Waxing hands. Indications for the procedure. Detailed instructions for home paraffin therapy

Now there are many ways to care for the skin of your hands and feet. One of the most famous and accessible cosmetic procedures is paraffin therapy for hands and feet. It has many advantages, including achieving instant results. What is paraffin therapy, how it is carried out in the salon and at home - we will learn from our article.

What is paraffin therapy?

Paraffin therapy is aimed at maintaining the beauty and youth of the skin, both on the arms and legs, and on the face. In addition, using this procedure you can get rid of a number of problems, namely:

  1. Dryness and flaking of the skin;
  2. Wounds and cracks in the skin;
  3. Dark spots;
  4. Relieving pain.

The undoubted advantage of paraffin therapy is that the procedure is painless and completely natural. After paraffin therapy, the skin is moisturized and covered with some film, creating the effect of “ steam bath" This service is in great demand during the cold season, when the skin is in especially dire need of vitamins.

Paraffin therapy can be performed both in the salon and at home. For home use you will need a special bath in which the paraffin will be heated.

Thanks to this procedure, the skin is saturated with missing vitamins and moisture, and toxins are eliminated. Experts say that several sessions of paraffin therapy can eliminate fine wrinkles on the hands and smooth the skin of the feet.

Types of paraffin therapy

There are two types of paraffin therapy: hot and cold.

Hot paraffin therapy

This procedure uses hot paraffin. Before applying it, the skin should be treated with a special antiseptic, and then cleaned of the stratum corneum by peeling. Cosmetologists also advise treating the skin with cream before paraffin therapy to achieve the best result.

Next, we take a special bath in which we heat the paraffin to a certain temperature, and place our hands there for 15-20 minutes. Such manipulations should be carried out several times, after which we hide our hands in pre-prepared warm mittens. After half an hour, you can remove the paraffin from your hands and apply a protective cream. The skin becomes smooth and velvety like a baby's.

Choosing cosmetic paraffin is not difficult; it depends on the components. There is paraffin with natural oils in the composition: cocoa butter, wheat germ oil, argan oil. To rejuvenate the skin, you should opt for paraffin with vitamin E. It is good to use almond and coconut oil for hot paraffin therapy.

Hot paraffin therapy is contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. Hypertension;
  2. Varicose veins;
  3. Spider veins and networks of blood capillaries (rosacea) are present on the skin;
  4. Hand eczema;
  5. Open wounds.

Cold paraffin therapy

In this procedure you can use the same cosmetic paraffin, as in the previous case, however, it does not need to be heated.

Action cold paraffin therapy the same, but in this case paraffin does not have thermal properties. The advantage is that it has virtually no contraindications, and also does not require a paraffin bath.

Cold paraffin helps to cope with cracks in the skin, and also perfectly softens and moisturizes it. It is simply applied to the skin of the hands or feet for a few minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

Paraffin therapy for hands in the salon

There are several varieties of this procedure in salon conditions.

Types of paraffin therapy for hands in a beauty salon


Its essence is that paraffin is heated to a temperature of 50 degrees, applied to the hand area, covered first with film, then with a warm blanket and left to act for 15 minutes. As a result of this heating, the skin softens and becomes smooth.


The cosmetologist applies hot paraffin to the hands, wraps them in oilcloth and places them in a special bath. Thanks to such manipulations, the thermal effect on the skin is enhanced, which contributes to better opening of the pores.

Paraffin application

The scheme is quite simple - the specialist applies paraffin to his hands, allows the layer to cool slightly, and then applies the next one. Then the hands are wrapped in gauze, wrapped in oilcloth on top and placed in terry mittens.

Paraffin and fish oil

Paraffin combined with fish oil additionally enriches the skin with vitamin D. Unlike previous methods, paraffin is mixed with an oily mixture and applied to the skin of the hands using a spray bottle. The effect of this procedure lasts up to 4 days.

Step-by-step procedure for hand paraffin therapy in the salon

What does paraffin therapy for hands look like in the hands of a cosmetologist?

  1. The first step is to sanitize your hands special means with disinfecting properties;
  2. The second step is the application of special moisturizing cosmetics selected individually for the client;
  3. The third step - the hands are lowered into a bath of melted paraffin, the hands are massaged one by one;
  4. The fourth step is to put warm mittens on your hands and wait for about 20 minutes;
  5. The final stage is removing the paraffin with a damp cloth.

In the salon, paraffin therapy is done before applying a manicure. The price in the salon varies from 500 rubles and above.

Many women wonder how often can they do paraffin therapy for their hands? Cosmetologists respond to this that in winter and spring, when the body is especially in need of vitamins, skin care of the hands and feet can be done once a week. How many times a week to do it is up to you, but no more than 2 times. Find out below how to do paraffin therapy for your hands at home.

Paraffin therapy: a simple paraffin bath significantly improves the condition of the skin of the hands and feet

Paraffin therapy for hands at home

What do you need for paraffin therapy on your hands at home? In fact, doing this procedure yourself is much more profitable. You can immediately buy a ready-made kit in the online store, which includes everything you need:

  1. Bath;
  2. Desk lamp;
  3. Warm mittens;
  4. Cosmetic paraffin;
  5. Essential oil (one or more).

The cost of such a set is on average up to 3000 - 5000 rubles, the most expensive purchase is the bath. We advise you to immediately purchase a good device that has a heater, timer and thermostat. The latter is very convenient to use to control the melting temperature of paraffin. Let us immediately make a reservation that such a bath is not suitable for preparing wax - for the purpose of depilation it is better to purchase a wax melter.

Which paraffin is best for hand paraffin therapy? Cosmetologists advise paying attention to the products of the aravia professional brand. Arabia paraffin contains the necessary multivitamin composition and is rich in healthy oils, plus it has a reasonable price.

In addition to the above products, you will need paraffin cream (it is good to buy Tanoya or Kapous cream, which are classified as professional products) or a hand mask, hand scrub. Instead of mittens, many sets include electric mittens. Don’t skimp on tools for home paraffin therapy - it will pay off with interest, because your goal is beautiful and well-groomed hands.

There is a lot of information on the Internet with detailed description, master classes and video tutorials on how to do paraffin therapy for hands. But we will still focus on step-by-step instructions for this procedure.

Stages of paraffin therapy for hands at home:

  1. We prepare paraffin - heat it in our bath to the desired temperature;
  2. We treat our hands - be sure to apply a scrub to the skin;
  3. We apply a paraffin mask - apply cold paraffin like a cream, hot paraffin with a brush, wrap your hands in film and hide them in mittens;
  4. Apply the cream - carefully remove the paraffin with a damp cloth and moisturize with the cream.

As we can see, the technique of paraffin therapy at home differs little from salon procedure. But at the same time, by doing several courses, you will significantly save your budget, as if you had to have this procedure done by a cosmetologist. In addition, paraffin therapy for your hands will be available to you at any time of the day convenient for you. The effect is visible immediately - the skin tightens and becomes velvety.

Paraffin therapy for feet in the salon

This spa procedure is also possible for feet. What paraffin therapy gives to your feet: firstly, instant smoothness, and secondly, getting rid of cracked heels. Along with paraffin therapy of the feet, pedicures are often performed with or without shellac.

Paraffin therapy in the salon looks step by step as follows:

  1. The skin of the feet is cleaned and the cuticles of the nails are treated;
  2. Nourishing oil is applied to the nails;
  3. The feet are treated with a scrub, applying it with light massage movements;
  4. A moisturizing composition is applied to the skin of the feet;
  5. The legs are dipped in liquid hot paraffin several times, after which they are wrapped in film and a towel for 25 minutes;
  6. The paraffin is removed and a protective cream is applied to the skin of the feet.

Experts assure that regular paraffin therapy of the feet will relieve endless problems with them. In particular, cracks on the legs and peeling will gradually disappear, the skin will become very soft and acquire healthy looking.

If you have not previously resorted to this spa service, then it is better to entrust the first session to a professional. Then you can keep your feet looking well-groomed at home.

The cost of a salon procedure will cost you approximately 400 - 1000 rubles.

Paraffin therapy for feet at home

First you need to purchase everything you need. What is needed for paraffin therapy of feet at home:

  1. Bath, gezatone ww350 is best suited for these purposes, don’t skimp on it;
  2. Paraffin - you can buy it through an online store or at a pharmacy;
  3. Plastic bags or film - regular food film will do;
  4. Towel;
  5. Peeling and nourishing cream.

The requirements for a foot bath are the same as for a hand bath - thermostat, heating speed, ease of use. For paraffin therapy of the feet, it is better to choose a bath of larger volume.

Step-by-step paraffin therapy for feet at home

The very first and most important thing is to heat the paraffin to a temperature of 40-50 degrees. If you don’t have a bath, you can do this in a water bath. In the latter case, carefully ensure that no water gets into the paraffin. Further:

  1. We clean the skin of the feet first with soap, then with a scrub, wipe it dry;
  2. We apply paraffin to the skin in several layers, the first of which is thin;
  3. We dip our feet into the bath several times until the paraffin layer reaches a thickness of 2 cm;
  4. Wrap your feet in cling film and cover with a warm towel;
  5. To enhance the effect, you can wear terry socks instead of a towel;
  6. We wait 20 minutes and wash off the paraffin with warm water, lubricate the skin with cream.

How often should I do paraffin therapy on my feet at home? It’s best once a week for a month and a half. You will experience maximum benefits from this procedure, and your legs will only become more beautiful. A greater effect before and after will be noticeable if you do everything according to the instructions.

Hand paraffin therapy: gives a good effect at home and in the salon, makes your hands soft and well-groomed

Contraindications to paraffin therapy for feet

This procedure has some contraindications, namely:

  1. Tendency to varicose veins;
  2. Allergic rashes and inflammations on the skin;
  3. Cardiovascular diseases;
  4. Uncontrolled muscle contractions (spasticity);
  5. Insulin dependence, diabetes.

It is for these reasons that the first procedure should still be done in the salon, otherwise there is a risk of health complications. However, in most cases, paraffin therapy for the feet does not cause significant harm.

Indications and side effects of paraffin therapy

Often, paraffin therapy may be prescribed by a doctor for a number of reasons.

Indications for paraffin therapy of hands and feet

In some cases, a dermatologist, seeing certain skin problems, may prescribe paraffin therapy medicinal purposes. This is done when the patient:

  1. Has very dry and dehydrated skin;
  2. Prone to swelling;
  3. Suffering from cracks in both arms and legs;
  4. Complains of wrinkles on her hands;
  5. Experiencing problems with joints;
  6. Suffers from respiratory diseases;
  7. Has orthopedic deviations.

What is useful about paraffin therapy is that it helps to minimize the manifestations of many diseases, provided that the course of treatment is followed. To consolidate the result, after 1.5-2 months the course of paraffin therapy can be repeated again.

Despite the obvious positive properties of this spa treatment, it does have some disadvantages, evident in the side effects.

Side effects of paraffin therapy

They are only possible if the procedure is not followed. In particular, if paraffin overheats, a person can get burned, which is why it is so important to observe temperature regime when heated.

In rare cases, paraffin therapy causes skin allergies. If you notice red spots on the skin, you should stop the course immediately.

Otherwise, paraffin therapy for hands and feet is very useful and necessary. Both men and women can resort to it.

The skin of the hands is most susceptible to the negative influence of the environment, under the influence of which it becomes excessively dry and rough. To correct this problem, paraffin therapy comes to the rescue - one of the common services provided in beauty salons. Particularly popular is paraffin therapy for hands - therapy aimed at rejuvenating, softening the skin, giving it firmness and elasticity.

Indications for use

Paraffin therapy for hands perfectly moisturizes the skin. Since age, temperature changes, and environmental factors have the greatest impact on the skin of the hands, it requires maximum care and attention. There is no need to worry about the possibility of getting burns when undergoing this type of therapy - it is absolutely safe, and your hands will only benefit.

In addition to the cosmetic effect, the presented procedure also has medicinal properties. It is indicated for people suffering from arthritis, orthopedic diseases or salt deposits. When performing paraffin therapy on the hands, blood flow improves, facilitating the flow of nutrients to those areas that especially need it (muscle tissue is especially nourished).

Advantages of the procedure

Paraffin therapy for hands has a number of advantages and disadvantages:

  • absolutely safe and painless;
  • does not take much time;
  • carried out both in the salon and at home;
  • when carried out in conjunction with aromatherapy, it helps to relax and, in addition to the cosmetic effect, gain moral satisfaction;
  • perfectly moisturizes the skin, rejuvenating it;
  • promotes healing of small cracks.

The result will definitely please you. You can see what your hands look like after this therapy in the photo provided.

Effect of paraffin

What happens during a cosmetic paraffin therapy session? The temperature of the skin under paraffin rises by several degrees, the pores open, and moisture is released. As the paraffin cools, the pores narrow, absorbing nutrients from the cream (lotion or oil) that was lubricated on the hands before the procedure began.

After therapy you will receive:

  • moisturized elastic skin;
  • cleansing of toxins and impurities;
  • tissue restoration.

Video: paraffin therapy procedure

To learn more about the paraffin therapy procedure, watch the video tutorial below:

Stages of the procedure

Paraffin therapy for hands has several successive stages, each of which is important and cannot be omitted. Stages:

  • First of all, you need to treat your hands with a disinfectant.
  • Apply a special nourishing, moisturizing cream to your hands. Often, instead of a cream, a special cosmetic emulsion with a nourishing effect is used.
  • Next, hands are lowered into a bath of melted, heated paraffin. Hands are immersed in the container, pulled out for a few seconds, then immersed again. It is important that their surface is covered with a sufficiently thick layer of paraffin.
  • Wear special plastic gloves, and if they are not available, use plastic bags. The hands are wrapped in a terry towel over the gloves or special warm mittens are put on.
  • Leave your hands in the heat bath for at least 15 minutes. After the time has passed, the gloves must be removed, the remaining paraffin must be removed, and the skin must be wiped dry.
  • After the procedure, it is not recommended to go outside immediately - it is better to wait 20-30 minutes, since sudden changes in temperature can negatively affect the skin. The session lasts approximately an hour and a half.

Watch the video for a master class on paraffin therapy:

Paraffin therapy at home

The advantage of this cosmetic procedure is that it can be performed at home. It’s good if you have a kit to carry out paraffin therapy, but you can do it without it.

To carry out therapy at home in the absence of a bath or kit, you will need:

  • a bowl for melting paraffin (it is better to melt it in a water bath so as not to overheat);
  • paraffin (available to buy at the pharmacy);
  • plastic bags (film) or gloves (for example, those that come with hair dye);
  • moisturizing, nourishing hand cream;
  • scrub (to exfoliate the top layer of the epidermis and get the maximum effect from the procedure);
  • disinfectant;
  • terry towels(several small ones or one large one).

If you have all the necessary elements, go through the same sequence of all stages of paraffin therapy described above. In order to achieve maximum effect from therapy, you can add auxiliary agents (for example, vitamin E, aloe juice).

Watch the video tutorial below to learn how to use this kit at home:

Paraffin therapy kits

If you do not have the time or opportunity to visit a salon, or simply want to carry out therapy at home, purchase a paraffin therapy kit and carry out the procedure yourself. An assortment of such sets is provided by online stores or stores with professional cosmetics for beauty salons.

The choice of such sets is varied, the price, in most cases, depends on the manufacturer, but the main thing is the components of the set. As a rule, it consists of a paraffin heater (a bath that can be used for melting wax), a set of terry and cellophane gloves, socks (sometimes a face mask is found), cream, and a brush. It is better to purchase a heater with a thermostat.

The decisive choice in favor of a specific set is up to you, it all depends on the amount you are willing to spend on the purchase, how periodically you will carry out paraffin therapy, which manufacturer you prefer.

Cost of the procedure in salons

The price range for a session in a beauty salon ranges from 500 to 1200 rubles. The average price is 500 rubles - an adequate cost for this service. Elite salons set the price slightly higher, about 1000-1200 rubles, sometimes the price is 1500 rubles.


Paraffin therapy for hands is a wonderful procedure, but, like other cosmetic services, it has a number of contraindications:

  • presence of infectious diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • possible allergic reaction to paraffin;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • open wounds, abrasions.

If at least one of the factors is present, you must consult a doctor before performing paraffin therapy; paraffin therapy may be contraindicated for you.

Paraffin therapy for hands is one of the most popular procedures in beauty salons, which in its popularity can only be compared with facial care programs. And this is not surprising, since hands can not only reveal or hide a woman’s age, but also tell about her status and social position.

In addition to its rejuvenating effect, it has a pronounced relaxing effect, helping to relieve fatigue and stress after hard work, moisturizes and strengthens nails, and prevents their fragility.

Types and their properties

Relatively low melting point

Photo: candle paraffin

Candle paraffin is not suitable for the procedure, since its melting point can cause severe burns. For paraffin therapy, you need a special cosmetic that melts at a temperature of 50-55 o C.

It can be heated to a maximum of 65 o C, but only if the “hot” paraffin is applied on top of two “warm” layers.

High heat capacity

Photo: cosmetic paraffin

It releases heat slowly. A thick layer of paraffin and a thermal insulating layer of dense fabric is enough to provide thermal effects on the fabric for 25-30 minutes.

This time is enough to deeply moisturize and nourish the skin of your hands. During the entire procedure, the temperature of the skin and underlying tissues increases by only 1-3 degrees, while the intensity of metabolic processes increases by 15%.

Special composition

This paraffin undergoes special cleaning to remove harmful impurities, therefore it is absolutely safe for the skin.

To make the procedure even more effective, the following can be added to its composition:

  • aroma oils for aromatherapy;
  • seaweed for deep skin hydration;
  • valuable base oils for nourishing the skin and restoring the water-fat mantle of the skin;
  • vitamins for skin tone and rejuvenation;
  • plant extracts (peppermint, vanilla, aloe vera, calendula, etc.) to solve specific skin problems.


When paraffin is heated, it expands. Accordingly, when it cools, it shrinks and has a compression effect on the tissue.

Compression leads to improved venous blood outflow, lymphatic drainage, reduced swelling, increased skin tone and elasticity.

Occlusal ability

Its layer retains water vapor evaporating from the surface of the skin. As a result, the epidermis loosens, the pores expand, and all the beneficial substances from paraffin (if it has additives) and from the cream penetrate deep into the skin.


  • dry, dehydrated hand skin;
  • the presence of peeling of the back surfaces of the hands;
  • chronic degenerative joint diseases accompanied by pain;
  • the presence of cracks in the skin caused by dehydration;
  • skin laxity, loss of elasticity;
  • increased sensitivity of the skin of the hands to cold, moisture, wind.

Video: How to do it at home


  • presence of injuries on the skin (scratches, abrasions, trophic ulcers);
  • arterial hypertension, occurring with frequent crises;
  • allergic reactions to cosmetics;
  • infectious diseases;
  • angina pectoris of physical exertion;
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • excessive hair growth.

Cold and hot paraffin

Not everyone is suitable for thermal procedures, including prolonged exposure to hot paraffin. But this is not a reason to deny yourself the pleasure of spending effective procedure for hands, since in almost every salon masters can replace it with cold one.

It is not heated. It initially has a liquid consistency at room temperature, so it can be applied with a regular brush. As a result, there is no unwanted thermal effect, but all the benefits from the procedure are there.

Can be used during pregnancy if a woman has doubts about whether the procedure will harm her baby.

Description of the procedure

Paraffin therapy for hands can be carried out as an independent procedure or in combination with a manicure.

  • Nail treatment.

If nail treatment, color coating and hand skin care are planned to be done in one session, then it is better to do a manicure before applying it. At a minimum, it is advisable to treat the cuticles and apply nourishing oils to the nails.

Why is that? But because if you do a manicure after removing paraffin, you will have to dip your fingers in water, while washing off the moisturizer. And the skin of the hands remains wet for a long time after paraffin therapy, which makes it difficult for the master to work.

  • Application of paraffin.

The procedure has several mandatory stages. The technology for performing the procedure may vary only slightly depending on which method of applying paraffin is chosen.

Video: Technique

Typically the procedure is performed as follows:

  • the skin of the hands is cleansed of impurities and cosmetics applied to it;
  • the nail cuticle is processed and moisturizing oil is applied to the nails;
  • A light hand massage is performed using a scrub, the scrub is washed off;
  • a moisturizing or nourishing cream is applied, which is selected based on the client’s hand skin problems;
  • paraffin is applied to the hands in any way in several layers;
  • put cellophane gloves on top of the paraffin;
  • cloth mittens are worn over the gloves;
  • after 25-30 minutes the paraffin is removed and everything is covered protective cream for hands.

It should be remembered that in cold weather it is necessary to stay warm for at least another 30 minutes so as not to chaff the skin that is damp after the procedure.

Application methods


For this method, a special device is used - a bath in which paraffin is heated to a given temperature and kept warm for a long time. The client puts his hands into it several times. Each time after diving, the layer of paraffin becomes thicker.

Application by brush

Heated paraffin can be applied to the skin with a brush and distributed evenly.

Combined method

Suitable for those who tolerate thermal procedures well. With this method, first 2-3 layers of paraffin heated to 55 o C are applied by immersion, and then paraffin is layered with a brush, the temperature of which is 65 o C. The effect of this procedure will be higher due to a more pronounced thermal effect.


You will notice the effect of the procedure as soon as you remove the paraffin. This is where all the advantages of the procedure lie: there is no need to wait for the result, it is almost instantaneous, and it lasts for several days.

What you get as a result:

  • deep hydration;
  • elimination of peeling and roughness of the back surfaces of the hands;
  • improvement of skin color;
  • increasing skin elasticity and tone;
  • rapid healing of cracks;
  • reduction or removal of pain in cases where there is chronic diseases finger joints.

How often to do

There are no strict recommendations regarding the number of procedures and the intervals between them. Paraffin therapy can be done as needed. IN winter time It is considered optimal to repeat the procedure once a week so that your hands always remain smooth and soft.

Most beauty salon clients do paraffin therapy at the same time as a manicure to save valuable time.

Prices for the service

How much the procedure costs depends on many factors: the class of cosmetics used, the presence of additional stages of care (massage, scrubbing), etc. Therefore, be sure to clarify all the nuances before agreeing to the procedure.

Video: Cold paraffin therapy procedure

Photos before and after paraffin therapy for hands

Any woman is constantly looking for products that can not only improve her appearance, but also have a beneficial effect on her health. Hands are something that is always visible and something that inevitably attracts the eye. Dry hand skin brittle nails- these are the problems that upset a girl and force her to try new and new methods of struggle.

The causes of the above problems usually lie in the constant exposure of our hands to such negative external factors, such as ultraviolet radiation, changes in humidity and temperature, as well as household chores that often require the use chemicals, for example, detergents. That is why the skin of the hands needs proper protection and constant care.

Paraffin therapy is a technique that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It is accompanied by the use of moisturizing creams, serums, and essential oils, which allows you to get a truly noticeable result.

Hands not only become well-groomed and soft, paraffin is famous for its healing effect, that is, micro damage to the skin will disappear faster if you make such a mask, but the main thing is this effective remedy for skin rejuvenation.

Among other things, this procedure is pleasant; the warmth applied to the hands helps you relax and calms you down. Such a transformation will be especially necessary for the hands if a woman’s hands are constantly in contact with water - washing, wet cleaning, washing dishes.

Water causes the skin to peel, swelling may occur, the manicure loses its decent appearance, and the nails begin to break. A paraffin bath will become a tool to save your hands; after several procedures, the skin will become silky and smooth.

What is the secret of such a magical effect of the procedure? It should be noted that it is not only possible to use paraffin as a salon procedure, but also at home it will not be too difficult, because it is really easy to use.

Already the first procedure can please you with a wonderful effect - the skin will noticeably tighten, take on a healthy and more youthful appearance, and minor defects will disappear.

The mechanism of action of paraffin is as follows: when the skin of the hands is tightly covered with a layer of paraffin, processes begin that usually occur when being in a sauna. When the skin heats up, the pores expand, which allows harmful substances, toxins leave the subcutaneous layer, and, on the contrary, the beneficial elements that make up the paraffin mask penetrate the tissues and strengthen the nails.

Another important aspect of the use of paraffin is its ability to increase blood circulation, prevent stagnation in tissues, which also leads to a reduction in swelling of the hands and a harmonious distribution of fluid in the hands.

Even a certain analgesic effect of paraffin masks is noted by cosmetologists. Your nails will certainly take on a healthy look, become stronger, and allow you to show off your beautiful manicure. The effect of paraffin can be enhanced by combining it with other beneficial agents, for example, essential oils.

The combination of aromatherapy and paraffin therapy is one of the techniques used in practice. At home, such procedures are also possible, but require knowledge of the correct concentration of oils, since excessive addition will cause irritation or even burns.

You also need to be careful when purchasing such oil; do not take risks by buying oil whose price, for example, makes you suspicious. And if you have a predisposition to allergic reactions, your skin is highly sensitive, cosmetologists advise not to experiment with adding oils, but to use only pure paraffin, so as not to get a negative result.

If there are no contraindications, feel free to start the procedure, since essential oil will not only enhance the effect of paraffin therapy for your hands, but will also help relieve fatigue, irritation, give positive emotions and become a real sleeping pill for you.

What oil is especially famous for its beneficial properties?

  1. You can strengthen your nails with olive oil or rose hip extract;
  2. The goal of skin rejuvenation is achieved by adding wheat germ oil;
  3. Jojoba oil promotes hydration;
  4. Citrus fruits will help lighten the skin of your hands;
  5. You can relieve irritation with grape seed oil.

Not only cosmetology, but also medicine often resorts to the use of paraffin due to its many healing properties. Paraffin therapy uses only dehydrated paraffin as a base, which does not have any impurities.

A paraffin mask retains moisture and heat in the skin and subcutaneous layer. Although the mass must be well heated before application, it does not burn the skin. When paraffin hardens, it contracts and affects the tissue mechanically.

Let's take a closer look at the features of the paraffin therapy procedure. What you will need for this:

  • the main element is paraffin in an amount of about 2 kilograms;
  • hand cream;
  • scrub;
  • soap or gel;
  • essential oil;
  • plastic bags;
  • a container in which to melt paraffin;
  • mittens;
  • towel.

The sequence of actions for proper paraffin therapy should be as follows.

1 step. The starting point of paraffin therapy is the preparation of hands for its implementation. The skin must be washed, disinfected, and then moisturized, for which special creams, serums or gels are applied to the hands.

The preparatory product is selected according to the criterion for which the procedure is being carried out - you want to solve the problem of dry skin or remove irritation, and so on. Using the appropriate cream will significantly enhance the effect of the paraffin itself. You can also apply special products to your nails, for example, vitamin A or another restorative complex.

When the skin of your hands is excessively thin and sensitive, apply a moisturizer as a base, which contains vitamins A and E and other beneficial microelements. If you have the task of skin rejuvenation, a lifting concentrate that fights wrinkles is suitable.

Antioxidants, collagen, hyaluronic acid, as well as certain vitamins and herbal extracts. If there are unwanted freckles or pigmentation on the hands, lightening agents are used - special gels, as well as certain essential oils, as mentioned above, citrus fruits are suitable for the purpose of lightening.

All components are easy to purchase - in a cosmetic store or pharmacy, which once again emphasizes the possibility of carrying out the procedure yourself without going to the salon.

Step 2. Paraffin must be melted until a viscous, viscous mass is obtained in a special bath, where the desired heating temperature can be set.

Step 3. Then we lower our hands into warm paraffin.

When heated paraffin comes into contact with the skin, due to an increase in its temperature, blood circulation is activated, the pores open, lymphatic drainage becomes stronger, and the glands also begin to function better. The skin sweats, which helps remove all harmful substances from the tissues.

Step 4 After about 10 minutes, remove your hands.

Step 5

Step 6 To insulate your hands and keep warm, we wear special mittens.

Step 7 After 20-30 minutes, when the paraffin has hardened, carefully remove the gloves and the paraffin itself.

Step 8 Apply your favorite cream and enjoy the result.

Contraindications for paraffin therapy for hands

Even for such a seemingly harmless procedure, there are contraindications.

  1. Remember that paraffin masks cannot be made if there are skin lesions, allergies, dermatitis or other severe irritation, or varicose veins.
  2. Serious complications can occur in people suffering from hypertension, infectious diseases, and diabetes. Under the supervision of a professional, such procedures are possible in some cases, but only with extreme caution.
  3. You should not apply a mask if you cut yourself or otherwise damage your skin, remember this.

Let's give step by step instructions to produce a procedure for those who decided not to go to the salon, but to do everything at home. First of all, you need to do it.

1. In a store or pharmacy you should find a package of purified paraffin weighing about two kilograms. This material will become the basis for the implementation of the plan.

2 Paraffin is melted in a water bath; it should be melted and have a temperature of about 55 degrees. If it is not possible at home to consistently measure the temperature of the mass during heating, check the comfort of the temperature by applying a small amount of paraffin to your hand.

The main thing is not to get burned, so assess the situation adequately. When applying a test amount of paraffin to your hand, there should be no unpleasant sensations. If so, remove the paraffin from the bath.

3. Now we prepare the skin of our hands for the procedure, for which we cover it with a moisturizer or other necessary cosmetic product. The essence of such a coating is the formation of a special film that can protect hands and, when heated, become a real source of vitamins for tissues.

4. If you decide to combine a paraffin bath with aromatherapy, add a few drops of the oil that meets the goals of the event to the melted substance. If you have allergies, you can skip this step.

5. Finally, the main stage - dip your hands in paraffin. After this, you should immerse your hands in the magic product several more times (about 5) to get the result in the form of a dense coating on the skin.

6. Having received such a “glove”, you need to wrap your hands in cellophane, and put on mittens on top or, if you don’t have them, wrap your hands with a woolen scarf. Your goal is to get your hands sweaty to achieve the most noticeable results.

7. This takes about 20 minutes, after which you remove the paraffin from your hands.

8. Rinse your hands with cool water. Don't forget to apply a skin moisturizing cream at the end of the procedure. Now you have the healthy skin you have been dreaming of for a long time!

The benefits of paraffin treatments are truly invaluable. This is both a remedy that saves you from rapid skin aging, allows you to preserve the youth of your hands, which most often show age, and a tool for combating joint diseases, and an indispensable technique that maintains the softness and smoothness of the skin.

Paraffin therapy for hands is a real salvation for modern ladies. Hands always reflect problems that arise in the body. Even a high-quality, expensive manicure will not make you attractive if your hands are covered with a layer of rough skin. It is paraffin that will become the tool that will effectively help deal with such difficulties.

One of the most popular procedures in beauty salons is paraffin therapy for hands. This procedure is very useful and extremely pleasant. Paraffin baths eliminate peeling of hands, treat microcracks, slow down skin aging, and prevent bone deformation. If you pamper yourself with paraffin therapy at least once every three to four weeks, you will be doing yourself an invaluable service. Paraffin therapy for hands is most useful for women who have sensitive skin and dry cuticles.

Why do you need paraffin therapy for your hands?

The main task of paraffin baths is to moisturize the skin of the hands. After a paraffin film is applied to the hands, the temperature of this area of ​​the skin increases by one or two degrees. As the skin warms, many positive physiological reactions occur. Many people refuse paraffin therapy because they are afraid that paraffin baths may cause burns sensitive skin hands

Such fears are completely unfounded, since paraffin has low thermal conductivity. It releases heat to the skin in small portions. But the outflow of lymph sharply increases, the functionality of capillaries increases, and blood circulation increases. This causes an increase in intercellular spaces, softening of the upper stratum corneum of the skin and opening of pores. But moisture does not leave the skin, since the paraffin film prevents this. Therefore, moisture is reabsorbed into the skin.

Let us dispel the doubts of those who believe that there can be nothing useful in such a procedure - after all, moisture is simply released from the body and then absorbed back. But paraffin therapy causes fluid redistribution. The water that comes out of the blood and lymph is absorbed not into the same place where it was released, but into other areas - those that lack moisture. That is why paraffin therapy for hands perfectly moisturizes the skin, which is noticeable after the first session. Skin firmness increases, elasticity increases, skin becomes fresh and rosy. When paraffin hardens, it compresses the skin, the tissue tightens, and lifting occurs.

By the way, paraffin therapy is not only a cosmetic procedure. For some people, this is part of a treatment program. Thus, paraffin baths and applications are indicated for people who suffer from salt deposits and orthopedic diseases. During a paraffin therapy session, blood flow to problem areas increases, blood circulation in them improves, and this contributes to the restoration of muscle tissue, improved functioning of motor joints, and rapid healing of wounds.

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Paraffin therapy at home

Paraffin hand baths are not such a complicated procedure, and you don’t have to go to a beauty salon to do it. Everything can be done at home.

To conduct a paraffin therapy session at home, purchase about 2-3 kg of cosmetic paraffin (purified). Melt the paraffin in a water bath. Be careful not to splash water on the cosmetic material. While the paraffin is melting, prepare the skin of your hands for the procedure. First, use a scrub to remove dead skin particles and apply moisturizer to your hands. Be sure to check the temperature of the wax before applying. To do this, apply a drop to the back of your hand. Remember that paraffin should only be used once, after which it loses all its properties. beneficial features.

To conduct a paraffin therapy session at home, you will need the following equipment:

  • paraffin utensils;
  • cosmetic purified paraffin (can be bought at a pharmacy or online cosmetics store);
  • plastic bags or gloves for hands;
  • small terry hand towels (necessary for keeping warm);
  • hand scrub;
  • oil or cream is a nourishing cosmetic for hands.

Various additives are often added to paraffin, which is used in cosmetology, which provide an additional effect. So, aloe extract moisturizes and softens the skin, lavender or Peach oil have a calming effect, menthol refreshes the skin of the hands, azulene has an anti-inflammatory effect, almond oil or cocoa butter softens the skin of the hands, vitamin E promotes skin regeneration. On sale you can find cosmetic paraffin, which contains medicinal mud. This paraffin is most often used not for the hands, but for the thighs and abdomen.

There is also paraffin with various flavors - with the smell of chocolate, citrus, vanilla. So, a paraffin therapy session for hands at home can be combined with an aromatherapy session.

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Paraffin therapy and the reasons for its popularity

Hands are the part of the body that is more exposed to negative environmental influences than others. It is the hands that can reveal a woman’s true age. Therefore, they should be carefully looked after. Due to the negative influences of the environment, the skin of the hands begins to peel off, becomes excessively dry, and cracks appear on it. Paraffin hand baths help cope with these problems.

But cosmetic paraffin is useful not only for hands. The salons also provide paraffin therapy to the face, legs, abdomen and thighs.

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Contraindications for paraffin therapy for hands

Despite the effectiveness of this procedure, it has a number of contraindications. So, if a person is sick with infectious diseases, hypertension, diabetes, he should refuse paraffin therapy sessions. If you are suffering varicose veins veins, or you have open wounds or a rash of any kind on your body, be sure to consult your doctor regarding paraffin baths. You may be recommended some local applications, or maybe you will have to give up paraffin therapy altogether.

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Paraffin therapy on video

Try paraffin hand baths if you have no contraindications to them. This is a truly magical procedure that gives your hands an extraordinary feeling of freshness and youth. Even if it seems to you that 2-3 kg of cosmetic paraffin, which is necessary for one procedure, is expensive, the paraffin therapy procedure for hands at home will still be cheaper than in the salon.