Where to put the New Year tree: original ideas. Where to put the Christmas tree: all ideas and options Christmas tree in the corner

The long-awaited New Year and Christmas holidays are approaching, which we look forward to with such impatience that today many are beginning to imagine what their Christmas tree will look like on the eve of 2016. There are many design options for the main green beauty, but today we are not talking about them, but about where to place the tree so that it becomes a 100% decoration of the room.

If you choose a live (cut down or in a pot) Christmas tree, you should take into account that the tree will not feel well near heating devices, therefore, do not install it near radiators or under an air conditioner.

Near the festive table

A Christmas tree placed near the dining table (or a table moved closer to it) will support good mood, will create the right cheerful atmosphere and serve as an excellent backdrop for New Year’s photos with your family.

On a note: It will be very beautiful if you lean a couple of fluffy tree branches a little or put them on the edge festive table, of course, in the case when its size is sufficient to comfortably accommodate all invited friends and family members.



By the big window

In a house or apartment with good natural light, you can place the Christmas tree on the floor or support, for example, on a cabinet or low coffee table, near a window. During a snowfall or a blizzard raging behind icy windows, a Christmas tree flashing with multi-colored lights will seem like a true New Year's miracle.

Advice: If you place the Christmas tree near a window, prepare decorations for the window opening to form a complete composition. Above the frame you can hang bunches of Christmas decorations, electric or homemade garlands, serpentine and much more. We also recommend that, if possible, free up the floor area around the Christmas tree so that it looks more visually attractive.



Under the ceiling

An unusual, but already beloved by many, solution is to hang a Christmas tree from the ceiling with the top of the tree down. Of course, for this you need to use special fasteners, and act carefully and precisely so that the structure does not collapse later.

However, the idea hanging tree has taken root in many homes where extraordinary ideas are valued; in addition, this way you can save space in a small room.

On a note: Try hanging the Christmas tree from a chandelier if the tree is quite light and compact, and the lamp, on the contrary, is strong and securely attached to the ceiling surface.

By the fireplace

Of course, you should not place the tree close to the fireplace - neither a real nor an artificial specimen will withstand this. But at a distance of about a meter on one side or the other from the fireplace, you can easily install a beauty decorated with bright balls.

This decision to place a New Year's tree is not unusual, but it always looks fascinating and creates the feeling of a real fairy-tale holiday in the room.


Behind the sofa or armchairs

Christmas and New Year- This perfect occasion get everyone together friendly family, or throw a party for your closest friends, the indispensable attribute of which should be, of course, a dazzling Christmas tree.

But since all gatherings after a meal move from the festive table to the sofa area in the living room, it would be absolutely appropriate to place the tree right here: near the upholstered furniture.

Sitting in a soft chair, it’s so nice to admire the shimmering balls and unwrap gifts.


On high ground

If the Christmas tree is the main attribute of the holidays, it should be in the most visible place. But when the room has massive furniture, tall cabinets or walls full of decor, the tree runs the risk of “merging” with all these objects filling the decor.

We recommend placing the tree not on the floor, but, for example, on a coffee table, console (if the tree is small), chest of drawers, cabinet or wide window sill. Located at eye level, it will become the center of attraction from all sides and from all parts of the room.


Every day the main holidays of the year are approaching us - and this is a great opportunity to create, albeit small, your own miracle, even if you start simply by decorating the Christmas tree. Good mood on the eve of the New Year!

You have nowhere to put the Christmas tree, but really want to create a New Year's mood? It doesn’t matter, our ideas are more than enough for you

Very soon the night will come when we openly or secretly, even from ourselves, make wishes and believe with all our might that the next 12 months of life will be brighter, better and more beautiful than all the previous ones.

The streets at night are lit with a thousand lights, it seems that the next tree we meet on the way seems larger and more elegant than any we have seen before. And once again we involuntarily remember our favorite tiny apartment, into which such a Christmas tree certainly won’t fit. But how can this be, will the meters really become a limitation for us and the New Year will live only outside the window and on the TV screen? Of course not! Options holiday decor“in miniature” there is a great variety. Today we will demonstrate the brightest ideas.

A symbolic composition will evoke a lot of pleasant associations among guests, and the best addition to it is your mysterious look.

Is washing dishes not a boring chore for you, but an opportunity to immerse yourself in your own thoughts? Color your thoughts in holiday colors!

No place to put the Christmas tree? Hang it up!

Or collect coniferous branches from friends and stick them to the wall with masking tape.

And you will eat this spruce before the end of the winter holidays. Take a closer look - these are bunches of herbs!

It's simple Christmas balls on the ceiling lamp.

Have you ever decorated your door frames before? The moment has come!

Paper snowflakes on the window glass make you bored? Glue them into a curtain!

This composition will not replace your decorated Christmas tree, but it will certainly turn your mood in the right direction.

Everyone knows about the idea of ​​a garland in a bottle, but what about adding a couple of details to it?

New Year is all about gifts. You can pour a bunch of cut paper “noodles” into craft bags, and hide beautiful pens, key rings, etc. in the very center. gift cards, bottles of massage oil, perfume miniatures and many others own ideas. The most pleasant thing will be to watch the faces of the guests taking out their own chosen gift.

Dreaming of a fireplace? Lean the frame against the wall and place a composition like this in front of it.

A half-liter jar, hawthorn and a candle - that’s the whole secret.

A very minimalist option for the busy and ascetic.

Collecting your own magical forest is no less pleasant than admiring it.

First of all: don't be upset. We all get broke at some point. These could be really serious problems or the banal “parents have cut their pocket expenses.” In any case, you already have a lot of improvised means to create comfort and New Year's decorations, which you can start doing now. Where? This is our “secondly”. Secondly: now we’ll tell you!

Photo tumblr.com


You will need:

  • any christmas balls or Christmas decorations
  • a transparent vase/jar/large glass - basically, whatever you find in the kitchen (preferably something more elegant, but the main thing is that you like it).

You put the balls in a transparent container and you get a wonderful decoration. You can add a garland inside so that your little lights are pleasing to the eye in the evenings. The main thing: not only do you not have to spend money, but you can create it without leaving home!


Another decoration that can be placed on a desk, on a bedside table or on a windowsill - in general, it will be compact and festive,

You will need:

  • Transparent jar with lid
  • A couple of small pine or Christmas tree branches (by “small” we mean about the size of your index finger)
  • powdered sugar
  • ribbon or thread

You take the lid, turn it upside down and pour a little glue in there. You “plant” it Christmas tree branch“trunk” down - in general, so that you get a mini-Christmas tree standing on the lid. Carefully sprinkle with powdered sugar, because the tree needs a beautiful blanket of snow. You close the jar on top and, without turning it over, screw it on. You can decorate with a ribbon: attach a small note to it wishing you a good New Year.

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Photo Archives of press services


Can you tell a hook from a knitting needle and genuinely believe that knitting calms you down? Here's a new anti-stress challenge for you: knit your socks! But not ordinary ones, but big ones, as if you were knitting them for Bigfoot. You probably know about the tradition in some countries of hanging Christmas stockings on the fireplace on Christmas Eve so that Santa could put gifts in them. You can make these not only for yourself, but for everyone at home: just tie their names in a different color, they will definitely be happy. +10 to the New Year's mood, +20 to your karma!

There is very little left until the New Year and Christmas holidays, which we are looking forward to with such impatience. And today many are beginning to imagine what their Christmas tree will look like on the eve of 2016. There are many design options for the main green beauty. We offer you all the ideas and options for where to put the Christmas tree.

Christmas tree at the festive table

Alternatively, you can place the tree near the dining table (or the table moved closer to it). This kind of food will maintain a good mood, create the right cheerful atmosphere, and serve as an excellent backdrop for New Year’s photos with your family.

Christmas tree near a large window

In a house or apartment with good natural light, you can place the Christmas tree on the floor or support, for example, on a cabinet or low coffee table, near a window. During a snowfall or a blizzard raging behind icy windows, a Christmas tree flashing with multi-colored lights will seem like a true New Year's miracle.

Christmas tree under the ceiling

An unusual, but already loved by many, option is to hang the Christmas tree upside down from the ceiling. Of course, for this you need to use special fasteners, and act carefully and precisely so that the structure does not collapse later.

However, the idea of ​​a hanging Christmas tree has caught on in many homes where out-of-the-ordinary ideas are valued, in addition, this way you can save space in a small room.

Christmas tree by the fireplace

Of course, you should not place the tree close to the fireplace - neither a real nor an artificial specimen will withstand this. But at a distance of about a meter on one side or the other from the fireplace, you can easily install a beauty decorated with bright balls.

This decision to place a New Year's tree is not unusual, but it always looks fascinating and creates the feeling of a real fairy-tale holiday in the room.

Christmas tree behind the sofa or armchairs

Christmas and New Year are a wonderful occasion to get together with the whole friendly family, or throw a party for your closest friends, the indispensable attribute of which should, of course, be a dazzling Christmas tree.

But since all the gatherings after the meal move from the festive table to the sofa area in the living room, it would be absolutely appropriate to place the Christmas tree right here: near the upholstered furniture.

Sitting in a soft chair, it’s so nice to admire the shimmering balls and unwrap gifts.

Christmas tree on a hill

If the Christmas tree is the main attribute of the holidays, it should be in the most visible place. But when the room has massive furniture, tall cabinets or walls full of decor, the tree runs the risk of “merging” with all these objects filling the decor.

We recommend placing the tree not on the floor, but, for example, on a coffee table, console (if the tree is small), chest of drawers, cabinet or wide window sill. Located at eye level, it will become the center of attraction from all sides and from all parts of the room.

A selection of ideas for where to place a Christmas tree in a small apartment.

In a large apartment there is always a place for the symbol of the New Year - a Christmas tree, but what if the apartment is one-room, but you want a holiday? I have collected 5 ideas on where to place a Christmas tree in a small apartment.

1. In the room on the table

In a one-room apartment it is not always possible to find space for all the necessary furniture, but you need to find a place for the holiday tree.

Of course, it will be difficult to install a large and massive tree, but if you choose a tree that is comparable in scale, the problem is solved.

The size of the tree does not play a decisive role: it is important that the tree creates festive mood and decorated the interior.

2. On the ceiling

The ceiling is the same floor, only turned upside down.

Don't be afraid to experiment: small apartments require bold decisions and unconventional moves.

Your guests will appreciate this tree and placing it on the ceiling will free up space for one more guest.

3. Kitchen

A New Year's tree in the kitchen will create a festive mood, but it is important that the tree does not interfere with the cooking process.

If the kitchen area is more than 9 m2, then Christmas tree will be appropriate. In a studio apartment, you can put a small Christmas tree on a chair or console.

4. Without a Christmas tree

A holiday without a main symbol is doomed to become an ordinary party, but there is a trick: you can create a New Year's mood by using fir branches and themed decor.

Pay great attention to table setting and place a Christmas composition in the center.

Spruce wreaths on the doors and glass toys will help support the holiday decor theme.

5. On the balcony

Every cat owner will love this idea. Cats love Christmas decor, and tearing down a Christmas tree or climbing on it is a common activity for cats.

To prevent this from happening, you can place the Christmas tree on the balcony. To feel the holiday, it will be enough to remove the curtain.