Ritual to cure a serious illness. Spells for diseases, treatment with spells, spells for health. How to cross an abscess

As long as humanity has existed on earth, various ailments have existed for exactly the same amount of time. Modern medicine, of course, has achieved unprecedented progress and is capable of curing the vast majority of currently known diseases. But in the old days, our great-grandmothers turned to the help of exclusively folk medicine and often combined it with village magic, using healing . Used like this unconventional method getting rid of illnesses by some people even now.

Conspiracy against diseases and its main varieties

No one will deny that any disease, even a minor one in the form of a banal mild cold, knocks a person out of the usual rhythm of life and causes a lot of inconvenience. If the disease occurs in a severe, complicated form, it weakens the patient not only physically, but also morally.

But what to do with special cases when traditional medicine refuses the patient, when drug treatment does not produce any results, when doctors just shrug their hands in confusion? In such a situation, many remember ancient healing methods, tested by more than one generation of people - various healing spells and rituals. Turning to the help of healing magic sometimes becomes the only hope for a person stricken with illness.

Conspiracy against diseasesrepresentsa magic spell that aims to eliminate an illness from which the performer or the customer suffers. It can also be used with prophylactic purposes .

There is a wide variety of witchcraft spells that help cure this or that ailment. Their classification varies depending on the area affected by the disease and the symptoms bothering the patient. In general, several main types of healing rituals can be distinguished:

  • preventative spells - protective rituals that help prevent the development of any ailments. They can be read even if a person is absolutely healthy and does not observe any symptoms;
  • universal rites- similar conspiracies can be cast for any illness;
  • spells cast to treat a specific disease,- act in relation to individual diseases;
  • healing rituals used in the treatment of childhood illnesses, - they are placed in a separate group, since the plot for a sick child is most often read by the mother or grandmother.

Since the disease plot is aimed at getting rid of illness or pain and normalizing well-being, it is recommended to read it during the period of the debilitated moon. The energy of the night luminary at this time helps to eliminate any negativity. IN special cases a magical ritual can be performed in another phase, but all the conditions of the instructions must be observed.

Preventive and universal conspiracies for diseases

Preventive spell for any illness

This short conspiracy is a protective prayer that helps prevent the development of any illness. You can say it for yourself, for your children, for your relatives. The amulet is spoken until dawn:

Universal conspiracy against diseases

This is a conspiracy accompanied by a ritual. The first part of the ritual is carried out within the walls of the church, the second - at home. First you need to visit God's temple, buy there3 candles and dial holy water. You should also definitely light candles in front of the icons (any), pray, ask for help from God and his saints, ask the Lord for a blessing for recovery, then cross yourself and go to your home.

At home you need to calm down, light candles in any quantity, place icons of saints and a container of blessed water nearby, focus on healing and read the words of the spell over the water (at least 7 times):

The water on which the conspiracy is whispered must be added a little bit every day to the patient’s food and drinks, and this must be done for 2 weeks. If after all the manipulations the illness does not leave the sick person, the ritual and conspiracy must be repeated.

Conspiracy to reprimand a serious (fatal) illness

If the patient has been suffering for quite a long time, and drug treatment does not bear fruit, you can try to reprimand his illness using the following plot. The words are spoken on the patient’s T-shirt or shirt in which he slept (there is no need to wash it). Requirements for the performer:

  • read the spell in the open air (forest, field);
  • perform the ritual in absolute solitude;
  • complete silence throughout the entire day when the ceremony was carried out.

Suitable days are all except Monday, Saturday and Sunday. Text of the report:

When the conspiracy against illness is read on a T-shirt, it must be immediately set on fire and, without waiting for it to burn completely, leave the place where the ritual is performed. You can't look back.

A conspiracy against diseases if doctors cannot make a diagnosis

This conspiracy is used if the nature of the disease is unknown and doctors are unable to clarify the diagnosis. The text should be read by the patient himself before going to bed, 12 times:

Conspiracy for a speedy recovery

In order for a quick healing from the disease to occur, the sick person himself or the person who wants to help him, during the waning moon, should go out into the open air after 12 o'clock at night and, looking at the night star, say the words of the conspiracy:

Useful information about conspiracies against diseases and examples of effective healing rituals can be found in this video:

Conspiracies for the treatment of specific diseases

Cold and flu spell

The spell helps get rid of colds and eliminate the symptoms of colds. The words of the healing spell are read inhoney(specially purchase a new jar of bee honey for this purpose). The ritual can be used for both adults and young patients. Its text is pronounced exactly 7 times:

The enchanted bee product must be eaten one teaspoon 3-4 times a day. For sick children, the sweetness should be diluted in water (or tea) and given to the child 3-4 times a day.

Ritual for skin diseases

This spell is effective against any dermatological diseases. Used in the ritualfoggy glass or mirror . The patient should first move the index finger of his right hand along the foggy surface, and then wipe the sores on the skin with the same finger, saying:

The healing spell is read three times. The first results will appear after a few days.

Conspiracy for the treatment of female diseases

This spell is used for the purpose of healing from gynecological diseases (including female infertility). The spell is pronounced for exactly 7 days, without breaks and with faith in recovery. The words are read after 12 o'clock at night in the light of 2 burning candles (the performer's gaze should be directed towards their flames). The text is pronounced three times:

Having spoken the plot the required number of times, the candles should be blown out. On the second and subsequent days the ritual is repeated with the same candles. On the seventh day they must be allowed to burn out to the end.

If a child is sick

The above spell is a conspiracy against childhood illnesses. It helps protect a sick child from possible complications, strengthens his immunity.

First, a little preparation is required: you need to pour clean (preferably spring) water into a transparent jar, put a silver cross in it, and leave the container in this form for a day. Once 24 hours have passed, you need to stand with the jar (holding it with both hands) in the middle of an empty room and say the magic words:

You need to give your child 3 drops of spoken water - in its pure form or adding it to other drinks. This should be done every 3 hours. Water should also be mixed into the bath when bathing, and sprinkled with it in the corners of the children's room. It is advisable to moisten the window sill and threshold with it.

Any spell against illness is a useful witchcraft ritual that will help cope with a wide variety of diseases, because it has long been proven that the word has healing powers. When using healing rituals, you must strictly fulfill all the necessary requirements and believe that magic will help you achieve recovery.

These conspiracies from a separate pile are distinguished by the fact that they work when pronounced by any person. You can read conspiracies in the morning, during the day, and in the evening (up to ten o’clock), but not at night

According to popular beliefs, illness is a separate, independent creature that lives in its own world and only sometimes comes to a person like an uninvited guest. According to widespread beliefs, almost all diseases - including childhood diseases - were caused by the influence of demonic creatures, predominantly female.

From a sudden illness

The shepherd must know this spell by heart and read it before leaving for the pasture. Working outside in the rain or in a field in the wind often takes a toll on a person’s health. Anyone who knows this plot will be able to protect themselves from sudden illness.

I will stand, blessing the east, the eastern side. I have the holy cross on me. Jesus Christ is everywhere with me. Heaven is a castle to me, earth is a castle to me, and the keys are to me, and you are sick and in trouble, don’t knock on me. I step on a stone - blood is ore, it doesn’t drip, it doesn’t pinch or hurt anywhere in the body. Angels ahead, angels behind. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen on the ocean sea, the church stands on a rock. She is strong, she is strong, she doesn’t get sick, she doesn’t hurt, she doesn’t know. So I, the servant of God (name), would not be sick, pain, stitches, I would not know. There is a stone mountain around me, it protects me, it doesn’t let me get sick. Iron, Tyn, Bogoroditsyn castle. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Gain strength quickly

There are all sorts of circumstances: a person loses strength after illness, childbirth, stress, etc. Go outside, raise your hands above your head, look at the stars and say:

The stars are not counted, the sky is not measured. Lord, my God, the powers of heaven are with me. I glorify the Mother of God, Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy against forty deadly diseases

The conspiracy will help even with those diseases that no doctor can cure. They read it loudly, without stuttering or being distracted by anything.

Angels, heavenly, angels, saints. Take and take all my words and all my request to the Lord God, Jesus Christ. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. People get sick, people suffer, people die. Who thought these diseases were, who brought these diseases on people, Get up, you sick people, shake yourself up, go and go to hell. Roll down, fall off the servant of God (name) so that his soul soars and his body stops hurting. Bless, Lord, all my words and all my healing deeds. And what I missed, what I missed, the Lord will order and the Angel will say all the words for me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

If you feel unwell

With your ring finger, touch the icon of Christ the Savior, then touch your forehead and say:

The ring finger does not have a name, so my servant of God (name) does not have an illness. Amen. Soon you will feel relief, and the discomfort will go away without a trace.

What to do if you feel low

If a person feels a loss of strength, let him go to the field, lie down in a fresh furrow and say:

You are a reaper, give me all your strength, the earth gives birth, the earth revives, the earth rewards me with strength. Jesus Christ has risen, so may my strength also rise. What I said, what I didn’t say, what I thought, everything so that it would benefit me, God’s servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

They also improve their strength with herbs. (See the “Herbs” section.) On a full moon, at 00 o’clock, you can go outside, raise your hands in the air and shout, without thinking that you can be heard

The power of heaven is invincible, inexhaustible. My angel, strengthen me with this strength. In the name of. Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. This cannot be done on an odd day.

What can you do to help yourself if you feel unwell?

If you are sick, eliminate all meat from your diet. Give preference to fish, or even better, fish soup (fish broth). Also grind the butter and honey in a bowl, rub with this mixture, and warm up in the bath. See how quickly your strength will return.

Sleep restores health. Turn off the doorbell, telephone, close the curtains tightly. When you go to bed, say:

Angels strengthen my health. Amen.

If possible, eat less, drink lingonberry infusion with honey and hot milk with foam more often. Wipe yourself twice a day - morning and evening terry towel soaked in hot salt water. After this procedure, rub with a dry waffle towel.

If your bones ache, wrap your naked body in a goat's shawl and, as you lie down in bed, say:

Take two-horned from two-legged. Desk, Abu, Ali, Ala. The two-horned one took, the two-legged one gave away. Amen. The same should be done if you have a cold.

If your illness has dragged on for a long time, do this. Enter the river (if there is no river nearby, you can go into a bath of water), pour water over yourself from head to toe and say:

Maternal waters have receded, birth, mothers, have gone. I came out of the water, and out of the water, I came out. God gave me a soul and settled me on dry land. I'll go into the water and find relief. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The sacrificial blood of a freshly killed bird helps to alleviate the painful condition.

They chop the chicken and place their left hand under the warm blood. Forty crosses are drawn on the naked body with this blood. For each drawn cross they say:

You, bird, are dead, and I am alive. Blood is on the cross, but health is in me. Amen.

After this, your health will improve very quickly. From a contagious disease, if an epidemic breaks out, talk to yourself in advance so as not to get sick.

Place two mirrors. One in front and one in back. Look at the back of your head and say:

There are no eyes on the back of the head, no nose on the back of the head, no mouth on the back of the head. So that I will not have illness: neither from people, nor from animals, nor from horses, nor from cows, nor from goats, nor from birds, nor from the wind, nor from water, nor from the earth. Lord, save me. Save and defend. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From an unknown illness

If doctors cannot make a diagnosis, and you feel like you are dying, immediately begin to lecture you.

Read twelve nights before bed.

Countless keels, release my veins. Take away your eyes, womb serpent. Fly from my body into the chimney, find yourself another victim. All holy heavenly helpers of God, honor me, servant of God (name), with your help, crush my illnesses! Now and ever and unto ages of ages. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

A conspiracy to protect during influenza epidemics

They slander the water, stirring it with a splinter split from a log. They interfere in only one direction, clockwise. They stir until they read it three times. Then they cover the whole family with water. The wood chips are dried and burned. The shield of the Lord is with me from every kind of illness on earth: from ulcers, pestilence, from plague, fire, from leprosy, pus, from pestilence and shaking, fire, rabies. Protect, Lord, with Your fence, my family. Amen.

Lamp of life

In order to find out whether the patient will die or not, they make a lamp of life. They pour oil into the lamp, take the patient’s sweaty undershirt, raise it to the level of the lit lamp and read:

The candle of life of God's servant (name) burns. His guardian angel, indicate. If this lamp does not burn, the servant of God will die. Amen.

Then wave the patient's shirt behind you. If the flame weakens but does not go out, it means that the patient will still get sick, but will not die. If the fire goes out, it means it will not rise.

How to talk yourself out of illness for the whole year

This is a very old and proven method. Grandmother said this about him:

“Defense girl, saver.” If you do everything correctly, you will avoid colds and illnesses throughout the year.

Take out the charcoal from the ash pit with your left hand. Draw a line on the floor, stand with your back to it, step over it with your left foot back and forth and say:

No line to the line, no cross for him. So I don’t have any illness or pain the next day, nor the day after tomorrow, nor for a week, nor for a month, nor for the whole year! Amen.

Bath plot for good health and longevity

Say the words of this spell while washing in a bathhouse or, if a bathhouse is contraindicated for you by doctors, in the bathroom. The words of the conspiracy are spoken when you douse yourself with water for the last time.

Wash off the water, wash off the thinness, dryness, aches, windbreak, wash off the servant of God (name). Like a duck from the sea, so I am sick. Like water is off a duck's back, so is illness off of me. Thinness is like water off a duck's back. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy at the beginning of the disease

As soon as you feel the first signs of illness, read this plot - it will help stop the disease at the very beginning.

I draw, I draw from the whites of the breast, the red faces, from the zalothu, from the kumchug, from the windy cheekbones. He came with the wind and went with the wind. Amen.

Conspiracy over a sick relative

The spell is read over the patient three times.

Come down from (name), illness, onto an animal, onto a leaf, onto a dry bush, onto an empty barrel, onto a swamp hummock, cleanse (name’s) body. Firmly. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy for the treatment of wounds and bruises

Whether it’s a bruise, a wound, an inflammation - move your hand around the sore spot (you can rub in the ointment at the same time, if it’s prescribed for you) and read the spell three times:

Just as a leaf on a dry birch tree dries up and falls off, so if (name)’s wound would heal, the disease would dry up and fall off. Firmly. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Morning spell for good health

This spell is good to start the day.

I, servant of God (name), get up, bless myself, cross myself, wash myself with holy water, wipe myself with a robe-veil, pray to the Lord God. I will go out from door to door, from gate to gate under the morning dawn Maria, under the evening dawn Maremyana, to the ocean to the sea. On the ocean-sea, the golden stone does not sink and does not ache, the servant of God does not have a back, does not ache, the tumor does not rise upward, it would be squeezed out from under the nails, from under the elbows, from under the ribs, from under the vein, from - under the turnout, there wouldn’t be all the tracts, all the refuges, there wouldn’t be all 12 birthplaces, they would have dried up, and so his servant of God (name) would have disappeared, there wouldn’t have been any in the bones, or in the joints, or in wild head, neither in his ruddy face, nor in his clear eyes, nor in his black eyebrows, and from his entire body, and from his entire member. Morning dawn Maria, evening dawn Maremyana, as you soon calmed down, calmed down, so would the servant of God (name) calm down, all the sorrows and pains, birthplaces, tracts dry up, all 12 birthplaces disappear. Those who taught, did not teach, which words she knew, she read, which, apparently, she knew and forgot and left, they would run ahead and help more than others. And be, my words, strong and sculpted, stronger than stone, faster than the wild wind. Forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy when washing your face for health and beauty

Every morning and evening, when washing your face, read these spell words. They will not only help you get rid of the disease, but they will also keep the disease away from a healthy person. And besides, they will give you a healthy and fresh look.

They wash themselves with water, wipe themselves with a shroud, and walk in good health. Amen.

A conspiracy to catch the disease

In order to catch the disease and remove it from yourself, you need to outline the sore spot in a circle with the index finger of your right hand and read the spell three times.

I, servant of God (name), will stand up, blessing myself, and walk, crossing myself; I'll wash myself morning dew, I wipe myself with a thin white linen and go from the hut to the door, from the door to the gate, under the eastern side to the Okiyan-sea. On that Okiyan-Sea stands the island of God, on that island lies the white flammable stone Alatr, and on the stone is the holy prophet Elijah with the heavenly angels. I pray to you, holy prophet of God Elijah, send thirty angels in a gold-plated dress, with bows and arrows, and beat off and shoot from (name) lessons and ghosts, and tributaries, pinches and aches, and wind-borne ulcers, to where the winged bird flies, on the black mud, on the trampling swamps, both counter and crosswise, stamovo and lomovo - on the young, on the old and on the cut of the month.

Conspiracy over medicine

This plot will enhance the healing effect of any medicine.

Bring down thunder and prayers for me; beat off and shoot away from the servant of God (name) lessons and prizes, pinches and aches, sweating and yawning, and a wind-borne ulcer, where a winged bird does not fly, and a daring fellow on a horse does not ride, oncoming and transverse, stamovo and lomovo, internally, singly, subcutaneously and veinly. Just as a dead man’s arms and legs, teeth and lips, and trembling body tingle, so would (name) have lessons and ghosts and tributaries, pinches and aches, tightness and yawning, and a wind-carrying ulcer, oncoming and transverse, stamovo and lomovo, internally. , subcutaneously and veinly.

Such a conspiracy works very well on medicinal herbs, moods and decoctions from them.

Spell on water for dousing to alleviate the patient's condition

Pour warm water into a bucket and read the spell over it. After washing, pour water over the patient.

The servant of God (name) got up, blessed himself, walked, crossing himself, out of the hut by the doors, out of the yard by the gates, and went out into the open field. In an open field there is a blue sea, on that blue sea there is a quiet creek, on that one in a quiet factory a gray goldeneye swims, on that gray goldeneye there is no water or dew. Likewise, neither lessons, nor prizes, nor dashing slander, nor windy shootings, nor nightly commotions would stick to the servant of God (name). Forever and ever, amen.

Red wine spell for strength and blood renewal

This conspiracy renews the blood and brings new strength throughout the body. They read it over a glass of red wine; it is better to use Cahors - church wine, symbolizing the blood of Christ. The patient should be given wine to drink before going to bed.

I will stand, blessing myself, and go, crossing myself, into an open field; in an open field the Oka River runs along paths and roads. And the Oka River washes steep banks, silk grass, fine sand, and pebbles. So she would beat and wash all the judgments and little things from the slave (name). And you, servant of God (name), wash yourself with dew, wipe yourself with the stars, wipe yourself with the month and be saved from condemnation by the red sun, and get away from enemies and thieves! And just as the cathedral church closes and solidifies, so I, slave (name), confirm and strengthen all words and sentences, from now on and forever, amen. Mark the Hermit, help and assist the servant of God (name), so that from now on he will have no sorrow; and just as you didn’t have pain or ache, so would the servant of God (name) have numb pain in his teeth.

Spell over water and salt to return consciousness

Pour water into a cup, add a pinch of salt and add three coals.

Read the spell over the water and spray it three times on the patient’s arms, legs, chest and back.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us sinners, have mercy on the servant of God (name)! Mother of God, do not forsake the servant of God by Your mercy, forgive his great sin in which he sinned against You. Lord, have mercy on him from every evil eye. May God give him health and salvation!

Then cross the patient and read these words:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on the servant of God (name). Lord, bless, Father! The Archangels, the angels of the Lord, Michael and Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael, who see at the door of the Lord, hold scepters in their hands, and guard the bed of the Lord; in the form of many forces, the archangel and the rivers: “Curse the devil, and he will not touch the servant of God, neither day nor night, nor on the way, nor in any place.” But observe, Lord Jesus Christ, with the prayers of the Most Pure Mother of Ti and all the saints, the angels, always and now and ever and unto ages of ages, amen.

Conspiracy for arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism and joint pain

You need to thoroughly brush your yard dog, definitely one that lives in a kennel rather than a house, tighten its fur, tie socks (if your feet hurt) or a scarf (if you have pain in your back or arms). The resulting product must be brought close to the lips and a spell whispered into it. After this, the item is used for its intended purpose: the scarf is tied to the sore spot, socks are put on and left overnight.

The words are:

Become, servant of God (name), blessing yourself in the morning and evening, wash yourself with the morning dawn and evening, wipe yourself with white light; the red sun bakes in the forehead, the bright moon hits the back of the head, frequent small stars scatter along the braids; he will go out of doors by doors, from the canopy by canopies, from gates by gates, will go out far into an open field, on four heights, will stand to the east with his face, to the west with his ridge: in the east is the light of the true Christ; on the blue sea there is a white stone, on the white stone there is a white man in a white dress, the light of George the Brave; George of the Light the Brave has two young men, two much more daring, great archers: one son Simeon, the other Gerasim, walking with a tight bow, shooting at damp oak. Oh, you, Simeon and Gerasim, don’t shoot at the damp oak, shoot at the inflow wounds, shoot, chop off the servant of God (name) pritzi, prizors, inflow slander, windy fractures, inflow slander. Amen.

Look in the countryside or in the village for a house where they keep a dog, ask the owners for wool. If you try, you can also find people who will spin wool. Try to do everything as indicated here, because this product is good and reliable.

Well, if it doesn’t work, use other conspiracies.

Preparation of healing oil

Take vegetable oil and speak it for future use so that you can lubricate the sore spot with it at any time.

There is a sea-ocean; on that sea there is a golden bridge, a golden man sits on it, shaves golden arrows and shoots from the servant of God (name) a touch, and a parable, and a pinch, and a hair, a touch of night and day, midday, and midnight, and water, and wood, from hands and feet, and from bones, and from brains, and from all its wood; May God grant the servant of God (name) health and salvation.

Ash spell for bone diseases

Read the spell over the ash nine times, then sprinkle it on the sore spot.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. A hair, a hair, come out onto the rye ear from the servant of God (name) or onto the ashtray or onto the warm water!

Spray for back sprains

As soon as you strain your back, you need to immediately, without leaving your seat, say the following spell:

Mother dawn-lightning, red maiden, mother of the damp earth, take away from me, from the servant of God, the quickness - I will cross you; dennu, noon; I'm wearing, I'm wearing. Amen, amen, amen.

Conspiracies for blood pressure surges, heart pain

Naturally, heart disease should be seen by a doctor. But the conspiracy will also come in handy: you took the pill, and to make the attack go away faster, read the conspiracy.

Conspiracy during an attack

Say the spell three times and after each time spit three times.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. Yegory descends from heaven along a golden ladder, Yegory takes down from heaven three hundred golden-striped bows, three hundred golden-feathered arrows and three hundred golden-striped bowstrings and shoots and shoots from the servant of God (name) lessons, touches, heartaches: “And carry, black beast bear, into dark forests, and trample, black beast bear, into the swamps; so that there will be no centuries, neither day nor night...” Forever and ever, amen.

How to spell heart medicine

If you regularly take medicine, then before taking it, read the spell word above it:

The servant (name) comes from the yard in the baptized faith of the Holy Spirit, from the seal of Christ. Christ has the city of Jerusalem, Luke, Marco and the third martyr Nikita walk around that city of Jerusalem, who was tormented for Christ, but prays to God for us. In the hands of the Mother of God is the key, the lock where Christ himself rests. My guardian angel, save my soul, strengthen my body from damage, my heart from pain. Enemy Satan, dashing man, move away from me, servant of God (name), as the beast from the beast, the serpent from the serpent, the heretic from the heretic, the sorcerer from the sorceress. Bless, Lord, that we may live in good health, and bless our parents with the Kingdom of Heaven.

Conspiracy for stomach or intestinal ulcers

This spell is made with water, which is then drunk.

Our eternal Lord, Heavenly King and Creator. Your sinful servant (name) turns to you, begs for mercy with your eyelid. I am punished for my sins, ulcerated, sick inside. My whole insides were eaten away, dried out, and ached. I beg you for forgiveness, before the red throne I bow. Deliver Your servant (name) from torment, from burning ulcers, from fierce pain. Send deliverance to your servant (name) with the holy guardian angel, with the Holy Mother of God, with the healer Panteleimon, your saint. Amen.

The charmed drops are drunk in a special way: in the morning, on an empty stomach, drink one drop, the next day - two, then three, and so on until twelve, then at reverse side- first eleven, then ten, etc.

Plot for diarrhea and vomiting

Pour boiled water into a cup, add a pinch of salt and cast a spell. Drink this water one spoon at a time throughout the day.

I, servant of God (name), will get up, blessing myself, and walk, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate, along the road to the blue Okiyan-sea. Near this Okiyan-sea there is a carcolist tree; On this carcolist tree hang: Kozma and Demyan, Luke and Pavel, great helpers. I am running to you, servant of God (name), I ask, great helpers, Kozma and Demyan, Luka and Pavel, to tell me: why do bare-haired women come out of the ocean sea, why do they walk around the world, depart from sleep, from food, suck blood, pull veins like a worm, sharpen black liver, saw yellow bones and joints with saws? This is not a place for you to live, a home, or a place of repose; go into the swamps, into the deep lakes, beyond the fast rivers and dark forests: there are plank beds, feather beds, and feather pillows; there are sugar dishes, honey drinks; there you will have a place to live, a home, a place of refreshment - to this hour, to this day; my word, servant of God (name), is strong, strong, strong.

Conspiracy for jaundice

Read the spell over the patient three times.

Protect me, Lord, by the power of Your honest and life-giving cross and save me from all evil, the liar, Lord, I commend my spirit, but You save me and bless me eternally alive. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy against abdominal tumors

This plot is read on a birch broom. But to carry out the plot you need an assistant.

Invite a person who has an optimistic outlook on life, sees the good in everything, believes in the best outcome of the matter, and instruct him to say this conspiracy.

The broom needs to be steamed, words spoken on it, and then applied to the stomach. Then pour the water on the patient in which the broom was steamed.

Take a glass of boiling water and a piece of gauze. Pour a teaspoon of wormwood herb into cheesecloth. Roll up the gauze and tie with red thread. Then put it in a glass of boiling water and hold it all the time while the plot is being said. Then throw out the herbs, cool the water and drink a teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

I, servant of God (name), will bless myself and cross myself, wash myself and dry myself, and pray to the Lord God, I will go far, far away, to the east; on the east side there is a green garden; in the green garden, George the Brave, the passion-bearer of Christ, protects and protects from gray worms, from white worms, from forest, swamp, leaf, and root worms. You are a gray worm, a white worm, a forest worm, a swamp worm, a leaf worm, a root worm, go overseas to priest Perfilya, priest Perfilya has many fields of cabbage sown, heaped with honey, dinner is laid out for you; Here is your path and road, under a stake, under a twist, under a mortgage pole. Amen.

Conspiracy for renal colic and kidney stones

Place the palm of your right hand on the kidney area and say:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. This arrow did not come from the wind, not from a pole, to the servant of God; and come out, this arrow, from the servant of God (name) to the way of life, to the iron and to the oil, shade, do not break and do not tear. Always, now and ever and unto ages of ages, amen.

Conspiracy for warts

Removing a wart is not a difficult task.

Count the warts on your hands. Take a woolen thread, place your hands behind your back and tie as many knots on the thread as there are warts. Bury the thread in the ground (you can flower pot). Read the plot:

How this rope rots until all the warts rot.

Scrofula spell

In the old days, scrofula was called a common diathesis - a disease that most often appears in children, but often affects adults. It seems like nonsense, but it happens that a person scratches itchy skin until it bleeds. This plot will help with such a disease, both for adults and children.

Dawn-lightning, red maiden, come to help me; help me, Lord, from the servant of God (name) to pronounce scrofula, judgmental, changeable, negotiable, midnight, violent-violent, yellow-yellow, blue-blue, red-beautiful and crumbly; scrofula-krasukha, come from the slave (name), from the wild head, from the clear eyes, by the clean fields, by the blue sea, on the growths, turns, on the deep swamps; just as a horse does not drink water, does not eat grass, is numb, numb, so would a slave (name) be numb, his wild head, his clear eyes; just as stars often fall from the sky, so would the slave (name) have scrofula rolled out of his wild head and clear eyes.

Conspiracy from chiriya to cream

Pour cream into a clay cup and read the spell over it. After this, lubricate the sore area with cream.

The servant of God (name) stood up, blessed himself, and walked, crossing himself, out of the hut through the doors, out of the yard through the gates, and went out into the open field. There is a dry shalga in an open field; on that shalga the grass does not grow and the flowers do not bloom; and also the servant of God (name) would have neither chiry, nor vered, nor slaughtered evil spirits. The slave (name) is cleansed. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.

Crossing an abscess

Move the index finger of your right hand over the abscess in a cross-shaped motion and read the plot:

Father is a young month, you have no illnesses or illnesses, so God’s servant (name) would not have any illnesses or illnesses.

Evening spell for abscess

In the evening, before going to bed, read the plot for an abscess:

Naritsa, Naritsa, queen, you should not be here, you should not live here, you should not build a nest here, you should live by an open field, on a white birch tree. There you should live, there you should be, there you should build a nest.

Scabies spell

To quickly deal with ticks and get rid of itching, use a spell word.

Go to the river bank (a lake or pond is not suitable in this case - you need running water) with a piece of bread and salt. Salt the bread and throw it into the water with the words:

Bread, honest salt, sail wherever you want, good luck to you, and leave me good health!

Conspiracies for burns

As soon as you get burned (not very badly, not to the point of blistering), immediately pour salt onto the burn, and then say the spell three times:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Light until dawn, and dawn until light, and burn until words. Forever and ever, amen.

Smoke burn spell

Light a match or candle and extinguish it until smoke comes out. Use your hand to push the smoke towards the patient and say:

Smoky smoke, take the flying fire from the slave (name). God bless.

On the ring finger from a burn

As soon as you get burned, you need to take the ring finger on the hand on which you got the burn. Read the plot three times, after each time blow on the burned area and spit over your left shoulder:

A fox was walking behind the forest, where the fox would pass, he would lick the burn, blow three times, spit three times - everything would pass. Amen.

Conspiracy for abscesses and inflammation

Above the sore spot read this:

I, the servant of God, will cross myself and go, blessing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate, to the east, under the red sun, under the bright moon, under the morning dawn of Mary, under the evening Maremyana, to the Kiana sea, at the Kiana sea Zlatyr stone, holy apostolic church, in the apostolic church there is a holy throne, on the holy throne sits the Archangel Michael and Yegor the Brave with tight arrows, with sharp whips; I, the servant of God, will come closer, submit and pray:

“If you are, father, Michael the Archangel and Yegor the Brave, hit and lash with tight arrows, with sharp whips, the twelve nails of the red horse, lash him on the ears and behind the ears, on the eyes and behind the eyes, on the skin and on the skin, on the bones and on the by the bones, by the mane and by the mane, by the tail and by the tail, by the hooves and by the hooves, by the joints by the joints, by the blood and by the heart; Father Michael the Archangel and St. George the Brave, drive out the unclean spirit, twelve nails.

How to cross an abscess

Gather your fingers into a pinch and cross the inflamed area:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. I will become a servant of God (name), having been blessed, I will go, crossing myself, out of the hut by the doors, out of the gates, into the open field, to the eastern side. There is in an open field, on the eastern side, a holy golden throne, and the Savior sits on the holy golden throne. Most Pure Mother, aid and help! I, a servant of God, have a pain and a feverish pain. The Most Pure Mother sends her servants to heaven with all the power of heaven, and all the power of heaven does not disobey: Flor and Laurus go ahead, after Frol and Laurus - Archangel Michael, behind Michael the Archangel - Kozma and Damian, after Kozma and Damian - George the Brave; and they come to me, send me away and drive away every evil, dashing and sick person. Florus and Laurus remove the scepter from their head in front of me, drive away the evil, dashing nokt in three guards, into the ground, under the grass root. And God passed me by with an evil, dashing nok all the days, hours, forever and ever, amen.

Conspiracies from the face

To make erysipelas go away faster and the infection not to progress further, this plot will help you.

Take a stick with a knot. With a sharp knife with a wooden handle, circle the knot three times clockwise, three times counterclockwise, reading the plot. After the name of each mare and while listing the faces, spit each time:

The mug was riding on a white mare, the mare fell, and the mug disappeared. Bone mug, windy mug, evil eye mug, mug from lessons, mug from a cold, from a whirlwind, from the wind, from thinness, from a birthplace.

The mug rode on a red mare, the mare fell, and the mug disappeared. Face, bone face, windy face, face from the evil eye, face from lessons, face from a cold, from a whirlwind, from the wind, from thinness, from a birthmark.

The mug rode on a black mare, the mare fell, and the mug disappeared. Bone mug, windy mug, evil eye mug, mug from lessons, mug from a cold, from a whirlwind, from the wind, from thinness, from a birthplace. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy for eczema

Take a new needle and a dry knot. Poke a needle into a branch and read the plot. Then blow on the inflamed area and spit three times over your left shoulder:

Just as this twig does not stand on the root, does not dangle its leaves, dry and dry and no longer rest, so you, eczema, should dry and dry and no longer rest.

Conspiracy against deprivation

Pick the plantain, wash it boiled water, read the plot above the sheet and tie it to the sore spot overnight. Repeat three to five days in a row:

Good comes from God, benefit comes from me. Just as saliva dries on the stove, let (name)’s lichen dry. Fly for dense forests, beyond the marshy swamps, where the beast does not walk, where the bird does not carry bones. Fly longer than a pocket knife, a sharp, sharp saber. I will close my lips, the key is in the sea, my tongue is in my mouth. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Splinter from a splinter

Lubricate the place where the splinter entered with iodine and read the spell over it - the splinter will come out on its own:

Duck from the sea, bird from the tree. Get out, you thorn, from your body. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Spell for a speck in the eye

If a speck gets into your eye, cross it and read the spell:

Just as I remove a piece of wood from the road, a speck is out of sight. God bless.

Conspiracy from thorn

Read the plot three times, then spit over your left shoulder:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us! Amen. And Saint Yegory walked across the iron bridge, and three dogs ran behind him: one was gray, the other was white, the third was black. The gray dog ​​licked the thorn, white dog licked the thorn, the black dog licked the thorn from the born, from the prayerful, from the baptized servant of God (name).

Conspiracies for barley

Conspiracy for adults.

Wet the index finger of your right hand with saliva and wipe the sore eye. Read the plot three times:

God bless! The sun is set to the west, the day is about to end, the speck in your eye is about to disappear, it will disappear as your brow turns black. The key and the lock are in my words.

Conspiracy for children.

If barley begins in a child, then show closed eye fig. Read the plot three times, each time crossing your eye with a fig:

Here's a little cookie for you, barley, and a healthy eye for your slave (name).

Conspiracies for colds

A spell for a developing cold.

Take three coals and move them in turn around the patient’s nose, ears and neck. Say each time:

Like a coal that burns and burns up, goes out and burns out, burns and burns out, goes out and dries up, a toad and a gourd and a sore throat.

A spell for a sore throat - for a toad.

In the old days, a toad was called a sore throat, an inflammation of the throat or pharynx. To make the patient feel better, you need to rub your neck with your hands, saying:

(name) went to bed, praying and blessing. On the Kiyana Sea lies the Latyr stone; near that Latyr stone stands the throne of the Most Holy Theotokos; near that throne stands a tree withered; a bird sits on this tree on the dry top - iron noses, damask claws, nipping, fiddling with dry and wet toads, forever and ever.

After that, wave your hands towards the door and say:

Go, dry and wet toad, dry off!

Charm rinses for sore throat

Pour boiled water into a clay cup, cross it with the ring finger of your right hand and read the spell over it. Gargle and drink the remaining water.

Bless, Lord, and save, Lord, your servant (name) from troubles and from misfortunes, and from a dashing person, and from a hater, have mercy and save your servant (name) in an open field, in a green oak forest; the bottom is oak and on a dry tree on which there are no shoots; from now on and forever and ever; Amen.

Sore throat spell

Oak, oak, take your oak swallow, and your mouthful, and your wet toad, your dry oak swallow, and your mouthful from the servant of God (name)! If you don’t pick up your oak-eater, it will swallow you with its branches and roots.

For ear pain

Place the patient in a corner and say behind his back:

The corner is chopped and there is a cross of oak trees. That cross didn’t hurt, it didn’t sting, and the ear didn’t twirl; and so the servant of God (name) would not have pain, it would not tingle and his ear would not twirl, neither in the day, nor in the night, nor in the morning dawn, nor in the evening, nor in the new, nor in the old, nor in the close of the month. Forever and ever, amen.

Otitis plot

If your ears hurt, take a twig from a broom and touch your earlobe with it, as if tingling the disease. Sentence:

I, the servant of God (name), will begin to dissuade the allergic disease behind the ear. The temple came kindly and go away kindly, but if you don’t go kindly, I’ll put the shoes in birch bast shoes, in belt frills and throw them under a birch bush so that it doesn’t hurt, so that it doesn’t pinch and doesn’t interfere with the sleep of the servant of God (name).

How to speak to aches

In the old days, when reading this plot, the patient was seated under the matitsa - a beam at the base of the roof of the house. It is clear that now most people live in modern houses that do not have beams. Just sit the sick person under any crossbar - for example, in a doorway. Move the scissors over his head, as if cutting off a disease, while reading the plot:

Lord, bless, Lord Christ. Just as this mother is forever imprisoned on the forty scaffold, so I will imprison this ailment forever; Just as I sharply cut something clean with these scissors, I will cut out this disease forever; Just as I remove rust from a scythe with a beam, so I remove this ailment from the servant of God (name of the patient). Amen.

Plot against temperature for sore throat, otitis media and other inflammatory diseases

Place icons of the Mother of God and the Savior next to the sick person’s bed and read the plot:

Holy prayer from the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Heaven. The Lord created heaven and earth and the entire universe; a river of fire flowed, in the same river of fire the power of the Lord, Peter and Paul, Michael the Archangel, Jesus Christ himself were baptized. Satan settled near their temple; He, Michael the Archangel, twisted his head in the rear. Oh, Most Holy Theotokos, cover the servant of God (name) with your shroud and imperishable robe and deliver him from pain, from aches, from shaking of the kumukha, from twelve pains and twelve kumukh-shakers: from the downy, the aching, from the internal, the sinew, the bone, the brain, daytime, nighttime, midday, midnight, morning and evening.

Conspiracy for scarlet fever

Read the spell three times over three coals, then bury the coals in the ground.

Wet toad, dry toad, scarlet fever, nettle fever, dry dry.

Conspiracy for stomatitis

You can slander a twig, which you then need to put in water and leave for twelve hours. And then you need to rinse your mouth with this water.

Bough, branch, take your branches from the one who is born, from the one who is struck, this branch dries up, so that these branches also dry up from the servant of God (name). Amen.

Herpes conspiracy

You need to speak like this:

Fire, fire, take your fire, give the servant of God (name) purity, whiteness. Amen.

Conspiracy for high temperature during a cold

Read the conspiracy over a patient with a high fever:

I, the servant of God (name), will become blessed and go, crossing myself, into the blue sea; on the blue sea lies a white flammable stone, on this stone stands the throne of God, on this throne sits the Most Holy Mother, holding a white swan in her white hands, plucking and plucking a white feather from the swan; as the white feather jumped, jumped back, so jump, jump, jump back from the servant of God (name), birthmarks and birthmarks, from the wild head, from the clear eyes, from the black eyebrows, from the white calf, from the zealous heart, from the black liver , with white light, with little hands, with legs. She came with the wind - go with the wind; I came from the water - go to the water; I came from the forest - go to the forest, from now on and forever.

Conspiracy over a man who has fallen into unconsciousness from a fever

Read the plot over the lying sick person, baptizing him all the time:

On Mount Tavorstei, under the oak tree of Mamre, that gray-haired Sikhail, Michael, and all the forces of heaven gathered together, angels and archangels, cherubs and seraphim, and seven simple-haired and beltless virgins walked, and they said to them: “Who are you, virgins?” They said: “I am the daughter of King Herod.” - “Where are you going?” - “We go to the world of human bones and their bodies torment.” And they gave them a thousand wounds with iron clubs and plunged them into the sea of ​​fire. “God forbid that you should be from the Sea of ​​Fire, neither in your family nor in your tribe.” The forces of heaven gathered together, angels and archangels, cherubim and seraphim, driving away the servant of God (name).

Charmed decoction for the flu

Prepare a healing drink for the sick person and read magic words over him.

Take a handful of dried raspberries and a handful of dried linden flowers, mix and pour one liter of boiling water. Cast a spell over the infusion, cover with a lid and let stand for 20 minutes. Give the patient this infusion throughout the day.

I, a servant of God, will stand, be blessed, and go, crossing myself; I will wash myself neither white nor black, wipe myself neither dry nor wet; I wash myself with unleavened milk, wipe myself with poppy seed; I will go from door to door, from gate to gate; Saint Tikhon meets me, I bow to Saint Tikhon: “Take, father, twelve tin and iron rods, and beat the twelve daughters of Herod with them, so that they do not coward me, do not break my bones - from now on and forever.”

Plot against temperature during sunstroke

If you overheat in the sun, wipe yourself off with a towel soaked in cold water. While drying yourself, read the plot, spitting over your left shoulder:

Accursed Satan, shaker and firebrand, who delivered me, servant of God (name); here rest four evangelists: John the Theologian, Luke, Marco, Matthew, the unmercenary wonderworkers Cosmas, Demian, Cyril, Jonah, Panteley, Ermolai, they will take you, the accursed Satan, the shaker and the fireweed, from me, the servant of God, they will take you out and throw you into the fiery furnace and they will protect you with the name of the Lord always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Plot for stabbing (sharp stabbing pain)

With the tip of a sharp knife, circle the place where you feel the pricking, and cross this place with the knife. Say the words of the conspiracy. After this, dip the knife into a cup of water. You need to drink some of the water and lubricate the sore spot with some of it.

I chop, I cut, I chop, I chop, I chop, I chop with a sharp knife. Just as a bar disappears from the structure, from the damask steel, from the iron, so disappear and dry up, the birthmark, in the white bone, in the black meat, in the white body from now on and forever.

Spell for stomach pain

Cross your belly and read the plot:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on the servant of God (name), vouchsafe him, bless him, Father! There is a sea of ​​gold, on a sea of ​​gold there is a golden ship, on a golden ship Saint Nicholas rides, helping the servant of God (name) from the shores; there is a sea of ​​gold on gold, a sea of ​​gold, a tree, on a gold tree, gold birds - iron noses and iron nails, tearing, dragging from the servant of God (name) onto mosses, into swamps; there is a sea of ​​gold, on a sea of ​​gold there is a white stone, on a white stone sits a red maiden with an iron club, warm, defending, excommunicating from the servant of God (name) and settling on mosses, in swamps; there is a sea of ​​gold, on a sea of ​​gold there is a golden ship, on a gold ship rides thirty kings and seventy queens, they help the servant of God (name) from above; there is a sea of ​​gold, on a gold sea there is a golden ship, Saint Nicholas rides on a golden ship, opens the depths of the sea, lifts the iron gates, and receives from the servant of God (name) the grip of hell in the jaws.

Conspiracy for aching joints

Take two cups - one with water, the other empty. Pour water from cup to cup while reading the plot, then pour the water onto the ground.

Calm down, you lazy and aching person, from your violent head, from your zealous heart, from your clear eyes, from your black eyebrows, from your bones, from your brains, from your fingers, from your joints, and calm down; I will throw you into the fast rivers. Mother fast water, when you go to the sea, take away the eyesores and aches from the servant of God (name) into the sea and the depths of the sea, to your very death.

Toothache spell

Read this plot any time you have a toothache.

Oak of oaks, worm of teeth, do not sharpen or gnaw the tooth of the servant of God (name), but sharpen and gnaw the dry oak.

And when you treat your teeth, repeat a short spell to yourself:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us. Amen. Antipas the savior, father, dental healer, heal, Lord, this servant of yours (name) from toothache and aching teeth. Not from stones, but from dental disease. Amen, amen, amen to the King of Heaven.

Conspiracies to stop bleeding

Of course, you need to apply a tourniquet to a large wound, but you can simply talk to small cuts.

Read this plot over a bleeding wound three times:

A brown horse ran from the ocean-sea and broke a golden stone. You, blood, are no match for God’s servant (name).

On an opening wound

If the wound periodically opens and bleeds, you need to whisper twelve times over the wound:

I will stand on a stone, my blood will not drain, my blood will never drain. Mind you, my thoughts, mind you, my thoughts.

Conspiracies in case of accidents

From bites by a rabid dog.

King Bread, I’m not telling you things, I’m dissuading you from every kind of reptile, from nasty uncleanliness, from a stray dog ​​(such-and-such fur); I slander, I dissuade (name) from bones, from relics, from veins, from veins, from composition, from half-composition, from a violent head, from a rib bone, from flammable blood, from a lean belly, from fractional intestines. On the sea-okiyan, on the field of seeds, on a high mound, there stands an iron house, copper ropes, silver gates, golden locks, the locks cannot be opened, the shawls cannot be burped.

From snake bites

On the sea, on Okiana, on an island on Buyan there is an oak tree, under that oak tree there is a broom bush, under that bush there is a white stone, on that stone there is a fleece, under that fleece there is a scorpea snake. She has sisters Marya, Marina and Katerina. And we will pray to you, we will bow to you on all four sides: “Calm down your wickedness from the servant of God (name).”

Charmed ointment for any bites

Take cottage cheese, turpentine or fish fat and read the conspiracy over him. Circle the bite site three times with the index finger of your right hand and apply the spoken remedy to it.

I, servant of God (name), will become early in the morning, put on smooth shoes, wash myself white, pray to God; I, servant of God, will go from the hut through the doors, blessing myself, from the courtyard to the gate, crossing myself, under the morning dawn, to the Ocean-Sea. On the Ocean-Sea lies the Zlatyr stone, on the Zlatyr stone stands a cathedral church, in that cathedral church there is a throne, and behind the throne stand three hundred iron horses and three hundred iron men. I will come, I will pray, I will bow and I will pray: “You, three hundred iron horses and three hundred iron men, take an iron bow and three hundred iron arrows, quickly drive quickly and shoot the black mother cow in the udder, in the sting and in the serpentine." Just as Mother Earth stands on three cedars, and does not shake or toss, so stand still, like a sting and a snake, and do not shake or toss. Amen.

From dislocation

Cross the sore spot and say:

The Lord Himself walked along the boundaries, walked along the paths, was not shaken off, did not become exhausted. Likewise, with a servant of God, don’t be worn out, don’t be wasted, and lived in vein, and joint in joint. Lord, Lord, servants of God (there) all the eternal ghosts, all the fractures, the unclean one has come out forever, amen.

Conspiracy from fracture

Read over the sore spot three times:

Heat, and blow, and thought: here, dashingly, it came, - there, dashingly, go, - heat, and blow, and danger. Here are all the sights, sights, sights, human conversations and all the strong thoughts, here, get away from the white body, from the zealous heart, from the arms and legs, and from all the joints, from the wild head, from the countless hair, from the white eyebrows, from clear eyes, from all the servants of God. Forever and ever, amen.

Conspiracy for bruise

I will become a servant of God, having prayed, I will go, crossing myself, from hut to hut, from entryway to entryway, from door to door, from gate to gate. I will go out into an open field, stand facing east, ridge to the west, pray, worship the Lord himself, Jesus Christ himself - the King of Heaven, the Most Holy Lady Theotokos herself. I will begin to ask and pray to the servant of God the Lord Jesus Christ himself, the King of heaven, for help, for the Lord’s great mercy. Let us beat, beat off, beat away from the servant of God all the sayings, all the ghosts, all human slander, bad thoughts, evil thoughts; and we will begin to remove from the servant of God annoying wounds, severe wounds, melancholy-pinch, so that the servant of God does not hurt, does not pinch, does not hurt, does not press on the heart of the melancholy-pinch, tumors on the body, from all the bones, from all sorts of pains and from all distant joints. From a whipping girl, from a silken-haired woman, from a peasant, from a heretic, from any evil, dashing person. Amen.

Conspiracy from melancholy

Illnesses can be not only physical, but also mental, and sometimes the latter are more painful than the former. With this conspiracy you can treat both yourself and any other person from melancholy.

On the sea, on the Ocean, on an island on Buyan, in a hollow clearing, under a Mokretsky oak tree, the servant of God (name) sits, yearning, tormented in unknown melancholy and in unrecognizable sadness, in unsaid grief. 8 elders are walking with the elder, uninvited, uninvited; Why are you sitting like this in a hollow clearing, on the Buyan Island, on the sea-ocean! And the servant of God (name) spoke to the 8 elders with the elder: trouble found in the outskirts, lay in a zealous heart; It aches, my head hurts, the clear light is not nice. Call all the elders with the formidable old man, they began to break the melancholy, throw the melancholy beyond the outskirts, the kidma threw melancholy, from east to west, from the river to the sea, from the road to the crossroads, from the village to the churchyard; nowhere did they accept the melancholy, nowhere did they hide the melancholy; rushed to the island on Buyan, on the sea, on the Ocean, under the mokretsky oak. I speak to the slave (name) out of unbearable melancholy, to this day, to this hour, to this minute, no one can overcome my word either with air or spirit.

Conspiracy against drunkenness

Alcoholism is a serious disease. There are ways to talk about this disease.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. Hops and wine, depart from the servant of God into the dark forests, where people do not walk, and horses do not roam, and birds do not fly.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (twice), hops and wine, go out onto the fast water on which people do not ride; from the servant of God, hops and wine, go to the violent winds, which the wind travels in a distance. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, get attached to a dashing person who thinks recklessly in (name), get attached to someone who will not do good, get rid of me forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.

There are many healing spells: against dental disease, heart disease, even against fever. And all of them have been tested by time, by more than one generation of people, which means they have special power. There is, among others, an old conspiracy against many diseases. Although it will not save you from all ailments, it will help strengthen your faith in get well soon. You need to read it for three days. Then a week-long break is required, after which it is worth talking about the sore again. In total, reading the text should take either three or nine days.

It should be remembered that on some days of the week (Monday and Sunday) you cannot use spells.

Sometimes a universal method may be powerless if the disease is not identified by either doctors or healers, and the patient gets worse. A conspiracy against an unknown disease can help here, the text of which is read twelve evenings in a row before bedtime.

When a dangerous disease attacks a child, it is doubly difficult to survive. A conspiracy against a child’s illness, which exists in several versions, helps. One is read at dawn, the other either at dawn or at vespers before bedtime. The main thing is that healing phrases are pronounced over the water. The liquid charged with prayer is given to the child to drink.

In addition, there are conspiracies that fight against pneumonia, high temperature, helping to remove fear. There are also ritual prayers for a newborn, so that the baby does not get sick and sleeps well.

From all diseases

Lock the old padlock and say the spell:

“I will stand up, blessing the baby Alexei, and cross myself from door to door, from gate to gate, into an open field, and I will place a damask fence there from earth to heaven, from east to west. I will close it with 77 locks, with 77 keys. I will throw these keys into the blue sea under the Belgrade Stone, just as these keys will not return to the baby Alexei, so no disease will stick to me, no plague, no cholera, no ulcer, no radish, but a sorcerer, no witch. Save and preserve me, Lord, from all evil people, all enemies, adversaries. My words are on my lips, my tongue is my castle.”

The plot is read for three days in a row. If necessary, read for three more days after a week-long break. Then they take a week break again and treat for another three days. A total of three to nine days of treatment is needed. It should be remembered that you cannot treat on Monday and Sunday.

The most powerful conspiracies are those involving the transfer of disease, but they are very difficult to perform. For healing to occur, reading one ritual prayer is not enough. The healer performs a long ceremony, there is a real struggle of white magic against the disease. Usually, for such sacraments, some sick thing is taken, onto which the illness will be transferred.

After the ritual, the object with the infection transferred to it is burned, less often buried in the ground. Exactly what fate befalls him depends on the required rules of the particular conspiracy.

In addition to the patient’s belongings, a third-party object may also appear in the ritual, as, for example, in a plot against heart disease on a horseshoe.

To perform the sacrament, you need a horseshoe removed from the horse no earlier than a month ago.

If you manage to find one, you need to pay a ransom for it. During the ritual itself, the patient stands on a purchased horseshoe.

Sometimes the transfer is carried out into an animal; this is practiced when a person has a serious incurable disease. This method of influence is very strong; after it is carried out, the cattle become seriously ill and subsequently die.

Treatment with spells does not always help. If the sufferer himself does not believe in the reality of recovery, then you can run to healers as much as you like and whisper prayers on your own, everything will be to no avail.

Universal conspiracy

There is a universal ritual that can be performed even if you need to speed up recovery from a common cold. But on the other hand, it is an effective aid in the treatment of serious diseases. The ritual is performed outdoors.

You need to approach a young tree, touch it with your hand and say the following words:

“I, the Servant of God (my own name), am driving away from myself a painful and painful illness. Let him reach for the trunk of this tree and move onto it. Let pain not plague me more than me, the Servant of God (my own name), but sharpen the wood. I gave away my illness, but took my health. Amen!"

If the ritual was a success, then you will soon recover, but, unfortunately, the tree will dry up. Try to buy a seedling and plant a new tree soon.

In order for complete relief from the disease to occur, the healer must invest his energy in the text he is reading. It will help if the person being plotted against believes in the possibility of his healing. It is necessary to tune in to a positive outcome and believe in the possible retreat of the disease.

But mere belief in the power of a magical conspiracy is not enough. When the patient tries to independently apply traditional methods healing, without having a clear plan and not knowing the nuances of performing the sacrament, he may not cause harm to his health, but he will not benefit either, no matter how strong the prayers used are considered. When reading ritual texts, you should pay attention to intonation, the correct pronunciation of words, and then everything should work out.

You should not neglect the help of an experienced healer or try to carry out the ritual with the transfer of the disease to the object yourself. Due to ignorance of all the subtleties, this ritual will either turn out to be meaningless, or you will turn its effect against yourself. This also applies to those cases if you suddenly intend to practice spells against diseases on other people. There is a danger of transferring illness from the patient’s body to the healer. In general, the miraculous power of a conspiracy, with the right approach, can heal even the most difficult, intractable traditional treatment, ailments. If you cannot cope with a disease with medication and believe that you can defeat it through magic, try reading a spell to get rid of diseases, perhaps this way you will reprimand your disease and it will go away. In general, it is better to prevent any disease than to treat it, so we recommend that you read prayers for the health of your children and yours, because there is nothing stronger than love for your neighbor and yourself. Heal with love and the power of words! Be healthy.

Tell off the disease

A sick person's T-shirt, in which he slept without being washed, is taken and carried into the forest or field. There should be no one nearby at the time of the ceremony. A conspiracy against the disease is read above the T-shirt, after which it is burned. You should not wait for the thing to completely burn; as soon as it ignites, you need to turn around and leave without looking back. The most difficult and important thing about the ritual is that the author should not talk to anyone throughout the day. Under no circumstances should the ritual be performed on Monday, Saturday and Sunday.

Conspiracy words:

“In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. The Lord God walks across the sinful earth, helping people, raising them from the grave. Lord, raise Your servant (name) from the bed of illness, the bed of death, Save from bodily torment, turn away from death, Bring back to life in your name, my deed, Extend the earthly life of Your servant (name). Amen".

Throwing disease onto the water

On odd days, go to running water (river, sea), without combing your hair, without eating, and without talking to anyone along the way. Approaching the water, cross yourself three times and say in a loud voice:

“Get out of my body, trouble, illness, illness and torment. Dive deep into the water, to the very bottom, so that you never rise from there. Never return to my body, stay at the deep bottom. Let sea roots be a treat for you. You will live out your life there, you will no longer know the human body. Let my words be strong, and let my deeds be sculpted. What I said, I didn’t say, God will help me and overcome my illness. In the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Getting rid of the disease

Spitting over their shoulder, they say:

“Just as Judas lost his complexion after his death, so I will lose my illness. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Conspiracy for serious illnesses

Take 9 aspen splinters, set them on fire and say the following words into the smoke:

“Dym Dymovich, you godfather of fire, do a good service for me. From this day, from this time, let all illness and infection go away from the servant of God (name). Go, you sick man, to the old gate. Go down into a deep grave so that you will be destroyed there, now, forever, forever. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

To get better quickly

After midnight, go outside, look up at the waning moon and say:

“It’s a month, you walk high, a month, you see far, you wander through villages, hills and forests, through houses, bathhouses, courtyards. Take away, month, the illness of God's servant (name) to where birds do not fly, people do not walk, animals do not know the way. Mother of God, take the blood of the sick and grant good health. For now, for eternity, for infinity. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Conspiracy for the treatment of female diseases

This ritual helps to cure almost all female diseases, the main thing is to do everything exactly according to the instructions. At dawn, pour clean water into a half-liter jar, then place a silver cross in the jar. Leave a jar of water on the window. The next morning, get up again at dawn, tie a new scarf on your head, cross yourself three times, take the cross out of the water and put it on the window, and take the jar in your hands and read the “Our Father” prayer three times, then the prayer to St. Panteleimon, and then the spell :

“Women's diseases, go into the damp earth, there find yourself a hole in which you will sleep, whistle and play. And don’t go to God’s servant (name), neither in sleep, nor during the day, nor in honor, nor in jest, do not swim, leave forever. Amen".

You need to read the plot six times, then put the jar down and cross yourself three times. Sprinkle yourself with enchanted water from head to toe, and drink the remaining water within 24 hours. It is prescribed to drink water in three sips with breaks.

A spell to get rid of skin diseases

For the ritual, you need to buy a red cloth or scarf and wipe the sore spots with it for twelve evenings in a row, reading:

“Fight night and day, servant of God (name), stand strong. Go, you rash, to the swamps, go, sick, through the gates, into your yard, your home, there is your place and your throne. I take away the illness from myself, I cleanse my body and blood with my words, I return the illness to the deceased, so that my body is clean and white, from now on there are no sores. Amen".

On the waning moon, on the 13th day, go to the old cemetery, where burials are no longer made, in the afternoon, stand at the gate and say loudly:

“I came to a dead city, here the dead are fast asleep. I remove the disease from my body and send it to you. I’m giving you the disease, take it, put it in a coffin and kill it. Let my body be clean and white, so that from now on it will not have sores. Amen".

A red cloth or scarf is thrown into the cemetery right hand Push. After this, you need to leave the cemetery without looking back, on the way home, remaining silent. You can talk only after you cross the threshold of your home, where the first thing you need to do is wash your hands with running water.

A spell to help with a child's illness

If a child is often sick, follow these steps to strengthen his magical protection and immunity from the negative influences of the external environment.

Take spring or clean water, pour it into a transparent jar, in which put a silver item, preferably a cross, for a day.

After 24 hours, read the water spell by taking a jar of water with both hands and going out into the middle of the empty room:

“May this water be transparent, healing, pure, to my child, the servant of God (name), kind, like the thoughts of Christ. It will wash away misfortunes, illnesses and grief, and give peace and health to the sea. So that angels would fly from heaven onto the water and sing sweet songs over my child. To wash off his sores, the key was dissolved in water. Forever and ever. Amen".

The charmed water is given to the child three drops in pure form or with the addition of any other liquid. This should be done every three hours. This water is also added to the bathing water; it is sprayed clockwise on each corner of the room in which the child is located. You should also moisten the threshold and window sill with the charmed water.

Many who are interested in healing magic know that there are several ways to get rid of a disease that does not go away for a long time. The disease is most often dropped on some personal item of the patient.

There is neither an error nor an exaggeration in the words about centuries-old traditions: each of the healers, whose knowledge became the basis for this book, comes from an old family and has behind them not only their own experience, but also the experience of their ancestors, often passed on in the old fashioned way. Turn to the old Russian conspiracy, make it a part of your life and become happier! Many who are interested in healing magic know that there are several ways to get rid of a disease that does not go away for a long time. Experienced craftsmen They can transfer the disease to an animal, leave it in a cemetery, or transfer it to a tree.

How to spread disease to livestock

Wipe the patient with a new towel, and then wrap bread in it and give it to the cattle. Feed her bread and dry her with a towel. The cattle will die, but the patient will recover completely

You, the bread, whose, (Name of the cattle.) And you, the disease, whose (Name of the cattle.) So let the owner take it!

Gives health

This health plot is read in the bathhouse. When they are washed and rinsed, they say three times:

The bathhouse washed away the dirt, the bathhouse gained health. Saint Paul, Saint Michael and Saint Gabriel, congratulate me on your good health. Amen

So that they don’t blame their illness on you

You should be careful if a seriously ill person asks you to look at his wound, lump, etc. It's better not to do this! Perhaps the patient was taught how to transfer the disease to a healthy person. And if, out of ignorance, you did look, save yourself with the reprimand that is published below, otherwise the patient will get better, and you may get sick. CONSPIRACY

Lady Theotokos, I pray to You, protect me as You protected Christ, Your Son. How You sheltered Him from human malice, protected Him from illness and danger. Pray, Mother of God, for my soul, for my bodily preservation, as You prayed for Your dear Son. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

How to relieve the shortening of life

To get rid of such a spell forever, you need to raise a rooster from a chicken in your own yard. When the rooster's comb and beard are well developed, and his tail is bristling, cut off his head. Only the one who raised this rooster should cut off the head. This is done on the first day of the full moon; at night, place a new headscarf on a block of wood. Exactly at midnight, swing the ax, cut off the head of the rooster and say at the same time, Just as this rooster will never peck grain again forever and ever, and will not cry at the dawn of the morning, so my family will no longer know shortening from now on and forever and ever.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Tie the rooster's head in a scarf and bury it under a tree. Give the rooster carcass to the dogs.

Another way to remove shortening from the entire family

The youngest in the family must collect the web underground, wrapping it around a candle. They go down into the underground with their backs and rise up in the same way. They do this on November 20, the day of the martyr Fedot (Fedot is one of the thirty-three saints beheaded on this day). When you come out of the underground, light a candle and read like this

Just as 33 holy heads were removed on this day, so I remove the shortening from all my family. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Take your illness to the crossroads

On the 13th of any month, make as many knots on a new rope as you know you have. As you tie each knot, name out loud one of your sores. For example, a cyst (nodule), shortness of breath (nodule), hemorrhoids (nodule), etc. When you list all your illnesses, count how many nodules there are. Then, after the crossroads, you will have to light so many candles in the church about your health. When you come to the crossroads, burn the knotted rope there. But the intersection should be one where there is no traffic and people rarely walk. It is better if it is in a dense grove or further away in the forest. Before you leave the intersection, you need to say:

Little devils, little brothers, quick boys, come quickly and take my gift. You can ride on my bundles, and I can stay without my sores. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Whoever does everything right will soon get rid of his sores.

To get rid of illness

How not ring finger name, so that there is no room in my body for illness!

Let illness go to the wind

If you have been sick for a long time and there is no relief, go outside, face the wind and say:

I let you go, my misfortune, to where the stormy wind is the gate. You sick thing, get off me and go into the stormy wind. Fly to the windy gates to live, to be there in a tall house, in a tall tower. You can live in a windy house, but I, (name), can’t bear to live without you. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen.

How to reduce your death to a cattle or dog

If a person is sick, and doctors cannot help him and there is no good healer nearby, then you can help yourself this way. The patient must kiss the animal and say:

Judas betrayed Christ with a kiss, our Lord to the cross, to His death, and I betray you, little one, with a kiss, and for myself I give you up to certain death. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Usually after this the animal dies, but the person recovers and lives a long time.

What prayer to read before surgery

Angel of God, my guardian! The goodness of the Most High has entrusted me to your care. You have protected me since my infancy, and you have never abandoned me in my unworthy behavior. Accept my tearful prayer, holy Guardian Angel, faithful, my protector! I confess my soul to you. Without being ashamed or disingenuous, I sincerely say: fear has penetrated my bones, my mind, fear is eating away at my soul. My will was crushed by the fear of death from a knife, a doctor. My guardian angel, ask the merciful God for mercy for me: deliverance from unexpected and imminent death. And extend my life years with prayers for me. I am glad that I have you. You are a shield, and salvation, and deliverance in danger, my Guardian Angel! Be with me forever and ever. Amen.

On the day of the operation, never say: “If I die...” The word “death” is forbidden for you. Do not utter swear words under any circumstances, do not curse anyone, do not wish bad things upon the offenders. For how can your Guardian Angel ask the Lord for a successful outcome of the operation if you yourself wish someone to die. If possible, confess and ask for forgiveness from those you have offended, in case you die and your guardian angel prays to the Lord for you. When preparing for surgery, you should not have pins and hairpins on yourself - this is a bad sign. For more information about prayers, see here in the selection of materials Prayers

A conspiracy to reduce illness to a straw doll

This is the most powerful and widespread method of healers and healers, which is used to remove any disease from a person. By choosing this magical method of getting rid of a disease and transferring it to a doll made of dry straw, the animal or plant does not suffer, much less transfer the disease to another person; these black methods of reducing the disease are used only by warlocks. With the help of a conspiracy to reduce the disease, you can transfer the disease to a straw doll; you can heal terminally ill people by reducing their illness to a straw effigy or a doll made of dry straw. The doll is dressed in clothes made from the clothes of a sick person. Having prepared the doll for the disease, you need to leave the house and place the doll on the ground, draw a circle around it. After completing this ritual, read the words of the conspiracy to remove disease and illness from a person

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I take away the illness from God’s servant (name), put straw on her soul, dress it up, and say: You, straw idol, take the illness upon yourself, and take away the pain from God’s servant (name). And my word will be strong, even to an idol, moldable and tenacious. Key, lock, tongue Amen. Amen. Amen

How to reduce diseases to an egg

To independently reduce the disease to an egg, take an egg just laid by a chicken in your left hand and roll it over the patient from head to toe: first from the front, and then from the back. At the same time, repeat in a whisper the words of the prayer spell to reduce the disease and speedy recovery

Have mercy, Lord, on Your servant (name), born of a Mother, baptized by the Church, blessed by me. Take away from him all his torments and illnesses with an egg, for this egg has been given strength and joy through the Resurrection of Your Easter. And just as people rejoice at a painted egg, so give to the servant of God (name), Lord, Joy and health. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen

Transferring the disease to a dog

Since ancient times, healers have healed a seriously, terminally ill person with the help of this spell and a dog. Actually, the disease itself was traced to this animal, which, if everything was done correctly and your prayer was heard, should die. For treatment, men used the hair of a dog, women - a bitch. The magical procedure is carried out during the waning moon; the wool must be burned and a spell read for the ashes, which are then buried under an aspen tree.

“From under the black stone I call forth a dark force, a dark force, a sinful thing, melancholy, dryness, aching hearts, death sickness, take off the slave (name), send it to the dog. Damn Satan, hooves, horns, help me, your servant, instead of a slave (name of the patient), destroy the dog, bury it, turn back the clock of life. Amen".

After the ceremony, you cannot give anything from home for three days.

Let me add that the woman being treated should not have periods during treatment. The bitch who will be the farmer should not be in heat.

Transferring a disease to a tree or removing a curse induced through a volt

To please himself, the sorcerer extends the envoltation over time, and the person suffers for a long time before dying. To cure the sufferer, you need to do the following. Read two spells, one for a sick person, the second for a dry tree (you can find it in the forest, and in the city too). Read a day per person, a day per tree, and so on three times.

For man

“The muscle of the great God is unshakable, just as you have no lies, and whoever can read my 12 names will not be able to approach the servant of God (name). And my names: first - Vyashchentsa, second - Byasitsa, third - Preobrazhnitsa, fourth - Murderer, fifth - Elina, sixth - Loving, seventh - Imarta, eighth - Uria, ninth - Izedushchaya, tenth - Negrizushchaya, eleventh - Golyada, twelfth - Nadukia. And Archangel Michael tells us: “I conjure you, damned Satan, by Jesus Christ, the son of Mary, and the holy great martyr the victorious George and all the holy prayers. Get out of the body of God’s servant (name). Amen.”

For wood

“Root, foliage, branches, bark, as you stand dry, take upon yourself the damage and curse of the servant of God (name). Amen"

Throw the damage onto a towel

A master can try to remove some types of damage from his customer in this way. The spoiled one bathes (in a bathhouse or bathtub, but not in a pond) and after that he is allowed to dry himself with a new white towel.

On the same day, but before 16:00, the master takes this towel to the cemetery and, having found a grave where a person with the same name as the patient lies, ties this towel to the gravestone (or cross).

Standing at the feet of the deceased, the master reads the spell (three times):

“Take the damage, take the sins, take away the evil and drive away all evil spirits from (the name of the spoiled person). Just as you don’t rise from the grave, don’t walk around the world, don’t trample the ground with your feet, don’t walk, so evil and corruption on (the person’s name) can’t exist, don’t live, don’t torment him (her). As long as there is white light, there is no way back for corruption and filth. Exactly!"

After this, the master places on the grave the raw chicken egg, apple and piece of black bread he brought with him (the bread must be broken off, not cut), and says: “Thank you!”

After which the master leaves without looking back.

On the same day, you can order a memorial for a year for the deceased on whose grave the master worked and a funeral for a year for the damaged one.

Important: the most corrupted person must never visit that cemetery in his life!

How disease is transferred to jewelry

There is such a way. You can transfer the disease not only to jewelry, but to almost any thing.

A certain amount is set aside from each income earned throughout the year. Needs to be folded separately. When they put in another money, they say:

“This is for information about such and such a disease.”

At the end of the year, on the waning Moon, they choose a day in the middle of the week, go to the store and buy a piece of jewelry (it’s good if it has a small stone. You need to spend all the money set aside for this purchase.)

The decoration is put on oneself and worn until the evening.

After sunset, they independently pack the jewelry and everything that was given with it in the store: receipts, bags, tags...

While packing, read:

“The disease is not in me and not on me - it went to (the name of the jewelry) and took away all the pain. Whoever takes (the name of the jewelry) for himself will take the illness with him! So be it!”

They go to bed that night, shifting the pillow and turning their head over to where their legs usually lay. The package with the charmed decoration is placed at the feet, and in the morning before sunrise they are carried to the intersection farthest from the house and left there, repeating the spell.

On the contrary, you need to sleep for 2 weeks.

How to overcome failures at a crossroads

Has it ever happened that you are constantly haunted by failures and bad luck?

Do you know that you can give them away? Give it to someone greedy or ignorant.

First mark the intersection. They are different. There are those that are more like a fork. This one won't do. You need to find an X-shaped, cross-shaped intersection. It is better if the road at this intersection is earthen rather than asphalt.

Buy a new expensive item. You can, of course, take the one you have already used.

Gold items work well, but I don’t recommend using gold with stones, just gold is better. You can take mobile phone. The main thing is not to be stingy, forget about stinginess when performing this magical ritual.

Place this thing on the table. Place two wax candles to the left and right of it, preferably not church candles.

Light them and read six times:

“Get away from me all the troubles and misfortunes! Get out of me the dryness, the torment, the damned bad luck! I take it off myself and transfer it to (the name of the expensive thing lying on the table). May all my misfortunes and failures go away with this (name of the thing)! name of the thing) will take - He will take all of you at once!"

Take the item you have charmed six times, go to the intersection and place it closer to the center of the intersection.

Turn around, throw six coins of any denomination over your left shoulder (throw one coin at a time). When the coins are thrown, say:


Leave without looking back. Whoever picks up this little thing will take over your failures and misfortunes.

Reducing the disease to stone

Take a natural stone, approximately the size of a fist. It's better to find it where few people go. Wash the stone thoroughly and leave it in a bowl of water overnight.

Apply the stone (hold it with your right hand) to the center of your forehead. The second chakra is located in this place. Imagine how energy of blue color comes out of the forehead and is absorbed into the stone, transferring the disease.

Leave the stone in the bowl after replacing the water.

The next day you repeat everything. Only this time you apply the stone to the jugular cavity (on the neck, where there is a depression under the Adam's apple). At the same time, imagine how a stream of energy comes out of your throat blue color, transferring your illness to the stone. The energy covers the throat and neck, and the stone, like a magnet, draws in everything negative.

On the third day, place the stone for 15 minutes in the center of the chest on the pectoral cavity, imagining how streams of green energy come out from the trachea, lungs, and heart and carry away the ailments of these organs into the stone.

Fourth day. The stone is placed on the navel. Imagine how orange energy emanates from the liver, intestines, stomach, and genitals, transferring the ailments of these organs to the stone. It is very good when at the end of this procedure your sensations allow you to imagine how the energy has cleared and become yellow, not orange.

On the fifth day, the stone is applied to the tailbone. Red energy flows from the coccyx to the stone. With it, ailments of the bones, skin, muscles, lymphatic system, and circulatory system flow from the body.

Two hours after the final (fifth) procedure, make a fire. Throw a stone at it, and let it remain there until it glows red or yellow.

After this, you bury the stone into the ground to a depth of about 50 cm, and in the same place, drive an aspen peg into the ground.

A few notes about this treatment method.

While the procedures are ongoing, no one should pick up the stone except the person being treated.

The person being treated must throw the stone into the fire and bury it in the ground. close person, relative.

During treatment, it is important to refrain from eating meat, fish, broths, and fatty sweets. It is imperative to outline important things that a person will do when he is freed from the disease.

Translation of disease into animal figurines

7 animal figures are made from clay or wax. I prefer to sculpt cat figures. It doesn’t matter whether you are good at it, but the main distinguishing features (paws, head, tail) must be present.

When each figurine is made, it is given the name of the patient. That is, having molded a figurine, the Master places it in front of him on the table (it’s good if there is a lit wax candle on the table) and says:

“From now on you will be called (name of the patient). Remember, your name is (name of the patient). From now on and forever you are (name of the patient)! You were born and you will die (name of the patient)! Truly!

Doing every new figure, they are placed in a row, thus creating a column of figures.

The patient, when the figures are ready, must touch each of them, starting with the first one standing in the row, with the ring, middle and index fingers of the leading hand (right-handed - right, left-handed - left). At this time, the Master visualizes the disease, which passes from the patient’s fingers to the figures.

What usually happens is that the largest portion of the disease goes to the first figure, then the disease goes away in a reduced concentration.

Then the Master slowly rearranges the figures on the floor in the same sequence in which they stood before the start of the session, visualizing how the person’s illness goes away along with the figures. The figures must “go” beyond the threshold of the patient’s home.

The Master then has the figures “walk” another 7 (seven) steps.

After this, he takes each figurine in turn and melts it over the fire (of course, it is better to make a fire). At the same time, he constantly says:

“Disease, sit in (name of figure) firmly, securely, forever, and don’t touch (name of patient), don’t return to his house again! Let it be so!"

The session takes place immediately after sunset. Sometimes 2 or 3 sessions are necessary for healing. It is better to start treatment during the full moon. If an additional procedure is required, it is carried out after 3 or 7 days. But in this case the figures should be different, i.e. depict other animals.

From a hernia

Most often, a hernia occurs in men from heavy physical work.

Usually they put it on sour cream, smear it on the place where the hernia is located, and give the rest of the sour cream to the cat or let the cat lick the sour cream from the sore spot. They do this for three evenings in a row.

“Lord, help, Lord, bless. I leave the house through all the doors, through all the thresholds, through all the gates. I close the gates behind me, I lock the locks on the doors, I don’t take the keys with me on the way. I’m walking along the road, I’ll turn off the road onto the path, I’ll turn off the path into an open field. There are seven bushes, under those bushes there are seven cats, all the cats are gray, and under the seventh bush there’s a black cat, cat, gnaw everything out of the slave (name), All twelve hernias: a hernia, an inguinal hernia, a frontal hernia, an ulnar hernia, an ocular hernia, a testicular hernia, a cephalic hernia, a cardiac hernia, a subcardiac hernia, a popliteal hernia, a macular hernia, a hernia, a black hernia, a white hernia, a yellow hernia, a red hernia, and all the hernias that you said and those that you didn’t say. bite, so that it does not gnaw, does not hurt From this hour, from my order, from my conspiracy, from now on and forever and ever, Amen.”

Transferring damage to prosphora

On this holy day, bring prosphora from church. Cast a spell on her, almost touching your lips. After reading this prosphora, burn it: all the negativity will go into it, and the damage will pass.

“Be our mansion holy, blessed, Every hole, every crevice, With doors, with windows, with framed logs, Around our mansion there is a stone fence With a green backdrop. Who built this fence - the Angels of the Lord. They will speak to the servant of God (name) from corruption. From great misfortune, from the coffin board, from the burial ground. Neither the first person nor the last will spoil it, neither on the church, nor on its fence, nor on the icon. Not on a candle, not on a needle, not near the cemetery. Amen".

Transfer of disease to a plant (according to Mstislav)

A certain amount of “mummy” (for example, blood, sputum, saliva, pus) is taken from the patient, mixed with soil, and this soil is placed in a flower pot. 3 seeds (bulbs, tubers) of a plant whose planetary sign coincides with the sign of the disease are planted in this soil. Then, when a sprout appears, several centimeters high, you need to:

  • burn if the disease is associated with the release of blood, pus, sweat or sputum;
  • throw into the river in all other cases.

After this, the disease should recede. It is advisable, before burning the plant, to apply it to the patient’s body for half an hour.

  • Moons: rheumatism, gout, dropsy, allergic cramps, cuts, festering wounds, disorders menstrual cycle, worms, lice, fleas, scabies, lichen, epilepsy, sleepwalking, depression, drunkenness.
  • Mars: ear, lung, liver, colds, hemorrhoids, sciatica, migraines, non-healing wounds, diarrhea, constipation, gangrene.
  • Mercury: brain diseases, fainting, dizziness, stuttering, unreasonable fears, delirium, dental, external ulcers, boils, acne, boils, fistulas.
  • Jupiter: cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, pancreas, spleen, hypo- and hypertension, tonsillitis, ophthalmic, musculoskeletal, poisoning. Venus: genitourinary, renal, venereal, sexual, masturbation, sexual perversion.
  • Saturn: systemic (for example, endocrine, lymphatic system, etc.), oncological, childlessness, lupus, psoriasis, sclerosis, senile dementia, fractures, eczema, diseases that cannot be diagnosed.
  • Sun: burns (any), frostbite, severe infections, flu, erysipelas, severe damage to the heart and eyes, paralysis (due to injuries and strokes), heat and cold neurodermatitis, nervousness, fainting (heat strokes), endocrine, abnormal metabolism (in including completeness).


  • Moons: aster, speedwell, datura, iris, camellia, cabbage, coltsfoot, carrot, cucumber, sedum, purslane, lettuce, fuchsia.
  • Marsa: artichoke, basil, cilantro, nettle, leek, pepper, plantain, wormwood, radish, radish, rue, beets, horseradish, garlic, thistle. dahlia, sweet pea, clover, leftover, daisy, forget-me-not, parsnip, tomato, mignonette, phlox, chicory.
  • Jupiter: rutabaga, cornflower, jasmine, watercress, sesame, lemon, mint, dandelion, peony, wheat, rose, rosemary, violet.
  • Venus: marshmallow, bergenia, begonia, carnation, geranium, gladiolus, common pea, quinoa, squash, wheatgrass, tulip, yarrow, bean.
  • Saturn: aconite, pansy, wild rosemary, henbane, belladonna, delphinium, potato, shepherd's purse, parsley, rhubarb, celery, dill.
  • Suns: adonis, calamus, aloe, verbena, hyacinth, gentian, St. John's wort, ginger, corn, buttercup, marigold, sunflower, rye, field chamomile, garden chamomile, thyme, sage.


  • - Planting plants in the form of cuttings, tendrils or roots (with the exception of horseradish) for this procedure is not recommended, since the plant may die, and this is dangerous for the patient. If the seed simply does not germinate, there is no such danger.
  • - Sometimes a disease cannot be clearly attributed to one planet or another. For example, viral hepatitis, on the one hand, is a liver disease (Mars), and on the other, an infectious disease (Sun). In such cases, you need to use both plants, but be sure to plant them in different pots on the same day.

During the ritual: both planting the plant and burning (throwing it into flowing water) the sprout, your clothes: dark (black), all buttons are fastened, hair is collected, metal jewelry none.

From a disease, to transfer it to an animal through food

Take food (grain, meat or bread), light a candle and, holding it over the food, read the spell three times:

“I’ll get up, blessing myself, go out crossing myself, I’ll go out onto the road, I’ll shout to God, You, Lord Almighty, All-Healer, All-Renderer, Say to Malanya the bone-eater, Agafya the feverish woman, Let them come out from the body, from the bones, from the blood and mucus of the Servant of God (name), let them come in into grain (meat, bread). Just as Jesus drove out demons according to his word, so be it according to my word. Amen".

Then during the day you need to feed the animal with this food. Please note that the animal must be of the same sex as the patient.

Nowadays, many people are disappointed in traditional medicine, which is slowly killing us with harmful chemicals. Unfortunately, it is not always able to cure the disease. Therefore, many people have a desire to learn about alternative methods of treatment, which our ancestors knew very well. First of all, these are, of course, various prayers and conspiracies for diseases.

If you do not trust traditional treatment, then you should try using the conspiracies that we will talk about in this article.

1. The effectiveness of such treatment will be much higher if you believe in it.

  1. You cannot use the power of conspiracies for your own material gain. You must have a pure soul and good intentions.
  2. There is a possibility of taking negative energy illness on yourself. This is especially true for severe karmic illnesses that the patient provoked through his behavior. In such cases it is necessary energy protection. But it is better to have a professional in this field do this. After all, if you are dealing with damage or a curse, the consequences for you can be very negative.
  3. Do not forget that it is always easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. Read conspiracies for the health of your loved ones more often, and illnesses will bypass you.

7 spells for healing from diseases

For a shirt

Take the unwashed shirt of a person who is sick. Take her to a deserted place, into nature. There shouldn't be any strangers there. Read the words of the spell over the patient’s thing and burn it. You don't have to wait until it burns completely. When you leave, you can't look back. You must remain silent all day - this is a mandatory condition of the ritual. The ritual is performed on any day except Monday, Saturday and Sunday.

Early in the morning on odd days, go to a flowing pond. Before this, you should not comb your hair, eat food, or talk. Near the water you need to cross yourself three times and say loudly:

Quick recovery on the waning moon

The ritual is performed at night during the waning moon. Looking at the moon, you need to say:

For women's diseases

It will definitely help you with any problems if you do everything according to the rules. At sunrise you need to take half a liter clean water, lower the silver cross into the water and leave it on the windowsill until tomorrow morning. At dawn the next day, tie a new scarf around your head, cross yourself three times and pull the cross out of the water. Holding a container of water in your hands, read the “Our Father” three times, then the words of the prayer to Saint Panteleimon. Now let's move on to the plot:

It must be read 6 times, put the water aside and cross yourself three times. Spray water on yourself from top to bottom. Drink the remaining water one day, three sips at a time.

For skin diseases

Buy a red cloth and rub it on the damaged skin 12 times every evening. At the same time, read the following conspiracy against diseases:

On the thirteenth day, when the moon is waning, go to the cemetery where people are no longer buried. When entering you need to say loudly:

Throw away the cloth you used to rub your skin with your right hand. Leave the cemetery, don't look back, don't talk to anyone. When you get home, wash your hands. After this you can talk.

For childhood diseases

The cause of frequent illnesses in children is reduced immunity and weakened protection on the subtle planes. This ritual will help strengthen the child’s magical protection. You need to pour clean water into a transparent container and lower the silver cross there for one day. A day later, take a container of water with both hands, stand in the center of an empty room and read the text: