Facial peeling with fruit acids in the salon. Malic acid for fruit peeling. Who is fruit peeling recommended for?

Dermal cells live for 28 days and then die: gradually keratinized particles accumulate on the surface of the skin, clogging pores, preventing the penetration of beneficial substances, and accumulating toxins. Young skin is capable of completely renewing itself, but after 20 years a woman begins to notice the need for peeling - exfoliating old cells and cleansing the upper layers of the epidermis. Beauty salons They offer many procedures of this kind: after a visit to the specialist, the skin looks young and fresh. Of the entire range of similar services, the easiest to repeat is fruit peeling for the face at home, and today we will tell you how to do it.

How fruit peeling works

Face cleaning diluted with a special compound fruit acids belongs to the group of superficial chemical peels. Procedure serves its purpose perfectly:

  • Removes rough particles.
  • Removes remnants of acne, cosmetics and substances deposited on the skin from the environment.
  • Helps improve oxygen metabolism.
  • Eliminates oily shine and acne.
  • Smoothes out microwrinkles.

All this is happening easy and gentle, because the product contains correctly selected fruit acids (they are called AHA acids) completely harmless and does not leave marks on the face in the form of redness. Based on the client’s skin condition the master chooses as an active substance one or more acids, each of which has set of unique characteristics:

  • Dairy
    Moisturizes, gently whitens, evens out complexion. Increases elasticity and, with regular use, significantly reduces mild wrinkles. It can be either natural, contained in kefir, yogurt, apples, grapes, or synthetic.
  • Glycolic
    The source is green grapes and sugar cane. The substance, penetrating deeply into the cells of the dermis, quickly eliminates dark spots, which is so important for the face area.
  • Wine
    The whitening effect is insignificant, but the acid obtained from oranges, grapes and wine will perfectly moisturize the face.
  • Lemon
    Contains fruit peeling lemon acid plays the role of a natural antiseptic, as it disinfects the skin well.
  • Apple
    Ideal for recovery after stressful effects. It’s not for nothing that our mothers loved to pamper their faces with tomato or apple slices rich in this acid.

The effectiveness of fruit peeling directly depends on the concentration of the active substance, but when you first apply such a product to your face, it should be minimal. Gradually, as the skin gets used to it, acidity percentage it will be possible to increase.

By doing fruit peeling at home, you can enrich its composition chicken protein, ground oatmeal, semolina. Presence of small coarse particles enhances the exfoliation effect. Here it is important not to overdo it with the force of finger movements - dry skin requires careful handling, and oily skin requires more intensive treatment. If you want to use a more gentle way to cleanse the skin, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the recipes for exfoliating masks by going to.

Pros and contraindications

Any acid is a caustic substance, which at the same time its benefits and harms for cosmetology: amazing effectiveness is combined with an increased risk of burns. Once you try fruit peeling, you will be satisfied immediately a few moments:

  • Acne marks completely disappear, complexion becomes even, without red and black dots.
  • The tone of the face instantly increases, the skin is smooth, elastic, and most importantly, well hydrated.
  • Expression wrinkles are visibly reduced. Additionally, you can use anti-wrinkle creams, and you can read the rating of the best of them by clicking on.
  • Pigment spots disappear, even strongly expressed. You will read about how else you can lighten age spots on your face.
  • Oily skin, difficult to clean at home due to its porous structure, completely cleaned.

This list tells only about the first results of fruit peeling: with constant use women note the acceleration of regeneration processes, making the face look younger. However, you should not rush to try the miracle remedy on yourself, first see the list of contraindications:

  • Pustular inflammation.
  • Education scars on the skin.
  • Allergy to the components of the mixture.
  • Sensitive delicate skin.
  • Pregnancy, lactation period.

Multi-fruit peeling performed with immediate application several acids has a very strong effect even on the deep layers of the epidermis, so it is relevant for it another ban: the procedure is excluded for fresh tanning and immediately after hair removal.

There is an opinion that fruit peeling It dries out and “tightens” the face a little, which means it is undesirable for dry skin. It's a delusion. In fact, activation of cell renewal provides better skin hydration.

Fruit peeling is good for its versatility: it is suitable for young girls and middle-aged ladies, and is equally effective for all types of facial skin.

Making fruit peeling at home

Fruit peeling is not such a complicated procedure; it does not require special professional training. The main difficulties arise at the stage of selecting fruit acids and determining the time of their exposure. In the salon the event looks like this:

  • Complete removal of makeup, washing the face with a special cleanser.
  • Neat composition distribution for face peeling.
  • When the allotted time for peeling is up, the mixture wash off with water, removing residues with tonic.
  • The face is covered with a mask with a soothing effect and then a sunscreen.

Fruit peeling does not cause pain, although some ladies note a slight tingling sensation on the face, which is due to special sensitivity to the components of the composition. The achieved effect lasts about six months, then a second visit to the master is recommended.

Peeling done at home, will not give such a long-lasting effect - it will have to be repeated more often.

The first step before performing cosmetic manipulations on your own is to do an allergy test to a mixture of acids - a simple precaution will help avoid many problems. Therefore, take 2 minutes, apply the peeling to your forearm and evaluate the result. Further algorithm of actions next:

  • Cleansing the face using the product you use daily - gel, milk, etc.
  • To enhance the productivity of fruit peeling at home, it is recommended to lightly steam the skin over a container of hot water.
  • After wetting your face with a clean towel, apply the peeling mixture in a circular motion, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  • We wait A couple of minutes.
  • Wash off the peeling with warm boiled water, gently wipe your face, apply cream for sensitive skin.

Mixture for conducted at home Fruit peeling must be fresh, just prepared, otherwise there will be little benefit from it. The best thing do the procedure in the evening to avoid exposure to sunlight in the first hours. Per night facial skin will rest, and in the morning you will smile in surprise at your reflection in the mirror.

The best recipes for peeling compositions

The first acquaintance with fruit peeling at home is often overshadowed by one circumstance: girls simply do not know how to prepare the mixture correctly for peeling and be afraid - what if your face turns red or a rash appears? You will not have such a problem, because we have selected the best folk recipes homemade fruit peelings.

Peeling with fruit acids is recognized as one of the most common cosmetic procedures. Such a safe manipulation helps to effectively cleanse the skin of the face and provide it with the necessary hydration. The procedure can be done both in the salon and at home.

Features of fruit peeling

The procedure using fruit acids has been used for quite some time. Yes, back in the days Ancient Egypt women used lemon and grape juice as a mask. If we talk about modern times, then about 20 years ago AHA acids were discovered, popularly known as fruit. Peeling using such substances was first used for treatment. Subsequently, it became known that it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. At the same time, tone improves, wrinkles decrease, and pigmentation lightens.

Peeling with acids allows you to weaken the bonds between keratinized particles, so that they peel off easily. This treatment is ideal for really dry skin. After applying a special composition, new cells are regenerated, facial skin is saturated with moisture and elasticity is increased. Acids cleanse the sebaceous glands, which helps reduce the likelihood of acne and comedones. In addition, normalization of fat balance is noted. If you regularly peel with fruit acids, the effect of any creams and lotions will significantly improve.

Indications and contraindications

Fruit peeling There are several main indications:

To ensure that such a procedure does not lead to negative consequences, it is important make sure there are no contraindications. These include:

  • recent hair removal by any means;
  • the use of exfoliating scrubs and retinol-based products;
  • pregnancy period;
  • herpetic rashes;
  • warts;
  • allergic reaction to acids;
  • various damage to the skin;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • recent tanning;
  • burns.

If you want to try fruit peeling, be sure to take into account skin characteristics. This is the only way to choose the components that are best suited for you.

If you want to achieve excellent results, then be sure to combine several varieties. Naturally, it is better to entrust their choice to an experienced cosmetologist.

Features of the procedure

As a rule, a course of peeling with fruit acids includes at least 5-7 procedures, between which there is a break of one week. The result depends on the concentration of the substance. If it is high, then the exfoliation will be really noticeable, but minor discomfort may occur during the procedure. In the first sessions, the minimum ratio of components is usually used. Over time, it is gradually increased, achieving the desired effect.

Facial peeling performed in several stages.

  1. First, the specialist prepares a container for mixing the components, as well as cotton pads, a special brush and a towel.
  2. Next comes a thorough cleansing of the face. For these purposes, a tonic or gel is used.
  3. Then the master prepares the mixture. It must be done immediately before application, since substances can quickly lose their properties.
  4. During the procedure, the composition is applied to the face, avoiding areas around the eyes.
  5. Only cool water is used to rinse off the substance.
  6. After the procedure is completed, the face is gently wiped with a towel. You can also apply a soothing mask or wipe the skin with a decoction based on oak bark or sage.

Within 3 weeks after the procedure it is noted likelihood of developing pigment spots. To avoid this, you must regularly use sunscreen with SPF-30. Other creams and tonics are selected individually. To do this, the cosmetologist must take into account the acids used, as well as the type and condition of the skin. The client is obliged to follow all recommendations in order to consolidate the result and avoid complications.

If you want to do the procedure yourself, still consult a cosmetologist. The specialist will help you determine your skin type, take into account all individual characteristics, and on the basis of this he will recommend the composition.

In any case, first of all, you need to do a test. This will require minimum drug concentration which is applied to the skin. Naturally, if you are allergic to any component, you will have to refuse peeling.

If there was no negative reaction during the test, you can begin preparing for the procedure. We are talking about preparing the composition. For the first sessions, a concentration of no more than 5% will be required. Subsequently it can be increased to 10%. It is important to take into account the fact that fruit peels provide a gradual effect, that is, the final result will be noticeable in 2-3 days.

Today in any pharmacy you can find special preparations designed for self-performing acid peeling. The advantage of such products is the optimal concentration of substances. If you wish, you can make the mixture yourself using simple products. The result will be quite effective and more gentle remedy.

  • For pomegranate peeling you will need pomegranate seeds, lemon juice and honey in a ratio of 2:1:1. The ingredients are crushed using a blender and then rubbed into the steamed skin of the face. After 10 minutes, the mixture is removed with a special cosmetic napkin.
  • The sugar-lemon composition provides an exfoliating and whitening effect. To perform the procedure, just dip a cotton pad in lemon juice and then sprinkle a little sugar on it. After this, you need to rub your face for 3-5 minutes. Next, it is recommended to apply a soothing mask.
  • To prepare orange peeling you will need 2 tbsp. l. zest and 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal. The components are crushed and poured with a small amount of warm milk. The mixture is gently rubbed into the face and left for 5-7 minutes.
  • For pineapple peeling you will need 150 g of pineapple pulp, 2 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tsp. oatmeal The components are mixed and applied to the face. After 10 minutes, this product is washed off.
  • Grape peeling can be prepared using 3 tbsp. l. ripe grapes and 1 tsp. oatmeal. The crushed components are kept on the skin for 7–10 minutes.

Fruit peeling helps improve facial skin condition, restore its smoothness, and also remove acne and blackheads. This procedure is recommended to be performed in a salon, but if you wish, you can do the peeling yourself.

Peeling with fruit acids

Fruit peeling has received only positive reviews. And all because the procedure is designed to solve the most pressing problems of every person who wants to look attractive. Peeling copes with the problems of young skin, which is prone to rashes of various types. The procedure also helps fight signs of aging. That is why it is considered one of the most popular procedures in both salons and clinics.

Peeling is...

The name of the procedure comes from to peel, which means “to clean”. By exfoliating the keratinized top layer of skin, dead cells are removed. And due to the regeneration of the epidermis, the appearance improves.

Exfoliation at chemical peeling provided by the action of various acids. Today we will look at peeling with fruit acids. and beautiful ladies will help evaluate the effectiveness of the procedure in the salon and at home.

A little history

It is always interesting to know where this or that procedure originates. Peeling with fruit acids has been collecting reviews for more than one generation. After all, it turns out that you can’t call it a newfangled procedure. Since the times of the ancient Egyptians and Greeks, the juice of fruits and berries has been used for skin care. Using an extract from sugar cane, our ancestors obtained glycolic acid. The wine lees also contained useful components. Lactic acid is fully contained in yogurt. Our ancestors already knew how to use these substances, valuable in cosmetology.

You can hear stories from grandmothers about how they made masks using strawberries or yogurt. All this made it possible to improve complexion and rejuvenate the skin. Everyone also knows the story of the beautiful Cleopatra, who took milk baths.

To this day, fruit peeling is very popular. Reviews about it indicate that this type of care perfectly combines high efficiency, safety and accessibility. Cosmetologists also call fruit peelings a peel containing alpha hydroxy acid (AHA).

Chemical peeling: principle of action

In fact, the procedure in question affects the skin like a burn. It sounds scary, but a specialist controls the depth of the damaging effect. In this regard, the procedure is considered harmless. And its action is based on the body’s ability to regenerate. Responding to a burn, our skin starts the tissue restoration process. The intensity of regeneration ensures not only the renewal of the upper layer of the epidermis, but also the elimination of some internal problems.

Acids can perfectly cleanse the ducts of the sebaceous glands. As a result, metabolic processes in the skin are normalized, and the formation of acne and comedones is reduced. And that is not all. Peeling actively stimulates fibroblasts. Thanks to this, it is possible to increase collagen synthesis, which leads to increased elasticity and firmness of the skin.

It is worth noting that fruit peels for the face, reviews of which we will provide in the article, have different effects depending on the depth of impact. Experts say that it is better to perform the procedure under the supervision of a cosmetologist. And if superficial and medium peeling allowed for use at home, it is better to carry out deep cleaning in the salon.

Superficial procedure

In cosmetology, it is considered one of the easiest and bladeless manipulations. But due to the fact that the effect of acids extends only to the stratum corneum, the effectiveness of peeling is less pronounced than in other options.

The procedure is performed using ANA (glycolic, lactic, malic, tartaric, citric acids). Combinations of salicylic and glycolic, retinoic (up to 10%), phytic, mandelic and other acids are also effective. The main area of ​​application for superficial fruit peeling is the face. The procedure is also practiced in other areas. The most popular areas are the neck, décolleté, abdomen and hands.

Superficial peeling is indicated in the following situations:

  • withering of the skin;
  • manifestation of comedonal and papulopustular forms of acne;
  • post-acne;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • follicular hyperkeratosis.

Contraindications include: skin damage, allergies to drugs, the presence of inflammatory processes. What effect does this fruit peeling give? Reviews say that skin color improves, various irregularities are smoothed out, and regeneration is enhanced. But in the fight against deep wrinkles, scars, and enlarged pores, it is necessary to supplement peeling with other procedures.

Medium peeling

This procedure affects the entire depth of the epidermis. To carry it out, a 25% solution of TCA retinoids, salicylic acid, and phenol is most often used. This procedure has a more pronounced effect. The peeling in question is used to increase skin tightness, in the fight against age-related changes, to reduce greasiness and narrow pores. The procedure also allows you to eliminate pigment spots.

  • chronoaging;
  • skin elasticity is lost;
  • presence of scars;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • pigmentation;
  • post-acne;
  • striae.

Having herpes hypertension, epilepsy, increased hyperpigmentation are considered a contraindication to manipulation. Also, a person sometimes experiences individual intolerance to any component. The fruit peeling in question (we provide reviews and photos in the article) is recommended by experts to be done regularly, starting from the age of 35. However, it is highly undesirable to perform cleansing in the summer.

How does the skin behave after the procedure? Reviews indicate that redness subsides significantly within a few days, and residual effects gradually disappear within one week. Due to the fact that the procedure helps reduce stretch marks, its scope extends beyond the face. The neck, décolleté, arms, hips also need care.

Deep peeling

This is a dermatosurgical procedure. Indeed, during its implementation, the reagents affect the papillary layer. There is also a limitation on the processing area. That is why it is necessary to carry out deep fruit peeling for the face in the salon. Reviews from cosmetologists confirm that as a result, the client receives a pronounced tightening effect along the entire contour of the face. The following situations may be indications:

  • presence of wrinkles;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • pronounced scars;
  • striae;
  • dark spots.

It is prohibited to carry out deep peeling during pregnancy or when herpes appears. The procedure is also not recommended for people suffering from diabetes mellitus, disease internal organs and skin.

In principle, it is now clear why fruit peeling is done in the salon. Reviews confirm that the entire process should be controlled by a specialist. The rehabilitation period after such a procedure can last up to several months.

Peeling effect

It's time to consider what result the procedure should give:

  • Immediately after peeling, the better side color of the skin. It levels out.
  • There is a smoothing of fine wrinkles and a decrease in the severity of deep age-related changes.
  • Pigmentation fades.
  • There is an increase in moisture and elasticity.
  • The intensity of acne is reduced. At the same time, the pores narrow somewhat.

It is worth noting that you cannot expect too much from such a product as fruit peeling. Reviews before and after the procedure undoubtedly indicate an improvement in the condition of the skin. But it is impossible to remove facial wrinkles and completely clear your face of rashes only with the help of peeling.

Description of the procedure

Superficial peeling usually takes approximately half an hour. During this time, several stages are carried out:

  1. Before starting, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin. Next, preparation is carried out using special means.
  2. The next step is to apply acid to the treated area. On average, the contact time with the reagent varies from several to ten minutes. A slight tingling or burning sensation is a normal reaction.
  3. If necessary, use the neutralizer within a few minutes.
  4. The procedure is completed by washing and applying post-peeling cream.

When to start?

This question is asked often. You can start peeling as early as adolescence. Over the following years, this procedure becomes more and more appropriate. For example, in early age peeling is used to improve the condition problem skin. In the future, prevention and correction of signs of wilting are carried out.

Sometimes salons immediately offer a standard course. These are 7-10 sessions, performed once a week. Most experts do not support the template method. They believe that problem solving must be approached taking into account the individuality of each client.

How to prepare for the procedure?

First of all, for 15 days before peeling, you must avoid prolonged contact with UV rays. During this period, experts recommend preparation. It consists of using daily care products containing acids. These simple steps will help smooth out the stratum corneum and prepare the skin for the procedure. Also, the use of products containing acids can replace several superficial peeling procedures.

As we have already said, the procedure injures the epidermis. Therefore, depending on the depth of penetration of the reagent, the skin needs rehabilitation (from several days to two months). It is very important to use sunscreen (SPF at least 30) after the procedure. Don't forget to apply cream even on cloudy days. Also, you cannot visit the solarium for three weeks. Well, of course, do not plan a vacation at sea immediately after peeling. In principle, the conditions are simple. The main thing is to be aware of these restrictions.

Modern cosmetics allow you to do fruit peeling at home. Reviews confirm the fact that many women carry out these procedures on their own. Fortunately, cosmetic companies provide a huge selection of products containing fruit acids. It is necessary to understand that the concentration in the means for home use will not exceed 10%. In professional products, the active ingredient reaches 70%. Accordingly, the result of the procedure at home will not be so obvious.

Instead of a conclusion

We looked at facial peeling with fruit acids.

One of the most useful procedures for the skin is peeling. It helps cleanse pores from deep impurities, rejuvenate the skin and make it fresh and velvety. Peeling can be done by a professional cosmetologist or you can do it yourself, in your usual home conditions. We will devote our article today to a story about peeling based on various fruits.

Who needs fruit peeling and why do it?

All women who take care of their appearance know about the benefits of peeling and perform it regularly to improve the condition of their skin and maintain their beauty and health. This procedure is not recommended for those with very dry and sensitive skin types. All girls over 20 years of age should undergo peeling at least once a month (ideally, once a week).

Peeling helps the skin get rid of dead skin particles, thereby accelerating the physiological process of regeneration and rejuvenation of the epidermis. The upper layer of the dermis needs this procedure the most, because... it is he who contacts the external environment and receives the maximum harmful substances that contribute to the deterioration of skin condition. Over time, this layer begins to get tired, fade, lose elasticity and appearance, however, after complete death, the cells are replaced by new ones that have formed on the layer below, they return the face to its previous state and healthy looking. Peeling can speed up the process of cell replacement, which “cleanses” old cells and gives room for the development of new ones. The older a woman is, the more difficult it is for new cells to break through to the surface of the skin, so peeling is a mandatory procedure for those ladies who want to prolong the beauty and youth of their skin.

The presence of dead dermal cells on the face leads to a deterioration not only of its condition, but also of its external appearance. This epidermis becomes sluggish, peeling and irritation can be noticed in some areas, and the complexion becomes gray and uneven. To the touch, dead skin becomes rough, its surface acquires unevenness and other imperfections. Peeling will help solve these problems and return softness to your face, healthy color, silkiness and external attractiveness.

Fruit peeling is classified as superficial; it effectively removes dead skin, remnants of subcutaneous gland secretions and cosmetics, substances deposited on the skin from the air, etc. This procedure improves oxygen exchange, refreshes the epidermis, relieves the dermis of shine and blackheads, smooths out small wrinkles etc. The intensity of peeling depends on the type of skin: oily dermis requires a more rapid rhythm of finger movements when applying the scrub, normal skin not required special effort to cleanse pores while dry suitable for skin soft and gentle cleaning.

What fruits can be used for peeling?

To ensure that peeling does not cause harm to the skin, it is necessary to correctly select fruits that are suitable in composition, action and presence of acids.

The leader among natural derma cleansers is glycolic acid, which exfoliates dead skin particles, softens it, increases elasticity and fights pronounced pigmentation. This acid is present in green grapes, sugar cane and oranges. Ascorbic, citric and malic acids, as well as lactic and acetic acids derived from them, are no less effective. In combination with glycolic acid, they acquire additional beneficial features: smooth the epidermis, tone it, brighten and relieve inflammation. The listed acids are found in apples, pineapples, lemons, red currants, blueberries, oranges, strawberries, grapefruits and cherries.

For increase medicinal properties and the effectiveness of peeling, additional components can be added to the means for its implementation: chicken protein, ground nuts, flour from various cereals and potatoes, semolina, rolled oats, etc. With their help, peeling will help the skin cleanse more efficiently and deeply, as well as narrow the pores, soften the epidermis, moisturize it and enrich it with minerals, vitamins and other beneficial substances.

Peeling stages

In order for the peeling to bring positive result and did not cause damage to the skin, it must be carried out in stages:

  1. Preparing the dermis. Ideally, you will need 2 days to fully prepare your skin for peeling. Avoid injuring the skin (if there are cracks, wounds and cuts, the procedure cannot be carried out), do not get carried away with sunbathing and visiting a solarium, and also purchase the necessary ingredients to create a homemade scrub. 7-10 minutes before the procedure, steam the dermis: take a shower, put a warm cloth soaked in a herbal decoction on your face, or breathe over a plate of hot water.
  2. Preparing the scrub. The peeling agent should be prepared 20 minutes before it is performed. We have given recipes for effective scrubs below:
    1. Apple-banana scrub. Grind 1/2 apples and 1/2 bananas into puree, mix 20 g of pulp from each fruit and add 15 ml of honey, cream and semolina. The product is ready for use.
    2. Grape scrub. Mash 7 grapes into a paste and mix with 10 g of rolled oats flour. Homemade scrub can be used for its intended purpose.
    3. Apple-orange scrub. Mix 40 g of peeled apple pulp with 15 ml of lemon juice and 25 ml of orange juice. Stir the mixture with flour (wheat, potatoes or oats) until a creamy mass is obtained. The scrub can be used for its intended purpose.
    4. Apple-walnut scrub. Grind the apple peel and 160 g of walnuts in a meat grinder and combine the resulting mass with 30 ml of cream. The apple can be replaced with cherries, blueberries or strawberries. The mixture is ready to use.
    5. Scrub made from fruit pulp and flour. Mix 30 g of the pulp of any berry or fruit with 30 g of rolled oats flour, dilute 10 ml of olive oil and add whipped chicken protein. The product is ready for use.
  3. Peeling. When applying the scrub to the skin, avoid sudden movements and do not rub it as hard as you can, otherwise redness, peeling and even scratches may remain on the surface. The scrub should be rubbed in with your fingertips or a soft sponge, using light massaging movements in a circle. If the product consists of 1 component (fruits or berries only), then leave the scrub on the skin for 15 minutes, if it contains 2 or more components, leave it on the skin for 20 minutes. Remove the product with warm water without using cosmetics.
  4. Final stage. Its duration is 3 days. Immediately after peeling, give your skin a rest and do not apply cosmetics or other products. For 3 days, avoid using alcohol-based products and other aggressive substances. At night, nourish your skin with cream and do not forget to use gels, foams and milk to superficially cleanse the dermis when washing your face.

Fruit peeling is one of the safest and most beneficial home treatments. A scrub made with your own hands will not only cleanse the dermis of many impurities, but also make it healthy, soft and attractive.

Peeling with fruit acids or delicious “fruit peeling” is a cosmetological technique for removing the dead layer of the epidermis using fruit acids.

This procedure is considered very effective, but at the same time safe and inexpensive when compared, for example, with. What is its essence and peculiarity?

What is peeling with fruit acids?

To achieve optimal and most effective action, experienced cosmetologists recommend combining several acids in one solution.

The beneficial properties of fruit acids for the skin were discovered several thousand years ago.

Previously, they were used exclusively in medicine, but over time (a little over 20 years ago) they began to be successfully used in cosmetology.

The second name for these substances is AHA acids (short for alpha hydroxy acid). They help to quickly and effectively lighten the complexion, remove unwanted pigment spots and even out the complexion.

In addition, scientists have proven their effectiveness in preventing the natural signs of aging (which include the appearance facial wrinkles, loss of skin tone).

Those people who suffer from acne, acne or post-acne will also be able to appreciate the effects of alpha hydroxy acids on their skin.

These substances have anti-inflammatory properties, and, in addition, kill bacteria and infections that cause extensive rashes on the face.

This procedure is considered so effective that peeling with fruit acids can even be performed on the scalp.

The cost of ANA peeling will be low - from 500 rubles per session in a small beauty salon to several thousand in a serious large clinic.

Indications and contraindications for use

Since peeling with fruit acids is a practically harmless and safe procedure, it can be carried out from adolescence until old age.

For young skin, this procedure will provide relief from acne, acne and post-acne marks. And for mature skin it will help slow down aging, lighten the complexion, and also remove pigment spots on it.

Reviews of peeling with fruit acids confirm this fact.

In some cases, peeling may be prescribed by the doctor not only as a course of procedures at regular intervals, but also as a single procedure (for example, to look good at an important event).

Age groupProblems to fixNumber of sessions
From 15 to 25 yearsManifestations of acne, enlarged pores, oily skin, peeling, acne marksYou can conduct a course of 10 sessions at intervals of 1–2 weeks or once every few months
From 25 to 30 yearsThe appearance of the first wrinkles and signs of aging, loss of skin elasticity, appearance of age spots, for the prevention of premature aging3–4 peels every 12 months
From 35 to 45 yearsThe appearance of deeper wrinkles, dullness and laxity of the skin, the appearance of age spotsIt is recommended to carry out a course of treatment of 4–5 sessions, after which the procedure can be repeated once every 1.5 months. In some cases, you can take a course of 10 sessions at intervals of 1 week.
From 45 to 60 yearsFor pronounced wrinkles, unhealthy skin, sagging skinA course of 3–5 procedures is recommended

There are basic contraindications to peeling with alpha hydroxy acids.


  1. any viral diseases (including herpes);
  2. malfunctions immune system in the human body;
  3. bruises, abrasions, scratches and wounds in the treated area;
  4. period of pregnancy and natural feeding of the child;
  5. diseases that are allergic in nature (dermatitis, eczema);
  6. mental disorders and diseases in the patient;
  7. individual intolerance or allergy to any of the components of the peeling composition.

How is the peeling procedure performed?

In order for the effect of AHA peeling to be fully revealed, it will be necessary to carry out at least 8 sessions of this procedure. It is recommended to maintain intervals (every approximately 7 days).

Their effectiveness depends on the concentration of acids in the peeling agent. For the first procedures, it is not recommended to use a solution with a high percentage of acids.

This is done so that the epidermis is not injured, but gradually gets used to the effects of fruit components. Over time, the concentration of alpha hydroxy acids increases.

Peeling with fruit acids can be bought at a pharmacy and carried out sessions yourself at home (like others).

In order to choose the right type of acid, its origin and concentration, you must definitely visit a cosmetologist. He will help create a course of therapy based on the essence of the problem that worries the patient and requires treatment.

Stages of peeling with AHA acids:

  1. To begin with, the cosmetologist must prepare the skin for the subsequent procedure - remove makeup using a soft gel or foam, and delicately remove impurities from the face.
  2. After which a peeling composition is applied to the skin (most often in the form of a special gel). The type of composition is selected by the cosmetologist in agreement with the patient. The maximum exposure time on the skin is 10 minutes.
  3. After the prescribed time, the doctor washes off the product from the facial skin with purified water, after which he tones it with tonic.
  4. In some cases, at the final stage, a special acid neutralizer or soothing mask is applied to the client's face.

After peeling with fruit acids, you should never go outside with your face unprotected. The cosmetologist must apply a soothing cream containing UV filters to the skin.

Some nuances

The peeling technique using AHA acids is usually painless and does not cause any particular discomfort in a person. In some cases, people with sensitive skin may experience a mild burning, itching or tingling sensation.

However, these symptoms are not dangerous and are evidence that the composition “works” as expected.

In some cases, pigment spots may appear on the patient’s skin. This will not happen if you regularly use special sunscreens for the face or apply a cream containing UV filters.

By the way, cosmetic products with a higher sun protection factor provide the maximum guarantee that age spots will not appear.

Interestingly, peeling with AHA acids has been known to mankind for a long time. The first memories of it can be found among the ancient Egyptians and Greeks.

According to legends, Queen Cleopatra loved to take baths from donkeys' milk, and also washed herself daily with sour wine.

In addition, in those days, beauties often made masks from sugar cane juice, curdled milk, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits.

The principle of action (ANA) of acids on the skin

In this case, the peeling procedure involves burning the top layer of skin with acid. This sounds scary, but don't be scared.

The procedure stimulates active cell regeneration, as a result of which the complexion improves, its relief is evened out and the skin becomes more attractive.

In addition, some types (for example, citric acid) have bactericidal properties and also normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Thanks to this, over time, sebum production decreases, pores become smaller, and the risk of acne is minimized. Alphahydroxy acids also stimulate increased production of collagen and elastin fibers in the epidermis, as a result of which its tone increases.

3 types of peeling

Peeling with fruit acids for the face is divided into 2 categories: depending on the type of acid used, as well as the depth of impact on the epidermis.

Depending on the level of skin problems, the patient’s age, as well as his individual characteristics, the cosmetologist selects the type of substance for the composition and the depth of its effect on the skin.

Of course, fruit peeling can be done at home using purchasing funds. But you are unlikely to be able to professionally and accurately determine the source of problems on the skin, the required concentration, etc.

The acids most commonly used for peeling are described below.

Acid nameWhere is it kept?Beneficial effects on the skin
Wine1. Old infused wine.
2. Fruits: oranges, ripe grapes.
Gently but effectively exfoliates the stratum corneum of the epidermis, moisturizes it with moisture and whitens.
LemonIn all citrus fruits: lemon, orange, grapefruit, lime, bergamot.Shows antioxidant properties, whitens facial skin, kills infections and bacteria.
Apple1. Vegetables: tomatoes, rhubarb.
2. Fruits: raspberries, apples, rowan, barberry, grapes.
Effectively exfoliates dead skin layers and regenerates damaged cells.
Glycolic1. Cereals: sugar cane.
2. Vegetables: sugar beets.
3. Fruit: green grapes.
It removes pigment spots well and evens out the complexion.
Dairy1. Fermented milk products such as yogurt, kefir, yogurt.
2. Fruits: apples, grapes, maple syrup, blueberries.
3. Vegetables: tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers.
Nourishes the skin with moisture, whitens, removes age spots.

Based on the depth of impact, peelings are divided into the following categories:

  1. Superficial. These are those that effectively act only on the outer (horny) layer of the skin.
  2. Median. Types of peeling that work effectively on the middle layers of the skin.
  3. Deep. All layers of the epidermis (as well as the papillary layer) are exposed to acid.

The most popular is superficial peeling using AHA acids, as it produces noticeable results almost immediately after use.

In addition, there is no rehabilitation period. For example, after deep peeling, you will need to stay at home for some time so that redness and swelling on the skin disappear, and the dead epidermis completely exfoliates.


Effect after peeling with alpha hydroxy acids:

  • complexion improves and becomes uniform;
  • skin looks smooth;
  • pigment spots become lighter and less noticeable;
  • the skin feels more elastic and moisturized to the touch;
  • small expression wrinkles disappear;
  • the amount of acne and post-acne decreases.

Despite all its advantages, deep peeling is not able to solve radical problems with the epidermis: remove noticeable deep wrinkles, restore the former oval of the face, tighten the skin, smooth out all existing scars.

By the way, the Korean peeling with fruit acids “Skinlite”, as well as the Israeli “Holi Land”, have earned particular popularity. You can buy them at a pharmacy or online store.

Possible side effects

Often people tolerate such peels well. When a cosmetologist applies the substance to the skin, the person is not bothered by painful sensations, only a slight burning sensation is felt.

However, there is still a possible risk of collision with side effects. If you look at the reviews, you will notice that a small percentage of people complain of burns or an allergic reaction.

Such Negative consequences rarely happen. Basically, after the procedure, the skin may turn red, peeling and tightness may appear. This is a normal reaction to exposure to acids.

To quickly eliminate side effects, it is worth following the rules during rehabilitation and the doctor’s recommendations.

Preparation for the procedure and rehabilitation period

Preparing for the peeling procedure with AHA acids will not take you much effort and time. It is better to carry it out approximately 14 days before the scheduled date of your visit to the cosmetologist.

The first rule to follow is to try to minimize visits to the solarium, sunbathing and sunbathing. It's better to abstain from them altogether.

You can also additionally buy special ones at the pharmacy. cosmetical tools skin care before the peeling procedure with fruit acids - creams, gels, facial washes, tonics.

But it is better to have the procedure performed by a professional. The salon may offer alternative options, for example.

It is very important at this time to protect your skin from the harmful effects of sunlight. Therefore, it is recommended to use sunscreen with a UV factor of at least 30.

You should also refrain from swimming in ponds and pools, and also temporarily refrain from visiting the sauna and bathhouse.

If swelling, severe discomfort, or pain occurs, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Question answer

No, peeling will be powerless in this case. To improve your condition, you should pay attention to contour plastic surgery, mesotherapy. But blepharoplasty (eyelid correction) is guaranteed to help eliminate the resulting bags.

This procedure will improve the condition of the skin. But if there are severe acne scars, then you should use TCA peeling. In addition, many cosmetologists recommend laser resurfacing for this problem.

Peeling with fruit acids can be used in this area to improve skin regeneration. In this case, superficial peeling is used. But it will not remove wrinkles. In this case, it is better to think about introducing Botox.

Fruit peeling at home

Peeling with fruit acids can be done at home. It's worth buying for this special remedy For home procedures. For example, peeling cream with fruit acids has proven itself well “ new line", reviews of which are mostly positive.

The main thing is not to choose a product that can cause a burn. It is better to give preference to gentle peelings with a mild effect.

Peeling with fruit acids at home is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The skin is cleansed. To do this, you can simply wash your face or use gels that contain alcohol.
  2. The prepared mixture is applied to the face. It should remain on the skin for about 10-15 minutes. The main thing is that the exposure time does not exceed a third of an hour.
  3. The mask is removed, after which you should wash with warm water.
  4. To improve tone, reduce burning, swelling, it is recommended to wipe the skin with ice.
  5. To speed up regeneration and moisturize your face, you need to use a nourishing cream.

Home Recipes

There is no need to run to a pharmacy or specialized stores, since you can prepare peeling at home yourself from familiar products.

It is worth understanding that homemade peeling masks will not lead to the same effect as salon treatments. Therefore, if a person wants a colossal result, it is better to think about professional help.

Lemon peeling

To prepare the product you need to take lemon juice, rosehip oil and olive oil. All components must be in equal quantities.

This peeling also stays on the face for up to 10 minutes, after which it is washed off.

Orange peeling

This peeling is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Take crushed orange, ground coffee and honey. You will need 1 tbsp of all components. l.
  2. First, the face is massaged, then the prepared mixture is applied. All this should remain on the skin for up to 10 minutes.
  3. The mask is washed off with water.

Orange acid will improve cell regeneration, and all other components will have a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

Peeling with tropical fruits

Banana, pineapple and kiwi are taken in equal quantities. These fruits are placed in a blender (their peel is first removed).

The prepared mixture is applied to the face for ten minutes. Peeling is washed off with water.

Popular brands of peelings (for home use)

There are various peels that can be used at home. They have different components and quality. Below is a list of the most popular funds:

  1. Peeling with fruit acids Bark(reviews about it are mostly positive). The use of such a mask helps eliminate imperfections, reduce pores, and get rid of excessive oiliness of the skin. But women with sensitive skin should avoid this product.
  2. Peeling Skinlite. The product has a delicate effect, it can be used even by those who have sensitive skin. After use, the skin becomes velvety and tender.
  3. Peeling Janssen Inspira MFA. This is a professional product, so it is used not only at home, but also in the salon. The product makes the skin soft, tender, smoothes out imperfections.
  4. Peeling with fruit acids Kosmoteros. it's the same effective remedy. But it is better to use it in a salon setting. Many people wonder what kind of skin is Kosmoteros for? It is ideal for problematic skin types. After use, you can get rid of annoying acne. In addition, the product has a rejuvenating effect.

You should not use professional products yourself. For example, body peeling with fruit acids from Aravia Organic, called Fruit Peel, is considered popular. It is better to entrust the use of such a tool to a professional.