipulations at least an hour before going outside.
  • For a speedy recovery, girls are advised to give up cosmetics, and men are advised to avoid shaving.
  • During treatment, give up coffee and alcohol; instead, drink plenty of water, weak tea and sugar-free juice. A sufficient amount of useful liquid will ensure the regeneration of the dermis and its saturation with moisture.
  • If your lips are chapped, lubricate them hourly with a nourishing balm, drink through a straw and try not to lick.
  • To eliminate inflammation, the face is lubricated with aloe juice, infusion of chamomile or calendula, and a decoction of hop cones.
  • Be sure to watch your diet: to make chapped skin heal faster, add legumes, sea fish, kiwi, walnuts, milk, olives and egg yolks to your menu.
  • If you have Bepanten and Dexpanthenol ointments in your medicine cabinet, they will also help restore the weathered area.

All means are good

Masks for chapped skin will be effective and useful in treatment. We suggest taking note of the most popular and simple recipes that can easily be made at home:

  • Hercules in combination with vegetable or sea buckthorn oil has a healing effect on chapped skin. Mix these components in a 2:2 ratio and apply the resulting mask to damaged areas (often cheeks and nose). Wait for 5-8 minutes and rinse off the mixture with warm water.
  • The damaged epidermis will receive emergency nutrition and hydration with the help of an egg-honey mask. To prepare it, mix the yolk, honey and glycerin in the same proportion until a homogeneous mass is formed. Apply the product to the skin for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. A moisturizer will help enhance the effect after this mask.
  • If you have half an hour of free time, be sure to make an apple-oat mask against chapping. For it you will need a third glass of freshly squeezed apple juice, a tablespoon of oatmeal and cream. The mask should also be washed off with warm water.

For the little ones

Alas, facial skin tends to become chapped not only in adults, but also in children. If you encounter this problem in a baby, avoid any walks and irritation of the baby's delicate dermis with soap. Pediatricians recommend a special children's cream; for more serious chapping, they recommend D-Panthenol.

A face mask made from cream and cottage cheese has a nourishing and softening effect. To protect your baby, also use “winter” creams like “Frost” or “Frosty cheeks”; they should be applied to exposed areas of the skin (cheeks, nose, hands).

Remember a few more tips in order to encounter an unpleasant phenomenon such as chapping of the face as little as possible:

  • limit the use of scrubs in winter;
  • use special fatty creams;
  • hide your skin from harmful influences under clothing;
  • In the cold, breathe through your nose.

Now you know what to smear, (wash, wipe) inflamed skin, and what to do to prevent troubles, which means you are armed in the face of such a problem as a chapped face.