Masks for nails and hands - simple but effective recipes. The most effective masks for strengthening nails. Strengthening composition with salt and iodine

Every woman is proud of her well-groomed hair, hands, and, of course, beautiful, neat nails. But often it’s the nails that let you down, spoiling the whole look. They often peel, break, and bend unsightly. Most often this happens because the body lacks some important microelements and vitamins. This is why marigolds simply need additional source nutrition. It's not as difficult as it seems; strengthening nail masks can be made at home from the most common food products.


Masks made at home can be multifunctional: therapeutic, restorative, cosmetic. In any case, homemade masks for hands and nails will be effective, because they are made only from natural products, do not contain any chemical impurities. The results of using such products, judging by the reviews, can be seen after just a few days:

  • Marigolds will become natural healthy color.
  • Unsightly white spots will disappear.
  • Nails will stop peeling, cracking and breaking.
  • Their growth will improve.
  • Wounds and hangnails around the nails will stop appearing.
  • The manicure done will lie smoothly and for a long time.

To achieve such brilliant results, you need to make nail masks at home regularly. Such procedures do not take much time, and thanks to minimal financial costs and amazing results, you will no longer want to deny yourself the pleasure of pampering yourself and your nails.

Preparation for the procedure

Nail masks will meet your expectations only if they are used according to certain recommendations:

  • Before the procedure, the coating must be removed. Neither ordinary varnish nor medicinal varnish is acceptable, and even more so there will be no result if you have acrylic, shellac or gel.
  • Before you put your hands in the bath, be sure to wash them with antibacterial soap.
  • In order to soften the skin of your hands and cuticles, make a decoction of chamomile and calendula before each procedure (these herbs can be purchased at pharmacies), and keep your hands in the warm solution for at least 10 minutes.
  • All mixtures for masks should be a homogeneous mass; use a blender for blending.
  • Heat any liquids included in the product, for example, milk, honey, oils, in a water bath to body temperature.
  • You should dip not only your nails into the mask, but also your fingertips, so the product will be evenly distributed along the entire length of the nail.
  • Keep your marigolds in the mask for at least 10 minutes.
  • The mask should be washed off with either the already used decoction or warm water. Under no circumstances should you wash your handles with ice-cold or hot liquid.
  • After the procedure, wipe your nails dry with a soft cloth.
  • After completing the procedure, apply to hands and nails nutritious cream, children's is considered the most tender and soft.
  • On the day of the procedure, it is better not to cover your nails with any varnish.

The rules are absolutely simple, but you should not treat them with disdain. Accurate and regular adherence to them will transform your nails beyond recognition. If you decide to take care of your nails, then you need to do it in full force, and not from time to time.

Here you will find a selection of the most effective masks for your nails that you can prepare at home. They are prepared exclusively from effective beneficial ingredients that not only prevent brittleness, but also promote nail growth, care for the skin around them, strengthen the nail plate, and after baths with products, hands look well-groomed and beautiful.


You've probably noticed that after a great vacation at the seaside, your nails become stronger and have a healthy color. The effect is provided by salt and minerals contained in sea water. Therefore, a mask based on sea salt always remains very popular; it strengthens the nails and prevents their delamination.

Soak a spoonful of sea salt with a few drops of warm water, take a soft napkin or suede cloth and massage each nail with this mixture for 1-2 minutes. Shake off any remaining salt and, without washing your hands, apply melted beeswax and a few drops of tea tree oil to your nails. This mask is very effective, so you can use it no more than twice a month.


This mask will increase blood circulation, which will promote accelerated growth of nails, and also strengthen the nail plate.

For this you will need essential oils: lemon, myrrh, red pepper. Take three drops of each type of oil on a spoon of sea salt, mix all the ingredients and rub the resulting mixture into each nail. To get quick results, you should do this procedure 2-3 times a week.


This mask is known to many for its effectiveness; it is used as an express method to achieve quick results. The components included in its composition may change depending on their availability, but the main ingredient - lemon juice - remains unchanged.

It is necessary to take a decoction of calendula in equal proportions, lemon juice and olive oil, mix everything, keep your fingers in the solution for at least 10 minutes. The mask nourishes the nail plate and softens the cuticles.


Take the yolk of one egg and a little honey on a spoon of olive oil. Rub the mask into your nails and the skin around them for 10 minutes, then rinse with chamomile infusion or warm water.

Lemon simple

Another express method for caring for nails. This procedure can be carried out at least every evening; perhaps this is one of the easiest and effective ways put your nails in order, strengthening them in a short time.

To carry out this procedure, take a fresh lemon, cut it into two parts, and stick your fingertips into each. Keep your marigolds in a natural bath for 10 minutes.


This option will not only strengthen your nails, but also help soften the skin of your hands. To prepare it, you will need to purchase vitamins A, E, D, which are sold at any pharmacy in bottles or capsules.

Pour 100 ml of olive oil and 15 ml of the listed vitamins into a container. Immerse your hands in the liquid and hold for at least 15 minutes. There is no need to wash off this mask; just wipe your hands with a dry cloth. By repeating this procedure at least once a week, you will forget about peeling hands and peeling nails.

All these nail masks have only positive reviews. Their regular use has made more than one woman the owner of healthy and well-groomed nails.


To increase the effectiveness of masks, you need to pamper your hands and nails as often as possible.

  • Try to do household chores with gloves. From frequent contact with water and household chemicals, nails quickly become soft and fragile. If you cannot do something with gloves, pay attention to some new products; there are many types of different products on sale now; There are some that you can’t feel on your hands at all, for example silicone ones.
  • Choose hand cream that contains vitamins A and E, they help strengthen and protect nails.
  • The longer and more often you use shellac or extend your nails, the more difficult it is to get them in proper shape. Be more attentive and careful with your nails, and then you won’t have to use artificial ones.
  • Use base varnishes, they protect your nails. Give preference good products, they can be purchased in specialized stores or pharmacies. If you want to paint your nails bright color, do this over the base polish.
  • Take a two-day break, removing the polish every five days.
  • If your nails have been negatively affected, do not be lazy to make a mask on the same day, regardless of your procedure schedule.
  • Do not forget to wrap your hands in gloves in the autumn-winter period - the cold negatively affects the nail plate, making it weakened and brittle.

The condition of the hands can be called the calling card of all girls and women. In order to properly take care of your hands, you don’t need to go to beauty salons. You just need to know how to make anti-aging masks for hands and nails yourself at home. There are many recipes collected here, all of which you can prepare with your own hands. Masks for hands and nails will become good helpers women on the path to beauty.

Nail masks at home

It's no secret that after a short holiday at sea, the condition of your nails improves. This can be explained by the fact that the minerals and salts contained in seawater penetrate into the nail bed and strengthen it. Therefore, homemade nail masks should contain these substances. They will help your nails become stronger and stop peeling.

Nail masks with sea salt

  1. The pulp of a ripe tomato should be crushed with a teaspoon of salt in a bowl, add a few drops of rosemary, olive and almond oils. Spread the resulting mixture evenly on the nails and leave for 15 minutes. After the prescribed period of time, rinse your hands in warm water and spread the nourishing cream onto your hands and nail beds.
  2. A tablespoon of fine sea salt is mixed with red pepper, lemon juice and myrrh oil. The pasty mass is rubbed into the nails for several minutes. It is advisable to carry out this procedure 3 times a week. If a burning sensation appears, the paste should be washed off immediately and the content of pepper in the mixture should be reduced in the future. Red pepper accelerates nail growth, so it should be applied regularly at home.
  3. A little sea salt soaked in water should be taken on a piece of suede, velvet or other fabric that is pleasant to the body, and rubbed into the nail and its base. After such cleaning, you should apply melted beeswax mixed with a few drops of tea tree oil to your nails. The procedure is carried out only 2 times a month, as it has a very strong effect.

Sea salt is most often sold in the form of large crystals. Before using it as a mask on your nails, it is advisable to place everything in a coffee grinder and grind. Small particles of salt will have a more gentle effect on your nails.

Nail masks with lemon

Most nail masks with lemon are based on its mixture with various essential oils (patchouli, orange, jojoba) to soften the effect of the acidic juice. Tea tree oil added to lemon will help speed up the healing of microcracks on your nail beds and hands. Homemade masks should be applied to clean nails, previously steamed in warm water.

  1. A tablespoon of lemon juice is mixed with 5 drops of lemon essential oil and a teaspoon of any unrefined vegetable oil. The mixture is applied to the nail plates and rubbed in massage movements. The skin around the nails will also be happy with this nutrition.
  2. Mix a small spoon of lemon juice with a small spoon of olive oil, add 3 drops of iodine to the mixture. The mixture is rubbed into the nail beds, but is not washed off, but only blotted paper towel. Iodine will be absorbed into the nails for several hours after the procedure.
  3. A nail mask can consist of just two elements: lemon and salt. The lemon is cut lengthwise into 2 equal parts, then they are sprinkled with salt. The tips of the fingers are immersed in them. After such a mask, your nails and hands definitely need a moisturizer.

Any nail mask with lemon can be applied 2-3 times a week. If the cuticle looks dry after the procedure, then the content of lemon juice in the composition should be reduced.

Hand masks at home

Hand skin care should begin with an analysis of its condition. During the cold season, most women experience flaking and dryness; in summer, a similar skin condition can be caused by sunburn. Hand masks can have different effects depending on their composition.

Protective hand masks

  1. A honey mask will perfectly help your hands in winter. Honey is mixed with milk and olive oil in equal quantities. You can add a few tablespoons of ground oatmeal to the mixture. Mix everything well, spread it onto the skin of your hands, put cotton gloves on them and leave everything overnight. In the morning, wash your hands in warm water.
  2. Lemon juice mixed with egg yolk, honey and almond oil. The resulting mass is evenly applied to your hands and also left overnight.
  3. Cottage cheese perfectly moisturizes the skin of your hands. For the composition you will need: 2 large spoons of cottage cheese, 1 large spoon of lemon juice, 1 large spoon of strong green tea and the same amount of olive oil. Before use, the mixture should stand for 30 minutes.

Rejuvenating hand masks

  1. Kefir hand mask can also be used as a cream after washing dishes. Kefir must be mixed with lemon juice in equal parts, applied to hands and left for half an hour, then rinsed with water.
  2. Glycerin for hands is widely used in cosmetology; many creams contain it. Anti-aging hand masks with glycerin contain various additives, for example, corn flour. To create a jelly mask you will need: 40 ml of boiled water at room temperature, 50 g. corn flour and 4 gr. glycerin. All ingredients of the composition are mixed and the mixture is applied to the hands. You may need a cleansing sponge to remove it from your hands.
  3. Anti-aging hand masks with glycerin will be more effective if you cleanse the skin with a fine sea salt scrub before using them. Then on clean skin Apply a mixture of glycerin and water in a ratio of 1:3 as a hand mask. The mixture may drip, so it is best to wear gloves.

Any homemade hand mask will nourish the skin and the result will become noticeable after the first use. There are also universal masks for hands and nails. They contain all the necessary nutrients, vitamins E and A, as well as glycerin for the hands.

Thus, homemade masks for hands and nails are an excellent alternative to going to beauty salons. In this case, hand nutrition is carried out only with natural ingredients.

Video: preparing a nourishing mask for hands and nails

The way your hands look is a woman's calling card. A nail mask helps you improve your self-image without leaving home. Women’s assistants in this matter can be either purchased ready-made ones or self-made ones. cosmetical tools. Such products are a worthy alternative to salon procedures.

Ready-made masks

The beauty industry offers a huge selection of products created for nail care. They help cope with problems such as increased fragility, delamination or slow growth of plates. A keratin nail mask is considered an innovative solution. This product nourishes and restores the plates. It definitely contains healing oil, for example, jojoba. It penetrates into the deep layers of nails and nourishes them. Keratin strengthens the structure of the plates and protects them from breaking. As a result, day after day they become stronger and healthier.

The nail mask is produced by various cosmetic companies. The following products are considered the most popular:

  • Nail Tek keratin repair treatment;
  • mask for strengthening nails Rescue RXx;
  • cosmetic product Sally Hansen Triple Strong with triple effect.

How to make a nail mask?

These home remedies are a worthy alternative purchased. They have significant advantages:

  1. Low cost. Most cosmetic products are made from affordable ingredients that almost every woman has at her disposal.
  2. Always at hand. If a woman suddenly decides to have a spa treatment in the evening, it can easily be done. The main thing is that a homemade mask is available.
  3. The composition contains natural ingredients. When making nail masks at home, a woman is sure that the product does not contain harmful additives. It contains exclusively natural ingredients: oils, salt, iodine and so on.
  4. Ease of manufacture. All nail mask recipes contain detailed instructions. If you strictly follow these instructions, there will be no problems in making a homemade cosmetic product.

Masks for strengthening nails

Cosmetics that contain this problem cope especially well with this problem. It contains a whole range of mineral components. It’s not for nothing that after a summer vacation spent at sea, even the most fragile plates become strong and healthy. Masks for strengthening nails made at home from sea salt have a similar effect. The results of their use are noticeable after the first procedures.

Bath-mask for nails with salt


  • water – 250 ml;
  • unflavored sea salt - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Preparation, use:

  1. Salt is dissolved in warm water.
  2. Dip your fingers into this strengthening solution and hold for about 15 minutes.
  3. Apply nourishing cream to your hands.

Masks for nail growth

Hot red pepper is considered a strong stimulant. It is used to make masks for nail growth at home. Hot peppers contain a special substance – capsaicin. This component increases blood circulation, so not only does the condition of the plates improve, but also. In addition, pepper contains vitamins C and E, magnesium, zinc and iron. They are all very important.

Nail mask with red pepper


  • red hot pepper crushed into powder - ½ tbsp. spoons;
  • fat cream for hands – ½ tbsp. spoons.

Preparation, use:

  1. The components are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  2. Cover the nails with the paste and leave for a third of an hour. Then wash off the composition with warm water.

Nail mask against splitting

Gelatin effectively copes with this problem. It is made from homemade masks for peeling nails. The value of gelatin is determined by its composition. There is a lot of protein here, and it is a component of bone tissue (present in the plates). The use of gelatin-containing masks has a beneficial effect on nails. They become strong.

Gelatin mask for nails


  • gelatin – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • water – 120 ml;
  • honey – 1 teaspoon;
  • lemon juice – 1 teaspoon.

Preparation, use:

  1. The gelatin is poured with ice water and left to swell.
  2. Place the mixture on the stove over low heat and cook until the lumps are completely dissolved.
  3. Cool to a comfortable temperature and mix with honey and juice.
  4. Soak cotton pads in the composition and place them on the plates for 20 minutes.

Nail whitening mask

Toothpaste perfectly fights not only the yellowness of teeth, but also plates. It is very easy to do at home. You can simply apply a little toothpaste to each plate and “clean” it with a brush. This procedure is very similar to brushing your teeth. If your nails are very yellow, you will need a more powerful product to lighten them. You can use it at least every day until the desired result is achieved.

Nail mask with toothpaste


  • lemon juice – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • toothpaste – 2 teaspoons;
  • baking soda – 1 tbsp. spoon.

Preparation, use:

  1. Mix soda with juice until the product begins to foam.
  2. Add paste to the composition. Mix everything again.
  3. Apply the mixture to your nails. After a third of an hour, wash off and cover the plates with rich hand cream.

Nourishing nail masks

Cosmetics made from vegetable oils cope especially well with this task. Although they can be used independently. In this case, simply apply the oil to the plates and leave for half an hour. It is more effective to make homemade nail masks containing this and other nutritional components. Such cosmetics are prepared simply and quickly.

Nail masks with oils


  • mixture of vegetable oils (linseed + burdock + olive) – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • iodine – 2 drops;
  • lemon juice – 5 drops.

Preparation, use:

  1. The remaining components are added to the oil mass heated to a comfortable temperature.
  2. Apply the composition to the nails.
  3. Keep for about 15 minutes.

Strengthening nail masks

Medical iodine copes well with this mission. It cannot be used in its pure form. If you regularly apply this drug to your nails, they will begin to peel off greatly. Since records still need this element, it is added to homemade cosmetic mixtures. An effective nail mask containing iodine has a strengthening effect. It is very easy to prepare.

Nail mask with iodine

We know that nails should be beautiful and well-groomed, and we strive for this, but we are not talking about a spectacular manicure with designs and rhinestones, and not about nail extensions, but about real beauty, natural and natural. By the way, nail extensions are no longer as popular now as they were several years ago, when they were fashionable and in demand - then everyone, from schoolgirls to respectable ladies of Balzac age, had their nails extended.

Today in fashion natural nails- their own, healthy, shiny and light, strong and smooth, and therefore many women began to be interested folk ways care - homemade nail masks for growth, strengthening and brightening, as well as proper nutrition and vitamins.

Homemade masks from food

There are a lot of products for nail care at home: you can buy ready-made creams, gels and masks, or you can prepare the products yourself, from food. Ordinary products always come to our aid in the struggle for beauty: we make masks for skin and hair with them, which means we can make masks for nails.

Nail masks with potatoes and cabbage

You can start with homemade masks made from the simplest products - potatoes and cabbage. You need to take a leaf of fresh white cabbage and a small raw potato (peeled), grind them in a blender, add sour cream or cream (1 tbsp) to the mixture and mix again. You can apply this mask to your nails for 10-15 minutes, or you can simply immerse your fingertips in a cup with the resulting mixture for the same time. Carefully remove the mask from the nails with a cotton swab soaked in milk.

Whitening mask with olive oil and lemon

In the same way, a nail mask is made with olive oil (3 tablespoons), lemon juice (3-4 drops) and iodine (2 drops). The oil is first heated in a water bath, then juice and iodine are added and mixed. Nails are dipped into the mixture while it is still warm, held for about 15 minutes and washed off with warm water.

Recipe for nail mask with cabbage and banana

Grind a white cabbage leaf and ¼ ripe banana in a blender, add 1 tsp. cream and honey, and stir until you get a homogeneous paste. Use the mask as in the first option, but keep it on for up to 25 minutes. Remove in the same way - with a swab dipped in milk.

Lemon for whitening nails

Very simple vitamin masks with lemon for nails. You can simply cut a small lemon, stick your nails into its pulp and hold for 5-10 minutes so that they are saturated with lemon juice, then rinse your hands with water and apply nourishing cream to your nails.

Sea salt for strong nails

The next mask is made with the addition of sea salt. Squeeze all the juice out of a whole lemon and dissolve a handful of salt in it. Dip your fingertips into the mixture so that the composition completely covers the nails and hold for about 20 minutes.

Pepper mask for nail growth

A homemade pepper mask for nails is very effective, but it can only be done once a month so as not to dry out the skin and nail plates. You need to take ground red pepper - ½ tsp, boiled water– 10 drops, and fatty hand cream – 1 tsp, mix well and heat in a water bath for 10 minutes. When the mixture has cooled slightly, apply it to the nails for 15-20 minutes, then wash off with warm water.

Decoctions of medicinal herbs also always help strengthen and nourish nails. St. John's wort and burdock root, chamomile flowers are mixed in equal parts, pour 2 tbsp. mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for about 15 minutes, and dip your fingertips into the warm infusion. It is enough to do this once a week.

The following ointment restores healthy and natural color of nails: glycerin (1 tsp), lemon juice (1 tbsp), rose water (3 tbsp). Mix everything thoroughly and store in the refrigerator; rub into nails every day.

Try massages and baths

To strengthen and nourish your nails at home before going to bed, it is good to massage your nails with vitamins E and A - they can be bought at any pharmacy. The oil solution of vitamins should be rubbed into the nails with massaging movements every evening.

Bath with honey, olive oil and egg; Heat honey and butter in a water bath (2 tablespoons each), then remove, cool slightly and add beaten egg. Keep your fingertips in the bath for 15 minutes, then wash your hands with warm water.

Brittle nails will become stronger if you regularly, 1-2 times a week, take baths with avocado oil and apple cider vinegar, mixing them in equal parts. Strengthens nails with a mixture of grape seed oils, walnut and almonds in equal parts - this mixture should be rubbed into the base of the nail and the nail plate.

Weak nails can be strengthened using gelatin baths at home. Dissolve gelatin (½ tablespoon) in a glass of boiling water, cool the solution and dip your fingertips into it for 10-15 minutes. This procedure can be done 2-3 times a week.

Regular iodine prevents peeling of nails - you can apply it to the nail plates with a brush. Do this at night - then by morning your nails will have time to lighten again.

The juice of sour berries is also suitable for this - it contains a lot of live ascorbic acid. You just need to cut or mash the berry and rub the juice into your nails and the surrounding skin of your fingers.

Nail wax treatment

Many women who treated brittle nails with wax say that after this they became strong forever. You need to take natural wax, melt it on steam bath, dip your fingertips into it, immediately pull it out and dip it in cold water. The wax, frozen on the fingertips, forms a kind of caps - they must be kept on all night. To do this, you need to go to bed wearing cotton gloves, and in the morning carefully remove the wax from your fingers. According to reviews, it is enough to do this procedure for 6 weeks, 2 times a week, to strengthen your nails for many years.

Whitening nail mask recipes

If your nails have turned yellow and you think that they have been affected by poor-quality varnish or other aggressive influences, then to restore them there are several whitening masks that are easy to do at home. For example, with essential oils: as a base oil you can use olive, almond, jojoba - 1 tsp, and add 1-2 drops of cedar, myrrh, pine, patchouli, bergamot, ylang-ylang, sandalwood, etc. oils. Rub the mixture into your nails overnight.

A homemade mask with olive oil, vitamins and lemon juice works well to whiten and strengthen nails. In a wide bowl, heat the oil (5-6 tbsp) in a water bath, add oil vitamins A and E drop by drop, and stir. You need to keep your fingertips in this solution for at least 20 minutes, and then immerse your nails in the pulp of a cut lemon, and lightly mash it, keeping them inside for about 5 minutes. Then you need to wipe your hands and nails with a napkin, but do not wash your hands for about an hour, so it is better to do this procedure at night. For prevention, 1-2 times a week is enough; if your nails are in dire need of whitening and care, then you need to do at least 10 procedures every other day.

Masks with essential oils for growth and strengthening

Treating yourself with essential oils will not only help strengthen your nails and make them thicker, but also give them shine so they always look attractive. You can mix 10 ml of jojoba oil, 2 drops of rose oil and 3 drops of lemon oil (or 5 drops of lavender and 3 drops of eucalyptus) in a dark glass bottle and rub this mixture into your nails 2 times a week.

Wax-based ointment with egg yolk and apricot oil also strengthens nails. The egg must be hard-boiled, mash the yolk, add wax (4 g) to it, and add apricot oil until you get a homogeneous mass of medium thickness. Rub the ointment into your nails every evening.

If your nails are darkened and peeling, you need to rub the mixture into them. essential oils lemon and thyme - a few drops each. Thyme prevents nails from splitting, and lemon oil strengthens and brightens.

Painted nails can be whitened with a mixture of rosemary, lemon and grapefruit oils; A mixture of eucalyptus and lemon oils will return transparency to your nails; A mixture of tea tree, sandalwood and rosemary oils will relieve inflammation.

Homemade nail masks are very simple, and you don’t have to look for the ingredients for them for a long time - food products are available in every home. Just open the refrigerator or kitchen cabinet to find everything that will help you make your nails beautiful, strong and healthy.

Nails will always be in good condition if you regularly give them nourishing and strengthening masks, massages, baths, eat right, protect your hands from household chemicals and wash them properly. The washing up hot water degreases not only the skin, but also the nails - they become dry and rough; cold water causes peeling of the skin of the hands; therefore, it is best to wash your hands only with warm water, including after baths and nail masks - in these cases there is no need to use soap.

The simplest mask option for peeling and brittle nails is to regularly lubricate them with iodine, vitamin E or lemon juice.

Effective folk recipes masks for the treatment, growth and strengthening of nails:

Recipe 1 - Nail care - folk mask-cream for nail growth and strengthening - olive (sunflower - burdock - flaxseed) oil - lemon juice - iodine

To treat nails from brittleness and strengthening, regularly make this folk mask.
Slightly heat a tablespoon of olive (sunflower, flaxseed or burdock) oil, add a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice and two drops of iodine. Dip your nails into the mixture and hold for ten to fifteen minutes. Wash off the cream with warm water without soap.

Recipe 2 - Homemade mask for strengthening nails - salt - iodine

Dilute a tablespoon of table or sea salt in a glass of water, add a few drops of iodine. To strengthen your nails, rub the mixture several times a day.

Recipe 3 – Mask for treatment and growth of nails – salt – lemon juice

Dissolve a little table or sea salt in freshly squeezed lemon juice. Apply the solution to your nails for ten to twenty minutes, then wash off with water without soap.

Recipe 4 - Nail care - homemade mask-cream to strengthen and grow nails - ground red pepper - cream

Add a little hot red pepper to any hand cream, lubricate your nails and put on gloves. You can keep the mask on for five to ten minutes. This homemade cream is great for strengthening fragile, flaking nails. But be careful with pepper, do not let it get on your mucous membranes.

Recipe 5 – Folk mask-cream for strengthening and treating nails – egg yolk – beeswax – peach oil

Hard boil an egg and separate the yolk from it. Melt some beeswax in a double boiler. Add the yolk little by little and Peach oil so that you get a thick ointment. Rub this homemade cream on your nails before going to bed.

Recipe 6 - Folk remedy for strengthening brittle nails - beeswax

Very effective remedy for treatment brittle nails. Melt beeswax in a steam bath, dip your fingertips in it, and then dip them in cold water. The wax will harden. Leave the mask on overnight. It is recommended to carry out this procedure a couple of times a week.

When using masks and creams, be careful: any product may have individual intolerance, test it first on the skin of your hand!

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Products for growing and strengthening nails reviews: 62

  • Nyuta

    Problems really started with my nails. They break, always with jagged edges. Thanks for the recipes, I will try and see what suits me.

  • Faith

    A good and cheap remedy for brittleness is lemon juice and salt. The nails become noticeably stronger, you just need to not be lazy and do this procedure regularly.

  • Nastya

    thank you =))

  • julia

    Honey-yolk nourishing mask for nails:
    Mix 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of oatmeal and 1 tablespoon of honey. Lubricate your hands with this mixture and put on cotton gloves. Rinse off the mask with warm water after 15 minutes, apply nourishing cream.

  • Catena

    I heard that it is very effective to lubricate the nails with lemon peels, it is advisable to press the juice of the lemon peels into the nails, it helps me.

  • Tonya

    My nails don’t grow; as soon as they start to grow, they break off.

  • Lena

    Thanks for the nail recipes!

  • Inez

    I will try the nail masks.

  • faith

    What should I do - my nails are weak and short?

  • Frosya

    Excellent thank you. My nails were breaking and peeling, now everything is in a bunch!

  • dosya

    Thanks for the recipes, it really helped, update the recipes again and again, thanks for the future.

  • Marina

    Dissolve half a tablespoon of gelatin in a glass hot water and let it cool. Dip your nails into gelatin for 10-15 minutes; this bath can be used 2-3 times a week.
    This mask perfectly strengthens nails. They become durable and do not break.

  • Sashulya)

    Mix baby cream (oily) with red pepper, apply to nails for 7-10 minutes, rinse with warm water. The mask helps strengthen and grow nails.

  • Lerochka

    I strengthen my nails every day sea ​​salt and it really helps, in 2 weeks my nails grew 2 cm.

  • Dunya

    And I keep my nails in my urine every evening for about 15 minutes. The result is amazing, warm urine gives such an effect that no other mask can compare with it! Nail plate it grows even and smooth, without tubercles, the nails do not peel and grow very quickly, and by the way, it is a good antiseptic, there are no hangnails. Afterwards, just wash your hands with water and you can apply olive oil instead of baby cream!!!

  • Ksyunya

    I'll try, maybe it will help.

  • Anonymous

    What nonsense??? Nails cannot grow 2 cm in 2 weeks, no matter how you strengthen them!!! Don't talk nonsense!!!

  • Kira

    Anonymous, I completely agree with you! People just say thoughtless words! How can nails grow 2 cm in 2 weeks? This contradicts all the laws of genetics!!! My advice to you: think about what you say!!!

  • Svetlana

    In my opinion, the most effective method is to buy special varnish to strengthen nails, nail care oil with jojoba, lemon and citronella oils. And don’t stop at one treatment method, you need to try everything, the improvements will be immediately visible! NAILS WILL GROW 10 CM IN A WEEK!!! 🙂

  • I

    Girls, drinking calcium gluconate also helps a lot, because nails peel, break, and don’t grow due to lack of calcium in the body.

  • Taisiya

    Indeed, the products are good, I have been using them since April and now my nails are 15 cm long and have not broken for 2 weeks.

  • Taisiya
  • Valentina

    I also had a problem with my nails. I grew my nails for the first time in my life at the age of 23, I was so happy, you can’t imagine! I was pregnant at that time. I bought myself calcium at Amway and liquid vitamin D at the pharmacy. And I started drinking them, and you won’t believe it, my nails stopped peeling and became stronger. Previously, as soon as I painted them with varnish, after a week they began to peel. Now I'm not afraid to paint them. So girls, take calcium with vitamin D and your problems will all disappear!!!

  • Anonymous

    Apparently, there was very little calcium in the body, so my nails were peeling and soft.

  • Natalie

    My nails grew and did not peel while I was pregnant, but now they are peeling, breaking, I can’t do anything about them, tell me how I can strengthen my nails?

  • ruzilya

    I tried all the recipes, but it doesn’t help, 🙁 help!

  • Tanya

    And I have great nails!

  • Anya

    I use 1 drop of iodine, vegetable oil and lemon. I rub it into my nails with a cotton swab 3 times a day.

  • Nastyukha

    Every day before going to bed I rub iodine into my nails, it helps a lot, my nails don’t break, don’t flake and grow quickly, this procedure should be continued for a month, but if you are afraid that the iodine will not be erased, then don’t be afraid, before the morning your nails will return to their normal color .

  • Nastyukha

    I have a great way for fast nail growth, you have to pour room temperature water into a plate, then add a teaspoon of salt and three drops of iodine, then you stir it all thoroughly and dip your hands in this water and hold it for about 15 or 20 minutes, like this The bath needs to be done for 1 month. Once you have done this procedure, if it helps you, then you can start it again after 3 weeks. Good luck.