I have very oily skin on my face and scalp, what is the reason? Causes of oily skin on the face. Cosmetic oil for oily skin

Today it's time to find out why does the skin on my face become oily?, which may be associated with a change in skin type. It is important to find out the reasons in order to combat this factor.

Oily skin acquires an unpleasant shine. In addition, it is on oily skin that they begin to large quantities pimples, acne is occurring. We'll try to find out negative factors that provoke such changes.

Many women are beginning to wonder why their skin has become oily and the reasons for this phenomenon. Quite often the culprit is hormonal imbalance.

Restructuring of the body occurs in the following cases:

Ultimately, women cannot understand why facial skin has become sharply oily even in those who previously had excessively dry skin.

Let's try to figure it out how disruptions in the functioning of the hormonal system affect the increase in oily skin.

It turns out that it is testosterone that stimulates the activity of the sebaceous glands. During hormonal surges, it begins to be produced in large quantities, which provokes increased production of lard.

The results become noticeable quickly: the face becomes shiny, pimples, numerous blackheads and blackheads, and rashes appear on it. Sebum is produced quickly, self-cleaning no longer helps.

The pores become clogged and the face stops breathing. This results in the occurrence of numerous defects.

If we talk about the direct impact of testosterone levels on the activity of sebum production, it is worth considering other reasons for the jump in the level of this hormone.

When a woman discovered that her facial skin had become oily and acne appeared, she it is necessary to find out the risk factors and begin to deal with them.

We must try to eliminate the reasons where rashes appear.

If pimples are constantly covered up foundation, powder, the skin will stop breathing altogether. And then there will be many more defects on the skin. In general, a layer of cosmetics itself worsens the condition of the skin.

Squeezing out blackheads is also not advisable., since this crushes the subcutaneous layer of fat, swelling forms, and inflammation begins. Swelling and redness can be visually observed.

The best solution is to determine what exactly is causing the increase in testosterone, and then try to restore the hormonal balance.

Here are the likely risk factors:

  1. Stress, depression, unstable emotional background. A woman who faces psychological problems suffers from hormonal changes. Every effort must be made to restore emotional and hormonal balance.
  2. During pregnancy, puberty and menopause you should consult a doctor for help. Qualified specialists will be able to select the most suitable drugs and conduct targeted drug therapy. Then the hormonal levels will be restored and the woman’s general condition will improve. The skin will also return to normal.
  3. Also hormonal fluctuations are associated with physical fatigue and poor nutrition and an unhealthy lifestyle, as well as irregular sex life. All these are risk factors that only the woman herself can eliminate.

It is important to constantly monitor your health. Oily skin and unsightly marks on the face are a signal sent by the body about malfunctions in important systems.

It is necessary to listen to such “bells” and take all measures to improve your general condition. Then your health will improve and your face will look great.

Other reasons

When dry facial skin becomes oily, there may be other reasons besides hormonal imbalances. Let us indicate the main ones:

It's interesting, but sometimes excessive care about the skin also leads to problems. This happens especially often when various peelings and scrubs are abused.

If the skin is already beginning to be injured, the sebaceous glands simply try to create a protective film, intensely secreting sebum.

Take action and monitor your skin health and condition. Then it won’t be oily and acne won’t appear on it.

Greasy shine, loose pores, grayish skin tone, constant formation of pimples and comedones - all these appearance defects are caused by increased work of the sebaceous glands. Their activities cannot be hidden under foundation and powder. Neither expensive cosmetics nor pharmaceutical drugs get rid of acne.

Moreover, the problem is equally relevant for both young ladies both teenage boys and older women and men. The prophecy of the “experienced” - after 30 everything will pass - unfortunately, does not come true. Every person wants to have clean, fresh, radiant skin with narrow pores and an even tone. But how to achieve this? What causes such an abundant secretion of fat by the epidermis? Are there really effective ways struggle with oily skin or is it time to get used to the idea that this is for life?

Oily skin - normal or pathological

It is important for those with a greasy sheen and other “charms” of oily dermis to understand that they have a completely healthy skin type.

There are four in total:

  1. Normal.
  2. Dry.
  3. Fat.
  4. Combined.

At proper care For oily skin, it can look attractive and not cause any inconvenience. The undeniable advantages of this type of dermis are considered later, compared to other types of dermis, the appearance of wrinkles. Also, due to a higher level of hydration, the epidermis retains its elasticity and fresh appearance longer.

Pustules, pimples, comedones, acne and other rashes are just a sign of illiterate care and selection of cosmetics. But skin care can be learned.

It’s another matter if you have pathological oily skin, characterized by a greasy appearance, peeling, redness of the epidermis and an abundance of acne or pimples. This condition may indicate a disease seborrheic dermatitis or seborrhea. The disease requires drug treatment under the supervision of a qualified dermatologist.

To check whether you really have increased oiliness of the skin on your face, you can use a common test using a regular cosmetic wipe (dry!). For the purity of the experiment, the test is carried out on a clean and dry dermis, which has not been exposed to water or any cosmetics for at least 3–4 hours. The napkin should be pressed firmly to the forehead, cheeks, chin and nose. If after each contact with paper napkin it leaves a visible oily imprint on it, then you have really oily skin.

Causes of increased activity of the sebaceous glands

The causes of almost any disease lie deep inside our body. Treating oily epidermis with external influences is absolutely pointless. Maximum effect What you can count on is temporary masking and reduction in the intensity of symptoms.

Increased fat content can be caused by the following factors:

  • Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system.
  • Hormonal changes in the body (puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, menopause).
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.
  • Excessive consumption of fatty and sweet foods.
  • Frequent washing hot water.
  • Using cosmetics that are inappropriate for your dermis type.
  • Failure to maintain facial hygiene.
  • Frequent nervous tension and stress.

6 important steps to reduce oily skin

Getting rid of oily skin is a completely feasible task, but it is a long and labor-intensive process. The main thing in this matter is patience and regularity. Treatment should be organized in several stages:

1. Eliminating the cause of increased activity of the sebaceous glands

If you suspect that oily facial skin is caused by some disease, you need to urgently take care of yourself: cure the disease or at least consult a doctor. Women are advised to first normalize their hormonal levels, which also cannot be done without the help of medicine.

2. Organizing a balanced and healthy diet

In the struggle for beautiful skin, many do not pay due attention to their diet. We hasten to assure you that eating fatty, sweet, smoked, fried and other “harmful” foods causes irreparable damage to the condition of the epidermis.

3. Maintaining facial hygiene

  • Washing with hot water is strictly contraindicated. Only warm liquid will do. Ideally, not from the tap, but even better - boiled.
  • You must bring your own towel, used exclusively for your face. It should be changed daily. You can use disposable paper towels.
  • All tools for the face should also be individual - brushes and sponges for applying makeup, sponges and brushes for washing.
  • The cosmetics and hygiene products you use must be appropriate for your skin type, made by a reputable manufacturer and not expired suitability.

Advice: contact a trusted cosmetologist and ask him to select suitable hygienic and cosmetical tools for face. All of them should be alcohol-free and non-comedogenic, that is, they should not clog pores.

4. Stress management

Direct your energy in the right direction - stop being nervous. What can be done for this?

  • Take a course of mild sedatives ( Persen, Adaptol, valerian extract or motherwort etc.).
  • Play sports. An ideal option for calming the nervous system is swimming or yoga.
  • If all else fails, consult a neurologist or psychotherapist.

5. Get rid of bad habits

Smoking, drinking coffee, alcoholic drinks and chocolate can significantly activate the sebaceous glands.

6. Drinking water

For oily skin, it is important to drink at least two liters of fluid per day: preferably in small portions 4 to 6 times a day. Give preference to raw filtered, bottled or mineral water.

Treatment of oily facial skin: effective methods

1. Cosmetology procedures

The following cosmetic procedures help effectively remove oily skin:

  • Mechanical and chemical peeling.
  • Ultrasonic facial cleansing.
  • Biorevitalization

Many people mistakenly assume that this procedure, because it replenishes moisture loss, is necessary only for dry dermis. In fact, oily skin is also quite often dehydrated and needs moisture. Light creams and hydrogels are more suitable for daily moisturizing.

  • Mesotherapy.
  • The use of masks (with pore-tightening and tonic components).

2. Traditional medicine recipes

Many methods can help reduce oily skin traditional medicine. The most effective of them:

2.1. Washing with herbal decoctions

For oily skin, medicinal plants with anti-inflammatory effects such as pharmaceutical chamomile, sage, mint, rowan leaves, serpentine, calendula, nettle, St. John's wort, plantain, blueberry, oak bark, yarrow, etc. Remember that the water should be warm, not hot.

2.2. Steam facials

They work much more effectively when adding the same medicinal herbs.

  • Rubbing your face with ice cubes (you can also add decoctions of medicinal plants to their composition).
  • Masks made from natural ingredients.

White and blue clay, egg white, potato starch, coffee grounds, banana pulp, lemon, cucumber, apple cider vinegar are good for removing oily skin. The mask should be applied to a previously cleansed face for 15 – 20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

2.3. Homemade scrubs

You can make them yourself using oatmeal, citrus peel or rice flour. All ingredients are finely ground in a coffee grinder or blender and applied with gentle massaging movements along the massage lines of the face. Wash off with cool water after 2 – 3 minutes.

Those with oily skin should avoid scrubs with traumatic particles - from apricot, peach, almond kernels, etc. The same applies to masks with the addition of components such as salt, baking soda etc. They can injure tissues and intensify the inflammatory process.

Most owners of sebaceous shine successfully cope with the problem on their own and even find their advantages in the features of this type of dermis. A good cosmetologist can be another assistant in the fight for glowing skin. If all your efforts do not bring any results, then you should stop experimenting on your own body. Consult a qualified healthcare provider. Modern dermatology is quite capable of correcting any uncomfortable conditions of the epidermis.

In this video, a cosmetologist talks about how to deal with oily skin at home, as well as about procedures in a beauty salon. After watching this video, you will quickly get rid of oily skin on your face.

Sebum plays an important role: it protects our skin from pathogenic bacteria, and also protects it from losing excess moisture. But it happens that the sebaceous glands produce excess sebum. Why does this happen and how to get rid of unpleasant oily shine?

How to get rid of excess sebum

Increased sebum secretion: causes

There may be several reasons for malfunction of the sebaceous glands:

· poor nutrition. Usually, changes in the state of skin secretion directly depend on the amount of sweet and starchy foods in your diet. It is worth reducing the consumption of these products, and the condition of the skin improves significantly;

· improper washing. It seems that by washing our face more often, we cleanse our skin of harmful bacteria and its condition should improve. However, this does not happen. The fact is that by our actions we force the sebaceous glands to work more intensely. To maintain the skin in normal condition, two washes are enough: in the morning and in the evening. During the day, excess sebum can be removed using mattifying wipes;

· incorrect rhythm of life. Problems at work, loans, problems in personal life - all this has become the norm for modern man. Meanwhile, frequent stress and overwork negatively affect the condition of our body and especially the condition of the skin;

· improper metabolism. Some diseases can cause metabolic disorders in the body. It is important to consult a specialist in a timely manner and not self-medicate.

Having learned more about the reasons for increased sebum secretion, let's talk about how to deal with it.

How to reduce sebum on face

Decoctions of medicinal herbs help bring the skin into good condition due to the tannins, beneficial acids and trace elements they contain. By rubbing your face every morning with an ice cube made from a decoction of chamomile, calendula or green tea, you can quickly improve skin tone and tighten pores.

Regular use of simple cosmetic masks will significantly improve the condition of oily skin:

· blue clay mix with water to the consistency of sour cream. Apply to cleansed skin and leave for about half an hour. Wash off without using soap;

In a bowl, beat one egg with a couple of drops lemon juice. Add oatmeal. Keep the resulting mixture on your face for 20 minutes;

· Grind the cucumber to a paste and mix with two tablespoons of aloe juice. Apply the mask with massaging movements and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water. Zucchini can be used instead of cucumber.

The tips discussed above really help improve your skin condition. However, they only fight visible signs and give temporary results. To normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the malfunction in the body. Remember that only a dermatologist should do this.

With oily skin, the sebaceous glands are overactive, and the skin itself becomes shiny, looks unhealthy and rough. Its owners are well acquainted with the problems of enlarged pores, acne and comedones, seborrhea and sebaceous gland cysts. But why did the skin on my face become oily if it was normal or dry before? There can be many reasons, and they need to be correctly identified in order to prescribe further effective treatment.


Oily skin is most often localized in the T-zone (forehead, bridge of the nose, chin). Outwardly, it gives the impression of being rough, unkempt, shiny and dull, with a grayish tint and oiliness. It is often characterized by an uneven surface; makeup cannot be applied to such skin perfectly (it does not adhere well). It is possible to disguise oily shine with powder or foundation only temporarily.

Spider veins often appear on oily skin. The problem occurs not only on the face, but also on the body (in the back and chest). More often accompanying symptom are also oily hair.

Such skin cannot always be perfectly cleaned of excess fat. Subsequently, this sebaceous secretion clogs the pores, and dust, dirt, and dead particles of the epidermis also get there. As a result, the pores expand in a funnel-shaped manner, the skin becomes porous and looks like an orange peel. In addition, acne often occurs on it, black plugs called comedones and whiteheads (milia) form.

CAREFULLY! If sebum not only begins to be intensively produced, but also its structural composition changes, then the problem of oily skin degenerates into a pathological painful condition called seborrhea.


Despite the unsightly characteristics described above, oily skin has some advantages over other types:

  • it retains moisture better, as a result of which it is not so sensitive and is better protected from the effects of adverse atmospheric factors (sun, wind, frost);
  • retains its elasticity longer;
  • less susceptible to aging;
  • and most importantly, age-related wrinkles on oily skin appear much later than on dry or normal skin.

Hormonal disbalance

There are many negative factors that provoke a change in skin type to oily, but more often this occurs as a result of hormonal imbalance. When and why hormonal levels in the body are disrupted:

  1. The first time this happens is during puberty of a teenage girl. During this period, hormones are still extremely unstable and can go astray.
  2. The next strongest surge of hormones occurs during pregnancy and childbirth.
  3. A sharp change in hormonal levels is observed during menopause.

It is at these moments that a woman’s skin undergoes the greatest shocks - it was dry and suddenly became oily, and acne suddenly appeared. This is due to the fact that the active activity of the sebaceous glands is stimulated by the hormone testosterone. The hormonal surge leads to the fact that more testosterone is produced, which means that the sebaceous glands work even more actively and secrete sebum more intensely.

With such rapid and increased production of sebum, self-cleansing no longer helps. The pores are clogged, the skin does not breathe normally, and the results instantly appear on the face - acne, pimples and blackheads.

IMPORTANT! Such pimples cannot be squeezed out and constantly masked with decorative cosmetics. If you cover them with powder or foundation, the skin will not breathe at all, and the number of acne will increase. The result of squeezing will be inflammation and swelling.

First, you need to determine what the causes of hormonal surges, increased testosterone levels and the appearance of acne are, and only then choose methods to combat them.

Risk Factors Causing Hormonal Imbalance

To normalize hormonal balance, you need to determine what led to a sharp jump in testosterone. The most likely reasons are:

  • physical fatigue;
  • unstable emotional background – stress, psychological problems, depression;
  • wrong lifestyle;
  • poor nutrition;
  • irregular sex life.

A woman can eliminate all of these factors on her own. But when puberty, pregnancy or menopause occurs, you cannot do without consulting a specialist. Only he will prescribe the correct drug therapy to restore hormonal levels and improve the woman’s condition.

Non-hormonal reasons

In addition to hormonal imbalances, there are other reasons why the skin suddenly becomes oily.

For example, cosmetics are selected and applied incorrectly. This is one of the most common reasons. There are women who constantly and in large quantities apply decorative cosmetics, without leaving the skin the slightest chance to rest and breathe. The pores are clogged, metabolic processes are disrupted, and as a result, the skin becomes inflamed and acne occurs.

IMPORTANT! Give your skin a break sometimes, leaving it absolutely clean.

Sometimes the skin situation is like a swing - back and forth. Either it is so dry that it peels, then suddenly it suddenly becomes oily. And this happens periodically. In this case, poor nutrition is to blame, especially if periods of dieting and overeating alternate. Balance your daily diet. To do this, completely eliminate alcoholic drinks, fatty, spicy and smoked foods. And after a while your face will shine with health.

High fat content may be caused by taking certain medications.

Video about the causes of oily skin

Skin type can be inherited through the female line. But healthy image life, proper nutrition and regular facial care will help cope with this genetic factor.

Healthy matte skin without irritation, acne and blackheads is the dream of every woman. Almost every third representative of the fair sex suffers from increased activity of the sebaceous glands. This skin type is easily recognized by its characteristic oily sheen, comedones, and pimples. Its surface quickly becomes dirty, inflamed, and then acne appears.

Oily skin also has some benefits. The most important of them is slowing down the aging process compared to dry and normal types. Proper regular care will help women look attractive in any situation.

Reasons for increased fat content

Why is the skin on your face oily? The main feature of the described skin type is considered to be a thick layer of epidermis combined with high activity of the sebaceous glands. Excessive oil production leads to the formation of plugs that fill the pores.

As a result, this process provokes inflammation and acne.

Let's consider the reasons that can destroy the health and beauty of the skin.

  • Heredity. Under this condition, representatives of the fair sex will not be able to fix anything. They must do the necessary caring procedures every day. Suitable products should be selected only on the recommendation of a specialist. When making your own choice, you will have to go through a difficult path of trial and error. These experiments can only make the situation worse.
  • Excessive production of testosterone. The concentration of hormones in the body affects the condition of the epidermis. It is the increase in the amount of testosterone that makes the skin of the face too greasy, which significantly worsens the appearance.
  • Disorders at work internal organs. The reasons that influence the increase in fat content are dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas and thyroid glands, systems located in the pelvis.
  • Problems in the functioning of the whole organism can occur due to an incorrect lifestyle, insufficient rest, and mental overload.
  • Eating unhealthy food. Fatty, spicy and sweet foods have a strong impact on the functioning of the sebaceous glands, activating the production of secretions. As a result, oily facial skin and acne will become constant companions of your life. It is for this reason that it is important to eliminate unhealthy fast food and soda from the menu. The amount of fatty foods and sweet treats should be reduced.

Experts recommend consuming more foods that contain fiber. These include cereals, fruits, and an excellent solution for those with a sweet tooth would be to include natural honey and dried fruits in the menu. Not every person is able to adhere to a certain diet for a long time.

Therefore, it is worth eating a portion of oatmeal for breakfast, which promotes the proper functioning of the digestive system.

  • The use of low-quality or incorrectly selected care products. You should not use alcohol-containing products, since although this substance eliminates oily shine, it leads to dehydration of sensitive skin cells, which contributes to an even more powerful secretion to restore normal water balance. Preference should only be given professional means, which provide treatment for oily facial skin.
  • Frequent peeling. After using the scrub, many girls, noticing a significant improvement in the condition of the epidermis, begin to perform this procedure too often. As a result, the upper layers of the skin are damaged, and the existing pathogenic bacteria spread over the entire surface of the face. As a result, peeling will provoke the formation of new foci of inflammation and acne.

After finding out the reasons, you need to decide what to do with oily skin. Sometimes this is quite problematic, but the improvement in health and appearance is worth it. It is important to correctly identify the negative factor, and then you need to gradually get rid of it.

Restoring a proper lifestyle will improve the well-being and functioning of all body systems, and will also lead to improved hair quality and nail plates. Often, one person has several reasons at once that increase the production of secretion. In this case, it is necessary to completely change all established habits.

Basics of changing your usual lifestyle

If you have oily skin on your face and you don’t know what to do about it, you should first reconsider your life priorities. All disorders present in the body are reflected in the condition of the skin.

Since the activation of the sebaceous glands is often associated with problems in the functioning of many body systems, it is necessary to influence the causes of increased secretion.

How to deal with oily facial skin in such a situation? It's worth going through initially comprehensive examination in a medical facility. If any diseases are detected, they must be treated as soon as possible. To improve your health, you should take the following measures.

  • Replace fast food with vegetables, grains, fruits, give up smoked meats, spicy foods, sweets and too fatty foods.
  • Experts consider mono-diets to be very harmful.
  • Carefully monitor the condition of the central nervous system. Try to minimize stressful situations, emotional overload and worries. If you cannot cope with the problem on your own, you should seek help from a qualified psychologist.
  • Give up bad habits. Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages have a detrimental effect not only on the skin, but also on the entire body.
  • Take walks in the fresh air as often as possible. They help saturate the cells with oxygen, and the face will acquire a healthy color.

Sudden changes in lifestyle are difficult to perceive only during the first 14 days.

After the onset of the 3rd week, addiction to the new routine is formed, and the correct actions are developed.

Even very oily facial skin will become healthy and well-groomed if you have a high-quality lifestyle and careful care.

Rules of care

Providing comprehensive care gives positive results, if you strictly follow the recommendations of professional cosmetologists.

  • When washing your face, massage your face only with your hands, without using a sponge.
  • Hygienic procedures are carried out using water at room temperature. If oily skin causes a lot of problems, never wash it with hot water. This rule must be followed, since the secretion will become even more active.
  • Should be used as a cleanser steam baths prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs. Sage, chamomile, calendula, and mint are suitable for such purposes.

Compliance with the listed methods, as well as the recommendations of a specialist, helps treat oily skin and combat numerous problems that are typical for it.

Traditional methods

So, how else to deal with the described problem, what to do and, if your facial skin is oily, what will help? Exist effective recipes, time-tested. They consist of natural ingredients, so they do not harm the human body.

  • Caring procedures
  • For oily skin, it is very useful to wash your face with yogurt or kefir. It is necessary to apply the product using a cotton swab. Use gentle smooth movements to wipe your face. Special attention should be given to the forehead, chin and nose. After completing the procedure, the kefir is washed off with warm water. Fermented milk products can make the skin lighter and cleaner.
  • Using salt in tandem with natural ground coffee eliminates blackheads. The fight against inflammation and clogged pores will become more effective when using these components.
  • Natural scrub recipes

  • Clay is considered an excellent tool for normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands. It absorbs excess secretions, eliminates impurities, and removes dead skin cells of the epidermis. The best healing ingredient for oily skin is the black and dark brown varieties of clay. To prepare a scrub, you need to mix a tablespoon of this component with a small amount boiled water. The result should be a mixture with a consistency reminiscent of cream. The composition is evenly applied to the face, left until dry and washed off with water.
  • A scrub made from brown sugar dissolved in milk is applied to the skin, gently massaged for 3 minutes, then washed off.
  • A product made from lemon juice and sea ​​salt, helps eliminate negative symptoms. This composition should not be used if the skin is severely inflamed.

Peeling helps prevent the development of irritations of adipose tissue, eliminates impurities, and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

  • Mask recipes

How to treat oily skin type with natural masks? The epidermis needs deep hydration and nutrition. The following mask options will be effective.

  • A small amount of lemon juice is mixed with sour cream and applied to the face for 20 minutes.
  • In the summer, when raspberries are ripe, it would be a sin not to use the recipe natural mask. Mash the berries, add a little rice flour, and apply for 15 minutes.
  • High-quality moisturizing is provided to the skin by a mask made from crushed oatmeal, honey and olive oil. Face should be cleansed before application.

If you have oily facial skin and home treatment does not help, you should seek help from an experienced specialist.