Tar soap. Liquid tar soap for medicinal purposes

Tar soap has long gained fame as a excellent remedy for the treatment and prevention of pimples, blackheads and acne. Tar soap is suitable for use by owners of any skin type; it can be used even on delicate teenage and hypersensitive skin. It can be purchased at any hardware store for pennies; connoisseurs of all things natural can make their own soap.

Tar soap for acne, properties and effectiveness.
Compound tar soap against acne is absolutely natural and simple: 90% is laundry soap, and the remaining 10% comes from the active substance, which is birch tar. Such soap should not contain any additional chemical additives! Externally, tar soap is dark with an oily structure and has a rather unpleasant odor for most people, but there are those who adore this smell. In defense of the soap, I will say that the smell disappears very quickly after washing, so you can be patient for a while.

In addition to fighting pimples and acne, tar soap stimulates the regeneration processes of epidermal cells, promoting the healing of various damage to the skin. When soap comes into contact with the skin, blood circulation in the cells is accelerated, which speeds up the resorption of fresh spots and acne scars.

How to use tar soap for acne.
For normal and combination skin, it was recommended to use tar once a day; for oily skin, the number of washes should be two, morning and evening. If you have a dry skin type, you can wash your face with tar soap three times a week in the evening, this is due to the fact that soap dries the skin very much. The foam must be washed off in two steps, first with warm and then with cool water. After the procedure, the skin must be toned and moisturized with a good cream.

Spot compresses will help in treating pimples; to do this, you just need to scrape a little soap from a piece of soap and apply it dry to the pimple. It is recommended to apply tar soap foam on top of the dry tar soap, having first foamed it in a separate bowl. If you apply such a compress to a fresh pimple before going to bed, then by the morning you will see a noticeable reduction in inflammation.

If you find it inconvenient to use soap in a bar, you can purchase tar soap in liquid form. Its properties are no different from bar soap, but it is much more convenient to use.

During the treatment of acne with tar soap, in order to avoid injury to the epidermis, you should avoid using cleansers (peelings, scrubs, etc.).

Let me remind you that you should never squeeze pimples, especially during treatment. Thus, you will provoke the spread of infection over a large area of ​​​​the face and will negate the treatment effect that you managed to achieve. In general, the less you touch your face with your hands, the better. And it doesn’t matter whether your skin is healthy or problematic.

The treatment course with tar soap is two weeks, but depending on the number of pimples and the level of the inflammatory process, this period can be extended. The only thing is, do not forget about moisturizing the skin after the procedure in order to restore the skin after the drying effects of soap. After treatment, tar soap can be used whenever redness, isolated rashes or severe dirtiness of the skin occurs.

Anti-acne face mask made from tar soap.
Dries, relieves inflammation, the mask is effective for severe lesions.

Tar soap foam - not a large number of.

Lather the foam in a bowl and apply it all over your face. After five minutes, rinse with warm and then cool water. During the procedure, when the foam dries, you may experience unpleasant sensations and discomfort. After washing, moisturize your skin with cream. You should not keep the foam on your face for longer than the specified time, as this can cause severe peeling.

DIY tar soap against acne at home.
Homemade tar soap turns out to be softer compared to its store-bought counterpart, but the effectiveness remains. To prepare you will need birch tar and soap. In this case, it is better to use baby soap or a product with a minimal fragrance content.

A piece of tar soap must be grated on a coarse grater, soap shavings to put on water bath and melt. As soon as the chips have turned into a liquid mass, add 50 ml of water to it and stir all the time. It is necessary to keep the mass on low heat until the mass becomes sticky. At this point, add two tablespoons of birch tar and stir everything thoroughly. Next, remove the soap from the heat and let it cool slightly to a warm-hot state, after which you can pour it into molds convenient for you (I use yogurt jars). That's it, all the soap has to do is harden and it's ready. We keep the molds at home, in case you suddenly decide to take them out onto the balcony or cold corridor (if this is a private house), then cover them with film on top to prevent dust from settling.

Tar soap prepared in this way does not dry out the skin so much, and it does not dry out oily skin at all. It just doesn't foam very well. But this problem can also be fixed; use a cosmetic sponge while washing your face.

Despite the effectiveness of tar soap, remember that this remedy can only eliminate external manifestations diseases, if there are internal sources of the problem, soap will give a temporary effect, acne will disappear in one area and break out in another. Therefore, after consulting with a specialist, eliminate the source of acne, and then eliminate it yourself. Good luck!

Ingredients: water, sodium laureth sulfate, cocamidopropyl betaine, diethanolamide coconut oil, Peg-7 glyceryl cocoate, aromatic composition, birch tar, lemon acid, imidozolinyl urea, propylene glycol, diazolidine urea, methylparaben, propylparaben, aloe vera gel, D-panthenol, St. John's wort extract, valerian extract, sage extract, corn extract, lime oil.

A fly in the ointment can ruin a barrel of honey. But this same tar, which has absorbed all the beneficial substances of birch bark, can cure many diseases. Due to its healing properties, tar has been used in the treatment of skin diseases since ancient times.
Birch tar is made from birch bark, the thin top layer of birch bark. It has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties, reduces redness, and has a resolving effect.

Dermatologists of the early XX century. They knew well about the beneficial properties of tar preparations, and skillfully used them for treatment, achieving remarkable results.

The healing effect of tar is amazing. It can be used to treat psoriasis, folliculitis, eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, vitiligo and a large number of other diseases. In addition, tar is successfully used in cosmetology to treat dry skin, dandruff, acne, and so on.

The Ukrainian company "Golden-Pharm" decided to revive the ancient traditions of using birch tar and embody age-old knowledge in our natural preparations.

Problematic skin is often a sign of internal diseases. However, it is necessary to address the problem comprehensively. If allergic manifestations occur on your skin, wounds appear on the scalp and peeling of the skin occurs, then it needs special medical care.

Tar soap effectively fights various types of dermatitis, prevents skin flaking, heals wounds and cracks in the skin, and prevents the formation of crusts.

One of the main medicinal components in soap is birch tar. The healing properties of birch tar make it an essential remedy in the fight against various skin diseases. If you want to get rid of skin peeling, psoriasis, dermatitis, reduce irritation and inflammation, then liquid tar soap will help you with this. The soap consists of completely natural ingredients and does not harm the environment. It is recommended to use tar soap twice a day until the symptoms of the disease disappear.

Tar soap is the No. 1 remedy in the fight against skin dermatitis. Tar soap relieves symptoms such as itching, burning, and redness of the skin. Tar soap is good to use for lichen and eczema, as well as psoriasis.

The main natural component of tar soap is birch tar. Birch tar has long been considered a healing agent that relieves skin diseases. Tar is obtained not only from birch, but also from juniper, pine and beech. All of them are similar in their pharmacological agents and are used in medicine along with birch tar.

The composition of birch tar includes substances such as phenols, betulin, terebene, creosol, guaiacol and xylenol. The substance betulin makes up up to 40% of birch bark, depending on the type of tree, age, location and conditions in which the tree grows. Birch tar has anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, antioxidant and many other effects. beneficial properties.

Since ancient times, tar has been considered a cure for a hundred diseases.

The effect of birch tar is extremely extensive.

1. Preparations based on tar effectively act on various eczematous skin lesions, recovery occurs much faster.

2. Tar is a universal, safe medicinal product; it is widely used in both folk and official medicine.

3. In some cases, skin diseases can be cured by topical use of preparations with tar. You can use tar preparations. However, such treatment must be carried out in combination with other measures, taking into account the general condition of the patients.

4. Tar applications not only fight skin diseases, but also improve sleep and normalize the general condition of the body.

5. Liquid tar soap from Golden Farm contains extracts of valerian, thyme, and corn silk - the soap has a calming effect, cleanses, dries the skin, disinfects and kills micromite cells (if any).

Tar soap can be used for itchy scalp, dandruff, and seborrheic dermatitis. Tar soap also helps with eczema, moist lichen, and psoriasis. Treatment of psoriasis with tar preparations is extremely effective if carried out systematically.

Tar soap can be used both for the treatment of skin diseases and for their prevention. You can use liquid tar soap every day, regardless of skin type and condition.

Birch tar is perhaps one of the most ancient remedies for the treatment of skin diseases. Liquid tar soap contains birch tar. To combat skin diseases such as lichen, dermatitis, demodicosis, seborrhea, dandruff, itching, various peeling and inflammation, as well as to improve the condition of the skin in general, you can use liquid tar soap. Tar soap not only treats skin diseases, but is also an excellent preventative against their occurrence. Even psoriasis can be treated with tar soap. With regular use of soap, psoriasis plaques decrease, redness disappears, and skin itching decreases.

Tar liquid soap is convenient to take with you on the road or on vacation. The dispenser will allow you to use soap economically, and the convenient packaging will allow you to transport the soap without problems.

Skin dermatitis can cause itching, redness, burning and other symptoms. At the same time, a variety of factors can provoke skin dermatitis. Treatment of dermatitis is an unpleasant procedure, especially if there are no means at hand to relieve itching or burning.

Tar liquid soap is a natural remedy that helps treat skin dermatitis. In addition, tar liquid soap is actively used for the prevention of psoriasis and seborrhea. It has a positive effect not only on the skin, but also on the hair, which will definitely become soft and silky.

Today, natural cosmetic compositions that can eliminate aesthetic defects without harming delicate skin are becoming increasingly popular. Tar soap for the face belongs to this group of products, and even cosmetologists recommend it as a solution to many superficial problems. A similar product can be purchased at finished form or create it yourself. Prepared from natural ingredients, it can replace an entire arsenal professional means used to care for problem skin.

Properties of tar soap, indications and contraindications

Tar soap is recommended for use in the presence of not only aesthetic defects, but also functional problems of the facial skin. Dermatologists advise using the drug if there is a tendency to form boils, manifestations of psoriasis, pyoderma, and dermatomycosis. Soap foam can be used as first aid for frostbite or burns on the skin of the face. It will not only disinfect the wound, but also speed up its healing without the formation of a scar.

You should not count on instant results: only with regular use of the product can you get a noticeable improvement in skin quality. An undeniable advantage of the composition is the fact that it is suitable for caring for any type of epidermis. Many people believe that a composition with such a pungent, even irritating, odor should not be used by those with dry or sensitive skin. In fact, the product is universal and acts quite gently.

The only contraindication to the use of the product is an allergy to soap components (in particular, birch tar). Considering the fact that the composition is natural and does not contain dyes, fragrances or preservatives, a negative reaction to it is extremely rare. Those with very thin skin with increased sensitivity and reactivity should be careful when using soap. After each session, it is necessary to apply a softening and moisturizing cream to the treated areas, which will help prevent drying and tightening of the skin.

Tar soap as a means to combat acne

First of all, soap with birch tar is used to combat such unpleasant and common conditions as acne and single pimples. Thanks to its composition, the product can be used at any age. There is no need to rush into purchasing expensive cosmetics, stuffed with chemicals, to get rid of teenage rash - first you should try tar soap.

To cure acne or prevent its spread, you need to follow several rules.

  1. In the morning and evening, you must thoroughly wash your hands with tar soap. Inflammatory processes on the skin of the face are often associated with violation of basic rules of personal hygiene. People constantly (either intentionally or unknowingly) touch their faces. Microbes from the fingers enter the pores, and the formation of an abscess begins. If you are intolerant to the smell of tar, you can limit yourself only to evening antibacterial hand treatment. By morning the smell will disappear, but the effect will remain.
  2. Washing your face twice a day with soap foam will ensure degreasing, disinfection and rapid restoration of the skin. If the skin is not prone to oiliness and the problem is the appearance of single pimples, you can limit yourself to local treatment of the affected area. It is worth considering that applying soap directly to the skin is prohibited - a layer of thick foam is applied to a damp face, which is then used to treat the fabrics. To avoid the feeling of skin tightness, you need to treat your face with a nourishing cream immediately after the cleansing session.
  3. Soap tar masks can be a good way to combat severe and chronic acne. They are used according to indications, at least once a week, for three months.
  4. On single pimples that have just appeared, you can apply soap foam using a cotton swab and leave it overnight. By morning, the formation will dry out, signs of inflammation will disappear, and healing will proceed faster.
  5. If you treat the area above with tar soap upper lip before carrying out the procedure for removing unwanted hairs, this will be an excellent prevention of inflammation and acne.

It is worth considering that if after treating acne with birch tar the problem does not go away, you need to contact a specialist. Such resistance to a natural antiseptic may indicate a serious illness. When using soap as an anti-inflammatory agent for acne and comedones, squeezing out cones is allowed, but only if all the rules of asepsis and antisepsis are observed.

Using tar soap as a daily hygiene product

Soap with birch tar can be an excellent product for daily care. The rules for its use depend on the type of epidermis.

  • Those with oily, problem and combination skin should use the product twice a day - morning and evening. It is necessary to apply thick foam to a damp face and massage problem areas for at least 20 seconds. This should be followed by a contrast wash and the application of a very light moisturizer. Once a week, it is recommended to replace washing your face with an ice cube and lemon juice.
  • For normal skin type, soap cleansing can be done once a day (before bed) or every other day, followed by the obligatory application of night cream. This approach will prevent the development of inflammatory processes and slow down the aging process.
  • Those with dry and sensitive skin should not use the soap composition more than once a week. A very liquid foam is applied to the facial skin, previously cleansed with specialized products, which is used to treat areas prone to inflammation and dry acne. The entire manipulation lasts only a few seconds, then the soap is thoroughly washed off. If you leave foam flakes on your face, you will feel a tight feeling. After removing the composition, the skin should be well moisturized.

If precautionary measures do not help and increased dry skin begins to worry, you can try a homemade product that will be created taking into account the characteristics of the epidermis.

Homemade tar masks for facial skin care

Face masks made from tar soap provide not only a therapeutic, but also a cosmetological effect. If problems are expressed, you should try the following mixture options.

Tar mask to improve skin tone

  • A small piece of tar soap is grated. A small amount of water is slowly poured into the resulting product, while at the same time the mass is whipped into a thick foam. Those with dry, sensitive or normal skin should additionally add a tablespoon of heavy cream or homemade sour cream. For oily skin, you can add the white of one egg. The finished foam is applied to the face, neck, décolleté, and back of the hands. You need to wait until the mixture dries and apply another layer of the product. After this, you need to wait for the feeling of strong tightening of the skin. Then the product is washed off with warm, then cool water. A simple and affordable recipe will help get rid of unaesthetic folds and increase tissue elasticity.

Mask against inflammatory processes of any type

  • A small piece of tar soap is grated, diluted with chamomile or nettle infusion and whipped into a thick foam. The product is applied to the skin of the face, without affecting the delicate skin around the mouth and eyes. Next, take a gauze napkin with slits for the eyes and mouth, moisten it in the remaining foam and apply it to the face. If the epidermis is prone to hypersensitivity or dryness, gauze pad can only be soaked in pure herbal decoction. After a quarter of an hour, everything is removed, the face is thoroughly washed with cool water and a moisturizer is applied (regardless of skin type).

Mask with birch tar against blackheads

  • Tar soap is grated and mixed with a small amount baking soda, diluted with water and whipped into thick foam. The finished composition is applied to problem areas with gentle massaging movements. The appearance of a slight tingling sensation is considered normal. The composition can be left for a couple of minutes to dry easily. Then the fingertips are moistened with cool water and another light massage session is performed. The product is washed off with warm, then almost cold water.

Even simply applying soap lather to your face for a few minutes is already considered effective mask. A similar product can be used as a means to combat acne and demodicosis.

Precautions and nuances for using tar soap

When introducing tar soap into the arsenal of cosmetic products, it is worth considering some specific points regarding the use of the ingredient and simple precautions.

  1. If the smell of soap causes discomfort, do not ignore it. You can combine the skin cleansing procedure with aromatherapy, then the procedure will not be so repulsive. As a last resort, you can use a nose clip or scented nasal plugs. If your eyes begin to water during use, it is better to avoid the ingredient altogether.
  2. If there is no negative reaction to tar, but soap dries the skin too much, you can use homemade products or tar water (2 tablespoons of tar are diluted in 0.5 liters of water).
  3. Do not allow the product to come into contact with mucous membranes!
  4. Do not combine the use of alkaline soap with acidic ingredients (for example, citrus juice).

Stored ready product in an airtight soap dish or special container. The smell from the product spreads very intensely, which can create a not-so-pleasant atmosphere in the bathroom.

How to make high-quality tar soap with your own hands?

Experts recommend making tar soap with your own hands. This allows you to control the list of ingredients used, change the recipe depending on the individual characteristics of the fabrics and always use a fresh product.

To make soap you will need several ingredients.

  • A couple of tablespoons of base oil. Selected based on skin type and existing problems.
  • A tablespoon of birch tar. Can be purchased at a pharmacy or specialty store.
  • 100 g of soap. It is best to use baby product - it is the softest and does not dry out the skin so much. It is worth considering that liquid soap will not work here.
  • Three tablespoons of boiled water.

The soap making process is very simple. A bar of baby soap is grated, filled with water and placed in a water bath. The mixture is melted and mixed thoroughly. When the composition becomes homogeneous, add base oil, mix everything again, remove from heat and cool slightly. Tar is introduced last. The product is mixed again, poured into molds and removed for 2-3 days until completely hardened.

For many years, tar soap has remained one of the most effective products that help maintain youthful and clean facial skin. The low cost of the product and its availability make it possible to provide the epidermis with regular and complete care.

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At a time when the beauty industry was not yet as developed as it is now, our grandmothers and mothers had to look for improvised methods and ways of caring for themselves. One of these methods was the use of medicated soap for the face, body and hair. The most popular was considered to be tar, which is still known today.


Tar soap is a powerful antiseptic. It has very strong antibacterial properties. It is because of this that it is often used on problematic and oily skin, reduces inflammation, reduces oily shine and disinfects the skin, erasing old acne and post-acne like an eraser and preventing new ones from appearing. Treats eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis, can get rid of closed comedones and lighten blackheads, scars and spots. Treats wounds, boils, ulcers and scratches. Restores cell regeneration, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the skin.

In the form of shampoo or liquid soap, it helps relieve flaking and itching of the scalp, cure oily and dry seborrhea, get rid of dandruff and even lice and head lice. It will help delay the wash day for oily hair types.

Soap is also suitable for intimate hygiene– to maintain sterility or treat candidiasis.


Depending on the method of use, purpose and form of release, medicinal tar soap can be divided into:

  1. Lumpy. It is a black or dark brown regular bar of soap. Suitable for washing hands, body and face. Classic version, the most common one. Ideal for facial skin - complete with a sponge or mesh for foaming - eliminates pimples and acne, facial wrinkles and excessive oily skin, blackheads.
  2. Liquid. It looks like toilet soap for washing hands and hair, but it’s not very suitable for the face, as it doesn’t foam very pleasantly. Also black. Suitable for getting rid of sweating under the arms, preventing acne on the skin of the back, chest, arms and legs, for some forms of lichen and other diseases of the skin of the body.
  3. Thick soap. It is quite rare and has a sticky, thick, black gel-like consistency. It is used for the body and hair, less often for the face, since the consistency is not particularly suitable for washing.


The main active ingredient is birch tar itself, obtained from birch wood. Sometimes birch bark tar is used, obtained from the same birch tree, only from its birch bark (bark). But it is more suitable for internal use for cysts, oncology, fibroids, cleansing the blood and intestines, since it is softer - birch bark tar soap is suitable even for dry skin, but it is quite difficult to find one.

The tar itself is thick and viscous in consistency, non-adhesive, dark with a characteristic odor. It contains resins, phenol, toluene, xylene.

Natural soap should smell sharp—tarry, like Vishnevsky’s ointment. If it smells completely different, it means that fragrances have been added to the soap (in the composition they are designated as parfum, with an asterisk * - natural perfumes, from essential oils, without - chemical production). They are not allergic, do not actually affect the dermatological properties of the product, only slightly change its smell, muffle it and increase shelf life.

As a rule, soap contains foaming silicones (SLS)- and good soap they must be natural and gentle. Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Ammonium Laryl Sulfate are the most dangerous. They clog pores and prevent oxygen from reaching the skin, preventing it from breathing. Mineral oil works in a similar way - Mineral Oil, which is a product of petroleum refining. Parabens(paraben) are rarely included in soap products. Alcohols have a place if they are cosmetic - but ammonia or ethyl dry the skin and are designated as alcohol.

Remember that the higher the product is in the composition, the greater its concentration. However, tar is used in the production of soap in an amount of ten percent, so it is quite possible for it to be at the bottom of the list. Also, any product must have a GOST mark.

All kinds of additives are possible. For example, glycerin and vegetable oils act as a humectant, soda, coal and salt– additional cleaning additives, celandine and other herbal infusions mix the ingredients, guaranteeing better performance and affecting the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Best before date

If you are going to use the product in skin care, or even more so in intimate hygiene, then you should not neglect its expiration date. This can result in new inflammation, dryness, itching and irritation.

On average, tar bar soap has a shelf life of twelve months. This refers to a completely natural composition, without additives that extend shelf life. If they are present, then the shelf life increases to three years(36 months). As a rule, such additives are safe and do not affect the quality of the product.

Benefits and harms

The main significant disadvantage of tar soap is that it dries. Frequent washing with it contributes to the appearance of peeling and irritation, reducing the protective layer of the epidermis and increasing sensitivity.

When used during active sun, before tanning or solarium, skin sensitivity may increase and there is a possibility of getting a sunburn.

From the organoleptic properties it is impossible not to highlight the smell of soap– the aroma of tar is unpleasant for many; some categorically cannot tolerate it. However, it does not remain on the skin after washing, indoors or on clothes, so, in principle, it is quite tolerable. If we are not talking about individual allergic intolerance, of course.

For more information on the benefits of tar soap, watch the following video.


Tar soap is used as remedy at:

  1. Increased oiliness of the skin of the face, body and head (including with seborrhea, lice and pediculosis);
  2. Skin diseases - dandruff, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, acne and post-acne, various types of inflammation, acne, lichen;
  3. Cracks and microtraumas of the skin, burns;
  4. Oily hair type;
  5. Excessive sweating.


  1. Your skin is dry, thin or sensitive;
  2. In the next 24 hours you want to go out into the active sun to sunbathe or go to a solarium;
  3. There is an allergy directly to tar or other components of the composition;
  4. Your hair is dry and brittle(if your scalp is oily, then you can only wash it, applying a thick layer of a moisturizing mask to the lengths and ends);
  5. You are pregnant, are breastfeeding or have an infant;
  6. Do you have rash, irritation, itching.

Popular manufacturers

Soap from the company "Cleona" It is distinguished by its composition - it is completely natural without any claims to chemicals, namely olive, coconut, castor, almond seed oil, avocado oil and birch tar itself. The composition is gentle and does not dry out the skin, as the manufacturer claims.

Another more or less natural option is soap from the factory. "Spring". It is economical and very cheap. The packaging is translucent, which allows you to see the soap before purchasing. The composition is not completely natural, but not terrible either - you can apply it to your face. The package contains 140 grams versus the standard 75.

The most commonly found on the shelves of our stores and pharmacies is tar soap from the company "Nevskaya Cosmetics". It costs around thirty rubles, the bar is large, rectangular, and washes easily on your hands or a sponge. The same company produces liquid tar soap, which is convenient to use for hair or body. It costs 75-90 rubles.

A pleasant bonus can be analogues/substitutes for tar soap, suitable even for dry skin - sulfur, boron and zinc, which this company also produces.

U "Agafi" There is a soap in the medicine cabinet called "Detox soap 100 herbs of Agafya Bath tar." It has a bathing effect and contains birch tar and five Siberian soap herbs. Sold in a 300 ml jar. The same manufacturer also has several tar shampoos.

From funds from "Phytocosmetic" The compositions are completely natural - without SLS, GMOs and parabens. This company is ready to present "Thick soap for hair and body Restoring Tar". Its main difference, like all products from this company, is the absence of odor. There is only an unobtrusive aroma - and certainly not tar. And all this despite the fact that the composition contains birch tar - as well as juniper oil, lavender and herbal extracts The composition contains soft natural surfactants that do not dry or injure the skin.

In addition, the same company also has a therapeutic tar hair mask in a 155 ml bucket, a disposable tar mask with burdock oil and hops and the same shampoo.

Soap from the company "Recipes for Cleanliness" from the Nizhny Novgorod Oil and Fat Plant perfectly cleanses the skin and even clothes! In the summer, this is simply an indispensable product for cleanliness and comfort.

Moscow soap company "Spivak" widely known for its natural cosmetics. They produce products that contain natural plant and essential oils(masks, soaps, products for hair, lips and face), and also sell these same oils directly. It produces several types of soaps - from soap bars to tar. Its composition is as follows: sodium salts of olive, coconut, palm, castor oils, water, birch tar.

All their soaps - self made, and you can order them through the online store or directly at the main office for about one hundred rubles.

Another representative of handmade soaps is soap "Crimean Tar" from the "House of Nature" manufactory. Get rid of acne quickly, reliably and cheaply. The composition is completely natural, does not contain animal fats, does not injure the skin and the water-lipid balance of the epidermis. Created on the basis of saponified olive, coconut and castor oils with the addition of birch tar and burdock oil. Additional ingredients include laurel extract and milk thistle oil.

It is cold brewed, which helps preserve the beneficial properties of oils, herbs and the tar itself. The smell is not very pronounced. Costs about 150 rubles.

How to make at home

In order to prepare this remedy with your own hands you will need: soap base(will do baby soap without perfume and cosmetic additives - two pieces, birch/birch bark tar from the pharmacy, any base oil (calendula, jojoba, avocado, almond or grape/peach/apricot kernels), Castor oil optional and a little essential (lemon, rosemary, tangerine, grapefruit, ylang-ylang or fir), herbal decoction of nettle or St. John's wort, molds (suitable for baking).


  1. The soap should be grated on a coarse grater until it turns into shavings. Place in a saucepan and pour a glass of herbal infusion.
  2. Add two tablespoons of castor oil and any base oil, about twenty to fifteen drops of essential oil.
  3. We put on a small fire.
  4. Preparing forms– at the bottom you can put herbs, oatmeal (for scrub soap) or loofah (for washcloth soap; first you need to soak it in boiling water for half an hour and squeeze it out). This is an optional option.
  5. At the same time we monitor the mixture - when it boils, you need to pour in three tablespoons of tar. Mix carefully and remove from heat with oven mitts.
  6. Pour into molds. We take the finished liquid soap out into the cold - onto a closed balcony or loggia, and leave it for a day or until the next morning.

Hard tar soap is widely known in everyday life. It is used in household and medicinal purposes. A more practical form of this remedy that helps fight cosmetic defects and skin diseases - liquid tar soap. So is it worth overpaying for a liquid product? Does it really have so many advantages compared to ordinary tar soap in a bar? Read more about its benefits, composition, beneficial properties and proper use.

The main component of liquid tar soap is birch tar - as a rule, it is contained in a ten percent amount. This figure may vary depending on the manufacturer. In addition, the composition may include vegetable oils, soluble salts, higher fatty acids, flavorings, dyes, and cleansing agents. The fewer synthetic components included in liquid soap, the healthier it is and the better the health effect.

The composition of liquid soap differs from solid soap. The second contains the same amount of tar, as well as sodium salts, palm oil, sodium chloride and water. Both soaps have the necessary beneficial properties for treating skin and hair, but the liquid product has some advantages:

  • A convenient bottle is often made with a dispenser, allowing you to accurately calculate the amount of soap and, as a result, use it sparingly.
  • Closed packaging helps prevent the spread of unpleasant odors.
  • Liquid soap is more comfortable to use for washing your face and as a shower gel.
  • During intimate hygiene procedures, a liquid consistency product is much more convenient and pleasant to apply. In addition, the dispenser ensures maximum hygiene during use.
  • The product foams easily.

Beneficial features

Birch tar for health and beauty of the body can be used in in kind, but as part of liquid soap it is more effective. Auxiliary components provide improved blood flow, thereby enhancing medicinal properties substances. In order to correctly use the remedy for various problems, consumers need to know what benefits tar soap brings to the body. Health benefits of birch tar:

Liquid soap with tar has one feature - a specific smell, which may not be pleasant to everyone. However, within a few minutes after use it disappears from the skin.

To prevent an unpleasant smell in the bathroom after using tar soap, you need to tightly cover the soap with a lid (if it does not have a dispenser), and also thoroughly rinse off any remaining product from the sink and other surfaces.

For skin

Many people have not only cosmetic skin problems, but also serious diseases such as eczema, scabies, furunculosis and others. Tar liquid soap can become an assistant in the fight against these pathologies. What problems can regular use of the product solve:

  • Acne. People with oily skin often experience acne. To relieve inflammation, dry the skin and stabilize sebum secretion, you can use liquid soap with tar. The method of application is simple: you need to wash your face with it twice a day, and then remove the remaining product with warm water. Within a few weeks, noticeable results will be visible. After using soap, you may feel a feeling of tightness in the epidermis, but this is a normal reaction of the body. It will help to eliminate it nutritious cream, rich in vitamins.
  • Rare acne. Tar soap can also be used spot-on: to do this, apply a small amount of the product to a newly formed pimple. The procedure is carried out at night. Already in the morning there will be a noticeable improvement: the redness will decrease, the inflammation will subside significantly, and the skin in the problem area will dry out.
  • Pimples on the body. In this case, liquid soap should be used instead of shower gel during water procedures. It is advisable to do water procedures twice a day - morning and evening, so that after a few weeks a significant effect is noticeable.
  • Insect bites. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect of liquid soap, discomfort in places bitten by mosquitoes or other midges will disappear much faster. You need to apply tar soap pointwise - during the day or at night.
  • Psoriasis. Regularly washing skin areas affected by psoriasis with tar soap helps relieve symptoms of the disease, such as inflammation, peeling, and itching. The growth of microorganisms stops, the epidermis becomes smoother and softer. When treating the disease, doctors recommend using only tar soap as a hygiene product.
  • Demodicosis. Tar, which is part of liquid soap, is an effective remedy against scabies mites. After use, the itching goes away and the skin renews itself faster.
  • Sweating. Tar helps reduce sweating by normalizing the activity of the glands. To get rid of the problem, you need to regularly wash the areas where it is localized.
  • Fungus. To reduce the activity of harmful fungal microorganisms, you need to thoroughly soap the affected areas of the skin and nails, put on socks and leave overnight. For prevention, you should wash your feet with tar soap every time after visiting such public places, like a bathhouse, a swimming pool, a public shower.

For hair

To improve the condition of the hair and scalp, liquid tar soap is often used. Washing your hair with the product can help fight dandruff, seborrhea and other problems. For seborrheic manifestations, before using tar liquid soap, you should consult a doctor, since the aggressive effects of the substance can worsen the condition of the epidermis. How to use hair product:

  • For dandruff and oily hair. Liquid soap is ideal for owners oily skin scalp: the product helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Directions for use: Apply pre-foamed soap mixture to damp skin, hold for ten minutes, then rinse thoroughly. To avoid dry hair, you need to use a nourishing or moisturizing balm for the ends.
  • To improve growth and strengthening. Tar in liquid soap can make hair follicles stronger. To do this, you need to wash your hair once a week.

You need to wash soap off your hair with warm water, not hot water. Heat may dry out hair.

Application in gynecology

Some use liquid soap with tar in the prevention and control of gynecological diseases such as thrush and fungal infections. The product helps stop the activity of harmful microorganisms and cleanses the skin well. Those who have gynecological diseases need to wash themselves with tar soap twice a day; for prevention, once a week will be enough. The product also promotes accelerated skin regeneration due to razor cuts or depilation.

Homemade recipes will help you create effective means, improving the condition of skin and hair. Masks and scrubs based on tar soap will help quick solution existing problem. How to prepare the product at home:

  • Mask for hair growth with oils. Combine a little liquid soap with castor and burdock oil (20 ml each), add a glass of vodka, mix thoroughly. The product must be applied to dirty hair, then wrap it with polyethylene. After fifteen minutes, the strands should be rinsed with warm water and a small amount of vinegar added.
  • Peeling mask for face with salt. Add warm water to a teaspoon of tar soap and stir until it foams. Apply the mixture to your face, sprinkle salt on top small size. Rinse off with warm water after twenty minutes.
  • Mask with henna to strengthen oily hair. Mix half a cup of henna with a quarter cup very hot water. Stir thoroughly. Add a few drops of liquid tar soap. Apply the mixture to your hair, rinse after half an hour or an hour. You can repeat the mask no more than twice a month.

Harm and contraindications

Tar liquid soap is useful product, which does not harm the body. The exception is individual intolerance to the components of the product, which can cause allergic reactions, too dry skin and dry hair - in this case, tar can cause flaking, itching, and even greater dryness. During use, avoid getting soap in your eyes - severe burning may occur. If this does happen, you should immediately rinse them with warm water.

You can buy liquid soap in a regular supermarket, in specialized cosmetic stores or in pharmacies. The cost and volume of packaging depends on the manufacturer. What products are presented on the Russian market:

  • Soap with tar from Nevskaya Cosmetics. Cost – 160-180 rubles. The main composition is tar, oil fractions.
  • Antibacterial tar soap from "Tana". Cost – 125-140 rubles. Active ingredients: triclosan and birch tar.
  • Liquid soap with tar from Bio Beauty. Cost – 370 rubles. The composition, in addition to the tar component, includes active components - oil fractions and essential oils.