Notes on healthy lifestyle for the senior group. Summary of GCD in kindergarten on the formation of a healthy lifestyle. Senior group. I. Organizational moment

Volkova Elena Valentinovna, preschool teacher No. 21, Almetyevsk, RT

Program content:

Strengthen children's knowledge about balanced nutrition.

Ensure children's compliance with nutritional rules

Help children understand that health depends on proper nutrition; food should not only be tasty, but also healthy.

Introduce children to the concept of “vitamins”, their designation and benefits for the human body.


Mugs of red and Green colour according to the number of children, easel, pictures of products, letters indicating vitamins; letter, magnets.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizing time.

Guys, today I invited Piggy from the program “ Good night, kids." (the teacher comes to the window and on the windowsill instead of Piggy there is a note: “Guys, please excuse me. I can’t appear with you, my stomach hurts.”

Why do you think such trouble happened to him? (children's answers).

Of course, it also seems to me that this is due to poor nutrition. Do you know what I suggest? We'll talk about proper nutrition. I will record everything on a tape recorder, and we will send this recording to Piggy so that he knows what food is healthy.

II. Conversation about vitamins and healthy foods.

What do you like to eat most? (children's answers)

Why do we eat? (man eats to live). Food is not only a source of energy necessary for human activity, but also a material for growth and development.

What is the difference between tasty and healthy food? (children's answers)

The products contain vitamins that are very important for human health.

What are they needed for? (children's answers)

I want to tell you a little about vitamins. Vitamins are designated by letters A, B, C, D. (I place the letters on the easel). But they are read in Latin. When you go to school, you will learn to read these letters.

Vitamin A– very important for vision and growth, and it is found in carrots, butter, tomatoes, eggs, parsley (I post pictures of products).

Vitamin IN- helps our heart work. It can be found in milk, meat, bread.

Vitamin WITH– strengthens the entire body, protects against colds. It is found in oranges, lemons, berries, cabbage, and onions.

Vitamin D- makes our arms and legs strong. There is a lot of it in milk and eggs.

III. Physical education minute.

IV. Game "Danet"

In order for food to be digested well, you need to follow the nutritional rules. I will now read the rules to you, and if you agree with me, then raise the green circle. If not, red.

  1. You should always wash your hands with soap before eating.
  2. You need to eat at any time, even at night.
  3. You need to eat foods that are good for your health.
  4. You need to eat quickly.
    You need to eat slowly.
    But as?
  5. Food should be swallowed without chewing.
  6. Rinsing your mouth after eating is harmful.

We have repeated the rules of nutrition.

What are they needed for? (so that food is well digested and beneficial).

V. Conversation about harmful products

Please tell me, are all products healthy? (children's answers)

Why is cake harmful? Lemonade? Yes, you are right, some foods are better not to eat. And if you really want it, then eat it in very small quantities.

I prepared pictures of harmful foods for you, but I accidentally mixed them up. Please help me collect them.

VI. Game "Collect the image."

Product images are cut into several parts. You need to collect them, name what happened and tell them why they are harmful.

VI. Game "Who can fill the basket faster"

Now I want to send you to the store to do some shopping. We will split into 3 teams. One team will buy healthy products, the second will buy healthy products, but which are not eaten every day, and the third team will buy unhealthy products.

Summarize the game.

VII. Summing up the lesson.

What did we learn about food today? What makes food healthy? In order for nutrients to be absorbed, what must be observed?

We will send our tape to Piggy and wish him a speedy recovery.

Olga Matova
Project on healthy lifestyle in the senior group “Our Health is in our hands”

Relevance of the topic

The most pressing problem today is the preservation and strengthening children's health. Health is considered as complete physical, mental and social well-being, as a harmonious state of the body, which allows a person to be active in his life, to achieve success in various activities. To achieve harmony with nature and yourself, you need to learn to take care of your own health from childhood. Today it is very important to develop in children preschool age beliefs in the need to preserve one's health and strengthening it through health-saving technology and inclusion healthy lifestyle.

Type project:

Long term

Participants project:

Teachers and children of preparatory school groups, parents.

Expected results:

1. Mastery of basic skills of preservation and strengthening health

2. Acquiring the habit of a healthy lifestyle

3. Increasing parents’ knowledge about healthy lifestyle in preschool institutions

Target project:

Creating favorable conditions for strengthening harmonious physical development child. Formation of the need for healthy lifestyle.

Tasks project:

For children:

1. Enrich and consolidate knowledge about healthy lifestyle, about the benefits of physical exercise and sports in human life.

2. To develop children’s interest in physical education and sports, abilities and skills of cooperation through the moral and aesthetic experience of holding sporting events.

3. Foster children’s need to lead healthy lifestyle.

4. To instill in children purposefulness, organization, initiative, and hard work.

For parents:

To develop the creative and physical abilities of children in sports activities, to form an active position in preserving and strengthening children's health.

Preparatory stage:

Studying methodological literature on the topic « Health» , “Traditional and non-traditional means health improvement children of preschool age."

Planning collaboration with children, teachers and parents.

Selection of materials and equipment for classes, conversations, games with children.

Conducting a survey of parents on topic: "Conditions healthy family lifestyle"

Preparation of consultations for parents on the topic project: "How beneficial for health spend the weekend with your family", "Daily regime", "How to save child's health» .

Development project on the topic« Our health is in our hands» .

Main stage:

Reading fiction literature: K. Chukovsky "Dr. Aibolit", "Fedorino grief", Y. Tuvim "Vegetables", A. Barto "Greasy girl", "I'm growing", "Imaginary Dreams", “Tamara and I are orderlies”, S. Mikhalkova "Graft", "Don't sleep", "Flu"; etc. ;

Riddles about vegetables and fruits; proverbs, sayings, riddles about personal hygiene items, etc., nursery rhymes about health,

Conversations: “Cleanliness is the key health» , “Who goes in for sports, health increases» , “What is charging for?”, “Pills grow on a branch, pills grow in a garden bed”, "Microbes", "Rules of conduct while walking", "Where do diseases come from", "So that the skin is healthy» , and etc.

Didactic games:“What do we have inside?”, "I am taking a shower", "I wash my face", "My body", “To keep your teeth strong”.

Artistic creativity (applique, drawing, modeling): Vitamin basket, vegetables on a plate, "Live vitamins", « Health-illness»

Didactic games: “Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden”, "Pills in the Garden" "Daily regime", "Sport", "Rules of personal hygiene","First aid for injuries", "Healthy and unhealthy food"

Role-playing games: "Hospital", "We are athletes", "Shop"

Dramatization game: "Lessons from Moidodyr"

Play therapy: games with water and sand (tactile - kinesthetic sensitivity, emotional stress relief).

To help parents:

Consultations: "How beneficial for health spend weekends", "Daily regime", "Morning exercises for children", "Tips for strengthening children's health» , "How to teach a child to brush their teeth", « Useful habits» , « Health and nutrition of preschool children" and etc.

The final stage:

photo collage “We are friends with sports”;

exhibition of children's drawings;

photo collage of joint creativity of teachers groups, children and their parents "To country health for the whole family

Family club on the topic:"How good be healthy

Joint holiday "Journey to the Country health»

results project:

Obtaining accessible knowledge about ways to preserve and strengthen health.

Increasing parents' knowledge about the formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschool age.

Replenishment of attributes for finger exercises and self-massage.

Replenishing the card index of riddles about personal hygiene items, rules safe behavior, sports

Gaining experience working with parents of students.

Publications on the topic:

“Our health is in our hands” Methodological development: “Our health is in our hands” Goal. Teach children to be conscious about their diet and resist television.

Project passport: According to the dominant activity in the project: information and creative. According to the number of project participants: children 4-5 years old, parents, teachers.

Consultation for parents “The health of our children is in our hands” How to improve children's health and avoid diseases? These questions concern both parents and teachers, since we all want our children to be one year old.

Our health is in our hands 5th extended day group Educator: Merkulov A.M. Topic: Our health is in our hands Purpose: propaganda healthy image life among preschoolers.

Pedagogical project in the senior group “Health is in our hands” Pedagogical project in the senior group “Health is in our hands” Project participants: senior children speech therapy group, educators, parents,.

Lesson summary on the topic: “The child and his health” in the senior group of kindergarten

TARGET: make children want to take care of their health.
1. Teach children to distinguish vitamin-containing foods.
2. Explain to children how vitamins affect the human body.
3. Help children understand that health depends on proper nutrition - food should not only be tasty but also healthy.
4. Develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination, active and passive vocabulary.
5. Review possessive adjectives.
6. Instill in children a desire to take care of their health.
Tables, subject pictures, individual tables, pencils.
PRELIMINARY WORK Talking with children about your health, learning poems, finger gymnastics, physical minutes, didactic games drawing with stencils.
INTEGRATING EDUCATIONAL AREAS Cognition, communication, reading fiction, Physical Culture, socialization, health.

Progress of educational activities:

Educator: Children name your favorite dishes.
(children call)
Your favorite dishes consist of various foods: potatoes, fish, meat, vegetables, fruits. The difference between tasty and healthy answers. Adults often force children to eat soup, porridge, meat, and milk that are not tasty. If adults, all children loved only; candy, ice cream, cake and other sweets, then all people would eat only tasty things. What would happen then; my teeth hurt, my stomach hurt, I got fat. I'll read a poem now.

Constantly need to eat
important for health
Cottage cheese, curdled milk.



Have you brushed your teeth?
and go to bed.
grab a bun
sweets to bed.

Is this the right advice?

Educator: This means that in order to be healthy and strong, you need to eat right, eat a variety of foods and, of course, you shouldn’t completely give up sweets. The food contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts, and water.
PROTEINS come in animal and plant origin. A growing organism especially needs them. The guys walk, run, jump, work, in a word, they spend a lot of energy. And, of course, the body needs to replenish it, and CARBOHYDRATES and FATS help with this. A person also needs MINERAL SALT and WATER. And also our food should contain VITAMINS. Without vitamins, the normal functioning of our body is impossible. They influence human growth and development. The absence of even one vitamin disrupts the functioning of the body, leading to serious illnesses. Vitamins are found in food products of plant and animal origin. They are designated by the letters of the Latin alphabet A B C D K R, etc. But the most important vitamins are A, B, C, D.
I never lose heart
And a smile on your face
because I accept
Vitamins A, B, C, D.


We chop and chop cabbage,
We three or three carrots,
We salt the cabbage, we salt it,
We press and press cabbage.

Educator: What did we get? Salad - what kind (tasty, healthy, vegetable, vitamin rich).
I love apples
carrots and cabbage too,
Because vitamins
Found in vegetables and fruits.

Educator: Vitamin A is essential for body growth and improved vision (see table). What foods contain this vitamin?

Educator: Vitamin B affects the functioning of the nervous and muscular systems (see table). What foods contain this vitamin?

Educator: Vitamin C strengthens bones and increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases (see table) which foods contain this vitamin.

Educator: Vitamin D is formed under the influence of sunlight. Its absence in young children leads to rickets (see table). What foods contain this vitamin?

Educator: Now we are in the winter, cold period, when we often get sick. To avoid getting sick, we eat a lot of onions and garlic.
I am green, bitter onion
A faithful friend to all the guys.
I'm very helpful
I will save you from illness.

Let's go to the garden
We'll reap the harvest.
We'll drag carrots
And we'll dig up some potatoes,
We will cut a head of cabbage -
Large, juicy, very tasty.
Let's pick a little sorrel
And we'll go back along the path.

Educator: What happens to people when they eat unripe vegetables and fruits? (get sick).

The boy goes to the doctor
I have a stomach ache.
- What did you eat?
-I ate a peach.
It is green and not ripe.
The doctor gave eye drops
Do it ten times a day.
Maybe you can understand better
What do you put in your mouth?

Educator: What do we do with vegetables and fruits so that we can eat them all winter? (canned, salted, fermented).
Snow flies outside the window,
There are no berries in the empty garden.
Snow is no problem for berries
We'll ask them here.
In good jars behind glass
The berries breathe warmth.
They are for children in winter
Save summer.
And they keep everything for us -
Vitamin family.

What kind of berry came
How round is a pea?
Yes, completely - completely round
And is black so small?
Black currant!
Vitamin juice
All of them are healthier and tastier.

On a branch - swinging
It sways and sways.
It's called juice.
While the raspberries are ripening
You need to dry the berries.
After all, she will be able to
Treat you for a cold.


Drawing a table.
Surprise moment - apples.
RESULT. What did we talk about, what are vitamins for?

Lesson on healthy lifestyle in the senior group

“Vitamin food always gives us strength”

Program content:

Strengthen children's knowledge about balanced nutrition.

Ensure children's compliance with nutritional rules

Help children understand that health depends on proper nutrition; food should not only be tasty, but also healthy.

Introduce children to the concept of “vitamins”, their designation and benefits for the human body.


Red and green circles according to the number of children, an easel, pictures of products, letters indicating vitamins; letter, magnets.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational moment.

Guys, today I invited Piggy from the program “Good night, kids” to class. (the teacher comes to the window and on the windowsill instead of Piggy there is a note: “Guys, please excuse me. I can’t appear with you, my stomach hurts.”

Why do you think such trouble happened to him? (children's answers).

Of course, it also seems to me that this is due to poor nutrition. Do you know what I suggest? We will talk about proper nutrition. I will record everything on a tape recorder, and we will send this recording to Piggy so that he knows what food is healthy.

II. Conversation about vitamins and healthy foods.

What do you like to eat most? (children's answers)

Why do we eat? (man eats to live). Food is not only a source of energy necessary for human activity, but also a material for growth and development.

What is the difference between tasty and healthy food? (children's answers)

The products contain substances that are very important for human health - vitamins.

What are they needed for? (children's answers)

I want to tell you a little about vitamins. Vitamins are designated by the letters A, B, C, D. (I place the letters on the easel). But they are read in Latin. When you go to school, you will learn to read these letters.

Vitamin A is very important for vision and growth, and it is found in carrots, butter, tomatoes, eggs, parsley (I post pictures of the products).

Vitamin B - helps our heart work. It can be found in milk, meat, bread.

Vitamin C – strengthens the entire body, protects against colds. It is found in oranges, lemons, berries, cabbage, and onions.

Vitamin D - makes our arms and legs strong. There is a lot of it in milk and eggs.

III. Physical education minute.

IV. Game "No"

In order for food to be digested well, you need to follow the nutritional rules. I will now read the rules to you, and if you agree with me, then raise the green circle. If not, red.

You should always wash your hands with soap before eating.

You need to eat at any time, even at night.

You need to eat foods that are good for your health.

You need to eat quickly.

You need to eat slowly. How?

you need to swallow without chewing.

Rinsing your mouth after eating is harmful.

We have repeated the rules of nutrition.

What are they needed for? (so that food is well absorbed and beneficial).

V. Conversation about harmful products

Please tell me, are all products healthy? (children's answers)

Why is cake harmful? Lemonade? Yes, you are right, some foods are better not to eat. And if you really want it, then eat it in very small quantities.

I prepared pictures of harmful foods for you, but I accidentally mixed them up. Please help me collect them.

VI. Game "Collect the image."

Product images are cut into several parts. You need to collect them, name what happened and tell them why they are harmful.

VI. Game "Who can fill the basket faster"

Now I want to send you to the store to do some shopping. We will split into 3 teams. One team will buy healthy products, the second team will buy healthy products, but which are not eaten every day, and the third team will buy unhealthy products.

VII. Summing up the lesson.

Golodko Natalya Petrovna

Goal: to form in children the concept of healthy lifestyle

Objectives: Educational – to give an idea of ​​the components of a healthy lifestyle, the importance of physical exercise for the human body. Expand ideas about the importance of hygiene procedures, movement, hardening, fresh air, and mood for health. Strengthen knowledge about the benefits of vitamins. Educational - to cultivate the need to be healthy, to be attentive to oneself and to each other. Foster the need to eat vegetables and fruits and other healthy products. Developmental – develop the ability to take care of one’s health and cognitive interest.

Equipment and materials - a Vitamin costume for a teacher, a recording of the sounds of a moving train, a ball, three stations in the Land of Health, on easels illustrations or photographs depicting children playing sports, doing exercises, washing themselves, washing their hands, brushing their teeth, tempering themselves, walking on fresh air, eating fruit, drinking juice, smiling, with a picture of food. Puzzles “Vitamins A, B, C” with images of food products containing these vitamins, yellow paper circles according to the number of children, colored pencils, vitamins.

Progress of the lesson.

There is a knock on the door. Vitamin Man enters.

Hello guys! My name is Vitaminchik.

Children say hello to Vitamin.

Vitamin: - Guys, what do we do when we say hello?

Children: - We wish you health.

Vitamin. - Let's play a game?

(Communicative game “Hello!”)

Children stand in a circle, say hello and pass the ball to each other.

Vitaminchik - Guys, I really liked you! Are you ready to go on a trip? Beyond the seas, beyond the forests, there is a wonderful country. It is called the Land of Health. Residents of this country never get sick. What do you think it means to be healthy?

Children - Don’t get sick, be strong, strong, don’t cough, don’t sneeze, toughen up.

Vitamin - Let's hit the road! How can we go on a trip?

Children - On the train!

Vitamin - Let's go!

(children move around the group to the sound of the train)

Vitaminchik - Here is the first station! Look carefully, what could it be called?

Children - Cleanliness. Cleanliness is the key to health.

Vitamin - What do children do? Why is cleanliness important for health?

Children - To wash away germs.

Vitamin - What do you need to do for this?

Children - Wash your face, wash your hands, brush your teeth, trim your nails, wash the floor and dishes.

Vitamin boy - What are these children doing?

Children - They walk in the fresh air. To be healthy, you need clean and fresh air. You need to walk more, ventilate the room, sleep with the window open.

Vitamin - Let's wash ourselves too!

Massage "Bathhouse"

They rubbed and rubbed the pigs' backs. We washed our ears and heels. They washed their cheeks. We steamed with a broom, steamed with a birch broom. Wow!

(Children perform the movements)

Vitaminchik - Here we are. Second station "Sportivnaya". What are the guys doing?

Children - Exercise. Whoever does exercises gains health.

Vitaminchik - Guys, why do they do exercises?

Children - To wake up, recharge your batteries.

Children read poetry.

I'll chase away the remnants of sleep,

Blanket aside!

I need gymnastics.

Helps a lot!

So that we don't get sick

And don't catch a cold

We are charging with you

Let's study!

Vitamin - Who does exercises at home in the morning? And when we do gymnastics, physical exercise?

Children - Physical education after sleep.

Vitamin Man - What are these children doing?

Children are being hardened. If you harden yourself from a young age, you will be good for the rest of your life.

Vitamin - Why do people harden themselves, how can they harden themselves?

Children - Wash with cool water, cool shower, wash feet, gargle with cool water, swim in the river.

Vitamin - How do you harden yourself?

Children - We walk barefoot.

Physical education lesson “Exercise”.

Every day in the morning

Let's do exercises.

We really like it

Do it in order.

It's fun to walk

Raise your hands

Squat and stand up

Jump and gallop.

(Children perform the movements)

Vitaminnaya station.

Vitamin - Why does a person need food?

Children - Man eats to live.

Vitamin - What are the benefits of vegetables and fruits?

Children - They contain a lot of vitamins and nutrients.

Children read poetry.

Remember the simple truth

Only the one who sees better

Who chews raw carrots

Or drinks carrot juice!

Early morning is very important

Eat oatmeal at breakfast.

Black bread is good for us

And not just in the morning.

I never lose heart

And a smile on your face

Because I accept

Vitamins A, B, C.

Game "Assemble the puzzles." Puzzles show which foods contain vitamins A, B, C.

Vitamin - what are the benefits of vitamins?

Children – Vitamin A is good for vision and growth.

Vitamin B helps the heart work and makes nerves strong.

Vitamin C strengthens the entire body and protects against diseases.

Vitamin - Look, what is this? (points to a smiley face). Why is he here in the land of Health?

Children - Good mood- another secret of health.

Vitamin - Let's draw emoticons and give them to our friends.

Summary of the lesson.

Vitaminchik - Children, did you enjoy your trip to the Land of Health? What new things have you learned?

Children - Everyone must know:

“We must maintain health! »

Need to smile more often

And take a walk in the air.

You need to eat right

You need to play sports.

Wash your hands before eating,

Brush your teeth, toughen up!

And always be friends with water.

Vitamin - And as a farewell, so that you don’t forget about me, I want to give you these vitamins! Goodbye!