Korney Chukovsky - aibolit. Aibolit The good doctor will heal everyone

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Aibolit - Chukovsky K.I.

A tale about a doctor who treated forest animals. Bunnies, foxes, wolves - everyone turned to the good doctor for help. But one day a jackal galloped up to Aibolit and brought a telegram from Hippopotamus: “Come, doctor, to Africa as soon as possible. And save, doctor, our babies...” Aibolit immediately got ready to go to the poor animals. Wolves, whales, and eagles help him get to the sick. And now, finally, he flies to Africa. For ten days in a row he treats animals. And everyone becomes healthy and cheerful again!

Aibolit read

1 part

Good Doctor Aibolit!
He is sitting under a tree.

Come to him for treatment

And the cow and the she-wolf,

And the bug and the worm,

And a bear!

He will heal everyone, he will heal everyone

Good Doctor Aibolit!

part 2
And the fox came to Aibolit:

“Oh, I was bitten by a wasp!”

And the watchdog came to Aibolit:

“A chicken pecked me on the nose!”

And the hare came running

And she screamed: “Ay, ah!

My bunny got hit by a tram!

My bunny, my boy

Got hit by a tram!

He ran along the path

And his legs were cut,

And now he's sick and lame,

My little bunny!”

And Aibolit said: “It doesn’t matter!

Give it here!

I'll sew him new legs,

He will run along the track again.”

And they brought a bunny to him,

So sick, lame,

And the doctor sewed his legs.

And the bunny jumps again.

And with him the mother hare

I also went dancing.

And she laughs and shouts:

“Well, thank you, Aibolit!”

Part 3
Suddenly a jackal came from somewhere

He rode on a mare:

“Here is a telegram for you

From Hippopotamus!

"Come, doctor,

To Africa soon

And save me, doctor,

Our babies!

"What's happened? Really

Are your children sick?

"Yes Yes Yes! They have a sore throat

Scarlet fever, cholera,

Diphtheria, appendicitis,

Malaria and bronchitis!

Come quickly

Good Doctor Aibolit!”

"Okay, okay, I'll run,

I will help your children.

But where do you live?

On the mountain or in the swamp?

"We live in Zanzibar,

In the Kalahari and Sahara,

On Mount Fernando Po,

Where does Hippo walk?

Along the wide Limpopo.

part 4
And Aibolit stood up and Aibolit ran.

He runs through fields, through forests, through meadows.

And Aibolit repeats only one word:

"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

And in his face the wind, and snow, and hail:

“Hey, Aibolit, come back!”

And Aibolit fell and lies in the snow:

And now to him from behind the tree

Shaggy wolves run out:

“Sit down, Aibolit, on horseback,

We’ll get you there quickly!”

And Aibolit galloped forward

And only one word repeats:

"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

Part 5
But here in front of them is the sea -

It rages and makes noise in the open space.

And there is a high wave in the sea,

Now she will swallow Aibolit.

"Oh, if I drown,

If I go down.

With my forest animals?

But then a whale swims out:

“Sit on me, Aibolit,

And, like a big ship,

I’ll take you ahead!”

And sat on the whale Aibolit

And only one word repeats:

"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

Part 6
And the mountains stand in front of him on the way,

And he begins to crawl through the mountains,

And the mountains are getting higher, and the mountains are getting steeper,

And the mountains go under the very clouds!

"Oh, if I don't get there,

If I get lost on the way,

What will happen to them, to the sick,

With my forest animals?

And now from a high cliff

Eagles flew to Aibolit:

“Sit down, Aibolit, on horseback,

We’ll get you there quickly!”

And Aibolit sat on the eagle

And only one word repeats:

"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

Part 7
And in Africa,

And in Africa,

On black

Sits and cries

Sad Hippopo.

He's in Africa, he's in Africa

Sits under a palm tree

And by sea from Africa

He looks without rest:

Isn't he going on a boat?

Dr. Aibolit?

And they prowl along the road

Elephants and rhinoceroses

And they say angrily:

“Why is there no Aibolit?”

And there are hippos nearby

Grabbing their tummies:

They, the hippos,

Stomachs hurt.

And then the ostrich chicks

They squeal like piglets.

Oh, it's a pity, a pity, a pity

Poor ostriches!

They have measles and diphtheria,

They have smallpox and bronchitis,

And their head hurts

And my throat hurts.

They lie and rave:

“Well, why isn’t he going?

Well, why isn’t he going?

Dr. Aibolit?"

And she took a nap next to her

toothy shark,

toothy shark

Lying in the sun.

Oh, her little ones,

Poor baby sharks

It's been twelve days already

My teeth hurt!

And a dislocated shoulder

The poor grasshopper's;

He doesn't jump, he doesn't jump,

And he cries bitterly

And the doctor calls:

"Oh, where is good doctor?

When will he come?

Part 8
But look, some kind of bird

It rushes closer and closer through the air.

Look, Aibolit is sitting on a bird

And he waves his hat and shouts loudly:

"Long live sweet Africa!"

And all the kids are happy and happy:

“I’ve arrived, I’ve arrived! Hooray! Hooray!"

And the bird is circling above them,

And the bird lands on the ground.

And Aibolit runs to the hippos,

And pats them on the tummies,

And everyone in order

Gives me chocolate

And sets and sets thermometers for them!

And to the striped ones

He runs to the tiger cubs

And to the poor hunchbacks

Sick camels

And every Gogol,

Mogul everyone,



Serves him with Gogol-Mogol.

Ten nights Aibolit

Doesn't eat or drink or sleep

Ten nights in a row

He heals unfortunate animals

And he sets and sets thermometers for them.

Part 9
So he cured them,

Limpopo! So he cured the sick,

Limpopo! And they went to laugh

Limpopo! And dance and play around,

And the shark Karakula

Winked with her right eye

And he laughs, and he laughs,

As if someone was tickling her.

And baby hippos

Grabbed their tummies

And they laugh and burst into tears -

So the oak trees shake.

Here comes Hippo, here comes Popo,

Hippo-popo, Hippo-popo!

Here comes the Hippopotamus.

It comes from Zanzibar,

He goes to Kilimanjaro -

And he shouts and he sings:

“Glory, glory to Aibolit!

Glory to the good doctors!

(Illustration by V. Suteeva)

Published by: Mishka 04.02.2018 10:38 27.06.2019

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Lesson notes in middle group“The good doctor Aibolit will heal everyone”

Lesson summary for the middle group

« He will heal everyone, »


Encourage children to dramatize familiar works. Learn to pronounce given phrases with intonation and expressiveness, combine movements and speech. Learn to distinguish between the emotions of sadness and joy on faces, in schematic images - pictograms. Develop communication skills of preschoolers. Activate positive emotions to eliminate or reduce the intensity of experienced sadness and sadness.

Move classes:

1. There are many sad and funny fairy tales in the world...

Guys, do you like fairy tales? Then guess the riddle and find out what fairy tale we will go to today.


He is kinder than everyone else in the world,

He heals sick animals,

Everyone knows, famous - this is doctor…(Aibolit)

2.- Whom did he treat? Aibolit? (animals). Do you want to turn into funny animals?

One, two, three, four, five we start playing...

Music game “Animals walked here through the forest along a country road” (imitation of animal movements - hares, foxes, bear cubs)

3.- So we came to the clearing, and what beautiful flowers they grow here.

"Enjoying the scent of flowers" (breathing exercise)

4. We came to the clearing

Look what you found?

The fairy tale gives us a surprise...

The chest is carved,

And how handsome he is.

What's in the chest? Let's see (I take out animal masks). The masks are just a sight for sore eyes, we will wear them, we will play in a fairy tale.

5. Dramatization of a fairy tale:

Close your eyes, children, we will find ourselves in a fairy tale. The miracle begins... one, two, three, come to us! (tree decoration, a child sitting under it playing the role Aibolita).

Aibolit: Come to me for treatment, a cow, a she-wolf, a bug, a spider, and a bear.

Leading: He will heal everyone, good doctor Aibolit will heal. And came to Aibolit fox...

Fox: Oh, I was bitten by a wasp!

Leading: And came to Aibolitu Barbos.

Barbos: A chicken pecked me on the nose!

Leading: And the hare came running and screamed.

hare: Ay, ay, my little bunny, my boy got hit by a tram, he was running along the path and his legs were cut and now he’s sick, and my little bunny is lame.

Leading: And said Aibolit

Aibolit: No problem! Bring him here, I'll sew new legs on him, he'll run along the track again.

Leading: And they brought him a bunny so sick, lame and the doctor sewed his legs, and the bunny jumps again, and with him the bunny mother also went to dance and she laughs and screams...

hare: Well, thank you, Aibolit!

Leading: Frog to Aibolitu galloped up.

frog: I was jumping along the path and hurt my leg on a pebble.

Leading: The doctor treated the frog, applied a healing leaf to the wound.

Aibolit: Who's crying there?

Leading: These are the cubs Tom and Tim.

Aibolit: What hurts you, little bears?

Bear cubs: We ate too many apples and our stomachs hurt.

Aibolit: Now I’ll fly you, give you some medicine, don’t get sick anymore, little bears.

Leading: And flew to sad moth to the doctor.

Butterfly: I burned my wing on a candle. Help me, help me Aibolit, my wounded wing hurts!

Aibolit: Don’t be sad, moth, I’ll sew you a new wing.

Leading: The moth laughed and flew to the meadow. And cheerful Aibolit shouts to him.

Aibolit: Okay, okay, have fun, just watch out for the candles!

Leading: So messed around doctor with their sick animals until late in the evening.

Doctor, you have received a telegram from hippotamus:

Come, doctor, to Africa soon

And save doctor, our kids

Our children are sick:

They have tonsillitis, scarlet fever, cholera,

Diphtheria, appendicitis, malaria and bronchitis.

Aibolit: What is it, are the animals really sick in Africa? Okay, okay, I’ll run and help the sick children!

Leading: And stood up Aibolit, ran Aibolit, and repeats only one word.

: Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo.

6. Talk about pain

It’s good to be animals, but it’s better to be children... One, two, three, four, five, you turn into children again.

Guys, what did the animals feel when they came to to the doctor? And, did you experience pain? When does it hurt?

7. Working with pictograms

What does your face look like when it hurts?

And when you are cured and nothing hurts, then what? (children choose from the proposed pictograms).

8. Game "Magic Chair"

Sometimes we feel hurt, or just sad. The fairy tale gives us a magic chair, when you feel sad or ill, you can sit on this chair, and the children will come up and console you.

Children, how can you console a person? (I listen to the children’s options and summarize)

9. (The phone rings)

Hello, who's speaking?

- Aibolit.

Okay, we're waiting for you, Aibolit.

Guys, he's in a hurry to come to us Aibolit, he cured sick animals in Africa and is coming to our kindergarten.

Aibolit: Hello guys! I visited Africa, treated the sick there animals: hippos, tiger cubs, ostriches and camels. And as soon as I cured them, they went to laugh and dance and play around. Glorious dance "Limpopo", I learned quickly and easily.

Dance with us Aibolit, teach this dance to our guys too.

10. Dance "Limpopo"

11.- It’s a pity to say goodbye to a fairy tale

WITH Aibolit to part with,

But let's not be discouraged

We'll visit a fairy tale call for:

Fairy tale, fairy tale, come,

The kids will be happy!

Direct educational activities

for older children preschool age

Topic: “Good Doctor Aibolit will heal, heal, everyone”

Compiled by: teacher I categories - Davydova S.M.

MADOU " Kindergarten No. 59", Kungur

Integration of areas: Social-communicative, educational, speech development, physical development.

Target: Formation of initial ideas about healthy way life



Summarize children’s knowledge about the benefits of vitamins “A”, “B”, “C”, what products contain them, what role they play for human health. Systematize knowledge that the body requires food rich in vitamins, of which there are many in fruits, vegetables, and foods. Clarify children's knowledge about proper nutrition.


To develop children's attention, thinking, memory and imagination. Learn to draw conclusions and inferences.


To instill in children a desire to be conscious of their health and a desire to take care of themselves. Protect and strengthen the health of children.

Methods and techniques:

Verbal: surprise moment, questions for children, analysis of GCD, encouragement.

Visual demonstration: poster depicting “healthy and unhealthy food”

Practical: touch, exercise in laying out geometric shapes.

Handout: cards for the game “healthy and harmful foods”, pencils, colored chips for the game “what destroys health and what strengthens it”, masks for the skit.

Preliminary work: didactic games: “Pyramid of Health”, “conducting experiments with milk “what will happen with milk if...”, riddles, proverbs and sayings about vegetables and fruits and healthy foods.

Move directly educational activities:

Organizing time: exercise: “Greeting”

Vocal: The guys are in a hurry to visit us

Good Doctor Aibolit.

Friends of health will show you,

He will ask and tell about them.

Let's talk about something important,

How to improve your health

And we can be beautiful.

(knock on the door, Doctor Aibolit comes in)

Aibolit: - Have you read Korney Chukovsky?

Do you guys recognize me?

So I, the same Aibolit,

That will heal everyone, will heal.

But I didn’t come to you for that,

To set thermometers for everyone.

Sasha, Katya, Masha, Vova-

I hope everyone here is healthy?

Do you always brush your teeth? (Yes)

Do washcloths and water often make friends with you? (Yes)

Aibolit, of course, is glad to meet such guys.

Well, my friends, my children, you’ve probably read books about vitamins?

Now let's check this.

Which one of you will explain everything intelligently and show your knowledge,

Your doctor Aibolit will reward him with a modest gift.

Dunno: Excuse me, Doctor Aibolit...

I don't know! I know everything

About vitamins - nonsense, all vitamins are not food!

Aibolit: Wait, wait, my friend Dunno,

If you know a lot, answer!

This is vitamin A, have you heard?

Dunno: Of course...nonsense

I remember they said it is found in sausage, borscht and soap!

Aibolit: Children, give me the answer, is Dunno right or wrong?

We'll clarify the situation and invite carrots here.

Carrot: I am both sweet and tasty, I have vitamin A -

Whoever takes me as a friend grows, grows, grows.

Why did Uncle Styopa grow up to be a giant?

Because I ate carrots, eggs, onions, sour cream.

Aibolit: Well, guys, tell Dunno,

What other foods are rich in vitamin A?

Aibolit: Tell me, friends, what is the benefit of vitamin A?

(vitamin A is a growth vitamin, good for vision and for teeth)

healthy and strong)

Our body especially needs vitamins in spring.

Why do you think?

(Our body weakens in the spring, it needs more vitamins,

Therefore, people are more likely to get colds and

vitamin deficiency)

Aibolit: Do you, kids, know proverbs and sayings about carrots?

    I ate carrots and a drop of blood appeared.

    Sugar destroys teeth, but carrots strengthen them.

    When you eat carrots, you strengthen your teeth.

Carrot: Remember the simple truth, only those who see better

Who chews raw carrots or drinks carrot juice?

Aibolit: Raise your hands, who likes to drink juices?

And now we’ll find out, guess the carrot juice.

Game exercise: “Guess the juice”

Aibolit: Well done, I see the point, but why is Dunno silent?

After all, he said that he knew everything, but now he sits and sighs.

Dunno: Forgive me, I don’t know anything.

Aibolit: Well, kids, the time has come,

Show your knowledge and tell Dunno everything.

Together, everyone get up and start doing physical exercises.

To avoid illnesses (walking)

We need to toughen up (bending arms)

We are used to practicing (torso turns)

Physical exercises in the morning (squats, arms forward)

And we won’t get sick in the spring (head turns)

Vitamin deficiencies do not frighten us (raising the shoulders)

The guys will have strength, agility and health.

Aibolit: Tell me, friends, is rye bread healthy?

Dunno: Rye bread, they said the same.

Rye bread: Wait, there’s no point in rushing,

Health needs black bread, so be friends with it more often.

I'll tell you, by the way, I'm glad about my rye fate -

I have vitamin B

Aibolit: You noticed very correctly,

And tell me, children, where can I find B vitamins?

Aibolit: Listen to useful information about milk.

Milk, such a wonderful product, contains everything

substances necessary for growth and strengthening bones. Doctors

day. Guys, tell me what kind of dairy products can be made

from milk?

Game exercise: “Guess milk product»

1. If milk is left for a day in a warm place, it will sour and

is formed...(yogurt)

2. If sour milk is slightly heated, a dense curd will separate from it.

white...(cottage cheese)

3. If you put the milk in a hot oven and leave it for about 2 hours,

turn out...(baked milk)

4. If you put sour milk in a hot oven, you will get...(ryazhenka)

Aibolit: What are the benefits of B vitamins?

(vitamin B is a vitamin Have a good mood, it helps us to be strong, cheerful, increases appetite, improves brain function)

Aibolit: If there is not enough vitamin B in food, then people develop weakness, headache, and get tired quickly.

Rye bread: It is very important to eat oatmeal for breakfast early,

Rye bread is good for us and not only in the morning.

Aibolit: Remember and name proverbs and sayings about bread.

    Bread is the head of everything

    Without a piece of bread there is sadness everywhere

    No bread - no lunch

    He who is glad to work is rich in bread

    Lunch is bad if there is no bread

Aibolit: Do you know that there are products that can be useful and

unhealthy. Then I suggest you play and show off your knowledge.

Game exercise: “What destroys health and what strengthens it”

- red signal - warns - this product is not useful, although it is

and delicious.

- yellow signal - notifies – This product does not need to be eaten every day.

- green signal – allows – this product is very healthy and you can eat it

every day.

Aibolit: - What are you rich in, potatoes? All the guys love you.

Potato: And they know that vitamin “C” is represented here in my face.

I just want to ask one thing:

Tell me how to cook it so that it retains its vitamins?

Aibolit: Guys, listen to useful information.

It is better to boil potatoes in their skins, i.e. in the peel, there's more in it

vitamins will be preserved. You need to put it in boiling water and cook

with the lid closed.

Aibolit: Guys, remember what are the benefits of vitamin C?

(vitamin “C” is a health vitamin, improves well-being, protects our body from many viruses (germs) and infections (diseases), protects our body from diseases)

Aibolit: If there is not enough vitamin C in food, a person gets sick more often, gets tired quickly, becomes weak and unwell.

Tell me, friends, where or what are vitamins of group “C” found in?

Aibolit: I advise you to definitely eat cabbage, because... it contains more vitamin C than oranges and lemon. And also drinking rosehip tea, if you drink a glass of it every day, it will improve your health, give you vigor and good mood.

(Aibolit treats you to rosehip tea)

Pour rosehip tea and strengthen your health

Aibolit: Orange and lemon, come out and tell us about their health benefits.

Orange: - Oranges help with colds and sore throats

Lemon: - Well, it’s better to eat lemon, even though it’s very sour.

Aibolit: Remember and name proverbs and sayings about vegetables.

    Queen of vegetables - cabbage

    Onions and cabbage will prevent diseases

    Onion cures all ailments

    Onion to health friend

    Onions and garlic are siblings

    Potatoes save bread

    Potatoes and porridge are our food

Aibolit: I suggest you all get up and play for a moment

To prevent us from getting sick, we need to eat vitamins.

Anyone who eats a lot of carrots will become strong, strong, agile,

And whoever loves onions will suddenly grow quickly,

Anyone who loves cabbage very much will always be healthy.

Aibolit: And now my friends offer a sketch I

Tell all guests about the benefits of vegetables.

Sketch: “Vegetables are our friends”

Aibolit: You need to know the whole ABC of health

And apply this knowledge everywhere in life.

Remember everyone - there is no more wealth

What is our health?

Speech about health

We will take care of our health every day

And turning to doctors for advice is becoming less and less common.

Aibolit: Well, Dunno, our friend, you liked the lesson,

Now you know everything yourself, tell your friends.

Dunno: Before I sit down at the table, I’ll think about what to eat.

Aibolit: Remember, my friends, what new did you learn today?

What would you like to tell your parents and friends?

(Aibolit gives a book about health and asks children to draw pictures about

health and healthy food)

Read, get smarter, never get sick.

1 Good Doctor Aibolit! He is sitting under a tree. Come to him for treatment: a cow, a wolf, a bug, a worm, and a bear! Good Doctor Aibolit will heal everyone! “And Aibolit sat on the eagle and repeated only one word: “Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!”


Korney Chukovsky

Good Doctor Aibolit!
He is sitting under a tree.
Come to him for treatment
And the cow and the she-wolf,
And the bug and the worm,
And a bear!

He will heal everyone, he will heal everyone
Good Doctor Aibolit!

And the fox came to Aibolit:
“Oh, I was bitten by a wasp!”

And the watchdog came to Aibolit:
“A chicken pecked me on the nose!”

And the hare came running
And she screamed: “Ay, ah!
My bunny got hit by a tram!
My bunny, my boy
Got hit by a tram!
He ran along the path
And his legs were cut,
And now he's sick and lame,
My little bunny!”

And Aibolit said: “It doesn’t matter!
Give it here!
I'll sew him new legs,
He will run on the track again.”
And they brought a bunny to him,
So sick, lame,
And the doctor sewed his legs,
And the bunny jumps again.
And with him the mother hare
I also went dancing
And she laughs and shouts:
“Well, thank you. Aibolit!

Suddenly a jackal came from somewhere
He rode on a mare:
“Here is a telegram for you
From Hippopotamus!

"Come, doctor,
To Africa soon
And save me, doctor,
Our babies!

"What's happened? Really
Are your children sick?

"Yes Yes Yes! They have a sore throat
Scarlet fever, cholera,
Diphtheria, appendicitis,
Malaria and bronchitis!

Come quickly
Good Doctor Aibolit!”

"Okay, okay, I'll run,
I will help your children.
But where do you live?
On the mountain or in the swamp?

"We live in Zanzibar,
In the Kalahari and Sahara,
On Mount Fernando Po,
Where does Hippo walk?
Along the wide Limpopo."

And Aibolit stood up and Aibolit ran.
He runs through fields, but through forests, through meadows.
And Aibolit repeats only one word:
"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

And in his face the wind, and snow, and hail:
“Hey, Aibolit, come back!”
And Aibolit fell and lies in the snow:
“I can’t go any further.”

And now to him from behind the tree
Shaggy wolves run out:
“Sit down, Aibolit, on horseback,
We’ll get you there quickly!”

And Aibolit galloped forward
And only one word repeats:
"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

But here in front of them is the sea -
It rages and makes noise in the open space.
And there is a high wave in the sea.
Now she will swallow Aibolit.

"Oh, if I drown,
If I go down,

With my forest animals?
But then a whale swims out:
“Sit on me, Aibolit,
And, like a big ship,
I’ll take you ahead!”

And sat on the whale Aibolit
And only one word repeats:
"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

And the mountains stand in front of him on the way,
And he begins to crawl through the mountains,
And the mountains are getting higher, and the mountains are getting steeper,
And the mountains go under the very clouds!

"Oh, if I don't get there,
If I get lost on the way,
What will happen to them, to the sick,
With my forest animals?

And now from a high cliff
Eagles flew to Aibolit:
“Sit down, Aibolit, on horseback,
We’ll get you there quickly!”

And Aibolit sat on the eagle
And only one word repeats:
"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

And in Africa,
And in Africa,
On black
Sits and cries
In Africa
Sad Hippopo.

He's in Africa, he's in Africa
Sits under a palm tree
And by sea from Africa
He looks without rest:
Isn't he going on a boat?
Dr. Aibolit?

And they prowl along the road
Elephants and rhinoceroses
And they say angrily:
“Why is there no Aibolit?”

And there are hippos nearby
Grabbing their tummies:
They, the hippos,
Stomachs hurt.

And then the ostrich chicks
They squeal like piglets.
Oh, it's a pity, a pity, a pity
Poor ostriches!

They have measles and diphtheria,
They have smallpox and bronchitis,
And their head hurts
And my throat hurts.

They lie and rave:
“Well, why isn’t he going?
Well, why isn't he going?
Dr. Aibolit?"

And she took a nap next to her
toothy shark,
toothy shark
Lying in the sun.

Oh, her little ones,
Poor baby sharks
It's been twelve days already
My teeth hurt!

And a dislocated shoulder
The poor grasshopper's;
He doesn't jump, he doesn't jump,
And he cries bitterly
And the doctor calls:
“Oh, where is the good doctor?
When will he come?

But look, some kind of bird
It rushes closer and closer through the air.
Look, Aibolit is sitting on a bird
And he waves his hat and shouts loudly:
"Long live sweet Africa!"

And all the kids are happy and happy:
“I’ve arrived, I’ve arrived! Hooray! Hooray!"

And the bird circles above them,
And the bird lands on the ground.
And Aibolit runs to the hippos,
And pats them on the tummies,
And everyone in order
Gives me chocolate
And sets and sets thermometers for them!

And to the striped ones
He runs to the tiger cubs.
And to the poor hunchbacks
Sick camels
And every Gogol,
Mogul everyone,
Serves him with Gogol-Mogol.

Ten nights Aibolit
Doesn't eat, doesn't drink and doesn't sleep,
Ten nights in a row
He heals unfortunate animals
And he sets and sets thermometers for them.

So he cured them,
So he cured the sick.
And they went to laugh
And dance and play around,

And the shark Karakula
Winked with her right eye
And he laughs, and he laughs,
As if someone was tickling her.

And the little hippos
Grabbed their tummies
And they laugh and burst into tears -
So the oak trees shake.

Here comes Hippo, here comes Popo,
Hippo-popo, Hippo-popo!
Here comes the Hippopotamus.
It comes from Zanzibar.
He goes to Kilimanjaro -
And he shouts and he sings:
“Glory, glory to Aibolit!
Glory to the good doctors!