We are with the expired. We are expired read online. About the book "Expired We" by Stace Kramer

Pages: 278
Year of publication: 2016
Russian language

Description of the book We Expired:

Great time in high school. When you are young and full of hopes and dreams. Especially if your parents made sure that you didn’t need anything.
Virginia was such a girl. She had not only bewitching beauty, but also intelligence. Her plans included entering Yale University. But alas, the plans were not destined to come true. At graduation, she learned that her boyfriend was leaving her. All dreams of an ideal future together came crashing down. And alcohol, a lot of alcohol, helped her smooth out the gap. The girl, holding her feet, sat behind the wheel. That evening was full of disappointment, combining the beginning of adulthood with a broken heart. And the next thing Virginia saw was a hospital bed. But the first thing that was difficult to realize was the deprivation of my legs. The terrible accident took away not only her dreams, but also her ability to walk. Instead of a place of honor among the most successful students - a certificate of disability. Now she faces a very long and difficult path of accepting her new self.

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Stace Kramer

We're expired

Alexandra, Irina and Valentina


Only great pain leads the spirit to the final freedom: only it helps us reach the final depths of our being, and the one for whom it was almost fatal can proudly say about himself: I know more about life...

Friedrich Nietzsche

I woke up when the rays of the midday sun touched the edge of my hospital bed. After waiting for a moment of clouding of consciousness, I try to lift my head from the pillow, which seems to have become several times heavier. The room is so quiet that I can hear every beat of my heart. I'm trying to remember why I'm here, but it's not such an easy task. Small scraps of memories pop up in my mind, and I try to grab onto each of them. And when my gaze falls on my hand, which is tied by a bandage, all the memories fit into a single puzzle and finally give the long-awaited answer.

I tried to commit suicide.

I had been waiting for that evening for so long. While still studying at junior school, I imagined what dress I would wear at prom, with what jewelry and hairstyle. And so, when I was already dressed in the very dress I had dreamed of, and was holding in my hands a crumpled piece of paper with a solemn speech, which I had to read in front of the rest of the graduates and teachers, I smiled and was amazed at how quickly time flies.

I couldn’t even imagine that that very long-awaited evening would make my entire familiar world collapse overnight.

If you met me by chance on the street, you wouldn’t remember me. I am ordinary, with an ordinary figure, with ordinary black hair, which, coupled with pale skin, gives me the appearance of a vampire or a terminally ill girl. An absolutely unremarkable person with his own shortcomings and a handful of advantages.

But that evening I was not like myself.

I looked completely grown up. Even his facial expression changed. It was now so concentrated and serious. And this custom-made dress complemented me so much. Black, strewn with microscopic sparkles. The luxurious, voluminous hem hid my legs.

For exactly three hours and fifteen minutes, my mother circled me with a comb and hairspray. It was worth it. She turned mine lifeless hair into beautiful curls. Mom is a former stylist, so she has the power to turn a frumpy girl like me into a real princess.

Nina, my younger sister, all this time she sat opposite me and watched my mother’s actions.

Nina is only six, she is madly in love with ballet, she does not miss a single class at her ballet school, and all the walls of her room are plastered with photographs of famous ballerinas, whom she tries to emulate.

“I want to be just like Virginia,” Nina screamed.

- Why? – I asked.

– Because you are beautiful, smart and your boyfriend looks like Zac Efron.

I started laughing.

- By the way, where is this Scott of yours going to study? - Mom asked.

- He hasn't decided yet. But he will still move to Connecticut to be near me.

“How sweet,” Mom said sarcastically.

I dated Scott for two years, and all the most wonderful moments of my life were associated with this period. Before him, I didn’t have a relationship with anyone, because my priority was always study and only study. Scott and I studied at the same school, but we never talked and met very rarely, and it was only at my friend Liv’s birthday party that we met. Although “met” is a strong word. He and Liv dragged my drunken body home. Frankly, this was the first time in my life when I got drunk to such an extent that my consciousness passed out for several hours. The next morning Scott came to see me and only then was I able to get a good look at him. His short, light brown hair was thrown up, and he reminded me of a hedgehog. Upper lip thin, lower plump. Eyes the color of a gloomy sky. Dark, beautiful. I never considered myself pretty enough to attract boys, so I was very surprised when he noticed me. He has a peculiar sense of humor. He has a hot temper, but that’s what attracted me to him.

Our interactions with Scott caused dramatic changes in my relationship with my mother. She probably dreamed from the very moment I was born that I would go to Yale University and devote my life to science. And, as expected, mom considered Scott a direct threat to her plans. We often had real family scandals when I was getting ready to go on a date. Only my dad was on my side, he always told my mom that I was already an adult and could quite make my own decisions. And even on that fateful prom he gave Scott and me his new convertible because Scott's car was being repaired.

- Dad, are you serious?

- Yes, today I am too kind.

- Thank you. – I rushed into my father’s arms. - I adore you.

- Hold it. – Dad gave me the keys to his new convertible. “I hope she’ll be okay?”

- Certainly.

- Scott, are you a good driver? - Mom asked. Her cold tone sent shivers down my spine.

- Um... of course.

“Just don’t think anything, we just trust you with our daughter.”

“She'll be fine, Mrs. Abrams.”

I could feel Scott starting to get nervous. He squeezed my hand so tightly that I almost squealed.

“Well, I think it’s time for us to go,” I said.

“Have fun there,” said Dad.

I should have realized a long time ago that my relationship with Scott was not what it used to be. We saw each other less often and talked on the phone. Scott became secretive and stingy with revelations. But then it didn’t alarm me at all; it seemed to me that everything that was happening was explained by stress due to exams.

The ceremonial part began. Our director, Clark Smith, came to the center of the stage and began to give his memorized speech. He had a lisp, which made half of what Clark said incomprehensible. At the end of his speech, the director put a smile on his face and left. Next, Mrs. Verkhovsky, the assistant director, appeared on stage. On the screen behind her, photographs of the school's best students were displayed. Among them I found mine. Verkhovsky began to talk about what this year had been like. I, like everyone else present, could barely resist falling asleep. But it turned out that the “fun” event did not end there. Every now and then some people came on stage important people with congratulations written down on paper, then each of them talked about how he studied at school. My eyelids stopped obeying me, I felt like I was about to fall asleep on Scott’s shoulder, but then my name came from the stage.

“And now we give the floor to one of our best students, Virginia Abrams.

I stood up to the sound of applause. How scared I was. Speaking in public is not my thing. I already know in advance that I will definitely stumble somewhere or, even worse, fall, getting up on stage, because my legs are treacherously giving way due to trembling. When I got on stage, I started looking for Liv or Scott. Everyone stared at me intently, I took the microphone with shaking hands and forced myself to give a rehearsed speech.

– Hello everyone, I... I want to congratulate all of us on graduating from school. We have all been waiting for this day for a long time, and it has finally come. I want to thank the teachers who put up with us for so many years. Now we all begin a new stage in life. When we were in school, we had two worries. The first is how to cheat on a test without being noticed. “Everyone started laughing, and it instantly gave me confidence.” – And the second is how to sneak out of physical education class unnoticed. And now new problems, new worries begin, and they are much more serious than those to which we are all accustomed. I wish us all to cope with all the difficulties that we will face. “After a moment’s pause, I continued: “I love you, school, and I will miss you very much.” Thank you.

Everyone started applauding me again.

Twenty minutes after my speech, the ceremonial part ends. The crowd has gathered in the hall again, everyone is hugging, kissing each other on the cheeks, taking photographs of the teachers as souvenirs.

– Virginia, can I see you for a second? – I hear Mrs. Verkhovsky’s voice.

“We’ll be waiting for you in the car,” Liv said.

I approached Verkhovsky.

- Excellent speech.

- Thank you.

“I heard you’re going to Yale?”

– Although I am sure that everything will work out for you, I still want to wish you good luck. You have a great future.

At that moment I was overcome with heat, I was so pleased with her words.

We are expired part 1

Stace Kramer

Only great pain leads the spirit to final freedom: only it helps us reach the final depths of our being, and the one for whom it was almost fatal can proudly say about himself: I know more about life...

Friedrich Nietzsche


Probably every person experiences a special feeling at least once in their life. It comes suddenly. It permeates you from head to toe. Climbs deep into consciousness. Although, this is not even a feeling, but something else.

One day, I asked myself the question: “What if something happens to me tomorrow?” Strange question, isn't it? Usually seventeen-year-old girls think about something completely different. I hope you understand me. So, I asked myself a question and began to think. I have a lot of plans, of course, very soon I will graduate, and then enroll and choose a specialty, which will determine the direction of my entire future life. But what if I get hit by a car tomorrow? Or will a maniac attack me? Or will the dog bite? I have so many plans and one accident can ruin everything in an instant. At any moment, your “expiration date” may expire.

And when this feeling came to me, I became scared.

Or maybe this is a premonition?



"Silver pendant"


Well, what are you doing there, Gina? – I hear Liv’s voice behind the curtain of the fitting room.

Now, a little more,” I say and at the same time straighten my dress.

My heart is beating like crazy. Tomorrow is graduation party. It's so hard to realize this. I'm willing to bet that every graduate dreams of saying goodbye to school as quickly as possible, but at the same time, does not want to enter adult life. Becoming an independent person, capable of taking responsibility for his every action, is not so easy. On the eve of graduation, you realize how quickly time flies, and you dream of returning to childhood again, so as not to face the cruel adult world.

I look at my reflection in the mirror and for a couple of minutes I don’t recognize myself. I look quite grown up. Even his facial expression changed. It is now so focused and serious. And this custom-made dress complements me so much. Black, strewn with microscopic sparkles. The luxurious, voluminous hem hides my legs.

My hand trembles as I draw the curtain and leave the fitting room.

I turn my attention to Liv. Her tired expression quickly turns into an ecstatic one.

Wow! Amazing! – she runs up to me and begins to feel and examine me. - This is the dress!

Judging by Olivia's exclamations, it was not in vain that I spent so much time with this dress - Mary, the seamstress, comes up to us.

“Thank you, Mary, it’s beautiful,” I say, then go to the mirrors and start studying my dress again.

It doesn't feel like summer at all in Minneapolis. Forecasters continue to tell townspeople unanimously that all the coming days will be marred by precipitation. While all the normal people are running headlong, holding their huge umbrellas, Liv and I are walking slowly, completely wet, our clothes can be wrung out. Good that prom dresses securely packed in a bag and in no danger. We are hiding under the roof of a bus stop.

“Finally, all this hell will end,” says Liv.

And in my opinion, everything is just beginning. University, work, family, pension, death. That's all life is. Probably even hell is more interesting.

Lord, Gina, listening to you makes me want to throw myself under the bus.

We are laughing. Laughter is mixed with trembling and chattering jaws from the cold.

I'm going to Chicago soon.

For what? - I ask.

I found out that they were casting for dancers, and if I was lucky, I would be in one of the best dance troupes in America.

What about the university?

Why do I need him? God gave me a beautiful body and a sense of rhythm, so my calling is the stage and fame, and not tedious lectures and sleepless nights before the next exams.

I always liked Liv's determination. I am amazed how a person with such a family situation can make such grandiose plans and not be afraid of anything. Liv's parents divorced when she was five years old. She lived with her mother. But very soon it turned out that the parents’ divorce was not the worst thing. Her mother got cancer. She found out about this when it was too late to take any action. After her mother's death, Liv moved in with her father, who became addicted to alcohol and sometimes even beat her. But Liv is one of those people who doesn't give up. A man with a steel rod inside. She enrolled in dance school and is now one of the best dancers in Minneapolis. The dance helped her forget about the pain and loss. This brown-eyed, brown-haired girl has always been a role model for me.

Liv and I are very close. And just the thought that we will soon disperse to different states makes me feel uneasy.

Well, what are your plans?

My parents want me to go to Yale.

Parents...they always decide everything for you.

I know, but probably if I managed my life myself, it would only be worse.

As expected by the Law of Meanness, as soon as Liv and I got to my house, the rain stopped.

And at the ballet school they taught us this movement, - Nina, my younger sister, shows her mother a plie.

Nina is simply in love with ballet. At the age of six, she memorized short biographies of several famous ballerinas, and dreams of becoming as successful and talented as them.

My clever.

Mom notices us, gets up from the couch and heads towards us.

Hello Mrs. Abrams.

“Hello, Olivia,” Mom begins to glare at us, then goes to the shelf and takes an umbrella. -So, Virginia, tell me, what is it?

Current page: 1 (book has 20 pages total) [available reading passage: 14 pages]

Stace Kramer
We're expired

Alexandra, Irina and Valentina


Only great pain leads the spirit to the final freedom: only it helps us reach the final depths of our being, and the one for whom it was almost fatal can proudly say about himself: I know more about life...

Friedrich Nietzsche

I woke up when the rays of the midday sun touched the edge of my hospital bed. After waiting for a moment of clouding of consciousness, I try to lift my head from the pillow, which seems to have become several times heavier. The room is so quiet that I can hear every beat of my heart. I'm trying to remember why I'm here, but it's not such an easy task. Small scraps of memories pop up in my mind, and I try to grab onto each of them. And when my gaze falls on my hand, which is tied by a bandage, all the memories fit into a single puzzle and finally give the long-awaited answer.

I tried to commit suicide.

I had been waiting for that evening for so long. While still in elementary school, I imagined what dress I would wear at prom, with what jewelry and hairstyle. And so, when I was already dressed in the very dress I had dreamed of, and was holding in my hands a crumpled piece of paper with a solemn speech, which I had to read in front of the rest of the graduates and teachers, I smiled and was amazed at how quickly time flies.

I couldn’t even imagine that that very long-awaited evening would make my entire familiar world collapse overnight.

If you met me by chance on the street, you wouldn’t remember me. I am ordinary, with an ordinary figure, with ordinary black hair, which, coupled with pale skin, gives me the appearance of a vampire or a terminally ill girl. An absolutely unremarkable person with his own shortcomings and a handful of advantages.

But that evening I was not like myself.

I looked completely grown up. Even his facial expression changed. It was now so concentrated and serious. And this custom-made dress complemented me so much. Black, strewn with microscopic sparkles. The luxurious, voluminous hem hid my legs.

For exactly three hours and fifteen minutes, my mother circled me with a comb and hairspray. It was worth it. She turned my lifeless hair into beautiful curls. Mom is a former stylist, so she has the power to turn a frumpy girl like me into a real princess.

Nina, my younger sister, sat opposite me all this time and watched my mother’s actions.

Nina is only six, she is madly in love with ballet, she does not miss a single class at her ballet school, and all the walls of her room are plastered with photographs of famous ballerinas, whom she tries to emulate.

“I want to be just like Virginia,” Nina screamed.

- Why? – I asked.

– Because you are beautiful, smart and your boyfriend looks like Zac Efron.

I started laughing.

- By the way, where is this Scott of yours going to study? - Mom asked.

- He hasn't decided yet. But he will still move to Connecticut to be near me.

“How sweet,” Mom said sarcastically.

I dated Scott for two years, and all the most wonderful moments of my life were associated with this period. Before him, I didn’t have a relationship with anyone, because my priority was always study and only study. Scott and I studied at the same school, but we never talked and met very rarely, and it was only at my friend Liv’s birthday party that we met. Although “met” is a strong word. He and Liv dragged my drunken body home. Frankly, this was the first time in my life when I got drunk to such an extent that my consciousness passed out for several hours. The next morning Scott came to see me and only then was I able to get a good look at him. His short, light brown hair was thrown up, and he reminded me of a hedgehog. The upper lip is thin, the lower lip is plump. Eyes the color of a gloomy sky. Dark, beautiful. I never considered myself pretty enough to attract boys, so I was very surprised when he noticed me. He has a peculiar sense of humor. He has a hot temper, but that’s what attracted me to him.

Our interactions with Scott caused dramatic changes in my relationship with my mother. She probably dreamed from the very moment I was born that I would go to Yale University and devote my life to science. And, as expected, mom considered Scott a direct threat to her plans. We often had real family scandals when I was getting ready to go on a date. Only my dad was on my side, he always told my mom that I was already an adult and could fully make my own decisions. And even on that fateful graduation night, he gave Scott and me his new convertible, since Scott's car was being repaired.

- Dad, are you serious?

- Yes, today I am too kind.

- Thank you. – I rushed into my father’s arms. - I adore you.

- Hold it. – Dad gave me the keys to his new convertible. “I hope she’ll be okay?”

- Certainly.

- Scott, are you a good driver? - Mom asked. Her cold tone sent shivers down my spine.

- Um... of course.

“Just don’t think anything, we just trust you with our daughter.”

“She'll be fine, Mrs. Abrams.”

I could feel Scott starting to get nervous. He squeezed my hand so tightly that I almost squealed.

“Well, I think it’s time for us to go,” I said.

“Have fun there,” said Dad.

I should have realized a long time ago that my relationship with Scott was not what it used to be. We saw each other less often and talked on the phone. Scott became secretive and stingy with revelations. But then it didn’t alarm me at all; it seemed to me that everything that was happening was explained by stress due to exams.

The ceremonial part began. Our director, Clark Smith, came to the center of the stage and began to give his memorized speech. He had a lisp, which made half of what Clark said incomprehensible. At the end of his speech, the director put a smile on his face and left. Next, Mrs. Verkhovsky, the assistant director, appeared on stage. On the screen behind her, photographs of the school's best students were displayed. Among them I found mine. Verkhovsky began to talk about what this year had been like. I, like everyone else present, could barely resist falling asleep. But it turned out that the “fun” event did not end there. Every now and then some important people came on stage with congratulations written down on paper, then each of them talked about how he studied at school. My eyelids stopped obeying me, I felt like I was about to fall asleep on Scott’s shoulder, but then my name came from the stage.

“And now we give the floor to one of our best students, Virginia Abrams.

I stood up to the sound of applause. How scared I was. Speaking in public is not my thing. I already know in advance that I will definitely stumble somewhere or, even worse, fall, getting up on stage, because my legs are treacherously giving way due to trembling. When I got on stage, I started looking for Liv or Scott. Everyone stared at me intently, I took the microphone with shaking hands and forced myself to give a rehearsed speech.

– Hello everyone, I... I want to congratulate all of us on graduating from school. We have all been waiting for this day for a long time, and it has finally come. I want to thank the teachers who put up with us for so many years. Now we all begin a new stage in life. When we were in school, we had two worries. The first is how to cheat on a test without being noticed. “Everyone started laughing, and it instantly gave me confidence.” – And the second is how to sneak out of physical education class unnoticed. And now new problems, new worries begin, and they are much more serious than those to which we are all accustomed. I wish us all to cope with all the difficulties that we will face. “After a moment’s pause, I continued: “I love you, school, and I will miss you very much.” Thank you.

Everyone started applauding me again.

Twenty minutes after my speech, the ceremonial part ends. The crowd has gathered in the hall again, everyone is hugging, kissing each other on the cheeks, taking photographs of the teachers as souvenirs.

– Virginia, can I see you for a second? – I hear Mrs. Verkhovsky’s voice.

“We’ll be waiting for you in the car,” Liv said.

I approached Verkhovsky.

- Excellent speech.

- Thank you.

“I heard you’re going to Yale?”

– Although I am sure that everything will work out for you, I still want to wish you good luck. You have a great future.

At that moment I was overcome with heat, I was so pleased with her words.

- Thanks again. – We hug each other.

All the graduates, including me, Liv and Scott, headed to the party of twin brothers Paul and Sean. These are famous partygoers throughout Minnesota, in whose house the noisiest parties in the state are held.

Although no, this is not a house, this is a real palace. Three floors, two buildings. The house itself is designed in a strict classical style, but multi-colored lights, stuffed into almost every window, make it not so ascetic. They also have a swimming pool, which caught my attention as soon as I stepped through the gate. It's huge! Blue water mixes with snow-white foam. Near the pool there is a bar with shiny bottles of alcohol on the shelves.

I vaguely remember the details of what happened at the party that fateful day. It will also be difficult to remember the amount of alcohol that I consumed. I wanted to enjoy for the last time that sweet period when you are no longer in school, but not yet a student. I remember that Liv got hold of a couple of joints somewhere that I couldn’t refuse. I also remember how my friend and I, in the company of several equally drunk graduates, simultaneously jumped into that same pool. I was already in such a state that I didn’t care about my dream dress, hairstyle and makeup. And this is probably the most vivid memory of that evening.

I remember Liv and I lying on the grass in wet dresses, looking at the night sky, laughing and talking about something. I don’t even remember what exactly it was about, perhaps about our future, about the fact that soon we will stop seeing each other altogether due to the fact that we will be in different states. Liv wanted to go to Chicago and audition for one of the best dance troupes in America. She has been dancing since childhood, and I dare say that Liv is one of the best dancers in Minneapolis.

- Hey, have you seen Scott? – I asked one of the graduates.

- I think he's in the house.

- Thank you.

On the way to the house, I ran into four people who were just as drunk as me. I don’t know how everyone had the strength to continue dancing and drinking. I manage to find one of Scott's friends among a huge crowd of people.

- Luke, have you seen Scott?

I started to feel dizzy. I reached the left building. It was so quiet there, only the laughter of secluded couples could be heard behind the doors. I call Scott again.

- Come on, pick up the phone!

I walked down the long corridor, still holding the phone to my ear. She stopped abruptly. I thought I heard Scott's phone ringtone. I walked a couple more meters. I approached each door and listened, and after a few minutes I stopped in front of the next door. There, the sound of the ringtone was clearly audible. I opened the door. It's dark in the room. She turned on the light and noticed Scott's phone lying on the dresser.

- Scott? – I asked quietly.

Laughter. I heard laughter. It was coming from the bathroom. I carefully crept to the door and opened it. And at that moment I would really like someone to hit me on the head so that the memory would leave me forever. I don't know how to describe what I felt then. This pain is comparable to the pain that occurs if you fall into a hole filled to the brim with broken glass.

I saw standing with his back Scott with his pants down and his arms around some girl. It took my breath away. The body simply refused to obey me, I stood rooted to the spot and could not say anything.

Soon the couple noticed me. I felt disgusted when I saw Scott's frightened look. Acid rose in my throat. I took a few steps back, still looking at him, then turned around and left the room.

"I do not believe. No. It is not true. I’m drunk, I’m high, I’m dreaming, this isn’t real,” flashed through my head. I leaned against the wall and slowly rolled down. I wanted to take off and run, but my body did not listen to me, I just sat there, in a stupor. Scott and the girl left the room.

- Well, what are you silent? Are you going to tell her yourself or what?

- As you say. Just don't forget to grab my panties.

- Gina... - Come on, say it’s a mistake, say you love me, come on. “I’ve wanted to break up with you for a long time.”

-Her name is Pamela. We've been dating for several months now, I wanted to tell you this, but... but I didn't want to look like a bastard! I like you, I really like you, but you, your parents and I are two different worlds. Find yourself smart, rich, someone who your parents want to see next to you. I can not take it anymore. I'm tired.

I remember getting up from the floor, walking up to Scott, looking into his blue eyes, because of which I fell head over heels in love with him, I look at his lips, the softness of which I loved so much, and which I longed to kiss again and again, but now traces of Pamela’s faded pink lipstick are visible on them.

“You’re not a bastard, Scott,” I said, clenching my hands into fists. - You're worse.

I turned around and walked away.

I didn’t hear the music, the figures of people blurred before my eyes. Everything inside me was trembling, it seemed that somewhere there, in the depths of my soul, there was a bomb that was about to explode. The whole body was shaking with hatred and pain.

I remember how I push past the crowd, get out into the street and run to the parking lot. Leave. All I wanted was to leave. I wanted to get home faster, lie down in a cold bed and fall asleep. I hoped that he would call me the next morning. I was just sure that he would call me. He will apologize and say how much he loves me. Make excuses that he was drunk at the party and didn’t understand what he was doing or what he was saying. I didn’t understand much at the time, but my condition was as if my lungs were being compressed. I couldn’t breathe, and every beat of my heart was reflected in pain. I got to my dad's car, turned the key, and the engine started. With a loud squeal, the convertible started moving. I remember a noise ringing in my ears that became louder and more irritating. The highway was in double vision, the car swerved every now and then to the right, then to the left. Tears covered my eyes like a transparent veil, everything became blurry. At some point I realize that I started crying out loud. My hands were shaking, I completely lost control of myself. Tears fell into my mouth, their salty and sour taste was so disgusting to me. Then I hear my phone ringtone coming from my bag. Mother. Well, of course it was mom, because it was quite late and she was worried. I was unable to pick up the phone because I felt that I would not utter a single intelligible word. Loud noise the ringtone continued.

– Enough... enough, enough!!! – I shouted.

I turned onto the main road; there were a huge number of cars. My heart began to pound even harder in fear. And the phone didn’t stop ringing, which made me even more furious.

Then I heard the sound of a siren. It turned out that I had two police cars on my tail.

- Your mother! – I shouted.

Apparently I was significantly speeding. Nothing smart came into my head, except how to press the gas even harder. I didn’t see anything in front of me; I was driving, one might say, blindly. I remember pressing on the gas even harder, the speed only causes a surge of adrenaline in the blood. It seemed that there was a turn ahead of me, I turned the steering wheel to the left as hard as I could, and then I was blinded by the bright headlights of a huge truck. My body was numb with horror. I remember how the truck driver honked at me, but I, blinded by the bright light, feeling that fear had completely taken control of me, dropped the steering wheel and closed my eyes.

Dim sun, small clouds scattered across the blue sky. I was surrounded by strange lilac flowers that reached to my knees. I ran with my arms out to my sides, touching the wet stems of the flowers with my fingertips. I didn’t understand where I was, but one thing I can say for sure, I liked it there. It's very good there. I ran forward, the warm wind caressing my hair.

– Virginia, what are you dreaming about?

Mom and dad are sitting in front of me, looking at me and smiling.

“About a new bike,” I answer.

– What else do you dream about? Or about someone? - asks mom.

– I dream of a dog... Did you buy me a puppy? – I ask joyfully.

“No, baby, mommy will soon give you a brother or sister,” says dad.

– Will I have a younger sister?

One of my best memories. I was twelve years old when my mother announced her pregnancy. Then I was simply overwhelmed with a feeling of joy. I have always envied those who have younger brothers and sisters, and now I myself will have a little treasure.

Mom was already in her ninth month. One of my favorite pastimes was watching Nina push her legs and arms in her mother's belly.

Mom is sitting in a rocking chair, I go up to her.

- Mom, can she hear us?

- Certainly.

I lean over to my mother’s belly and begin to whisper.

“Hey, little sister... you weren’t born yet, but I already love you.” We will play with you, I will comb your hair, and then, when you grow up, I will teach you how to paint.

Mom laughs. I kiss her stomach.

It was winter. Me, Liv and Scott were playing in the snow. We run and laugh like little children. My hands were already red from the snow and frost. Scott tackles me to the snow and grabs my wrists with his hands. His eyelashes are covered with frost, making him look very funny.

- Scott, I'm cold.

Scott leans towards me and our frozen lips find each other. At first it seemed to me that I had turned into ice, but after the kiss I felt myself slowly melting.

- And now?

- Warmer...

Our lips meet again, and now the kiss lasts much longer. I forget about the minus thirty frost, that my clothes are soaked in snow and can now be wrung out. It seems to me that I was put in a bathtub filled with hot water, and instantly I feel good.

“Now it’s hot,” I say.

This time the flash was brighter than the previous ones. I open my eyes. The white light blinds me again. My eyelids seem so heavy, I don’t want to blink, because I’m afraid to fall again into that unearthly space where I was a few seconds ago. Five minutes pass before I realize that I am in a hospital. There is discomfort in the body. The muscles of my back and arms ache, my mouth is dry. I notice the IV tube stuck into my vein. The head is tied with a bandage, and a ventilator mask is on the face. I see my mother sleeping next to me, sitting on a chair. I feel like I've been asleep for an eternity.

“Mom...” I whisper, “mom, mom.”

Her eyelids lift, and, seeing me conscious, my mother instantly jumps up from her chair, grabs my hand and begins to examine me.

- Lord, Lord... Virginia, how are you... how are you feeling? – Mom starts to stutter out of excitement. She takes off my mask.

- Fine…

- I'll call the doctor now.

Mom runs out into the corridor. I feel some kind of heaviness in my body. It feels like all my muscles are numb. In some places the skin is very tight, probably there are stitches or something else. I can only guess what happened to me while I was unconscious.

Mom enters the room in the company of the doctor. Its outlines blur before my eyes.

- Well, hello, Virginia, how are you feeling?

“She said she feels fine,” my mother answers for me.

– Do you remember what happened to you?

I nod. God, my neck is so stiff, it hurts so much to turn it.

- I... was driving a car and...

“And I got into a terrible accident.” But you're very lucky. In rare cases, people survive such accidents. You underwent three operations and spent several days unconscious. But now all the terrible things are behind us. You will get better very soon and go home.

I look at my mother, her eyelids are full of tears.

- Mom, why are you crying? – Pronouncing every word is difficult for me. The voice is hoarse, the lips are completely dry.

- Yes, that’s me... out of happiness. I thought I would never hear your voice again.

I feel severe pain in my spine, which prevents me from taking a deep breath. At the same moment, a new feeling took possession of me. This is not a feeling of pain, not a feeling of discomfort. It's such a strange feeling, like I'm missing something. It feels like my body doesn't belong to me at all. It's only a few minutes later that I finally realize what I'm missing. I can't feel my legs. I can't move my feet, and it feels like these aren't my feet at all.

- Doctor... why can’t I feel my legs? Is this some kind of anesthesia or something else? “My voice is trembling, and I understand that I don’t want to hear the answer to my question.

The doctor remains silent for another minute and looks at the floor.

“You see, Virginia, as I said, the accident was serious, and the fact that you survived is truly a miracle.” But, unfortunately, every accident entails consequences. Your lower vertebrae have been severely displaced, your spinal cord has been damaged, all this has caused paraplegia, in other words, paralysis of the lower extremities.

His words pierced my chest like hundreds of daggers. I can't say a single word. My tongue refuses to obey me. I just close my eyes and force myself to sleep. Most likely, this is some kind of bad dream, I will wake up, and everything will return to normal again.

– Doctor, but this isn’t forever, is it? After all, you can have an operation... we will pay any money. “I hear my mother start to cry.”

- Alas, we did everything that depended on us. I know of a couple of cases where people with the same diagnosis as Virginia got back on their feet, so maybe she will be lucky too. In the meantime, before she is discharged, you must prepare your home. Make handrails, equip a staircase, buy a toilet chair for the disabled, and, accordingly, a comfortable wheelchair.

DISABLED. I open my eyes wide and start breathing through my mouth. The physical pain is completely overshadowed by the pain his words caused me. These are not just words, they are a sentence. I squeeze my mother's hand tightly.

- No no no! This is impossible! – I scream through the pain.

A nurse immediately runs into the room.

- Give her a sedative immediately.

- No! This is mistake!

The blood is mixed with a dose of sedative. Instantly my muscles relax and I let go of my mother’s hand. I freeze in one position. The last phrase I hear before falling asleep is the doctor’s phrase:

– I'm so sorry, Virginia.

Alexandra, Irina and Valentina


Only great pain leads the spirit to the final freedom: only it helps us reach the final depths of our being, and the one for whom it was almost fatal can proudly say about himself: I know more about life...

Friedrich Nietzsche

I woke up when the rays of the midday sun touched the edge of my hospital bed. After waiting for a moment of clouding of consciousness, I try to lift my head from the pillow, which seems to have become several times heavier. The room is so quiet that I can hear every beat of my heart. I'm trying to remember why I'm here, but it's not such an easy task. Small scraps of memories pop up in my mind, and I try to grab onto each of them. And when my gaze falls on my hand, which is tied by a bandage, all the memories fit into a single puzzle and finally give the long-awaited answer.

I tried to commit suicide.

I had been waiting for that evening for so long. While still in elementary school, I imagined what dress I would wear at prom, with what jewelry and hairstyle. And so, when I was already dressed in the very dress I had dreamed of, and was holding in my hands a crumpled piece of paper with a solemn speech, which I had to read in front of the rest of the graduates and teachers, I smiled and was amazed at how quickly time flies.

I couldn’t even imagine that that very long-awaited evening would make my entire familiar world collapse overnight.

If you met me by chance on the street, you wouldn’t remember me. I am ordinary, with an ordinary figure, with ordinary black hair, which, coupled with pale skin, gives me the appearance of a vampire or a terminally ill girl. An absolutely unremarkable person with his own shortcomings and a handful of advantages.

But that evening I was not like myself.

I looked completely grown up. Even his facial expression changed. It was now so concentrated and serious. And this custom-made dress complemented me so much. Black, strewn with microscopic sparkles. The luxurious, voluminous hem hid my legs.

For exactly three hours and fifteen minutes, my mother circled me with a comb and hairspray. It was worth it. She turned my lifeless hair into beautiful curls. Mom is a former stylist, so she has the power to turn a frumpy girl like me into a real princess.

Nina, my younger sister, sat opposite me all this time and watched my mother’s actions.

Nina is only six, she is madly in love with ballet, she does not miss a single class at her ballet school, and all the walls of her room are plastered with photographs of famous ballerinas, whom she tries to emulate.

“I want to be just like Virginia,” Nina screamed.

- Why? – I asked.

– Because you are beautiful, smart and your boyfriend looks like Zac Efron.

I started laughing.

- By the way, where is this Scott of yours going to study? - Mom asked.

- He hasn't decided yet.

But he will still move to Connecticut to be near me.

“How sweet,” Mom said sarcastically.

I dated Scott for two years, and all the most wonderful moments of my life were associated with this period. Before him, I didn’t have a relationship with anyone, because my priority was always study and only study. Scott and I studied at the same school, but we never talked and met very rarely, and it was only at my friend Liv’s birthday party that we met. Although “met” is a strong word. He and Liv dragged my drunken body home. Frankly, this was the first time in my life when I got drunk to such an extent that my consciousness passed out for several hours. The next morning Scott came to see me and only then was I able to get a good look at him. His short, light brown hair was thrown up, and he reminded me of a hedgehog. The upper lip is thin, the lower lip is plump. Eyes the color of a gloomy sky. Dark, beautiful. I never considered myself pretty enough to attract boys, so I was very surprised when he noticed me. He has a peculiar sense of humor. He has a hot temper, but that’s what attracted me to him.

Our interactions with Scott caused dramatic changes in my relationship with my mother. She probably dreamed from the very moment I was born that I would go to Yale University and devote my life to science. And, as expected, mom considered Scott a direct threat to her plans. We often had real family scandals when I was getting ready to go on a date. Only my dad was on my side, he always told my mom that I was already an adult and could fully make my own decisions. And even on that fateful graduation night, he gave Scott and me his new convertible, since Scott's car was being repaired.

- Dad, are you serious?

- Yes, today I am too kind.

- Thank you. – I rushed into my father’s arms. - I adore you.

- Hold it. – Dad gave me the keys to his new convertible. “I hope she’ll be okay?”

- Certainly.

- Scott, are you a good driver? - Mom asked. Her cold tone sent shivers down my spine.

- Um... of course.

“Just don’t think anything, we just trust you with our daughter.”

“She'll be fine, Mrs. Abrams.”

I could feel Scott starting to get nervous. He squeezed my hand so tightly that I almost squealed.

“Well, I think it’s time for us to go,” I said.

“Have fun there,” said Dad.

I should have realized a long time ago that my relationship with Scott was not what it used to be. We saw each other less often and talked on the phone. Scott became secretive and stingy with revelations. But then it didn’t alarm me at all; it seemed to me that everything that was happening was explained by stress due to exams.

The ceremonial part began. Our director, Clark Smith, came to the center of the stage and began to give his memorized speech. He had a lisp, which made half of what Clark said incomprehensible. At the end of his speech, the director put a smile on his face and left. Next, Mrs. Verkhovsky, the assistant director, appeared on stage. On the screen behind her, photographs of the school's best students were displayed. Among them I found mine. Verkhovsky began to talk about what this year had been like. I, like everyone else present, could barely resist falling asleep. But it turned out that the “fun” event did not end there. Every now and then some important people came on stage with congratulations written down on paper, then each of them talked about how he studied at school. My eyelids stopped obeying me, I felt like I was about to fall asleep on Scott’s shoulder, but then my name came from the stage.

“And now we give the floor to one of our best students, Virginia Abrams.

I stood up to the sound of applause. How scared I was. Speaking in public is not my thing. I already know in advance that I will definitely stumble somewhere or, even worse, fall, getting up on stage, because my legs are treacherously giving way due to trembling. When I got on stage, I started looking for Liv or Scott. Everyone stared at me intently, I took the microphone with shaking hands and forced myself to give a rehearsed speech.

– Hello everyone, I... I want to congratulate all of us on graduating from school. We have all been waiting for this day for a long time, and it has finally come. I want to thank the teachers who put up with us for so many years. Now we all begin a new stage in life. When we were in school, we had two worries. The first is how to cheat on a test without being noticed. “Everyone started laughing, and it instantly gave me confidence.” – And the second is how to sneak out of physical education class unnoticed. And now new problems, new worries begin, and they are much more serious than those to which we are all accustomed. I wish us all to cope with all the difficulties that we will face. “After a moment’s pause, I continued: “I love you, school, and I will miss you very much.” Thank you.

Everyone started applauding me again.

Twenty minutes after my speech, the ceremonial part ends. The crowd has gathered in the hall again, everyone is hugging, kissing each other on the cheeks, taking photographs of the teachers as souvenirs.

– Virginia, can I see you for a second? – I hear Mrs. Verkhovsky’s voice.

“We’ll be waiting for you in the car,” Liv said.

I approached Verkhovsky.

- Excellent speech.

- Thank you.

“I heard you’re going to Yale?”

– Although I am sure that everything will work out for you, I still want to wish you good luck. You have a great future.

At that moment I was overcome with heat, I was so pleased with her words.

- Thanks again. – We hug each other.

All the graduates, including me, Liv and Scott, headed to the party of twin brothers Paul and Sean. These are famous partygoers throughout Minnesota, in whose house the noisiest parties in the state are held.

Although no, this is not a house, this is a real palace. Three floors, two buildings. The house itself is designed in a strict classical style, but multi-colored lights, stuffed into almost every window, make it not so ascetic. They also have a swimming pool, which caught my attention as soon as I stepped through the gate. It's huge! Blue water mixes with snow-white foam. Near the pool there is a bar with shiny bottles of alcohol on the shelves.

I vaguely remember the details of what happened at the party that fateful day. It will also be difficult to remember the amount of alcohol that I consumed. I wanted to enjoy for the last time that sweet period when you are no longer in school, but not yet a student. I remember that Liv got hold of a couple of joints somewhere that I couldn’t refuse. I also remember how my friend and I, in the company of several equally drunk graduates, simultaneously jumped into that same pool. I was already in such a state that I didn’t care about my dream dress, hairstyle and makeup. And this is probably the most vivid memory of that evening.

I remember Liv and I lying on the grass in wet dresses, looking at the night sky, laughing and talking about something. I don’t even remember what exactly it was about, perhaps about our future, about the fact that soon we will stop seeing each other altogether due to the fact that we will be in different states. Liv wanted to go to Chicago and audition for one of the best dance troupes in America. She has been dancing since childhood, and I dare say that Liv is one of the best dancers in Minneapolis.

- Hey, have you seen Scott? – I asked one of the graduates.

- I think he's in the house.

- Thank you.

On the way to the house, I ran into four people who were just as drunk as me. I don’t know how everyone had the strength to continue dancing and drinking. I manage to find one of Scott's friends among a huge crowd of people.

- Luke, have you seen Scott?

I started to feel dizzy. I reached the left building. It was so quiet there, only the laughter of secluded couples could be heard behind the doors. I call Scott again.

- Come on, pick up the phone!

I walked down the long corridor, still holding the phone to my ear. She stopped abruptly. I thought I heard Scott's phone ringtone. I walked a couple more meters. I approached each door and listened, and after a few minutes I stopped in front of the next door. There, the sound of the ringtone was clearly audible. I opened the door. It's dark in the room. She turned on the light and noticed Scott's phone lying on the dresser.

- Scott? – I asked quietly.

Laughter. I heard laughter. It was coming from the bathroom. I carefully crept to the door and opened it. And at that moment I would really like someone to hit me on the head so that the memory would leave me forever. I don't know how to describe what I felt then. This pain is comparable to the pain that occurs if you fall into a hole filled to the brim with broken glass.

I saw Scott standing with his back with his pants down, and his arms hugging some girl. It took my breath away. The body simply refused to obey me, I stood rooted to the spot and could not say anything.

Soon the couple noticed me. I felt disgusted when I saw Scott's frightened look. Acid rose in my throat. I took a few steps back, still looking at him, then turned around and left the room.

"I do not believe. No. It is not true. I’m drunk, I’m high, I’m dreaming, this isn’t real,” flashed through my head. I leaned against the wall and slowly rolled down. I wanted to take off and run, but my body did not listen to me, I just sat there, in a stupor. Scott and the girl left the room.

- Well, what are you silent? Are you going to tell her yourself or what?

- As you say. Just don't forget to grab my panties.

- Gina... - Come on, say it’s a mistake, say you love me, come on. “I’ve wanted to break up with you for a long time.”

-Her name is Pamela. We've been dating for several months now, I wanted to tell you this, but... but I didn't want to look like a bastard! I like you, I really like you, but you, your parents and I are two different worlds. Find yourself smart, rich, someone who your parents want to see next to you. I can not take it anymore. I'm tired.

I remember getting up from the floor, going up to Scott, looking into his blue eyes, because of which I fell head over heels in love with him, looking at his lips, the softness of which I liked so much, and which I longed to kiss again and again, but now they show traces of Pamela's faded pink lipstick.

“You’re not a bastard, Scott,” I said, clenching my hands into fists. - You're worse.

I turned around and walked away.

I didn’t hear the music, the figures of people blurred before my eyes. Everything inside me was trembling, it seemed that somewhere there, in the depths of my soul, there was a bomb that was about to explode. The whole body was shaking with hatred and pain.

I remember how I push past the crowd, get out into the street and run to the parking lot. Leave. All I wanted was to leave. I wanted to get home faster, lie down in a cold bed and fall asleep. I hoped that he would call me the next morning. I was just sure that he would call me. He will apologize and say how much he loves me. Make excuses that he was drunk at the party and didn’t understand what he was doing or what he was saying. I didn’t understand much at the time, but my condition was as if my lungs were being compressed. I couldn’t breathe, and every beat of my heart was reflected in pain. I got to my dad's car, turned the key, and the engine started. With a loud squeal, the convertible started moving. I remember a noise ringing in my ears that became louder and more irritating. The highway was in double vision, the car swerved every now and then to the right, then to the left. Tears covered my eyes like a transparent veil, everything became blurry. At some point I realize that I started crying out loud. My hands were shaking, I completely lost control of myself. Tears fell into my mouth, their salty and sour taste was so disgusting to me. Then I hear my phone ringtone coming from my bag. Mother. Well, of course it was mom, because it was quite late and she was worried. I was unable to pick up the phone because I felt that I would not utter a single intelligible word. The loud sound of the ringtone continued.

– Enough... enough, enough!!! – I shouted.

I turned onto the main road; there were a huge number of cars. My heart began to pound even harder in fear. And the phone didn’t stop ringing, which made me even more furious.

Then I heard the sound of a siren. It turned out that I had two police cars on my tail.

- Your mother! – I shouted.

Apparently I was significantly speeding. Nothing smart came into my head, except how to press the gas even harder. I didn’t see anything in front of me; I was driving, one might say, blindly. I remember pressing on the gas even harder, the speed only causes a surge of adrenaline in the blood. It seemed that there was a turn ahead of me, I turned the steering wheel to the left as hard as I could, and then I was blinded by the bright headlights of a huge truck. My body was numb with horror. I remember how the truck driver honked at me, but I, blinded by the bright light, feeling that fear had completely taken control of me, dropped the steering wheel and closed my eyes.

Dim sun, small clouds scattered across the blue sky. I was surrounded by strange lilac flowers that reached to my knees. I ran with my arms out to my sides, touching the wet stems of the flowers with my fingertips. I didn’t understand where I was, but one thing I can say for sure, I liked it there. It's very good there. I ran forward, the warm wind caressing my hair.

– Virginia, what are you dreaming about?

Mom and dad are sitting in front of me, looking at me and smiling.

“About a new bike,” I answer.

– What else do you dream about? Or about someone? - asks mom.

– I dream of a dog... Did you buy me a puppy? – I ask joyfully.

“No, baby, mommy will soon give you a brother or sister,” says dad.

– Will I have a younger sister?

One of my best memories. I was twelve years old when my mother announced her pregnancy. Then I was simply overwhelmed with a feeling of joy. I have always envied those who have younger brothers and sisters, and now I will have a little treasure myself.

Mom was already in her ninth month. One of my favorite pastimes was watching Nina push her legs and arms in her mother's belly.

Mom is sitting in a rocking chair, I go up to her.

- Mom, can she hear us?

- Certainly.

I lean over to my mother’s belly and begin to whisper.

“Hey, little sister... you weren’t born yet, but I already love you.” We will play with you, I will comb your hair, and then, when you grow up, I will teach you how to paint.

Mom laughs. I kiss her stomach.

It was winter. Me, Liv and Scott were playing in the snow. We run and laugh like little children. My hands were already red from the snow and frost. Scott tackles me to the snow and grabs my wrists with his hands. His eyelashes are covered with frost, making him look very funny.

- Scott, I'm cold.

Scott leans towards me and our frozen lips find each other. At first it seemed to me that I had turned into ice, but after the kiss I felt myself slowly melting.

- And now?

- Warmer...

Our lips meet again, and now the kiss lasts much longer. I forget about the minus thirty frost, that my clothes are soaked in snow and can now be wrung out. It seems to me that I was put in a bathtub filled with hot water, and instantly I feel good.

“Now it’s hot,” I say.

This time the flash was brighter than the previous ones. I open my eyes. The white light blinds me again. My eyelids seem so heavy, I don’t want to blink, because I’m afraid to fall again into that unearthly space where I was a few seconds ago. Five minutes pass before I realize that I am in a hospital. There is discomfort in the body. The muscles of my back and arms ache, my mouth is dry. I notice the IV tube stuck into my vein. The head is tied with a bandage, and a ventilator mask is on the face. I see my mother sleeping next to me, sitting on a chair. I feel like I've been asleep for an eternity.

“Mom...” I whisper, “mom, mom.”

Her eyelids lift, and, seeing me conscious, my mother instantly jumps up from her chair, grabs my hand and begins to examine me.

- Lord, Lord... Virginia, how are you... how are you feeling? – Mom starts to stutter out of excitement. She takes off my mask.

- Fine…

- I'll call the doctor now.

Mom runs out into the corridor. I feel some kind of heaviness in my body. It feels like all my muscles are numb. In some places the skin is very tight, probably there are stitches or something else. I can only guess what happened to me while I was unconscious.

Mom enters the room in the company of the doctor. Its outlines blur before my eyes.

- Well, hello, Virginia, how are you feeling?

“She said she feels fine,” my mother answers for me.

– Do you remember what happened to you?

I nod. God, my neck is so stiff, it hurts so much to turn it.

- I... was driving a car and...

“And I got into a terrible accident.” But you're very lucky. In rare cases, people survive such accidents. You underwent three operations and spent several days unconscious. But now all the terrible things are behind us. You will get better very soon and go home.

I look at my mother, her eyelids are full of tears.

- Mom, why are you crying? – Pronouncing every word is difficult for me. The voice is hoarse, the lips are completely dry.

- Yes, that’s me... out of happiness. I thought I would never hear your voice again.

I feel severe pain in my spine, which prevents me from taking a deep breath. At the same moment, a new feeling took possession of me. This is not a feeling of pain, not a feeling of discomfort. It's such a strange feeling, like I'm missing something. It feels like my body doesn't belong to me at all. It's only a few minutes later that I finally realize what I'm missing. I can't feel my legs. I can't move my feet, and it feels like these aren't my feet at all.

- Doctor... why can’t I feel my legs? Is this some kind of anesthesia or something else? “My voice is trembling, and I understand that I don’t want to hear the answer to my question.

The doctor remains silent for another minute and looks at the floor.