Homemade facial cleansing with scrub for blackheads. The best scrubs for blackheads

Healthy and clean skin is the basis of an attractive appearance. But no one is safe from the appearance of open comedones or blackheads. Therefore, many chemical and hardware peels have been developed all over the world to combat comedones. But a simple scrub for blackheads does not lose popularity. It is quite effective and comparatively inexpensive remedy, which can be purchased at a store or pharmacy, or prepared at home from inexpensive products.

What are open comedones and how does a scrub help overcome them?

Open comedones are a kind of plugs formed due to blockage of the exit from the hair follicle. Our skin constantly produces a special oily substance called sebum, which comes out of the pores. Sometimes it mixes with desquamated epithelium and dirt, and so thickens, turning into a fairly hard mass that clogs the mouth of the follicle. Externally it looks like black dot. If the comedone is large enough, you can examine the dark plug itself and the edges of the mouth of the hair follicle. When pressed, the solid mass comes out and a void remains in its place. Gradually, the follicle narrows and disappears or becomes clogged again with a “plug.”

Open comedones are equally common in women and men. Most often, they appear before the age of 25, since later the production of sebum decreases. But those with oily skin can suffer from blackheads well into old age.

Before you begin treating comedones, you need to understand why they appeared.

Causes of blackheads:

  • Improper or insufficient self-care;
  • Increased sebum production, for example due to hormonal changes;
  • Impaired exfoliation of dead cells (tendency to hyperkeratosis);
  • Poor diet or taking certain medications;
  • Genetically determined skin features, for example, too wide mouths of hair follicles.

In some situations, complex treatment of the whole body is required, therefore, if there are a lot of comedones, it is better to consult a dermatologist. If it does not reveal more serious diseases that cause the appearance of blackheads, you can safely try any cosmetical tools and procedures.

As we have already said, comedones can often be removed by simple squeezing or mechanical cleaning. But without sufficient skills and proper preparation such cleansing can lead to injury to the skin and worsen the problem. At home, it is better to use less traumatic methods, such as a scrub.

A scrub is a cosmetic product in the form of a cream that contains small solid particles, such as salt or sugar, crushed nut shells, coffee beans or plant seeds. In addition, it may contain skin softening agents such as salicylic acid.

As a result of using the scrub, the top layer of skin becomes thinner and softens. This leads to the fact that the sebaceous plugs of comedones leave their mouths without pressure or effort. The skin is also cleansed of excess sebum and dead cells. This ensures that no new traffic jams will form in the near future. After using the scrub, the skin lightens slightly, becomes velvety and radiant, and also takes on a more youthful appearance. It activates metabolic processes, improves cell nutrition, and even fine wrinkles may disappear.

How to properly use a scrub for blackheads

If you buy a ready-made scrub, then instructions for use should be written on it. Home remedies do not come with such information. But don’t worry, the rules for using scrubs are almost the same for everyone. Therefore, knowing the algorithm, you can easily cleanse your skin with any product.

The main stages of treating comedones with a scrub:

  • Cleansing. This stage involves removing makeup and impurities from the skin. To do this, you can use your regular cleanser and then wipe your skin with alcohol lotion to reduce the chance of infection during the cleansing process.
  • Steaming. This stage allows you to open the pores and enhance the effect of the scrub. You can steam the skin using a towel soaked in hot water. It is applied to the face for 10-15 minutes. You can also lean over hot water as with inhalation. You can add medicinal herbs to the water, such as calendula, horsetail, chamomile or rosemary. Steaming over hot water also lasts about 15 minutes. During this time, you need to periodically wipe the skin. paper towel or a napkin to remove sweat.
  • The scrub is applied with hands, having previously disinfected them. Then rub it lightly for 1-2 minutes and leave for about 2-3 minutes.
  • After washing off the composition, the skin should be rinsed with cool water to tighten the pores and treated with a disinfectant lotion. You can replace it with lemon juice diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Completion of the procedure is the application of moisturizer.

It is important to remember that after steaming the skin, the contents of comedones come out very easily, so there is a temptation to simply squeeze them all out. This is exactly how manual mechanical facial cleansing is done. But experts do not recommend performing this procedure at home, as the risk of skin injury and infection is high.

It is better to cleanse your skin with a scrub in the evenings. Then during the night she will have time to rest and recover, and in the morning you will look refreshed and rejuvenated. It is not recommended to use scrubs for blackheads more than once a week. Also, you shouldn’t choose a new composition every time. It is better to complete the full course of treatment with one scrub, and if the effect is not satisfactory, look for a new recipe or a new remedy.


In general, cleansing the face with a scrub is considered a harmless and non-hazardous procedure. But you need to remember that the chosen cosmetic product can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, carefully study the composition of the scrub if you have already had hypersensitivity reactions to any substances.

Also, the use of a scrub for blackheads is prohibited for any skin pathologies - allergic dermatitis, inflammatory diseases, ulcers and bleeding wounds. Owners of large moles and birthmarks. In this case, before carrying out any procedure, you should consult a dermatologist.

The most popular commercial scrubs

The main advantage of ready-made scrubs is ease of use. You simply buy a tube of the product and can use it without much preparation. Many of them can be applied to the skin without prior preparation or steaming.

Store-bought scrubs can be stored for a long time on the shelf with cosmetics, but leftover homemade scrubs should be thrown away immediately after use.

There are a lot of different scrubs, but a few are the most popular:

  • Grandma Agafya’s recipes “Oat bran and wheat germ”(RUB 150-200) This product is suitable for all skin types. Ground oat bran is used as an abrasive, so the scrub is very gentle, cleansing does not cause discomfort and does not injure the skin. You shouldn’t expect instant removal of comedones from it, but the skin is well cleansed and moisturized.

  • Cleansing scrub “Apricot kernels” from the company Clean line (50-60 rub.). Suitable for normal and combination skin types. Ground apricot kernels act as an abrasive. This product effectively exfoliates dead skin cells and helps solve the problem of blackheads. To use him better evening, because the skin immediately turns red, but in the morning it looks refreshed, soft and silky. The downside of the scrub is that it often contains too large pieces of bones, which can injure the skin.

  • (approx. 200 rubles) Jojoba microgranules act as an abrasive, which for some reason are blue in color. It also contains salicylic acid, which softens the skin. This scrub is well suited for those with sensitive skin, as the microgranules practically do not injure and cleanse very gently. Positive changes are noticeable only with long-term regular use.

  • Acne Fighter Propeller(approx. 300 rub.) Polyethylene inclusions are used as an abrasive. It is not very effective in the fight against blackheads, it also exfoliates poorly, but it helps to overcome inflammation on the skin. It cleanses the skin quite well, but it is not suitable as a cleanser because it does not remove makeup.

  • Garnier Clear Skin Active(approx. 300 rub.) This product with salicylic acid is optimal for oily skin. Rough abrasives made from activated carbon and polyethylene can injure delicate skin, and a fairly aggressive composition dries it out. But those with oily skin will be able to appreciate the effect of use immediately: the complexion improves, the pores narrow and blackheads disappear.

Homemade scrubs for blackheads

At home, you can prepare scrubs that will be no worse than store-bought ones in terms of their effectiveness. An undoubted advantage of such cosmetics is that you can select the components yourself to suit your taste, control the size of abrasive particles, and add any vitamins and nutrients for your skin.

Over time, you will learn to prepare cosmetics that will suit your skin perfectly.

The main disadvantage of homemade scrubs is that they take time to prepare. Instead of relaxing after work, you will have to tinker in the kitchen, preparing not only dinner, but also cosmetics. To make your work easier, you need to choose the most simple recipes from available inexpensive products:

Honey and sea salt scrub

To prepare it, you need a tablespoon of liquid honey. Add sea salt to it, gradually stirring, to form a thick paste. The composition must first be applied to the areas where comedones accumulate and rub very lightly, then over the entire face and gently massage for another minute or two. If it seems that the mass is drying out, you can wet your hands with water and continue the procedure. This scrub not only cleanses the skin, but also nourishes it with beneficial substances from honey.

Classic soda scrub

This is a fairly aggressive procedure that is suitable for those with oily skin. You need to mix three parts baking soda and one part chilled boiled water to form a thick paste. This mixture should be used to treat the entire face, paying special attention to problem areas. big amount comedones. This scrub removes dead skin cells and blackheads, tightens pores and dries out the skin. After the procedure, it will be useful to apply a little avocado or rosehip oil to your face; very oily skin is treated with chamomile decoction.

Orange peel scrub

First you need to dry the orange peel. Before preparing the scrub, it must be crushed to the desired state. You can grate it and get larger pieces or grind it in a coffee grinder if you want to make a very gentle scrub. The resulting powder must be mixed with cream and milk to obtain a pleasant creamy mass. This scrub is suitable even for dry and sensitive skin; it is very gentle and contains nourishing ingredients.

Oatmeal scrub with essential oils

You need to take 2 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal, mix with the same amount of lemon juice and let stand for 10 minutes. Then 1 tsp is added to the resulting mixture. butter, 1 tsp. fine salt and 4 drops of lavender oil. Apply the prepared pulp to the prepared facial skin and massage lightly for 1-2 minutes.

Herbal scrub

To prepare it, you need to take equal parts of dry herbs St. John's wort, celandine, calendula and chamomile. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave for 30-40 minutes. Then we strain the infusion. We warm up the liquid part again, over it we will steam the skin of the face. Grind the thick component in a blender or coffee grinder and mix with fine salt. The heated skin should be lightly massaged with a mixture of herbs and salt, and then rinsed with cool water.

After such procedures, you must rest and get a good night’s sleep. Then the next day you will definitely wake up with healthy and glowing skin.

Sometimes, looking at your reflection in the mirror, you want to cry. The reason for this may be black spots on the skin, unsightly and very noticeable. And it is not always possible to cope with them with the help ordinary cosmetics. However, nothing can stop a woman from looking attractive, especially when there are centuries-proven folk remedies. For example, a safe scrub for blackheads, prepared at home, can almost always restore the appearance of those with a small defect. clean skin and self-confidence.

It's always unpleasant when the skin is not in order

Why do blackheads appear?

Specialists, namely dermatologists and cosmetologists, call blackheads comedones. They form on the face, sometimes on the back, shoulders and chest. And people with oily skin types are more likely to suffer from this problem. The reason for this is excess sebum secreted by the glands. This excess sebum, together with dust, dead epithelial cells, and remnants of cosmetic products, clogs the skin pores like a cork. Moreover, the lid of this peculiar stopper oxidizes in air, acquiring dark color. In a word, aesthetically, skin affected by comedones looks bad and untidy.

Often blackheads are a consequence of acne. But, in addition, there are a number of factors contributing to their formation:

  • a person has bad habits;
  • insufficient hygiene, sleeping at night with unclean skin;
  • use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • frequent stress;
  • polluted, dry air;
  • rich food, fast food, excess weight;
  • disorders in the endocrine system;
  • improper metabolism in the body;
  • hepatitis;
  • hereditary predisposition.

No matter what, comedones can and should be fought. Of course, first of all, we must strive for a healthy lifestyle and hygiene. But besides this in the piggy bank folk recipes There are many options for preparing home remedies for an unpleasant defect. Preparing them is not difficult and not expensive, but positive result noticeable immediately after use.

Self-produced scrubs have proven themselves well. After all, they contain only natural ingredients that perfectly cleanse pores without causing irritation, redness or inflammation of the skin.

Facial peeling

To get a good scrub cleansing effect, you need to do the following:

  • wash off cosmetics with hot water;
  • tone the skin using an appropriate product;
  • apply the scrub only to problem areas;
  • Using your fingers in circular movements, massage the skin;
  • wash with cold water;
  • apply a soothing cream.

Advice! Be careful when choosing a cream. Use a non-greasy product with herbal ingredients and a moisturizing effect.

Anti-blackhead scrub with baking soda and salt

To prepare it, you need to take a dessert spoon of baking soda and the same amount of regular fine salt. Mix everything and dip a damp cotton swab into the resulting mixture, then carefully treat the areas where there are blackheads.

It is important to remember that there should be no sudden movements while using the scrub. Everything needs to be done easily and gently, without much pressure. After three minutes, it is better to finish the procedure and wash.

Starch mask with lemon

In 1 tbsp. spoon of potato starch add a few drops of lemon juice. Wipe your face with the resulting mass for 3-4 minutes, then leave the product as a mask for another 15 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with cold water.

Starch will exfoliate dead particles, and lemon juice whitens the skin, making blackheads almost invisible.

Cleansing and pore-tightening mask

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed rye crackers;
  • 1 raw egg white;
  • 1 teaspoon of candied honey;
  • 1 dessert spoon of sea buckthorn oil.

Mix everything until smooth. Rub the mixture onto your skin for 5 minutes, then leave it on your face for another 15 minutes. Wash.

Gentle honey peeling for blackheads

You need to add liquid honey to a small amount of semolina. Gently rub the problem skin with your fingers using the resulting slurry.
This scrub not only perfectly removes blackheads, but also nourishes the skin and improves its color.

Cleanser with sauna effect

In 1 tbsp. Add a spoonful of white clay purchased at the pharmacy, grated ginger root, and mix. Rubbing the skin, apply the mixture to the face. Leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse off.
This potion warms the skin, removes toxins from the pores, disinfects, and heals minor wounds.

Body peeling

Scrubs can also be used to eliminate comedones from the back, chest and shoulders. The order of their application is as follows:

  • first you need to lie in a hot bath to steam the skin and expand the pores;
  • wash with shower gel;
  • Using a terry mitt, apply the scrub to the body;
  • rub yourself for at least 10 minutes;
  • take a contrast shower;
  • apply cosmetic milk to the skin.

Sugar scrub

It can be prepared for future use in large quantities. It will require the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 cups sugar;
  • 3 drops essential oil(bergamot, ylang-ylang, tangerine or any other, but only one type);
  • 5 tbsp. spoons of grape seed oil.

Advice! First, check to see if you are allergic to the oil. Place a drop on your wrist. Wait 5 minutes. If there is no itching or redness, feel free to use the tested ether.

All ingredients for the scrub are mixed. The result should be a mass that is not too loose or, on the contrary, hard, reminiscent of wet sand. The product can be placed in a jar and then used as needed.
After such a scrub, the skin does not require additional application of a soothing cream; she is tender, soft and beautiful.

Corn peeling for bath

This scrub fully exerts its cleansing effect in the bath when the skin is well warmed up.
First brew 1 cup of corn grits with boiling water and let it swell. That's all - a wonderful remedy is ready. It can be used not only where there are blackheads, but also on the whole body.

Coffee peeling

Mix natural ground coffee, low-fat kefir and honey in equal proportions. Apply the mixture massage movements on dry skin, rinse with warm water.
The procedure is quite gentle, so it can be repeated up to two times a week.


Even homemade scrubs have some limitations in their use. These include the following skin pathologies:

  • inflammatory diseases;
  • allergic dermatitis;
  • ulcers;
  • bleeding wounds;
  • large moles.

If there are no such contraindications, you can safely use the remedies suggested above. All of them are easy to prepare and not only effectively eliminate blackheads, but also have a positive effect on the overall condition of the skin and improve it appearance, eliminate oily shine. So cook them for your health and always remain beautiful!

All materials on the Priroda-Znaet.ru website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

comedones also often appear. To briefly formulate the answer to the question, what is a comedon, then it is a special type of cyst that appears in the hair follicle when the mouth is blocked by the remnants of the secretion of the sebaceous glands with scales of keratinized epithelial cells. There are so-called open comedones (blackheads) and closed comedones (milia, millet, whiteheads). If you properly organize facial skin care at home, you can very quickly get rid of comedones and avoid their reappearance.

First of all, you need to do home facial cleansing using cleansing masks and exfoliating peeling scrubs, recipes for which you will find below. You can find out how to prepare a very effective cleansing gelatin mask with activated carbon in the previous article. Procedures using homemade scrubs will help make the skin of your face clean and well-groomed. Coffee and salt “sea” scrubs have proven themselves well, with the help of which you can very quickly get rid of black and white dots on problematic oily or combination skin. Sugar and oatmeal scrubs are often used to exfoliate the stratum corneum of dead cells and delicately clean the hair follicles on dry or aging skin. If you have very thin skin that is prone to irritation and inflammatory processes, then we can recommend gentle soft scrubs (gommage) for regular use at home.

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Scrubs from natural products not only successfully exfoliate keratinized particles of the epithelium and open comedones, but also successfully perform deep cleaning pores and sebaceous ducts, using abrasive particles to remove the remnants of gland secretion with keratinized particles;

home peeling It is best to do it in the evening, before bedtime. Be sure to clean your face of makeup and accumulated dirt using a cotton pad with milk, lotion or foam;

➋ to maximize the expansion of the pores and slightly soften the sebaceous plugs with epithelial particles that clog the mouths of the hair follicles, it is useful to steam the skin using a hot compress (a towel soaked in boiling water) or a water bath. Water bath can be made from a decoction of medicinal herbs that are sold in pharmacies (chamomile, sage, calendula, rosemary, yarrow, horsetail). Pour boiling water with the broth into a pan, add 5-6 drops of essential oil and hold your face over the water bath for 3-4 minutes;

➌ by this time, the prepared blackhead scrub should already be at hand. Apply the mixture to your face using even circular movements along the massage lines. Massage areas of skin with blackheads especially carefully. After the massage, leave the mixture on your face as a nourishing, cleansing mask - the components of the softening base of the scrub recipe you choose should be as effective as possible for your skin type;

➍ after the procedure, wash with mineral or settled soft water, and then pat your face dry terry towel. Now you can apply your skin-soothing night cream (with moisturizing, rejuvenating properties) to the skin of your face and neck;

➎ do 10-12 procedures in total, and then be sure to let your skin rest for 2-3 weeks. During this period, it is advisable to use only the softest, most gentle, nourishing and moisturizing masks. Frequency of sessions: oily skin can be cleansed of blackheads several times a week, combination and normal skin - once every 7-8 days, and dry and aging skin - once every 10-14 days.


Homemade scrub recipe No. 1:

What's included:

- 1 teaspoon of baking soda;

1 teaspoon sea salt (fine fraction);

2 teaspoons liquid honey;

1 tablespoon plain yogurt;

1 teaspoon aloe juice.

Preparation and use:

Combine low-fat yogurt, honey and baking soda, mix everything thoroughly. Peel the aloe leaf (vera, Agave) from the skin and subcutaneous yellowish layer, squeeze the juice from the pulp into a bowl through cheesecloth. Lastly, add sea salt without stirring too much and you can immediately apply it to the skin with massaging movements for 2-3 minutes, then leave it on the skin as nourishing mask for another 15 minutes. This is an excellent recipe for oily and combination skin (do not massage dry areas of the skin for too long).

Homemade scrub recipe No. 2:

What's included:

2 teaspoons chopped cinnamon;

1 tablespoon of white clay;

1 tablespoon olive oil;

1 teaspoon lemon juice.

Preparation and use:

Mix cosmetic clay in a bowl and olive oil, add freshly squeezed lemon juice. Add chopped cinnamon and stir the mixture a little more. Now you can immediately begin the procedure - apply a scrub and massage for a few minutes to cleanse the skin of blackheads. Leave the mixture on the skin as a mask (10 minutes). Then wash your face with warm soft water. Excellent product for dry and aging skin.


Blackhead scrub is a cosmetic product that fights one of the common problems of oily skin types - blackheads. Comedones are a very unpleasant phenomenon that disrupts the aesthetics of the face and causes inflammation of clogged pores. It is very easy to prepare a cosmetic product at home that will help get rid of this problem.

Interesting! To combat blackheads, you can use not only scrubs, but also other cosmetics. They have the same effective effect, allowing you to open the pores and remove accumulated dirt from there. You must remember that the basic rule for the prevention and treatment of comedones is sufficient cleansing of the skin. Be sure to remove makeup at the end of the day, use scrubs and peels.


There are several reasons for the appearance of blackheads on the skin. The formation of comedones can be an individual feature of the skin or be caused by various factors. They can be caused by increased oily skin, frequent use of foundation cosmetics, insufficient cleansing of the face and poor diet.

Regular use of scrubs for blackheads will help get rid of many skin problems and have a number of positive effects:

  • Remove comedones and prevent their reappearance;
  • Open the pores and remove accumulated dirt, particles of cells and lipids;
  • Exfoliate the surface layer of skin, removing flaky scales and dead cells;
  • Normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, the increased activity of which is the main cause of comedones;
  • Improve the relief and color of the skin;
  • Fill the skin with useful substances, normalize metabolism and blood microcirculation;
  • Improve the condition of the skin, have a tonic and refreshing effect.

Using a homemade scrub for blackheads, you can not only get rid of this problem, but also rejuvenate your skin, give your face a uniform tone and prevent the appearance of acne.

Preparation and use of scrub

In order for a homemade scrub for blackheads to benefit the skin, you need to know how to properly prepare this product and how to use it.

When selecting a recipe and preparing the cleansing mass, consider the following recommendations:

  • The recipe you choose must meet the needs of your skin. Since one product can perform several functions at the same time, you should carefully study its features.
  • The scrub for blackheads should contain abrasive components that will remove plugs from the pores and exfoliate dead skin flakes.
  • You should not use a blender to prepare this product. It will grind the abrasive to a too fine consistency, which will not allow you to sufficiently clean the pores.
  • Add oils and extracts that are beneficial for your skin type to the base of your recipe. They will additionally nourish the epidermis.

After the scrub against blackheads at home is ready, you can start using it. Instructions for using this tool include the following steps:

  1. To make home or ready-made remedy It worked much better, it is recommended to steam your face first. This will open the pores, and the “garbage” that has accumulated in them will be completely removed. You need to steam your face using herbal baths.
  2. After the face is sufficiently steamed and cleansed, you can begin to apply the mass. As a rule, blackheads affect the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, so it is recommended to apply the product to this area. If another area of ​​the skin is also affected, then we treat it too.
  3. Apply the mass with gentle massage movements for 2 minutes. Do not rub your skin too hard - abrasive particles can injure it.
  4. After you have cleansed your face, rinse your skin with running water and apply a mild care product.
  5. For those who are oily and problematic skin, you need to apply a scrub against comedones twice a week. If the blackheads are insignificant, reduce the frequency of application to 1 time.


The two active ingredients contained in this recipe are very effective. They are quite strong abrasives, so they easily remove plugs from pores and clean them. This recipe is suitable primarily for oily epidermis; for dry skin it may be too aggressive.

Take these components:

  • 1 spoon of baking soda;
  • 1 spoon of table salt;
  • 1 tablespoon of cleansing gel.

It is very easy to prepare this product; to do this, you need to mix all the components in the specified proportions immediately before use. It is not recommended to prepare this mixture in advance.

Anti-comedone scrub with oatmeal

The product prepared according to this recipe has a more gentle, but no less effective effect. Oatmeal perfectly cleanses the skin and has a tonic and firming effect. Sugar is the second abrasive in this recipe, which also cleanses pores and removes impurities. This recipe can be used even by those who have oily skin.

Required components:

  • Oatmeal - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Granulated sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Aloe juice – 2 tbsp. spoons.

Oatmeal can be replaced with oatmeal, and brown sugar can be used instead of white granulated sugar. You can individually adjust the recipe, taking into account the products that you have. Mix dry ingredients with aloe until smooth. Apply the product to cleansed skin.


A scrub for blackheads at home will remove comedones, cleanse pores and improve the appearance of the skin. You can prepare the product from available products that you have in your kitchen. Use the recipes presented to cleanse your face and care for your skin.

It is quite difficult to combat this phenomenon, but at home you can use some remedies to at least reduce the appearance of such a rash. The most effective of them is a scrub for blackheads, which can easily be made at home. But first it would be nice to know what we are dealing with.

A comedon is a cyst that forms due to blockage of the mouth of the hair follicle with sebum and dead epithelium. There are 2 types of comedones: closed and open. It is the latter that have a black color due to the oxidation process of tyrosine (this is an amino acid).

The reasons for the appearance of black dots on the face is a violation of the nervous and hormonal regulation of the functions of the sebaceous glands, which is manifested by an increase in the secretion of sebum, a decrease in the content of linoleic acid, a disruption in the process of keratinization of the epithelium and the separation of cellular waste products.

If you go deeper into possible consequences, then it becomes clear that the problem is not only cosmetic. Against the background of hormonal surges, the appearance of blackheads and their spread can cause a nervous disorder and other neuropsychological pathologies. This is typical for adolescents and women in the postpartum period. In addition, after improper treatment, scars, scars, and age spots may remain on the skin.

But enough about the sad stuff. It's time to fight and win against blackheads using everything available funds, including at home.

How to choose a scrub

Cosmetologists say that the most effective means against blackheads is a scrub. But only if it is chosen correctly.

The store will offer you many options, it is important not to get confused and approach this issue wisely. Here are the characteristics a product should have to be ideal for your skin type:

    Oily skin requires special attention. It needs to be cleaned as much as possible, so a purchased scrub should contain relatively large abrasive particles: sea ​​salt, crushed seeds of various fruits. Any cosmetic clay perfectly tightens pores and removes oily shine. If you find similar components in the composition, feel free to go to the checkout.

    Sensitive skin will be grateful for extracts of chamomile, calendula, tea tree, peppermint, and grapes. Cleansing elements should be small so as not to damage the skin.

    Normal skin needs vitamins, oils and fruit acids. Coffee or loofah is ideal as an abrasive.

    Dry facial skin is the most difficult to satisfy. It is necessary not only to clean it without damaging the already thin layer of the epidermis, but also to moisturize it well. Therefore, the composition must contain substances that dissolve when massaged. Naturally, the best option for nutrition and hydration there will be oils, as well as honey and panthenol.

Before use purchased product It is better to consult a cosmetologist, since the substances of unnatural origin included in its composition can lead to very sad consequences, especially if the skin is inflamed. An acne scrub should be of high quality and not cause allergies.

Home Recipes

Home remedies for blackheads are not that harsh, so you can start treatment with them. At the same time, you should also be as careful as possible.

We invite you to use time-tested recipes approved by world-famous cosmetologists:

    Mix 3 tablespoons of honey with a tablespoon of ground cinnamon. Apply in circular motions, wait a few minutes, then lightly massage problem areas. This type of facial peeling should be done once every 2 weeks. The product is suitable for dry skin.

    Anti-blackhead scrub for deep cleansing of oily skin: mix 30 grams each cosmetic clay and crushed dried orange peels with a spoonful of oatmeal. Mix with warm water to form a paste. Use the product once a week.

    If you quickly need to get rid of blackheads on your face at home, you can use this recipe: mix baking soda with water and a drop of tea tree oil or other oil that has regenerating and antiseptic properties. Apply to the problem area for 5 minutes or until the mixture begins to dry. If there are a lot of points, you can massage the skin for a few seconds. The dots will disappear, but after a few days they will begin to appear again. This rather aggressive composition against rashes can be used in accordance with the instructions no more than once every 2 months.

    Mix 4 tablespoons of yogurt or cream with a spoon of salt, wait until these ingredients are completely combined. Then add a spoonful of honey and a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. This composition should be applied to the skin for 5 minutes, then massaged for about 2 minutes.

Coffee cake, ground fruit seeds, semolina, crushed rice, and crushed dried fruits are also suitable for home scrubs. The composition must be diluted with any nutrient. The main thing is to avoid pain during the procedure and not to overuse peeling.

Here's how you can avoid unwanted consequences and improve the results of this procedure:

    Dry and sensitive skin The scrub should be applied after first conducting a test: apply the product to a small area of ​​skin and monitor the reaction.

    The scrub should not be used frequently. If you have oily skin, do not use it more than once a week. For sensitive and very dry skin, once every 15 days will be enough, and for normal skin, once every 10 days.

    Before using the scrub, it is better to treat your facial skin with a steam bath.

To avoid the problem of comedones, you need to wash your face with water 2 times a day, carefully and correctly remove makeup, regularly cleanse your skin with a properly selected scrub, and also take care of your health.

The scrub improves blood circulation, which means that your skin will be enriched with useful substances, become beautiful and look a couple of years younger.

In any case, before self-medication, we recommend visiting a cosmetologist or dermatologist. After all, we do not need a short-term effect, but healthy, beautiful skin without pimples, acne and wrinkles for many, many years.

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