Bandage for nasolabial folds. Composition of fish oil. Factors that further deepen nasolabial folds

Deep nasolabial folds bring a lot of grief to women. In addition to the appearance of wrinkles, facial expression changes. There is even a comparison: “a face like a bulldog.” Plastic surgery can cope with this deficiency, but it is expensive and sometimes unsafe. In addition, after the intervention of a surgeon’s scalpel, the skin does not rejuvenate, its regeneration and metabolism do not improve. We will tell you how to remove nasolabial wrinkles at home. Of course, you will have to work hard: choose masks, exercises, massage. But the result is worth it!

Ways to smooth out nasolabial wrinkles at home

The reason for unaesthetic folds in the nasolabial area is flabby, lacking tone skin. It sags due to stagnation of lymph, blood and swelling. Your task is to restore elasticity and firmness to the skin and strengthen the muscles. This leads to ways to combat wrinkles at home.

Before you begin complex procedures, you will have to fulfill several conditions, without which you will not achieve the desired effect.

  • Quit bad habits: Alcohol and tobacco are detrimental to youthful skin.
  • Stick to principles healthy eating . Don't overeat so you don't have to lose weight urgently. When losing weight, as a rule, the first changes are visible on the face: sagging and saggy folds.
  • Make sun and water your friends. Expose your face to scattered sunlight in moderation. Instead of washing with tap water, use healthy herbal infusions for wiping.
  • Don't sleep with your face buried in your pillow. If you can’t control your night position, change your large soft pillow to a flat orthopedic one.
  • Gently cleanse and nourish your skin daily.

Now you are ready for detailed work on the facial muscles to remove nasolabial folds.

Gymnastics is necessary to strengthen the facial muscles.


Get acquainted with Japanese massage techniques through video lessons. Print out photos with massage lines and hang them near the mirror where you will conduct classes.

Mask recipes

Supporters traditional methods in the fight against wrinkles, they know that you can prepare the composition at home from any available products. Everything that is in the bins and refrigerator is used. The masks are easy to prepare, without giving a chance to the “line of grief” - that’s what the nasolabial cavities are called.

Home remedies are effective in the early stages of skin aging to prevent wrinkles. IN mature age they also successfully combat cosmetic defects, but they must be combined with the above courses of gymnastics, massage and lymphatic drainage.

To prepare a rejuvenating composition, various herbal decoctions and fresh juices are used, added to a base of cosmetic oils. Starch and gelatin are used as a thickener. Here are some simple recipes.

Calendula mask

Step-by-step preparation of the mask:

  1. Pour 1 tablespoon of dried flowers into half a glass of purified water. Boil for 3-5 minutes.
  2. When the liquid has cooled to 40 degrees, pour half a teaspoon of gelatin into it.
  3. Place the mixture in the microwave for a couple of minutes.
  4. Add 20 grams of olive oil and a couple of drops of essential oil (from rose flowers) to the cooled mass.
  5. Soak a napkin folded three times with the composition. Place on the cleansed and massaged area of ​​the nasolabial fold. Leave for 25 minutes.

Algae mask

To get a noticeable lifting effect:

  1. Take spirulina (dry powder or tablets sold at the pharmacy) - 10 grams, dissolve in a small amount of water.
  2. Prepare a tablespoon of gelatin: dissolve in a water bath or microwave.
  3. Mix the ingredients until viscous. Add two drops of vitamin A and E, 5 ml of lemon juice.
  4. Apply with a brush to the problem area. Cover the application with a napkin. Relax with the magical composition for 25 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Fix the effect with night cream with collagen.

Perform this procedure every three days for a month.

A mask with algae cannot be stored - you will have to prepare a fresh mixture each time.

The starch mask has a pronounced lifting effect

To prepare the base: dilute 1 tablespoon of starch in a glass of water - cook the paste. You can add cosmetic oil and freshly squeezed juice to the cooled composition:

  • carrot,
  • cucumber,
  • citric,
  • orange,
  • cranberry.

The adhesive composition can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days. Add the remaining ingredients before use: all components - one tablespoon at a time.

Saturate the napkin, apply it to the folded area, and secure with strips of adhesive tape. Exposure time: from half an hour.

The best mask for nasolabial wrinkles at home

A popular mixture is considered to be “Victorious Mask”. Made on the basis of the noble laurel that adorned the winner’s wreath.

  • For 15 pieces of dry leaves, take one and a half glasses of water. Cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes.
  • Cool, filter.
  • Beat three eggs into a strong foam, pour in a tablespoon of infusion bay leaf, add the same amount cosmetic oil. It is better to use stone fruit oil: almond, peach, apricot.
  • Fill nasolabial wrinkles with the mixture.

How to properly perform exercises for nasolabial folds, watch this video:

Each choice is individual, as is the impact on cosmetic defects various compositions. Don’t be lazy to use the entire arsenal of remedies at home - and you won’t face the “sorrowful look”.

You will be able to find Additional information on this topic in the section.

Wrinkles in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, unfortunately, serve as the most accurate “indicators” of age in women. But, fortunately, today there are various ways to help prevent the early appearance of these “uninvited guests” on the face or eliminate an existing problem. One of the most effective safe and accessible methods is gymnastics, which includes exercises for the face from nasolabial folds. Regularly performing simple actions will tighten the skin, strengthening the facial muscles, and thereby preserve youth for many years.

A set of special exercises for the face will help to tone the necessary muscles, due to which the skin will noticeably tighten and the aging wrinkles on the face will disappear.

It is recommended to do the exercises in front of a mirror. This way you can monitor your facial expressions in the reflection, which will prevent the formation of additional and unwanted wrinkles. Before gymnastics, you should wash your hands with soap and clean your face with cosmetics.

Set of exercises:

  1. Place your index fingers on the corners of your lips, then slightly stretch your lips to the sides and return them to their original position. Repeat this action about forty times.
  2. Fold your lips into a tube and pull them forward. Pronounce the vowel sound "u". Open your mouth slightly and pronounce the sound “o” for a long time. Perform the exercise at least twenty times.
  3. Inhale air through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Release the air gradually through relaxed, slightly extended lips.
  4. Take a mouthful of air, thus inflating your cheeks, and then begin to throw the “ball of air” from one side to the other.
  5. Use your thumbs and forefingers to grab the muscles of your cheekbones, as if pinching them. Slowly stretch your lips into a smile and hold in this position for 5-7 seconds. Do this ten times.
  6. Bend your upper and lower lips behind your teeth and grab a tablespoon with them. Try to lift the spoon up, when you succeed, smile, using the muscles of your cheeks, and hold for six seconds in this position. Perform these steps ten times.
  7. Place your palms on your cheeks so that your little fingers are on the lines of the nasolabial folds. Apply light pressure to these areas, lifting the skin up with your hands. Execution time – 60 seconds.

Bottle exercise

Another unusual, but very effective exercise will help smooth out nasolabial wrinkles. To implement it, you will need a half-liter plastic bottle, which will need to be filled one third with water.

Place the bottle on any flat surface (preferably a table), wrap your lips around the neck of the container and try to lift it up. However, it should be noted that only the lips should be involved in the exercise. You can't resort to using your teeth.

Raising the bottle above the table, try holding it there for at least twenty seconds, and then lower it. You need to repeat this exercise as many times as possible.

Gymnastics Carol Maggio

Carol Maggio's gymnastics can serve as an excellent tool for rejuvenating and eliminating some aesthetic defects of the face. The set of exercises also includes those that will help tighten sagging nasolabial areas.

  1. Sit up straight.
  1. Press your lips tightly against your teeth.
  1. Imagine mentally two opposite points that are on your lips: in the center of the upper lip - one and in the center of the lower - the other.
  1. Open your mouth wide. The imaginary points should be exactly one above the other, forming an elongated oval. Inhale the air through your mouth.
  1. Begin to intensively slide your index fingers along the nasolabial folds, making up and down movements. Do the exercise until a slight burning sensation appears.
  1. After finishing the previous exercise, use your index fingers to quickly tap along the fold lines. There should be about thirty such taps.
  1. Exhale slowly, releasing the air through loosely closed lips.

7 rules to prevent early skin aging

  • Drink about 2 liters daily clean water. Water flushes out toxins and waste from the body and prevents dry skin. However, to avoid swelling, you should not drink water at night!
  • Try not to sleep on your side or stomach, as this contributes to the formation and deepening of creases and wrinkles on your face.
  • Carry out skin care for both the face and neck using creams containing alpha hydroxy acids. These substances promote the natural regeneration of dermal cells.
  • As we age, the skin increasingly needs protection from ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, in the summer, do not neglect sunscreen.
  • Always ensure that the skin is sufficiently moisturized. Natural oils and periodic facial cleansing procedures will help with this.
  • Moisturizing and nourishing masks for face. They need to be used 2-3 times a week.

Regularity is the main condition for the successful and effective implementation of exercises for wrinkles in the nasolabial folds. If you remember them from time to time, the lines will not disappear, but will only become more noticeable and deeper over time. Therefore, you should devote just 10 minutes a day to facial gymnastics, so that after 2-3 weeks you can happily see the amazing result in the mirror. The effect can be consolidated by alternating gymnastics with the use of tightening masks and massage.

Static nasolabial wrinkles can appear as early as 30 years of age. However, there is no reason to stop smiling to once again do not stretch the muscles in this area. It is better to perform special exercises for the face every day, which will strengthen and tone the muscles in the mouth and cheeks. As a result, shallow wrinkles will disappear completely, and more pronounced lines will become less noticeable. The main thing is to follow the rules and techniques of gymnastics complexes and not overstrain the muscles.

Causes of nasolabial folds

They usually first appear after age 35, although in many cases they can occur much earlier. These lines are located in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle and are natural folds that form during a smile. With a calm facial expression, they are practically invisible. However, over time and under the influence of unfavorable factors, the lines deepen and turn into noticeable wrinkles, even in a static state of the lower part of the face.

The appearance of pronounced folds in the area from the nose to the lips is caused not only by age-related changes, but also by various internal and external factors:

  1. Hypertonicity of the muscles of the neck and cheeks, resulting from incorrect posture, stress or active facial movements in the absence of quality relaxation.
  2. Hypotonicity of muscle tissue, manifested due to impaired circulation of lymph or blood. This leads to swelling, decreased tone and sagging of the lower contours of the face in the cheeks, nose and mouth.
  3. Sudden changes in hormonal character and weight, which deforms the relief of the face.
  4. Drinking excessive amounts of water, especially at night. This provokes swelling and stretching of areas of the face in the lower part with loss of firmness and elasticity.
  5. Habit of sleeping on your stomach. In this case, compression and drooping of the facial lines occurs.
  6. Using incorrect skin care methods, including the wrong choice of cosmetics, as well as irregular use of skin care products.
  7. Genetic characteristics that can influence the strong severity of the nasolabial triangle by nature.
  8. Unsatisfactory ecology, provoking the worsening and early appearance of wrinkles.

Watch the position of your neck - if it is usually pulled into the shoulders and overstrained, this can lead to deepening of wrinkles in the nasolabial area.

Often the habit of constantly clenching your teeth leads to the appearance of folds in this area. This position of the jaw causes overstrain of the jaw muscles and deepening of wrinkles. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the muscles in the lower parts of the face are relaxed, and that there is always free space between the teeth in a calm state.

Nasolabial folds naturally appear when smiling, but they should not be visible with a static facial expression.

Video: doctor about the causes of nasolabial folds

How gymnastics helps you get rid of nasolabial folds

To normalize the tone in the lower part of the face and eliminate wrinkles, special exercises are especially effective. They allow you to strengthen weakened muscle areas and relieve tension in spasmodic areas. By improving blood circulation in the facial tissues, exercises help to combat subtle folds in the nasolabial triangle and reduce the appearance of deeper lines.

Daily exercise to eliminate nasolabial depressions will lead to normalization of muscle tone in the lower parts of the face and improve the elasticity of the skin, which will reduce the severity of wrinkles.

Unlike surgical procedures, when performing exercises, there is not an immediate, but a gradual improvement in the condition of the muscles and surface of the face. This achieves a stable result, which will allow you to naturally smooth out the nasolabial area over time and stop the process of aging and sagging of the lower part of the face.

As a result of gymnastics, it causes positive changes in the structure of the muscles and other tissues of the face, which is manifested in the following:

  • blood circulation increases, which helps nourish and increase skin elasticity;
  • the outflow of lymph improves, removing everything harmful substances from the area being worked;
  • new collagen and protein molecules are formed, increasing the firmness and elasticity of the lower area of ​​the face;
  • The growth of facial muscles increases and their strengthening occurs, which leads to smoothing out wrinkles and filling the layers of skin with the necessary volume.

Exercises will not give the same quick results as with surgical and other methods of rejuvenation, but they will provide a stable effect due to the naturalness of the techniques used.

Exercises for the nasolabial area will help eliminate wrinkles naturally

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of exercises for eliminating nasolabial depressions is their simplicity and the minimum amount of time spent on their implementation. Among the other advantages of gymnastics are the following:

  • accessibility and ability to do it yourself at home;
  • achieving results in a natural way, without surgical or other methods;
  • profitability, since it does not require any financial expenses;
  • the ability to choose any convenient time and place for gymnastics;
  • relative speed of obtaining results, depending on the initial state;
  • manifestation of the result not only in the form of smoothing wrinkles, but also improving the overall condition of the skin in the area of ​​treatment;
  • stability and duration of results with regular implementation.

With a lot of advantages this method rejuvenation, gymnastics has much fewer disadvantages:

  • the need to be patient, since achieving results does not happen instantly;
  • daily requirement;
  • the possibility of re-increasing wrinkles if gymnastics is stopped;
  • need to comply correct technique performing exercises.

The main thing that needs to be observed when performing exercises to reduce wrinkles in the lower areas of the face is regularity. Daily training of facial muscles and effective relaxation of this area will restore tone in a short period of time.

Gymnastics allows you to strengthen all the muscles of the nasolabial area and reduce wrinkles


Gymnastics for working out the nasolabial area, when performed regularly and correctly, allows you to achieve visible results in about 3–4 months. The severity of the effect depends on your age and initial skin condition, as well as your lifestyle. If the cause of wrinkles is constant stress or incorrect position during sleep, then exercises will help reduce the appearance of wrinkles running from the wings of the nose to the mouth, but not get rid of them completely. Thus, when expecting visible results from gymnastics, it is necessary to take into account external factors and the ability to influence their change.

The first results may appear after 3 months. This usually happens in those who start exercising before the age of 35.

It should be remembered that the older you are, the longer it may take to improve the elasticity of tissues in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. With the help of gymnastics, you can completely smooth out wrinkles in this area if you start doing it when the first signs of deepening wrinkles appear and your face is calm. With significant indentations, gymnastics can make wrinkles less visible and pronounced.

Exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles in the nasolabial triangle can reduce the severity of wrinkles

Video: psychologist about the effect of gymnastics on nasolabial folds and exercises

Rules for performing exercises for the face

Exercises can be easily done at home by choosing a convenient time and a secluded place. Try to make sure that no one distracts or disturbs you during class. Concentrate, calm your mind and tune in to the rejuvenation procedure.

  1. To perform the exercises, it is better to choose a sitting position with the obligatory position in front of the mirror.
  2. Hands should be thoroughly washed and face cleansed.
  3. While performing the complex, you should straighten your back and do not tilt your neck.
  4. After each exercise, try to relax your face as much as possible.
  5. At the end of the session, pat lightly over the entire facial area.
  6. During one lesson you should perform one set of exercises.
  7. It is recommended to take photographs of your face after each week of training to monitor the results.

The time for gymnastics depends on the specific complex and is about 15–20 minutes.

It is recommended to devote time to performing the complex against nasolabial depressions 2 times a day. It is better to do this in the morning and evening. In the morning, gymnastics is necessary to tone muscles that have been immobile for a long time during sleep, and to eliminate swelling on the face. And in the evening, exercise will help eliminate the stress accumulated during the day, relax tired muscles and normalize their tone.

It is preferable not to take significant breaks between exercises and carry them out every day if possible. Only regular practice and muscle training will help restructure their work to increase the elasticity of the lower areas of the face.

Perform exercises in front of a mirror to check that they are being performed correctly.

Exercise sets

You can choose any complex you like, aimed at eliminating nasolabial depressions. During one lesson, it is preferable to perform one complex, since the sequence takes about 15–20 minutes, which is quite enough to work on the nasolabial area. You can alternate the complexes every month or 3 months, observing the results, or supplement the session with individual exercises, for example, the Carol Maggio technique.

Classic complex

The most popular method of combating nasolabial depressions is the classic complex, which includes a sequence of several exercises:

  1. Fill your cheeks as much as possible and then exhale.
  2. Intensely pronounce vowel sounds one after another without closing your lips.
  3. Pull your closed lips forward as much as possible.
  4. While extending your lower jaw, try to purse your lips for 5 seconds, then unclench.
  5. Roll the air, filling one cheek and the other alternately.
  6. While inhaling deeply, puff out your cheeks as much as possible and stop breathing. When you want to exhale air, push it out with sharp movements in small portions.

Perform about 8-10 repetitions of each exercise. This complex affects the entire area around the mouth and cheeks, eliminating wrinkles in this area in a short time. Alternating tension and relaxation of muscles will improve their functioning and tone them up. The entire complex is performed for 15–20 minutes daily.

An exercise that involves puffing out the cheeks effectively works the nasolabial area.

Video: classic exercises against nasolabial folds

Kremlin gymnastics

The complex includes several exercises that are performed sequentially. You should rest for a few seconds between doses.

  1. Open your mouth as wide as possible and pronounce the vowels of the alphabet one by one in any order that comes to mind. Try to perform the movements energetically, clearly and loudly.
  2. Hold a pencil between your jaws. Holding the pencil, extend your jaw and draw imaginary circles with it. Complete 8-9 figures in total.
  3. Open your mouth to form a large "O". Pressing your upper lip onto your teeth, tighten your lips and stretch them into an oval shape. Distribute the load more on the lower jaw. At the same time, in the mirror you can see how the nasolabial depressions disappear.
  4. Keeping two index fingers on the sides next to the wings of the nose, slide your fingers up almost to the upper eyelid. After this, perform similar downward movements. Number of movements - 5 times.

After completing the complex, relax, then do it again. It is recommended to do 5 repetitions in one session. During the execution, the area of ​​the nose and jaw, and the muscles of the mouth are effectively worked out. The last exercise, which smoothes and lifts the skin in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, is considered especially effective.

Kremlin gymnastics is a simple technique that will take approximately 15 minutes.

Exercise with a pencil helps reduce nasolabial folds

Exercise Carol Maggio

The complex for tightening the face shape and eliminating wrinkles, developed by American cosmetologist Carol Maggio, includes an exercise designed specifically to work on the nasolabial space.

  1. Press your lips as hard as possible onto your teeth.
  2. Open your mouth, stretching it wide to the sides in the form of an oval. Don't relax your lips.
  3. Smooth out the nasolabial grooves with your index fingers.
  4. As soon as you feel a slight burning sensation, end the exercise.
  5. Tap the grooves with your fingers quickly 30 times.
  6. At the end of the exercise, exhale, passing air through your closed mouth.

During the exercise, imagine how energy circulates in the lower parts of the face and acts in a rejuvenating manner.

This exercise will only take 30 seconds, but its effectiveness will quickly appear. After all, during execution, blood circulation increases and the severity of even the deepest wrinkles located diagonally in the area of ​​the nose and mouth decreases. The result is achieved by strengthening the muscles responsible for widening the nostrils and working nearby areas.

When performing the exercise, you need to run your fingers along the nasolabial folds, smoothing them out

Video: facial gymnastics technique for nasolabial folds Carol Maggio

Practice Lourdes Doplito

The nasolabial space area is also intensively worked out by the Lourdes Doplito exercise, which allows you to eliminate folds in this area and strengthen those associated bottom facial muscles of the neck.

  1. Hold with your index finger and thumb upper lip, pull it down 5 mm. Watch the thumb, which should be located inside the mouth.
  2. Inhale, drawing more air into your lungs. Keep your eyes open. Then try to smile so that no creases form.
  3. Stop breathing for 3 seconds.
  4. Exhale as slowly as possible and stop breathing again.
  5. After a few seconds, exhale.

After completing the exercise, rest for 3 seconds and repeat the entire technique 3 more times. In general, the lesson will take you about 10 minutes. Follow the correct breathing, which should be done slowly and with open eyes.

While doing this, avoid putting excessive pressure on the lip area.

Galina Dubinina complex

Galina Dubinina has developed a set of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles in the nasolabial triangle and eliminating wrinkles. Classes must be carried out daily, the first results will appear after 3-4 months.

  1. Using your thumbs, press the inside of your cheeks along your teeth. As you move your upper lip, increase the pressure of your fingers against your teeth. Hold for a few seconds and release. Complete 8 reps.
  2. Place your thumb on the lower gum in the canine area. Make sure that the pad of your finger is under the nasolabial fold. Working lower lip, press your finger and release. Do 8 reps.
  3. Clench your teeth and place your fingers on the line between your upper and lower teeth. Pull your cheeks in with a fish-like motion. Complete 8 reps.
  4. Using your index finger, press on a point in the center of your upper lip, pressing it against your teeth. Try to smile, spreading your lips as wide as possible, without opening them. Do 8 repetitions, first at a slow pace, then at a fast pace.

The complex is performed in approximately 15 minutes. At the end of it, you may feel muscle fatigue, which indicates a high-quality session. Over time, the exercises will get better and the results will become more effective.

Galina Dubininina's complex for nasolabial folds allows you to quickly get rid of wrinkles

Video: Galina Dubinina about a set of exercises for nasolabial folds

Complex of Margarita Levchenko

Original exercises from professional massage therapist Margarita Levchenko are aimed at strengthening the muscles located in the lower parts of the face, as well as the cheek area, which helps eliminate wrinkles. Due to blood flow, the skin in the mouth area becomes more elastic.

  1. Warm up your hands by lightly rubbing them. Place them on your cheeks and gradually fill the cheek area with air, while pressing with your hands. Hold your cheeks as puffed out as possible for 10 seconds. Relieve tension and repeat the technique 10 times.
  2. With your hands on your cheeks again, alternately inflate one or the other cheek. In this case, air should flow freely between them. Complete 10 reps.
  3. Open your mouth until folds form. Hold the extreme position for 10 seconds, release the tension and perform 7 repetitions.
  4. Pronounce the letter A slowly, lowering your lower jaw until you feel a stretch. Hold for a maximum of 10 seconds, release tension and do 10 repetitions.
  5. Fixing the corners of your mouth with your little fingers, place the remaining fingers towards your temple. Stretch your lips, trying to smile while holding your cheeks with your fingers. Feel how the muscle tenses. Fix the smile for 15 seconds and perform another 8 approaches.
  6. Having closed your lips as tightly as possible, push the air between them as you exhale, feeling their involuntary vibration.

Having completed the entire complex, pat your cheeks and nasolabial area with your palms.

The lesson will take approximately 20 minutes. It is recommended to perform the full sequence daily, strengthening the muscles near the mouth and cheek area.

Pressing your palms against your puffed out cheeks and then exhaling air effectively trains the muscles of the cheeks and nasolabial area.

Video: Margarita Levchenko about a set of exercises for wrinkles

Complex of Evgenia Baglyk

With the help of exercises by face builder Evgenia Baglyk, muscle elasticity is restored in the cheek area closer to the mouth. Regular performance of a complex consisting of 5 simple exercises will normalize the condition of the skin and muscles in this area and eliminate folds, especially when they initially appear.

  1. Elongate your lips, giving them an oval shape and lowering your lower jaw. Press your palms onto the nasolabial space and move your zygomatic muscles, pulling your cheeks as high as possible. Perform 25–30 repetitions.
  2. Keeping oval shape lips, place the index and middle fingers of each hand on the inside of the cheeks. Try to push your fingers inward using your cheek muscles. Using your thumbs, apply pressure to the surface of the corners of your lips to avoid excessive creases. Do 25-30 reps.
  3. Pull the corners of your lips forward as much as possible, maintaining an oval shape. Hold the extreme position for 10 seconds, release the muscles and do another 4-5 repetitions.
  4. Using your thumbs, press the inner area of ​​the upper lip, and with your index fingers, press the outer surface. Inhale and raise your eyes, then exhale and lower your eyes, pulling your lip to the lower position. Perform 4-5 reps.
  5. As you inhale, place your thumbs on the inside of your cheeks along your teeth, and use your index fingers to grab your upper lip. As you exhale, pull the skin along the line towards your chin. Do only 4-5 reps.

Conduct classes every day, following the sequence of exercises. The first results will appear in about a month, depending on the depth of the wrinkles. The time it will take you to complete the complex is approximately 20 minutes.

Exercises for nasolabial wrinkles will take only 20 minutes a day

Video: Evgenia Baglyk about a set of exercises for nasolabial wrinkles

Exercise with a plastic bottle

To perform the exercise, you will need a regular plastic bottle, preferably 0.5 liter in volume. Perform the following sequence of techniques throughout the week, starting with the first exercise each subsequent week:

  1. On the first day of class, take the bottle with your lips at the neck location and hold it for 3 minutes. Do not use your teeth - the movement is performed only with your lips.
  2. On the second, third and fourth days, use a bottle filled with approximately 50 ml of water. Repeat the same exercise as the first, only with a heavier bottle.
  3. On the fifth, sixth and seventh days, fill the bottle with an even larger volume of water - about 60 ml. Repeat the main technique.

Do not try to quickly increase the weight of the bottle - add a maximum of 10 ml of water every next three days. Please adhere to the bottle weight limit of 250 grams.

An exercise using a plastic bottle is aimed at strengthening the entire area of ​​the mouth, cheeks and working out the nasolabial grooves. If these muscles are too tense, replace it with a more dynamic activity. Be sure to relax your muscles after doing it. Class time is no more than 5 minutes, taking into account preparation.

Video: how to do the exercise with plastic bottle


There are few contraindications to gymnastics, but they should be taken into account when choosing this method of rejuvenation:

  • the presence of viral skin pathologies;
  • inflammatory phenomena in the facial nerve;
  • the presence of ulcers, scratches, wounds and other skin damage;
  • pronounced rosacea;
  • overly sensitive skin;
  • hypertension;
  • surgical operations on the face;
  • lifts and other cosmetic procedures.

If there are contraindications or factors that cast doubt on the possibility of performing sets of exercises, it is necessary to consult a professional.

Side effects

In case of excessively intense exercise and inadequate muscle tension, increased pressure on the lower part of the face and increased expression of wrinkles are possible. This can also happen with overly sensitive and dry skin suffering from lack of hydration. To prevent the development of an adverse effect, follow the technique of the techniques and do not put too much effort into performing it.

Do not perform exercises more than 2 times a day, and also observe the number of repetitions. If the lower areas of the face are exposed to too much force and are overstressed, wrinkles may worsen.

During the exercise, also make sure that the rest of the face that is not involved in the exercises remains calm. If, when working on the lower area on the forehead or near the eyes, wrinkles form, this will lead to problems in these areas in the future. Remember that in each exercise you should only work those muscles that are required to perform it.

In order to avoid infection on the surface of the face, keep your hands clean. Observe hygiene requirements when preparing for class, as hands are often used in the exercises. After class, spend some time in a quiet environment so that the worked facial muscles calm down and rest.

While doing the exercises, try not to wrinkle the upper part of your face.

Prevention: how to remove nasolabial folds

In order to prevent the appearance of noticeable depressions in the nasolabial space or reduce their severity, it is useful to follow the preventive rules:

  1. In sunny weather, you should use special protective creams, even in winter.
  2. Avoid sleeping in a prone position with your face facing down.
  3. Drink enough, but not excessive amounts of fluid - 2 liters of water daily is enough.
  4. Provide your face with correct and sufficient care by professional means. Pay special attention to the use of cleansers and nourishing creams.
  5. During the day, try to avoid excessively active facial movements and do not clench your teeth. Keep your lower face area as relaxed as possible.

Following preventative rules along with exercise will help to significantly reduce the severity of wrinkles in the lower part of the face and prevent their worsening.

Following preventive rules will help prevent the appearance of nasolabial wrinkles

Video: cosmetologist about the benefits and harms of gymnastics for the face

Nasolabial folds are a skin defect in the form of thin furrows or pronounced creases that descend from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth. These folds visually add age and cause cosmetic discomfort. Modern methods corrections help get rid of these wrinkles. But besides expensive and not always safe methods of rejuvenation, the procedure for smoothing out skin creases can be done at home.

Nasolabial folds are a type of facial wrinkles that are formed in adolescence, since they are anatomically determined - they are formed by muscles that lie at different depths in the middle part of the face. IN at a young age elastic skin, covering the muscles, smoothes out the severity of creases, but with age, under the influence of external and internal factors wrinkles deepen, forming a “mask of grief.”

Among the main reasons for the appearance of deep skin defects are:

1. A genetically determined abnormality in collagen production, which manifests itself in impaired skin elasticity and muscle tissue structure.

2. Individual anatomical features of the facial structure - the location of bones and muscles, often resulting from birth injuries or pathology of intrauterine development.

3. Age-related changes:

  • muscle and skin tone:
  • loss of moisture in cells and intercellular space;
  • eating disorders;
  • decreased formation of elastin and collagen, leading to impaired tone - atony (weakening) or hypertonicity of muscle tissue;
  • ptosis (sagging) of soft tissues that move downward under the influence of gravity;
  • reduction in the expression of subcutaneous fat;
  • density and architectonics (structure) of bone tissue:
  • reduction of the lower jaw;
  • displacement of the frontal bone (overhang);

4. Congenital or acquired malocclusion - incorrect position of the jaw bones, lack of teeth leads to hypertonicity of individual facial muscles in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.

5. Bad habits, reducing skin elasticity.

6. Systemic diseases affecting lymph outflow, blood supply, tissue regeneration, metabolic processes.

7. Active facial expressions, increased articulation caused by professional specifics (actors, teachers, announcers) or emotionality.

8. Improper care of facial skin or exposure to unfavorable external factors - climate, ecology of the microclimate of the workplace.

9. A sharp decrease in body weight.

In asthenic people, fatty tissue is less pronounced, smoothing out the relief of the face, the jaw bones are narrower, which leads to excessive “tension” of the muscles (hypertonicity). According to the observations of orthopedists, a flat occiput or plagiocephaly, caused by certain genetic abnormalities (Down syndrome), rickets, increased intracranial pressure, torticollis, or poor care of the newborn, leads to the early appearance of nasolabial folds.

Deep wrinkles also form due to congenital spasm of the chin muscles. Since the muscles around the mouth are the most active - they are involved in chewing, expressing emotions, and speaking, excess static tension is created, as a result of which the muscles located above are “pulled” down.

How to smooth out nasolabial folds at home?

Watching how wrinkles appear and become more pronounced, women think about how to get rid of nasolabial folds.

The most affordable method for correcting the condition of the skin and facial muscles are:

  • masks;
  • compresses;
  • peeling;
  • gymnastics for the muscles of the face and neck;
  • massage.

As long as the changes do not affect the structure of the skin and muscle tissue, you can get rid of nasolabial folds using home methods.

Masks for nasolabial folds

Exists a large number of masks that will increase skin tone, help retain moisture, and provide cell nutrition. All components of the mask are natural, affordable and safe. The exception is people prone to allergic reactions. Therefore, before applying home remedy for wrinkles on the skin of the face, you need to do a test - apply a little to the inside of the forearm and leave for 10-15 minutes. If during this time there is no skin reaction - rash, redness, itching, then a mask or compress can be used.

1. Fruit masks rejuvenate facial skin and eliminate nasolabial folds:

  • To prepare the product, you need to take a medium-sized red apple and boil it in milk. Mash the apple and mix with milk. Apply the warm mixture to the face, especially to the nasolabial folds and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off the mask with cold water.
  • For the “Indian dancers” mask, you need to grate half a peach and mix the mixture with 1 tablespoon of cognac. Apply the resulting product to the skin. Leave for 15-20 minutes and rinse with cold water.

2. Dilute pressed yeast warm boiled water or milk until thick sour cream. Apply a mask to a cleansed face with a cosmetic brush and leave until the layer dries. Wash off the mask with warm infusion of chamomile or mint.

3. Honey is used to eliminate wrinkles, regenerate, nourish and tone the skin. It is applied as “mono” - the mask consists of natural honey without other components or in combination with glycerin, egg and other ingredients:

  • for dry skin, 1 raw chicken egg yolk is mixed with 1 tablespoon of glycerin and 1 tablespoon of liquid natural honey. The components are thoroughly mixed, applied with a brush to the problem area or the entire face and left for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Rinse with a cool decoction of medicinal herbs;
  • For oily skin A facial mask with honey is prepared with lemon juice. For 0.5 cups of liquid honey, take the juice of 1 large lemon. Use in the same way as in the previous recipe. Leftovers can be stored in the refrigerator.

In order to ensure the penetration of tonic and nutrients deep into the skin, it must be prepared with compresses from a decoction of herbs: alyssum, hernia, wallflower, castor bean, cuckoo flower coronary, lily, parsley, Caucasian ash. Herbs can be used in any combination, 3-4 types at a time. Grind dry raw materials. Take 1 teaspoon of each herb powder, add water (200-250 ml) and put on fire. Bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and leave for 20 minutes. Moisten a cloth or textile mask in a warm broth and apply to a cleansed face.

From a decoction of herbs you can prepare cosmetic ice, which should be used to wipe your face every morning (after washing), focusing on the nasolabial folds.

To obtain a pronounced effect, home remedies are used regularly, alternating them every 6-7 days.

Facial exercises for nasolabial folds

In addition to external remedies, masks and compresses, to reduce the depth of nasolabial folds, it is also necessary to influence the facial frame - facial muscles. Special exercises that stimulate blood circulation, collagen production, and relieve hypertension have a good effect. The set of exercises may be different.

The following exercises have been found to be most effective:

  1. Fold your lips into a tube and pull them forward strongly until tension appears in the muscles around the mouth. Make a long “u” sound. Round your lips, opening your mouth as much as possible. Make the sound "o". Alternate exercises until slight fatigue appears in the facial muscles (20-25 times).
  2. Place your fingers in the corners of your lips and spread them apart by 0.5 cm, imitating a smile. Return your fingers to the starting position. Alternate movements 35-40 times.
  3. Relax the muscles of closed lips. Inhale air through your nose, filling your lungs. Pull your lips forward a little and, without straining your muscles, slowly exhale air through your slightly open mouth. Repeat the exercise 20-30 times.
  4. Perform a massage on the inner surface of the cheeks, slowly “rolling” a portion of air. Perform for 30-40 seconds.
  5. Press the cheek muscles into the fold between the bent index finger and thumb, so that the index finger lies along the projection of the nasolabial fold. Spread your arms to the sides, imitating a smile, hold in this position for 5-6 seconds. Return to starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  6. Pull your lips inside your mouth, covering your teeth with them. Take a pen, pencil or tablespoon into your mouth by the handle. Slowly raise the free end to your nose, smile and stay in this position for 5-6 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  7. Place the palms of your hands on your cheeks so that the outer edge and little fingers are located on the nasolabial folds. Slowly move your palms up, lifting the corners of your mouth and the skin of your cheeks and applying pressure with the edge of your palm on the nasolabial folds. Stay in this position for 10-20 seconds. Perform the exercise for a minute.

In addition to the above complex, facial gymnastics from Carol Maggio, facial yoga and other exercises are used to eliminate nasolabial folds. In order for the muscles to return to their previous tone, it is necessary to exercise regularly and constantly.

How to remove nasolabial folds with massage

To eliminate nasolabial folds, there are certain types of facial massage:

  • contrast massage with spoons;
  • honey massage;
  • acupressure;
  • Japanese massage "Asahi";
  • massage using a mesoscooter.

Japanese Asahi massage is a method of osteopathic treatment, since as a result it affects not only the skin, muscles, lymphatic channels, but also the bones of the facial part of the skull.

  • some ENT diseases;
  • pathologies of the lymphatic system;
  • rosacea (a network of dilated blood vessels on the face);
  • presence of facial skin lesions, rashes, dermatological diseases;
  • thin dry skin;
  • fungal or viral infection of the skin of the face;
  • after chemical and hardware peeling;
  • the presence of large moles or papillomas on the face;
  • malignant neoplasms (cancer);
  • asthenic face, since with intense massage the subcutaneous tissue becomes thinner.

To properly carry out a massage at home, you should know the direction and location of massage lines on the face, and the location of the lymph nodes. Too active and “harsh” impact on the skin can lead to its deformation and the appearance of wrinkles. Massage without taking into account the massage lines along which the skin is less pliable leads to the same effect.

  • courses - 10 daily sessions 2 times a year;
  • regularly once a week.

In the absence of contraindications and following the technique of performing any of the listed types of massage will bring a visible reduction in the depth of the nasolabial folds, restoration of the oval of the face and increased skin elasticity.

Anti-aging products. Cosmetics at home

To correct your face, you don’t have to spend money on expensive cosmetics. You can easily prepare them yourself. Anti-aging products prepared at home do not contain synthetic substances, fragrances, dyes, or preservatives. The housewife can be confident in the freshness and naturalness of the ingredients if she does not skimp on quality products.

As a home peeling to remove dead skin cells, smooth its surface, stimulate cell regeneration and respiration, the following is used:

  • coffee scrub, which is prepared from ground coffee beans, oatmeal crushed into flour, and sour cream, taken in equal parts. Thoroughly mixed components are applied to a cleansed face and distributed over the entire surface with soft circular movements, avoiding the area around the eyes. After 5-7 minutes, the scrub is washed off with warm water.
  • cabbage-flax scrub. A tablespoon of flaxseed is ground in a coffee grinder. A leaf of fresh white cabbage is passed through a meat grinder. Both parts of the scrub are combined and mixed. Apply peeling to a cleansed and pre-steamed face and massage the skin with soft circular movements for 3-5 minutes. Wash your face with cool boiled water.

After deep cleansing the skin, you can apply a tightening and smoothing mask prepared at home:

  • honey Take 30 grams of beeswax, honey and onion juice. Melt the wax in a water bath, add the remaining ingredients and, stirring, cool to room temperature. Apply a thin layer of mask to a face washed with warm water and leave for 25 minutes. Remove unabsorbed residues with a soft cloth.
  • almond. For the mask, take 50 g of almond flour, 10 g of glycerin, 10 ml of medical alcohol, 1.5 g of camphor (available in pharmacies). Mix everything thoroughly and add boiled water until a paste-like mixture is obtained. Apply the resulting product to the area of ​​nasolabial folds and areas with pronounced wrinkles for 1-1.5 hours. Wash your face and pat dry carefully with a soft cloth.
  • gelatinous. Soak 2.5 g of edible gelatin in 25 ml of water. After the granules swell, add 10 g of honey and 60 g of glycerin to them. Place the mass on water bath and bring until completely dissolved. Apply to face. After 30-40 minutes, rinse with warm water.

At home, you can prepare an anti-aging cream, which can be made from products available at any pharmacy:

  • placenta (extract) – 4 ampoules;
  • olive oil – 10 g;
  • lanolin – 10 g;
  • chamomile decoction – 10 ml.

Melt lanolin in a water bath, add vegetable oil, and other components. Beat thoroughly with a mixer. Apply as a night cream. Alternate with moisturizer. The rejuvenation course is 20 days, then take a break for 1 month and repeat.

Beauty treatments in the salon

Modern salon treatments rejuvenation is represented by hardware and chemical methods.

Correction of nasolabial folds is carried out using:

  • fillers;
  • Botox;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • contour plastic surgery;
  • Facebook building methods.

Each of the above methods for getting rid of wrinkles and creases in facial skin has contraindications, side effects and, therefore, should be carried out in specialized beauty salons or clinics only by qualified specialists and using licensed products.

Fillers in nasolabial folds

Fillers are gel-like products based on hyaluronic acid that fill the nasolabial folds. The drug is administered using a very thin needle. The density of the gel varies. To correct fine wrinkles, a less dense filler is used. To “raise” pronounced creases, use a denser one.

Today they produce drugs that do not contain hyaluronic acid.

A worthy alternative are fillers based on:

  • polycaprolactone;
  • polylactic acid;
  • calcium hydroxyapatite.

The duration of the correction effect when using these fillers is much longer, but correcting insertion defects or a result the patient does not like is problematic. Depending on the drug, the effect lasts from 6 months to 2-3 years. It is recommended to use injection fillers to correct nasolabial folds from the age of 30-35, but according to indications, the procedure can be performed at an earlier age.

Contour plastic surgery of nasolabial folds

In addition to the use of fillers, contour plastic surgery of nasolabial folds is performed using the lipofilling method. Replenishment of the lost volume occurs through the injection of the patient's fat cells. The material is collected from her own fat depots - on the abdomen or thighs.

The resulting material undergoes special purification and is injected into the problem area. The advantage of the method is complete safety, since the material is natural and does not cause an immune reaction in the form of allergies.

The disadvantage of the method is the inability to predict the result, since even your own cells may not take root and the manipulation is traumatic - the material is taken under anesthesia. Therefore, this procedure is used only in a clinical setting and, most often, as a component plastic surgery– liposuction procedures, facelifts and other types of appearance correction.

Until recently, correction of nasolabial lips using injections of biopolymer gels was very popular. The duration of the result was long, since the biopolymers did not dissolve.

But contour plastic surgery with biopolymers had many more “cons”:

  • gels could shift, forming unsightly bumps;
  • migrate inside, appearing in unexpected places on the face;
  • cause inflammation and suppuration.

To remove the biopolymer, surgery was used, which left noticeable scars on the face.

Botox in nasolabial folds

Another popular method for eliminating creases in the nasolabial triangle area is botulinum toxin (Botox) injections. Botulinum toxin is a muscle relaxant, that is, it relaxes muscle fibers, relieves muscle hypertonicity, and smoothes out deep wrinkles.

But many cosmetologists are confident in the low effectiveness of correcting nasolabial folds with Botox. As a rule, the method is used in combination with other cosmetic procedures.

Hyaluronic acid in nasolabial folds

Hyaluronic acid is most often used as a drug for the correction of wrinkles.

Its effect on tissue cells is accompanied by a number of positive effects:

  • promotes cell restoration and growth;
  • retention of water in tissues.

Thanks to this, the skin looks young, healthy, smooth. The rejuvenation effect lasts 6-12 months, depending on the characteristics of the body, the degree of degradation of the skin and the concentration of the active substance in the drug.

Sometimes hyaluronic acid injections are accompanied by side effects such as:

  • pain at the injection site;
  • the appearance of swelling, bruising, protrusion;
  • gel displacement;
  • suppuration (abscess);
  • inflammation;
  • formation of fibrous (connective) tissue, characteristic of adhesions and scars;
  • allergic reaction;
  • hyperpigmentation (appearance of dark spots).

Most often the reason negative consequences is an insufficient degree of purification of hyaluronic acid obtained from animal tissues or a violation of the methodology or failure to comply with the rules of asepsis.

Migration of the gel or formation of granulomas (subcutaneous collections) can be corrected. Because hyaluronic acid a natural substance, it is easily broken down using the enzyme hyaluronidase, which is administered if the patient is dissatisfied with the result of the correction.

Face building of nasolabial folds

Facebuilding, or literally building a face, occurs by strengthening the facial frame - facial muscles, located at different depths. Their stimulation occurs as a result of a set of exercises aimed at training muscles, relieving excess tension in some and toning others.

To practice cosmetic rejuvenation this term was introduced by R. Benz, a plastic surgeon. He developed and described in his book “A Wrinkle-Free Face in 5 Minutes a Day” 21 exercises that help prevent the formation of wrinkles, distortion of the facial contour, push back natural aging skin. The method is over 60 years old, but it is still very effective today, provided that the exercises are performed regularly.

The Facebook building technique includes:

  1. preparing the facial muscles for exercise - warming up with massage;

2. performing exercises for different areas of the face. The exercises have the following features:

  • static (stationary) and dynamic (moving) exercises alternate;
  • special breathing, which is also an exercise - inhale strongly through the nose and exhale intensely through the mouth;
  • each exercise is performed in 3 approaches, lasting 10 seconds;
  • the whole set of exercises lasts at least 10-15 minutes;
  • the complex is performed regularly - 1-2 times a day, 5 times a week;
  • The entire rejuvenation course takes 3 months.

3. The final stage of the complex is muscle relaxation.

For those who are tormented by the question of how to reduce nasolabial folds without surgery and injections, the face-building technique can become a guide to action.

Masking nasolabial folds with makeup

But not everyone is eligible for beauty salon treatments or home methods for correcting wrinkles. For this group of representatives of the fair sex, the way out may be the competent application of decorative cosmetics.

In order to disguise creases in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, you will need the following decorative cosmetics:

  1. moisturizer, which not only helps smooth out fine wrinkles, but also facilitates the distribution of thicker products over the skin;
  2. makeup base. With its help, minor skin defects are smoothed out - enlarged pores, wrinkles;
  3. apply to face Foundation, the shade of which should be slightly darker than the natural complexion. For the age group of women, it is better to use a foundation with a lifting effect;
  4. Apply a corrector or concealer on the nasolabial fold in a color that should exactly match the natural color of the skin or be only half a shade darker. Blend the product so that the border between the corrector and foundation is not visible;
  5. use a light highlighter to highlight the bridge of the nose, the area under the eyes and on the cheekbones, central part chin and forehead, above the outer corner of the eye, above the upper lip;
  6. use a dark bronzer to disguise the jowls, double chin, apply below the cheekbones and along the outer edge of the forehead along the contour of the hair;
  7. Fix the sculpting result with transparent powder.

With the right shades of cosmetics and experience in applying makeup, you can visually get rid of nasolabial folds and make your face look much younger.

Each woman can choose the most suitable method for correcting nasolabial folds, since their range is large and continues to increase.

Any woman at absolutely any age wants to be attractive, but it is impossible to defeat age, because wrinkles, unfortunately, will appear sooner or later. Nasolabial wrinkles are considered the most unaesthetic “symptom” of age-related changes. Unfortunately, they can occur not only in older ladies, but also in young girls. Before you can reduce nasolabial folds at home or in the clinic, you need to learn about reasons for their appearance.

Main reasons

Some suggest that nasolabial folds are expression wrinkles , but not only age-related changes organism can lead to their appearance, there are other reasons:

  1. Quite often, girls, trying to get rid of extra pounds, notice the appearance of nasolabial folds on their face. This is due to the fact that with intensive weight loss, the subcutaneous fat layer becomes smaller, and the epidermis simply does not have enough time to adapt to this kind of change. Therefore, in places where not so long ago there were chubby cheeks, the skin begins to sag.
  2. The epidermis is also affected by external conditions. Poor environmental conditions, temperature changes, exposure to UV radiation and wind - all this affects the condition of the skin adverse influence.
  3. Heredity is another common cause of nasolabial folds.
  4. Drinking alcohol and smoking can also lead to this problem.
  5. Early wrinkles can also be caused by resting “face down on a pillow.” It is better to sleep lying on your side.
  6. Incorrect or untimely facial care can also cause formation. nasolabial wrinkles. For example, excessive tension of the skin during massage or excessive application of cosmetics.
  7. The appearance of nasolabial folds may be a consequence of dehydration. An adult’s body requires at least one and a half liters of water per day.
  8. The anatomical features of the skull and face are also of great importance. An incorrect bite or prominent cheeks can cause nasolabial folds to form at an early age.

Salon services

If there are shallow grooves on your face, you can reduce or get rid of them with the help of creams, masks, massage procedures and special exercises. However, pronounced wrinkles require radical intervention. This is exactly what cosmetologists do. How to get rid of nasolabial wrinkles in the clinic, and what methods are used for this?

One of the most popular procedures is lipofilling. It resembles in many ways contour plastic surgery, but much longer and more difficult. In this case, instead of a gel filler, your own tissues are used. The material is collected, for example, from the abdomen. It is cleaned and subjected to special treatment. However, lipofilling may entail side effects, after all, this is still a surgical intervention in the body.

A surgical lift can also remove nasolabial folds. This is the best method, but it is expensive. If your financial situation allows it, then you shouldn’t hesitate, because a facelift helps quickly and say a good goodbye with nasolabial folds.

How to clean at home

If you do not have the desire or money for procedures in a clinic or salon, then you can use folk remedies that are safe and completely natural.

The main thing is to provide your skin with regular and proper care:

  • It is recommended to prepare masks two to three times weekly;
  • cream formulations should be applied twice a day;
  • Before peeling, scrubbing and other procedures, the face should be cleansed with milk or toner.

Gelatin mask

This tool includes the following components:

  • 4 dessert spoons of edible gelatin;
  • 100 g warm water;
  • 4 drops of vitamin A;
  • 7-8 tablets of spirulina;
  • one dessert spoon of lemon juice.

The effectiveness of the mask is based on the action of these ingredients. For example, gelatin is natural collagen, but it copes with its tasks only on the surface of the skin. Spirulina contains a lot of vitamins, amino acids and other essential compounds. Lemon juice - excellent antioxidant.

To create a mask, add gelatin to water and leave the mixture for thirty to forty minutes to swell. Spirulina should also be placed in warm water and infused, and then added to it lemon juice and vitamin A.

Gelatin needs to be slightly heated in a microwave oven and mixed with spirulina. As a result, the product must have jelly-like consistency. The mask should be applied to the décolleté and facial skin for about 20 minutes.

Mask with added bay leaf

This product has the following composition:

  • 7−8 bay leaves;
  • 20 g warm water;
  • one chicken egg;
  • one tablespoon of olive oil.

Bay leaf contains essential oil, capable of smoothing out wrinkles. The egg contains protein and retinol, which works great against wrinkles. Olive oil provides skin useful substances and moisture.

First you need to make a decoction of bay leaves. Cover them with water and let them simmer for ten to fifteen minutes. The mixture must be cooled and strained thoroughly. Beat the egg and add the resulting bay mixture and olive oil. This mask is characterized by a liquid consistency, so it is more convenient to apply it with gauze or cotton wool. The period of action is from 20 to 40 minutes.

Herbal compresses

Cold compresses perfectly tone and nourish the skin, while warm ones make it smoother. To prepare them, special herbs are used that are suitable for a particular skin type. Often, coltsfoot, calendula, St. John's wort or chamomile are used to prepare compresses. You can also use herbs combine with each other.

Such home remedies also accelerate collagen synthesis in the skin. In addition, you can use them every day.

The effectiveness of cosmetics and gymnastics

Upon reaching the age of thirty, all representatives of the fair sex must provide their skin with regular and proper care - everyone knows about this. And here cosmetics come to the rescue. It is clear that even expensive cream formulations will not be able to solve the problem of nasolabial wrinkles, but they will help maintain good skin condition. Good cosmetics should contain the following substances:

  • collagen;
  • retinol;
  • amino acids;
  • proteins;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • coenzyme q 10.

In addition, the cream should be selected depending on the type of skin and age. For example, for women aged 60, the “20+” drug is unlikely to be suitable.

Nasolabial wrinkles are a very insidious enemy, so you need to use all methods to combat them. Masks and creams are far from full list, you must also use special exercises, the purpose of which is to increase tone and normalization of blood circulation.

  1. "Tube". Curl your lips into a tube and hold in this position for a short time, then relax your muscles. The exercise must be repeated at least seven times.
  2. "Ball". Buy balloon and inflate it daily, this will strengthen your facial muscles.
  3. "Bottle". Pour a small amount of water into a bottle (soda or juice). Try to lift it by grabbing the neck with your lips. Hold the position for fifteen to twenty seconds. If the heaviness is too great, pour some water out of the container.
  4. Standing in front of a mirror, clearly pronounce all the vowel sounds of the alphabet.
  5. Pull your cheeks in and stay in this state for fifteen to twenty seconds.
  6. Take air into your cheeks and roll it from one to the other.
  7. Open your mouth wide, forming an “o” symbol with your lips. Hold for a few seconds.
  8. Try to reach your chin with your upper lip.

Doing these exercises is very simple. Plus, it doesn't take much time. If you repeat them regularly, positive changes can be noticed within ten to fifteen days.

Massage against nasolabial wrinkles

Massage also helps get rid of this type of wrinkles. Its benefits are especially noticeable in old age. To reduce nasolabial wrinkles, it is best to use the Japanese technique.

  1. Rub along the wrinkles in different directions with the pads of your fingers. 6 repetitions will be enough. However, some experts recommend rubbing on wrinkles until a burning sensation appears. This massage technique is called Shiatsu and is considered one of the simplest.
  2. Stretch the skin from the corners of your mouth with your fingers, and then begin to massage it.
  3. Using your palms, stretch the skin from the very center. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the skin.
  4. An excellent remedy is massage, supplemented by treating the skin with oils.

Remember that wrinkles occur due to lack of moisture in the skin. Therefore, it needs to be treated with special creams as often as possible. This is especially true after sunbathing.

The lightest massage is considered to be rubbing the skin with ice cubes from a herbal decoction.

Prevention measures

Don't forget that wrinkles are much easier to prevent than to get rid of them in the future. In order to remain attractive, you need to follow some prevention tips:

  1. Don't drink a lot of water before going to bed. The daily fluid intake should be consumed before 18-20 hours.
  2. Try to get enough sleep. Oversleeping or lack of sleep has a very detrimental effect on the condition of the skin.
  3. Avoid sleeping on your stomach. It is clear that it is impossible to control your position while sleeping, but you should try to fall asleep on your back or side.
  4. A nutritious diet is also important for skin health. Avoid junk food and smoked foods. It is better to replace them with berries, fresh vegetables and fruits, which contain many vitamins and nutrients.
  5. Use sunscreen before going outside.
  6. Do not resort to too strict diets, as rapid weight loss will instantly cause wrinkles.
  7. Moisturize and cleanse your skin every day. Do treatments at the salon or at home at least once a week.
  8. Rub your wrinkles every day with ice cubes.
  9. Use high-quality cosmetics in accordance with your age category.
  10. Do exercises regularly to strengthen and improve your facial muscles.

If you have made a firm decision to say goodbye to wrinkles, then you need to be patient and not stop halfway. Only regularity and diligence, coupled with proper care will provide your face with attractiveness and freshness.