Chamomile facial baths. Steam bath for the face at home. Preparing for steam treatments

We often hear: “My skin is my castle,” and there is some truth in this saying. Our skin is for the body like an ozone ball for the planet.

She serves as part immune system, and if in good condition, it prevents the development of bacteria. It contains several antimicrobial peptides that protect the skin from external factors risk.

Moreover, an element such as dermcidin protects us not only from temperature changes, frost, sun, wind, but also skin diseases.

Exposure to steam on the face

Exposure to steam on the face is an affordable, effective and rejuvenating procedure. A similar process has a wide range of troubleshooting problems with:

  • maintaining youth and elasticity;
  • cleansing the sebaceous glands;
  • getting rid of acne;
  • absence of inflammatory processes;
  • gives a feeling of freshness;
  • maintains an even skin tone.

Steam saturates the skin with moisture, allowing it to recover from external factors: heat, cold, frost, wind. A facial steam sauna will be highly effective when combined with the addition of herbs. Steam sauna great way cleanse your skin without visiting a beauty salon.

Steam bath. Why is it important?

Therefore, there is a vital need to cleanse and take care of our peculiar shield. The best way help our skin - cleanse it as deeply as possible. A fairly inexpensive product - steam - will help with this.

Steam skin cleansing is a multifunctional product that cleanses pores, relieves inflammation, tones and replenishes water balance the whole body.

Steam cleaning has a number of positive functions:

  • Saving is an inexpensive procedure; the oil is a one-time purchase, as it will last for a long time.
  • Efficiency - steam cleansing allows you to achieve the most deep pores, saturate it with oxygen; such cleansing is beyond the power of many cosmetic products.
  • Even skin tone and elimination of keratinized areas.
  • Elimination of subcutaneous fat - this method is especially effective for eliminating inflammation in adolescents.

Components of the procedure

To carry out this procedure, several components are required:

  • Acceptable temperature.
  • Quality oils.
  • Thick towel.
  • 15–20 minutes for the procedure.

Features of a steam bath for the face

Let's start with the temperature of the water, initially the water needs to be brought to a boil and then allowed to cool a little - this is important! The fact is that very high water temperature will not be useful, but on the contrary, it can cause increased blood pressure and headaches. It is also known that oils high temperature lose their medicinal properties.

A small conclusion is that an acceptable temperature is 35–40 degrees.

Classification of essential oils

Choosing essential oils is quite a difficult task. Hypersensitive skin or personal tolerance to components can be very dangerous to health. You need to spread the oil on the back of your hand and wait; if no redness is detected, then you are not allergic to this component.

  • , which are usually used for colds: sage, lemon, orange perfectly soften the skin and serve as antiseptics and reduce inflammation.
  • There is a group of relaxing oils: lavender, vanilla, however, be careful, such oils may be allergic to you.
  • Eucalyptus and rosemary oils help remove defects and stains.
  • Rose essential oil will give your skin elasticity and heal minor wounds and scars.

Steam facial bath at home

This procedure is divided into three stages:

  • Stage 1.

After choosing the oil, you need to heat the water and add 4-7 drops of pure oil. However, be careful, a highly concentrated solution can harm your health. Breathe the steam deeply for 10–15 minutes; if possible, repeat the procedure after the water has cooled.

  • Stage 2.

Wash with warm water. If your goal is cleansing problem skin, then warm water will prevent the pores from closing prematurely and it will be possible to clean them. Apply the mask with light movements according to your type. Whether it will be scrubbing, moisturizing, toning depends on the condition of the skin and your wishes.

  • Stage 3.

A moisturizing toner will help remove excess oil and dirt from the skin and restore its uniform tone. Such a product consolidates the effect obtained.

Important! It's better to do a facial steam bath knowing that you won't be going outside. Particularly delicate skin needs calmness without any mechanical influences.

Steam bath with chamomile

Facial sauna functions

The most common steam bath is made with chamomile. The fact is that chamomile is universal, it is suitable for any skin type, has a gentle effect on the face and is in the public domain.

You can make a steam bath with chamomile like this: boil water with dry chamomile flowers, make a decoction (you need to take 2 tablespoons of flowers), find a thick mohair towel and repeat a similar procedure with essential oils. It is worth noting that baths made from decoctions are more effective and visible on the face; such decoctions are less likely to cause allergic reactions, all kinds of redness, on the contrary, eliminate them.

The composition of soda and its effect on the skin

Sodium - although its main function is industrial, it is used against headaches and has a beneficial effect on the skin. Helps get rid of dead skin particles and nourishes the new skin.

Carbon is a means of cleansing pores from dirt and subcutaneous sebum. Eliminates oily shine, promotes healing of wounds and scars.

Water is a source of softening the skin, filling it with missing elements.

Steam bath with soda

Everyone is used to hearing that all kinds of masks and baths are made using herbs, oils, natural milk or tonic. But products such as paraffin, soda, and salt are not inferior, moreover, they carefully cleanse the skin. Baking soda serves as a deep cleanser for pores, freeing them from blackheads, restoring the water balance of the skin and whitening it. Among all these benefits lies the danger of personal intolerance, so be careful, try a little at a time and see how your body reacts.

Moreover, a solution of soda and iodine - effective remedy fight acne and problem skin.

How to make a baking soda steam bath

Initially, it is worth noting that when doing such a procedure, you need to use proven methods and recipes, follow technology and consistency, and maintain proportions.

Why is it important? If you have hypersensitive skin, and you have deviated from the norm and proportions, sodium, which predominates in soda, can react violently, leading to bleeding wounds.

There are several life hacks that can keep you safe and help cleanse your face:

  • Use high-quality raw materials - the soda should be fresh and attractive in appearance.
  • Tap water is no good, use only purified water.
  • Be sure to check your body’s reaction; if you have not been to a cosmetologist before and do not know the characteristics of your skin, test the product on the back of your hand. If there is no discomfort within an hour, you can safely use the redness.
  • The maximum stay on the face of the mask is 10 minutes or less. If you feel it burning, wash it off quickly, otherwise a burn is inevitable.
  • Do not apply the mask to dry skin; in this case, a steam bath for the face is an excellent help; baking soda applies more softly to steamed skin and penetrates into all pores.
  • The main thing is a break. Don’t get carried away, if the effect of the mask pleasantly surprised and stunned you, do a course of masks at least every other day, because this is a certain intervention for the skin.

There are many recipes using soda, however, do not be careless, take care of delicate areas of the skin.

There are all kinds of recipes, they differ only in additional components, a wide selection helps you choose the perfect mask for myself.

  1. Soda from .

Mix baking soda and yeast in equal quantities, achieve a homogeneous mass and apply to the face. Yeast has long been known as a source of eliminating inflammation. Using such a mask, figuratively speaking, helps kill two birds with one stone. Cleanse your skin to prevent future problems from developing and eradicate existing acne.

  1. Soda + water.

This mask has the name classic, has a scrub structure and deeply cleanses the skin, prevents the occurrence of acne, gently cleanses from everyday dirt, and gives a matte and healthy glow to your skin. However, limit the use of such a mask. No more than once a week, as the solution is concentrated and can harm the skin if used frequently.

  1. Salt + soda.

1 tbsp. spoon of soda and salt, dissolve in a small amount of water and bring to a homogeneous mixture. This mask has opposite effects: baking soda deeply cleanses, and salt softens the effect of soda. You can use iodized salt, as it is doubly useful and nourishes not only the surface of the skin, but the entire body. And for women, it is extremely important to store iodine, because its deficiency can adversely affect the functioning of the thyroid gland.

  1. Salt + flour.

Steam bath with soda

Soda - 1 teaspoon, flour twice as much. Another remedy that softens the effects of baking soda is flour. It relieves inflammation and prevents the development of comedones. Flour can be replaced with starch, but the overall effect will not change. It is worth paying attention to the frequency of using the mask, of course you need to look at the situation, but not more than twice a week.

  1. Soda + honey

Honey is not inferior to beneficial properties, it is the secret of beauty and eternal youth of Egyptian beauties. But it can help us too. Required: sour cream, honey, soda on the tip of a knife, mix everything until smooth and apply to the face. Due to the high fat content of the mask, the effect of soda is softened, so you can use this mixture more often than the concentrated one.

  1. Soda + peroxide.

The best remedy for age-related acne. Make the solution according to the proportion: one to two, one soda - two solutions. Main functions: disinfection, cleansing, relieving inflammation. However, such a violent mixture must be tested for reaction. Apply to your hand; if redness occurs, feel free to use on your face.

  1. Soda + egg.

You can make two types of masks from eggs, which are used after a steam bath. The first type is soda with protein. Grind one egg white with soda, add a little lemon juice. Apply in several layers. Wait until it dries and rinse with warm water. The drying time of the mask is the time of active action. The mixture dries out the skin and restores the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands.

The yolk has a good effect on the skin. For the yolk mask you need: one yolk, a teaspoon of honey, soda. This mixture softens the skin after going outside. Smoothes out wrinkles. This mask is especially suitable for the most delicate area of ​​the face - around the eyes, it helps to acquire a healthy appearance.

Clean and well-groomed skin looks attractive. But the dermis does not always shine with an impeccable appearance. Blackheads, inflammation and dull complexion are common problems that many girls face. All this is the result of insufficient care. If you don't take the time to deep clean your pores, they simply become clogged with dust, dirt, toxins, sebaceous plugs and other unnecessary debris. And as a result, cellular respiration is disrupted. How to restore your skin to its flawless appearance? There is an optimal solution. These are steam baths - an alternative to the salon deep cleaning. You can perform such treatment and preventive procedures at home using improvised means. The online edition of the site will tell you how to do this, and will also share with you several simple recipes.

What are the benefits of steam baths for facial skin?

A steam bath, as the name suggests, treats the skin with steam. Facial steaming is a fairly effective natural method of deep cleansing, which brings significant benefits to the dermis:
. Cleanses pores - steam, penetrating into the deep layers of the epidermis, cleanses pores of toxins, dirt, sebaceous deposits and other debris.
. Gets rid of blackheads - as a result of the action of steam, blackheads soften and come out easily.
. Removes dead skin cells - due to the softening of the skin, dead dermal cells are exfoliated.
. Improves cellular respiration - cleaned pores facilitate the penetration of oxygen into cells.
. Normalizes skin color. Steam baths heat the skin, resulting in increased blood circulation. And this, in turn, stabilizes metabolic processes and improves complexion. Instead of grayness and yellowness, healthy whiteness with a natural blush appears.
. Soothes the skin and treats inflamed pimples - by opening clogged pores, pus is removed from the internal pimple.
. Reduces the number of wrinkles - improved blood circulation, as well as active processes of collagen and elastin synthesis smooth out wrinkles and give the skin elasticity.
. Moisturizes and nourishes the skin - steam acts in such a way that the pores better absorb moisture and all useful substances.

Steam treatments with the addition of various medicinal herbs are especially effective. With the help of steam, they relieve inflammation, soothe the skin, and also saturate it with all useful vitamins and the minerals they contain.

In what cases can steam baths be harmful?

The benefits of the procedure are undeniable. After it, the skin becomes clean, smooth, elastic. However, even such a seemingly harmless procedure has a number of contraindications. You should not steam your face if:
. rosacea - improved blood circulation makes the vascular network more expressive;
. hypertension - hot water increases blood pressure by increasing blood flow to the face;
. bronchial asthma - small drops hot water enter the respiratory system, causing choking and coughing;
. purulent acne - under the influence of steam, the pus becomes more liquid and flowing. Therefore, the infection will spread throughout the face.

Useful steam bath recipes for the health of your skin

First, let's figure out how to do this procedure. And let's start with preparation. First, you should thoroughly cleanse your skin of makeup and apply a rich cream to the area around the eyes and lips. Indeed, in these areas the dermis is especially thin and sensitive.

Next, you need to prepare a large bowl or pan with a capacity of 2-3 liters. The container must be ceramic, enamel or plastic, but not metal. After all, boiling water and herbs enter into a chemical reaction with metal, which can cause irritation and other undesirable consequences. You can't do without a big one terry towel.

After preparation, pour water into a container and bring it to a boil. Next, tilt your head over the steam (its distance should not be less than 20 centimeters) and cover it with a towel so that there are no gaps and the steam does not spread throughout the room. You steam for 5 - 15 minutes. During the procedure, it is very important to breathe deeply and evenly. If you suddenly feel unwell, increase the distance between your face and the steam, and then reduce it again.

After the procedure, do not wipe your face immediately; let the moisture evaporate on its own. But you can blot it lightly paper towel. After steaming, it is very good to make a face mask, which you always do. This way, all the beneficial substances from it are better absorbed into the skin. Since the pores will be further expanded, they need to be narrowed. To do this, wash your face with cool boiled water.

It is better to cleanse your face in the evening. And after the procedure, it is advisable not to go outside. Otherwise, dirt and inflammation may appear on the skin again.

Now let's look at a few healthy recipes steam baths.

Steam bath with calendula: acne remedy

Calendula is a natural antiseptic. This plant is widely used in medicine for suppuration and wounds. Calendula is also very often used for acne and inflamed pimples. In order to prepare a healing bath, you need to pour boiling water over 20 g of calendula flowers and let the decoction steep for 20 minutes. Then it should be strained and brought to a boil. After this, you need to sit over the steam with a covered towel. After 5 minutes, you can apply any scrub or mask.

Steam bath with chamomile and mint for oily skin

A combination of chamomile and mint will help stabilize the sebaceous glands and remove oily shine. Each of these plants has its own properties. Chamomile flowers disinfect and relieve inflammation, while mint soothes and reduces acne. To prepare the bath, plants are poured into a container at the rate of 1 table. spoon for 1 liter of boiling water.

Steam bath with rowan for blackheads

Rowan has a cleansing effect. Therefore, it is ideal for combating blackheads. First, you need to chop a handful of fruits, then strain the resulting pulp through cheesecloth and pour the juice from it into 1 liter of boiling water.

Steam bath based on aloe for wrinkles

Aloe can be seen in many anti-aging creams. And not by chance. This plant moisturizes, nourishes, saturates the skin with vitamins and minerals. In addition, aloe promotes active cell regeneration and skin tightening. You will need to peel three leaves of such a plant, grind them in a blender and pour the juice into 1 liter of boiling water. After this, you should sit over the steam for 5 minutes, and then wipe your face with an ice cube and massage your skin with your fingertips.

By taking steam baths once a week, you will be surprised how much your face will change. It will shine with purity, freshness and beauty.

A worthy alternative to deep skin cleansing in a beauty salon is homemade facial steam baths. Such procedures help to effectively combat blackheads, acne and clogged pores. It is not necessary to buy special equipment for this purpose; you can get by with kitchen utensils and a towel. To increase the effect, herbs, soda, aromatic oils and other components are added to the water.

Benefits of steam baths and contraindications

A steam bath is ideal if you need to refresh or cleanse your facial skin. This procedure is deservedly called the most effective in terms of cleansing.

  1. Firstly, steam normalizes the functioning of the fatty and sebaceous glands, which means it prevents the appearance of comedones and other problems.
  2. Secondly, by expanding the pores, the process of further cleaning and caring for the skin is significantly simplified.
  3. Thirdly, skin metabolic processes and blood microcirculation improve.
  4. Fourthly, a face with smooth and rejuvenated healthy skin always looks well-groomed.

However, this useful and pleasant procedure is not suitable for everyone. And this especially applies to those diagnosed with bronchial asthma or hypertension. Steam cleaning is not recommended for facial irritations and diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis. It is not advisable to do steaming for those who have a lot of hair on their face or blood vessels located close to them. Particular care should be taken by those with dry skin prone to allergies, rashes and peeling.

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Steam at the service of different skin types

The first thing you need to do before a steam procedure is to determine your skin type. Each of them requires a different approach.

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Features of steam baths for oily skin

Oily skin is most in need of steam cleansing, but there are other benefits beyond cleansing. Calendula helps dry the skin and heal wounds, oregano helps cleanse pores and refresh the surface of the skin, chamomile helps soften it, Bay leaf- improve blood circulation.

For increased oiliness, a facial steam bath with juniper is ideal; this plant not only cleanses the upper layers of the epidermis, but also normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Also, if you are prone to increased fat content, cosmetologists recommend the following combinations:

  • oak bark with birch buds, chamomile, calendula, juniper;
  • sage with horsetail and coltsfoot;
  • chamomile with linden blossom, mint and oak bark;
  • bay leaf with sweet dill, lavender, calendula, chamomile and cypress.

To enhance the effect, add to water essential oils pine, tea tree, sage.

For oily skin, weekly steaming sessions lasting no more than 25 minutes are recommended. If you have combination skin, reduce the mini-bath time.

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Healthy normal skin does not require steam cleansing. But the procedure may be recommended for acne or other skin problems. For normal skin types, a facial steam bath with chamomile is most suitable - it disinfects and heals minor injuries.

Chamomile can also be used in mixtures with other beneficial plants: licorice, rose, thyme, sandalwood, cloves, comfrey, fennel. It makes sense to enrich any composition with essential oils of lavender, bergamot, and vanilla. Ylang-ylang oil is especially useful for aging skin and the first wrinkles.

The duration of a beauty session for normal skin is no more than 15 minutes. Frequency - if necessary.

When dry and sensitive skin It is not advisable to treat with steam. But you can steam your face once every few months by choosing the right herbs or infusions. Plants are brewed or mixtures are made from them in any combination: chamomile, bay leaf, licorice, comfrey, dandelion, sage, linden.

The duration of the procedure is no more than three to five minutes. After the session, the face must be lubricated nourishing cream.

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How to properly cleanse your face with steam

First, prepare everything you need for the steam bath:

  • towel;
  • basin or pan;
  • cream or mask;
  • loose clothes;
  • suitable herbs and oils.

Even ordinary water is suitable for quick steaming, but it is advisable to use infusions or decoctions of medicinal plants. If these are flowers and leaves, it is better to prepare infusions by pouring boiling water over the raw materials, and if they are bark, twigs and roots, the ingredients should be cooked in a water bath for 15–25 minutes. There is no point in observing any exact proportions; just take a handful of herbal raw materials and a liter of water.

To avoid burns, bend over the boiling water no lower than 20 cm. Make sure to close your eyes, and not only because of the risk of getting burns - the components of the decoction or infusion can cause irritation. During the mini-bath you should breathe deeply and relaxed. If there is the slightest discomfort, you should immediately lift the towel.

Steam treatments are best done on a weekend or at night. After completing steaming, wash your face with water at room temperature and disinfect with tonic.

8. After a steam bath, it is advisable to wash your face with cool water with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice.

Duration and frequency of facial steam bath:

If you have:
The procedure is carried out no more than 2 times a month and its duration is 8-10 minutes.

If your facial skin is normal:
A steam bath should be done once a month and its duration should be approximately 5 minutes.

If your skin is dry:
For dry facial skin, steam baths are not recommended, but if your skin needs them, they should be done no more than once every 2 months and the procedure should take no more than 3 minutes.

Recipes for steam baths for the face.

Steam baths for oily skin:

Of course, steam baths are intended specifically for oily skin, since with the help of this procedure the skin of the face is softened, the pores are expanded and cleansed, and sebaceous plugs and blackheads are removed much easier.

In order for steam baths to have the most effective effect on oily skin, recommends the use of special herbs or infusions:

  • and 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of mint into a thermos and pour boiling water, after 30 minutes pour it into the vessel and cover with a towel for 10 minutes.
  • brew sage, coltsfoot and horsetail in equal proportions
  • you can try this collection: chamomile, calendula, birch bark, juniper berries
  • or this: linden light, chamomile, oak bark
  • ethereal, pine, lavender and sage

Steam baths for dry facial skin.

  • bay leaf, licorice, chamomile;
  • comfrey, dandelion, rose, orange zest;
  • sage, hawthorn, linden.

These herbs and flowers can be used individually or in any combination.

Steam baths for combination skin:

If you have dry skin on most of your face, then choose steam baths designed for dry skin; if you have oily skin, then steam baths for oily skin. .

Steam baths for normal facial skin:

  • rose, fennel, chamomile, marshmallow, cloves, bay leaf;
  • essential oils of lavender, bergamot, sandalwood.

Again, you can use them separately, or make different mixtures.

Steam baths are useful for blackheads and clogged pores. The steam helps open the pores, after which dirt and sebum come out on their own.

The procedure is accessible. Before steaming, wash your face, then apply a rich cream to your eyelids. Don't get too close to the tub. You can use an inhaler instead of a bath. Do not pour liquid into plastic or aluminum containers.

After steaming, wash your hands and remove your hair. Next, wait 10 minutes and wash your face. Do not go outside immediately after the procedure. Do not pour out the herbal decoction, it is better to make it out of it cosmetic ice. You can just do steaming, or you can do cleaning after that. The process will be much easier and more effective after steaming.

If you carry out the procedure correctly and do not ignore contraindications, it will have a good effect. It should not be done for those who have weak blood vessels, fever, chronic diseases, blood pressure surges, respiratory system diseases. You can add sage, chamomile, birch, calendula, mint, thyme and celandine to the decoction.

The benefits of steam baths and baths for the skin

After just a few of the procedures under consideration, the skin of the face becomes soft, bright and smooth - this effect is achieved due to the medicinal plants used.

In addition to strictly aesthetic effects, steam baths and baths for acne and blackheads have the following effects:

  • the contents of clogged pores become softer and come out on their own; it is extremely rare that the use of a scrub is required for complete cleansing;
  • pairs of decoctions of medicinal plants soothe the skin and reduce inflammation;
  • the skin is completely cleansed of cosmetics (both decorative and medicinal residues), toxins and deposits of sebaceous gland secretions;
  • cellular respiration of the epidermis becomes better - this leads to the appearance of a healthy blush.

After carrying out the procedure in question, cosmetologists recommend applying a moisturizing mask, scrub or cream to the skin. The fact is that after exposure to steam, the skin pores are cleaned as much as possible, open and can “accept” the maximum amount of beneficial substances from skin care products.

Steam baths and baths for acne and blackheads are the most popular procedure among ordinary people. This is due to the fact that it can be carried out at home and without the need to purchase expensive products.

A steam bath is an economical and simple procedure for any person. To perform it, no special knowledge or skills are required.

But to get a good effect, you must follow certain rules:

  • Before steaming, you should remove decorative products and dirt accumulated during the day from your face;
  • It is necessary to apply a cream with a high fat content to the area under the eyelids, since in this area the dermis is especially delicate and thin, and hot fumes can harm it;
  • You should not lean low towards a container of boiling water, as there is a risk of getting burned;
  • You can use a steam inhaler; with this technique, the procedure will become absolutely safe;
  • To steam, boiling water should be placed in an enamel bowl;
  • It is prohibited to prepare solutions and steam your face over aluminum cookware, as well as pour boiling liquid into a plastic container;
  • To preserve heat and steam, you need to cover your head with a terry towel, so the procedure will retain its effective effect longer.

After steaming your face, it is necessary to carry out proper aftercare. After a steam bath it is recommended:

  1. Hands must be washed, hair must be removed with elastic bands and hairpins.
  2. Allow the skin to rest for 10 minutes without wiping it and allow the water to evaporate on its own.
  3. Wash your face with water at room temperature.
  4. Using a clean napkin, gently blot your face to remove excess moisture.
  5. If your skin is oily or has problems, then you should continue the cleansing stage using one of the following methods: scrub; soda with salt; fruit peeling.
  6. After 20 minutes, lubricate the surface of the face with nourishing cream.

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After a steam bath, it is forbidden to go out into fresh air, as enlarged pores can quickly become dirty again. To prevent a new inflammatory process, the procedure should be carried out in the evening. After cleansing, it is recommended to lie quietly for 20 minutes.

Helpful advice. The herbal decoction should not be poured out after steaming. It is recommended to freeze the used cooled water in an ice tray. These cubes are useful for wiping your face in the morning. In addition to broad beneficial effects, such procedures will harden the dermis and activate its protective mechanisms.

You can also rinse your hair with the decoction after shampooing. Regardless of the combination of components used, such water will be beneficial for curls.

What are steam baths for?

  • Cleansing skin pores from dirt and dead cells.
  • Preparing the skin for further processing - the skin softens, acne and pimples are removed more easily and without consequences (scars).
  • A honey cleansing massage after steaming the skin is even more effective.
  • Steam baths using medicinal herbs are useful for acne and acne (seals dissolve, skin cleanses).
  • The skin becomes more elastic as increased blood circulation saturates the skin with nutrients. Thus, it can be argued that a steam bath for the face preserves our youth.
  • Skin color improves.

Blackheads or comedones

Blackheads are a problem for many women and girls, especially with excessive sebum production. This is an element of acne that is formed by blocking the pores. It differs in that it does not have an inflammatory focus.

Divided into two types: black (open) and white (closed). They are absolutely harmless and are not considered a defect, but from an aesthetic point of view they cause a lot of inconvenience and complications.

It will help to open the pores well and rid them of comedones without resorting to the services of cosmetologists. home cleaning. First, we wash ourselves with everyday products, then we carry out the procedure. The time ranges from 5 to 10 minutes, it all depends on the type of skin and the degree of contamination of the pores.

After this, use specialized sticks (wooden or glass) to remove dirt. The pressure should be light or medium, do not press until there is blood and wounds form, as they will subsequently heal and leave unsightly scars.

Be sure to treat instruments with antiseptics, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and disinfect. This will serve as a preventive measure against the introduction of various microorganisms that can lead to purulent inflammation.

Once completed, enlarged pores must be narrowed. If you have a dry or normal type, then simply wash your face with cool water. For oily and mixed skin types, it is better to use special tightening masks and then wash.

Application of wound healing and nourishing creams is allowed. Do not use decorative cosmetics for two days.

You can clean your skin by:

  • dry – once every two months;
  • normal – up to two times a month;
  • oily and combination – up to four times a month.

Acne (acne)

Acne or acne is a problem that almost every person has encountered. The presence of rashes is a disease and in the absence of treatment and elimination of the causes that caused it, it can become chronic.

Acne is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands that occurs by clogging the pores and causing suppuration.

The reasons can be very diverse, ranging from adolescence, at the time of hormonal changes and ending with various malfunctions in the body.

In this case, steam baths help cleanse pores, improve blood circulation and heal wounds. The upper keratinized layer of the epidermis is removed, the skin is regenerated. After the procedure is completed, the face is lubricated with salicylic acid. Removing pimples with sticks is not recommended; there is a high risk that scars will remain in their place.

It is important to determine the cause of the rash and eliminate it. Because steam procedures are an aid. For greater effect, it is advisable to add herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect. Before carrying out the procedure, consult a specialist.

Harm and contraindications

The procedure should not be performed for those who:

  • too weak blood vessels - this can lead to the appearance of “stars” on the skin;
  • increased body temperature due to illness;
  • have diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • there are diseases that occur in a chronic form;
  • there are surges in blood pressure;
  • presence of respiratory system disease;
  • pores are overly enlarged.

If you have the slightest doubt about the safety of the procedure, be sure to consult with your doctor and cosmetologist about the advisability of steam baths for the face.

If the procedure is carried out incorrectly, a skin burn may occur (this most often concerns the skin around the eyes) or an allergy may occur (if you are predisposed to it, consult an allergist before using the medicine).

What herbs are suitable for steam baths?

Herbs are useful for freshness and softening of the skin, saturation with useful elements. For each type, it is worth using dry or freshly picked herbs.

Natural recipes help normalize intracellular processes and stop age-related changes.

  1. Dry skin – sage, chamomile, parsley, lemon balm;
  2. Oily skin – oak, birch, nettle, chamomile, calendula;
  3. Combination skin – mint, yarrow, rowan, celandine;
  4. For aging skin – thyme, sage, coltsfoot.

Component Features

A steam facial bath includes a variety of additives. There are many cooking recipes. To get a good result, you should consider how medicinal plants act.

Properties of popular medicinal herbs:

  • Calendula has drying and healing properties.
  • Bay leaf acts on the blood supply to the upper layers of the skin.
  • Oregano cleanses and tones.
  • Chamomile cleanses and nourishes.
  • Burdock, plantain, celandine and wormwood help open and disinfect pores.

If you focus on your skin type, then it is better to achieve a prolonged action. It is important that aftercare products continue the effect of the steam bath components.

Options for solving skin problems:

  1. Oily skin. Aloe, oak bark, mint leaves, horsetail, and linden blossom clean and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands well. Decoctions of licorice or coltsfoot work great. Essential oils of lemon, tea tree, juniper, pine are used both independently and in combination with herbs.
  2. Dry skin. Thyme, calendula, and oregano have moisturizing properties. After the procedure, moisturizing masks are useful.
  3. Wrinkles. Decoctions of sage and rosemary nourish the dermis. To eliminate sagging and smooth out wrinkles after a bath, a massage with essential oils of orange and aloe is recommended.
  4. Pimples. The anti-inflammatory solution includes string, lavender, aloe, plantain, nettle or calendula. Good result A chamomile bath with salt gives. Sometimes a pinch of baking soda is added to the water.
  5. Black dots. Nettle or rowan tincture, linden or St. John's wort decoctions are added to the bath. After a bath, a special patch effectively removes comedones.

Clean skin is one of the most important conditions for attractive appearance. Regular cleansing with a steam bath can maintain good texture, elasticity, and firmness of the skin. Through steam, beneficial substances of medicinal plants and oils are delivered inside.

The combination of cosmetic effects, therapeutic properties and psychological comfort, makes this procedure indispensable in the process of rejuvenation and healing of the body.

For dry skin

You can experiment and combine medicinal plants such as:

  • licorice. It is effectively used to whiten and relax the skin;
  • rose can refresh the complexion and have a rejuvenating effect;
  • marshmallow eliminates flaking and moisturizes;
  • bay leaf is used for acne, normalizes blood circulation on the surface of the skin;
  • chamomile cleanses pores and is a natural antiseptic;
  • dandelion gives blush and rejuvenates the face;
  • orange zest rejuvenates and gives tone to the skin;
  • Comfrey helps with acne, softens the surface of the skin.

But how to properly use sulfur ointment for acne and what reviews there are about such material can be seen here.

For normal skin

But what kind of anti-aging face masks there are at home and how to make them is indicated in this article.

For combination skin types, herbs are selected depending on which type predominates.

For mature skin

Also, those who like to take care of their facial skin should understand how to use facial serum correctly.

To cleanse dry and aging skin, it is better to choose less aggressive methods.

Features of steam baths for oily skin

Oily skin is most in need of steam cleansing, but there are other benefits beyond cleansing. Calendula helps dry the skin and heal wounds, oregano helps cleanse pores and refresh the surface of the skin, chamomile helps soften it, and bay leaf improves blood circulation.

For increased oiliness, a facial steam bath with juniper is ideal; this plant not only cleanses the upper layers of the epidermis, but also normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Also, if you are prone to increased fat content, cosmetologists recommend the following combinations:

  • oak bark with birch buds, chamomile, calendula, juniper;
  • sage with horsetail and coltsfoot;
  • chamomile with linden blossom, mint and oak bark;
  • bay leaf with sweet dill, lavender, calendula, chamomile and cypress.

To enhance the effect, add essential oils of pine, tea tree, and sage to the water.

For oily skin, weekly steaming sessions lasting no more than 25 minutes are recommended. If you have combination skin, reduce the mini-bath time.


Warm compresses will be indispensable for dry skin and those that have closely spaced capillaries and blood vessels on their surface. They are similar in effectiveness to steam bath for face. Compresses are made from spring or filtered water, to which medicinal herbs and essential oils are added.

Prepared in advance cotton fabric or gauze is moistened in this composition and laid out on the face and neck, left for half an hour. This procedure is suitable for all those for whom steam baths are contraindicated.

A compress or bath can be easily performed at home without seeking help from beauty salons. At the same time, it’s heartwarming to know that you don’t have to waste your time or money. Warm moisture and the wonderful aroma of herbs not only have a beneficial effect on the skin, but also calm the nervous system.

With regular implementation of such procedures, the face will become lighter, take on a healthy shade and be cleansed of various impurities. You may also be interested in learning more about how milk serum is used for the face and what results can be achieved from use.

Steam bath for blackheads

To get rid of blackheads, it is useful to use linden, crushed rowan fruits and St. John's wort. A decoction of linden and St. John's wort is prepared in the same way. Take about 20 grams of dry raw materials per liter of boiling water, cook the medicinal mixture over fire for about 2 minutes, cool the resulting broth and strain.

A decoction is obtained from rowan fruits in a different way. Grind the berries with a blender or in a meat grinder, place the resulting slurry on cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. To prepare the bath you need to get about 50 ml of rowan berry juice. Pour the juice into a liter of boiling water and you can start medicinal steam procedures.

Steam bath for acne

Calendula is a real doctor of various suppurations and wounds. For steam treatments it is necessary to use calendula flowers. Take 20 grams of calendula color, pour three glasses of boiling water. The infusion should be kept covered for half an hour. Then you need to strain it and bring it to a boil again.

Steam baths for aging skin

The following composition has the best effect for aging skin: bay leaf, licorice, anise, cinnamon, cloves, eucalyptus, fennel, ginger, mint, nettle, orange and pine zest with the addition of rosemary or sage essential oils. All these ingredients can be used both together and separately.

Steam baths for all skin types

If there are small wounds on the skin, a steam bath of calendula flowers will be very useful. For severely dirty skin, a steam bath with oregano flowers is an excellent solution. In addition to the cleansing effect, oregano also perfectly tones the skin.

Contraindications and indications for facial steaming

The procedures under consideration can and should be performed by all people whose skin has flaws - for example, massive pimples or acne. Cosmetologists assure that steam baths and baths for acne and blackheads can successfully replace expensive facial cleansing procedures in beauty salons - the effect will be the same, and the costs (both time and financial) will be much less.

But since steam procedures have not a superficial, but a deep effect, there are contraindications to their implementation.

It is worth remembering some warnings from experts:

  • It is strictly forbidden to give steam baths and baths for acne and blackheads to people with diagnosed diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • Such procedures are carried out with extreme caution for people with any pathologies that occur in a chronic form (consultation with the attending physician will be required);
  • Steam baths and saunas should not be used at elevated body temperatures.

Steam facials at home

In order to be a beautiful owner of glowing healthy skin, it is not at all necessary to visit beauty salons. A steam bath is also available to you at home.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of the face, be sure to apply a rich cream, paying attention to the eyelids and the area around the eyes. For convenience, it is better to tuck your hair under a shower cap or put it in a high bun.

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Well, now about the main thing: how to make a steam bath for the face? To do this, you will need any pan or wide fireproof cup. In a suitable container, you need to bring a liter or a half of the decoction to a boil (the herbs should be selected depending on the desired effect), remove from the heat and let stand for a minute or two (immediately after boiling, the steam is too hot and will damage the skin).

After waiting the prescribed time, you need to breathe over the broth from a distance of 30-40 cm, covered with a terry towel. The procedure time is selected depending on the skin type, but more on that later.


  1. If finances allow you, you can purchase cosmetic equipment for steam cleansing of the skin at home at a specialized store. This is a convenient device in the form of a vessel with an elongated neck and an expanded upper part in which the face is placed. It can also be called a “facial steam sauna”. Such a magical flowerpot will cost you 1,200 rubles and more, but with it you will not have any problems with carrying out this procedure.
  2. You can save this money for the family budget and make a steam bath for your face with my own hands, from improvised means. To do this, you will need a small basin or cup with a volume of 2-3 liters. They should be ceramic, plastic or glass, but preferably not metal. And most importantly, they must be clean and not used for any other household needs. If it is a basin, do not soak your laundry in it. If it's a large cup, don't wash dishes in it.
  3. Prepare a large terry towel that will completely cover your head when you bend over the steam bath. It should not allow any openings or exits to air.
  4. Stock up on medicinal herbs that are used in cosmetology for skin care. Below we will give recommendations on which plants can be used to solve which problems. They can be either dry or fresh. The main thing is that they do not cause you allergies or dizziness.

Stages of the procedure

  1. For a liter of boiling water used for a steam bath, you will need 1 glass of infusion or decoction of medicinal herbs.
  2. Pour boiling water with the broth into a cup.
  3. Bend over it face down at such a distance as not to burn your skin with hot steam.
  4. Place a terry towel over your head.
  5. If it gets too hot, slightly increase the distance from your face to the water. As it cools, bring it closer to it or add boiling water, which should be on hand.
  6. The optimal procedure time is 5-7 minutes.
  7. After a steam bath, many people make the mistake of immediately washing their face or rubbing their skin dry. Do not do that. Give your skin a rest, just sit for 10 minutes, and the remaining moisture will be absorbed and evaporate on its own. After this, carefully remove any remaining residue with a dry cloth.
  8. Now you can clean your skin with a scrub and apply cosmetic mask or your usual cream. You can be sure: now the effectiveness of all these funds will significantly increase and exceed all your expectations.
  9. It’s a good idea to do such procedures weekly or at least once every 2 weeks.

Now you know how to make a facial bath yourself, without expensive procedures in salons, at home, using the simplest available means: a basin (cup), a terry towel and medicinal herbs. The main thing is to observe contraindications and adhere to the above recommendations.

Much will depend on what exactly you add to your steam bath to enhance its cleansing effect. These can be not only medicinal plants, but also salt and baking soda, and even paraffin. There are a huge number of recipes.

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How to do them correctly?

To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, you should follow simple rules:

  • make baths better evening so that the skin can rest;
  • Before the procedure, be sure to cleanse the skin of cosmetics and wash your face;
  • after the session you should lie down for at least half an hour;
  • fresh herbs are brewed for 2-4 minutes, and dried herbs - up to half an hour;
  • for the procedure, choose a container with thick walls;
  • The last stages of the procedure should be washing with cool purified water and applying a moisturizing mask.

The step-by-step algorithm for performing facial steam procedures is quite simple:

  1. Boil 2.5-3 liters of water.
  2. Add pre-prepared herbal decoction or essential oils to boiling water and mix gently with a wooden spoon or spatula.
  3. Then you should collect your hair - tie a ponytail, put it under a scarf or in a bun.
  4. The face is leaned over the steam, the head and container are covered with a thick towel so that air does not enter from outside.
  5. If your face is excessively hot, you can raise it higher, but gradually lower it as the water cools.
  6. The procedure is carried out for 10-15 minutes - while the effect of steam is most intense.
  7. After the procedure, the skin should not be wiped; it should dry on its own.
  8. After 10 minutes have passed after the dermis has dried, you should wipe your face with a dry, not rough cloth, apply a scrub or moisturizing and nourishing cream.


Every skin type requires individual approach in treatment. The duration and frequency of the procedure depends on the skin type. Dry skin requires gentle cleansing. Fatty is more active. The mixed type involves selective exposure to different areas.


After a steam bath, it is recommended to treat the skin with a scrub. It removes keratinized particles and lightly polishes the surface. Don't rub it in too vigorously. Thin areas may be damaged. It is enough to make a few light circular movements.

After cleansing with a scrub, begin applying masks or creams. Skin with maximally open pores absorbs nourishing and moisturizing agents like a sponge. Active blood circulation promotes rapid penetration of nutrients into the deepest layers of the epidermis.

How often is the procedure performed?

There is no optimal time for steaming, since each skin type requires special treatment and care. For dry dermis, steaming is least recommended; if necessary, it is carried out once a month. You should not steam your face for more than 3 minutes.

For skin normal type It is recommended to carry out a steaming session once every 14 days and last no more than 5 minutes. Steam sessions are most recommended for oily skin. You can steam your face weekly. This procedure can take from 8 to 10 minutes.

Steam baths are not only useful. Such sessions are available and inexpensive. All the necessary herbs and essential oils can be purchased at any pharmacy. By devoting half an hour of your time, you can help your skin cleanse thoroughly and glow with health, since ordinary daily procedures cannot lead to such an effect.

Recipes for steam baths

There are many recipes for preparing infusions used to maintain beauty:

1. Steam baths for oily skin (1 tablespoon of raw materials per 1 liter of boiling water):

  • Chamomile + mint.
  • Sage + coltsfoot + horsetail.
  • Juniper berries, calendula, birch bark, chamomile.
  • Oak bark, mint, chamomile, linden blossom.

Each decoction can be supplemented with 2-3 drops of essential oil. For oily skin, it is better to use tea tree, lavender, sage and pine.

A facial steam bath with baking soda has a beneficial effect: it perfectly softens pores, relieves inflammation, and fights peeling. In addition, after steaming, oily skin must be further cleansed.

To do this, use a solution soaked in boiled water swab, dip it in soda and salt (preferably sea salt) and “walk” it along the massage lines all over your face, removing blackheads and cleansing the ducts of the sebaceous glands.

4. Steam baths for combination skin:

The choice of herbs in this case depends on what type of skin you gravitate towards: if it is drier, then herbs should be chosen that are suitable for dry skin, if oily, then vice versa. Owners of the combined type can afford a steam bath once every ten days.

5. Steam baths for aging skin:

  • Licorice, ginger, nettle, mint, eucalyptus, bay leaf.

Steam baths with the addition of cinnamon, fennel, and lemon zest are ideal for aging skin. You can also add rosemary or sage essential oils. The duration of the procedure should be no more than 5 minutes.

Steam baths for aging skin should be done no more than once a month. Such procedures ensure that the skin is saturated with moisture, acquires elasticity and firmness, and fine wrinkles are smoothed out.

Compress - an alternative to a bath

Warm compresses first saturate the top layer of skin, and then reach deeper layers. As a result, just like after a steam bath, it is possible to open the pores, remove the epidermis, and restore the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Only in this case they act more gently, relieve redness and irritation, and help get rid of the capillary network.

To make a compress, you need to take a liter of water, cotton fabric or gauze, herbs or essential oils. Dip a cloth into the hot solution, wring it lightly and apply it to the skin.

Is a steam bath beneficial? Definitely yes. You just need to act on the principle of “do no harm.” When all the blackheads stick out directly above the surface of the skin, you really want to push them down just to be sure. Do not do this under any circumstances! You will get rid of dirt, but you will remain with scars for life. A bath won't save you from them.

Bath master class


  • pine cones (as little open as possible), 5-6 pcs;
  • needles, 3-4 small “tassels”;
  • boiling water, 1 l;
  • fir oil, 5-6 drops.

Pine cones are a little consumed product in home cosmetology. And it’s completely in vain, since they are incredibly useful for problematic epidermis.

Pine needles also contain a lot of useful things - several types of resins, vitamin C and carotene, which makes the needles an excellent natural antiseptic.

Concerning fir oil, then its cosmetological properties have long been known. This drug with a characteristic bright aroma has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and a wide range of antiseptic effects.

Fir oil can cope with even very serious acne rashes or manifestations of acne in a matter of days. And if you need to get rid of all this more quickly, it is recommended to take a course of those same steam baths for the face for acne.

So, how to make a steam bath. Pour boiling water over the needles and cones and leave for 5 minutes. Then add fir oil.

You need to use it immediately, tilting your previously cleansed face over a bowl of steam. You should bend over the bath for 2-3 minutes. And one procedure includes 4-5 such bends.

You can do up to 5 procedures per day. Then inflammation or acne will become much less noticeable within a day. The inflammation will subside, and the epidermis will begin to “live up” quite quickly.

After the procedures, the composition can be filtered and poured into a bottle or jar with a lid. And use for a whole week, each time heating until strong steam is formed. Pine steam baths for acne will help you keep your skin healthy. We hope that our recipe was useful to you. We are waiting for your feedback!